Index to Volume 65

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Index to Volume 65 INDEX TO VOLUME 65 [New names are printed in bold-faced type] ABBOtt, Jackson M., Sutton's Warbler Allen, Arthur A., 'Ornithology labora- at Fort Belvoir, Fairfax County, tory notebook,' (rev.). 318 Virginia, 302 Allen, Francis H., The Quails of the Acanthis fiammea, 224, 358 Sinai Peninsula---another interpreta- f. fiammea, 400 tion, 451 Acanthylis oxyura, 515 Alperin, Irwin M., Abnormal feetfix of Accentor, 568 Sparrow Hawk, 452; See Sedwitz, Accipiter atricapillus, 365 Walter, and --, 610 cooperii, 299, 388 Amaxion, Dean, On type localities of gentills, 602 Cateshy, 295 g. striatulus, 388 Amazilia fimbriata nigricauda, 270 striatus velox, 388 salvini, 441 Accipltridae, 42 violiceps ellioti, 441 Acerosleucocephalus leucocephalus, 45 Amazon, Finsch's, 405 plicatus subruficollis,405 Axnazona aestiva aestiva, 269 Actiris macularia, 222, 267, 351,391,558 finschi, 405 Adjutant, Greater, 405 A. O. U., 107; The A. O. U. at a glance, Aechmophorusoccidentalis, 384, 605 496; Membership List, XII; Officers Aegithinidae, 45 and committees, 1948, IX; Report of Aegoliusacadicus acadicus, 393 the Committee on Bird Protection Aepyomis hildebrandti, 532 for 1947, 117; Sixty-sixth Stated Meet- Aepyornithidae, 532 ing of, 464; Treasurer's Report, 115; Aethia, 556 Twenty-third supplement to the A. Aethopyga siparaja magnifica, 46 O. U. Check-List, 438 Agelains, 569 Ammodramus savannarum perpallidus, phoeniceus,306, 380 134 p. catwinus, 399 Ammospiza caudacuta altera, 313 p. phoeniceus,298 c. subvirgata, 313 ruficapillusfrontalis, 280 Anas acura, 305, 354 Aglaiocercuskingi berlepschi,63 a. tzitzihoa, 569 Agriocharis ocellata, 602 albeola, 439 Aimophila ruficeps canestens,443 brasiliensis, 264 r. lambi, 443 carolinensis, 221, 354, 419, 451 r. sanctorum, 443 erecca, 305, 419 Aix sponsa, 132, 197, 387, 449, 451 cyanoptera, 305, 419 Alauda arvensis, 297 c. cyanoptera, 569 Albatross, Black-looted, 555 discors, 305 Short-tailed, 556 Marila, 439 Alberta, 345 nigra, 439 Aldrich, John W., Additional light on platyrhynchos, 195, 351, 354 the races of the Dowitcher, 285 p. conboschas,420 Alectura lathami, 404 p. p,latyrhynchos, 386, 420, 451,599 All, Salim, 'The birds of Kutch,' (rev.), rubripes, 132, 221 148 streperus, 610 Alleghany State Park, 20 tzitzihoa, 569 655 656 I,,ax to [Auk Anatidae, 42 the study of bird psychology,' (rev.), Anderson, Dana, Waxwings at Colum- 465 bus, Nebraska, 144 Arnold, Lee W., Observationson popula- Anhima, 636 tions of North Pacific pelagic birds, Anhinga melanogaster, 455 553 Ani, 262 Arremon taciturnis taciturnls, 282 Groove-billed, 449 Arundlnicola leucocephala, 274 Smooth-billed, 313, 463 Asio flammeus flammeus, 393 Anomalapteryx, 546 otus, 351 Anous stolidus stolidus, 1,463 o. wilsonJanus, 393, 447 Anser fabalis sibiricus, 438 Aspatha gularis, 248 Anseres, 535 Asthenes sclateri, 446 Antbird, 262 Astur atricapillus lalngi, 104 Anthropoides virgo, 405 Asturina, 568 Antbus lutescens lutescens, 278 nitida nitida, 265 spinoletta, 357 Athahaska-Mackenzie Region, 265 s. paeifieus, 397 Auklet, Least, 556 s. rubestens, 224 Whiskered, 556 Anting, 66, 600 Automolus leucophthalmuslammi, 272 Aphelocoma