Further Reading

Adamson, Kevin and Dejan Jovic.´ “The Macedonian-Albanian Political Frontier: The Re-Articulation of Post-Yugoslav Political Identities,” in Nations and Nation- alism, Vol. 10, no. 3 (July 2004): 293–311. Atanasova, Gorica and Ian Bache. “Europeanization and F.Y.R. Macedonia: Towards a Compound Polity?” in Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Vol. 10, no. 1 (March 2010): 85–96. Augustinos, Gerasimos. “Configuring the Ethnic Nation: Macedonia in Greek Cultural Politics from the Balkan Wars to the Cold War,” in Sabrina P. Ramet, James R. Felak, and Herbert J. Ellison (eds), Nations and Nationalisms in East- Central Europe, 1806–1948: A Festschrift for Peter F. Sugar (Bloomington, IN: Slavica, 2002): 183–204. Barany, Zoltan. “The Roma in Macedonia: Ethnic Politics and the Marginal Con- dition in a Balkan State,” in Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 18, no. 3 (July 1995): 515–31. Baros, Miroslav. “The Macedonian Conflict and International Law: Self- Determination or Self-Defence?” in International Peacekeeping, Vol. 10, no. 3 (August 2003): 60–78. Berg, Eiki and Wim Van Meurs. “Borders and Orders in Europe: Limits of Nation- and State-Building in Estonia, Macedonia and Moldova,” in Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, Vol. 18, no. 4 (December 2002): 51–74. Boduszynski,´ Mieczysław and Kristina Balakovska. “Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Croatia, Macedonia, and the Battle over Article 98,” in Problems of Post- Communism, Vol. 51, no. 5 (January–February 2004): 18–30. Boskovska, Ivana. “The Decentralization Process in Macedonia,” in Analytical (), Vol. 3, no. 1 (2010): 87–98. Brown, Keith. Loyal unto Death: Trust and terror in revolutionary Macedonia (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2013). ——. The Past in Question: Modern Macedonia and the Uncertainties of Nation (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003). Brunnbauer, Ulf. “Fertility, Families and Ethnic Conflict: Macedonians and Albanians in the Republic of Macedonia, 1944–2002,” in Nationalities Papers, Vol. 32, no. 3 (September 2004): 565–98. Caˇ ceva,ˇ Violeta. “Criminal Activity during the Period of Transition in Macedonia,” in SEER – South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs, no. 1 (2002): 27–37. Courbage, Youssef and Ronald Wilkens. “Censuses, Elections and Population: The Case of Macedonia,” in Population, Vol. 58, no. 4/5 (July–October 2003): 429–50. Cowan, Jane K. (ed.). Macedonia: The Politics of Identity and Difference (Cambridge: Pluto Press, 2000).

321 322 Further Reading

Danforth, Loring M. The Macedonian Conflict: Ethnic Nationalism in a Transnational World (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995). Dion, Richard Read. “Macedonia: Coming in from the Cold,” in World Affairs, Vol. 160, no. 2 (Fall 1997): 96–103. Drezov, Kyril. “Bulgaria and Macedonia: Voluntary Dependence on External Actors”, in Jan Zielonka and Alex Pravda (eds), Democratic Consolidation in Eastern Europe, Vol. 2: International and Transnational Factors (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001): 413–36. Ellis, Burcu Akan. Shadow Genealogies: Memory and Identity among Urban Muslims in Macedonia (Boulder, CO: East European Monographs, 2003). Engström, Jenny. Democratisation and the Prevention of Violent Conflict: Lessons Learned from Bulgaria and Macedonia (Farnham: Ashgate, 2009). Friedman, Eben. “The Ethnopolitics of Territorial Division in the Republic of Macedonia,” in Ethnopolitics, Vol. 8, no. 2 (June 2009): 209–21. Graan, Andrew. “On the Politics of ‘Imidž’: European Integration and the Trials of Recognition in Post-Conflict Macedonia,” in Slavic Review, Vol. 69, no. 4 (Winter 2010): 835–58. Haug, Hilde Katrine. Creating a Socialist : Tito, Communist Leadership and the National Question (London: I. B. Tauris, 2011). Hislope, Robert. “Between a Bad Peace and a Good War: Insights and Lessons from the Almost-War in Macedonia,” in Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 26, no. 1 (January 2003): 129–51. ———. “Organized Crime in a Disorganized State: How Corruption Contributed to Macedonia’s Mini-War,” in Problems of Post-Communism, Vol. 49, no. 3 (May– June 2002): 33–41. Irwin, Zachary T. “Macedonia since 1989,” in Sabrina P. Ramet (ed.), Central and Southeast European Politics since 1989 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010): 328–57. Jelavich, Barbara. History of the Balkans, 2 vols. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983). Jelavich, Charles and Barbara Jelavich. The Establishment of the Balkan National States, 1804–1920 (Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1977) Koinova, Maria. “Challenging Assumptions of the Enlargement Literature: The Impact of the EU on Human and Minority Rights in Macedonia,” in Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 63, no. 5 (July 2011): 807–32. Koppa, Maria-Eleni. “Ethnic Albanians in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Between Nationality and Citizenship,” in Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, Vol. 7, no. 4 (December 2001): 37–65. Kraft, Evan. “Stabilising Inflation in Slovenia, Croatia and Macedonia: How Independence Has Affected Macroeconomic Policy Outcomes,” in Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 47, no. 3 (May 1995): 469–92. Krasniqi, Gëzim. “The ‘Forbidden Fruit’: Islam and Politics of Identity in and Macedonia,” in Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Vol. 11, no. 2 (June 2011): 191–207. Mahon, Milena. “The Macedonian Question in Bulgaria,” in Nations and Nation- alism, Vol. 4, no. 3 (July 1998): 389–407. Mandaci, Nazif. “Turks of Macedonia: The Travails of the ‘Smaller’ Minority,” in Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, Vol. 27, no. 1 (April 2007): 5–24. Further Reading 323

Mertus, Julie. “Macedonia: An Illiberal Democracy in Conflict,” in Modern Greek Studies Yearbook, Vol. 16/17 (2000/2001): 409–433. Michas, Takis. Unholy Alliance: and Miloševi´c’s Serbia (College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 2002). Mikaelsson, Rickard. Promoting Democracy: Sweden and the Democratization Process in Macedonia (Linköpings universitet Ph.D. dissertation, 2008). Neofotistos, Vasiliki P. “Beyond Stereotypes: Violence and the Porousness of Eth- nic Boundaries in the Republic of Macedonia,” in History and Anthropology, Vol. 15, no. 1 (March 2004): 47–67. Nesovic,´ Slobodan. Yugoslav-Bulgarian Relations, 1941–1945, trans. by Margot and Boško Milosavljevic´ (Skopje: Macedonian Review Editions, 1979). Nikolovska, Natalja and Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova. Macedonian Transition in Deficiency: From Unitarian to a Bi-National State (Skopje: Magor, 2001). Novakova, Kumjana. “EU integrations of Macedonia: the Human Rights Perspec- tive and the Role of Civil Society,” in Yearbook of the Balkan Human Rights Network, no. 6 (2006): 102–130. Palmer, Stephen E., Jr. and Robert R. King. Yugoslav Communism and the Macedonian Question (Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1971). Perry, Duncan M. “The Republic of Macedonia: Finding Its Way,” in Karen Dawisha and Bruce Parrott (eds), Politics, Power, and the Struggle for Democracy in South-East Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997): 226–81. Pettifer, James. (ed.). The New Macedonian Question (Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001). Phillips, John. Macedonia: Warlords and Rebels in the Balkans (London: I. B. Tauris, 2004). Poulton, Hugh. Who Are the Macedonians? 2nd ed. (London: Hurst, 2000). Pribichevich, Stoyan. Macedonia: Its People and History (University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1982). Ramet, Sabrina P. “All Quiet on the Southern Front? Macedonia between the Hammer and the Anvil,” in Problems of Post-Communism, Vol. 42, no. 6 (November–December 1995): 29–36. ———. “The Macedonian Enigma,” in Sabrina P. Ramet and Ljubiša S. Adamovich (eds), Beyond Yugoslavia: Politics, Economics, and Culture in a Shattered Community (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1995): 211–36. ———. “Postscript: The Albanian Insurrection in Macedonia,” in Modern Greek Studies Yearbook, Vol. 16/17 (2000/2001): 435–7. ———. The Three : State-Building and Legitimation, 1918–2005 (Washington, DC, and Bloomington, IN: Woodrow Wilson Center Press and Indiana University Press, 2006). Reid, Grahan W. (trans.). A History of the Macedonian People (Skopje: Macedonian Review Editions, 1979). Reka, Armend. “The Ohrid Agreement: The Travails of Inter-Ethnic Relations in Macedonia,” in Human Rights Review, Vol. 9, no. 1 (March 2008): 55–69. Ringdal, Kristen, Albert Simkus, and Ola Listhaug. “Disaggregating Public Opin- ion on the Ethnic Conflict in Macedonia,” in International Journal of Sociology, Vol. 37, no. 3 (Fall 2007): 75–95. Ripiloski, Sasho. Conflict in Macedonia: Exploring a paradox in the former Yugoslavia (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2011). 324 Further Reading

