I f 18 THE NEW YORK HERALD, _WICDNESDAY, JANUARY 5^ 1921. . SHIPPIT*s'G NE1WS FR(>M A LI^ "pAirrs of THE 1rVORLD Hnil TOI Ki K\< I ItSIONS and TOt It*. Knchambeau Malacca Maru sirs New York: West Iialtlmore: Rosenborg (Dan), New Vorlcji Salem, and Haruegat, Boston. Jan 1, a tug, IITKAMSIIirs. STEAMSHIPS. (Kr), Havre; Sailed ,'JOili, Ossa, « KJ,< yuS'ONS (Jnpi, Cadiz, llHiigarlanil (Nor), Norfolk; Mahomet, do; 31st. St Anthony, Boston. 1 .union (Brl, Rouen. toning barges Armlstead and Texas. Port- CLOSING <)F MAILS. Ullbater Sailed sirs iltalj, Genoa via, land; tug Henrico, toning barges t'harleston...... "4 (Br), (Jueenatown; Hilton, Tampa; SANTOS, Deo 30 (not 24).Sailed, schr Dolly 4th. Fagerncs and for via Barbados (Grenada. St Vincent and St 1'atrlck (Bri. Klo Janeiro r la Norfolk. Madtaoji. Hampton Koads. V I'ilmlngton, Nl': Atlantic bun. Bablne; for New York, Wilmington, Wlnga f Transatlantic Mail*. Trinidad atr M 1 Sirs Lobos; Steal V erulaer Columbia, Neck. ). Korona, tsup PA1). Brandy wine, Ktiglneer, Sailed 2d, str Lake Ellendale, Boston. tPr), Valparaiso: Roinna Iter 111 J. JANUARY 0. Cadiz and Trieste; Catherine, Sanchez; New SHANGHAI, Jan 1.Arrived, sirs Nanking. 'harleaton; whr Friendship, Fort ile France ORANiIK. Tex. Arrived, atr Lake WEDNESDAY. JANUARY THURSDAY. ion >"o H, for New York. drill ground*. dn tow of Passed out Delaware Breakwater 2d. tug for Portland, Moselein anil Marian, for parcel post mails for Spain. Canary Islands Aniapala, Cliolnteca and prints, Ac. for Sailed .Id. Htm Rio Mountain, Antwerp for Norfolk Island) ami Melllla ond In Morocco, Nacaotne. Tegucigalpa and Yuscaran Aniwa, Janeiro; Colon, str Lake Flgarf. from Fowey for Savannah); ftesoiute, low inp oarges .uHrjiitu'i, and passed Iteedy Snatara.Poston,do. Ceuta, Tangier iHon-'| Port au Prince and Cristobal. Patris f''all River and for Providenee. towing barges Salent, Bllverbrook and Robe- sir la.a d« Tanay, 7 :JH> AM. duras), Cauca and Narlno departments of (Creek), Piraeus; J A Polerlc Br), Calcutta for Boston and New Maine, return fitrmanv mid Poland (*i. \ta Hamburg Colombia. Bcuador. Peru (except luuitosi. *Halo, Hobos; York (damaged). Passed out 3d, 3:41) I'M, str E A Morse, sonln (and left 2d- on with barges Texas City. Jlostwlck, I (lenoa: P:30 I'M, tugs Oley, tor Searsport, I'.puruiu, lur BURKJI" and Danzig; also parcel post malls for i.Jer- Bolivia anil Chili* (other part* of Honduras STOCKHOLM, Dec 23.Arrived, str Karis- 'hlladelphtu for and many. Austria. Ozecho-Slovakla, Hungary, and letter mall for Salvador >, via The corrected reading of the barometer Vik (Sw), Baltimore. n towing barges Sklppack, for (lernantown.port, and Barry, for Portland, panned Switzerland and Poland, str Leeds City, 1 :30 Buenaventura. Ksimraldas, BahlaCristobal,do reduced to sea level) at Now York on Tues- VIGO. Jan 3.Arrived, str Cardiganshire, u Langhoriu and Cohansey, for Boston:Seltiare,"tljwn Reedy Island) P.M. Caraciucz. Manta. Puerto Bolivar and Guh>r day, Jan 4, 41)21, at 8 AM, a* reported by Galveston. I th, 3:4<> AM, I'atawiasa, to win* barges PORTLAND, Ma, .Ian 11 Helled, tug Netherlands ( ), via Rotterdam: also cjuil, atr Geil II K Hodges, lb' M tsup 1 I'M I. the United States Weather Bureau, was for Hearsport, Bear Ridge, for Kxtar, towing barges Portland and Agram,Hattleboro, for Netherlands, str Andrea Newfoundland via St Johns, str Ro- thirty and ten hundredths (30.10) Inches, and Suffdlk, for South I'ortland. Norfolk (and pqisaed Vineyard Haven a AM post mails parcel (f>. This seven hundred and Portund, T I.uckenbach, 1 PM. stUind, 7 AM. closely approximates FOREIGN PORTS. I'aaaed out 4th, o AM. atra I'hillp 3dt. sixty-four and five-tenths (764.5) millimeters, Philadelphia for Norfolk; 3:30 I'M, SAN FRANCISCO, Pal. Dee lib.Arrived, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7. of all vessels now in or near . Mall.1 Publeovar. Transpacific Mails. Captains lying [By j i, atjana, ilo for Chriutlania via Newport stra Henry T Seott, New York via San Norway, Sweden, Denmark, ftarmany, the ports of New York and Brooklyn can HAFICBLONA. Dec 24.Arrived, str West > t> miles; cloudy; smooth Pedro. and CloSe at New York at 0 PM as follows: ad\amageously use the above official data * Jewi..Wind 8W, Lithuania, Latvia, Esthonla Finland, via Mingo, Marseilles j s lea. Sailed AH It, motor Buenos Alrea (Spl, Bergen, ptavanger and Chrlstianla; also Hawaii, FIJI Islands. New