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Sandspur, Vol 113, No 20, March 05, 2007 University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 3-5-2007 Sandspur, Vol 113, No 20, March 05, 2007 Rollins College Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol 113, No 20, March 05, 2007" (2007). The Rollins Sandspur. 1831. The andspuROLLINS COLLEGE • WINTER PARK, FLORIDrA ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT OPINIONS SPORTS GOING BLUE DISASTER STRIKES STRIKE-OUT The Blue Man Group is coming to Orlando and one Check out the opinion's section for an editoral on Get a first look at east-coast base Rollins student got a sneak peek. the tornados that devestated Central Florida. upcoming season. PAGES 6-9 PAGE 13 THE STUDENT VOICE OF ROLLINS COLLEGE SINCE 1894 VOL. 113 ISSUE 20 March 05, 2007 Megan Schutz saw Amanda in Publix one night. the sandspur A freshman who saw Amanda up close revealed, "She's much hotter on TV than she is in person," a statement I heard most from a lot of the males All of last week, Rollins was a tad around campus. "I love Amanda bit more exciting, and the students Bynes. It was so cool to see her walk­ were a little bit more star-struck than ing around on campus," Lizzie Lovern normal; a major motion picture called told me. Even students who were not Sydney White was being filmed on part of the filming and were not very campus. The movie, which stars interested in the plot of the movie still Amanda Bynes, Sara Paxton and Matt told me "I'll probably still go see it, Long, is a modern day telling of Snow just because it was shot at Rollins and White about the Greek life in colleges I saw part of it happening." today. The plot, according to www. However, not all was fun and, follows Sydney's life long games in our week long movie set. dream of pledging to her mom's so­ Not everyone was quite as happy or rority, but after finding that Greek fife excited about the film crew on cam­ is not what it used to be, finds herself pus. Students were forced to take al­ hanging out with seven nobodies. ternative routes to get to where they While fighting for the title of queen needed to be. The security people of the school, Sydney ends up dating were constantly telling people to go the popular sorority sister's would be around or "Hey, I need you to walk boyfriend. down that path instead of this one," Since Rollins students were invit­ which often resulted in disgruntled ed to be part of the filming, even more looks from students, as well as faculty buzz was going around campus about and staff. A UCF student, Christina, the movie. Students who were cast as told me "I'm not looking forward to it extras were exclaiming "I got a scene being shot here [at UCF]. I'm already with Amanda!" loud enough for ev­ late enough to classes and they'll eryone within 20 feet to hear. Rollins probably end up in my way." students were cast as moving scenery Filming for Sydney White is for the scenes shot in front of both the scheduled to continue both here at 333S8SPS5? Campus Center and Mills, and as well Rollins and at UCF until the middle as scenes down at Dinky Dock Park. or end of March, including during Amanda Bynes was everywhere Spring Break when less students will too. She could be seen walking along be around. No release date has been the walkways, with her new acquired set yet for Sydney White and the entourage of extras and those who Seven Dorks, the movie's working were just so star-struck they followed title, but Rollins students - whether the movie crew around. Students were involved in the filming or not - will be snapping pictures with the stars as sure to catch it once it hits theaters. well as of the crew. I, personally, even Photos by Danika Tanzini LIFE & TIMES 10 OPINIONS 13 SPORTS 15 NEWS 2 HOLT NEWS 4 ENTERTAINMENT 6 THE SANDSPUR -MARCH 05,2007 NEWS VOL. 113 ISSUE 20 WORLD NEWS Spring Break Anyone? COURTESY OF CNN What Some Rollins Students are Doing for Spring Break ENGLAND: Another suspect has been arrested in connection with a planned attack on U.S.