Rossos, Andrew. Macedonia and the Macedonians: A History (Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 2008). Roudometof, Victor. Collective Memory, National Identity, and Ethnic Conflict: Greece, Bulgaria, and the Macedonian Question (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2002). Simkus, Albert, Kristen Ringdal, and Ola Listhaug. “Was There a Decline in Ethnic Polarization in Macedonia between 2003 and 2005? Results from a National Panel Analysis,” in Südosteuropa, Vol. 58, no. 1 (2010): 67–82. Slaveski, Trajko. “Privatization in the Republic of Macedonia: Five Years After,” in Eastern European Economics, Vol. 35, no. 1 (January–February 1997): 31–51. Šopar, Vesna. “The Media System in the Republic of Macedonia: Between Theory and Practice,” in SEER – South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs, no. 1 (2002): 47–66. Stamnes, Eli. “Critical Security Studies and the United Nations Preventive Deployment in Macedonia,” in International Peacekeeping, Vol. 11, no. 1 (March 2004): 161–81. Steppan, Hans-Lothar. The Macedonian Knot: The Identity of the Macedonians, as Revealed in the Development of the Balkan League 1878–1914, Revised & enlarged edition (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2009). Šuklev, Bobek. “Privatization in the Republic of Macedonia,” in Eastern European Economics, Vol. 34, no. 6 (November–December 1996): 5–17. Taseski, Filip. “Macedonia’s Judicial Reforms: A Rocky Path toward Accountability and Independence,” in Analytical (Skopje), Vol. 3, no. 1 (2010): 99–110. The Foreign and Yugoslav Historiography of Macedonia and the Macedonian People (Skopje: Institute of National History, 1970). Trauner, Florian. The Europeanisation of the Western Balkans: EU Justice and Home Affairs in Croatia and Macedonia (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2011). Vangeli, Anastas. “Nation-Building Ancient Macedonian Style: The Origins and the Effects of the So-Called Antiquization in Macedonia,” in Nationalities Papers, Vol. 39, no. 1 (January 2011): 13–32. Vasilev, George. “EU Conditionality and Ethnic Coexistence in the Balkans: Macedonia and Bosnia in a Comparative Perspective,” in Ethnopolitics, Vol. 10, no. 1 (March 2011): 51–76. Index

Abdi, Faik, 205 newspapers, 245; MRT system, abortion, 16, 53, 59, 73, 75 244–5; sale of MPM, WAZ’s Academy of Sciences and Arts of Macedonian branch, 245 Macedonia (MANU), 184–5 professionalism, 245–51; code of Adamovich, Ljubiša S., 9, 323 ethics, 247; generational Adamson, Kevin, 321 division among journalists, administration, public, 70, 71, 76, 82, impact of, 247–8, 256; 105, 121, 125, 145–6, 176, 180, information quality/bias, 183, 186, 228, 239 250–1; lack of, 246–7; low Agamben, Giorgio, 290 political and media owner Agano˘ glu,˘ Yıldırım, 212 pressure, 248–9; media Agency for Minority Affairs, 195 freedom, 246; Media Agency for Minority Rights, 194, 195 Sustainability Index (MSI) score, agrarian political parties, 2, 119, 120 246; recruitment/journalism Ahmeti, Ali, 4, 96, 97, 106, 108, 115, programs, 249–50; revenue and, 130, 184, 212 248–9 Ajdini, Ilir, 254 “transition” and “transformation,” Aktuel (Albanian-language weekly), 239–44; biased media reports, 223 243–4; bilingual/trilingual Albania media, 244; broadcasting ethnic tensions with Macedonia, activity, 241–2; 2001 ethnic 28–9 conflict, 242–3; ethnic loyalty, flag, 151, 154, 180, 253 244; funds/subsidies, 240–1; happiness and HDI levels, 31 media war, 243; MRT, 241–2; history textbooks on, 261, 262–3, “parallel editorial policy,” 242; 266–8 partial changes, 239–40; social trust level, 29 publishing activity, 240–1; Albanian Diaspora, 182 referendum for independence, Albanian-language media in 240 Macedonia, 235 alcoholism, 70, 295 historical background, 236–9; Alexander and Death (Mickovik), 279, content/main stories, 237–8; 287–9 first broadcast programs, 236–7; Alexander Palace Hotel, 200, 209, 212 first publication, 236; Alexander the Great, 8, 69, 175, 263, “ideological-political 266, 287–8 differentiation” process, 239; Ali, Canan, 212 journalists at risk, 239; Kosovo crisis and Miloševic’s´ growing Almond, Gabriel, 22, 24, 25, 26, 40 power, 238–9; “unified editorial -M (private national TV), 227–8, policy,” 237 244, 245, 247, 248, 249, 255 present situation, 244–5; amnesty, 100, 115 Macedonian/Albanian-language Andrejevitch, Milan, 191, 192

325 326 Index anti-communism, 119–20, 161, 162–3, BBC, 96 181 Belarus, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37–8 Anti-Fascist Council of National Belgrade Liberation of Macedonia (1944), Albanians considered as suspicious 90, 275 in, 238 Anti-monopoly Law, 218 and break-up of Yugoslavia, 309 anti-state model of civil society, 156, communist regime, 2, 207 157, 162–4 gay rights parade, 15 anti-war, 111 media, 206, 207, 236 Apostolov, Aleksandar, 319 Skopje party/government Arab Spring, 87 representing, 307 Arato, A., 170 Turks in, 196 Arena (Albanian language weekly), 244 Bell, Daniel, 116, 132 Arif, Bekir, 205 Berelson, R. Bernard, 25 Arifi, Teuta, 95, 106 Armenia, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39 Berger, Peter L., 88, 103 Aroumanian, Vlachs speaking, 209 Bewitched (television program), 21 Arsovski, Mitko, 213 Bhabha, Homi, 283, 290, 291 Association of Journalists of Bianchini, Stefano, 5, 42, 61, 64–83 Macedonia (AJM), 247, 252 Billali, Mersel, 104 Action Plan, 252 Birlik (Turkish newspaper), 198, 199, Athens, 3 223, 236, 250 A1 TV (private national TV), 228, 229, 231, 233, 250 conservatism, 76 Auschwitz-Birkenau, 202 pogroms against Albanian/Muslim authoritarianism, 88, 118, 261, 288, civilians, 185 307, 312, 315 Roma, 201 autonomy, 125 Vlachs, 209 Auty, Phyllis, 319 Blaustein, Albert P., 192 Avramovska, Neda Korunovska, 82 Blumi, Isa, 191 Azemi, Emin, 254 Božinovski, Vladimir, 81 Azerbaijan, 37–8 Bojadzievska, Maja, 8, 279–91 Boškoski, Milan, 273, 274, 275 Badgett, V. Lee, 83 Bosnia-Herzegovina Badinter, Robert, 92, 96, 99, 105, 140, Dayton Peace Accords, 105, 106, 186 144, 151 Badinter Commission, 92, 140, 186 democratic attitude/political Baker, Wayne E., 16, 26, 40 interest, 33, 34, 311 Balcer, Adam, 153 “Balkanism,” 162, 169 EC Arbitration Committee, 2–3 Balkans, 43, 60, 61, 125, 144, 161, erasure of Bosnians from the 165, 172, 175, 200, 209, 211, 212, Slovenian register of permanent 259, 261, 262, 265, 269–70, 297, residents, 16 298, 301, 302, 305, 306, 308, 318 ethnic majority, 41 Balkan Wars (1912–13), 1, 196, 206, gender-role attitudes, 38 306 secularization, 39 Banac, Ivo, 318 social trust level, 29 Banks, Markus, 83 war, 185, 309 Barany, Zoltan, 213 Youth Educational Forum, 69 Index 327

