February/ March 2011 Winter Season Newsletter MovingMoving ForwardForward Administration Office dänàtthé shäw kwàtthàl -- “ahead of us good things are coming” 117 Industrial Rd. Whitehorse, Y.T Y1A-2T8 Dännach’a from In December as well, I at- Ph: 867-668-3613 Chief Brenda Sam tended the AFN Special Chiefs As- Fax: 867-667-4295 Email:
[email protected] Happy New Year TKC citizens. I sembly in Gatineau, Quebec. This was a three day meeting, filled with up- hope you all had a nice Christmas, and Lands Office may the good Lord bestow many dates from the National Chief, and Re- Suite 100-204 Black St. blessings on you and your family this gional Chiefs, and various organiza- Whitehorse Y.T year and always. tions across Canada. There were many Y1A-2M9 resolutions passed in regards to the Ph: 867-668-3444 Since our Special General As- Fax: 867-668-3446 sembly in November 2010, there have betterment of First Nation people that been a lot of activities that have taken are available to view on the AFN web- place. site. As many of you know, Ta‟an I would also like to encourage Kwäch‟än is in the process of building any citizens who have applied for In- two three-bedroom duplexes. As we dian Status and were rejected in the have never had any new houses built past that you can re-apply for for TKC, it is my hope these will be Status. Starting this month the Gov- the first of many more to come. It is ernment of Canada will be accepting very exciting to see these duplexes be- new applications for status.