- bound passenger jets using liq­ uid explosives. LIBERIA: The former president has been charged with stealing more than $1 million from Libe­ ria's coffers while in office. ITALY: Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi won a confidence vote in the Senate, ensuring the survival of his center-left gov­ ernment. GERMANY: Airbus confirmed that it will cut 10,000 jobs across its European operations as it struggled against a weak dollar and costly delays to its flagship A380 superjumbo. SOUTH AFRICA: South Africa on Wednesday unveiled a new policy to manage its swelling elephant population, including resuming a cull of the animals if needed. IRAQ: A car bomb exploded near a market in southwestern Baghdad, killing at least 10 peo­ ple and wounding 21 others, an Iraqi emergency police official said. NATIONAL NEWS & GEORGIA: Georgia authori­ ties were searching for two young women, possibly teenag­ ers, who robbed a supermarket bank branch, laughing as they held up a teller with nothing but sunglasses to disguise their faces. FLORIDA: The City Commis­ sion voted to begin the process of firing a top official less than a week after he announced plans to pursue a sex-change opera­ tion. PENNSYLVANIA: A middle school principal was charged with dealing crystal metham- phetamine after police found the drug in his school office. FLORIDA: Investigators are try­ ing to determine exactly what took place when a 5-year-old girl died after she was run over by the Union County school bus she had just stepped off, the Florida Highway Patrol said. COLORADO: A transgendered woman has filed suit against the University of Colorado, its Board of Regents and a health plan, alleging she was unlaw­ fully dismissed from a much- needed internship. VOL. 113 ISSUE 19 NEWS 5 Are Today's Children More Narcissistic *Club Spotlight forcement theory be a bad idea? scores," the article reported. ing the audition episodes. What Megan Borkes Those involved in the study There is something to be said could compel people - who wlvJSvZ} the sandspur seem to think so. Since 1982, about how often kids are drilled obviously have little or no tal­ Fellowship of Rolling 16,475 college students from all with praise about how wonder­ ent - to knowingly embarrass over the nation were invited Karaoke Singers Ever since we - using "we" ful they are, whether that praise themselves on National televi­ to complete a sort of personal­ in the general sense, of course is coming from parents or the sion? Other than those few who ity test called the Narcissistic - were little, we have been told shows they watch. are attention-seekers looking for A casual organization for Personality Inventory. Some of how special we are. It would be College students today grew their 15 minutes of fame, there students looking to meet new the responses on the evaluation hard pressed to find someone on up with shows like Mr. Rogers' are also those who genuinely ha' were things that, surprisingly, angmg. campus who could not remem­ Neighborhood, which taught believe that they have great could be found on the walls of kids that they could do any­ talent. Perhaps they had just a ber a "motiva­ FORKS is an organzation tional" poster on thing they wanted, little too much self-confidence as long as it made instilled in them during their free from all burden meant the wall of an el­ for students to join in order ementary school them happy. Today, childhoods. classroom. Of children's shows According to Twenge, cur­ to relieve their stress from a course there are mirror that ex­ rent technology is fueling the hard days work. exceptions, but ample and are con­ increase in narcissism. "By its for the most part, tinuing - perhaps very name, MySpace encour­ WHAT'S TO COME our generation, more than ever be­ ages attention-seeking, as does fore - to make sure YouTube." What an absurd idea! now college stu­ "I am trying to come up with that kids know how There are attention-seekers on dents, were cod­ an even bigger even than dled at a young special and fantas­ MySpace? Never! Every coher­ Iron Karaoke, so watch out" age. tic they are. Sure, ent high school and college stu­ it is a huge self-es­ dent knows that websites like Oral Frier. During what teem boost, but this MySpace, Facebook and You­ could arguably be study suggests that Tube are filled with those peo­ thought of as the More Music Heading Your there is certainly a ple who post a new picture and years when brain thing as "too much" expect thousands of comments development is self-esteem. immediately. The sites are a way at its peak, we "Unfortunately, of showcasing yourself, and are were being told narcissism can also very rarely used only for com­ that even though have very negative munication and commiseration we got the an­ consequences for between old friends anymore.
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