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Company critical of select committee findings

ie company whose proposal to bring "big box" retail quamish was rejected earlier this year has criticized hidings of a select coinmi ttee on commercial devel- lent. rst Professional Management West, a rea1 estate I that includes WaI-Mart as one of its clients, was the company to respond to the District of Squamish's lest for proposals for a retail development in the iness Park earlier this year. ,at proposal was rejected by council June 19 as iddirected staff to begin preparing for a sub-area for the Business Park. G .A K KY CuITt..K/V It- I\' f- K( 151 A 13 O\ t-. Pi t 0 I( IC;I< A I 'II 1 Fastball teim f'inishes Brackendale's Kim Quaife one of the Volunteers - (REVV) July, the Select Committee of Community was Race .Everit ! f'if'th at NAFA at the Molson Indy Vancouver this weekend. Quaife worked in Pass Control in the pit area :velopnient (SCCD), made up of local business lead- i t 0 11 mey and is hoping to volunteer as a Trackside worker to be closer to the action next year. ;, recommended council approach big box with cau- n, noting that such ii development could hurt com- :ing sniall businesses in the Business Park and down- vn, lead to traffic congestion and a net loss of jobs. : lfldex I a letter to The Chief and copied to Squamish coiin- Workers Top Story 3 , Graeine Silvera, project nianager for First ; Opinion 10 ifessional, says the cominittee's warnings on big box "It's mi absolutely ridiculous situation. It's Campaign aims to remove [ Letters 11 veloprnent are "false and entirely misleading". coiii pl e t e 1y u n 1';i i r ;in d ii nj us t . " 'Preliminary traff'ic studies conclude that the exist i ii~ i: SQTV 16-17 t c Western Red Cedar from On Aug. 12 the US. announced ;i preliiminar-y networkcan easily handle the traffic generated by 19.3 per cent duty on Can;idian sof'twood Itini- About Town 19 iinercial development,'? said Si 1vei.a. U.S. duty be I* i in ports . 23-25 quamish holds the unique distinction of' being the '4 coalition of organizations f'roni Ciinada and i sports - y cornmunity of its size in B.C. that lacks a niajor or the U.S. 1;iunched an aggressive campaign Aug. ; Classifieds 26-31 ior department store, Silvera noted. 'tin-ently Squamish residents are flocking to the _...... I xter Vancouver area to fulfill basic shopping needs, vera noted, citing the MqrkTrend' Consultants study August 2000, which indicated that 90 per cent of res-- ers' choice. two- by- i'o 11 I* s t 11ds, the c oa 1 i t io 11 nts regularly shop out-of-town for a variety of prod- LOCa 1 I n t e 1-11at i on a 1 Forest "Oyerntiorzs savs. ~rod~cts~erfol-) e~-nployees. are extreiizely GVRC dot.s not compete with rlly two in 10 residents feel there are already *- along with councillors Paul Lalli sti-uctiirril sof'iwoods bcc;iLise it is ough shops in Squaniish and almost thi-ee-quarters of and Wendy Magee, attended ;i mss tentative ot used primarily hi- decorative appli- 79 dents said they would be less likely to leave ra~yat the U.S. Consulate in t/ij,yp&/it. cat i on s I i k e s i d i ii ;I 11d t I-i 111. amish to shop if new stores were added," he said, Vancouver Thursday to protest the -Ron Sander The Stalid LJp For Ccdti~.cii~ii- 19.3 per cent U.S. duty that was ...... paign is iriteiicicd to mobilizc work- believe the citizens and businesscs of Squaniish imposed on sof'twood lunibei- last 4 wheel drive, auto, Id benefit fi-om the addition of new retail stores," 1110 n t 11. loaded! I Intcl-f-ol~'shoui-ly illid stnf'f crnployees ;1skcd to c full text of' Silvcra's Icttcr appcars on page 1 1. shut down the mill to attend the rally Thursday. I was chaii-m;in of' a conimittcc and anything I said said nii I1 rnrinagcr Ron Sander. tlic opinion of the co1nniittce," said comniittcc "Obviously wc'll coopel-ate with our guys ail)' Dave Stewart wheii asked fix conimcnt last week. time over this,39 lic said. ~'rcgoing IO get ;i report that rctlccts the opinion of' "0pcra t i 011 s arc c s t re nie 1y tent i vc ;it t 11 i s vallcy. We're also t;ixp;iycr-s and point," said Sandci-."To be gcncrous it's \wck to week, rea1istic:illy it's day by day. We're deeply

-Continued on page 2 concerned by this and the effect it will have. I 604-892-FQWB (3673) I/ DL#D858O,i -- -_I___


cv 0 0 0 0 CD 2 *A uesday, September 4,2001 1111 The Chief Squamish, B.C. I Bits & Pieces - Weather Watch

-Continued from page I “For how long I don’t know. Our projected cut is probably another 60,000 cubic metres from TFL 38 for the rest of the year,” said Miller. “When the smoke clears we’ll be significantly down from where we planned to be from the start of the year. “This whole thing is proba- bly years away from being

solved, unfortunately.” Doug Clitheroe, chairman of the B.C. WRC Lumber Association, said cedar is an innocent bystander, caught in the crossfire of this dispute. “Cedar should not have New Moon First Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter Sept. 17 Sept. 24 Sept. 10 i been included in this trade Oct. 2 action in the first place since the target is really structural lumber, like two-by-fours,” said Clitheroe. “Cedar is an The- .- Tides ---- 6.C. Minister of Forests Mike de Jong was one of the speakers at a rally for angry mill pproachec appearance-grade product workers held outside the U.S. Consulate in Vancouver on Thursday morning. n a car in a that is primarily used in non- n,o lot and structural applications.” Fourteen of the mills are on The coalition believes that a P U.S. duty due to its he The future of both the the B.C. coast, including the cedar exemption represents a reliance on cedar. Squamish tangible firstin Date Low Tide (feet) High Tide (feet) Canadian and U.S. cedar ...... Estimates indicate industries and thousands of Lumber step about 15,000 direct jobs Sept. 4 1:28 a.m. (2.66) 6:47 a.m. (3.93) jobs on both sides of the bor- Division. “This whole thing re s 0 I v i n g be lost on the coast as a resu 1:16 p.m. (1.49) 7:59 p.m. (4.33) der, depend on the removal of the sott-I of the continuing duty. wood WRC products from the dis- typicallyCedar is is probably years lum- The coalition includes Sept. 5 2:OO a.m. (2.44) 7:32 a.m. (3.90) pute, said Jim Carison, chair- used in away from being ber dispute. B.C. Council of Resou 1 :47 p.m. (I .75) 8: 19 p.m. (4.32) man of the U.S. Red Cedar house sid- An exemp- Communities, the C Manufacturers Association. ing, fencing, solved. ” tion would Forest and Sept. 6 2:33 a.m. (2.22) 8: 19 a.m. (3.85) -Dave Miller also provide Sixteen primary cedar mills door._- win- ...... Association, Industrial A1 2: 19 p.m. (2.06) 8:39 p.m. (4.30) and dozens of re-manufactur- dow and fur- some imme- Workers of , ers in B.C. export about $1 niture stock, and for other diate stability to the B.C. Red Cedar Association a Sept. 7 3: 10 a.m. (2.01) 9: 12 a.m. (3.79) billion worth of cedar annual- high-value appearance appli-. coast, which is the region in the U.S. Red Ced 254 p.m. (2.40) 9:02 p.m. (4.26) ly into the U.S. cations. Canada hardest hit by the Manufacturers Association.

Sept. 8 3:49 a.m. (1.83) 10: 12 a.m. (3.74) 3:33 P.M. (2.74) 9:28 p.m. (4.20) Commercial development is still possible: Stewart 1 I Sept. 9 4:34 a.m. (1.68) 1 1 :26 a.m. (3.73) --Continued from page I ...... Acting Mayor Paul Lalli said he re However, Stewart said, the committee “we && ’t say ’don‘t do the letter written by Silvera and appre i did not rule out commercial develop- ? I? ates where he’s coming from. : ment in the area. it ever . “However, Mr. Stewart has been “Our recommendations are saying we -Dave Stewart long-time citizen of Squamish as well i don’t really support it at this time.. .we ...... a prominent business man,” said La have given guidelines to council to . “The district is doing a sub-area pl 604-892-9 16 1 604-892-8483 monitor it for the next year. We also sug- gated. and when it’s completed we’ll take E-mail: sqchief @uniserve.com i gested how the impacts could be miti- “We didn’t say ‘don’t do it ever’.’’ next course of action.”

I RACE& COMPANY Barristers, Solicitors & Mediators I EST. 1973


A The Chief $33 Squamish, B.C. B ‘Tuesday, September 4, 2001 33 3 THE CHIEF Editorial enquiries? Pleuse comer The Chief Box 3.500, 38 I I7 Secotid Avertire, r1 ’> Squumisli, Bt-irish Colirtiibiu VON 3G0 PltotIe: 604-892-9161 FuX: 604-892-8483 E-tmil: sycliief @ uttiser-ve.cot11 ww w. syucinii.shcliiej: .__ ...... -. -.- ...... -.-- -, . TOII tory 1 BRIEFS S ossbow suspect ck in court A 41-year-old Squamish i goals n has been charged with i on of a weapon and i Superintendent “We’ll do that by working a threat following i with the Teachers Association, nt with a cro.ssbow wants to ensure CUPE local, parents, commu- e Loggers Sports i nity members at large and stu- everyone dents to help them become the ce McIntyre will be i reaches their best they can be,” she said. in Squamish provincial i full potential Rossler said the district con- on Sept. 18 to obtain i tinues to work across the Sea counsel and face the j BY NATALIEMCGINNIS to Sky corridor to ensure it The Chief functions as one entity rather es stem from an ! than three or four separate dis- cident just after 10 p.m. on i Good grades in school come tri c ts . from hard work and determi- “We have to keep that in ccording to Squamish i nation on the student’s part. mind all the time,” said But students also need sup- Rossler. “I’m very pleased CMP, Mchtvre alle~edlvu d.i oached a couple sitting i port from teachers, parents, with how hard teachers in the car in a downtown park- i’ the community and adminis- district work. We have a really Jot and pointed a cross- tratjon to really ...... 22oOOd group Of at them and verbally reach their‘fdl administrators i potential, says “Each who care about one was injured in the School District that isn ’t students and No. 48 superin- staff and parent tendent D r. successful input. i Linda Rossler. means we as a “We have to U I This is what community make a differ- ormally charged ence for kids in A 30-year-old Squainish she intends to 1 /. .1 1 .. focus her work haVeJaleed. ’I the first few n has- now been formally on during: the years of their ri edd after fondling him- lives,” she said. elf in front of four women course OF the upcoming -Dr. Linda “Schools can‘t 11 June JU. school year. Wossller do that alone. Christopher Gaede has ...... We have to do it een charged with one count 66we7iiensure N,\I*AI.I}. McGI NK I SKIi I (’! I It. t- with the parents Sound School District Superintendent Da. Linda has been ha1-d at f engaging in an indecent that it’s done acadeniical ly, HQW~ Rossler Brt socially, emotionally and and the community. work preparing for the new school year. She is spending so much time at the of’f’icc, slic physically in terms of their “It’s about parents working had to bring along her dog Sandy to keeb her coIiipany.- - career aspirations,” said with the school to make a dif- Rossler. ference with their own chil- tant superintendent in FIin cessful means we as a coni- held in Whistler Sept. 28. She says the school district dren.” Flon, Man., and Golden, R.C. munity have failed,” said Bob Eaker will speak ;iboiit wants to work with the com- Rossler has over two Before moving to Squaniish, Rossler. ways everybody can address munities to increase student decades teaching experience Rossler was superintendent at A conference to discuss problem facing students, and b& success in the district, which and has spent time as a vice- a school district in the Queen learning communities” - a1 the same time, work to include regular, gifted and principal and principal in ele- ,Chado tte Islands. people within an organization ensure students are safe froin special learning students. mentary schools, and as assis- “Each child that isn’t SUC- working together - will be violence, said Rossler. Mall staff willing to help skateboarders board park at Brennan Park,” said in getting the kids to cooperate plenty of use. Merchants ask for Wittman, who has been dealing with more.” “There were over 40 kids there [at cooperation skateboarders for his 15 years as a Last month the owners of the the new skate park] yesterday,” she maintenance employee. Chieftain Centre, Squamish Station, said Wednesday. BY NATALIEMCGINNIS “I went down and had a look at the Highlands Mall formed a committee The park received some rain dam- The Chief one at the high school and it seems all and met with the district to propose a age and was in the process of being .& ~~~ ~ ~ right,” he said. skateboard i ng by law. fixed last week, which may explain Local mall merchants raised con- However, he said he talked to some Acting Mayor Paul Lalli said the part of the problems, said Kaye. cerns last week that some skateboard- younger skateboarders at the ma11 and district agreed to look at the proposed “I’ve heard rumors that some kids ers are still using mall properties to asked them why they were still skat- bylaw. think they aren’t allowed to use it skate on, despite the creation of a new ing on mall property. He said they “The district is investigating rhe because they didn’t volunteer their park at nearby Mowe Sound told him they liked riding the curbs, possibility of implementing a bylaw time,” which isn’t the case, Kaye Secondary School. which the park doesn’t offer, and in concerning skateboarding in the com- said. “Now that we have that park we’re turn Wittman offered to donate some munity, using examples of bylaws “It’s only been open for a week, you still getting some at the Chieftain cement curbs to the skate park. .. from other cities,” said Lalli. have to give kids a chance to use it.” Mall,” said Art Wittman, the inall’s “They’re welcome to have theni, Meanwhile, Kelly Kaye, who initi- Thc park doesn’t have lights yet. so maintenance manager. he said. “We’re willing to do any- ated the skate park project, said the skateboarders can’t use it at nirrht, she SI c 16 I or fax 604-892-8483. i “We originally Gilt them a skate- thing. We’re just askin_gfor their heip park at the hcgh school is getting added. DOUGLAS B. CHIASSON Lawyer & Mediator Family Law & Civil Litigation 16 years experience Divorce/Family Law Mediation Custod y/Access Marri age/Separa t ion Agree men ts Employment Law Wrongfu I Dismissal Civil Litigation !CBC & ot!?er igjury c!ains SquanJish: 604-892-2211 Whistler: 604-935-11 42 Douglas B, Chiasson [email protected] 38 14 I Second Ave., Fax: 603-892-2278 4 El Tuesday, September 4, 2001 SlI The Chief Squamish, B.C. For your best Mortgage rates and options. Kcsitlcri t i 11 ~ornmcrcial 604-250-6364 ttJI f rcc 1 -877-250-6304 News TVwars begin ...... “It’s an extremely to serve ui new CTV exciting time to be in Correction Breakfast the television business. 99 BY IANJACQUES The Chief -Tamara Stanners The Squamish & District ...... Labour Committee’s incorrectly With one flick of a switch the face of ad ran said. “This market has never really seen in edition. television changed dramatically in the last Lower Mainland on Saturday morning. any kind of change except for the “Public Relations” is not part of At the stroke of midnight, four of the changes at Global television throughout their list of accomplishments. five major market television stations the years. Change is good and to be a swapped places in one of the most radi- part of it all and see it all shake down is cal changes in Canadian broadcasting a great opportunity.” h i s to ry . Stanners accepted the job as on-air host BCTV is now called Global BC, for the Breakfast show after Aamer Global is now CKVU 13 until the Haleem tendered his resignation last CHUM group officially takes over the week. station pending approval from the Stanners and her breakfast buddies hit Canadian Radi 0- television and the airwaves bright and early this morn- Te 1ec om m u n i c a ti on s Commission ing (Sept. 4) at 5 am. (CRTC) in January, VTV is now BC The show is on an hour earlier than the CTV, Victoria’s CHEK TV is now CH 6 show was on VTV and runs until 7 a.m. and KVOS, channel 12 out of where Canada AM takes over. Tamara Stanners Bcllingham will be moving further up “Our show is essentially the same,” she the dial shortly as a new station VI said. on,” Stanners said. “No matter where tti (Vancouver Island) debuts out of “With Canada AM now on our station viewer will turn, they will get what thc Victoria. we’ll be able to provide a lot more local want. It’s going to be interesting to se Confused yet? You’re not alone. cut-ins and keep people in touch before how it all plays out. B r ac ken d a 1e ’s Ta in ara Stan n ers, who they head in for their morning commute. “Right now things are really not on took up residence reading the news on “I like reading the news, but for me the even playing field. CKVU is at a disa the VTV Breakfast show during the ability to be local to talk to people and vantage until the CRTC approval corn summer, has now been hired as the per- have some fun is what I love. through and both Global BC and us [B nianent host of the CTV Breakfast show “Sure I have to be up really early every CTV] have spent a tremendous amou on BC CTV. morning, but that’s the price I have to of money trying to battle it out, Ii’ Even Stanners admits she’ll nced a play to get this really cool gig. I can’t going to be interesting to see what hap scorecard to try and keep up with all the wait to get started.” pens’and who wins. changes. “The people in this market are great “As a viewer, you’ve got to be excite “It’s an extremely exciting time to be and very talented people so viewers about this and in the end, everyone i in the television business,” Stanners should not feel cheated by what’s going going to get a better product.” new Chief. new N here t 111 vhat thc ng to se ou've told us that you want fresher news, more complete sports and up- -date events listings in your community newspaper. lot on ;t listened - and we're remaking your community newspaper. We'll still have a complete listing of all your community events and your complete TV listings. Plus Squamish's best buys in our guaranteed classifieds.

To make the change, next week we'll print two editions of The Chief - 8n 'I1 be on your doorstep first thing Saturday morning, with a Tuesday, Sept. 11 as normal and again on Saturday, Sept. 15, Our dead- and-new look and plenty of new features. lines for the Tuesday paper are Friday, Sept. 7 as usual.

ming out Saturday means your news will be fresher. No more iting a week to find out what council did. Our sports coverage will be re complete, with full sports statistics from every sport in The deadline for letters to the editor, darts and daffodils and classified uamish, from soccer to hockey to ringette to slo-pitch and everything in and display advertising for the Saturday, Sept. I5 paper is next een. Wedlnesday (Sept. 12) at I2 p.m.