Bosniaks Byzantine Empire forced migration to Turkey, 177 history textbooks on, 259, 265, 266, intermarriage with Turks, 209 268–9 media, 226, 227, 233, 236, 245 Macedonia as part of, 1 minority in Macedonia, 7, 42, 45, prose fiction, 289 46, 62, 67, 68, 71, 75, 77, 81, 194, 208–9, 308 Caesarism, 127 and OFA, 188 capitalism, 16, 22, 108, 271 refugees, 208 Carothers, Thomas, 172 Serbian oppression, 208 Carse, Alisa L., 25 Carter, Stephen L., 17, 24 Bosnian War, 208 “catch-all” parties, 117, 120 Bozinovska, Zana, 255 Center for Research and Policy BRIMA, 61 Making, 68, 81, 82, 144 Broadcasting Council, 218, 220, 227, Central Committee (LCM), 111–12 228, 231, 233, 244, 255 Central Europe, 161, 163, 305, 313 Action Plan, 220 centralism, 101, 110 “Strategy for the Development of Cepreganov,ˇ Todor, 273 Broadcasting,” 220 Chandler, David, 104, 105, 107, 108 Brown, Eric, 9 Charter of Fundamental Rights (EU), Brown, Keith S., 211, 254, 320 67 Brunnbauer, Ulf, 171, 192 Chicago School, 78 Budapest, 203 Chomsky, Noam, 234 Budimovski, D. K., 319 Churcher Sadevo, Serbs in, 206 Bulgaria Cisarová, Lenka Waschková, 255 democratic attitude/political citizenship, 13, 80–1, 156, 184–9, 204 interest, 33, 34, 36 civic culture, 21–2 dialect, 62 and democracy, 22–4 happiness and HDI levels, 32 political attitudes and democracy, history textbooks on, 261, 266, 268, 26–7 270, 271 studies on, 26–7 and Macedonian identity, 175, 308, see also civic virtues 310, 313, 317 The Civic Culture (Almond & Verba), media, 235 22 CIVICUS Civil Society Index, 161, political trust, 29, 30 168, 169, 170 Pomaks, 210 civic virtues secularization/gender roles, 38 civility, 17 Stalinist regime, 307 definitions of “civic,” 13–14 struggle for possession of empathy, 17–18 Macedonia, 1, 306, 309 engagement, 18–19 and Yugoslavia’s disintegration, 308 equality, 16 Zebrnjak monument, destruction of, and policy-making, 20 208 reasonableness, 16–17 Bureau of Education Development, respect for harm principle, 14–15 259, 260 tolerance, 15–16 Butler, Judith, 290 truthfulness, 18 Butler, Samuel, 25 Civility (Carter), 17 Buxhaku, Agron, 114–15 civil rights, 93, 111 328 Index civil society organizations (CSOs), 6, constitutional amendments 156, 157, 158–9, 161, 163, 164, 1974, 112 166–7, 171 1989, 180 Civliˇ (Romani periodical), 203 1990, 6, 91 CNN, 18, 96 1991, 3 coercion, 15 1992, 93 Cohen, J., 170 2001, 98, 106–7, 127, 140, collective rights, 94, 95, 149, 152, 240 187–8 collectivism, 124, 148, 149 OFA-initiated amendments, Comani archeological culture, 263 139–40 Cominform Resolution (1948), 270, constitutional engineering 307 and institution-building Commercial Bank, 209 (1991–2011) Committee for Inter-Ethnic Relations, constitutional order: 1991–2001, 99, 194 89–95; constitutional communal activities, 117 amendments for international communism recognition, 92–3; 1990 fall of, 246 constitutional reform, 91; 1991 ideological gap, 119–20 Constitution, shortcomings in and media, 237 organization of power, 93–4; quality of life, 79, 308 internal struggles and VMRO-DPMNE vs., 110, 121 international recognition, 92; women’s emancipation, 75 new constitution draft Communist Party of Macedonia proposals, 91–2; Ohrid (CPM), 110, 177, 191, 237, 309, Framework Agreement (2001), 310 95; “parliamentarism vs. Communist Party of Yugoslavia (CPY), presidentialism,” 94–5; “three 307, 310 Ilindens,” historical events, 90; consensual democracy, see “Yugoslav experiment,” 89–90 consociational democracy framing of new constitutional conservatism design (2001–11), 95–8; among Albanians in Macedonia, 60 framework document, 96–7; dimensions of values, 48 interethnic relations, 95–6; and empathy, 18 Lijphart model of and equality, 16 consociationalism, 97; Ohrid ethnic minorities, 75–6 Framework Agreement (2001), EU, 80 97–8; Prizren Agreement, 96 Macedonian society, 72 post-Ohrid Macedonia, 98–102; norms/social practices, 74–5 adoption of the agreement, 98; party families (familles spirituelles), Badinter principle, 98–9; 116, 118–19, 120 constitutional procedure, PDP, 129 time-frame, 98; VMRO-DPMNE, 73, 120–3 decision-making process, lack of consociational democracy transparency, 101; democratic creation of concept, Xhaferi’s claim, principles, defects in, 99–100; 97 institutional and dilemmas in, 126–7 decision-making threats, 100; key preconditions, 125 institutional parliamentary debates, 101 change/institutionalized Index 329

ethnicity, 98–9; mediation of Daniela, Stojanova, 81, 82, 159, 168, EU/US envoys, 100–1 172 theoretical principles/foundations, Dawisha, Karen, 25, 319 87–9 Day of National Uprising (11 Constitutional Treaty (2005), 80 October), 102 consumer culture, 23, 226, 239 Dayton Peace Accords, 105, 106, 144, consumerism, 23 151, 313 Conversation with Spinoza (Smilevski), Decade of the Roma (2005–2015) 290 program, 203 cooperative civil society model, 157, decision-making, 99, 101, 110, 123, 162, 165–7 125, 195, 315 Copenhagen criteria, 102, 136 Dedic,´ Jasminka, 24 corruption, 70, 95, 101, 121, 122, 167, de-ideologization, 118, 258 187, 230, 306, 312, 316 Delchovo, Roma in, 201 Council for Inter-Ethnic Relations, Delo (Macedonian weekly), 223 194 democracy Council of Europe, 107 and civic culture, 22–4 Court Register of Political Parties, 113 definition, 87 Cowan, Jane K., 211 democratization of Macedonia, 91, Crick, Sir Bernard R., 133 99, 109–33 Crighton, Alistair, 254 ethnic and religious divisions and, crime, 95, 100, 121, 122, 249 124–7 Croatia and modernization, 26–7 democratic attitudes, 33 principles, 91, 99 see also consociational democracy EC’s recognition, 2–3 Democratic Action, 120 emigration of Albanians to, 76 Democratic Alliance of Serbs, 207 erasure of Croatians from the Democratic Party, 124 Slovenian register of permanent Democratic Party for the Orthodox residents, 16 Unity of Serbs and Macedonians, independence, 2 207 and Kosovo crisis, 239 Democratic Party for the Total and LCY, 112 Emancipation of Roma in NGOs, 171 Macedonia (D-PCER), 205 political interest, 34, 35, 36 Democratic Party of Albanians (DPA), secularization, 38, 39 4, 16, 66, 97, 101, 105, 106, 114, cronyism, 101 128, 129, 130, 133, 138, 183, 184, Crvenkovski, Branko, 4, 106, 123, 138, 192, 241, 242, 248, 254 152, 253 coalition with VRMO-DPMNE Cvetkovska, Sonja, 273 (2002), 129 Cyprus, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37–8, 133, creation of, 129 272 programmatic goals/principles, Cyrillic alphabet, 181, 289 129–30 Czech Republic, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, Democratic Party of Progress of 37–8 Albanians (PDPA), 129, 182, 192 Democratic Party of Serbs in Damjanovski, Risto, 320 Macedonia, 207 Danailov-Frckoski,ˇ Ljubomir, 91, 106 Democratic Party of Turks (DPT), 128, Danforth, Loring M., 191 199 330 Index

Democratic Progressive Party of Roma education, see language and education in Macedonia (DPPRM), 205 Egyptians, 42, 200, 201, 211 Democratic Renewal of Macedonia Eiff, Hansjörg, 96 (DOM), 123–4, 132 electroenergy, 117 Democratic Union for Integration Eliot, George, 292 (DUI), 4, 64, 72–3, 75, 76, 100–1, Emina, Nuredinoska, 159, 168, 172 107, 108, 110, 114, 115, 128, 129, Emin, Ilhami, 196 130, 133, 138, 153, 193, 241, 248 Emini, Mithat, 182 Democratic Union of Turks (DCT), empathy, 5, 17–18, 19, 23 120, 128 employment Denes (Macedonian weekly), 223 gender roles, 50 Derviši, Nebi, 273 media, 238, 239, 245–51 de Tocqueville, Alexis, 111 post-World War II, 2 dialects public administration, OFA Illyrian–Albanian, 263 principle, 145–6 Macedonian, 1 Roma, 204–5 Romani, 201, 202, 212 SDSM pre-election slogan, 122 Serbian (Torlak), 206 Turks, 199–200 Turkish (West Rumelian Turkish), end of ideology thesis, 116 199 Epstein, D. Leon, 119, 132 Dimitrovski, Zoran, 257 equal wages, 75 Dimou, Augusta, 258, 273, 274 Er, Hamit, 212 Director of the Institute for National Estonia, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37–8 History, 106 ethnic minorities discrimination, 6, 16, 61, 70, 73–7, 79, Bosniaks, 208–9 124, 148, 149, 176, 178–81, 222 initiatives for recognition, 194–5 divorce, 53, 59, 75 Macedonian–Albanian differences, (Macedonia daily), 65, 223, 45–7 224, 240–1, 243, 245, 250, 255 Roma, 200–5 Dobek-Ostrowska, Boguslawa, 255 Serbs, 205–8 Downing, John D. H., 234 Torbesh, 210 drugs, 70, 295 Turks, 195–200 Dulovi, L., 320 Vlachs, 209 During, Simon, 291 ethnic parties, 119, 120, 128 Duverger, Maurice, 119, 132 ethnocentricism, 16, 238, 260, 261–2, Duvnjak, Gordana, 253 268–9, 271, 272, 317 Dvornik, Srdjan, 92, 104 ethnodemagogy, 127 ethnonationalism, 90, 190, 259, 271, East-Central Europe, see Eastern 272 Europe Euro-Atlantic integration, 79, 135, Eastern Europe, 29, 138, 163, 239, 136, 156, 158, 240 246, 255, 256, 310 Eurobarometer (2009), 61, 66 Easton, David, 118, 132 European Charter of Regional and EC Arbitration Committee, 2 Minority Languages (ECRML), Ecker, Alois, 274 251, 257 ecological movements, 116 European Charter on Human Rights, Edelman, Murray, 233 93 Ederelezi, 6 May (St George’s Day, European Charter on Local Self- Roma national day), 203 Government, 145 Index 331

