The Literary Reception of Nietzschean Ideas in Relation to Selected
The Literary Reception of Nietzschean Ideas in Relation to Selected Works of Modernist Literature Alexandra Emmanuel University of Leeds School of English December 2010 The candidate confirms that the work submitted is her own and that appropriate credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others. This copy has been supplied on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgment. Acknowledgements I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Richard Brown, for introducing me to the intriguing field of 'little magazines' and for helping me find my own direction in my interest in Nietzsche and Modernism. My parents and my brother Philip for their understanding and patience all these years I have been away. Michael Papadopoulos, Pavel Goudochnikov, Chris Bartle, James Hudson, Alan Ramon Ward, Sam Francis, Reshma Jagernath, Dominic Williams, Milena Marinkova for helping out and offering advice in the early as well as the final stages of the PhD. Chezi for making these last months 'homely', and Konstantinos for his unfailing love and support through this experience. 11 Abstract The purpose of this study is to provide the beginnings of a' clear account of the correspondences between the initial reception of Nietzschean ideas and selected works of modernist writing by the Anglophone intelligentsia. In particular, the aim of this study is to provide a framework for exploring the Nietzschean undercurrents in the work of such figures as George Bernard Shaw, Dora Marsden, Wyndham Lewis, and James Joyce. Departing from traditional studies of influence and their method, the present account will examine the correspondences between the original reception of Nietzsche's ideas and their later absorption and development in the work of these writers and intellectuals with a special emphasis on the little-magazine culture of the period.
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