%someans we can offer eiivery firs - no more waitirg untit the afte~nsonor eadiy evening to get paper on your doorstep.

d don't worry - community events collumnist reen niors columnist Kay Wirachowsky aren't going anywhere. the nler Expert advice on... c7 Holland Bulbs W r Fall Planting n I Winterizing your aJ U B G a rd e n w (3

604-8 98-38 13 A-- 30- woman 1861 Mamquam Road Sq u ani i s 3n Sept. rnent he' illeged ii SIGN GROUP cnt in( iouse or Janet F :ount of :ourt app riiesday Farness flay 7, 2 :harges, ession 604-8984 222 veapon, 40360 Government RD. ly harm STEVE BENNETT veapon. Farn e ss harges a nvol ved Mc

Sq u a m i ! iat four I Squami: ssault ag Ronald 0 with ti In Squa )ur other The cha ssault, o iunt of rn Presto Picnic 5 I D 2 BBQ $ Chicken Pizzas, a2 ;ee


GST extra NOW TILL SEPT 9TH,2001 It was a wnd Sc ; thousa eoperty F Iorting g e slight]: zOI CHRISTINA BURG 3n Aug 7 N 604-892-3673 ree-foot 09 op 604-892-FORD wn orn; e -*% $$T 3m the b SUBSCRIB[R BONUS! I 1361 Winnipeg St '"~>*<*..+ I 1180 HUNTER PLACE I I Westw; I LYNN PASKO The orni If the lucky Escape winner is a Home $200 a1 Delivered Subscriber we will spects. In Aug. supply $lOOO.OOingas! ROB SWERDFEGER a.m. u Squamish :ked in Station incouver 604-815-0001 nhree mc d at $' den a101 ard. 'he bikc Icky Mt lite in c alanche

We E 6 The Chief Squamish, B.C. Tuesday, September 4, 200 I News IFour chames laid in I' 'U

udson~ - - House- -~ -- assault

BY IANJACQUES pute at Hudson House. Charanjit Kaur Kingra is Thc Chief "It was ;i dispute involving charged with oiie count of' the suspect and two other aggravated assault. A-- 30-year-old Squamish victims that we know of," The charge of aggravated woman will be back in said Cpl. Mike Byrne. assault, which implies the S q u ani i s h pro v i n c i a 1 c o ii r t "The residents began argu- victim's life was in danger, on Sept. 11 for an arraign- ing and things became vio- carries with it a possible sen- ment hearing following her lent." tence of up to 14 years in alleged involvement in a vio- Police recovered a kitchen prison. lent incident at Hudson knife with a 30-cm blade and The incident occurred at a House on Aug. 7. a rolling pin believed to have home on Chestnut Drive Janet Farness is facing one been used in the attack. around 5 p.m. on July 10. count of theft after her brief One man was treated for a When Squamish RCMP court appearance in court last two-inch wound to his head arrived at the scene, they Tuesday (Aug. 28). while another victim was learned that a person known Farness will be in court on treated for cuts on his fore- to her had assaulted an 87- ... . May 7,2002 to face the other arm. year-old woman. charges, which include pos- W Police said the victim session of a dangerous A 47-year-old Squamish received numerous blows to weapon, assault causing bod- woman will appear for an her head and hands from a ily harm and assault with a arraignment hearing in blunt metal instrument. Squamish provincial court The victim was taken to . . . , ...... weapon. Farness is facing the Sept. 18 for her part in a vio- Squamish General Hospital charges after allegedly being lent domestic dispute on July and later transferred to involved in a domestic dis- 10. Vancouver General Hospital. More charaes in sex assault

Squamish crown counsel confirmed Friday gross indecency. hat four more charges have been laid against Devitt was to make his next court appear- Squamish man following an alleged sexual ance today (Sept. 4). issault against two young teen girls. The charges stem from a complaint nude to Ronald Clare Devitt, 63, was charged Aug. Squamish RCMP on Aug. 16. !O with two counts of sexual assault. Police investigated and laid the initial two In Squamish provincial court on Tuesday, charges against Devitt. our other charges were added to the file. A publication ban is in effect, which pro- The charges include one count of sexual hibits the media from reporting the names or Issault, one count of sexual touching, one any information about the victims in the iount of indecent assault and one count of case. Police Blotter ee you late

BY IANJACQUES Fisher. The snowboard that Squamish General Hospital " Thc Chicf was taken has yellow and for treatment of minor blue bindings. injuries to his hands. H No charges will be laid It was a week for break-ins - L round Squamish last week For the second time in a against the man. s thousands of dollars in week, a Squamish resident roperty was stolen - from had his shed broken into. The first day of school is porting goods and tools to This time the break-in rapidly approaching and the le slightly more bizarre.. . occurred on Aug. 29 and a Squarnish RCMP are prepar- NA BURG On Aug. 18 an 80-pound Stihl drill was stolen. ing for the onslaught of for- 2-3673 iree-foot concrete alligator Police have no suspects. aoetful drivers. 2-FORD iwn ornament was stolen For the next few weeks dri- .om the backyard of a home The Squamish Youth vers can expect an increase n Westway Avenue. Centre was the target of in police presence in all The ornament was valued thieves last week. school zones. Furthermore, $200 and'police have no Unknown suspects tossed a local volunteers from fl.5 ispec ts. rock through a window,. got Speedwatch will be using a y - 832- s 3 Y 5 inside and stole a Piay board to display dri- On Aug. 23 between 2 and Station game system on Aug. ver's speeds and to remind a.m. unknown suspects 24. It's the second time in the them to slow down. cked in a locked shed on last few weeks that the youth School zcnes are in effect ancouver Street. centre has been broken into. Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. rhree mountain bikes Val- H to 5 p.m. (except when :d at $1,500 each were On Aug. 30, police patrols school is not in session i.e. we-would ahlike- to t;x4ye;rs owdeypztihde to ow den along with a snow- found an injured cyclist who p r o f e s s i o n a 1 d e v e 1o p m e n t lard. ran into a parked car on days). it$Biuna +~uwm owcki/drm Ciwia$ ~odyand The bikes stolen were a Westway Avenue. To volunteer for the but xky Mt. Spice blue and Police said the 58-year-old Speedwatch program call 0x7 wondtr~$/cwtomxr q-$rnhjr mL8 the- 8 We in color, a grey GT Squamish resident was intox- Squamish RCMP at 604-898- euri JWL GC ixcccu~mu$i/emm-. ilalanche and a green Gary icated and was taken to 9611. Y R Communitv t-

In1 follow Unforl counte lumbe;

Th Golf+Dznner loggin * to writ IAN JACQUE~~HECHIEF Starting from $65 per person, you can take part in The Caribbean sounds of steel band Sweet Pan filled the air on Sunday as Vertical Reality Sports Store presented Summer Jam 2001. either the Sunset Nine & Dine or the Twilight Golf I & Dinner. Either package includes green fee, power ‘1 cart, and a delectable meal in our Sea to Sky Grill. Runninw makes a difference1 !Y!! U 111 LLlllQ Call us at: 1-888-922-9461 and see for yourself. everyone makes in partici- Once leaving the Pavil 21st annual pating annually in the Terry the course continues alon Terry FOXRun FOX Run. Loggers Lane to Fi set fbr Sept. 16 The 20th anniversary run Drive. This will be the tur T last year raised $1.7 million around point for the 5-k Golf and Country Club . BY IANJACQUES in Bk. and the Yukon with route. The Chief more than 120 communities, The IO-km route contin 1,085 schools and I I6 corpo- along Loggers Lane to, w ww.golfbc.com I i [email protected] His courage showed that rations participating. pedestrian overpass, alon everyone can make a differ- In Squamish, the mnmuni- Government to Queenswa ence. ty raised $7,975.21 while Avenue and right o On Sept. 16, more than two $8,369.44 was raised in Queensway to the rail -tracks, million people in 55 coun- 1999. It continues left into the train tries will participate in the Organizers of the Squamish station, out along Pi0 21 st annual Terry Fox Run. event are hoping to meet or back to Queensway, along t Since the Marathon of beat last year’s goal. Buckley Avenue, across th Hope began in 1980, the run This year’s event gets tracks onto the trail-to Thir has grown to become the going at 9:45 a.m. with sign- Avenue, down to Main Stree largest si ngle-day fund-rai s- in and warm-up at the and back to the Pavilion. ing effort for cancer research Squamish Pavilion on For more information around the world. Cleveland Avenue, with the pledge forms, t-shirts, hats This year’s theme is ‘Every run set to start at 10 a.m. pins, and copies of the ro 1 Makes a Difference’ to cel- There are both 5 km and 10 or to volunteer- call ebrate the difference that km events and participants McRae at Commu Fox made and the difference can run or walk. Futures at 604-892-5467. First Nations enrichment school opens i .‘ ,. School District #48 and the Squamish Nation adults over 19 who wish to attain their

/., . Nation opened the First Nations Enrichment Dogwood Certificate. Included in the curricu- School today (Sept. 4). lum are a variety of recreational and cultural The school was created to help increase the experiences. i graduation rate of First Nations students in Referrals will most commonly come from grades nine to 12, with a maximum enrolment Don Ross Secondary School and Howe Sound of 15 students. It’s also geared towards First Secondary School.

IR OF GLASSES OR SUNGLASSES? our wide selection of designer frames and frame free for yourself or a friend. dly, qualified staff choose the right frame for you. ON ALL FRAMES-(some restrictions do apply) UAMISH OPTOMETRY EYE HEALTH CLINIC 1034365 PEMBERTON AVE. TOWN SQUAMlSH-604-892-5055~~-888-EYE-G~~~ Stawamus Elcrnc~itary- Bike trip GI-I EIeIIiclitii~~- PAC Squamish Fire Rcscue - training ceiitrc Kinget tc - Bu~inics S qua rn i sl i M i 11 o r 1-10ckcy Iiowe Sound Minor Ball Sr. Boys High School Socccr Big Brothers/Big Sisters [INTERFOR) Special Olympics ‘Iorcli Ru II Boy Scouts Squamish Lumber Division Army Cadets Roya 1 Ca ria d i an Leg i on SO0 Cod i tiori Interfor is proud to have been able to support the Now SOUT~~!Secondary - Carecr programs following events and organanizations in the recent past. Sca to Sky Soccer Schools C1i amber of Conunc rce Unfortunately, due to the unfar and unjustified 19.3% Canada WorId Youth countervailing duty imposed by the United States on our Brennan Park Rccreatioii Ccii tcr lumber products we cannot continue to do this. ‘l’ourism syniposi wn Iiallowceii Fireworks Squamisli Fire Rescue - Firc Prevon tion Coriferciicc This situation has put hundreds of sawmilling and Lower Ma inla lid Police Curling Playdown s logging jobs in your community at risk. We encourage you Christrnas Parade - Santa display Zaniboni Sponsorship - Brennm Park to write the Prime Minister (no postage required) to let him community Futures know your comments. Cornmunity Christmas Care Howe Sound Secondary - Scholarship Logger Sports Hill top House Rt.Hon. Pierre Pettigrew Rt.Hon. Jean Chretien, PC MP Squamish Food Bank International Trade Minister Prime Minister of Canada @H Squamish Triathlon Pavili House of Commons House of Commons Figure Skating Club - Ice Show es alc Squamish Pirates triathlon 3 Fir Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa, Ontario the ti Squamish Windsurfing Society he 5-1 K1A OA6 K1A OA6 Glen Greensides - Logbook Park (613)992-7332 (613)992-4211 Interf‘or - Hockey School :on ti nr Pemberton - Laoyam Eagles Dragon boat team le to, I s, alo fax (613) 996-8924 fax (613)95 7-5 762 0 Squamish Days - Logger Sports 8 - ieenw U Squamish Days Children’s races ght Squamish Yacht Club ii I -trae the tr; Pionc along :Toss t to Thi iin Strc lion. rmatic ts, ha :he roL all D nmuni i467. IS and ain the Applying the duty on high=valueappearance currici products like Western Red Cedar. Cedar cultur is in short supply in the U.S. and doesn’t compete with.U.S. structural lumber. ne froi Dumber e Sour1 This American-imposed duty will cost U.S. workers their jobs too. For every job lost in the B.C. cedar industry, two Americans will lose their jobs.

I Stand Up for Cedar,

% Exempt it from the war on Canadian lumber, i What You Can Do: TeU Prime Minister Jean Chretien and International Trade Minister Pierre Pettigrew that Western Red Cedar has no place in this trade dispute. Contact the Prime Minister Jean Chretien at: Take Action: Tel: 613-992-4211 Fax:ji13-94M900 email: [email protected] wwwstandupforcedar.com ,...- Contact the International Trade Minister Pierre Pettigrew at: Tel: 613-992-7332 Fax: 613-996-8924 email: [email protected] Stand Up For Cedar is a coalition of American and Canadian groups coniniitted to free trade or mail a letter to them - no postage required - and removing Western Red Cedar from the House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario K1A OA4 current U.S. tmde action against Canadian lumber.

Coast Forest and Industrial Wood and The Western Red Cedar 6.C. Council of U.S. Red Cedar Lumber Association Allied Workers of Canada Lumber Association Resource Communities Manufacturers Association #1100 - 555 Burrard Street #500 - 1285 W. Pender Street F‘ #1200 - 555 Burrard Street #1200 - 355 Burrard Street PO Box 3552 Vancouver, B.C. V7X 1S7 Vancouver, B.C. VGE 4B1 $\%& Vancouver, B.C. V7X 1S7 Vancouver, B.C. VGC 2G8 Redmond, Washington 95073 10 Tuesday, September 4,2001 W The Chief W Squamish, B.C. THE'CHIEF Editorial enquiries? Please contact The Chief Box 3500, 3811 7 Second Avenue, Squamish, VON 3CO Phone: 404-892-9141 Fax: 604-892-84 E-mail: sqchief@ uniserve.com The Squamish Chief i Opinion www.squumishchieJ:com is published every Tuesday by ED IT0RIAL WhisOer Printing and i Pu bl is ti i ng Ltd. 1- 1- Box 3500 I .. -- Squamish, B.C. IYellow is in VON 3G0 i T T That's the biggest colour in back-to-school fashion this week? It's got to be yellow - not for fashion, iwbut for safety. .W KIY4ER i It's the colour on the safety vests you'll see as volunteers CCNAR SrwAms with the Speed Watch program monitor your speed on streets COUHTIIIW near Squamish's elementary schools. It's also the colour of the bright ribbons you'll see on school zone signs during this first week of scho.01 to remind you to slow it down. The Howe Sound School District and ICBC are working on the Yellow Ribbon Campaign to remind drivers that stu- dents are back on the roads in force. It's a necessary reminder. According to ICBC's most recent statistics, six people died and 148 were injured in pedestrian accidents in B.C. in September 1999. In case summer holidays have made you forget, here it is once more: In all school zones, the 30 km/h speed limit is in effect from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on days when students are in school. On streets next to public playgrounds for children, the speed limit is 30 km/h between dawn and dusk. September is a busy time for everybody, with school back in and hundreds of programs for kids and adults starting up. Everyone's got someplace to be, and fast. That makes it all the more important to slow down. It might take you a little longer to get where you're going Cord Derouin - but the extra time could just be worth a child's life. Ad wrtising Mowger i ...... LE'ITER OF THE WEEK