European Commission (Macedonian weekly), 223, 231, aid to Macedonia, 154 245 law against discrimination, 77, 146 foreign direct investments, 66, 117, report on Macedonia, 232, 251 128 European Community (EC), foreign investments, 122, 252, 309, recognition of Macedonia, 2–3, 312 92–3, 308–9 Fouere, Erwan, 107–8 Europeanization, 6, 117, 162, 166, France, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37–8, 167, 170, 318 38, 160, 315 European People’s Party, 120 Frank, Jefferson, 83 European Union (EU), 242 freedom, individual, 14, 121 “carrot” reward, 136, 151 freedom of expression, 218, 232, Greece and, 3 252 influence on Macedonia, 155 freedom of information, 244 Macedonia’s candidate status for, freedom of media, 229, 232, 256 87, 122 freedom of religion, 121 OFA, 95, 134 freedom of speech, 16, 20 see also Macedonia and the EU freedom of thought/behavior, 15 European Values Study (EVS), 26, 28, free market economy, 16, 78, 29, 30–1, 32, 35, 37, 39, 41, 44, 305, 315 60, 61 Freud’s Sister (Smilevski), 290 “euroskepticism,” 65–6 Friedman, Victor A., 211, 212 Eurozone crisis, 80 Frowick, Robert, 96, 105 euthanasia, 74–5 Fukuyama, Francis, 116, 132 Evangelicals, Roma community, 202 Furat, Ayse Zisan, 212 exclusion, ethnic, 41, 42, 45, 48–50, 59, 110, 170, 176, 178, 186, 190, Gable, Clark, 21 282 Gabriel A. Almond, 22, 25, 40 Gallagher, Tom, 320 fact-finding commissions, 94, 251 Gallup Balkan Monitor, 61 Fakti (Albanian-language newspaper), Gapo, Branko, 209 223, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, Garapon, Antoine, 191 250, 253–4 Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Farisides, Paulette, 254, 320 (LGBT), 73 Fatherland Front of Bulgaria, 307 Gay Pride march, 15, 77 favoritism, 70 gays and lesbians federal agency funding, 2 discrimination by Orthodox federalism, 102, 120, 143, 149, 186, Church, 73 190 execution in Iran, 15 Feira European Council (2000), 165 in Macedonian society, 77 Feldman, Jan L., 23, 25 rights parade, 15 feminism, 116 Gearing, Adam F., 25 Fetahu, Agim, 254, 320 Gelevski, Nikola, 253 Finland, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 160 gender equality, 66, 121, 122, Fioramonti, Lorenzo, 169 124, 167 Flaka (Albanian-language newspaper), government policies, 55 223, 236, 241, 243, 250 values concerning, 37–8, 39, 50–2 Flank, Gilbert H., 192 Georgia, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38 Flaubert, Gustave, 292 Georgievski, Ljupcho, 152, 185 332 Index

Germany opposition to Republic of Roma in, 204 Macedonia, 3, 66, 69, 92–3, second foreign language opted by 308, 309 Serbs, 206, 207 political interest, 34 secularization/gender roles, 37–8 and Serbian relationship, 3 WAZ (news corporation), 224, 230, Greek Civil War (1944–9), 3, 286 241, 245, 253, 255 Griffith, Ernest S., 133 ghettoization, 131 Gromes, Thorsten, 103, 108 Giddens, Anthony, 116, 132 Gross Domestic Product, 31, 168, 169, Gingrich, Andre, 83 252, 309 “ground zero,” 92 Glagolitic alphabet, 265, 289 Gruber, Siegfried, 171 Glenny, Misha, 191 Gruevski, Nikola, 4, 64, 108, 121 Gligorov, Kiro, 4, 91, 94, 104, 105, Gusheva, Jasmina Mojsieva, 291 183, 240, 319, 320 Guzelova, Irena, 242 Global (Albanian language weekly), gynophobia, 21 244 globalization, 116, 117, 119, 156, 158, Hasip, Kenan, 199 170 Haskaj, Hysen, 182 Globi (Macedonian weekly), 244 healthcare system, 78, 117, 180, 204 Glowacki, Michal, 255 hegemony, 128, 317 Goati, Vladimir, 132 Heinrich, Finn V., 169 Gone with the Wind (film), 21 Herman, Edward S., 234 Goodin, Robert E., 103 heterosexuals/heterosexuality, 15, 77, “good life,” 14, 27 292 Gosev, Petar, 111 Hinduism/Christianity binary, 281–2 Gostivar historiography Albanian flag incident, 151, 154, Bosniaks, 208–9 183 Roma, 201–2 official language, 197 Serbs, 205–6 outbreaks in, 184, 243, 253 Torbesh, 210 Roma in, 201, 202, 203, 204 Turks, 196–7 Torbesh in, 210 Vlachs, 209 history, and memory, 259, 285 Turkish in, 195, 196–7, 198, 199 history education and history Graan, Andrew, 320 textbooks for secondary school, Grandits, Hans, 171 258–9 Greece Byzantine and Ottoman empires, Aegean Macedonia, 1, 3 multicultural representations authoritarian regime, 307 of, 268–9 and compulsary population concepts and content analysis, exchange with Turkey, 177 261–2; first to third class economic blocade of Macedonia, 3, textbooks, 261; new textbooks 104, 309 (2005/2006 editions), 261; history textbooks on, 261, 270 overtly ethnocentric, 261–2 , 66, history curricula, 259–61; aspects of 92–3, 164, 175, 231 history, 260–1; authors’ nation-building policies, 317 eligibility criteria, 259–60; and OFA, 140, 154 bipolar national narratives, 260; Index 333

Bureau of Education Iceland, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, Development, 259; 37, 38 ethnically-mixed working Icevska, Gordana, 254 group, 260 identity images of the ancient and medieval collective, 76, 262 past, 262–8; ancient and cultural/ethnic, 98, 121, 124, 135, modern Macedonia continuum, 140, 226, 227, 268, 281–2 263–4; ancient Illyrians and and cultural performances, 282 ancient Macedonians, 262, 263; expression of, 150–1 Byzantine period, 265–6; ideas orthography, 1 of ancient “fatherland” and personal, 304 (ethno) nation, 267–8; politics of, 209 Illyrian–Albanian continuum, remnant, 205 262–3; Middle Ages, 266–7; ideology, political, 115–18 spread of Christianity/church and Macedonian political parties, traditions, 264–5 119–31 national-self and Yugoslav past, party families (Von Beyme), 118–19 representations of, 269–71; see also political parties, values, and Balkan and SFRY’s democratic consolidation disintegration, 270; Ignatieff, Michael, 168 Macedonian statehood within Ilinden Uprising (1903), 90, 209 SFRY, 270; national identity, Ilioski, Jordan, 273 270–1; Yugoslav political Imeri, Imer, 152, 182 system, 271 industrialization, 2, 157–8, 270 Hodson, Randy, 63 communist model, 157–8 homophobia, 15, 82 inequality, 5, 16, 19, 21, 23, 55, 59, homosexuals/homosexuality, 53, 63, 70, 73, 74, 89 73, 74–5 Inglehart, Ronald, 22, 25, 26, 39, 40 see also gays and lesbians intellectuals Höpken, Wolfgang, 272, 273 Albanian, 98, 183 Hoxha, Enver, 177 Macedonian, 121, 187, 189, 190 role of, 224, 237 Human Development Index (HDI), 27, intermarriage 31–2, 39 Bosniaks–Turks, 209 human rights, 66, 93 Macedonian–Albanian, 47 civil society and, 170–1 Serbs–Macedonians, 195, 205, 206 and 1991 Constitution, 93, 98, 99 Vlachs–Macedonian, 209 and democracy (Rawls’ argument), Internal Macedonian Revolutionary 23 Organization–Democratic Party EC criteria, 3 for Macedonian National Unity expression of identity, 150 (IMRO-DPMNU), 4, 64, 66, 72, 73, global diffusion of human rights, 82, 101, 105, 110, 114, 115, 116, 156 120–3, 128, 129, 152, 181, 184, and minority rights, 167 185, 199, 200, 207, 242 and NLA, 141 International Covenant of Political opinion polls concerning, 66 and Civic Rights (1966), 91 Huntington, Samuel P., 103 International Day of the Roma, 203 Huseini, Abdu¸s, 199 international diktats, 117 Hutcheon, Linda, 291 international legitimacy, 87 334 Index

International Monetary Fund (IMF), kleptocracy, 126 117, 123, 312 Koha Ditore (Kosovo daily), 244 International Partnership Group on Koha e Re (Albanian language daily), Macedonia, 251 223, 228, 231, 244, 248 International Republican Kolbow, Walter, 24 Institute, 61 Koppa, Maria-Eleni, 320 interpersonal trust, 26–7, 39 Koren, Snježana, 273 interventionism, 89, 101, 108, 183, Kosovo 232, 253, 314 administration, 176–7 Irwin, Zachary T., 9, 320 Albanians “from”/in, 45, 46, 60, 62, Iseni, Bashkim, 6, 175–93 177, 180, 270 Islamic Religious Community (IVZ), autonomy of, 177–8, 238 251, 253 and compulsary population Ivanov, Gjorge, 4, 108 exchange with Turkey, 177 constitutional changes (1989), 180 Jakubowicz, Karol, 239, 246, 253, 255 democratic attitudes/political Jalušic,ˇ Vlasta, 24 interest, 33, 35, 39 Janevska, Emilija, 233 educational/cultural institutions, Janevski, Slavko, 280, 281, 284 238 Jashari, Hasan, 5, 41–63 Gorani in, 210 Jehovah’s Witnesses, 202 Agreement, 144 Jewish community, 202, 310 media, 235, 250 Johnson, Peter, 17, 25 political demonstrations (1981), Jonus, Sefedin, 212 178, 179, 311 Jordanovski, Nikola, 275 political mobilizations (1968), 177, Journalists’ Code, 218 270, 311 The Journal of Popular Culture, 21 political trust, 29 Jovanovski, V., 320 population growth, 2 Judicial Council, 98–9, 100 Prizren Agreement, 96 Judicial Court, election of, 147 refugees in Macedonia, 184, 309 justice, definition of, 14 secularization/gender roles, 37–8, 39 Serbs in, 206, 208 Kadriu, Osman, 104 Turks in, 198 Kahil, Adnan, 199 unemployment, 2 Kant, Immanuel, 14, 17, 22, 25 war in (1998–9), 79, 92, 98, 134, (Macedonian weekly), 184, 185, 238–9, 309, 312 223 Kosovo Liberation Army (UÇK), 95, Karadaku, Linda, 154 115, 243 Kaya, Fahri, 211 Kostov, Hari, 114–15, 209 Keane, John, 232, 234 , 1 Kotlar, Nataša, 273 King, Robert R., Jr., 191, 319 Koulouri, Christina, 272, 275 Kirchheimer, Otto, 132 Kržalovski, Aleksandar, 81, 82 Kiselinovski, Stojan, 273 Krasniqi, Gëzim, 107 Kizilyurek, Niyazi, 272 Krasniqi, Jakup, 107 Kleingeld, Pauline, 9 Kruševo Republic Klekovski, Sašo, 67, 80, 81, 82, 159, Ilinden Uprising (1903), 90 168, 172 Vlachs in, 209 Index 335