coeruleseens,306 Avlceda jerdoni magnirostris, 42 c. woodhousei, 441 leuphotes, 284 Aphriza virgata, 605 1. leuphotes, 285 Aplonis minor, 46 1. syama, 285 Apterygidae, 529 1. wolfei, 284 Apteryx, 521 Avocet, American, 184 Apus pacificuspacificus, 441 Aythya affinis, $05, 387 Aquila chrysaetos, 602 americana, 351 c. canadensis, 388, 403, 404 collaris, 132 Ara ararauna, 289 marila, 354 Arabia, 146 m. marila, 459 Aracari, Frantzius's, 232, 240, 245 m. nearctica, 387 Aramus, 569 valisineria, 305, $87 Aratinga acuticaudata haemorrhous,403 aurea aurea, 269 Ba•R, John Leonard. Obituary of --, cactorum calxana, 269 491 jandaya, 269, 403 Bagg, Aaron Clark. Obituary of --, $41 pertinax aeruginosus,404 Bagg, Aaron Moore, Barometric pres- Archilochus colubris, 205 sure-patterns and spring migration, Ardea cocoi, 263 147; Wood Duck courting a Mallard, herodias, 132, 304, 604 451 h. fannini, 385 Bahamas, 142 h. wardi, 3 Baillie, J. L. Jr., Obituary of John occidentalis, 3, 132 Wanless, 652 Ardeidae, 41 Balanosphyra formicivora striatipectus, Ardeola speciosa,405 256, 258 Ardetta exilis, 83 Baldpate, 182, 221,297, $05, $54, $86 neoxena, 81 American, 348, $51 Arenaria interpres morinella, 267 Baleatica pavonina gibbericeps,405 Armstrong, Edward A., 'Bird display p. regalorum, 405 and behaviour. An introduction to Ball, W. H., Cerulean Warbler in the Vol.1948 65]• Indexto Volume 65 657 District of Columbia, Maryland, and Bob-white, 183, 295, 421 Virginia, 307; Sooty Shearwater in Bolborhynchusferrugineifrons, 464 western North Carolina, 143; Wilson's Bombycilla tedforum, 398, 461, 569 Pbalarope in the District of Columbia garrulus pallidiceps, 397 and Virginia, 312 Bonasa umbellus sabini, 390 Bananaquit, 261 u. thayeri, 440 Barbet, 233 u. togata, 440 Costa Rican Prong-billed, 248 Bond, James, 'Field guide to birds of Prong-billed, 238 the West Indies,' (rev.), 318 Barbour, Thomas, Obituary of --, 432 Booby, Atlantic Blue-faced, 315 Barnes, William B., Unusual nesting Brown, 261, 315 behavior of a Wood Duck, 449 Brewster's, 309 Barrett, Charles, 'Australian bird life,' Botaurus neoxenus, 82 (rev.), 465 pinnatus, 264 Bartel, Karl E., Scissor-tailed Fly- Bowdish, B. S., Heron mortality caused catcher in the Chicago area, 614 by Eustrongylidesignotus, 602 Basileuterus flaveolus, 279 Bowerbird, Satin, 403 Bat, East India, 128 Boyd, A. W., 'The Country Diary of a Batchelder,Charles Foster, Obituary of Cheshire Man,' (rev.), 148 William AugustusJeffries, 490 Brackbill, I-Iervey, Antirig by four Baza, Black-crested, 284 speciesof birds, 66 Baza 1ophotesburmana, 285 Braem, I-Ielen R., Wood Ibis in Western 1. melli, 285 New York, 144 Bee-eater, Chestnut-headed, 44 Brand, Albert R., Bird SongFoundation, Green-headed, 44 Cornell University, 'Voices of the Behle, William H., Birds observed in night,' (rev.), 466 April along the Colorado River from Brant, 123 Hire to Lee's Ferry, 303 Branta canadensls,305, 348, 418 Belonopterus chilensis cayennensis, 265 c. canadensis, 385 Bessonornis humerails, 293 c. leucopareia, 386 Bittern, Black, 42 c. minima, 386 Cory's Least, 80 leucopsis,418 Least, 83 Breckenridge,W. J., Obituary of Ruth Tiger, 404 Eddy Keyes (Mrs. Charles Frederick Blackbird, Brewer's, 186, 399 Keyes), 342 Red-winged, 