Ian Jac ues Assi.s,mt 'hi,or Natalie McGinnis i Big box retail will help, not hurt Squamish rz:Iive(itish Colui Reporter Nancy Warwick Editor; lack of selection of retailers. traffic that will be attracted to this devel- in a timely manner. It is also the role o Ad Representative i Re: "Commercial Committee backs Only two in 10 residents feel there are opment and will actually lower the Hwy. municipality to facilitate the p Justin Glen downtown plan" - Squaniish Chiej already enough shops in Squamish and 99 traffic volumes as people are inclined its residents' basic needs. Brent Morrison .July 17 almost three-quarters of residents indi- to curb their southbound trips due to the These basic needs include Brian Thompson i Graphic Designers i We are writing this letter in response to cate that they would be less likely to increased retail offerings. education, recreation facilitie your request for comment on the afore- leave Squamish to shop if new stores Regarding the creation of jobs from ping opportunities. Laiia Michell mentioned article that appeared in The were added. commercial development in the Business It has now been more than one Audrey S ncer i Chief newspaper on July 17. Why is it so important to keep these Park, increased local retail spending that - since the District-initiated MarkT Janeane rrdiel A ccounring In particular, our remarks address residents shopping in town? Generally, will result from the location of addition- Study was completed and more than Jill Smith quotes from Mr. Dave Stewart, the com- people choose to take a shopping. trip' al retailers in Squamish will spur a net years since the Rollo report exami Ofice Manager mittee chair of the Select Committee on outside of their local area to seek-out a gain in retail employment, rather that a the suitability of retail developme lac ueline Siemens i Commercial Development (SCCD), in retailer that does not currently exist in net loss as suggested by Mr. Stewart. the Business Park was issued. Distri0 ution Sirpenisor i relation to recommendations made by their local area, such as a department This net gain in retail jobs would result Initially, the District responded Diane Soares the group on July IO. store or warehouse club for example. from an overall increase in the health of tively to the results of the M Denise Conway The comment by Mr. Stewart that big However, once they have arrived at the District's'retail sector, and the excite- study by sending a variety o Ci rcii la t ion .. box would hurt competing small busi- their Intended destina- ...... ment that retailers copy of the study, along with an Jo-Ann Daffern Customer Service i nesses in the Business Park and down- tion they tend to spend would have in opening tion to discuss the prospect of loc .. town, create traffic congestion and result some of their money "Squamish is* a - a new store in a com- Squamish...... : in a net job loss is false and entirely mis- not just in these typ& prime eXaI7Z.k Of- munity that no longer Recognizing the real opportunity Telephone leading. of stores but in a vari- feels pressured to shop economic development, the DistrictPget t 604-892-916 1 To the contrary, it has been the experi- ety of other specialty a community in the Greater the further step of initiating a pro Fax Line ence of numerous municipalities across retail shops. lacking a major Vancouver area. call for the sale of 20 acres o 604-892-8483 Canada that communities lacking the If consumers didn't component 0,its Mr. Stewart also stat- owned land in the Business Pa proper mix of retailers suffer from a net ed "If Whistler gets the retail development. E-mail leave their hometown ?I sqc hief @ un i serve.com i outflow of residents to surroundingjuris- to shop at the depart- retail structure... Olympics, the value of The District recently decide ...... : dictions that offer the elements missing ment store or ware- -Graeme Silvera land in Squamish could the sale and development of th from the communities' retail structure. house club, the money ...... go up, so don't be in a Park Lands. This decision m Yearly Subscriptions i Squamish is a prime example of a com- they spent at other out- huny to give it away in the risk of losing a significa Home Delivery munity lacking a major component of its of-town specialty shops would still be in a good deal". ing opportunity for Squami (Squamish Area) i $42.80 retail structure, namely a major or junior their pockets, available to be spent in We do not believe it is a municipality's who have had their interest Canadian Mail Delivery i department store. specialty shops in their own town. role to be a speculator in real estate. The district's correspondence $85.60 In fact, Squamish holds the unique dis- In the Squamish example, this loss of risk associated with trying to profit from invest their money in a c U.S. (SecondClass) i tinction of being the only community of retail spending is what keeps the timing the peaks and valleys of fluctuat- is cleqrly eager to'see them arrive, , . _- $130.0 CDN its size in British Columbia that lacks District's existing retailers moribund and ing land values is not something to be than one that appears indecisive. overseas $24 I .OO CDN this important component in its retail prevents growth and expansion. taken lightly and should be the some- We believe there is a current oppo hierarchy. The contention that commercial devel- thing left to the private sector in a ftee ty for the development of new ...... Currently Squamish residents are opment in the Business Park will result market economy. stores in the Squamish Business Canada Post flocking to alternative jurisdictions to in traffic congestion is also misleading. The Local Government Act requires a We believe that the citizens Publication Mail Sales i fulfill their basic shopping needs, in par- Prelirpinary traffic.. studies conclude municipality that desires to sell land to nesses of Squamish would bene Product Agreement i ticular to the Greater Vancouver Area. that the existing mad network can easily ' offer it openly to the'public. The Act also the addition of new retail stores. No. 400 I227 I The District retained MarkTrend handle the traffic generated by cornmer- requires that the sale price be no less than not believe that a protracted exercise e Vancouver V Reproduction of any i Consultants to study the shopping pat- cia1 development. Presently, more than the current market value, ensuring that studies and discussions will result material contained in this i terns of Squamish residents. The results, 2.5 million cars pass by the Business the District receives the maximum com- more beneficial economic develop publication is expressly opportunity than the timely deve forbidden without the prior i released in August 2000, indicated that Park annually. This figure is a 30 per pensation for the community's asset. consent of the publisher, i 90 per cent of Squamish residents regu- cent increase from annual trafk in 1989. We also -believe it is the role of a of new retail stores. larly shop outside of Squamish for a These cars are already on the highway municipality to promote an economic In fact, the opportunity for n variety of products and services, the and any commercial development in the environment conducive to both existing development may very well most common being for clothing and Business Park will not increase this vol- and new businesses. through the delay recommended non-food household items. ume, which is primarily destined for In such an environment, a consistent Stewart and the Select Committ The study also indicated that residents Whistler and beyond. message regarding new business oppor- Commercial Development. - aider says the B are leaving for both a lack of affordable The existing road network of Queens tunities is presented to the investment [ails of how the retail choices within the established Way and Industrial Way is more than and business community and decisions existing retailers of the District and a adequate to handle any increase in local regarding proposed investment are made . 1 The Chief Squamish, B.C. Tuesday, September 4,200I

OF I letters lenue, 'OIV 3G0 I HIGHLANDS DENTAL CLINIC DR. ANDREWCHENC ,'"-892-84 p udson worth the money AND ASSOCIATES Dr. Monica Morgeli. Dr. Mark Kwon undertaking. as it steams to its new corpo- I think that it would be 2 ice Hours;; want to be the first to I wonder if I am to be the rate home in Calgary? shame if just when passe Mondays 9:00 - 7:OO p.m. imb on board CPR band- first to ask Premier Surly a free enterprise gov- ger excursions are becom Tues - Thurs 9:00 5:OO p.m. gon in praising that bas- Campbell why BC Rail and ernment could understand a growth industry our stei - n of free enterprise for the the provincial. government that the CPR would not engines are left to languis, Saturdays by a ppoin trnen t in finding a niche have not freed previously make the huge financial under windblown tarps for New Pa tients Welcome! at resulted in the allocated funds to bring back commitment that it did with- want of far less funds then nail: highlandsdental8direct.ca -9557 www.hiqhalndsdental.com of steam locomo- to active service our own out expecting a return on that expended by the CPR. steam locomotives 2860 and investment. Must the children of this e courage to dedicate 37 16? The employees at BC Rail province be forced to travel bstantial resources result- For the past 27 years the have the infrastructure and to Alberta to understand the in allowing members of Royal Hudson has filled the skills available to carry out importance of railroad histo- UA 170, Pipe fitters at hearts of millions of tourists the necessary repairs to our ry to Canadians? Rail .to showcase their with the romance of steam locomotives all we Robert Samson and provide the Canada's rich railroad histo- need is a continued govern- General Chairperson ality work necessary to ry. Are we simply to surren- ment commitment to our CUTE1 IW mplete this magnificent der our heritage to the 2816 heritage. Locomotive Engineers c

S-hanks Squamish for a great Fall Fair m people of the Squamish val- If you. missed the and help you in the coming hat a grand day it was. ley participated to the full Brackendale Fall Fair this year. either rain or unintefli- expectation. year, you will have to wait At this point, I would like nt youths (breaking win- Visitors from Pemberton until the last Saturday of to thank all persons having a ws, electrical panels, cut- and off the Sea to Sky high- August 2002 (Aug. 31). share - too many to name g trees, knocking down way shared our fun. Plan on participating as our but each equally important. wers) could dampen the I'm not going to tell you exhibit tent could use more Thanks again. the features missed but can crafts, baked goods, vegeta- Merv Honey tell you it was a cultural, bles, fruit and home made Brackendale Fall Fair he people of Brackendale learning, warm family expe- wines. Co-ordinator t on a good party and the rience. Don't be shy, we will try

Time: 6:30 to 8:O ost:

pill C68 must be changed Come and wlmrk Yard-sale darted respondsI that my application had not o the dart-throw- e have lived and worked in been processed. One explana- 'Tin, yard saler. I Squamish RCMP Victim Services itish Columbia all my 60 tion I was given was that the wasn't going to "-9-rCS)3Darts Are you Compassionate and Understanding, he role o us years. I have hunted for application did not reach respond but Iknow an Effective Listener and Work Well With People? e past 46&,yearswith my them until Feb. 28. If so, rovision , I who you are and you ther, brdther and buddies. Even the post office, when t\\ We need you to I aren't exactly "Miss Volunteer with our Victim-- Assistance Program is year I may not be able to contacted, could not believe Manners." When to provide t because of bureaucratic this. Support . putting on a yard sale It is time for the govern- with a stipulated time Information and Appropriate Referrals Dec,. 30, 2000, I reluc- ment to admit its mistakes and you show up very ailed my application and either repeal this ambigu- Required Commitment is for a one -Year period. early, you can't expect Training Provided session Only license ous legislation (Bill C68) or to be welcomed with costly legisla- at the very least, allow citi- Dpen arms. We are trying to Cheryl and Bob. Applications at RCMP Detachment, Deadline 15 September 2001. . (The government zens to continue to hunt and $et ready. If you were really FOR MORE INFO CALL: 898-1572 t hi s legislation target shoot as we have done licking up a friend with a A garbage bag of darts to Id cost $85 million but traditionally since childhood the campers who recently ;ick child, why did you bel- ANNOUNCEMENT has escalated to $500 without becoming a criminal ow from your car, "Relax! partied above Cat Lake. lion to $1 billion cost to under this law. 'm only looking!"? Hopefully you ladies Wes DeCook enjoyed your shower and, Detlef Rudobh Education . a rzd Teeh n o logy dons u Ztan t 2001 I was told Squamish An oil pan overflowing judging by all the wine vith daffodils to Don, Ken empties, the han,oovers were has now completed his association with Mountain Internet. md all the crew at A.D. large. Go ahead and party but next time clean up your "1 am pleased that I was able to get to know many htricta pro t htotechs Automotive for '-.itget PO mess so others can enjoy clients personally. I thank you for your support and t e rs Ii cy booing above and beyond in the same area as you obvi- I wish the new owners well." getting our Windstar back ~ Chief welcomes letters to the editor. Please mail tliem to on the road after it had ously did. Squamish B.C. VON 3G0, fax them to 892-8483 or Now available for already been "fixed." We ail to: sqchief G? uniserve.com by ~ioonFriday Letters rnirst tutoring and home schooling (BC Certified) are enormously grateful. A yard full of daffodils to first arid last rzames, and iriclude ari address arid'... those who donated and chemistry, physics, computer and general studies so they can be verified. Addresses mid phone *' - .. .. worked at the white ele- Macintosh computer support Renovated daffodils to our phant table at the Squamish ., in-home Internet training ... friends f~rhelping us to . Manor and Cedars.l could- "- ~ ,& 'technology consulting n't have done it' without give the bowling alley a- .. . new look. Thanks to your help. Thanks again. 604-898-5023 Ruth Garant .. detlef @ drudolph.ca ' Connie, *Ray,.Shanda,. I

.. , ...... -...... '.. , .* ...... c .+...... 1

,li~".;:.. ,., , ' , 1: ... '; .... ," . . ' ... e tacemririy opportunities and chnllaigcs ilhi%d; but it Will be kxcit- . . Sltjijort.t/ie Bid I -. , ' .: .J . hn .. I 1 ._.. t;,: t. 4 .. . .. ,.I .<- , ::.w.=.m.'= =v my wd.:...*.-.... :. . . . ;,: . ". ... .'.' ' . :; : . . -- . .. lllg jourlley," .$dd&',Cald&;' i. One of the ways the International.Olympic:Committeeevaluates a . : ...... E...... , , : )..,.. . a. ....:.;.:. ... I.) ..I. :. ., ...... I ~ '.I ... ..i . ... .* I ...... ': potential' host coihinunit4/.for the 'Games is to determine the level of public

L.. ; ~2.r-bProitiiei- ~)i{~idi~i~.~i(,~~~o~t~~-,jo;}l.~ id ...... : - .... ' support. .That's why. the B.id.is working.with.the BC Lottery Corporation ...... ,..~ Corporateisupport .is important to any successful Wintcr Games Bid: The I , to give people ihe opportunityr to show their enthusiasm for the Bid. You

., .I .. 'I Vancouver Whistler BidCorporation is pleased to,welconie Molsoii to the can visit the 3,010 Bid web site at www.winter2010.com and download ~ ._ . Bid Faiihy. With its contribution of $2.5 million. Molson is the Bid's the Bid Support form to count yourself in! Bid Support books can also be Vancouver Whish 2010 Bid Corporhtion hiis been hard -:it work over newest Premier Founding Supporter -- the top level of corporate support found at various community events attended by the BC Lottery umincr setting the stage for the next phase of Bid to bring the available to companies who become part of the effort to briiig the 20 IO Corporation. npic Winter Gamcs and' Paralyinpic Games.to (hadil. Winter Games to Canada.

"Molson is known for its strong Canadian roots and we're excited to be a part of il Bid process that is reflective of Canadian pride and teain spirit. says Molson President and CEO Dan O'Neill.

Cash and in-kind services from corporate supporters such as Molson help finance activities associated with producing a winning bid. The Bid Corporation is supported by inore than 30 companies, corporations and .. .

Tech he1 s fqu BY NATA TI iong and I ]in hall ~mpSquai i special ]led Virt im Aug. 2 Fered 20 k irn more :hnology I ’All of the

:’ :’ non-ver pamish C esser. ‘‘I mp is to ter skills In device! dependen mp settin! CAVALIER COUPE Jirtual Vo 5-Year 100,OOO km Powertrain Warranty PONTIAC MONTANA REGULAR WHEELBASE xeat i on a1 Remote Keyless Entry Power Locks V CANADA’S BEST FUEL ECONOMY’ ildren wil CD Stereo Player Theft-Deterrent System Anti-Lock 3.4L 3400 V6 185 HP Engine 4-Wheel Anti-Lock ight to ex Braking System 5-Speed Getrag Transmission Braking System AM/FM Stereo CD ing lzadir Rear Spoiler 15” Wheels Dual Sliding Doors Deep Tint Glass , as well lice outpu vices. The camp rough the Spec chnology d the L C., whid imp Squa TheYS. them rnp, “Ho ve the kit let thei ine, thro CL. ALERQ GX SEQAN by Oldsmobile E$%%= JIMMY 4-DOOR 0 2.4L Twin Cam 150 HP Engine 4-Speed Automatic ama. Transmission with Enhanced Traction System Vortec 4300 V6 190 HP Engine Air Conditioning It,ois hologi Tur s t Power Door Locks / Windows / Mirrors Air Conditioning e Compact Disc with AM/FM Stereo e Cruise Control with Steering Wheel Controls Remote Keyless Entry Premium Ride Suspension nployee, Bose@ Package including Premium Sound, CD. 0 Power Door Locks and Trunk Release ves the kit 6 Speakers and Steering Wheel Controls - %*

ShlAKdXSE rate up to 48 months SC ex

On Sep will see custom

Beach 1 covered

GW$G SlEWRA EXTENDED CAB develor 270 HP Vortec V8 Engine * 4-Speed Automatic Transmission telephor * Locking Differential e 4-Wheel Disc and 4-Wheel Anti-Lock Braking System Air Conditioning teiephoi 40/20/40 Split Front Seat with Custom Cloth Trim Custorr softwar to the E Septerr equipm buttons automa

If you t- calling : Service TELUS Service . m The Chief Squamish, B.C. II Tuesday, September 4.2001 ilf L.13

.. C.

1- -- Community Camn aiwes kids a KINDERDANCE 3-4 years BALLET 5 years and up TechnologvUH JAZZ 5 years to Adult helps at Camp TAP 5 years co Adult A Squamish * Develop motor s&ills artistic abilities A -- and confidence while having FUN! BY NATALIEMCGINNIS The Chief

Song and laughter filled the lain hall at Easter Seal’s lamp Squamish last week. A special five-day camp alled Virtual Voices ran -om Aug. 29 to Sept. 2 and ffered 20 kids the chance to Parents can arrange to uiork out at Club Flex while :am more about using new their cl~ildrenare instructed in dcince clms. :chnology to communicate. “All of the kids at the camp re’ non-verbal,” said Camp quamish Coordinator Steve resser. “The goal of the 2mp is to incorporate com- uter skills with communica- on devices, and encourage NATALIEMCGINNISflHE CHIEF idependence- I within . the Camp member Nicklaus Gulka spells his name using a computer board’that helps him imp setting.” to communicate at the Virtual Voices camp held at Camp Squamish last week. Virtual Voices is a five-day xreational camp where experience - complete with tech as well as computers,” C h r i s Spencer Fo u n d a t i on s . iildren with disabilities are swimming, arts and crafts she said. “We’re extremely pleased iught to express themselves and camping - as well as Some of the devices used at to bring this unique camp sing leading-edge technolo- the ability to communicate the camp require a great deal experience to young students y, as well as tried and true with theirs peers. of training, so the camp set- in B.C.,” said Stephen Miller, 3ice output communication “It’s really powerful,” said ting is an ideal teaching envi- executive director of the ?vices. Turner. ronment, allowing the chil- Lions Society of B.C. The camp is made possible The devices, which act as dren to concentrate without - Campers completed activi- rough the combined efforts interpreters for .the children, the distractions they face at ty summaries each day at f Special Education are equipped with computer school. camp and compiled them in echnology-B.C. (SET-BC) boards that have brightly- Turner said in many cases binders to send home as a ?d the Lions Society of coloured symbols expressing the children are the only ones way to tell parents, friends .Cywhich gave access to different fee!ings such as fun, who in their school who use and teachers all about their amp Squamish for the five bored, happy, tired and hot. such corn ]TIu n i cat i on devices . camp experience, said sys. “Seeing older campers use “Some are trying out the Tu r:i er. The theme of this year’s their devices will encourage devices for the first time,” SET-BC is a provincial imp, “Hollywood North,” them to use theirs,” said said Turner. “Here they can resource program that assists we the kids an opportunity Presser. watch other kids and follow in educating students with disabilities through the use of I let their creative sides Paperboards with symbols them.” techno 1og i e s . The line, through acting and are used as back-up tools The camp was started in spec i a1 rama. when the computer boards 2000 by Special Education program provides support, Lois Turner, a speech aren’t practical, like in the Technology - B.C. (SET- training and the loan of assis- athologist and SET-BC rain or at the pool, said BC) with funding from the five technology ‘to over 2,000 nployee, said the camp Turner. Lions Society of B.C. and the students throughout B.C. ives the kids a regular camp “They need access to low- Vancouver, Hamber and PUBLIC Squamish local calling area Back to School expands to include Britannia Every September, students and teachers look Beach and Furry Creek. forward to the fresh start of a new school year. INFORMATION

On September lst, 2001, TELUS customers in Squamish As the children head back to school, please take extra care to drive slowly in school zones. will see their local calling area expand to include MEETING customers that are currently served from the Britannia Beach telephone exchange. The local calling area . The SEA TO SKY UNIVERSITY is being proposed covered will be extended as far south as the Furry Creek to be located in the District of Squamish. development along Highway 99 and will include all Howe Sound Educational Foundation invites the telephone numbers that begin with the 896 prefix. Local community to a meeting to present and telephone service rates will not be affected by this change. discuss the ongoing planning process undertaken Customers with pre-programmed dialing equipment or by the District and the Foundation to realize the software that automatically places long distance calls approval of the University Project. to the Britannia Beach exchange should take steps on Date: Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 September 1st to reprogram their automated dialing Location: District of Squamish Building at equipment. This may include telephones with speed-dial 37957 - 2nd Ave. buttons or lists, fax machines, computers or PBXs with Downtown Squamish automated dialing tables. Time: 4:OO pm to 7:OO pm If you have any questions about this expanded local - Open House calling area, please contact TELUS Residential Customer Service at 310-2255 or This is not a Public Hearing. TELUS Business Customer STELUS” Council will receive a report from staff on Service at 310-3 100. the future is friendly‘* issues raised at the meeting and.will formally consider th’e proposal at a later date. Tuesday, September 4,200 1 The Chief Squamish, B.C.