Kumanovo renamed as LCM – Party for municipality of, 150 Democratic Transformation, outbreaks in, 180, 184 112 Roma in, 201, 204, 205 SDSM as successor of, 122 Serbs in, 206, 207 transformation of, 120 Vlachs in, 209 withdrawal from LCY, 6, 112 Kuzev, Stojan, 320 League of Communists of Yugoslavia (LCY), 6, 111–12, 307 labor market, 117 League of Democracy, 120 labor regulations, 116–17 League of Socialist Youth, 111 Lajm (Albanian language daily), Leigh, Vivian, 21 244 Léotard, Francois, 96, 97, 105, 136 language and education les familles spirituelles (Von Beyme), and media, see media and values, 118–19 Macedonian Lester, Salmon, 168 OFA goal, 148–50 Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), 120, Roma, 202–3 123, 124, 130 Serbs, 206–7 liberalism, 8, 16, 19, 77–9, 93, 102, Turks, 197–8 108, 116, 117, 119, 123, 129, 158, Latvia, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37–8 162–3 Law College, 249 Liberal Party (LP), 118, 120 Law on Broadcasting Activity, 218–19, ideologies, 123–4 220, 228 life satisfaction Law on Contractual Relations, 107 and civic culture, 26, 27 Law on Financing Local democratic attitudes and political Self-Government Units, 143 interest, 32–7 Law on Local Self-Governments, 143, and happiness, HDI scores, 147 30–2 Law on Political Parties (2004) Lijphart, Arend, 97, 98, 106, amended in 2007, 113 126, 133 definition of political party, 112 Lijphart model, 97, 98, 126, 133 Law on Social Organizations and Linder, Wolf, 133 Citizens’ Associations, 112 Linz, Juan J., 169 Law on Telecommunication, 220 Lipset, Seymour Martin, 132 Law on Territorial Organization of the Lisbon Treaty, 67, 80 Local Self-Government in Listhaug, Ola, 5, 26–40, 63 Macedonia, 100, 140, 144 literature/culture, carrier of cultural Law on the Establishment of the values Public Enterprise Macedonian psychological realist novel, 292–3; Radio-Television, 220 Kolbe’s The Gavrilov Women, Law on the Police, 107 293–304 Law on Transformation of Social literature/culture, historical figures in, Ownership, 118 279 Lazarsfeld, Paul F., 25 novel and the new epistemological League of Bosniaks, 130, 209 frame, 285–90; Andonovski’s League of Communists of Macedonia The Navel of the World, 289–90; (LCM), 111–12 Andreevski’s Nebeska minority representation, Timjanovna, 286–7; Mickovik’s 310 Alexander and Death, 287–9 336 Index literature/culture, historical figures government coalition (2011), 100, in – continued 101, 124, 129–30, 137–8, 144–5, novel as a genre, 279–85; concept of 182, 184 text, 282–3; history of, 280–1; historical background, 1–4, 27–8 national and cultural identity, independence, 13, 158, 163–4, 175, 280, 281–4; performative 193, 230, 273, 285, 306, 308, culture/sexual identity, 282; 312 pseudo-myths, 283–5; “vertical” Kosovar refugees in, 184, 309 perspective, 281 lack of interest in decentralization, Lobi (Albanian-language weekly), 223, 188–9 241, 244 migration to Yugoslavia, 76 Lorimer, Roland, 234 multiculturism, 67–77 Lovell, Davis W., 40 Muslims, 28, 42, 45, 61, 62, 73–4, loyalty 185, 190, 195, 196–7, 201, 202, consociational democracy, 127 206, 209, 210, 251, 270 history and, 271 name dispute, 66, 92–3, 164, 175, media and, 230, 244 231 of minorities, 311, 312, 313, 314–15 NATO and, 3, 66, 78, 87, 98, 101, and national symbols, 188 102, 121, 135, 142–3, 207, 252, “primordial loyalty,” 131 309, 317, 318 Luckham, Robin, 5, 103 OFA, see Ohrid Framework Luckmann, Thomas, 103 Agreement (OFA) Luthar, Oto, 25 official language, 181 Lutifi, Veton, 320 Orthodox Christians, 41, 121, 190, 202, 203, 205–8, 209, 210, Macedonia 264–5, 268, 269, 281–2, 296 and Albanians, see under Orthodox Church, 2, 5, 8, 72, 73–4, Macedonian–Albanian 76, 82, 175, 188, 189, 190, 207, under Bulgarian rule, 1, 309 208, 251 civil war (2001), 28–9, 34, 79, 97, parliamentary elections, 4, 64–5, 185, 314 100–1, 113–15, 121, 123, 124, communism, see communism 129, 130, 231 composition of society, 120 partitioned, 1, 3 constitution, 2, 3, 92, 93–4, 139–40 political parties, see political parties, creation of, 1 values, and democratic culture, comparison with consolidation Yugoslavia, 2, 71, 175, 180, 222, population, 158–9; ethnic 264, 283, 290 composition, 3–4, 41–2, 67–77; Cyrillic script, 181, 289 growth, 2 economy, 2, 3, 26–8, 28, 77–9, privatization, 7, 78, 118, 123, 128, 116–17, 121, 124, 127, 158, 158, 171, 217, 241, 312 168, 199–200, 204–5, 230, 236, recognition of, 2–3, 92–3, 102, 122, 246, 252, 305, 309, 315–16 136, 145, 168, 189, 307, 308–9 electoral system, 4, 94, 113 referendum for independence EU and, 2–3, 64–7, 121, 136; see also (1991), 90, 91, 93, 120, 168, 240 Macedonia and the EU secondary school law (1989), 179 external sovereignty, 175 state symbolism, 3, 69, 130, 178, Framework agreement, 29 181 and globalization, 156–7 transition, 155–8, 166, 167, 239–44 Index 337

xenophobhic attitudes, 178–81 “voluntary” migration to ‘Yugo-nostalgia,’ 79 Turkey, 177 Macedonia and the EU, 64–7 phase II: discrimination/minority economic develop- treatment of Albanians ment/liberalism/communist (1981–90), 178–81; Albanian nostalgia, 77–9 attitudes, 180–1; cultural multiculturalism, 67–73; interethnic embargo, 179–80; educational relations/divide, 67–9, 71; issue embargo, 179; immigration of language, 71; “Macedonian thesis, 179; political culture,” 71; media’s approach, discrimination, 180 69, 70–1; and the Ohrid phase III: pluralism and Framework Agreement, 67; “rehabilitation” of Albanian power-sharing, 71; religiosity, culture (1991–2001), 181–4; 72–3; state symbolism, 69; and claims for new requirements, tolerance, 69–70 183; interethnic tensions and parliamentary elections and dispute political unrest, 181–4 in EU inclusion, 64–7 phase IV: post-Ohrid Agreement traditional cultures and forms of developments and citizenship, discrimination, 73–7; age and 184–9; OFA reforms, 186–7; disability, 74; European OFA weaknesses, 187–9; 2001 Commission law, 77; gender War and OA, 184–6 discrimination, 74–5; Macedonian Assembly, 3 Macedonian Muslims, 73–4, 76; Macedonian–European values and Macedonian Orthodox Church attitudes, comparison (MOC), 73, 74, 76; religious democratic attitudes and political discrimination, 73–4; interest, 32–7, 34, 35 rural/urban divide, 76–7; social happiness and HDI levels, 30–2 discrimination, 74–5; participation in civil activities, 35–7 transformation/urbanization, 76 social and political trust (WVS/EVS survey), 28–30, 31 Macedonian Action, 120 social trust, 28–9 Macedonian–Albanian differences traditional vs. modern values, 37–8; religious overlap, 126–7 gender-role attitudes, 37–8; research methodology, 41–5 religiosity, 37 social contract, 91–2 Macedonian Helsinki Committee for subjective social distances, 45–7 Human Rights, 107, 243, 251 value dimensions, 47–59; ethnic Macedonian Institute for Media intolerance/exclusion, 48–50; (MIM), 82, 249, 252 gender roles, 50–2; government Macedonian/Macedonians, policies, 55, 56, 57; moral significance, 168, 263, 264, 267–8 issues, 53–5; religiosity, Macedonian Orthodox Church 55–9 (MOC), 251 Macedonian–Albanian relations, and abortion, 73 historical phases, 175–6 conservatism/religious services, 76 phase I: integration of Albanians discrimination against LGBT, 73 (1945–81), 176–8; new status and euthanasia, 73 and period of improvement, and heterosexuality, 77 178; political mobilizations and and homosexuality, 73 imprisonment, 177–8; ideas of life and family, 73 338 Index

