Class Teacher: Mrs Williams Week beginning: 29/6/2020 Week 5 Term 6 Summer Term Thank you to all of you who have sent in photos and videos of your learning at home on Tapestry or school email! It is great to see so many of you taking part in the activities and we are really enjoying looking at what exciting adventures you have been up to! Don’t forget to send in your photos to Tapestry and/or to
[email protected] so that we can celebrate your home learning with the class next week! This term our topic is Wild Things! This week’s story is ‘Giraffe’s Can’t Dance!’ Nursery Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Wk 4 Don’t forget to post Don’t forget to post Don’t forget to post Don’t forget to post on Don’t forget to post on on tapestry on tapestry on tapestry tapestry tapestry Daily sharing of a book/s Daily sharing of a book/s Daily sharing of a book/s Daily sharing of a book/s Daily sharing of a book/s Reading Giraffe’s Can’t Dance! - listen to the story read on Tapestry or on Rhyming game Talking and listening Literacy YouTube or read your Play Silly soup How would you cheer up Gerald? If someone in your own version if you have the story! watch?v=tvSBDVoZD5Y family was feeling sad how Here are some activities linked to the story for you to try: you will need 4 or 5 things would you cheer them up? Draw your favourite animal from the story and label it with support.