MINUTES of a REGULAR MEETING of the TORRANCE CITY COUNCIL the City Council of the City of Torrance Convened in a Regular Meeting at 8:00 P
Torrance, California August 26, 1958 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TORRANCE CITY COUNCIL The City Council of the City of Torrance convened in a regular meeting at 8:00 P. M. Tuesday~ August 26} 1958, in the Council Chamber, City Hall, Torrance, California, Those responding to roll call by Deputy City Clerk Whitacre were: COUNCILMEN: Benstead; Blount) Bradford, Jahn, Isen. ABSENT: COUNCIL MEN: Beasley, Drale. City Manager Stevens was also present. At the request of Ma:·or Isan; ;v;r. Ross Leo led the salute to our Flag. The Reverend Milton Sippel of the First Christian Church opened the meeting with an invocation. Councilman Benstead moved to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 19, 1958, as written, Motion seconded by Councilman Bradford, no objections, so ordered. HEARINGS: Mayor Isen announced this was the time and place for the continued Hearing on: CASE NO. 512: Third and Final Hearing on Case No. 512, petition of Don Wilson and Dominguez Estate Company for a Change of Zone from M-1 to R-1 on property located northerly of Torrance Blvd., westerly of Henrietta St., southerly of Del Amo Blvd., and easterly of Redondo Beach City Limits, recommended for approval. (Held over from July 29 and August 5 meetings of the Council), Mayor Isen asked if anyone present wished to be heard. Mr. Don Wilson, the petitioner, of 24 Portugues8 Bend Road, Rolling Hills, offered to answer any questions the Council might have. He asked if the Council wished to have any further evidence in this matter than he had already given.
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