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Page 1 THUNDER BAY CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD THUNDER BAY CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD CATHOLIC EDUCATION CENTRE – 459 VICTORIA AVENUE WEST – THUNDER BAY, ON P7C 0A4 – PHONE (807) 625-1555 – FAX (807) 623-0431 PINO TASSONE Director of Education & Secretary N O T I C E O F B O A R D M E E T I N G TO: CHAIRPERSON AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE THUNDER BAY CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE SEVENTH REGULAR BOARD MEETING WILL BE HELD ON THE DAY AND AT THE TIME STATED BELOW: DATE: MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2018 TIME: IN-CAMERA (CLOSED) SESSION: 6:30 P.M. OPEN SESSION: 7:00 P.M. If you are unable to attend, please contact Diana Castellan at 625-1508. Yours sincerely, Pino Tassone Director PT/dlc 1 THUNDER BAY CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD SEVENTH REGULAR BOARD MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2018 6:30 P.M. A G E N D A 1. CALL TO ORDER AND OPENING PRAYER – Fr. Ciaran Donnelly 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 4. I N - C A M E R A (C L O S E D) S E S S I O N 4.1 - Personnel Matter – JP Tennier 4.2 - Personnel Matter - JP Tennier 4.3 - Personnel Matter – JP Tennier 4.4 - Personnel Matter – JP Tennier 4.5 - Policy – JP Tenner INQUIRIES RISE AND REPORT PROGRESS O P E N S E S S I O N - 7 : 0 0 P. M. 5. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES (BOARD) 5.1 - Sixth Regular Board Meeting Minutes – May 14, 2018 5.2 - Committee of the Whole Board Minutes – May 28, 2018 5.3 - Special Board Meeting Minutes – May 28, 2018 6. DELEGATIONS AND STAFF PRESENTATIONS 6.1 - Youth Mental Health and Addiction Champion (YMHAC) Pope John Paul II School - Omer Belisle 6.2 - Presentation to Catholic Student Trustees - Pino Tassone 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS – NIL 8. REPORT OF THE IN-CAMERA SESSION 2 SEVENTH REGULAR BOARD MEETING Page 2 MONDAY, JUNE 11, 2018 9. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION 9.1 - 2018-19 Operating and Capital Budget - Sheila Chiodo 10. ITEMS OF INFORMATION 10.1 - Strategic Action Plan 2017-18: Year End Report - Pino Tassone 10.2 - Board Members Self-Evaluation - Pino Tassone 10.3 - Indigenous Resource Guide – Omer Belisle 10.4 - Age Friendly Thunder Bay - Pino Tassone 10.5 - Thunder Bay Public Library Board - Pino Tassone 10.6 - Spring General Meeting for Student Trustees - Pino Tassone 11. INQUIRIES 12. NOTICES OF MOTION 13. RECESS 14. IN-CAMERA (CLOSED) SESSION 15. REPORT OF THE IN-CAMERA SESSION 16. ADJOURNMENT AND CLOSING PRAYER – Trustee Ashe 6/7/18 3 THUNDER BAY CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD SIXTH REGULAR BOARD MEETING MONDAY, MAY 14, 2018 6:30 P.M. Present: Trustees, Eleanor Ashe, Rob De Gagne, Bob Hupka, Kathy O’Brien, Tony Romeo, Phillip Pelletier Administration: Pino Tassone, Sheila Chiodo, Omer Belisle, J. P. Tennier, Allison Sargent, Aisha Igbinoghene, Thomas Brassard, Riley Fredrickson, Breanne Yesno Regrets: Don Cattani Communications Officer: Alexandra Korolenko Recorder: Diana Castellan Guests: Martino Perzan, Technology Consultant, Karen McKissick, Health & Safety Officer 1. CALL TO ORDER AND OPENING PRAYER Chair Hupka called the meeting to order and Rev. Ciarán Donnelly led the opening prayer. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Trustee De Gagne Seconded by Trustee O’Brien THAT THE AGENDA FOR THE SIXTH REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF MONDAY, MAY 14, 2018 BE APPROVED. RES. #B2154 CARRIED 3. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST “Pursuant to the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, 1983, the following Trustees who disclosed their interest and stated the general nature of their interest:” 4 SIXTH REGULAR BOARD MEETING PAGE 2 MONDAY, MAY 14, 2018 4. IN-CAMERA (CLOSED) SESSION Moved by Trustee O’Brien Seconded by Trustee Pelletier THAT THE BOARD NOW RESOLVE INTO IN-CAMERA (CLOSED) SESSION WITH TRUSTEE ROMEO IN THE CHAIR TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: 4.1 - Financial Matter 4.2 - Personnel Matter AND THAT THIS MEETING SHALL NOT BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC PURSUANT TO SECTION 207(2) OF THE EDUCATION ACT. RES. #B2955 CARRIED 5. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 5.1 Fifth Regular Board Meeting – Monday, April 9, 2018 Moved by Trustee O’Brien Seconded by Trustee Pelletier THAT THE BOARD APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FIFTH REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2018. RES. #B2956 CARRIED 6. DELEGATIONS AND STAFF PRESENTATIONS 6.1 Introduction of International Students -2nd Semester Mr. J.P. Tennier, Superintendent of Education, provided details of the International Student Program. Mr. Tennier introduced the international students presently enrolled. There are students from Australia, France, Hungary, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea. The students described their experience thus far. 6.2 Catholic Education Week 2018: Renewing the Promise Fr. Ciaran Donnelly provided trustees with a report on numerous activities and events that were held in our Catholic Schools during Catholic Education Week May 6 - 11, 2018. 