Macedonian Orthodox Church liquidation, 224; major laws on (MOC) – continued broadcasting, 220; media opposition to same-sex marriage, 77 restructuring, 219–20; MRT, role of women, 73 221–3; print media, 223–4; Tito’s support in establishing, 2 registration, 219–20 Macedonian People’s Theater, 199 media operation, 224–30; “bipolar” Macedonian Radio & Television media structure, 227–8; (MRT), 217, 220, 221–3, 225–7, censorship, 229; informative 231, 236, 237, 238, 240, 241, 242, pluralism, 230; media outlets, 244–5, 250, 254 229–30; ownership, 228; Macedonian Special Forces, 183 political pressures, 228–9; print Macedonian Stock Exchange, 209 media, 224; radio programs, macro-economic policy, 116–17 224–5, 227; TV programs, 225–7 Madzovski, Dime, 273 see also Albanian-language media in Makedonija denes (Macedonian Macedonia newspaper), 223 Mehmeti, Ixet, 154 Makedonski sport (Macedonian Mehmeti, Kim, 95, 104 newspaper), 223 Memoirs of Hadrian (Yourcenar), 288 Malena, Carmen, 169 Metyková, Monika, 255 Maleska, Tanja, 82 Michas, Takis, 9 Malta, 37–8 Middle Ages, 261 Mandaci, Nazif, 211 Milcin, Vlade, 253 March, James G., 88, 103 Milisavljevic,´ Vladimir, 170 Kaczmarski, Marcin, 153 Milosavlevski, Slavko, 319 market economy Miloševic,´ Slobodan, 3, 9, 112, 164, and DPA, 130 180, 238 and DUI, 130 Milutin, Stefan, 207 framework, 124 Ministry of Information, 219 market freedom, 124 Ministry of Interior (OFA), 145 Marko, Joseph, 40, 81 minority political parties, 120 Marolov, Dejan, 6, 134–54 Mitchell A. Seligson, 22, 25 Marxist-communist ideology, 116 Marzano, Michela, 82 Mladenovski, Simo, 273 materialism, 23 modernism, 116, 292 Mazowiecki, Tadeusz, 182 modernization, 26–7, 39, 76, 156, 157, McLeod, Keith A., 25 158, 316 McPhee, William N., 25 Moldova media and values, Macedonian, happiness and HDI levels, 31 217–19 social and political trust levels, 29 crisis of, 230–2; closure of many Mondak, Jeffery J., 25 broadcasting companies, 230–1; Monitor (Albanian language weekly), democratization of media, 232; 244 widespread politicization, 231 Montenegro, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, legislative framework, 219–24; 36, 38, 238, 313 chaos on airwaves, 220, 221; Mr Ed (television program), 21 “dual broadcasting system,” MR1 (Macedonian radio program), 221; editorial and professional 227 standards, 222; electronic MR2 (Channel of Ethnic media, 220–3; licences, 220–1; Communities), 227 Index 339

MR3 (Macedonian radio program), National Democratic Revival, 4 227 national identity, 90, 92, 175, 178, MTV programs, 221, 226–7, 236, 242, 218, 260, 271, 272, 281, 284, 285, 243, 244–5, 253 287, 293, 308 Muhic,´ Ferid, 208, 213, 284, 291 nationalism, 8, 60, 90, 126, 131, Muller, Edward N. 22, 25 138, 179, 189, 190, 232, 239, Müller-Funk, Wolfgang, 274 259, 271, 272, 280, 306, 307, multiculturalism, 67–73 309, 311 interethnic relations/divide, National Liberation Army (of 67–9, 71 Albanians) issue of language, 71 and NATO, 142 “Macedonian culture,” 71 viewed as offspring of Kosovo media’s approach, 69, 70–1 Liberation Army, 95 Ohrid Framework Agreement, 67 2001 war and OFA, 134, 137, 141–2, power-sharing, 71 176, 184–7 religiosity, 72–3 National Liberation Army (ONA), 129, state symbolism, 69 130 and tolerance, 69–70 National Security Council, 99 multiethnicity, OFA principle, 139 Nation, Craig, 81 Muslims, Macedonian The Navel of the World (Andonovski), Bosniak, 208, 209 8, 279, 289–90 concerns over state Nebeska Timjanovna (Andreevski), 279, identity/religious 286–7 descrimination, 74 Neff, James Alan, 40 conservatism/religious services, 76 Nemeth, J., 212 critical of LGBT/homosexual Neofotistos, Vasiliki P., 320 marriage, 74 neoliberalism, 78, 116, 117, 156, 158, Roma, 202, 203 162–3 Serbs, 206 The Netherlands, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, Torbesh, 210 36, 38, 133 Turks, 196–8 Neumann, Sigmund, 117, 132 vision of the family, 73–4 newspapers Nacional (Albanian language weekly), Romani, 202, 203 244 Serbian, 207 Naimark, Norman M., 318 Turkish, 198, 199 Nakov, Sterjo, 209, 231 Neziri, Safet, 273 naming dispute, 66, 92–3, 164, 175, Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 19 231 Nikoloski, Saško, 273 national day, 195 Nikolovska, Natalja, 320 Bosniaks, 28 September, 208 NIP (publishing Roma: Ederelezi, 6 May (St George’s company), 249, 250 Day), 203; International Day of noncompliance, 183 the Roma, 8 April, 203 nondiscrimination and Serbs: St Sava Day, 27 January, 207; equitable representation Vidovdan, 28 June, 207; (OFA), 145–7 Zebrnjak, 24 October, 207 non-governmental organizations Turks, 21 December, 197 (NGOs), 69, 77, 82, 171, 203, 232, Vlachs, 22 May, 209 251 340 Index

North Atlantic Treaty Organization Ombudsman, 99, 194, 199 (NATO), 66, 87, 207 election of, 147 NATO summit (2008), 102 130 Volumes of , OFA, 135–6, 140–3 288 Norway, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, On Liberty (Mill), 20 37, 38 Open Society Foundation, 203 Nova Makedonija Company, 223, 236, Ordanoski, Sašo, 64, 65, 81, 254, 320 237, 240, 241, 249, 250 Organization for Security and Nova Makedonija (Macedonian Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), newspaper), 223, 224, 236, 241, 69, 77, 96, 195, 211, 252, 313 242, 245, 250 Orthodox Christians NTNU-CSCW Macedonian Panel and media, 251 Survey, 43 Roma, 202 NTNU-CSCW (Norwegian University Serbs, 205, 207–8 of Technology & Science and the Vlachs, 205, 209 Centre for the Study of Civil War orthography, 1, 202 of the Peace Research Institute of Osmani, Rufi, 183, 192 Oslo), 43 Osmanli, Dimitri, 209 Nuredinoska, Emina, 159, 168, 172 Ottoman Empire Castle “Kale,” 190 “oasis of peace,” 95, 99 disintegration of, 1, 196, 207, 208 O’Donnell, Guillermo, 108 history textbooks representing, 261, Odyssey (Homer), 19 266–7, 268–9 Ohrid Framework Agreement (OFA) legacy of, 161–2 analysis of, 134–5 Muslim minority, 208, 209 basic principles, 136–40 and Salonika, 198–9 cessation of hostilities, 140–3 see also Ilinden Uprising (1903) and consociational model, 127 decentralization, 143–5 Palmer, Stephen E. Jr., 191, 319 education and use of languages, Panebianco, Angelo, 119, 132 148–50 Panov, Mitko B., 213, 273 EU, 135–6, 143, 144, 145 Pardew, James W., 96, 97, 105, 152 evolution of, 184–6 “parliamentarism vs. presidentialism,” expression of identity, 150–1 94 Inter-Community Relations Parrott, Bruce, 25, 319 Committee, 138 partocracy, 109, 110 NATO, 135–6, 140–3 Party for Democratic Prosperity of nondiscrimination and equitable Albanians (PDP), 105, 114, 120, representation, 145–7 128–9, 130, 138, 152, 182, 240 reforms, 186–7 pre-electoral coalition with DUI, special parliamentary procedures, 129 147–8 programmatic goals/principles, technical provisions, 151 128–9 US, 135–6, 144, 145 Party for Democratic Prosperity of the voting procedure, 147–8 Albanians (PPDSH), 182–3 weaknesses, 187–9 Party for European Future, 4 oligarchy, 110, 118, 123, 126 Party for Full Emancipation of Romas, Olsen, Johan P., 88, 103 128 Index 341

