INDEX a Adamson, W., 40 Afghanistan, 88, 93 All
INDEX A B Adamson, W., 40 Baggallay, H. L., 295 Afghanistan, 88, 93 quoted, 292, 294–5 All-Russian Co-operative Society Baldwin, Stanley, 92, 93, 97–8, 105, 120, (Arcos), 95, 121, 127, 197, 402 201, 256 and Frank Wise, 131 Bank of England, 15, 37, 46, 129, 417 Labour support, 118, 390 Baptists police raid, 117, 127, 130–1, 204, 495– in Britain, 173, 201, 256, 261 6 World Baptist Alliance, 222 Russian reprisals, 119, 120, 199 Rushbrooke, J. H., 204, 232, 233, . see also Ireland 235, 267, 284 Anderson, Tom, 177–8 quoted, 173 quoted, 178 Bateman, C. H.: quoted, 232, 340, 345, Angell, Norman, 405–6, 407 386 quoted, 405–6 Bavaria, 3, 6, 12, 264 Anglo-Soviet Commission, 99 Beckett, John, 202, 339 Anglo-Soviet Trade Agreement, 106, Bellairs, Carlyon, 197, 202, 307–8, 315– 319, 343, 357 18, 338, 343, 351–4, 365, 368, 394, agreed, 51, 302–3 401, 411 negotiations, 102, 224, 313 quoted, 308, 316, 317, 338, 353–4 notice of severance, 422, 441 Benn, Tony: quoted, 528–9 Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Berdichevsky, Arkadi, 495–500 Society, 391–404 Berzin, Jan, 87, 112 Pim and Bateson enquiry, 391, 393, Bevan, Aneurin, 447–9, 513 394, 395, 404–7 quoted, 64, 447–8, 448–9 findings, 395–401, 413–14 Bevin, Ernest, 28, 38, 40, 362, 512, 520, first-hand testimony, 397–400 521–5, 532 terms of reference, 392 Cabinet papers, 522–4 Asquith, H. H., 98, 105 quoted, 28, 428, 523–4, 532, 537 Atholl, Duchess (Katharine) of, 361, Blair, Tony, 62, 66, 167, 479 420–1 Bonar Law, Andrew, 13, 89, 92 quoted, 421 Bondfield, Margaret, 29, 35, 40, 411 Attlee, Clement, 422, 431–2, 462, 505, Brailsford, Henry ‘H.
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