Zealand and for observing whether their own barometers BATAVIA. Dec str Lake -Ian +--Salled, str stt Agna Prtetn tMex), (iuaymu* via Vancouver and Victoria. considerable correction or 27.Sailed, PORTLAND, Me, Vaneouver; parcel post malls for Norway, str Australia, BC, require any a. Singapore i Unav (Mr). Avonmouth. Turconau(In tow of Mexican »:r Mayo). To the 10:30 AM (sup 11 AM). Bergensflord,str Maratna, Jan 7. adjustment.PORT LIMON, Dor 2ft. \*J PM.Sailed. str PORTSMOT'TII. Nil. Jan 4.Arrived, tuff SAN PEl'RO, Pal. Dee Jtl -Arrived, strs \V Hawaii, via San Francisco, str Maul, Wind at Sandy Hook, 8 PM, 8 miles; San Bruno Boston. I with Iron for Boa- S Han Kranetoeo for Paulsbofo; Agnes Jan 7. clear; light sea. (Br). (aldrldge, barge Queen, Miller. Mails (or South and Central UOTTKR1 >AM, T)er 25.Arrived, str Orani, t on. for orders Dollar. Wlllapa Harbor. , Japan, Con a. , Siberia. French Havre (and sailed 27th for Antwerp. SAN FRANCISCO, t'al. Doc 31.Arrived, SAHINII, Tex. Dee 3(1--Sailed, sir West Indies, Slc. Indo-Chlna. Netherlands Fast Indies (except * bark Mono. America,Sumatra) and Philippine Island, via FOREIGN WEATHER SINGAPORE, Dec 22.Arrived, str Glymont, nitr Mazatlan. Salina Crtns. (Br), Melbourne; Treverbyn(Nor), est Indies j JANUARY 5. and Victoria. str of Hong Kong land sailed 23d for Bangkok). Arrived 4th, str Stanley Dollar. New York. Gothenburg WEDNESDAY, BC, KmpressVancouver Sailed »tis San Antonio, I'untn Cruiss H. CABLEGRAMS. 31st, . 23-Day \!a str Fort Russia. Jan Bermuda, Hamilton, Hamilton, Corea, Siberia, French CAPK RACES. NK, Jan 1.Barometer at trenas; Jan 2. Hollywood, Honolulu. / 1 7 "0 AM. Japan, China, AMERICAN PORTS. Sailed str Tahiti, Sydney, NSW. Porto Rico. Curacao and via Indo-Chlna, Netherlands F.ast Indies (except noon. 2lJ..Vt Inches; wind. NW, fresh breeze; 4th, 22 Venezuela, and via [By Telegraph.] SAN JUAN. I'B. Jan 3, 7 I'M.Arrived, str NAVAL ORDERS. ! ailing January Ma aguez, Curacao, I.aguayra and Sumatra) Philippine Islands, Seattle, weather, fine; temperature, 28 deg Fahr. ( 'araeaa. New York for Curacao, Ac. str Zulla, P:30 AM 10:30 AM>. str Talthyblus, Jan 12. ASTORIA, O, Jan 3.Arrived, strs L'oolcha. / New S. S. TOLOA (sup Maraalho, * ST Flu. Jan 2.Arrived, aux Ptr Thomas, St Croix, St Kltts, Must be addressed for this Antofagasta; Steel Voyager, Vancouver. ANDREWS. Special Dctpatch to Tun Nbw York Hedai.p. Nevis, speciaUly BOSTON, Mass, Jan 4.Arrived, ®ichr Huanarnste, Mobile. Ono of tho newest, and largest, of the Paha, St Martina, St Euatatius, Antigua, steamer. MARITIME MISCELLANY. tugs Boxer, Jan I.Arrived, St rs New Monfserrat. Martinique, Cuadeloupo, post mails and specially addressed Philadelphia, towing barges Henry Bndlcott, SAVANNAH, , Baltimore. commandant SAIL FRIDAY. banquet of the National Marine I,eague, Perth Amboy Iloneybrook, Portland, tew ing Commander Charles N. ,Ingrnhaiu, to abb Pates, iricluding shore excursions and Fort Hamilton. Bermuda 11:00 AM which will be held at the Hotel Commodore barge L & W No 7, for Port Johnson (calls WILMLNHTON. NO. Jan 3.Arrived, str and force rndlo officer on staff < apt. Will * Lisbon and Piraeus PM Jan 25. The will in ,aku Fillmore, New York. commander all expenses, $450 and up. , Zulfn, Mayaguez, Ac Noon , Braga*. Tuesday, apparatus for barge Wilkesbarrc); Baldridge. tow ing lain V. Pratt, destroyer force, St Ac 3:00--PM Bet gensfjord, Bargen, 4c 2:00 PM this way he given a thorough teat during the bargu Iron Queen, from Portsmouth: Juno, Pacific Fleet; |.wireless within a for Soconv No 4,' " South America. ' radius of 430 miles. Plymouth Philadelphia; F°' Providence, towing barge Bocony No 124. piTBAMSIIirs, EXCURSIONS «rd TOIIW, STEAMSill 1'S, EXCLUSIONS and TOURS. Meciiter- particulars address Dap'. n. PORT OF NEW YORK, rUESDAY, JAN. 4, 1921 BOSTON, Jan 1.Schr* 13d Trrvoy Jias been Cleared 4th, str Fleetco Port Europe, (ex-Sepulga), v raised and taken to discharging berth At Lobes. ranean -Cali- FRA1NK TOURIST CO. Weymouth. naiii-u «ju. sir >vm ji I it inn 11...... rasper 063 E by N Cap.' Mtty S PM 3d. Dec for »oiifny, ainpico. forni.a.Honolulu, 18751 Steamers Due in New York. San Pedro 8 PM 3d. Sir Capulln, Rotterdam, Ac, 18, Sailed 4th, strs Brandon, Lamberts Point; (Established Chancellor 40.". from Baltimore, is reported by wireless about 233 Royallte (Br>, Halifax; of Bermuda. DUE JANUARY 3. Chlcomlco I30 E Ambrose 8 AM 4tli. miles Nh# of with her