FUNERALHinds SERWCES &I CHAPEL A Name YOUCan Trust Treasure Mo.untainwraps’ filming Let us help you with Squarnish shot your pre-armngements. movie to premiere -in Locally owned October Sr o erated by t Hinds BY IANJACQUES ge family The Chief 604-892-3683 LYLEHINDS 38 121 2nd Ave., Squamish Licenced Funeral Director It’s a wrap! The final shots have been taken and now the editing process has begun on’ the .... Squamish-shot movie D,a/‘. il’ .: . .; ‘Treasure Mountain’...... : .: :.. After three weeks, working ... six days a week and 15 hour days, shooting on the film wrapped up on Aug. 28. Once the editing work is done, director and producer .. Adriane Polo expects the film will be ready for a mid- SQUAMISH GAS CO. LTD. (24’hours)at.604-892-5455 October premiere at the inch BEFORE COMMENCING ANY. EXCAVATION, Eagle Eye Theatre in in downtown Squamish, Dentville, North Yards, Government Rd.; Ganbaldi Squamish. Highlands & Estates, Brackendale, Hospital Hill and Valleycliffe subdivisions, Originally, Polo had 3UII We’ll mark buried gas lines. planned to premiere the film ‘V listings at the upcoming Sea to Sky Remember.. .Safety First. CONTRIBUTED TO THE ,grid that Film Festival set for Sept. Travis Woods has a small problem dealing with a snake in a scene from the Squami: SQUAMlSH.GAS CO. LTD. 20-22, but a few delays shot movie Treasure Mountain. The local premier of the film is set for October. rid covers caused her to shift her plans. lepending But those attending the filni the crew was local with the two girls who inadvertently Blue play teenage her festival will get a special entire cast all from Squamish stunible upon a clue that while Skai Stevenson, Ja n a page. 1 treat, as Polo plans to unveil and the surroundin,(7 area. leads them to a treasure map. Knel and Travis Woods :r page, w a trailer of the movie, just to “The editors down in The. map sets them on a playing the pirate bad gu! cv he I t h e appe t i t e. Van c 0 11 ireI‘ ...... journey and a Locations for the mc “k’s bceii a Iot of hard were ~IOMJII quest for a included the Min SQUAMISH PUBLIC LIBRARY work, but it’s been good away by the ‘“ItvJa9: pirate’s lost Museum in Britannia Be: )UE: the N or! h ‘Vancou work ,” Po 1(3 s a i d . “T h i s talent that they ij~~~OTf‘~2t for treasure in the movie was vci-y enjoyable to Outdoor School. Dryc Whic Creek, the Cliffside Pub shoct. We ixid sane phenom- ‘heck all the C!ld suppol’t fro111 the CO11-l- the Squamish Public Libi-; ~mmi~y.Our cast and crew “It was important for rnt PRIl were f:uitas!ic ;md u~e’ve shoot the movie locally i pi-oduccd 2 great family movie and they Y72LlCh local inust not only have as much local elzmc EA& movie tlia~. 1‘m \w-y proud didn’t stop . battle thc ele- to it as we could,” P WE1 r ‘I until thc job to if mlm, but aiso adcted, O! I. elen/lelzfs WE1 ,. bjiicc-! \f*c-restili iii ~jit- ‘.vas done and LlS f3Q&y escape the “That’s the hcaiity 01 the job was c 1 t c h c:s of comrnunity like Squamish MO’ iijc.c it’\ :i!i winins mgeil-ier, hi! thc ~I-iot:~that !‘IT seen so don’e right...... ---Adriane other would-bc so many people want to OTE i*iii-ilr~ j~st 2rc::it.” “Therc are ii treirsure seek- involved and they’re 11: or PuIo had :j c:~and crew lot taicnted ess. than willing to help out. &-. FA.-+$,r&*-* i G-~i.L;q,.J.J~ I: i~ui~~h~l-ii~gi11()!*( ifmn IfI 00 \f’ 101 . pcuplc in Sq~i:iiiiish and The cast features Warren “The community supp ...... ~..- __--.--..___.__-- --- Whic 111 Daske. C~aniiIIoClnrkc ;ind has been just i’mtastic: a11 ... h c i’ f ‘i 1 111 MI !I i c i? 13’ ;t s s h o I thcy’ri: shovmisecl [his heck from tl - ;111-0iighoi11t hc Sca 10 Sky iiio i t‘ .’ * Nadine Sykora playin2 the think oncc the movie is do This space is sponsored by corr i cf or. Trcasure Mountain is a fun- children’s lead cl~aracters. it’s going to bc solneth Squamish Credit Union & More than 50 per cent 01’ filled ad\witure movie about Ryan Cook and Brandon that we can a11 be proud c) 3TE: ifyo annels thd 42 charm rsic Cab]( CBUT - C€ CLASS - Al KOMO - A KING - NE CHEK - C€ KlRO 7 CB /.:. ..:.’.:...’ ...... :.:..::.’. I ...... :.::: ... :.:. \ BCTV - GI. CIVT - CT SCIO - Loc, ’ ICBC ’ all services 6s products Knowledge KVOS - In( / Private’Auto Insurance CKVU - Inc CITV - Ind. (Yes we can compete with CDI) KCPQ - FO E xc hiveAgent jor Motor Vehicle Services KCTS - PB KSTW - UF Drivers License Renewals The Weuthe Treehouse 7 Road Testing SRC - CBC Commercial Permits CMT - C

l( We huve ~narhctsjbl-most insziruncc requirements ’’ CTV NewsN Vision TV No prizes, just excellent service at great prices! TV.5 38085 ’ 2nd Avenue, Squarnish, BC RDl TSC - The Si Ph. 6044392.5981 Fax 6044920529G MuchMoreh BC kgisluti BC Newas 1 -Telelutino The Chief I( Squamish, B.C. Tuesday, September 4,2001 15

WIDELINES : V listings are presented in grids; like one on the right. grid that covers 4 hours takes up half the width of one page; an 8-hour id covers the entire width of the page. zpending on how many channels there are, we can fit either 2 or 3 grids i a page. Under our current grids (40 channels), we can only fit 2 grids :r page, which means we cannot get complete coverage.

cWESTIONS Which coverage would you like to see? heck all the letters that apply) PRIME TIME - 8 p.m-12 a.m.., 7 nights a week - EARLY EVENING - 4-8 p.m., 7 nights-a week - WEEKEND DAYTIME- 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday-Sunday - WEEKDAY DAYTIME - 8 a.m.4 p.m. Monday-Friday - MOVIES - 7 days a week, with full descriptions - OTHER: -

Which channels would. you like to see? heck from the list beiow) 9TE: if you chose A, B, and C in Question #I, the inaximim niimber of annels than can be run is 32. Otherwise our grids can accornnzodnte up 42 channels. SEND THIS FORM TO THE CHIEF 3sic Cable Tier 1 CBUT - CBC Vancouver - 23 CTVSN-P - Sportsnet OFFICE (38113 Second Avenue) BY CLASS - AD ChnrinelfTVL - 24 A&E - Arts & Entertainment . KOMO - ABC Seattle I 25 TNN - The National Network THURSDAY, SEPT. 6 at 5 P.M. to be entered KING - NBC Seattle - 26' TSN - The Sports Network CHEK - CH Victoria (Global) - 27 WDIV - NBC Detroit KlRO CBS Seattle - 28 TLC - The Learning Channel in our draw for a new Sharp 27" TV. BCTV - GLOBAL - 29 CNN Cd~lc.News Network, CIVT - CTV BC - 30 WTN - Women's TV NAME: SCIO - Loctil progrtirtrriiittg . - Knowledge Network - Tier 2 KVOS - Ind. Bellingham -- ADDRESS : CKVU - Independent - 31 Showcase CITV - Ind. Edmonton - 32 Life Network KCPQ - FOX Tacoma - 33 CNN Hedliw Nuir9.s PHONE: KCTS - PBS Seattle - ' 34 Discovery Channel KSTW - UPN Tacoma - 35 Bravo. The Weuther Network - 36 WTVS - PBS Detroit OTHER COMMENTS: Treehouse TV - 37 CNBC SRC - CBC Vancouver (Fr) - CMT - Country Music TV - Tier 3 YTV - 38 TELETOON 39 Family Channel CPAC 40 TBS Atlanta Superstation APTN - Ahorigintrl TV 41 The Comedy Network TVA Network 42 HGTV - Home & Garden TV Much Music 43 Food Network Canada CBC Ne wsworkd 44 OLN - Outdoor Life Network 45 History Television Thanks for your CTV New.,.Net 46 Space vision TV 47 The Golf Channel. TV.5 48 Speedvis ion input.and RDl 49 Prime TV TSC - The Shopping Chtir~tiel Much More Music BC Legisluture good luck! BC Newas Telelutino

18 Tuesday, September 4,2001 iThe Chief Squamish, B.C. Commu-nitv TiiYew!

ROYAL BANK Iquamirh branch would like to ‘ extend a huge “Thank You” to all the staff, clients and burinerrer that contributed and participated in this years Childrens Hospital fundraisers - clot Dog Sale - Garage Sale - Silent Auction. Then are so many people to thank that we can’t name them-all, but we would like to name the bur inerrer for their contribut ionr Cory C : high ato Rose Par catch a species. Overtor was in 5 completir for his Se gram a ntre Un i vers i t; He has Mainland into diffc seeking re tailed pigr Bert Wertern He got a CONTRIBUTED TO THE CHIEF that Squ: Ashley Freeman of.Squamish competed in Junior Hack on her horse After Dark happy hur lway tleritage P last week at the Pacific Classic Horse Show at the Pacific National Exhibition (PNE). set himsel “My firs McDonald5 ing for sal KfC CRB Programs starting at’Seniors CentrE Cardinal Concrete, Ltd ere we are into it was great. I even had a “Thank You” to September. The year ride on the tractor hayride. is going by too fast. Sorry, I didn’t get to see all cj us with everyt H . This is the time when all the entertainment as I had to nany orga the programs get under way leave early but I did enjoy . again. what I did watch. ports. Thi: a Hockel Tantalus Seniors Centre ~ongratu~ationsto the , Open Monday to Friday 1 organizers - you did a fan- eld ;it the to 4 p.m. Closed weekends I tile Squa and holidays. -ani IO :LX There will be an open This Thursday (Ses. 6), dents where they were enter 301.lsored t house at the centre on meet at the end of the road in tained by a three-piece band ’E i 11 or Hoc 1 Wednesday, Sept. 12. You the new subdivision at the It was a great afternoon. .ith equipn will be able to see the differ- end of Westway at 10 a.m. Get well wishes to Vera nsked to ] ent programs that will be for a walk through Crumpet Moule and Lorraine Jordan nil forin at available plus some sugges- Woods. convalescing at home after a Sk. Fill ir tions on new ones. The time For more information short hospital stay. i‘ meet on is I p.m. and everyone is please phone Lesley at 604- Hilltop House Support g. Volunte welcome. Refreshments will 898- 1628. Society id if intei-c be served. Branch w70 Bus Trips This group meets once a 11, please c Whist starts up Friday, There will be no trips listed month at Hilltop in the activ W845. k Sept. 7 at 7:30 p.m. for two weeks as Elaine is on ity room. We have two fund- ill be avail The sketch and paint club holidays. raising projects a year - ou ;A and prc spent a few hours in Rose The residents from the garage sale in the spring and inor Hock Park and Lily’s Garden last Cedars and the Manor wish the harvest tea in the fall. week. Did some painting and to thank all those who sup- We are desperately in need Us0 at the enjoyed a picnic lunch. ported their yard sale last of new members. Dues are II be a Big Lily’s Garden is a beautiful week. On Sunday the $5 per year and if you wish iters i 11fori spot. Squamish Senior Citizens to sign up, please come to ise wishin I think everyone that Home Society put on a deli- our meeting on Thursday, 3B/BS. if attended the fall fair thought cious barbecue for the. resi- Sept. 13 at 9:30 a.m. io01 nientc .es only iir 1e each WE ilways am VBS co-or Iwnrigg ai to the following for thei ched at 60 Aka Lake Electric Squamish Credit Union Dean’s Heavy Duty Repairs Nothing Finer Howe Sound Business Centre Western Pulp 8 Paper . Carney’s Waste Systems Squamish Volunteer Centre. IGA Marketplace Squamish Wild Onion Herbal All proceeds donated to:

SQUAMISH HEALTH CARE M)UNDATION SOCIE3TY To enter as a single or team or for more information call: . 604-898-9521 Comm un-i ty SquaMish Pistrict Mrl hide regiMoH 7430~~SePt 12

of mineral area," Overton Study in Rose said. "A pigeons diet is low in Park turns u sodium so the salt really helps them keep their metabolism band- t aileB up. The mineral sites that I pigeons found in the estuary and here in Rose Park are ideal for the BY IANJACQUES pigeons that I'm trying to The Chief study and sure enough, I found them ." Cory Overton was pierced Overton said this is a new high atop a stone table in study being done by himself Rose Park last week trying to and three other student catch a glimpse of a rare researchers from the species. California coast into B.C. Overton, a California native, "These birds have never was in Squamish last week been documented before," he completing a research project said. "This site here in for his September studies pro- Squamish has always been gram at Oregon State here, but so far it's one of University. only six sites in B.C. that I He has been in the Lower have identified so far. Mainland since June going "What we're trying to do is into different communities establish some sort of infor- seeking research on the band- mation log on the pigeons so tailed pigeon. we can do an accurate popu- Request for Proposals He got a tip a few weeks ago- lation count. We also want to that Squamish might be a determine why they chose the Fencing and Viewing Platform happy hunting ground and he site that they chose. It's been Nairn Falls Prowincial Park

-1 ., "My first indication is look- Squamish has been a real hot CQrY ov@rtongames through his telescope to try and The Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection (B@ ing for salt flats or some sort spot for my research." count band-tailed pigeons in Rose Park on Thursday. Parks) is accepting proposals for replacing existing fencing and installing new fencing and a viewing platform in the campground and waterfalls viewing area at Nairn Falls Provincial Park. I 1

I inforination packages wiDi be available at the BC Parks District Office, Monday lo Friday between ; 8:38 am. and 438 p.m. from September 5th to 'i4tf-1, 2001. The district office is located at Alice Lake Park, 13 km north of Squamish, off Highvay 89.

Contact Ron Goidstone, BC Parks ...... :enter e band In. 'era xdan after 2

PP0I-t ce a 2 activ I fund- - ou ng and all. n need s are wish :e to. jay, Centre arena starts on ~IXll~hCSf'OJ* 15 l0 17 [7lLlS .es only an hour of your itoms. Thc sale is spoiisored Sunday, Sept. 9 with ;i farnily qes. by the Knights of Columbus. skate from 12: 10 p.tii. to 7 1e each week. Information 1Iways available fr01i1 the TO donate items call 604- 1 : 10 p.iii., fbllowed by a TOJIIO~I*OL+~(Sept. 5) Zoc VBS co-ordinator Helen 898-4522 01' 604-898-3 164. public skate ti-on1 I :25 p.m. GI-uber celebrates ;I first iwnrigg and she can be 1111 to 2:2S p.m. Other drop-in b i rt 11 day. ched at 604-8924 125. The school break fast pro- skate progrnms starting the YVE ARE CELEBRATING SCATC'S 2ND ANNIVERSARY WTH FREE COMPU'I'ER 8r ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION INTERNET USE FOR UP TO 1 HR FROM 9-6 Diamond Head Brrin'ch 277 Sales, parts and service? These guys really know what ALL MEMBERS they're talking about! ., Wclcomc 10 attcnd GENERAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 10, 2001 Dependable S'T.JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH 40285 DIAMOND HEAD in-home GARIBALDI HIGHLANDS service. Hem i/!ehtcst, positive progress on the IICIU RCL buiMiiig. Guest Spefiko; /nst/rlhtions, Presen tci tioIZS, Rtj?tdun tvz ts.