142, 186, 298, 350, 605 Breiding, GeorgeH., Sarcocystis(Asper- Rusty, 380 gillus?) in Wood Warblers, 295 Yellow-headed, 186, 458, 605 British Columbia, 383 Blake, Charles H. See Peters, James L., Brodkorb, Pierce, Taxonomic notes on and --, 288; The flight of Swallows, 54 the Laughing Falcon, 406 Blake, Emmet R., Three new records Brotogeris jugularis, 404 for British Guiana, 316 pyrrhopterus, 404 Bluebird, 25, 192, 376 Bubo laponicus, 294 Eastern, 186 virginianus, 223 Malayan Fairy, 405 v. saturatus, 392, 402 Mountain, 397 Bubulcus ibis coromandus, 41 Philippine Fairy, 45 Bucephala albeola, 439 Western, 397 clangula, 305 Boatbill, 404 c. americana, 439 Bobolink, 24 c. clangula, 439 658 Indexto Volume 65 tOct.[Auk Bucephala islandica, 439 Calao, 45 Buceros hydrocorax mindanensis, 45 Calcarius pictus, 456 h. semigaleatus, 45 Caloenas n. nicobariea, 405 Bucerotidae, 45 Camaroptera brachyura, 126 Buffie-head, 123, 182, 348, 351,355 Campephilus,235 Bulbul, Bearded, 444 bairdii, 497 Philippine, 45 imperialis, 504 Wattled, 45 principalis, 257, 497 Yellow-vented, 45 Canachites eanadensis, 33, 39, 222, 420 Bullock, Dillman S., The names of the c. atratus, 33 Chilean parrots, 614 c. canace, 33, 39, 420 Bump, Gatdiner; Darrow, Robert W.; c. c. eanadensis, 420 Edminster, Frank C.; Crissey, Walter c. franklinii, 33, 389, 440 F., 'The Ruffed Grouse,Life history-- c. osgoodi, 33, 40 propagation--management,' (rev.), c. torridus, 33 466 Canada, 33, 142 Bunting, 569 Canvas-back, 182, 387, 305 Indigo, 23, 137, 374 Capella gallinago, 355 Lark, 187 paraguaiae paraguaiae, 267 Painted, 187, 579 undulata gigantea, 267 Snow, 358, 401 Caprimulgid, 46 Yellow, 297 Caprimulgus carolinensis, 128 Burnham, Stewart Henry, Obitnary of Caracara, 262, 569 --, 492 Audubon's, 403 Burns, Franklin Lorenzo. Obituary of Southern, 404 m, 646 Cardinal, 186, 579 Bush-tit, Black-cared, 239 Brazilian, 262, 282, 404 Butcher, Devereux, 'Exploring our Na- Pope, 404 tional Parks and Monuments,' (rev.), Santa Gertrudis, 442 149 Venezuelan, 405 Buteo brachyurus, 569 Carlama eristata, 266, 403 galapagoensis,403 Carleton, Geoffrey; Poor, ttustace jamaicensis borealis, 424 and Scott, Oliver K., Cape May j. calttrus, 388, 424 Warbler breeding in New York State, lagopus, 355 607 1. kamtchatkensis, 439 Carpenter, Charles Knapp, An early 1. pallidus, 439 Illinois record of "Cory's Least 1. s.johannis, 222, 388 Bittern," 80 magnirostris nattereri, 265 Carpintero Real, 497 platypterus platypterus, 457, 569 Carpodacusmexicanus, 306 regalis, 317 m. frontalis, 450 swainsoni, 351 purpureus, 381 Butorides striatus striatus, 263 p. californicus, 399 virescens, 132 p. purpureus, 224 Caryothraustes canadensisfrontalis, 281 CAi2ATUAhaematttropygia, 42 Casmerodius albus, 604 Cacieus cela cela, 279 a. egretta, 143, 263 Cacique, Crested, 405 Cassidix mexicanus major, 569 Caique, Black-headed, 403 Cassowary, Common, 403 Cairina mosehata, 404 Single-wattled, 405 Vol.1048 65]J Indexto Volume65 659 Casuariidae, 526 matic position of Xenocopsychusan- Casuarius, 521 sorgei, 292 casuarius, 403 Chapman, Floyd B., Eastern Goldfinch unappendiculatus unappendiculat- feeding on June berry, 446 us, 405 Charadriidae,
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