fuel City Columbus, 489 FIF rH AVENUE, NEW YCJRK City of Everett 188 S\V llatteras noon 3d. Cape Henry Savannah; Essex, Philadelphia; Gloucester. Cuba r-.rFlorida, Steamer. Sailed. From. S San Francisco 8 PM 3d. exhausted and In need of a tow. supplyBaltimore; Pawnee. New York; schr L L t.cucJ for Booklet o»' et. 41st and 42d Sts. Dec 20 Fayal City of Para 1.112 Hamlin 1 Tour 'J Vanderfoilc 7;joi>. L'tlque of Savannah UW N llatteras noon 4th. 1IAMBURH, Jan 4.Forty-six vessels flying (from 'lizabethport», Boothhay; tugs Dcftred. elepUuue Itl ,, Dec 10 ... Rotterdam City ^uern.Hiad Col E I, Drake 1,180 from Sail Pedro 8 I"M the American flag arrived at Hamburg luno, towing barge Three Sisters, from Now Uasterllng Dec 15 Hamburg the month of December. York for Lynn; Mary W Pottor, Now York, iD-d Hook Dec 2-1 Rotterdam 2d. during and .ombardler Dec 20 ....St Michaels Comet So \V Sand Key noon 3d. KEY WERT. Fla, Jan 4.Str lnooocio towing barges Hatteras Hopatcong; Nop- Dec 1.1 Shields Comus 300 \jk Jupiter noon 3d. Flgaredo (Sp), before reported stranded on tune, towing barges Old Dominion ami CI.antler Cuba 334 froW Morro Castle noon 3d. a floated with assistance and arrived New York (latter PM 3d)..WindSenera.r.r VV.st Grove Dec 14 ...Manchester! PM 3d. Tortugas, 3 miles: East Side Dec 18 1.a Palltce Curaoa 161 S Cape Mala 4 here tills morning, Highland Light, W, clear: smooth Nearby as To 08 Europe Ion 78 noon 3d. Sailini lat 26 01. Prince Dec 17 .... Rotterdam Cusiinet HON Doc: 31.The fire on str Sid dons 115 > J.dyal Dannedalke 103 N Jupiter noon 3d. DON. BAI.TIMORE, Md. .Tail 4.Arrived, itrs Fort Seward Dee in London 8 PM 2d. iBr), at Bahia from Buenos Aires, &c, for Wist Hematite Dec Id ....Rotterdam Deer l.odge 213 \V Midway New York, has been extinguished. Auldmuir (Br), San Antonio; Minarlc (Br), to Dec 17 ....Alexandria Dewey 340 N Cristobal noon 3d. Jan 3.A received from Savannah; Clavavae.k, Naples; Jean, Bora 5RETICm- Jan. 5 Mediterranean Ports Amskan noon 4th. telegram lallle« 1 »ec Hi E A Morse 182 E Cape Henlopen rikstad states that str Asah.lh, New York Grande; Severance, Port Arthur; Lake Antwerp Eastern Temple 487' NW Colon noon 3d. Frcd| Port Tampa; schr Courtney C Ansaldo Savola 11....Dec 18 Gibraltar S Ambroso noon for Cliristiania, Ac, grounded on the rooks; Houck,Chelan, 12 Noon ,0 Deo 18 Edward Luekenbach 1.092 steamer has gone to her assistance; Tampa. LAPLAND Cherbourg & Antwerp Eglanlter Antwerp 3d. salvage Sailed 3d. str Providence Jan. t Plymouth, Auslralplaln Dec 20....Das Palma noon 3d. good prospects of salvage. Juniata, Norfolk, 17..W Edward J Tjtwrence 730 S Ambrose Str Kfd Mountain, from Antwerp for and Boston. K.^'»r -....Dec Hartlepool Eelbeck 277 NE Colon noon 3d. Sailed strs Rcxmore ,2 N°°n lo Wlllpolo Dec 18 Havre 8 I'M 3d. folk, before reported picked up by str 4th, (Br>, Liverpool fELTIC Jan. 15 Liverpool Eldi-ldgo 321 from Seattle lias into .St Michaels.Nor| via Norfolk; Kamesit. Hamburg and Ant- |? Moorish Prince lice 22 Glasgow Elkhorn 26n N Balboa 8 PM 3d. bean towed Kerlionkson. P.: Slglo Dec 30 New Orleans 3d. Str Poleric (Br), from Calcutta, Colombo, werp; IClmsporf, Antuerp and Rotterdam; ..12 N'linn El SIglo 131 N Jupiter noon Boston lias been (Br). Hast inoiATinIW _lan 1C to Cherbourg and Southampton Huron Dec 20 Santos Sand Key noon 3d. «fec. for and New York, Molesey Alexandria; Indian, IWIlin UD9I, I U| i.aasterland Dec 18 ....Amsterdam Englewood passed 4th. towed into St Michaels with machinery an I burg and Bremen. Hamj Everett 18 ESE Harnesat noon hollers out of order. BUZZARDS BAY Cod Canal). nera! \V C Gorgas.. Doc 28 Cristobal K D Aselie 80 N Cape Canaveral noon 3d. fCape Mass, Yurblnla Dec Id ....Rotterdam 64 noon 3d. 4th.Str Blue Triangle, from Bordeaux for Jan 4.Arrived, tugs Bathgate, Norfolk for Federal Bridge lat 1. 46. Ion 13 Went ashore at the Boston, t'.-ircoxle Dec 22 ... .Rotterdam 3d. Africa, 'before reported towing barges Cumberland and Jones- King Alexander Dec 18 Piraeus Flrmore 723 S Ambrose noon mobth of Dagos Harbor, got off with port; Triton, towing 2 barges; Kaleen, WHITE SI LINE 43 42 C AR Ion LINE Fresno lat 30 33, noca^lPtli. atfer Jettisoning 700 tons of fuelassistanceoil 3. jV NEW YOKK.