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on't I. -- ar the ....: .. Company critical of select committee findings ie company whose proposal to bring "big box" retail quamish was rejected earlier this year has criticized hidings of a select coinmi ttee on commercial devel- lent. rst Professional Management West, a rea1 estate I that includes WaI-Mart as one of its clients, was the company to respond to the District of Squamish's lest for proposals for a retail development in the iness Park earlier this year. ,at proposal was rejected by council June 19 as iddirected staff to begin preparing for a sub-area for the Business Park. G .A K KY CuITt..K/V It- I\' f- K( 151 A 13 O\ t-. Pi t 0 I( IC;I< A I 'II 1 Fastball teim f'inishes Brackendale's Kim Quaife one of the Volunteers - (REVV) July, the Select Committee of Community was Race .Everit Vancouver ! f'if'th at NAFA at the Molson Indy Vancouver this weekend. Quaife worked in Pass Control in the pit area :velopnient (SCCD), made up of local business lead- i t 0 11 mey and is hoping to volunteer as a Trackside worker to be closer to the action next year. ;, recommended council approach big box with cau- n, noting that such ii development could hurt com- :ing sniall businesses in the Business Park and down- vn, lead to traffic congestion and a net loss of jobs. : lfldex I a letter to The Chief and copied to Squamish coiin- Workers Top Story 3 , Graeine Silvera, project nianager for First ; Opinion 10 ifessional, says the cominittee's warnings on big box "It's mi absolutely ridiculous situation. It's Campaign aims to remove [ Letters 11 veloprnent are "false and entirely misleading". coiii pl e t e 1y u n 1';i i r ;in d ii nj us t . " 'Preliminary traff'ic studies conclude that the exist i ii~ i: SQTV 16-17 t c Western Red Cedar from On Aug. 12 the US. announced ;i preliiminar-y networkcan easily handle the traffic generated by 19.3 per cent duty on Can;idian sof'twood Itini- About Town 19 iinercial development,'? said Si 1vei.a. U.S. duty be I* i in ports . 23-25 quamish holds the unique distinction of' being the '4 coalition of organizations f'roni Ciinada and i sports - y cornmunity of its size in B.C. that lacks a niajor or the U.S. 1;iunched an aggressive campaign Aug. ; Classifieds 26-31 ior department store, Silvera noted. 'tin-ently Squamish residents are flocking to the _. ..................... I xter Vancouver area to fulfill basic shopping needs, vera noted, citing the MqrkTrend' Consultants study August 2000, which indicated that 90 per cent of res-- ers' choice. two- by- i'o 11 I* s t 11ds, the c oa 1 i t io 11 nts regularly shop out-of-town for a variety of prod- LOCa 1 I n t e 1-11at i on a 1 Forest "Oyerntiorzs savs. ~rod~cts~erfol-) e~-nployees. are extreiizely GVRC dot.s not compete with rlly two in 10 residents feel there are already *- along with councillors Paul Lalli sti-uctiirril sof'iwoods bcc;iLise it is ough shops in Squaniish and almost thi-ee-quarters of and Wendy Magee, attended ;i mss tentative ot used primarily hi- decorative appli- 79 dents said they would be less likely to leave ra~yat the U.S. Consulate in t/ij,yp&/it. cat i on s I i k e s i d i ii ;I 11d t I-i 111. amish to shop if new stores were added," he said, Vancouver Thursday to protest the -Ron Sander The Stalid LJp For Ccdti~.cii~ii- 19.3 per cent U.S. duty that was .............................................. paign is iriteiicicd to mobilizc work- believe the citizens and businesscs of Squaniish imposed on sof'twood lunibei- last 4 wheel drive, auto, Id benefit fi-om the addition of new retail stores," 1110 n t 11. loaded! I Intcl-f-ol~'shoui-ly illid stnf'f crnployees ;1skcd to c full text of' Silvcra's Icttcr appcars on page 1 1. shut down the mill to attend the rally Thursday. I was chaii-m;in of' a conimittcc and anything I said said nii I1 rnrinagcr Ron Sander. tlic opinion of the co1nniittce," said comniittcc "Obviously wc'll coopel-ate with our guys ail)' Dave Stewart wheii asked fix conimcnt last week. time over this,39 lic said. ~'rcgoing IO get ;i report that rctlccts the opinion of' "0pcra t i 011 s arc c s t re nie 1y tent i vc ;it t 11 i s vallcy. We're also t;ixp;iycr-s and point," said Sandci-."To be gcncrous it's \wck