Party for the Total Emancipation of Political Liberalism (Rawls), 16 Roma (PCER), 205 political parties, values, and Party of Serbs in Macedonia, 128, 207 democratic consolidation, 109–10 party system, political definitions of political party, 109, asymmetrically bipolar, 114 112 symmetrically bipolar, 113–14 ethnic and religious divisions, two-and-a-half party system, 114 124–31; and democracy, 124–7; Pasic, Lana, 154 political parties based on, patriarchy, 67, 75, 76, 77, 110, 179, 127–31 266, 287 global ideology/mega-ideology, Pavlovic,´ Stevan, 275 116–17 Peasant’s Party, 120 and ideological families, 119–24; Pennock, J. Roland, 133 conservatism, 120–2; les familles People’s Democratic Party (NDP), 129 spirituelles/European People’s Party, 120 classification, 118–19; liberal Pepetrevski, V., 320 ideology, 123–4; social Perpetual Peace (Kant), 22 democracy, 122–3; social gaps, Perry, Duncan M., 191, 319, 320 119–20 Pešic,´ Jelena, 63 “left–right” parties, ideological Petkovic,´ Brankica, 234 nature, 117–18 Pettifer, James, 8, 175, 191 parties with liberal ideologies, 123–4 Phillip II of Macedonia, 266 political ideology, 115–16 Phillips, John, 319, 320 SDSM, ideological perspective, Phralipe (Roma cultural association), 122–3 204 social basis of parties, 119–20 Phralipe (Romani folk music group), transitional phase, 111–15; from 204 monism to pluralism, 111–12; Pichler, Robert, 267, 274, 275 multiethnic coalitions, 115; Pierre-Caps, Stéphane, 192 multiparty system/coalitions, Pingel, Falk, 272, 273 114–15; pluralism, 111–13 Plamenatz, John, 133 VMRO-DPMNE conservatism, 120–2 Pletvarska, Gordana, 273 political rights, 93–4, 171 pluralism Polozhani, Lura, 193 media and values, 218, 219, 220, polygamy, 74 223, 228, 230, 232 Poposki, Ante, 284, 291 monism to, transitional phase, 111–12 Popovski, Dimko, 273 and “rehabilitation” of Albanian Popovski, Vlado, 97, 200 culture (1991–2001), 181–4 post-modern literature, 285 transitional phase, 111–13 see also literature/culture, carrier of Yugoslavia, 181 cultural values polarization, 20, 64, 68, 71, 78, 79, post-socialist transition, 66, 79 175, 190, 238–9 post-structuralist theory, 285 political community, 87–8, 103, 160, Poulton, Hugh, 191, 311, 319, 320 176 poverty, 36, 95, 126, 130, 252, 269, political culture, 22, 101, 110, 127, 298 131, 159, 317, 318 Powell, Colin, 106 and economic development, power and privilege, 16 relationship between, 26–7 Pressonline, 241, 244 342 Index

Prilep repression, 111, 178–9, 269, 271, 275, Bosniaks in, 209 288, 307 outbreaks in, 184, 185 reprivatization, 158 Roma in, 201, 204 Republic (Plato), 14 privatization, 7, 78, 118, 123, 128, Resne, 196, 198, 201 158, 171, 217, 241, 312 reurbanization, 158 Prizren Agreement, 96 revanchism, 128 Programmatic Declaration, 122, Rexhepi, Sevil, 212 124 Ringdal, Kristen, 5, 26–40, 63 prostitution, 75 Ristevski, Blaže, 273, 274, 275 protection of ethnic identity, 121 Roma, 42, 200–5 Protestantism, 22 early history and geographic Protestantism and the Spirit of distribution, 201–2 Capitalism (Weber), 22 language and education, 202–3 public administration, 70, 71, 76, 82, media and cultural contributions, 121, 145–6, 180 203–4 Public Attorney (ombudsman), 194 problems and socio-economic public funds, 125 concerns, 204–5 Puhovski, Žarko, 104, 108 Romana (Romani periodical), 203 Putnam, Robert D., 25, 40 Romania, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37–8, Putzel, Jamezm, 172 270, 271 Romani Sumnal/Romski Svet (Romani Quaden, Heinrich, 24 newspaper), 203 Qur’an, 74 Rosoman, 206 Rossos, Andrew, 8, 305–20 racism, 21, 24, 36, 112, 125, 183, 223, Roth, Silke, 83 290 Roux, Michel, 179, 192 Radical Party of Serbia, 207 Rubin, Barnett R., 211 Radio Life (Albanian bilingual rule of law, 5, 19, 23, 27, 93–4, 99–100, program), 244 100, 107, 121, 124, 127, 131 radio stations Rupnik, Jacques, 81, 320 Roma, 203 Rusi, Iso, 7, 104, 235–57 Serbian, 206, 207 Rusinow, Dennison I., 104 Turkish, 198 Russia Radovish, Roma in, 201 Orthodox Churches, 208 Ragaru, Nadège, 82, 191 political trust, 29, 30, 32, 33 Rahimi, Šukri, 273 secularization/gender roles, 37–8 Ramet, Sabrina P., 1–25, 27, 41, 55, 63, 319, 320 Samuil, Tsar, 265, 266, 268 rapprochement, 176 Saraç, Erdogan,˘ 199 rational choice theory, 89, 118 Sartori, Giovanni, 88, 104, 112, 132, Rawls, John, 16, 23, 25 133 Redžepova, Esma, 204 Scandinavia referendum for independence (1991), political interest, 39, 161 90, 91, 93, 120, 168, 240 quota systems, 16 Reforms Commission, 111 secularization/gender roles, 37, 38 Reilly, Benjamin, 103 Schmidt, Fabian, 192 Reka, Armend, 136, 152, 153, 154, 320 Schmitter, Philippe C., 108 religious fundamentalism, 116 scholarships, 179, 200, 202, 203, 290 Index 343

School of Journalism and Public Shtip Relations, 249 Roma in, 201, 205 Schumpeter, Joseph, 118, 132 university in, 198 Secretariat for Information, 219 Vlachs in, 209 secularization, 37 Shuto Orizari, 154, 201, 202 Sekulic,´ Duško, 63 Šiceri, Džaferi, 273 Selo zad sedumte jaseni (The Village Sidorovska-Cupovska,ˇ Silvana, 273 Beyond the Seven Ash Trees by Siljanovska-Davkova, Gordana, 5, 6, Janevski), 280 94, 104, 109–33, 315, 316, 320 separation of powers, 94 Simkus, Albert, 5, 26–63 Serbia Simonides, 14 erasure of Serbians from the Simoska, Emilija, 272 Slovenian register of permanent Skanderbeg, 266–7 residents, 16 Škaric,´ Svetomir, 104 gay rights parade in Belgrade, 15 skepticism, 65–6, 69, 70, 80 and Greek confederation, 3, 9 Skopje hard line communism, 111, 112 and Belgrade, 307 history textbooks on, 261 Bosniaks in, 208 liberal constitutionalism, 111, 112 CSOs, 159 and Macedonian identity, 175 earthquake (1963), 197, 201 Orthodox Church, 175 gay association, 77 political trust, 29, 30, 33 Jews in, 202 president, 3 OFA, 134 secularization/gender roles, 37–8 post-secondary education, 197–8 social trust level, 29 religious conflicts, 190 traditional vs. modern values, 37 Roma in, 201, 204 Vardar Macedonia, 1, 205–6, 307, Serbs in, 206 309 Sts Cyril and Methodius University, Serbian Orthodox Church, 2, 175, 197 207, 208, 317 Tefeyyüz School, 197 Serbian Progressive Party in Turkish in, 197, 199 Macedonia, 207 Turkish movie theater, 197–8 Serbs, 42, 205–8 “Skopje 2014,” 190 early history and geographic Slavs distribution, 205–6 evangelization, 265–6 language and education, 206–7 identity, 193 in Macedonia, 197 languages, 206–7, 265 media and cultural contributions, literature, 280, 289 178, 207 Macedonian, 1, 41, 71, 175, 191, politics and concerns, 207–8 192, 197, 243, 263, 265, 289, Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Kingdom 306 of, 1 War of Yugoslav Succession, 15 Seriev, Ilija, 209 Slovenia sexuality, 14, 15, 21, 23, 41, 53, 55, erasure of ethnic groups from 59, 60, 62, 67, 74–5, 131, 282 permanent residence registry, sexual minorities, 15, 21 16 demonized by religious associations, EU and, 2–3 15 and liberal constitutionalism, 111, Sherif, Ahmet, 212 112 344 Index

Snow, Nancy E., 25 Spasov, Orlin, 233 Sınırdaki Ev (Turkish play), 199 Spasovska, Katerina, 7, 235–57 social cleavages, 24 Špic (Albanian-language newspaper), social democracy, 116, 118, 119, 120, 223, 228, 231, 244 121, 122, 123, 129, 130, 131, 314 Srbijanko, Jana Korunovska, 82 Social Democratic Party, 4, 120 Srbinovska, Slavica, 291 Social Democratic Union of stability, 14, 24, 27, 95, 100, 115, 122, Macedonia (SDSM) 128, 139, 175, 176, 189, 280, 281, coalition with DUI, 107, 115, 129 282, 309, 314, 318 ideological perspective, 122–3 Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe, and social democracy, 122 165 “Union for Macedonia,” 115 Stabilization Process and VMRO-DPMNE, 115 (1998–2008/2013), 165 Social-Democratic Union of Stanislawski, Wojciech, 153 Macedonia (SDUM), 105, 107 Staro Nagoricane,ˇ 206, 207 social interests, 116, 117 Start (Macedonian weekly), 223 socialism, 90, 111, 116, 240, 270, 271 state-building, see constitutional Socialist Alliance of Working People, engineering and 237 institution-building (1991–2011) Socialist Federated Republic of state–civil society relations, Yugoslavia (SFRY), 28, 48, 89, 168, Macedonian, 155–7 178, 235, 236, 252, 253, 269–71, anti-state model of civil society, 275 162–4; definitions of anti-state, Socialist International, 122 163; democracy aid, 164; Socialist Party, 118, 120 globally designed policies, 164; social practices, 74 growth of civil society, 163–4; social protection, 116, 117 key players, 163; political social services, 23 doctrines, 162–3; state building society and security, 164 composition of, 120 cooperative civil society model, demos and ethnos principle, 124–5 165–7; achievements and divided societies, 125 weaknesses, reports/data, 167; socio-cultural parties, 120 EU institutions, 165–6; solidarity, 17, 121, 122, 124, 198 multilevel governance, 166; Šopar, Vesna, 7, 82, 217–34, 315, 320 state building, 165; support SOROS Foundation, 163 from state resources, 166–7 Southeastern Europe, 41, 161, 165, global policies and local politics, 258, 260, 306, 313 157–62; Civil Society Index South-East European Social Survey Summary Report (2008–11), Program (SEESSP), 43, 44, 48, 55, 161; CSOs, growth of, 158–9; 59–60, 61, 62, 63 new social structure, 158; South East Europe Media Organization politicization of state powers, (SEEMO), 251, 255, 257 159–61, 160; weakness of civil sovereignty and territorial integrity, society, arguments, 161–2; 88, 93, 98, 101, 103, 108, 130, Yugoslav period, 157–8 175, 285 state symbolism OFA principle, 137–8 DPA, 130 Spain, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, Macedonia, 3, 69, 130, 178, 181 269 OFA regulation, 150–1 Index 345

