KAUAI HISTORIC PRESERVATION REVIEW COMMISSION VICTORIA WICHMAN, CHAIR JAMES GUERBER, MEMBER GERALD IDA, VICE CHAIR CAROLYN LARSON, MEMBER STEPHEN LONG, MEMBER SUSAN REMOALDO, MEMBER AUBREY SUMMERS, MEMBER MEMORANDUM DATE: January 12, 2021 TO: Kauai Historic Preservation Review Commission FROM: Clerk of the Commission SUBJECT: 1st Addition to the Planning Commission 2/18/2021 Agenda I. New Business I.3.a. Letter (2-8-2021) from Michael Moule, P.E., Chief Engineering Division, County of Kauai, Department of Public Works, Engineering Division reinitiating 106 consultation and transmitting a revised APE Map. I.6.b. Letter (2-12-2021) from Heath Conkle, Hawai‘i National Guard request a deferral to the next KHPRC Meeting. I.8.a. Aloha Theater Revised PowerPoint Presentation. I.9.a. Princeville Ranch Manager’s House & Caretaker’s Cottage – Revised National Register of Historic Places Registration Form. ENGINEERING DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TROY K. TANIGAWA, P.E., ACTING COUNTY ENGINEER MICHAEL H. TRESLER, ACTING DEPUTY COUNTY ENGINEER DEREK S.K. KAWAKAMI, MAYOR MICHAEL A. DAHILIG, MANAGING DIRECTOR February 8, 2021 Kaua‘i Historic Preservation Review Commission c/o County of Kaua‘i Planning Department 4444 Rice Street, Suite A473 Lihu’e, HI 96766
[email protected] [email protected] Subject: National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106: Consultation with Native Hawaiian Organizations and Potential Consulting Parties Po‘ipū Road Multi‐Modal Improvements Kōloa & Weliweli Ahupua‘a, Kona District, Island of Kaua‘i, State of Hawai‘i