<1 IF.lt 3d. I'.OI |J DUE JANUARY 0. flene Crawley 27 SE Key WestVSym and into Lagos; if any, not yet Passed towl-lng FA^Sli SOlTIIAMrTON Oeorfie M Jones 230 S Ambrose Boon 4th. put damage, 4th, tugs Soeony No 4, towing j! Dec 22 12 Noon 19 Feb. Manchuria Hamburg 60 E Key West noon .'Id. ascertained. barge, bound E; Mercury, towing 2, bound 'lDRIATIC Jan. 16 Apr. 6 OLYMPIC Mar. 21 Apr. 20 May 14 La m-aslrian Der 211 London Cfienpool <18 30 noon 4th. A telegram received from IVrnambuco \V IS SOUTH Nrw York.I.impooi .N«»v York.Itnston. Usr«.Gibraltar Ion AMERICA Gov John Kind Iht 33 07, Port City oi Auckland Dec 22 Harry 33 E Sand noon 3d. states that str Neshaminy, from CHARLESTON, SC, Jan 4.Arrived, strs iC eltic. T. 12 Nocn Jan. 15 Feb. 26 Apr. 2 Naples.(<«ncc linrialha Dec 29...Santa Marta Oulfooast Key iev, for Rio Janeiro. Santos,Plata for Lake Oulfland 12ft XR Hatteraa noon 4th. there with boilersArthur,Choctaw, Progreso Plymouth; Noon Jan. 26 Cre'i- 3f.M. 5 Mar. 6 3 Auzouan Dec i7 Marseilles Sand noon 3d. and Buenos Aires, arrived Boston. Elsrncre. the cent Steamer 'edic(New)12 jai. May Hadnot 123 W Key » by maynifi lluron Jan 1....Turks Island 110 S Ambrose ft A\1 4th. defective. Arrived 4th, str Lenape, Jacksonville (and ( ?edric 12 Noon Feb. 5 Mar. 12 Apr. 16 Canop'?.- P.M. Mar 22 May IJ **' « Halo Str front Bahia Blanca for H&lsey 137 S Scotland L V noon 4tI4. Indianapolis, proceeded to New York). A Ckl I U C 7. Hull, has arrived at Pernambuco with boilers Hailed str 1 DUE JANUARY Hal way 8- S Jupiter noon 3d. damaged. 4th, Anvers (Belg). Baltimore. A M E R I C t n u i t t.Vlt Iv Lire 20 Ha warden 260 NW Balboa 4 PM 3d. (! Deer- CAPI& HENRY, \'a. Jan | Passed in, strs IJvcrpool noon 3d. The inward cargo of scltr (Jardiner Lake S. Y..Plymouth.t'he(liourir. *r»« V >'l.tfamlr.irj . ior ... Island 420 E Bermuda Fanquler. Havana for Baltimore; Mahna'e 21 Avonmouth Hog log. I rum r'liiiaueipma, wiuon iiniv,-,, at. "EB from Sun Pedro 8 PM 3d. do for do. RO'^ 12 Noon Jan. 8 Feb. 12 Mar. 19 D'rec* S« rv!f Port en 1'ec 23 I.onilon 21." Keltore. Lapland. Bow Hollywood noon 3d. Santo* Dei' 28, enuglit flic: hold* flooded; # Plymouth l»ec 23 Gibraltar Herman Pranch 72 NW Tortugas fire extinguished; damage unknown. Passed out 3d, 3 I'M. str Arlington. Finland.. 12 Noon Jan. 15 Feb. !9 Mar. 26 ( lowed Two mil V >ir Keith Itnonift Genese* L>«c 10 Port!ami Houma 273 SW Hatteras noot* 3d. a Point for Boston..Wind 4th, Lambertcalm: Sailing from NlEW YORK . 2 Spucioiiw I'r miennde" El Sol Ian 1 Galveston Hoven 30 S noon 3d. WATEHFORP, I>ee 31.Sir Jlermspool clear. 'Zetland... 12 Noon Jan. 22 Feb. 26 Apr Jupiter 3d. which here to-day front MANCHURIA. 12 Noon ! of Montgomery.. Ian -4 Savannah Hyades 30 JV Point Reyes 8 PM 3d. had hoard enptaln and ltosario,Coming. New York: A A Dougherty, Tain' [Y 'l.iu fctiir Line Steamers on route Antwerp MONGOLIA 2 Noon jan .7 A?:. 21 Inspector 338 88K Hatteras noon 3d. nehr Elsie I, Corkunt (Br), before reported ;il'-o; Alban (Br). . JANUAR 29th abandoned. . J A llostwlek let S Barnegat noon 4th. Arrived 4th. strs K1 Norte. New.York: f<>r i Almanac for New York January 5. noon 3d. Danebod RED S T r line Kehuka 00 N Jupiter (Pan), Barry; DaVc Pickaway, Vera N T..Plymouth -Cherbourg.Antwerp, New York.llkiiili.V|i llmnbur; Ron risen 7 2" Moon rise*.. 4 (16 AM Klsharoqullla* 78 E Tortugas noon 3d. Dangers to Navigation. Cruz Sim not* 1 I" Moon sets.. 2 13 TM Knoxvllle lat 40 08, Ion-00 37 noon 3d. Sailed 4th, strs Topila, Tamplco; Cardiff HAVANA. CRISTOBAL CALLAO. 1Y.OLLENDO, L .apland. .. 12 Noon Jan. 8 Feb. 12 Mar. 19 Third Cltuu i'assaujon Oal/. 8 Ambrose noon 4th. rReported to the llydrographlc Offlce.l Hall " h.ME OK 1IIGII WATER JANUARY o. Lake Allen 63 (Rri. Trieste ARICA. ANTOI VALPARAISO. "inland". .. 12 Neon Jan. 15 Feb. 19 Mar. 26 Lake Bridge 120 N Hatteras noon 4th. Wrecks In Santiago llarbor. Cuba.The Sailed 4tn, strs Atlantic (Br), Trieste; IQUIQUE, rAGASTA, Handy Hook I 4N AM r> 1ft I'M Balboa 8 PM 3d. Dee 1 the I'anoil, ?'eeland. 12 Neon Jan. 22 Feb. 26 Apr. 2 Gothland... 12 Noon Jan 20 Fe'o. 25 Aof. 13 112 ."> Lake Elk water 633 SW U S S McCormlck on 14, (CO. nojed Tampieo. ' Governor* Island AM 64 I'M Narkti 238 S Ambrose noon 3d. follow w recks which did not appear on the Jan atr J Croonland. 