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open 7 days LARGE SELECTION OF Men’s and Women’s Brand Name Jeans, Work Boots & HOW SOUND Hiking Hoots, Work & Casual EQUIPMENT Clothing, Rain Gear. I 604-892-5855 Squamish Station 610-1200 Hunter Place, Squamish BC DARLEEN DANELSON Sunrise \, Japanese Restuurartt 5

DSMITH YOUR Do you Donburi? “Good Luck!” $5.55 Lunch Donburi includes AUTOPLAN Tempura & Chicken Teriyaki on Rice


Saturday Lunch & Dinner: 12:30 to 1O:OO P.M. Tues. &Wed. & Sun: 5:OO P.M. to 1O:OO P.M. Thurs. & Fri: Lunch: 11:30 to 290 P.M. Dinner: 5:OO P.M. - 1O:OO P.M. CLOSED MONDAYS - DINE IN OR TAME OUT The Chief W Squamish, B.C. Tuesday, September 4,2001 1 News



Ministry of BRITLSH& Forests COWMBR

Squamish Forest District NATALIE MCGlNNlSmHE CtiIEI' A group of European motorists stopped in Squamish Wednesday as part of a NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSURES Western Canadian tour. Canadian rider Terry Marion (in front), guided a group of Europeans from Calgary, Aka. Marion, who met the group while travelling in Europe, The Stawamus Forest Service Road will be closed on said they all wanted to come see Canada. After transporting their motorcycles over- September 8th from 10:30 a.m. until 3:OO p.m. seas by plane, the group set out on the road Aug. 11 from Calgary. The convoy of 13 for the Sea2Summit Adventure Race. Germans, three Austrians and one Canadian will spend four weeks on the road in total, travel ling about 7,000 ki lometres. For further information please contact: Ken Paterson, Engineering Officer Squamish Forest District 604-898-21 00 New university means new schoo ...... BY NATALIEMCGINNIS The Chief 66Wewould like Sea to Sky Directory of Services Along with the opening of the clTildrelz to be Sea to Sky University will able to walk to source Up come Squamisli's newest sec- P ondary school. SClTOOl as l?IUClz We arc currently updating the Directory of Service, otherwise known as the The Howe Sound School as yossibie. 9) "Green Book". New services not included in the 1338 edition are encouraged to submit District says extenshe resi- contact information and a brief program description to the attention of: ---Nancy Edwards dent i a1 de vs1 op meti t i s ...... Manjit Kang or Christine Burtkus inevitable oiice the private Fa: 604-832-2267 university opens. ondary schools in the A letter written by the Squamish area would not E- mai 1: ch ris ti ne- b urtltus@ tel us. net school board to the District of accommodate an influx of' the Tel: 604-832-5736 ext. 425 or 1-877-832-2022 Squainish July 31 stated it population. said the boa-d. Deadline for submissions is September 1401. While updates are always welcome, anticipates an increase of And 110 further additions submissions received after September 14 niay nor be included in the 2001 printed about 350 to 400 children will be initdo to GaI-ib;ilcii version of the directoiy. P once the private university is H i g h 1 an ds El e Inen t ary Sc 11 oo 1 h joint initiative bv Sea to Sky opened. because it already exceeds ttic Community Scrvides Sociery and This is based on the de\& capac i t y rec o 111 111 e 11 de d t3 11 Comniunirics That Care - Squnmish opmeiit of 960 housing units, School Board policy. Communities That Care Squamish lookinec ;it typical yields froni Thc school district statcd in each houst.. thc letter that it wuki like to "We vvould like the children SC~;t provision i'oi ;I site of to be able to walk to sciiool ;IS aboul 12 to IS ;~CIYScenfr-a1 to much as possible," said bo;ird the housing de\*cl~~p1~~cnti?oi-- secret ;ii-y-t i-easu re I* N;i 11c! tion oi' the pr-ojcc;. Eli\\,~\i-cisAag. 2 1 . The EC Asstis ;111:1 h111i TiIc c:pciry ot'thc twSCC- C<~~-~~(~~:\ii~~i~~IIY h(I!di;:;: .!


c 1

(if order placed 8L paid for in month of Seytembcr)

for a great Hst year! 22 111[1 Tuesday, September 4,2001 li The Chief lsl Squamish, B.C. GARIBALDI DENTAL CLINIC Arts &.Entertainment DR.SHELDON GOLDBERG AND ASSOCIATES OFFICEHOURS: MONDAY- FRIDAY9-5 Editor's note: The Chief is ketry. The walls are booked mu sici an s from White horse SI! NEWPATIENTS WELCOME pleased to introduce Art through to the end of 2002, have a style and grace that 604-892-3441 Betit, a ntonthly column on but there are still a few open- far exceeds their ages - they quami Squumish 's arts community. ings for 3-D art next year. are simply the hottest jazz act ix med m in Canada. Their CD "When Theodor n this first arts column, I The Squamish Arts Council Old Met New" won.many vimmer admit that I haven't always (SAC) announces an opportu- acclaims and nominations, )mpetin( Ihad an interest in art gal- nity for Visual Artists. The right across Canada, and is :ni ors ' leries. The Foyer Gallery at annual Festival of Canadian currently one of Canada's to ) A-RT BEAT September 27 to mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ur gold our local public Library, is the Arts will take place on Nov. selling jazz albums. They entver inme( S October 1, 2001 reason for the change. 22,23 & 24 at the Eagle Eye will be coming to Squamish more information contact Being an active person, I - Community Theatre. During from Vancouver where they Maureen Painter at the ' iwimmi library or Paul Demers at could not picture myself (no the three evenings of are recording their second 1rroll toc pun intended) standing idly Performing Arts presented by CD. I saw this group at 604-892-8485. A gmut excuse to the 25 in front of a painting or piece Howe Sound Performing Arts Pacific Contact in April, and m oke, 50 extend your weekend! The sixth annual Sea to Sky of pottery. Even more daunt- Association, the multi-pur- knew that we had to book freest; Film Festival will take place 4 Nights of S-star senice and xenic cruising of the ing was the thought to drive pose room will be available them - you won't want to estyle. San luan Islands, Georgia and johnstone Straits, for an hour down the high- with tables, some easels and miss it. on Sept. 20-21 at the Eagle :25mb Eye Community Theatre. as f2r north as Aert Bay, B.C, Visit our websie for other great deals including way to "look at art". display areas at

Getting back into the sinawe of thinasw T h i s c o m m u n i t y - based K-5 and putson several musi- The junior choir begins Moving choral program for children cals each year. rehearsals on Sept. 1 I from 5 Chords, Sea to and youth begins their fall After taking a year off, the to 5:45 p.m. in the multi-pur- programs on Sept. 10. Squamish Youth Choir will pose room at GHE. Sky Singers Veronica McPhee will lead resume again this fall for both Call McPhee at 604-898-

,' I t. ..' ' . . C.all Brown.... ,at 604-898-5654. .. *phoneSheron .-. Johnson :at ,604-.-. couver 'She'teaches-gener- ~ . I ..<' . ., . .: .. , . the B.C...... ';,q Giades ... -. ic t for more infoimatign:i(.) i... ' ..- ' __ . , .. I' . ,...... , ..: , L ., ...... ,...... _ . .,' . :. 2-9892...... anch Life1 -...... <. ._. ;1 f. ~ I. '. ,* ...... -.., ...... ,. ' . _i ...... Inships at I , >...... ( '1 .. .. ig. ,25-26, nc ...... ?. was reporte Learn a new language this fall, take a Chief. ,.., . . course in web design, or explore health - .,. .

. . '_- ...... , ., 1;. alternatives such as. herbdlogy: I J .: <. ,.< Deak ..:. ..:. .":, -.. - 1.- r * . y. * ?- . =. - .. -:. -C .<' z.2. .- ...... i- 19 a Eldercollege Open House' Wednesday, SeQternber.- 19 : . :.. ? DR, from I to 3 p.m. on campus .. 5

.. ?ASS., - ._. Registration: .. IF GOC 604.892.5322 .OOKS www. c a p c o II ege. bc .c a/c o nt in u i ng ed

Capibno College . . -.. . .. , - .-I ... I ...... _\_/..,-...... The Chief Ilt Squamish, B.C. Ul Tuesday, Septevibcr 4,2001 m23 THE CHIEF

Sports enquiries? - Please contact The Chief Box 3500, 38 I 17 Second Averrue, Sqirirniisli, British Colimbiu VON 3G0 Pllotie: 604-892-9161 Fix: 604-892-8483 E-tnuil: syclrief @ iitiisenw.coni I sports - Sports Briefs ‘1 quamish senior wins i: v ix medals Theodora Carroll, the lone Raiders take vimmer from Squamish i must-win - loose and your Impeting in the B.C. ! out,” said Raiders third base- ;niors’ Games, grabbed K- *.I --* eeeeeme ur gold medals and two i first game we just got on a lver medals at last week’s i NAFA roll and everyone started ;t ’. rent in Surrey. IANJACQUES looking at us as the team to I. swimming for zone 4, i BY it ’ The Chief irroll took her gold medals i beat .” the 25 m novice back The Raiders began their i They were the talk of the winning run of eight in a row make, 50 m backstroke, 25 o Sky. i iournamen t. freestyle and 50 m i with a 9-2 drubbing of Ad )!ace. ’ An unknown squad from Ware from Denver, CO. They :estyle. She won silver in .gle Squamish showed some of then mercied Gridwork, a ; > 25 m breaststroke and in d. the best fastball ...... team from Des ;50 m breaststroke. tith teams in North “When you Moines, Iowa :n- America how to I en‘s league returns - 10-3 scoring.” b d play some ball lose your first five runs in the ’he soccer boys return to fl last week in fifth inning. ; pitch this Sunday (Sept. i will Hutchinson, game in a“58- ALE. 26. On -1 at Centennial Fields. v- ts. A ’he 2001 G&T Pool and Missouri. team the Raiders toD- sent ‘ pled CBS a Men’s Soccer League is RaidersThe ’varnish finished tournainent ma, :k with a slate of four i Insurance from es fifth with a Kearnev, Neb. every gameLT nes beginning at 10:30 i .r able record of 8-2 at 10-4 iith six 1. after that is ,msterdam FC plays the theA i Northa . runs in the final ept. e er squad, Khalsa tan- must-win inning and a 3ims 35 i F a b a 1 1 s with Orange Crush, the tight 7-4 win md i A oc i ati on -Kevin Horth :W Pub plays Longhorn ...... over the (NAFA) Single Quakers from I and Cliffside Pub plays I .e A World Series. Penn. Ya-to- i: Squamish, the lone entry Todd Watson and Kenny here are a few teams i: from B.C., battled it out Hall each hit dingers in the kingfor players this sea- i against 58 other teams in the victory over the Quakers. double-knockout event. “We then went into our third motivation for the team.” Nights from Colorado 9-0, “The announcer congratu- Vane jnterested in play- i The Raiders got off to a men’s Soccer can game of the day and we were The Key Athletic Club from Abies Bar from Michigan 5-2 lated us and it was a trip of a i slow start losing their opener playing in 105 degree heat,” Orearnunoat 604-898- Maryland were the Raiders’ and then beat New Image lifetime for our whole team,” ’ 6-3 to the Metro Bucs -from Horth said. “At that point I for more information* next victim as they fell 11-9 from Wisconsin 7-3. Horth said. Washington, DC putting their think we were playing on meaning if Squamish could The final game of the day Jason Wright, Watson and i backs up against the wall. emotion and adrenaline. The puli off four more wins on the was Squamish’s toughest and pick-up players George ckey tryouts “When you lose your first ’e agony and the crowd was cheering for us final day of the tournament, ended their tournament as Denton and Fabian McCarthy f game in a 58-team tourna- and we were the talk of the they’d have a shot at the title. they fell 2-1 against Pendu were all named to the tourna- rep hockey tryouts i ment every game after that is rned to Brennan Park ; tournament. It was a lot of Squamish whipped the EAS from Redding, Penn. ment all-star squad. week. om, Peewee and Midget ers all had tryouts last Sauamish Dair battle the elements in Penticton k. The Minor Hockey I on begins in earnest on said. “The heat was also pretty prised a lot of people, not to mention . 4, as all teams begin Guerin and Palm -: unbearable as it was over 36 degrees myself. A lot of people thought I * regular practice sched- i finish strong at out there.” wouldn’t finish it, but I did and I’m If you are registered and i It was the second straight year that happy that I did. I to know the time of i Ironman Triathlon the pair has competed at the event. “I’m disappointed that I didn’t finish first practice, check the BY IANJACQUES Guerin finished 815 overall with a higher because I trained so hard for ed schedule at the i. The Chief time of 12:24:22 and 77th out of 135 the event, but it was a personal tri- inan Park Pro Shop. competitors in the 25-29 age division. umph that I finished.” you are interested in i It was the ultimate test of their phys- Guerin, who has been training for Palm put in an amazing performance ing minor hockey and f. ical and mental skills - and they well over a year for the event, was as she finished 1,202 overall with a n’t registered contact i passed with flying colors. happy with his finish, but knows that time of I3:24:47. or Kathy at 604 898- f Last weekend, Stephan Guerin and it could have been even better. Palm was the better of two competi- to see if there is room Mae Palm joined some 1,900 other “I had a really good swim knocking tors in the 60-64 age division, earning bur division. competitors from around the world for 14 minutes off my best time,” Gueriii her a berth in the World the Ironman Canada Triathlon in said. “I had a smoking bike ride. Championships in Kona, Hawaii in lection Pent ic ton. knocked 42 minutes off my time and I October. m Waterproof of i This year’s event was the biggest knew that if my run could be good, I Palm will join Patrick Wadge in ley won the overall title i Ironman in history with 1,993 com- was well on my way.” Hawaii as he qualified thanks to a le B.C. and Yukon i petitors all leaving the water banks But trouble set in for Guerin during winning lottery entry that he found Mae Palm ch Lifeguard Cham- f after one cannon shot. the run portion. out about in July. hips at Brennan- Park i “It was like ’an industrial strength “I encountered some medical prob- Former Squamish resident Andrea clocking in at 13:21:15, which was 25-26, not team HELP washing machine - it was a virtual lems and I had to walk almost half of Kardos also put in a strong showing in 43rd out of 84 in her 25-29 age divi- is reported in the Aug. boxing match in the water,:’ Guerin- the run course,” he said. “I think I sur- Penticton as she finished I, I80 overall sion. lief. of pealer’s Choice the. Week! Dealer’s Choice of the a Week! 1994 AAPIZIDA MX3 1998 CAVALIER COUPE I Tuesday, September 4,200 1 The Chief Squamish, B.C. SPOrtS

The Chief is recruiting carriers for its Saturday morning delivery force.

0 The .fa! Great Exercise CONTRIBUTED TO THECHIEF Owners A sure sign that summer is over is the return of Squamish Minor Hockey. Whippe 0 Ideal for students or homemakers. Last week tryouts were in full swing at Brennan Park for this year’s teams. Sunday. 0 Chance at great prizes! Women’s soccer kicks ofl )irr league. Soccer is a popular break. The second half begii .. : BY TRACYMCRAE .\\.....:.s 9:...... >:.: Call Denise at Contributed to The Chief sport worldwide, one that mid February runnir Swii .:...:.:. ...>:.: to .:...... 2. novices can easily learn and through mid April totalii .....::.:, -aps ...:. Local soccer for women 16 enjoy immediately. Soccer approx. 10 games per sessio 604,892,9161 and up will kick off on provides a great level of The cost is $20 per sessic .I Saturday Sept. 8. This will.be physical conditioning as well with refs provided for’eve .-. BY IA: -- our second season with regis- as being great fun and a won- game. , Th to ..find out more! .... ’ Ad on Saturday at the Brennai new people. 3 .needed for soccer. Sh : . squ Park Concession Stand at 1 ‘ An 80:per cent commitment guards are mandatory; soccl I team. 1 p.m. is required to assure the ongo- cleats are recommende down c The league plays seven per ing success of the women’s especially on wet field DI seas1 side, which provides a fast , local soccer league. Lack of Games are played, rain J teeks ai game with plenty of interac- team players will, of course, shine. i! otal of tion among team members. result in cancellation of To register, call Carolir Squam The four teams currently games and eventually of the Shortreed at 604-898-5288 ‘s in consist of 12- I5 players rotat- league. If one is unavailable meet at the Brennan Par ncia! -C! ing play among teams every to play full time we suggest Concession stand C 2 three- Saturday. Stats are. not kept finding a partner and alternate Saturday. d our and playing for fun and exer- weeks of play. If you have extra shi :te agai cise is encouraged. The league season runs guards or soccer cleats f( said he Beginners are encouraged from. Sept. 8 to mid sale, please bring them wil “Fro to sign up in the women’s November with a winter you registration day. ;h to

j held ~ ‘22 sw I I6in1 Face-off set for Women% hockev only d 1 battle BY IANJACQUES and the other at 9:15 p.m. * The Chief We’ll also continue with our every other Wednesday night The stage is set for another time 15 minutes earlier at season of women’s hockey. IO: 15 p.m.,” Shortreed said. ea.[ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH ZOO1 .:.:.;.:...... >...... :.:... : .This year will be the fourth “This season we’ll be sport- ,:A:?:...... :.:...... Y JAS N ...... season for women’s hockey ing our new jerseys. We’ve ! ...... i tri bu ted ...... in Squamish. been sponsored by the Grizzly Bar and Grill, Wes at While the first year saw Michal! Marketplace IGA Sup rts Minor Hockey! about seven committed Tim Horton’s and we’ve been able to raise a few dollars our- 1 travel women, ‘last year that number in Vanc grew to 14 women playing selves. “We finally agreed upon a name ‘Squamish n the regularly and 30 different )all women that played through- Screamin’ Eagles.”’ The Squamish team is made ionsh i p! out the season. ea to S “We’ve had a lot of ringette up of a pretty diverse group Fees will be $250 for ‘thc players playing and joining with ages ranging from I9 to season that- can be pai by B with our team,” said player 44. Abilities from playing for- once or divided. Caroline Shortreed. “Their ever to women who have just People paying for the s puck handling and shooting joined that were complete son up-.front will be the pl skills are all coming along novices. ers .that will comprise t great. They’ve alre‘ady devel- This year the league will team. oped excellent skating and have two power skating ses- They will also allow pe passing skills while playing sions - Sept. 12 and 19 with to drop in at $10 to try it ringette.” our games starting Sept. 27. or make up our team if n Because the league has A tournament is planned for ed. three seasons under its belt, it November in Vancouver. They are also looking t has been able to secure earlier An organizational meeting recruit any new goal tenders ice teams and get some has been planed for next for the season as well. Whistler teams formed to Tuesday (Sept. 11) at 7:30 For more information play on a regular basis. p.m. in the Junior Lounge at Shortreed at 604-898-5288 “We’ll have two Sundays a Brennan Park Recreation Kirsten Shrubsall at 604-89 month with ice times at 7:45 Centre. 3835. The Chief Squamish, B.C. % Tuesday, September 4, 2001 @ 25 SDOrtS Play

‘fues, Sept. 4th ‘fues, Sept. 11th ‘he$, Sept. 16th S:4C%7:C90prn Sat Sept 8/15 lC9am-ll:3Oarn Sun. Sept 9th IIum-12prrr Vnder 8 $100 Over 8 $195 Brennan Park Lesiure Centre-lobby New playem bring a copy of a BMh CertMcate and Medical number. Equipntent b auaUahle lor 1st yem Players. Brlng your own Hockey Skates, equipment and pJay first day fw free (no obligation to sign up). Call Howe Sound Ringette at

JACQUES~HECHIEF MoFehfocrllCinly 604-888-2068 The fastest dogs on earth used Centennial Fields as their playground on the weekend. Whippet dogs and their owners came from all over North America for the 2001 Whippet Racing Championships. Hosted by three B.C. Whippet clubs the weekend consisted of a dog show on Friday, sprint racing on Saturday and oval racing on Sunday. Competitors called the track set up at Centennial Fields one of the best they’ve ever raced on.

