The House Labor and Employment Relations Comm
HOUSE LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS COMMITTEE February 17, 1981 (Evening Meeting) The House Labor and Employment Relations Committee convened on February 17, 1981, at 7:45 p.m., in the House Chambers of the State Capitol, with Chairman Ellerd presiding and all members present except Reps. Hanson and O'Connell, who were excused. Chairman Ellerd opened the meeting to a hearing on HB 645. HOUSE BILL 645 REPRESENTATIVE JIM BURNETT, District 71, chief sponsor, intnoduced the bill. A copy of his introductory testimony is EXHIBIT 1. Rep. Burnett read an excerpt from the "Farm Labor Research Committee (a copy is EXHIBIT la). He said in researching he found material on what is classified as "fair representation" and a copy of this material is EXHIBIT lb and is an excerpt from "The University of Pennsylvania Law Review." He asked the committee to peruse this. Also, in the packet he gave each com mittee member is an Independent Record news clipping titled "Painters file third complaint," EXHIBIT lc, which tells of a number of public employees that are wanting· to be decertified. Included is a news clipping from the Great Falls paper titled "Only Schwinden veto may save labor's laws" (EXHIBIT ld). Also included is an excerpt from the Congressional Record on "The Case of the Free Rider" (EXHIBIT Ie), and one from the Boulder Monitor on the "Union Members File Suit Against Officers" (EXHIBIT If). Rep. Burnett said he would be happy to answer any questions. AL LOVINGTON, Great Falls, representing self, said as a;,military man he could say there was no union in the army and no strikes.
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