12 Noon 29 Mar.'5 9 1. » -h n i-t rxi Lake ing C5CLFPORT, Mlas. 4-Arriveri, Xext Sailinfj Jan. Apr. iHM^iaie AMioria Lake Travdrse 11 X Northeast End noon 3d. chart: A wreck' of a email schooner, with Mobile. Osslnlng, Til* time given in the above tabic i* East- Lllntae 161 S Ambrose noon 3d. two masts showing about 30 feet out of JACKSONVIDDK, Tin. Jan 4.Arrived, atrs ' nun%» rxr l,,o. in 1* furnished the1 " - '4,1 100 (true) from standard time and by >iniiK"lc ' water, about 300 yards deg Comanche, New York; Howard, Baltimore; "ESSEQUIBO' 26 IDEAL WINTIer Cruises United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. Martha Waahlpjfton 522 SSK Amhrouc noon Oorda Hank, and tbe wrerk of a small achra I.ucia |> Dow, Marlel; Argo (Dan), February 3d. x steamer, half submerged, about 100 yards to Ithyi; Lizzie A Willlama, Tampa. West Indies.Panama , Havre Dec 23. to' Point I.oboa 515 NXE Colon noon 3d. tero. New York; Corala (lis), Cuba; III- fr Mercanltile Marino tin Compagnle Generale Transatlantlque, Pulaski 801 S Ambrose noon 3d. Jan 2, lat 37, Ion 3(1, a large boom projrrt- bueraa (Hondi, Blueflelda: Tkala (Br), l.iv- lerrationa! Company with tl» flint, 2»I2 second cabin and 474 8 about I feet out of water, apparently UP W Cape Mala PM 3d. Ing erpooi: Sicandmga, Bremen: Texas (Fr> . 9 New Ficrs North River^ passengers, mail* and md»e. Went Qu&bbln to wreckage. Havre; Offices: Broadway, York. 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, us.- Ruby lat 32 04, Ion 75 04 noon 3d. attached submerged Weliealey, I'ort Barrios. ' to pier ">7. North Riier. 8 Sailed from Port Eads Dec to S V Harknea* I UT S rape Mala PM ,3d. 4th. strs Nfls (Nor). Htr Va*arl (Br). Liverpool 8. \V San Pedro 8 PM 2d...... nil, iTllli'll'? ue > .111HI 11.11 | * Holt, with ll first, 23 second Sallna l.l'.vt NOTICE TO MARINERS. eelona. (»p), Lampor) and mdse. San Antonio 520 fruni San Franclaco 8 PM / cabin amd 49 steerage passengers Aug NORFOLK, V«, Jan Mrs 100% <> VIIllano <8pi..Cadli. , from Maru American Sir Itraga t Kr>, Marseilles. Santa Flavia 861 S San Franclaco 8 PM 3d. I't fathoms of water, l«Hi feet easterly Spain ijapt. Harry; Statesman lBr>, B||»HuRJ»IU' »xn juiimia Santa Te.Ia 201 S Cape Mala I PM 3d. stern of barge Nay Aug. Wlnthrop stand Seattle; Itonnholtn I Hi t. New Orleans; 100% Service iFRENC Sir I'esaro Genoa and to MASSfti dtall, Naples, U70 B Ambrose noon 3d. 21 deg NEKt-lt'iN mag); Hong Island (Helm, Newport, K. Kremlin rzxle Tra^nsektlcxntique Lloyd Ssbsudo, tilth passenger* and mdse. Sarcoxle pipe, (SK ^°m^>0kC^nit: Sir Karenga (Rri. Lelth Dec 18, to Norton, Sawokla lat 31 33, Ion 78 40 noon 3d. Head lighthouse, 107 deg by Rh,K mag); Arrived 4th, Mrs Maindy House (Br), S«- , BAHAMAS N St Thoma* noon 3d. Spectacle Island range, rear lighthouse, IDA vannah; Kfstathlos t< 1 reek), New Orleans: HI||| I.Illy # Co. In ballast. Schoodlc 722 WE Perfect climate. All outdoor Sir Royal Prince (Hr), Rolterdani Dec 17. Standard 210 N Jupiter noon 3d. deg (8 by WtyW magi. t'planrt iSwi, I'Art Arthur; Hufakles (Nor), to Kiimess, Withy A Co, In hfl#t«*t. Went to Stanley .34 from Honolulu 8 PM 2d. Dunkirk: W.st ilnmi, Queenstorti; ship NEW YORK to ports. Excellent hotels. pier 32. North River. Stanley l>ollar 13 from San Franclaco 8 l'M iltal), (lenoa.. A\nlr WKr Sir Algerhr (P.elgi, Rouen Nov 28 and 34. CABLE REPORTS. Sailed 3d, strs Mlnnewawa, Bremen; West (w-t^omdj Sailings from New York Havre Dec 12. to the l.Ioyd Royal Beige, Steel Hanger 410 NK Colon noon 3d. ALEXANDRIA. Iter 24.In port, air Compo. Fernandlna; I'erslan, Boston; B^QUEENSTOWN Willi mdse. Went to pier IS. North River. Stockton 1,73*'from Sail Pedro 8 PM 2d. (Br), for Beaton (to sail 23th). Kazembe (Dutch), Fernandlna (ami returned):Waalhaven 1 C Fortnightly Str Tullamore 1B1), Havre. Surallco lat 32 07, Ion 70 12 noon 3d. Arrived 1st, strs Hatchet (Br), Baltimore; Bellatrlx iliutehi. Rotterdam; Skodsborg jail. ID thereafter. from Covered Piei Ft'.- Ilamapo .t' S collier), Constantinople Susquehanna 747 K Ambrose noon 3d. 2d, Dakntan. New Tork. (Dam, Iienmark: Tsuruglsnn Maru (Jap), ^-BOULOGNE-LONDON N"oi :;n and Brest Dec 17. to the 1'nlted Arrow 1.700 from San Francisco 8 A Jan 3.Arrived, strs British Port Arthur; Orizaba, SantanUer. Bilbao. ' irtt Class Only.Luxuriou s New 16-Knot Ship to authorized Af.c rding Fretect ion from the Cold and Discom brti of Winter with 8 128 bodies Sylvan VONMOUTH. fot Reservations apply Bta*o.i Navy, passengeri, PM 2d Isles (Br). Port Arthur, To*. Salllaaat Ticket Agencies or -of navy men arid stores. Went to foot of Texan 300 SSW Nantucket noon 3d. RAHIA, Hoc 31.Arrived, str Aldan (Br), Sailed lib. Mrs Bueklelgh (Bri, (Jlbralt,ar: OLD NORTH STATE: Jia.lS-M. »9 I S.ith »tre«t, noon 3d. Htuar'stsr Aurklaml, a NEW YORK.bIAVRE.PARIS Brooklyn. The I.atphs !k>n E Sandy Hook New York. (Br), Tynterle (Br), Fast to to I'arir Sti Kent (Br). Pyttleton, SZ. r»ec 4 and Trlmountaln SVV noon 3d. Jan 4.Arrived, strs Orcus, port In France; Karamea (Br), London: 'it- PANHANDLE STATE: Fob. 5- «.. 