more than just foot Iff finish up at provincials begir they also had to endure 13- but just missed placing for qualified for the consolation, unnin Swim team plus-hour days in the 30- the finals, finishing 10th. final in the 50 m fly and otalin !ram season in degree heat. The division eight relay Philip finished 12th in the essioi A On day one Christie squad also placed 10th. 1OOm fly. sessio- -- Trail Cunneyworth and Kaye Shawna Erickson, Kaye, Lavoie had another strong ever - . BY IANJACQUES qualified for the finals in the Ashley Mercer and Jessica day, finishing 21st in the The Chief freestyle events while Mallet made up the team. province in the 50 m fly, ent i Deanna ...... IR the day while Ourom qualified for Shi he . Squamish Pirates E r i c k so n one finals, the consolation finals in the socct rn team brought the cur- placed 20th ‘‘The three-day C u n n e y - backstroke. endec I down on another SUC- in the 200 m event challenged worth put in The 50 m freestyle relay field sful season in the pool individual one of her team improved on its best ain A 1 weeks ago. ‘ med I ey. our swimmers to best swims time and Dlaced 12th in divi- COMMERCIAL RECREATlON GUIDES AND OPERATORS i! total of 14 swimmers P h 1 i P compete against of the season sion eigh;. Closing Date for New Park Use Permit Applications aroi i r n Squamish took to the MacKellar to finish sev- Day three continued to be i288 ( ers in Trail for the qualified for the best in B. C.” BC Parks will be accepting applications for non-exclusive enth in the strong0 for the Pirates with a I Par vincia! Championships. (he consola- -Kelly Kaye province, number of best times and commercial recreation guiding activities in provincial parks in the Garibaldi/Sunshine Coast District for a limited time 0 ’he three-day event chal- tion finals. while Kave improvements for the swim ...... L d :ed our swimmers to In the only. Commercial recreation tour guides, operators and placed sec- team. instructors wishing to operate within these parks for the i shi ipete against the best in medley relay, the team of ond in the 50m freestyle In the 50 rn fly final Kaye winter 2001/02 and summer 2002 operating seasons must Its f( ;.’’ said head coach Kelly Claire Ourom, Theresa finals. walked away with her sec- apply, in ‘writing, to the district office. wil n re. “From day one Eric k son , A 1i son Mac Ke 11 ar The Division two relay ond and third medals of the Opportunities are Nmited, )ugh to day three the and Samantha Ellis qualified squad finished eighth and meet, Deanna placed 11th All appliimust be received at the disbict office by ites held strong with 18 for the finals in division two. Philip placed 15th in the 200 overall in the 100 m breast- October 5,2001. of 22 swims placing in The division four relay m individual medley. stroke, Alison placed 16th in top 16 in the province.” team of Alysha Loney, On day two, Alison quali- the 100 m freestyle and This requirement will assist BC Parks in processing appli- eY at only did the Pirates Erickson, Laura Lavoie and fied for the division two 50 Christie placed 16th in divi- cations in an efficient and timely manner which, in turn, e a battle in the water, Cunneyworth swam well, m fly finals, Dan MacKeIlar sion four. will provide successful applicants with a certainty of busi- nessoperabons- mprovincidpar)

Applications received at a later date may not be processed leach volleyballers close out season for the upcoming seasons. Successful applicants will be required to provide proof of BY JAS MICHAISKI the morning round robin consolation final. digs and spectacular rallies, applicable insurance and pay a permit fee of $100.00 plus Contributed to The Chief pool play finishing with a Facing a strong Vancouver Michalski and Bonnell suc- GST, per park, for a maximum one-year permit. record of 1-2 to be relegated team, Michalski and Bonnell culnbed 15- 13 to claim silver i For further information and/or a park use permit applica- s Michalski and Tim to the consolation side of the lost a tight first set 22-20 in the consolation side of the ne11 traveled to Spanish draw. before coming back to claim draw. tion package, please contact the district office at: ch in Vancouver to coni- In the elimination playoff the second set 21-19 to force Michalski and Bonnell BC Parks GaribaldVSunshine Coast District Office PO Box 220 ’ in the BC Beach round, the local volleyballers a third and deciding set. would like to thank their 3 Brackendale, BC VBN 1TO eyball Provincial again found their touch with The last set of the season sponsors Black’s Pub, mpionships on Aug. 25. Bonnell making acrobatic was a closely-fought affair, Wildwood Lodge and Ph: (604)-898-3678 Fax: (604)-898-4171 e Sea to Sky duo, spon- defensive saves and with no more than two points Sportstop for a great beach For tl d by Black’s Pub, Michalski putting up a huge season aiid look forward to mid separating the teams Jwood Lodge and block at the net to reel off a throughout. soiiie cross-training on the cEE8:w in series of wins to reach the Despite big serves, great ski slopes this season. Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection ie se rtstop, again struggled. e pla se t REGISTRATION FOR SQUAMISH SKATING CLUB FALL C W1NTER PROGRAMS Pear Wednesday, September 5, 200 1 it 01 6:OO-8:OO p.m F nee Brennan Park Recreation Lobby ing Programs Offered: Canskate (learn to skate) :end€ Junior Figure Skating, Test and Competitive, Synchronized. Power Skills and Drills JGOBOWLING( In c; 1288 -Contact Registrar Donna Sweeny 4-89 604-898-5529 .... \ 26 iTuesday, September 4, 2001 i~ The Chief ~lliSquamish, B.C. find what you're looking for with our ONlIN€

MECHAN %w w.squ am ish c h i e f .c o m required. @ox35 Companie To place a D-(l parts and NetworkClassified Ad, 38117-ZndA diff erentii call this newspaper or Squamish, B and hydn Friday iT3 for (604) 669-9222 VON automotivl $309 3( ment indu 3:OO P.M. people an Office Hours: mechanic Ll ee r, ' Me1 Monday to Thursday -~ ._ Welcome Wagon Welcome Wagon 1199 Friends & Familv 1199 Friends & Family 1199 Friends & Fami 'rairie bra 9:OO a.m. - 5:OO p.m. I utomotivc Friday 8:OO a.m. - 5:OO p.m, .oad high juired. Fa, IUR GRO :ompany : All classified ads must iteel and c in opening be prepaid by Cash, tr journeyr Cheque, Visa or lnd FCAW MasterCard. lit resume ._ lteel Fabri 0 Ave., Inl mtion: Bri 073. Email EGISTERE ctober 201 rork week SUBSCRIPTIONS TO Mr: & Mrs. Paul ear moun algary or Whistler MAHOOD McFadden & :tivity abc wu Patricia Anne, passed away i . Mrs. June Skiffington SAVE YOU MONEY tosse, BOJ Squamish on August 26, 2001. Pi ouse, AB, OVER BUYING AT THE are pleased to announce was born on July 14, 1953 i the marriage !OO. Fax 40 Mailbox Accounts $5/wk NEWSSTAND. Squamish and lived most of her lif Prices include GST. - Regular in North Vancouver and Vancouve WA Classified Ads Pat was predeceased by her fathc lines 3 $7.50 Home delivery & Jack Mahood and is survived by he cu Each Additional Line $1.85 Mail Delivery in .Town loving mother Dulcie Mahood (ne c Meyrick), her sisters Lynn Seniors' Rate $32.1 0 (Goldsworthy) and Shirley Mahooc wi 1 year $42.80 her brother Andy Mahood, and he PI u mbin (orridor (lossified Ads Wholes Mail delivery in Canada two nieces Erin and Kell immedia 1 year $85.60 Goldsworthy. After a long and hero Reyular 3 line classified rote plus ic battle with illness, Pat is finally a la5 Career Opportunities General Employment 1240 General Employme Warehc All subscriptions must be prepaid 240 peace. She will be missed by a Service $2.00 also gets your ad in by cash, cheque or charge card - FREE 128 page "Career Opportuni- quamish food distributor ne€ Visa or Mastercard. who came to know and love her. He plus ber ties'' Guide shows you how to train JANITOR / DISHWASHER river for 5 ton truck fri The Question, heart and spirit live on in all of us Fax As Pat had requested, and in keep at home for top paying jobs. Earn Full time and part time. 'ancouver to D'Arcy. Work 3 . 1010 Announcements ing with her Irish roots, there will bc More. Call Granton Institute today Market Catering, ays, get paid 5 - 6 days. Fluent (604 Bold and/or CAPITAL letters, a "celebration of her life and mem at 1-800-361-1971 for your free Function Junction, Whistler. nglish, clean drivers abstra - CRIMINAL RECORD? Canadian pardor ories" at the home of her sister an( guide. Flexible hours, good benefits, lust have or apply for Class seals record. waiver permits lega accommodation available. Underlined Words, U.S. mother on Friday, Sept. 7, 2001 a GREAT JOBS IN Travel! Training cense with air. Call 604-898-1504 American entry. Why risk employmenl For interview, call m 3:OO p.m. at 2539 Jura Crescent ir and job placement assistance avr:' licensing, travel, arrest, deportation Sandra or Chris 604-932-5506 Centered Word Ads: Squamish. All who have beer able for these jobs - Airline PO 1 The BC Museum of Mining ha! property confiscation? Can. - U.S. Im $1.25 Per Line touched by Pat5 beautiful smile, he :ions, on-board cruiseships, fli! one Youth Community Actioi migration specialists. 1-800-347-2540. ne cook req'd for the break position (180 hrs.) for a Collec ' generous heart and her zest for lift attendants, travel agents, ho st/lunch shift. Competitive startin$ FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS - Durable are welcome. In lieu of flowers, i staff, and many more. tions Inventory Assistant. Thi: Email Addresses: dary. Apply in person at Toaster: Dependable, Pre-engineered All-Stee donation to the Canadian Cancel :ontact us today.1-800-668-93 position's wage is payable in thf $1 .$5 Per Line lunge & Grill. Located at the Supei Structures. Custom-made to suit you1 Society would be appreciated. Ivww.tou rismc olleg e. c om, form of tuition credit for pos~ Fi needs and requirements. Factory-Di. Motel, Squamish. secondary studies at $8.00 hr. In. Photo Classified -ove to cook, entertain, decora rect affordable prices. Call 1-800-668- ical Courier Company has imme. terested youth (15-24) shoulc ind celebrate? Join Canada's lea Vhat ma $1 6.M 51 11 ext. 132 for free brochure. ate openings for small vehicles ir visit the web for further detail: I Should You ng Party Plan company. C&M gi Why e Squamish/Whistler areas. Cal about the YCA program In ploy ec I Plan Your s expanding in your area and nee Family & Friends 1831 Corning Events en or Wade in Squamish, 604- www.vo ut h. cj ov. b c .c a ke homt Zonsultants. Visit us 0wn Fun era 1 ? 5-01 23 or Whistler 604-905-0231 Phone the Museum for details 1x4 - $20.011 wW.candmgifts.com 'or call (51 a bout the position 604-896-2233 ~ Home Fashion Party!!! RELIEVELOVED ONES OF etal/flashing workers, siding in- APF 158-7905, or fax (519) 258-0707 ext. or If you have a EMOTIONAL BURDEN allers, labourers req'd immed. 224 221. 60 ind out more and request free infc Deadline is September 25/01 Passion for Fashion EXPRESSYOUR OWN WISHES nation and catalogues. Ing term, advancement potential and want the convenience PROTECTFUNERAL COST th growing company. Experience - of a home party, FROM INFLATION 1240 General Employmer e f e r red , Tr a ns p o rtat io n, common 'a ite r/w a it r e ss with ex p e r ie nc Network (lassifieds call Trish at Stylezone Squamish Funeral Chapel nse and reliablity essential. Will ?ededfor dayshift, 4 days/week i 604-892-3516 or 604-892-3255. !est Western Sea to Sky seeks pi itannia House Restaurant in Br These ads appear in approximately & Crematorium Ltd. iin committed individuals. Fax Great selection and prices on ime servers in their Midwi :o./resumes to 604-898-6668. nnia Beach. Phone 604-896-2335 109 community newspapers in sweaters, coats, vests lestaurant. Flexible hours, must 604-898-5121 I otel needs front desk person, 'hiski Jack Resorts is offerin , and lots more! ut going, experienced preferre British Columbia and the Yukon. "The McKenzie Family" 1st be familiar with night audit ?rm. P/T housekeeping. Exp. nec, lrop resumes in person at the fro ocedure. Needs 2 languages, ease fax resume 1-604-938-1458 es k. KIDS CAN SEW glish and German. 604-892-4890 JSY FLAT RATE dealership re 25 Words or less $309,00 10 you like the outdoors? Valhal Lessons for ages 7 and up quires journeyman technician an1 1215 Career Opportunities a Starting Sept. 10th ure Outfitters is looking for fu No limits Motor Sports lube technician with opportunity fa Mon. -Tues. - Wed. - Thurs.. me long-term employee. Ntrist t \ NEW CAREER? Train to be an Aotivated, energetic and reli- apprenticeship. 45 minutes from Ed 3:30 p.m. til 4:30 p.m. n energetic, self-directed, peopli rpartment/ Condominium Manager: ble, shop help required. rnonton. Benefit package. Resumi 1619 Arrowhead Rd. erson. Basic computer skills i \GREEMENT: Aany jobs! Job placement assis- /lust have basic mechanical to Brown's Chrysler Ltd., 10011-10; RII Registration Sept. p.m. sset. Drop of resume at Valhal 7, 3:30 I bility. Will train suitable appli- Ave., Westlock, AB, T7P 2N1 or ii 4dvertisements should be read on the first ance. All-Areas. Government Reg- 'ure, Squamish Station Mall. For information 604-898-2014 :ant. Start immed. Apply in per- I iublication day. The Chief is not responsible ste red Progra m. Informa ti on/ Derson. Attention: Dale Marshall. wochure (604) 681-5456, 1-800-665- inployment Unlimted is now hirir )on with resume to: COMMERCIAL PLUMBER RE 'or errors appearing beyond the first inser- Pampered Chef is offering a cook- eneral labourers for job site cle; '4-38921 Progress Way, or call ACollege tempor s ,ion. It is agreed by any display or classified ing show, Wed. Sept. 15,7:00 p.m. at 1339, www.rmti.ca. QUIRED for work in Northern Albei p and other general labour. PI 104-815-4444 ta. Must be self-motivated. Resum idvertiser requesting space thot the liability Totem Hall. Everyone welcomed. UTENTION: Driver Training Pro- rop resume off in person: fll-101 required. Contact Terry at 780-618 responsit if the paper for errors occurring in the pub For more information, please call Irams. Including professional driver vnham Rd. (Function Junction). 604-892-5166 lassroom instruction loaded 7039. Fax resume to 780-624-2190. person sti ishing of any advem'sement shall be limited & nountain training. Funding source & TT sales position required at Ge Now Hiring CONTROL SYSTEMS 2000 LTD il o the amount paid for such advertisement. Qualifica 1055 Found areer counseling. Job placement ewellers. Resumes acceptc Certified flag persons for rep- Manning has immediate employ vailable. 1-877-763-8040. MJ Bloom- !on., Wed., Fri. & Sat. No phor utable traffic control co., ment for journeyman instrumen Experil NSCRIMINATORY LEGISLATION: alls pls. ;quamish, Whistler, Pemberton Car keys found, The. Blvd. and eld & Okanagan University College. mechanic. Job includes main Some idvertisers are reminded that provincial Highlands Way South on Sun. Aug. areas. Must have vehicle. 1E an INTERIOR DECORATOR with Friendly Giant Daycare has tenance of pneumatic and electron 55 wor ?gislation forbids the publicotion of any 26. To ID call 604-892-9161 'hoqe 604-894-1135 to apply ic instruments for plant and field ur unique home-study course. Call an opening for a P/T childcare Good c dvertisement thot discriminates against any 1085 lost ir your Free brochure. 1-800-267- worker starting Oct. 1. R.T.U. and D.C.S. experience wade erson because of age, sex, race, 829. Sheffield School of Interior (replacement for maternity be an asset. Training will be prod Starting I ed for Bristol R.T.U. and Honeywe1 digion, rolor, ancestry or place of origin Set of keys on Greg Gardner leather lesign. 1304 - 38 McArthur Ave., leave.) You must be 19 years or Organic Green Grocer and Please qc nless the conditior, is justified by a bona tag between Highlands and lttawa, ON K1L 6R2. older, either enrolled in {he ECE Alley Cat Bake Shop DCS. Permanent rotating shift. Cd de requirement for the work involved. Garibaldi Estates and downtown Program (or equivalent), have a P/T positions avail. Retail and Dan at 780-836-5560 or 780-836-386i Send res1 OUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTI- or fax resume to 780-836-3894. Squamish Aug. 29. Call 604-898-5261. UTE, Accredited by PPSEC. Be- valid First Aid Certificate and food exp. an asset. Drop off Human RE OPY RIGHT: ome a professional counsellor complete a criminal check. esume to: 40383 Tantalus Way, EXPERIENCED FRAMING 2055 Purcl Notice Drop off resume between 8 and required immediately opyright and or property rights subsist in all irough on-campus or correspon- Garibaldi Highlands. Fax: 604.9 hertisements and all other moterial ence courses. Free catalogue 1- 11 a.m. located at Brennan Park House project. Fax resume t ipeoring in this edition of The Chief. 10-665-7044. leisure Centre. t time Sales person required for Ballast Nedam (250) 344-7441. to Ieprodute part wing business. Must be a posi- SERVICE TECHNICIAN for heatin( mission wholly or in ,OUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTI- Full-time labourers required for e\ id in any form whatsoever, must be TUTE, Accredited by PPSEC. Be- ! people person with a good driv- and air conditioning required foi ent rental company. No experienc record. Able to work independ- Nork in Northern Alberta. Must be We than itained in writing from the publisher. Any come a professional counsellor necessary. Ph. 604-892-8200. through on-campus or correspon- ly, training provided. Fax resume self-motivated. Resume required iouthorized reprodu(tion will be subject to Squamish: 81 5-4089 -898-0702 or mail to Box 913, :ontact Terry 780-618-7039. far course in law. dence courses. Free catalogue 1- Whistler: 905-5489 800-665-7044. ramish, B.C. VON 360 -esume to 780-624-21 90. - 1240 General Employment- 1240 General.Employment 1240 General Employment 1240 General Employment 1240 General Employment 1240 General Employment MECHANICS AND PARTS PG REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY for bus required. The Gear Centre Group c Chrysler dealership journeymar Companies specializes in supplyin technician also requires servicc parts and rebuilding transmission: writer. Top wages to right individu differentia Is, drivelines, steerin als. Phone Tyrone 780-542-4488. Bit In Squamish, B.C. and hydraulic components for thl West Dodqe. automotive truck and heavy equip SHEET METAL MECHANIC requirec Comes with two bedroom apartment, good IfumsfaCe Agencies Lfd, ment industries. We require part for work in Northern Alberta. Mus1 Squamish Insurance has a position insurance people and apprentice/journeymai je self-motivated. Resume re- salary & benefits. for an mechanics for our Calgary, Re! quired. Contact Terry 780-618-7039 representative. Applicants must have good client service skills Deer, Medicine Hat, and Grandc 'ax resume to 780-624-2190. Required for Oct. 1 1. and hold a level I license. Prairie branches. Knowledge of thc /O Please fax to: 604-898-4026 jlutomotive, heavy truck and on/of A Career in Real Estate For more info call Bruce 604=202-6864. resume Poad highway equipment is re Real estate can provide excelle or mail to P.O. Box 130, luired. Fax resume to 780-452-9910 career opportunities for those wil Garibaldi Highlands, IUR GROWING and diversifiec the right aptitude and motiiatic Must live in building - handyman skills an asset. B.C. VON IT0 :ompany specializing in structura levels. Windermere Sea to Sky Re iteel and containment products ha: Estate offers advanced training an in opening for a welder. Apprentice support for qualified ne\ )r journeyman welders with GMAN associates. To find out about ind FCAW experience. Please sub. career in Real Estate ci A friendly, caring, energetic nit resume by mail or fax to: Laden Gerry Halstrom, Owner/Manager fc iteel Fabricators, Box 6239, 4017 - a personal and confidential meetins 0 Ave., Innisfail, AB, T4G 1S9. At- Hygienist required for a busy ention: Brian Penner. Fax 403-227- 073. Email: [email protected] Sea to Shy Real Estate Squarnish Ltc dental practice. IEGI STEREO D ENTALHVGIEN I ST, 092-3571 lctober 2001 to July 2002. Four day iork week. Patient friendly office Why work for a Fax resume: 604-898-8257 ul ear mountains. Two hours from algary or Edmonton. Recreational slave driver, when ctivity abound. Contact Or. G.H. phone: 604-898-9557 gton losse, Box 793, Rocky Mountain you can work for ounce ouse, AB, T4T 1A6. Phone 403-845- yourself! 1, 200. Fax 403-845-4440. 2ommunity Futures will WAREHOUSE xtend your Employment and nsurance herictits BO that CUSTOMER ou can start your own husi- S hor t-te rm Contract position. SERVICE less and he your OIIW boss! lighly organized person to guide visitors from Japan Whistler, B.C. 'or marc information, please Plumbing and Heating cgistcr for our FREE Self in Squamish area. Requires high energy to guide Wholesaler has an hiploynient Program infor- group for 4 days in October. Some pre-tour set up immediate opening for a iation session. ill be required. Prefer individual with teaching experience. Wareh o u s e/C u s to m er COMXUNITYFUTURES Service Person. Salary If interested please fax your resume to: TcI: (604) 892-5467 or nee plus benefits. Margot Olah at 1-604-466-2074 or ck fri Fax: (604) 892-5227 Fax Resume To: ork 3 . e-mail it to [email protected] Fluent (604) 932-2437 cwLo.*uR wehsite: cfdchs.com a bstra