Staton, Kimberly, 108 PPD, 182 St Cyril, 265, 266, 289 Roma, 201, 204 Stefanoski, Risto, 212 Turks, 195, 196, 197 Stefoska, Irena, 7, 258–75 universities in, 76, 148, 198, 253, 314 Stepan, Alfred C., 169 Thaci,ˇ Menduh, 129, 182 St Methodius, 265, 266 TINA principle (There Is No Stojanov, Darko, 274, 275 Alternative for the Framework Stojanova, Daniela, 81, 82, 172 Agreement), 103, 108 Stojanovic,´ Dubravka, 272 Tito, Josip Broz, 1–2, 6, 178, 180, 208, St Paul, 264 238, 305, 307, 312 Struga, 70, 144, 198, 201, 209, 210, tolerance 243 and apathy, 23 Strumica civic virtue, 15–16, 66, 70 Roma in, 201 and equality, 60 VRMO-DPMNE congress meeting, ethnic/religious/political parties, 121 48–50, 66, 69, 70, 77, 112, Yahya Kemal Kolej, 198 121–2, 131, 222 Sts Cyril and Methodius University, 4, gender roles, 60 91, 197, 206, 249 Tolstoy, Lev, 292 Štulhofer, Aleksandar, 63 Tomovski, Mirce,ˇ 319 Sükösd, Miklós, 246, 255 Torbesh, 2, 42, 46, 47, 62, 194, 210, Sun Coalition for Europe, 4 213, 270 supra-constitution, 127 totalitarianism, 261, 287 sustainability, 14, 27, 150, 246, 255 traditionalism, Macedonian–Albanian Switzerland differences happiness and HDI levels, 31 gender roles, 50–2 secularization/gender roles, 37–8 moral, 53–5 Sylejmani, Fadil, 183 traditional vs. modern values, 27, 37–8 Trajkovski, Boris, 4, 105, 106, 152 Tamminen, Tanja, 213 Trajkovski, Ilo, 6, 155–72 Tanner, Arno, 213 Treaty of Lisbon, 80 TATA (There Are Thousands Treaty of Nice, 80 Alternatives), 108 Troebst, Stefan, 191 taxes, 23, 78, 123, 183, 229, Trpevska, Snežana, 233, 234 230, 269 Turkey telecommunications, 117, 220, 228, Albanians in, 177 233 Bosniaks in, 208 television broadcasts, 68 and Greece, 177 debates on multiculturalism, 69 immigration to, 76, 177, 196, 197, reality shows, 70 212 Romani, 203 media, 198 Serbian, 206, 207 political trust, 29, 30 Turkish, 198 Roma in, 202 Tetovo secularization/gender roles, 37–8 Albanian national symbols, 183, Sts Cyril and Methodius University, 192, 314 198 ANLA-M, 184–5 traditional vs. modern values, 37 outbreaks in, 183, 253, 311 Turks, 199–200 PDP, 138, 192 Vlachs in, 209 346 Index

Turkish Gülen foundation, 198 and recognition of Slovenia and Türk Milli Birlik Hareketi, 199 Croatia, 3 Turks Republican Party in, 15 early history and geographic United States Agency for International distribution, 196–7 Development, 163 language and education, 197–8 University of Prishtina, 178 media and cultural contributions, Unkonski, Slobodan, 209 198–9 urban–rural differences, 24, 52, 120 “minority of a minority,” 195 (Macedonian politics and economic concerns, newspaper), 223, 224, 241, 245 199–200 Uvalic, Milica, 81 Uzunov, Nikola, 319 Uhl, Heidemarie, 274 Ukraine, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 38 values, vehicles of happiness and HDI levels, 31 communication/promotion, 20–1 uncivic vices, Homer’s portrait of the see also individual entries Cyclopes, 19–20 Valuta (Albanian language weekly), unemployment, 2 244 Macedonia, 2, 78, 82, 95, 145, 252, Vangeli, Anastas, 193 309, 312, 317 Vankovska, Biljana, 5, 87–108 Roma, 205 Vdovo, 206 SDSM, 122 Veˇcer (Macedonian newspaper), 223, Turks, 199–200 224 Vlachs, 209 Veles UNESCO, 207 Bosniaks in, 208 unicameral parliament, 181 Roma in, 201 Union of Reformist Forces of Veljanovski, Novica, 273, 275 Macedonia, 124 Verba, Sidney, 22, 24, 25, 26, 40 Union of Roma in Macedonia, 205 Verdery, Katherine, 318 United Nations, 3, 309 Vesnik, Utrinski, 153, 223, 224, 234, United Nations Development 241, 245 Program (UNDP), 31 (Macedonian newspaper), 223, United Nations Interim 224, 241, 245 Administration Mission, 152 Vilo (Romani periodical), 203 UNPREDEP, 182 violence UNSC, 152 catalyst for political change, 98, United Party of Roma in Macedonia, 137, 307 205 and criminality, 70 United States OFA principle against, 136–7 chaos on airwaves, 220 prevention of, 70 conservative politics, 18 Vlachs, 7, 42, 67, 68, 71, 75, 78, 81, and interim accord, 3, 309, 317 181, 188, 194, 195, 196, 209, 210, and Ohrid Framework Agreement, 211, 226, 227, 233, 308, 310, 313 95, 100, 105, 134, 136, 141, VMRO-DPMNE, see Internal 144, 155, 185 Macedonian Revolutionary political system in, 315 Organization-Democratic Party positive discrimination in, 16 for Macedonian National Unity and recognition of Macedonia, 145, Volek, Jaromir, 255 189 voluntary organizations, 27, 35–7 Index 347 volunteer tax, 183 Yahya Kemal Kolej, 198 von Bayme, Klaus, 109, 131 Yeni Balkan (Turkish newspaper), 198 Vranikovski, Zoran, 208 Young Democratic Progressive Party, Vreme (Macedonian newspaper), 223, 124 224, 228, 231, 244 youth clubs, 36, 70 Vucinich, Wayne S., 319 Youth Educational Forum, 69 Vukovic,´ Marija Brajdic,´ 63 Yugoslavia Bosnians in, 208 Wachtel, Andrew, 8, 292–304 breakup of, 111–12, 131, 137, 153, wages, equal, 75 204 War of Yugoslav Succession (1991–5), brotherhood, 158, 236 4, 9, 15, 182 collapse of, 76, 79 WAZ (Westdeutsche Allgemeine communist rule, 1 Zeitung), 224, 230, 234, 241, 245, 1974 Constitution, 196, 201 253, 255 constitutional tradition, 89–90 Welzel, Christian, 39, 40 decentralization, 178 Western Europe, 31, 32, 37, 39, 118, federal republic of Macedonia 161, 260, 293, 299, 301, 302, 303 within, 1–2, 8, 27, 28, 121, West Rumelian Turkish, 199 157–8, 163–4, 176–8, 204, Wiberg, Håkan, 104 269–71, 309–11 Wigny, Pierre, 98 Federated People’s Republic of, 168, Williamson, Paul, 105, 106 253 women historiography, 236–9 changing roles, 37, 38 political pluralism, 181 emancipation, 75, 128, 205 recognition of Macedonia, 307–8 equal wages, 75 Roma in, 201, 204 in literature, 292–304 Serbs in, 205, 206, 207 opinion polls, 72, 75, 78 successor states of, 28, 39, 69, 87, “traditional culture,” 50, 73–4, 75–6 91, 161 unemployment, 75–6 third wave of democracy (1989), 111 World Bank, 117, 123, 154, 163, 312 and Turkey, 177 world financial crisis, 80 Turks, 196–200 World Value Survey (WVS), 26, 29–30, war, 4, 15, 169, 182, 305 31, 33–4, 62 “Yugoslav experiment,” 90 World War I, 196, 205–6, 261 World War II, 1, 2, 6, 176–7, 196, 199, Žagar, Mitja, 25, 90, 104 202, 211, 212, 270, 271, 280, 286, Zaman (Macedonian/Turkish weekly), 307, 310–11 223 Zebrnjak, 207, 208 xenophobia, 15, 82, 180 zero sum game, 6, 127, 165, 166 Xhaferi, Arben, 16, 24, 97, 106, 129, Ziraat Bank, 200 133, 182, 183, 185, 193 ZUM (Albanian-language weekly), 223