12 ^ WARD L.INE liners dlreet Havre pier.thence. illro.:t liv shnrie-tt call roito, to Nor'.on. A with ''aryafort HAl.HOA. tawa New Foot Wsll NewYork A unique steamship nervier fiur i-onifort ilili' winter travel, Crlatobal 27th. I,Illy Co, Turrlalha 7.V4 H Scotland L V ryioti 3d Bakersflcld, Seattle for London; (Br), Orleans; San I'aolo (Fn. I.a of St.. Liner mdie. Mmt to pier Nil. North fllver. noon 3d. tqulque;I'allIce; Tnborii (Dutch), Rotterdam: The Large. Fast, Popular fjnadrnpla Screw Htr' Rueno Alr»i Dec \V I, Steed lot N Jupiter Shanghai. Clilpchung. Tali^ul NEW YORK.NAPLES.G^NOA Crofton Hall, 10, Watertown 10 N" Jupiter noon 3d. Sated )th, str Ortrgn (Br), Colonel, (Br), London: Otarama (Br), Auckland: <£> i-iTfc Bk Montevideo'12th anil Barbadna 27th, to tl'.e West Apaum 124 N Panama 4 PM 3d. I1ATAVIA, Jan 1.Arrived, ate Clan Bayu ay, Messina; MrKeespnrt, Dunkirk; PRINCESS MATOIKA Irtl mlan fltcamahlp Uaea, with 7 paaavnpcra s Bdgcflelil, in vest on: bark . West C'ajoot 3,744 from San Franclaco in Br). New York. Macb. Alexander Law- Jan. 20 . Cabin and 3d Clan ami nid.ie. ranee Savannah. v Sailing Only rriMn CE TM 3d. BORDEAUX. Hee 30-Pbiled, strs Sierra (Dan), \ f»: ?, Htr pearflehl, Montevideo Nov 21, Ruenoa k PM 3d. » POHTO RICO. J.,n 1.Sailed, str rmmur delations for all lnr. 99 Itnchiinihenn. Mnr. H Apr. 13 Mn> 17 Htr Lake Kernalda. Arroyo Dee 2.1 and flan via Kin a. i/laTItB .Inan 201h. to Janiei w R n|i A with Wast Kedton 020 from Ssn Francisco k CHRISTIANIA. Dee 2I» Arrived, str glo, Norfolk: Florida, Port Lohos. fiatflC'r Uep't . . M IrasSaaj. a Co. Jan I'bonr 1200 ball Ij wjl|l ni'ln Went to elevator alio, Krle Hariri. PM 3d. (Nori. New Orleans. Hermits PBN8ACOLA. Fi*. 3.Arrived, str White DREC Jan. 6 Sti Nlrholaa t.'uneo iNort. Port Antonio Western Plains 70tl K Host on 8 PM 3d. COLOMBO. Jan 2.Arrived, str Cowrla' C.arcU (Cuban), (ialvestoti: achr PaIllo JUfjj HAMBURG T-Niagara 48 4d noon Cuba. I Bagdad, nt: n wit n Dee '2'.t. to the Atlantle I'rult Co, with fruit. Western Pride lat 3M 41. Ion 3d. (Br), Port Arthur. PORT Mane 19 ST;\TE ST., NEW YORK Went to pier I, North River Wlrn 34 W Saltd Key noon 3d, CIUHTOBAL, Jan 3.Arrived. «tr« TAMPA, Fla, Jan 4- Arrived, atr So- FRENCH LINE, Sir I'rlneea* 'Brl. Port **7 noon 2d. phle Rlckm. ra nieri. New Orlaana. ; May Antonio Pee William Uracil NW Trinidad New Orleana; Conway PhPMlA. J'h, Jnn 4.Arrived. *tra fltt vltlt 3 and indie, i Mill fat roam, IVut Arthur; Devai. FABRL LINE anialiip Co, paaiengera Wm G Warden 2itn sw Hatieras noon 3d. WII last on (Br), Norfolk. (latter ^akr Went to pier 7, llaat River Yucca 40 S Key West noon 3d. Parted lid. rtrr Mount Berwtn King has machinery trouble); Houston Pirae< c and Beirut Sti l.otior to M .'Allliter N>w York. Lake Faribault, Ohmabuw, Palermo, Danville, pec 20, ton; <>11 t> II Krnat, Boston; Somm», New I Charleston; s «. HRAU.% Ian. 7 Brothera, with trude oil. Went to pier 0. Vork. Hattle l.urkenbarh. Philadelphia; \V Van l>yke, Port hobos; Osnrro, C'onatahle llook. NJ. PASSED CITY ISLAND. (I'ut'hi, Germany. t Stockholm. Palermo, Naplea, Maraeilles flu Radiant and bar*- S O Co No Ml. Araknn Cleared .1*1. s!r« Itolf .larl (Nor), Cln*|<- **I. *. I'ATUIA .1,111. 211. Mm. 2! IitTBLIN, Jan 1 Arrived, atr Canadian * am! b :>crvicc iro.n i>lsw for; Tanipleo fir. 2:1. to tft. S'andard Oil Co of Bound South. Burnt'r (Hrt. Ht John, N'H, via Portland. Mr. tiarila. & W'Alibnbur*: (Br), Hotter-ilain. . N. PKMVIDKNCK (New) Feb. 111. Apr. I 1 asscnf,er re:gtit ("U. «l * . S. CAN ADA New Vork, with nude oil. Went to OIJNKIHK, I >»*« 30.Arrived, atr Hlonx Ith. sirs Kurlew, Hanibui;; via Mar. 2. Apr. 2 r'Al BAN .....M. 7 . Fiata, Kan River. PoorhotiaeSchr Frederick II fBr), SI George. Nil, for Azores. Lisbon. Marseilles Liietpoo! ., St r lie Soto, Tampion. New York. Falls, Philadelphia. AR0N1A Mediterranean Cruise with Shore Excursion*Jan. 15 .. ultli 3 (a: 7:33 AMt; (JENOA, Der .V).Arrived, atr lllrd City, * HIIITANMA Feb. I. M:ir. St r Dallla tStv). Xuevltaa Pee 2*. to Moore Tugs Ix-lilali, barges New Vork via Baltimore. fTEAMMIII1*, KMTItsiOMf una TUCKS. H. HltAliA and 15 Feb. .w19 Mar. 25 A MrCortnack, with angai Mars, with 3 . Murn-,1, with if ' 2A I'M» OIBRALTAIt, Jan 2.Arrived, »tr .1 W. KIAVKI I A el*"Are. Now Yol k for lloeton. slra 22 ;reon Star I.lne, in hallaat. Anehored off Tugr Hachmi. with 5 hargoa i*r *:.H» AMt: HALIFAX. .VS. .Ian -I.Arrived, v^v^/wn. *3 EhTRIS Liverpool Jan. " land nRh atreet, North River .Standard II. with 1 'at 1 PM>. Kndeavor. Brlkade (Brl, Mnneheetrr Manrlxialer service!; ARMANIA Liverpool. ian. 29 Mar. 8 Apr. 16 !