6.3 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) J.P. Tennier, Superintendent of Education introduced Martino Perzan, Technology Consultant through a power point presentation provided information on the first phase of BYOD implementation in St. Ignatius and St. Patrick High Schools. 6.4 Health & Safety Update Karen McKissick, Safety Officer, provided a brief update on Health and Safety activities over the past school year. This verbal report covered Ministry of Labour Workplace Violence – School Board Initiative; Student Injury Prevention Initiative; Slips, Trips and Falls Campaign 2018-2019; Safety Performance Indicators. 5 SIXTH REGULAR BOARD MEETING PAGE 3 MONDAY, MAY 14, 2018 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS – NIL 8. REPORT OF THE IN-CAMERA SESSION Moved by Trustee De Gagne Seconded by Trustee O’Brien THAT WE RISE AND REPORT PROGRESS AND ASK SIT IN PUBLIC SESSION. RES. #BIC2417 CARRIED Moved by Trustee Ashe Seconded by Trustee O’Brien THAT THE REPORT OF THE IN-CAMERA SESSION BE APPROVED. RES. #B2957 CARRIED 9. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION 9.1 Policy 1009: Anaphylaxis JP Tennier, Superintendent of Education, provided revised Policy 1009: Anaphylaxis for Board approval. Moved by Trustee De Gagne Seconded by Trustee Pelletier THAT THE BOARD APPROVES THE REVISIONS TO POLICY 1009: ANAPHYLAXIS TO BE EFFECTIVE MAY 15, 2018. RES. #B2958 CARRIED 9.2 Policy 1016: Epilepsy JP Tennier, Superintendent of Education, provided new Policy 1016: EPILEPSY for Board approval. Moved by Trustee Ashe Seconded by Trustee Romeo THAT THE BOARD APPROVES POLICY 1016: EPILEPSY TO BE EFFECTIVE MAY 15, 2018. RES. #B2959 CARRIED 9.3 Policy 1017: Asthma JP Tennier, Superintendent of Education, provided revised Policy 1017: ASTHMA for Board approval. Moved by Trustee O’Brien Seconded by Trustee De Gagne THAT THE BOARD APPROVES THE REVISIONS TO POLICY 1017: ASTHMA TO BE EFFECTIVE MAY 15, 2018. RES. #B2960 6 CARRIED SIXTH REGULAR BOARD MEETING PAGE 4 MONDAY, MAY 14, 2018 9.4 Policy 1018: DIABETES JP Tennier, Superintendent of Education, provided new Policy 1018: DIABETES for Board approval. Moved by Trustee O’Brien Seconded by Trustee Pelletier THAT THE BOARD APPROVES POLICY 1018: DIABETES TO BE EFFECTIVE MAY 15, 2018. RES. #B2961 CARRIED 10. ITEMS OF INFORMATION 10.1 Mrs. Allison Sargent, Superintendent of Education provided information of a summer 2018 School Readiness Pilot Project. This two week program will help Full Day Kindergarten students successfully transition into the classroom environment in September 2018. The program will provide rich experiences to support the development of skills needed to academic and social success. A team consisting of a Speech-Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist and a Communicative Disorders Assistant will provide experiential based learning opportunities. The program will include activities to encourage the development of speech and language skills, listening skills, social skills, self-regulation and understanding of routines. The program will run Monday, August 20th to Friday, August 31st from 9:30 – 12:30 at St. Vincent School with breakfast and lunch provided. 10.2 Mrs. Allison Sargent, Superintendent of Education provided details on the September 2018 changes to the current PALS program. PALS will be removed from Grades 1 and 2 and replaced with Physical Education, Religious Education and Second Step. 10.3 Trustee Eleanor Ashe provided a verbal report on the OCSTA AGM held in Kitchener on April 26-28, 2018. 11. INQUIRIES 12. NOTICES OF MOTION – Nil. 13. RECESS – Nil. 14. IN-CAMERA (CLOSED) SESSION – Nil. 15. ADJOURNMENT AND CLOSING PRAYER 7 SIXTH REGULAR BOARD MEETING PAGE 5 MONDAY, MAY 14, 2018 Moved by Trustee De Gagne Seconded by Trustee O’Brien THAT THE SIXTH REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF MONDAY, MAY 14, 2018, ADJOURN AT 7:59 P.M. RES. #B2962 CARRIED CHAIRPERSON OF THE BOARD SECRETARY OF THE BOARD DATE 6/6/18 8 THUNDER BAY CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE BOARD MEETING MONDAY, MAY 28, 2018 5:00 P.M. Present: Chairperson: B. Hupka Trustees: E. Ashe, D. Cattani, R. De Gagne, P. Pelletier, T. Romeo Regrets: K. O’Brien Recorder: D. Castellan 1. CALL TO ORDER AND OPENING PRAYER Chairperson Bob Hupka called the meeting to order and led the opening prayer. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Trustee De Gagne Seconded by Trustee Pelletier THAT THE AGENDA FOR THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE BOARD MEETING OF MONDAY, MAY 28, 2018, BE APPROVED. RES. #CWB67 CARRIED 3. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST “Pursuant to the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, 1983 the following Trustees who disclosed their interest and stated the general nature of their interest:” NIL 4. IN-CAMERA (CLOSED) SESSION Moved by Trustee Pelletier Seconded by Trustee De Gagne THAT THE BOARD NOW RESOLVE INTO IN-CAMERA (CLOSED) SESSION WITH TRUSTEE ROMEO IN THE CHAIR TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: 4.1 - Financial Matter 4.2 - Financial Matter AND THAT THIS MEETING SHALL NOT BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC PURSUANT TO SECTION 207(2) OF THE EDUCATION ACT.
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  • Comp of Rpts on the Goudreau Pyrite 1908-1967
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