REGIONAL ACTION PLAN for the REGION OF CENTRAL MACEDONIA –GREECE In the context of PURE COSMOS Project- Public Authorities Role Enhancing Competitiveness of SMEs March 2019 Development Agency of Eastern Thessaloniki’s Local Authorities- ANATOLIKI SA REGION OF CENTRAL MACEDONIA HELLENIC REPUBLIC Thessaloniki 19 /9/2019 REGION OF CENTRAL MACEDONIA, Prot. Number:. Oik.586311(1681) DIRECTORATE OF INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEUSHIP SUPPORT Address :Vasilissis Olgas 198, PC :GR 54655, Thessaloniki, Greece Information : Mr Michailides Constantinos Telephone : +302313 319790 Email :
[email protected] TO: Development Agency of Eastern Thessaloniki’s Local Authorities- ANATOLIKI SA SUBJECT: Approval of the REGIONAL ACTION PLAN for the REGION OF CENTRAL MACEDONIA –GREECE in the context of PURE COSMOS Project-“Public Authorities Role Enhancing Competitiveness of SMEs” Dear All With this letter we would like to confirm ñ that we were informed about the progress of the Pure Cosmos project throughout its phase 1, ñ that we were in regular contact with the project partner regarding the influence of the policy instrument and the elaboration of the action plan, ñ that the activities described in the action plan are in line with the priorities of the axis 1 of the ROP of Central Macedonia, ñ that we acknowledge its contribution to the expected results and impact on the ROP and specifically on the mechanism for supporting innovation and entrepreneurship of the Region of Central Macedonia, ñ that we will support the implementation of the Action Plan during