>."» ailed for Hi Jolini Arlano (Brl, London. A MBniTfcnrtANKAN CIU-lPl'-. I» tt. I! HAVANM :.. Htr El Orlente. (lalvertnn I»ec 29. to the light at 2 PMi; Mulley, light PM>. Hailed Ith, atr Caatellano (llr). London. M. "CAIIMNIA," Vigo. Co, P.t-H'itute. ha-*--* atra Canadian iiivi'i N'r%v York January 1Mb. 10 and ioutham Frb. 3 Mar. 21 pier 3(1, North Rt\er j HAMBURG, l>ei .'ka.Arrived, excursions tQUITANIA Cherbourg pton Feb. 26 Str Jackaonvllle and Volunteer (Brl, New Vork; Weatford, New day*. Most attractive shore ') C lennpe, Charleaton, Apply lit nncm L MEXICO;iLBANIA vnew) Plymouth. herbourg Feb. 8 Mar. 15 Apr. 19 CLEARED. Orleans Fie to the Clyde Steamihlp Co, with paaaenaera A VKItA Clll'7. TAMPICO and I .. rndae. Went to 37. North River. HAVHK, Hec 31.Balled. atr Melroae l^^^a^aonville T1IOMAH COOK *ON. (' « !; AXONIA Plymouth. Cherbourg Hamburg Mar. Apr. 12 and pier (Prom V. P. Naval Commu^ib at Ion Samlcr.] ]| 24.% Iftroudu %«l Flflli AfflWf. 1 UoKiilnr --mIIIiii to Niwai. r*». .' Mar. 5 6 Htr Hamilton, Norfolk, to the Old Dominion H(r Monmouth London.Robert Hampton i'l formalin i (ddrai iLf LR1A f Londonderry Clasgo Apr. with (Mr). Holt. .Inn I.3alled, atr Meaopo- s " l.'l- ( Traneportallon Co. md»e. Went to pier I. Untrue. HOMO KONO. All Electric CO I Nrw York him I Cub* Si nil ' 1 PL.1AI TAMIA L.rl>Anrif nnii Sniiflisminton. > A9t. 7 May 12 June 9 23. North River tnmla (Br). New Y'ofk. "dTDA" X I ri>ot or Wall .'trf.it. NV» York. I Kulll oil HW Pleladei, Philadelphia. Went to foot Str Drnmmensfjord f.N'ort, Thon. Tronil- Arrived let. a'ra f'roaa Keye, Seattle Oil Burnin" 0.0. tUDrt MII III AXKKK t illolUlcr nil* Ke<|ue*t. «.f hlem, Bergen. Ac.North American Lino Weat San Kranclaeo. I am port A Hull l.lnr. 4? Ilriiriihf.iy 33d etrrot, Brooklyn. Sir via Manila: 2d, lailp, I l.«om lllr F.vrry Saturday at S P.M. * Motor ehlp Bayonne, Philadelphia. to the Henaalem, ttsnaen, Hamburg Barber Sailed I'IT 27. air city of Berkeley (Hi), From IfU V\ Mnntrriil or HtH-bfc to Liirnpr, tan. I'a« on \ Firr. Tnr.day nl 1 P.M. <« "CARCN1A" »»m *«n lAth for n « » 3 * uum Oil Co. Went to Bayonne, NJ. H'eamahlii I,Irion, Ino. Uoaton anil New York. »lfn Ocean *»rr x\rr. ltd.. 12'M Itrn.icf \». ihr R. M. S. January rniiw Htr Tarvitla 'Bri. Caldwell, tllbraltar. I'ee 81.Sailed, bark Anne FIRST CLASS ONLY 0. PIRAEUS and tlonon Anrhor igflQI'K. f/priRA GIBRALTAR. AIGIF.RS, MONAC NAPLES, ALEXANDRIA and Jorahom Line San Franelaro I i hOLLAhU-AMtKli^ il-.M UTATKfe'I'llBET. M « YORK. WIRELESS REPORTS. Htr Cretlr iRrt, Mnrehouno. Ponrn Iwlgada. LA PAMjH'K, r>eo l».Arrived, atr Comyn. r*uriou»Arr«T»-irod»tionjE*tFll«'n'Cui»in» OVT'IG'K «tr Manchuria, Hamburg. *c. for N»» (jJIbraltnr. A', via Bnaton White Htar Lino Baltimore, & I Tranaportatlon,Ra*35 *** FallRiver Line York. I* eapeclag to dork »t pier Ml, North Htr f>len, Itanaon, f'outa, Plravua,, LKOHCmN, I'en 81- Sailed, air Monglnevro V 1LINK lllrnr, Thureday morning. dl Navigation Co, Ao.Orient (Itali, Sand Key. \ f.'W gpecllU iORK TO S'r Huron, llueno* Aire*. *r, for Ntw Hfl AJax (Brt, Molr. Penan;, Port LIVERPOOL, Jan .1 Arrived, atr New Room., with private bafVi. rate $rtf> NEW ROTTERDAM York, la exported to dork at pier II. ftoboken. Ac- Punch. Edye A t:«, Rivettenham. (llr), New Orleans. Columbia For Further Information addreaa To Boston | Hlr Meaner* -Mu nmi xwrie* » Wednesday afternoon. Pennaylvaiitan, Tapley, rtlo Janeiro.j Arrived .'id. elr Nlln New York. SpiewiH. riYMOlTH, BOtLOJNE-SUR-Ma " A Co (Br), I v J'iei N K taitmiit r f It Dml'V ^ FGYPTINDIA Norton, St King Alexander iflrerkt Plreett* for Lilly Squalled lib. air 'armanla (Br), from MIAMI STEAMSHIP CO. rr^hentrt «n *trBflMr RYNDAjVI Noot Jn. i Keb. i: luH lumiriu r auniiii iiuf N«* to Str Catherine, Hulllvan, Porto Plata, Ran- I AM »act / mmorn 3nrk, In nptrtril dork at pier. 22. New York, la expected In arrive about mm'R i.rvi n\t MmcmiAn v ini/iAn unc forenoon ho*, Ar-Bull-lnaulai Lino. purr. omrjM ,lew tendon Norwich tin*. 