' Class 98-1 504 Sell it I I ing ha: Actioi Join Us GUARANTEED1 Collec nt. Thi: le in tht Staff Members Accountant or pos McMiUan Thorn & Co Ltd. is currently seeking a IO hr. In Full-Time (Days and Weekends) CGA or senior student for a full time accounting shoulr miat makes our customers happy is what motivates oui GUARANTEED detail: position. Duties will include the preparation of *ogram mployees. Honesty, caring, and a workplace that feels financial statements and income tax returns for both ike home. We've got great things in store for you! personal and corporate clients. CLASSIFIEDS details A competitive wage and benefits package is offered. 96-2233 Apply Today, 38930 Progress Way, Squamish. 604-815-4311 (phone) 60443154322 (fax). Preference will be given to applicants with previous Buya3-line ad for $19.99 i/O 1 public practice experience. and we'll run the ad until it sells. I perienc (Private party merchandise only. Rentals and real estate excluded.) ;/week Only $5 morefir corridor-wide coverage in the whistler Question, nt in Br 96-2335 An employer you can count on. Call The Chief at 604-892-9161 offerin xp. nec OUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROGRAM FACILITATOR -38-1458 ship rf Dmmunity Futures Development Corporation of Howe Sound SALES ASSISTANTS cian an currently looking to hire a Program Facilitator to work with tunity fc luth (16-30) in exploring entrepreneurship is a career option. Opportunities are now available for from Er le ideal candidate will have: reliable and mature individuals who are Resum A Business Administration degree with a focus on 001 1-10 RECEPTIONIST . Entrepreneurship available for FULL TIME or PART TIME N1 ori 3-5 years previous teaching experience with young adults rshall. afternoons and late night. - Squamish Campus :sired exDerience: :R RE significant experience in group facilitation rn Alber A temporary, on-call receptionist is required for Capilano These positions offer College s busy Squamish campus. The position is primarily the ability to foster creativity and innovation on a daily basis Resum1 small business related experience as an entrepreneur ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES 780-618 responsible for customer service and telephone and in- 0-21 90. quired skills: EXCELLENT BENEFITS person student registration. exceptional interpersonal skills 1 LTD if Qualifications: superior written and oral presentation skills PROGRESSIVE WAGES employ well organized itrumen Experience dealing with the public (which are reviewed twice annually). ;in understanding of the specifk needs and barriers facing ; main Some computer skills, including a keyboarding speed of youth Please in person at: ilectron 55 words per minute apply nd field computer skills: proficient in thc use of Office 2000, Internet Good communication skills 38471 Cleveland Ave. e would is is a contract position, which will begin on Sept. IO, 200 1, ? provid- Starting salary: $16.34 per hour i will expire on April 12, 2002. Squamish meywel hift. Cal Please quote competition #01-462-C 'ou are intcrcstcd in this challenging opportunity, please send 336-38ii Send resumes by Friday, September 7,4 p.m. to: ir resume to: 94. ~ Human Resources, Capilano College - Dawson CREW! 2055 Purcell Way, North Vancouver, B.C. V7J 3H5 neral Manager r TOW niniunity Futures Development Corporation of Howe Sound ume Fax: 604.983.7523 c 2533 11. For details, visit our Web site: iamish, BC he atin( www.capcollege. bc.ca/careers V 3G0 ired ail: [email protected] Must be We thank a// applicants for their interest; however, only those quire1 selected for interviews will be contacted. ' 604-892-5227 39. Far idline for applications is Sept. 6,2001. P tehphone inquiries pleme. We thank all candidatesfor their interest in 5is position, however on4 those sekcted fir interviews will be contacted Actively supporting employment equity 28 rn Tuesday, September 4, 2001 IThe Chief 111 Squamish, B.C. I

