LirllTio T~'; EM~VIKri'; rrW~OVIKt).; ETOlpio.; TO~. XXXX, Bulletin of lhe Geological Society of Greece vol. XXXX , 2007 2007 Proceedings of Ihe 11 'h International Congress, Athens, May, npOKTIKo 11°' Ll.I£8vou.; Luvr6piou, Ae~vo, MaIo,; 2007 2007 USING GIS & MULTICRITERIA DECISION ANALYSIS IN LANDSLIDE SUSCEPTIBILITY MAPPING - A CASE STUDY IN MESSINIA PREFECTURE AREA (SW PELOPONNESUS, GREECE) 1 1 1 Ladas 1. , Fountoulis 1. , and Mariolakos 1. I National and Kapodistrian University ojAthens, Faculty oJGeology and Geoenvironment, Department o/Dynamic, Tectonic and Applied Geology,
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] Abstract The purpose oj this study is to assess the susceptibility oj landslides at the eastern part ojMessinia preJecture using GIS and Multicriteria Decision Analysis. Analytic Hierarchy Process and Weighted Linear Combination method were used to create a landslide susceptibility map for the study area. The produced map provides valuable information concerning the stability conditions ojthe territOly and may serve as the first step in a complete hazard assessment towards the mitigation 0.( natural land slide disasters in Messinia PreJecture area. Particularly the intention is to transfer effectively inJormation regarding slope stability to non-geologists who take deci sions Jor future land use planning processes and major construction projects. Key words: Analytic Hierarchy Process, Weighted Linear Combination, Kalamata. nEp fA 'l4J11 LKon6~ r'7~ E:p)la(Jia~ elvQ./ '7 E:Kriji'7!J'7 rrr~ C7rtKlVi50v6r'1w~ ac KaroJ..laO~ocz~ E:v6~ rjir,f.l( roo NOjioV ME:mJ'7via~, nov 7[cpIAajifirivE:t roo~ iJ~jiOVC; Kalr.J.paw~, Afiiac; KW AdJlcrpov, {.IE: TI] rJVv(joaojil;v'1 Xp~!J'7 JE:wyparpzKwv LIHJT11jiarWv [JA'1POrpOpIWV K(J.Z [JOAVKpmlPWKWV Mc86bwv LTl7pl('1r; Anorpa.ofwv.