1 v iVr K N R. ROTTERDAM Nmh in. 25 Mir I A?: . Brooklyn. Wednesday Thurada> Ft. Catherine St. ;tl Itmnrinnr. N. V. i Hmj'inn 8t *" l.M. .fix Sonuay Ij*mvt Htr Heythlan (Brl, from vu Htr Koronn .illrl. I'oyla, St Thoman, 8t Jan air Balaford «ept MMPTERDAM Nbnn Mr.!: MKW \OKK direct to Manchester. I.ONriON, .V Arrlted, lark.nmlite, Fin. Plionm ltro.nl I'fl-.ttM flor i(i K K '22tiu Sw - * I M F«S.19 ! 700 mile* B of Boaton I AM Ith. due at Bo* ( rot*. Ac -Porno**, Withy A Co. (l*r». St John. Nil. POORDAW Nom Apr 2 Mm I I P HINT *<\ll». ntlXMY, III- I. tort Htr ft randy,vino, Wold, Port Lobos.Walker Jan :l.Arrived, atr I.O.MHO. M Mill S". It AM Friday. A MANCHESTER, J RU-(HIUjTerna Jan. I'. § < t l.aly Baltimore. Labette, Lcnrrtl Paurnrcr Offici, 21 S|j!s Si. N. V. I .S. SuiU tiOOX. Al IITTA. United Statea Htr Antlotam, McGinn, Tamplco Walker Arrived (tit, atr* city of Shanghai inn, F.lllOPK. J.S.Santa Ana Jin. 2> CITY OF MARSEILLES. JAN. 20 By N^tiI * Italy Nee York; Aaoorlon de I.arrlnaxn (Br), > £.5. Servicfc. CommunicationHlr Miniplaco, t.urn, Tamplco, Vara Cru* Oalveaton. IS.S. Santa Eliaa Feb. f lii.oon Ion Tnln Screw tDistance given lii mlles.l and I'rngrero.Munaon Htoamahlp Lino. Sailed id,.elr Strathfillan (Br). New York. 5.S. Santa t nit) FV>. 2J I AM. OI I'SIOK IttMMM A C Bedford a.I W 4atid hoo't 3d. Htr I.nko Lnaang, Coomb*. Matanr.** Mim I'en 2" atra Coralnla IF .von nrr tlaalrnita of Introducing Into ( rir»t rml Sft-o-xl rln««i til* K*v NAPLES. Sailed, or C"a ling at Cristobal, ailao, Arica, g I Or At* Idalr 021 R Ambrose noon 3d *on Htoamanlp '-Inc. .(llali. New )ork: 2(lh. Belvedere (Ital), do. Fraltra an artM«\ product 'tnarlt. apply J S.>. I'rliiipss May. .ioo.it Jan. H II rule* or p:i««iicr. etc., iM'Plr lo laun tat 22 Hit Htr Port Hamilton fBri. .10 to Merer. F. IX iMINt'.l'KZ nn1 I'm >i| . i. ,1 I ^ fl|i(,i'irur, Antofafaata and Valparaiso m Af« as. Ion 20 110011 3d. MrKonalo, NYKJOBINO FA LLSTBN. I'ee Arrived, J ^ and Srrvtca. Algonquin 722 S Ambrose noon 3d Bormuda.Purbaaa, Withy A '"o llo*»t»ton,air T.ake Oetawa.v. ('openhngen (and aalled Ill Rnr Madia ninont. Pari*, who an> well niT^IIH-: MTATKHOOMS. (I. «. I Ul (.I'llti.lo k ( «.. INC.. PaaaattRor Kretatit 3 .",;!l*nra MtJN Colon noon ">t. Htr Mar Cantahrlco 'Hpi, Halttia, Havan- Jan 1 for ftoderirami placed » for 'III. In the commercial and In Patty, Includlnc Htimtay, ". no P. M. I Plm 7. K. R. TH. Bowling (i VIPIT'I | NORTON U1IYOCP t. Htcamahln Co. du.trlal world of Frame and her acHoftlaa. Vrtta* Pl»r 1*. K. It. Phon. 2700 Rr.kmii I M.. Mew York AnthrtcM/a B-tdq* 7 M l*.en»rr City 3d II' Pa TVkata at 1*1.r or Consolidated office* I Mnpanln Tmimrilitiitiinri. rgo, Krlckaen, Norfolk.Paragon New Orleana Neahnmlny,BnrHRKIji To aall modern hnuee, ts» Tel. MOO 10 |l. 4IN tUIBMAN ttUCKMU S S Aphis J34 SR Antbmse noon Itlw t o. Arrived Her .'II. atr Todlanapolla. Bahla franca IS. 1 |l«Mrrr : LIN A6TS/0» CO ITR furnlatied, JtOO.flflO C., ISO CRAC ' Argon 37 NR Nantnrket noon ,1th Itir V«' 'nval fllr), Slither land, Halifax- lllanea for Mull idnrnaRed). in luxnrlnualy w/k INH.MI Willi) )>MI. IIIIIC-. iu I.in I W. It. i tHACK A CO.. AOMNT.M. *\ off dr f'ubllclte. Bruaral*. Tbr r.hW fl» PWfrf" ... ^ Arlaonalt kd." KNB Anthro*' noon 3d. llobcrl L Hague, I'ee 2b Arrived, atr Trevarrac » Telephone M .fllsnn Suu.w 'i270. || Ifnnnirr "><| Nr« > nrl. or I nl \z! J I'lONHfNO, .!. r « .1 w A«onrlon 120 3V Key W«*t noon 3d. Htr Itelnunre, Allon, Pogton- Eaatern (Br», Baltimore. ' All l>\ lil. ;il WTnler ICikitI II « (KAMI'IM AS IA> Hit I.I.NM m.\mu»F. mr uu OR wantrii. PIT Vornllon g . - Jltege 100 K Sandy llook noon 4th. Htoamahlp Corporation I'OBTISHKAf> Jan 3- COLONIAL ) UK.MMAKIi MlltWAV BWRDEM Arrived, n* Brlpmar hour' vie »>vlft Btrn'i« N" pn««nnr'» OffWi I N. ' %' A canfleld Ido 8 Scotland I, V noon 3d. New York. . onirr nTMCWtf. V. rn H8W' flrenton fflty 'Bri, KAIHKR of flTO ekaonl- $5.61. Boat and Rail lllrrrl lo (iUTIIKMIItKli, PWICOKN. a\ii;i:h,)s cki'NKan Ttt.t v ii.kt.s ^"abrllle 2W Tltrf noon till. KOTTKItl >AM. Men .31 -Arrived, atra t.a Receipt fteretp LINEBOSTON, ft. line* "ffrlrr Florida. 'elameree 631 S Sandy llook noon 3d. SAILED. I. IMiRMMTI UWI II|n|] VWIIll) AN I INK I Mil. »b tifjum. AGWI MmwdIiIb koo * f'roaae, Baltimore; Sheaf Me»d (Fir), do, if 'ROVIDENCE, $3.89, Direct Boat I'ulmi Tcxna, California, a ape Kotn»ln H Molt In I'M 3d Hlr* Charlaatan and n