ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF ART GALLERIES 401 Richmond Street West, Unit 395, Toronto ON M5V 3A8 Phone: (416) 598-0714 Fax: (416) 598-4128 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.oaag.org Charitable Business Number 10779 6690 RR0001 RECIPROCAL FREE ADMISSION PROGRAM (Organized Alphabetically) Under the reciprocal free admission program, participating OAAG institutions agree to offer free admission to: • Reciprocating OAAG members • Members of reciprocating OAAG members • Staff of reciprocating OAAG member organizations Please be aware of the following conditions for the Reciprocal Admission: • Presentation of a valid OAAG reciprocating institution’s member card or staff identification card is required • These benefits are conditional upon the consent of the reciprocating member institutions and are only offered during regular hours of operation • Ticketed exhibitions may or may not be included, and such a decision is subject to the discretion of the participating institution • When visiting the OAAG reciprocating institution, you must adhere to the definition and criteria of memberships (i.e. family membership, student membership, etc.) of that institution • Lists of participating institutions are subject to change without notice Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston Haldimand Art Works, Dunnville Art Gallery of Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie Haliburton Sculpture Forest Art Gallery of Burlington Hamilton Artists Inc., Hamilton Art Gallery of Guelph Humber Galleries & Collection, Toronto Art Gallery of Hamilton John B. Aird Gallery / Galerie John B. Aird,