to week, rea1istic:illy it's day by day. We're deeply -Continued on page 2 concerned by this and the effect it will have. I 604-892-FQWB (3673) I/ DL#D858O,i -- -_I___ T cv 0 0 0 0 CD 2 *A uesday, September 4,2001 1111 The Chief Squamish, B.C. I Bits & Pieces - Weather Watch -Continued from page I “For how long I don’t know. Our projected cut is probably another 60,000 cubic metres from TFL 38 for the rest of the year,” said Miller. “When the smoke clears we’ll be significantly down from where we planned to be from the start of the year. “This whole thing is proba- bly years away from being solved, unfortunately.” Doug Clitheroe, chairman of the B.C. WRC Lumber Association, said cedar is an innocent bystander, caught in the crossfire of this dispute. “Cedar should not have New Moon First Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter Sept. 17 Sept. 24 Sept. 10 i been included in this trade Oct. 2 action in the first place since the target is really structural lumber, like two-by-fours,” said Clitheroe. “Cedar is an The- .- Tides ---- 6.C. Minister of Forests Mike de Jong was one of the speakers at a rally for angry mill pproachec appearance-grade product workers held outside the U.S. Consulate in Vancouver on Thursday morning. n a car in a that is primarily used in non- n,o lot and structural applications.” Fourteen of the mills are on The coalition believes that a P U.S. duty due to its he The future of both the the B.C. coast, including the cedar exemption represents a reliance on cedar. Squamish tangible firstin Date Low Tide (feet) High Tide (feet) Canadian and U.S. cedar .............................................................. Estimates indicate industries and thousands of Lumber step about 15,000 direct jobs Sept. 4 1:28 a.m. (2.66) 6:47 a.m. (3.93) jobs on both sides of the bor- Division. “This whole thing re s 0 I v i n g be lost on the coast as a resu 1:16 p.m. (1.49) 7:59 p.m. (4.33) der, depend on the removal of the sott-I of the continuing duty. wood WRC products from the dis- typicallyCedar is is probably years lum- The coalition includes Sept. 5 2:OO a.m. (2.44) 7:32 a.m. (3.90) pute, said Jim Carison, chair- used in away from being ber dispute. B.C. Council of Resou 1 :47 p.m. (I .75) 8: 19 p.m. (4.32) man of the U.S. Red Cedar house sid- An exemp- Communities, the C Manufacturers Association. ing, fencing, solved. ” tion would Forest and Sept. 6 2:33 a.m. (2.22) 8: 19 a.m. (3.85) -Dave Miller also provide Sixteen primary cedar mills door._- win- .............................................................. Association, Industrial A1 2: 19 p.m. (2.06) 8:39 p.m. (4.30) and dozens of re-manufactur- dow and fur- some imme- Workers of Canada, ers in B.C. export about $1 niture stock, and for other diate stability to the B.C. Red Cedar Association a Sept. 7 3: 10 a.m. (2.01) 9: 12 a.m. (3.79) billion worth of cedar annual- high-value appearance appli-. coast, which is the region in the U.S. Red Ced 254 p.m. (2.40) 9:02 p.m. (4.26) ly into the U.S. cations. Canada hardest hit by the Manufacturers Association. Sept. 8 3:49 a.m. (1.83) 10: 12 a.m. (3.74) 3:33 P.M. (2.74) 9:28 p.m. (4.20) Commercial development is still possible: Stewart 1 I Sept. 9 4:34 a.m. (1.68) 1 1 :26 a.m. (3.73) --Continued from page I ............................................................................... Acting Mayor Paul Lalli said he re However, Stewart said, the committee “we && ’t say ’don‘t do the letter written by Silvera and appre i did not rule out commercial develop- ? I? ates where he’s coming from. : ment in the area. it ever . “However, Mr. Stewart has been “Our recommendations are saying we -Dave Stewart long-time citizen of Squamish as well i don’t really support it at this time.. .we ............................................................................... a prominent business man,” said La have given guidelines to council to . “The district is doing a sub-area pl 604-892-9 16 1 604-892-8483 monitor it for the next year. We also sug- gated. and when it’s completed we’ll take E-mail: sqchief @uniserve.com i gested how the impacts could be miti- “We didn’t say ‘don’t do it ever’.’’ next course of action.” I RACE& COMPANY Barristers, Solicitors & Mediators I EST.