1240 General Employment 1240 General Employment 1240 General Employment 1240 General Employment 2060 For Sale Misc 3020 Childcare Wanted 1 =, I- Lumber for sale. Various sizes: 2x1 hackendale morning and after- - ERV CAFE- / 2x4, 2x10. In total over 200 board: zhool care in my home for 2 kids GAI We are now hiring for permanent part-time retail sales help. $700. Call 604-892-5022. iges 10 and 12. Car necessary. Suit- A team player who enjoys working with the public in a fast Peg Prego stroller, $45. Evenflo ca ible for adult. Call 604-898-5951. . cc RETAIL One paced environment. Someone who takes pride in serving seat, toddler, $50. Dining roo[ iaribaldi Highlands, kindergarten delicious lunches, desserts & gourmet coffees. Lucite Chandlier. Ph. 604-898-3089 lnd pre-school a.m. Drop off and 2b Drop off resume at 38086 Cleveland Ave. MANAGERS Pre-owned office chairs. Gooc lick up req'd. Call 604-898-9409 Matun Daytime flexible hours. quality and great selection. Phonc Ihort-term childcare needed 2 hr. this fa 604-892-9076 or 604-892-4888. efore school, 3 days/week, (flexi- Has B you enjoy woddng as a team motivated in a publir le days) in home. Ph. 604-898-3969 setting? men we mt to talk to you about joining ou Single extra long bed. Excellen sho condition. $100 060. Call 604-898 040 Daycare Centres Daytime and Part-time Staff Management Team for one of ow Retail Locations in 3805. Heat, me Ullage of WsUel SAWMILL $4995.00. All new Supel Extra money and a schedule that works for you. Lumbermate 2000, larger capaci, Eagle View Childcare ties, more options. Norwood Indus, licensed Family Daycare Phor At McDonald's, that's what we're all about. Duties: tries, manufacture of sawmills, edg. Located in Brackendale. Whether you're a homemaker, a student or just Customer Service as required (You will be a working manager); ers and skidders. Free information We provide planned Motivating your team to be the best sales people in Whistler; 1-800-566-6899, ext. 400.0T. programming, snack & lunch & kingergarten & afterschool looking for a little extra cash, we'll go out of our Store displays, scheduling, banking, etc. as required; 2070 Firewood pickups. Caregivers are ECE and way to accommodate your other commitments. Inventory flow to and fromstore location; First Aid trained and ref's are Communication with Warehouse. Head Office other location Of course, we have a lot more to offer then just and A great firewood deal. Fir, hemlock avail. Limited spaces. For more mix, alder, maple and birch. Full info. call BobbiJo or Stacey N a paycheque - namely, great career opportuni- Qualifications: cords. 128 cu. ft. Ph. 604-898-9607 604-898-4750, ties, valuable experience, regular wage reviews, Retail experience required; Alder, maple, birch. Delivery to Squamish and Whistler included. free uniforms, meal benefits, on the job Supervisor experience an asset; J Basic knowledge of Computerized Till (POS system); Standard cord. Call 604-898-9301. training, crew activities and incentives. Excellent skills: Seasoned dry firewood Soft or hard \NADA'S TOP PSYCHICS ... Are You communication !ady to Believe in Psychics Again? Able to work as a team, but capable of making decisions: wood. Delivery included. Also kin- To find out more, visit your dling avail. 604-898-5305 for info. ill Now, You Won't Be Disappoint- Willing to adjust work schedule as required. 0~~000~~~1110~~00~~~0~01!1-900-451-7070. $2.95/minute. 18t. Squamish McDonald's restaurant. 2080 Garage Sa ZENSED PSYCHIC and god gifted. 604. e you having bad luck with love, Benefits: GARlBALDl ESTATES reer, etc.? One complimentary Wages depending on experience; 40460 Cheakamus Way. Sat. Sept. 8 ading by phone. Call today, tomor- There's a little M\ in everuonea-J Medical and dental packages; 330 am - 11:30 am. Kids stuff only. iv mav be too late. 1-888-999-5756. Flexible work schedule and Vacation Time; 4aes 4 - 12 vrs. Mostly boys. Staff discounts; GARlBALDl HIGHLANDS Regular wage reviews. Sat. Sept. 8, 2449 The Blvd. St. ad Joseph's Church. 9 am - noon. Great iarietv of items. I PLEASE ~~ I FAX RESUME V~AMQUAM I 'I WITH COVERLETTERTO I234 Timbertown, Sat. Sept. 8 at 10 1 im- 2 pm. Household items, tools, I CHUCK KNGZETT (604) 932-2906 ind a mix match of odds and sods. I clat warehouse 4600 Vacation Spots assistant manager TIMESHARE RESALES. Worldwide 1415 Music/Theah$lance 2050 Free Selection. Era Stroman Since 1979. Piano req'd for young student. If www~sql .Job: Call Now! Buyers call 1-800-613- Sofa and chair, both recliners, tar you're moving and it's free. Please Full-time Monday to Friday dayshifts to start immediately MUSIC LESSONS call us. 604-898-3332 7987. Sellers call 1-800-201-0864. colour, great for rec. room. Call 604- www.time s ha retin k. c om. Duties : Roseanna Rudolph 898-972 1 Limited space available for fall 3015 Childcare Available & 5010 Business for Sale Perforni physical electronic receiving lessons - piano, recorder, music 2060 For Sale Misc Jessica's Studios after school pick Counting, Scanning, & Tagging Garments theory. up and care with music and art Filling out paperwork, 8r entering data in system All levels and styles 2 loveseats, excellent condition. WHISTLER LOCATION ,I Automotive repair shop, .'/I Comniunicating with all areas of the company Soft pastel colors. Like new. $250 facilities for your creative children. Classical to Jazz Call Rayna 604-898-0762 I 604-898-5023 ea. Phone 604-898-9629. well established business. Supervising and Training of staff ~ Large clientele base. 1 Iess ons@h a rmonyh o use. c a BITS AND PIECES NEW AND USEU Spaces avail. Sept. '1st in licensed Qualifications: family daycare. Valleycliffe area. Turn key operation. FURNITURE, etc. 38205 Westwah Ca I I 604-892-9014 Knowledge of computers PIANO LESSONS for Young Children Ave., Stawamus Mall, Valleycliffe. Call Judy Roberts 604-892-9296 Physically fit from age 3. Offering: Kelly Kirby pre- Open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mon. - Sat. 3020 Childcare Wanted Existi n g Ia u nd ro m at/c offe e b a r. Some rnanagement experience school group or private classes; Delta tablesaw $100. 604-892-9570. Suitable for owner/operator. Seri- Knowledge of inventory flow child-centered lesson format; Royal 6x8 cedar fence panel $40. 5x3 ce- 10 yr. and 6 yr. olds require before ous inquires only. Call 604-892-3823 Good conimunication skills Conservatory preparation; and less- dar gate $25.604-815-0889. and after school care, Garibaldi ons designed for adults. All ages BY OWNER, RENOVATED 21 year old Able to work independently or as a team player Home Gym, Weider. Excellent. con- Highlands. Priority for after school. 20 room rnotei, 77 seat dining room, welcome. Start Sept. Henriette Toth, Call 604-898-2310 B.Mus. 12 yrs exp. In Vancouver diton and complete. $350. 060. Call 33 seat lounge. Gross $560,000. List: Please fax resume to (604) 932-2906 583-6776, 2 locations: WestEnd OR 604-898-3458 $449,000. Bill: 306-398-4944. Fax: 306- Attention Chuck / Sharon or drop off your resume at 11 st/Fraser. 398-4084. www.pin.cq/sask/Ol-0506. I400 Alpha Lake Road, Function Still Dancing offers classes in jazz, '%. 9 Jallet, tap. Ages 5 and up. Kinder- \$. _... jance ages 3 and 4. Debbie 604- 398-3485. Chev Cat( Daycare Awailable Daycare Avai labk eel drive, ri POI0 Appliances decal to J ;ing $5,500. 'ree washing machine, Whiripool 1 jooa Tor work clothes. Call 604-898- Grade On EKLY PAY( Nds help di to 1-800-279- ,1 .IJ -:ked Appliances Age 12 TYPES OF rridges, Stoves, Freezers, tI ds, Start i'iashers & Dryers stariincj at il vgency solidate, E sing. Pros1 Free N.prospexx NTRY HOTE ig and hunti k pit, 9 roon 1 quarters. Bsesehssl act lvor 306- I AT CANAD :hise oppoi !d on ston 1 iontact fdir (604j 592-4429 I ire,RCC Victori; and IF i lkt wuP.dasPre.bc.ca i # $23/MONTH! 30 day !xoney back j88-9763. I I, !.s.com. guarantee. No money down, 110 pay- ments tintil December. 800 MHz Intel !...CLOTHE5 computer. Apply online 0.A C.; ? Balance ! www.lbuckaday.com. Call 1-888- nost suca I' 855-5527. ! I discount rates. I Call Andrea 0 Exploring the World of Music, Science, i 604-832-3617 Arts and Crafts in a Safe, Fun, Social Setting. raniservecorn I 40409 Cheakamus Way, Garibaldi Estates For more info call Erica at 604-898-3445 The Chief BI Squamish, B.C l~skTuesday, September 4,2001 I 29 CLASSDFDEDS ma lanted Rental Accommodation & Real Estate Rental Accommodation & Real Estate 6505 Apartments/Suitesw 6590 Rooms nd after- Shannon Estates. For Sale by Owr Centrally located 5 bdrm. plus den, 3 for 2 kids GARIBALDIGARDEN WESTPARK APARTMENTS er. 3 bdrm T/H with 1 1/2 baths, 1/2 bath. Very lg. house with 19. sary. Suit- appl. single car garage, deck facin yard, carport and garage. Includes -5951. . COURTSQUAMISH I Bedroom $525 Includes I Heat river $148,900 Ph. 1-604-938-8783 2 bdrm. 1 bath separate living area if One bedroom from $525, 2 Bedroom $575 jergarten Hot Water "Say good-bye to your landlord' desired. 6 appliances included. I off and 2 bedroom from $625. 3 Bedroom $645; Quiet Location This townhouse can be easil Available604-898-1 544 Oct. 1st. $1,50O/mo. Phone 1-9409 Mature adults are welcome in 3886 1 Buckley Ave. Call Res. Manager 604-892-3616 owned, as we can help with thl ded 2 hr. this familv-oriented complex. * NO PETS financing. 3 bdrm. end-unit, nicl ek, (flexi- Has playground, close to fenced back yard. Ph. 604-815-9495 898-3969 shops, bus and school. Britannia Beach - 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 4 6505 Apartmentstsuites appl., N/S. Avail. immed. Ref. req.d ntres Heat, hot water and parking $650/mo. Ph. 604-760-6694 - included. Call Sally Collins 604-8 15-402 I 1 bdrm downtown Squamish. N/F Avail. Sept. 1. Call 604-898-3217 o re No pets. 6590 Rooms 898-5955. -~ ~~ ~~ are Phone 604-898-1 755 AVA~LABLE -RANGE ile. 1 bdrm suite downtown area. Avail Furnished room in clean home. j sYg immed. N/P. PIS. call 604-892-3048. Quiet working person. Incl. 5 appl., r- Now/Oct. 1st $575 unch 1 bdrm. bsmt. suite Valleycliffe. N/S util., housekeeper and extras. c hool I N/P. Available anytime. Call 604-892 Smoking 0.k. $400/mo. plus damage CE and Call AVA~IABLE RANGE 3106 deposit. Ph. 604-898-3667 lev. msg. are s 1 bdrm. plus den, main fl. Garibald Large bright room with phone and * more T.V. near downtown. $350/mo. Male, icey Oct, 1st Highlands. $575/mo. incl. util. anc Nancy, or $1,000 laundry. N/S. Avail. Oct. 1. 604-898. N/S, N/P. Ph. 604-892-0195 - 11 STRATA, RENTALS G COMMERCIAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 5785 North Yards, 3 bdrm. townhouse, 1 bdrm., $500/mo. Cable, heat anc laundry, cable incl., share kitchen. Jo-Ann hydro incl. N/S, N/P. Avail. Sept $350/mo. Call Les 604-898-2335 Residential Sales, Strata Management, Residential & Commercial Tenancy 1st. 604-892-3778. After 4:OO p.m. Room for rent in Garibaldi Estates. Are You 2 bdrm. Garibaldi Highlands, on the Cooking and laundry facilities avail. s Again? at Phone 604-898-3142. appoint- Basil Milnew Premium Property Sales & Management Blvd., ground floor, great view ute. 18t. Close to school/bus. Laundry incl, VACANCLES Old Footprints - 1 & 2 bdrm - $650/450 604-892-9650 or 604-892-1 162 d gifted. 604-892-91 61 1 bdmi. Suite Brackendale (iwI.Iw;ltk;IliJa) $600 ith love, 4 bdrm - Main floor Gaibaldi Estates . $1,050 - - - 38026 Cleveland Ave. 1 bdrm suite, 1 - Full time student or employeed $1,050 3 West Way Village $650-$695 nentary 3 bdrm House Northridge - bdrm. - fridgehtove. $450/mo includes gas person req'd to share large town- 3 bdrm Townhouse Mountain View $930 and electricity. Barry 604-892-9813 house. Call Doua 1-604-512-1699 r, tomor- to - - - COM~KCIA~-/~~~USTK~AI, 99-5756. 0 2 bdrm Marina Estates $900 Brackendale. Cozy 2 bdrm. bsmt. - - Former Stedmans 4,500 sq. ft. Brackendale, 3 bdrm. duplex. \ suite in character home. Lg. private $300/mo. all inclusive. Avail. immed. 3 bdrm - Duplex. Garibaldi Highlands- $850 Former Alice's Restaurant - 1,500 scj. ft. advertise 3 bdrm - Westway - $695 Restaurant - 7ormer Elfin Galley iot, quiet street. Storage room with Call 604-898-5190 or 898-1285. 5 bdrm - House - Valleycliffe Former Loggers Inn Restaurant N/d. private entrance, new kitchen, Brackendale. 3 bdrm. rancher, shared hydro, $650/mo. Avail. ilvorking, tidy, clean person. Incl. in the mmed. NIP, N/S, ref. req'd. 12/mo. hydro, w/d. $450/mo. plus damage ease. Call 1-604-685-4877 jePosit. Avail Oct. 1. 604-898-2356 -9. clean bright, newly renovated 2 e Share 3 bdrm. townhouse in Brack- idrm. suite in Valleycliffe. Lg. mdale. $425/mo. incl. hydro. Avail - classif ieds. enced yard, w/d, absolutely N/S, Its Windermere low. Phone 604-898-5189. - W?Avail. Aug. 1st. References. Ph. to 604-892-5576 rldwide Basil Milne Sea Sky Real Estate, Squamish Beryl Taylor iO4-898-4280 or cell 604-892-7929 i%@ Townhorn& for Rent e 1979. luiet 2 bdrm. avail Oct..l. W/D www-squamishchieficom monthly statements, financial accountability, consistent communication, weekend accessibility, professional service 00-613- ;550/mo. plus uti. N/S, N/f? 604-892 bdrm townhouse, Highland Glen. 5 1-0864. 073,604- 666-7692 or 224-5860 ippl. 2 1/2 bath. f/p. $1,075/mo. 1- iO4-924-2330 i506 Commercial I bdrm. 1 1/2 bath, and carport Sale .aundry hook up. No pets. Ref's. $500 Bach Cozy all inclusive suites, coin laundry, walking btance to stores, etc. immed. Downtown :ommerical space for rent next tc eq'd. Phone 604-892-5672. 1 Lovely furnished suite in Diamond Hed Place, hyhincluded immed. Estates 'emberton post office. Availabk $650 low. Call 604-892-3577 I bdrm. spacious townhome on $695 3 Bright second floor unit facing pool, new paint & flooring, close to amenities immed. ValleycMe 'alley Drive, close to nature walks, $725 2 Ground floor suite, 2 appliances, heat and hydro included, lots of parkmg, pet friendly immed. Estates -ibre Optic Network with speeds 0' 'ent $800/mo. Suitable for quiet peo- $725 2 Ground floor @ Diamond Head Place, 5 appls, close to amenities immed. Estates rp to 100 mbps. Fastest interne ,le. Contact Ronnie McCartney, :onnector building in Squamish. Of $750 2t End unit townhouse, fenced yard, new flooring down, lots of parking immed. Estates loyal LePage Black Tusk Realty. 604- $lo00 2 Large Highland Glen unit, five appliances, gas fireplace, garage immed. Estates ice space in Mountain FM buildin! 198-5904 work or 604-898-5941 home. $1200 3 Large family home with garage and large (full suite downstairs) immed. Valleycliffe ivail. from $200 and uphonth ! bar. yard, 'hone 604-892-3338 or 604-892. hail. now. Viking Ridge exec. 2 . Seri- '997. )drm., 1 1/2 bath, 5 appls., gas f/p, 2-3823 COMMERCIAL SPACE larage. N/S, N/P. $875/mo. Call 1) 3000 ft, - on Second Ave. - year old building can handle any configuration IiO4-856-6582. sar old sq. three For rent: Bay 2 on Cleveland Ave. Great 50 private space room, 2) 1800 sq. ft, - - Exposure! - sq. ft. - Shop/Warehouse space. ipacious 3 bdrm. townhouse, pri- 0. List: 3) 1150 sq. ft, - on Second Ave. & Pemberton - Great Location! 1585 Pernberton Ave., 'ate yard, quiet building, near town X: 306- Squarnish. i750. Call 604-892-0226 or -0506. Good Hwy. visibility. -604-985-8888 Avail. now. Phone 684-892-9390 I055 Cleaning 5017 Business Services 6015 For Sale By Owner 6020 Houses for Sale I :xcellent housecleaning done for I - 1 Chev Catering truck. White, i FIND NEW CLIENTS! Use the most 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE i508 Condos For Rent ou. Take a break, feel great. You eserve it! Affordable rates. Call lheel drive, runs on propane, safe- powerful classified system in Canada 1473 Maple Cres. 40327 Diamond Head Road 04-898-8382 i ' decal to Jan. 2002. 71,000 km. and reach millions of readers. 2,000 sq. ft., 3 level, back split, Our family has grown and we ivail. immed. 1 bdrm. 2nd floor, 6 sking $5,500.OBO 604-898-9534 Intrigued? Contact this newspaper 3 bdrm., 2/2 bath. need more space, so we must ppl., covered parking. N/S, N/P, louse cleaning. Reasonable rates and ask about Network Classifieds. IEEKLY PAYCHEQUES. COMPANY 1 25 ft. x 10 ft. shed with power. sell our 1,200 sq. ft. two bedroom 625/mo. Call 604 985-7799 nd references available. Call Angie ?eds help distributing postcards. Dr call 604-669-9222 ext3. Corner lot on nice street. townhouse. This home has an merald Estates, 3 bdrm., fully fur- t 604-892-3374 open plan and features Master dl 1-800-279-0019,24 hrs. S240,OOO OB0 Bedroom with walk-in closet and ished. Avail. immed. Call 604-683- !io35 Financial Services Ph. 604-898-5671 1185 Moving 51 5. ~ LL TYPES OF Loan and Investment walk-out balcony; fenced back ~ ~ tnds, Start Ups, Expansion, >AYDAY LOANS! BAD Credit? No yard & covered parking. EN1 TO OWN. 1 bdrrn. condo. :heap $189,000 Brackendale 4 All appliances stay put and Smoother Movers nergency Funds, Debt :redit? No Problem. Borrow up to pets are okay. reat Squamish location. Close to insolid ate, Edu cation, Fa c toring, %io0 until payday. Have a job? Get a idrm. house, 2 baths. 1,740 sq. ft. 11 amenities and golf course. Avail. Moving, storage, lasing. Prospexx, Not A Broker. oan Guaranteed! 1 hour Approval deeds TLC. 604-898-5478. THIS WON'T LAST LONG! ov. 1. 604-961-8005 or 980-2524. packing material. 111 Free 1-888-744-0007. ,-866-3-PAYDAY 24 hrs/7 days. hamond Head Place. $103,000. Top Sacrifice at $115,000. Serving the Sea to Sky Corridor uwv.prospexxmanagement.com Yww.prldirect.com. loor, corner unit with view. Call Ian at 604-892-4826 515 Duplexes for Rent 604-892-9444 or (no realtors please) IUNTRY HOTEL on hwy #16. Farming, lalcony, skylights, 5 appl. and cov- 1-604-938-6683 ning and hunting area. Seats 90 with red parking. 2 bdrm. 1 1/2 bath. bdrm. Dentville. W/D hook up, n/s, :ak pit, 9 rooms, 3 VLT's, pool table, ireat investment. Tenant occupied. 1030 Lots & Acreage tail. 0ct.lst. Ref. req'd. Call 604- ing quarters. For more information Iiamond Head Place. 1 bdrm. 2nd :all 1-250-545-8951 18-3900 or 604-892-3846 315 Tree Services ntact lvor 306-364-2062. loor, 6 appl. covered parking, new eautiful Gun Lake waterfront prop- bdrm. Perth Dr. Ample storage :arpets. $30,000 and assumable Downtown - Beautiful View -ty. 4 hrs from Vancouver. 100 2. us wired shed. 6 appliance, wood ipping, limbing, and falling. Fully \EAT CANADIAN DOLLAR Store sured. Free estimates. 604- nortgage. Call 604-985-7799 3 stor3y home, 1,000 sq. ft. suite keshore on 1.12 acres. Road ac- ove. Sunny location, near school. Call inchise opportunities. Investment gr. floor. great for home based ss. $105,000. Call 1-604-988-1885 18-5305. sed on store size. Member of By hate back yard, covered patio io15 For Sale Owner business or apt. rental, $600. . 1-250-238-2363. id carport. N/P, N/S. Avail. Oct. 1. A, RCC and IFA. #302 - 31 Bastion 2nd and 3rd floor suite, 2 bdrm., 2 105 Auto Miscellaneous uare, Victoria, BC, V8W 1J1. Fax 50/mo. Phone 604-898-5029 yr. old home in terrific neighbour- bath, lg. sundecks and family IBO Townhouses for Sale 3-388-9763. Website: www.dollar- 2 Ford Thunderbird. Collector's ood, 2 bdrm plus office, 2 bath, room. Lg. double carport, green ms.com. 540 Houses for Rent ir. Must sell! Recently restored. Ireat yard and patio. $189,000 Call house and nice gardens. END UNIT SHANNON ESTATES VE ... CLOTHES? EXTRA income'! 04-898-9139 Vendor able to assist with bdrm. rancher, 38889 Britannia iod cond. $6500 OBO. 604-898- Beautiful 3 bedroom. Nicest 22 ps? Balance Fashions is one of financing. location in complex, backs onto re. 4 appl. $800/mo. plus ulil. ! Bea ut ifLS I Brac kenda le I Ford Mustang 2 Cobra. Lots of most successful home-based For viewing call 604-892-4878 Mamquam river, deluxe floor !ail., immed. Call 604-898-9454 )thing companies in Canadian 2,000 sq. ft. house jh performance parts. $1,950. plan, private master suite, two enings or 1-604-218-5056 cell shion! Gorgeous clothing plus 4 bdrm., 2 bath. 5 appl. 2 storey lust Sell, North Yards. 3 bdrm. 30 604-892-3848 / 1-604-220-1344 full bathrooms, 5 appliances, 'ail. Oct. 1/01. 3 bdrm home in -~ ~ cessories. No pressure, no mini- Garage with work shop Jplex, 1 1/2 bath, 2 decks, lg. yard. ackendale on fully mature 1/2 I Olds Omega. Excellent running Ims. Toll-free 1-877-565-5646. Finished basement lost of storage. Best value in 119,900. Ph. 604-898-5618 re plus. Back and front yard hicle. Good tires. $1,500. Great yard, balcony & garden Sea to Sky Corridor. OB0 WV.ba lancefashions.com. iced. You could live off this land. any upgrades. Ph. 604-898-4984 35 min. from Whistler $1 49,500 020 Houses for Sale 300/mo. 604-898-2545. Price for quick sale 604-815-8022 oc 604-898-1840 Call I Olds Cutlass Wagon. 8 seats, $185,000 firm bdrm house, full bsmt, gas t/p, ackendale-4 bdrm., wood stove, ?at shape, 154,000 km. a/c, load- iced yard, very clean and bright. , $2,900 OBO. Ph. 1-604-512-5440 Save Thousands! nced yard. 1836 Garden PI. Get some small print working

78,000. To view call 604-892-9885. for YOU! call 892-9 16 I tQ itable for family. $1,15O/mo. 5 Ca II 684-375-4622 1:*','!: advertise in The Chief J pl. Ph. 604-924-1451 Avail irnmed. 1 604-892-9161 1 30 Tuesday, September 4, 2001 @ The Chief I Squamish, B.C. - a05 Auto Miscellaneous Automobile Dealerships Churches . Churches Churches Guaranteed Classifieds - '90 Tercel, 2 dr., 5 si 175,OCO kms. New brakes, stru TO muffler, water pump. Good cor SEA SKY Some rust. $2,500 OBO. 604-8s 91 37. FORD'S '94 Ford Aspire, 5 spd, 4 door, hatc back, less than 75,000 kms. Nc Picks of the Squamish United Church tires. Looks new in and out. $5,9 h entered the summer with a flurry of painting our church and OBO. Ph. 604-892-9675. MI Week ilding. Now we are happily putting the Hallelujah back into tl '95 Pontiac Grand AM. a/c, am/ : inside of thc Christian Education Building! We are preparing for a new season and . cassette, power package. Go( ':. invite you to join us in any of the following activities: cond. $4,500. Call 604-892-5022 ':: Children and youth: Sunday School for prc-school to Grade 6 begins 9 September. tt 9155 Sport Utils & 4x4 r 6-9, and senior youth group bcgins fll

'77 Dodge Ram Charger 4x4, tota Junior Choir (Grade 3-7) begins 13th September. This is new and we invite any rebuilt. Tow package. Removab canopy. !B,OOO OBO. 604-898-3554 Adults: Senior choir begins 13th September. Men': Brcakfast Group meets I i '85 Ford Bronco. V6, auto, go( mee cond. $3,000. OBO. Call 604-892-90 Three women's groups meet regularly. Mission and Service is for thc at '91 Ford Explorer, power window passionate about social justice. locks, mirrors, tilt steering, am/f radio with CD player. New tires ar shocks. Well maintained. $7,00 Bible 101: Text: "Cracking the Cover." Four Tuesday evening se Fa Phone 604-898-9751. sions beginning 2 October. Cost $30.00, minimum 5 participants. '94 Chevy Blazer. 177,000 km, ne Register by 2 Ist September. brakes/ex ha ust. WeI I main t a ine Christianity 101 in the 21st Century. Text: "The Holy - $1 1,900 OBO. Ph. 604-905-9296 1997 EXPLORER V8 XLT Wednesday evenings, beginning 3 October. Cos1 '98 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredl FULLY LOADED, A MUST IT $40.00, minimum 5 participants. Register by 2 1 st September 4x4, loaded! 58,000 km. New tire DRIVE $19,600 S26,OOO. OB0 Call 604-892-2246 "Body and Soul Breakfast" Thursday mornings begining 13th September. 8:OO- 9:00 am, at Chef Big D's Deli, on Cleveland AI 9160 Sports & Imports Praying and reflecting on Scripture (Lectio Divina): - Thursday mornings at 930, beginning 13th September, at '93 BMW 318 is. Black, 2 dr. 5 spc I sports suspension, 17 in. BMW a i31 loys. 4 snows on alloys. Sunroof, a/( tlPl Highlands Gospel Hall REP Many other options. Dealer seri Garibaldi Way & Squamish Baptist Chtirch iced, full records. Fantastic cond St. Joseph's Catholic Church Diamond Road 'A RTS 1994 CHEVY BLAZER SLT 2262 Read Crescent tion. $18,000 OBO. Call 604-815-088! 1 2449 The Boulevard, 604-898-5091 leather, );uv loaded 604-898-3 73 7 hone: 60' Caribaldi Highlands Gordon Stewart B R/ 9170 Trucks & Vans $14,500 604-898-4355 - Sunday Services: Father Angelo De Ponipa Sunday Gospel Service, 11 :15 arr Sunday Worship and WORKING PERSON'S TRUCK/ CAI Fellowship Supper, pm and Sunday School 5 LOT. Are you self-employed (or not) Sunday, 10 am Gospel Service, 7 pni n 1O:OO am Is no proof of income a problem? Ni Confessions before hlass. on the last Sunday of the month &A (until Sun. Sept. 2) -m.. down payrrient? Declined by you Monday Youth Bible Hour, 7 pm 3... Sank of your dealership? We cai Wednesday Bible Study, 7 pm help! Repossession or bankruptcie accepted. We will lend you our mon 1 r 1 ey from 1.9 for Fords, Dodges, GM's VW GOLF St. John's Anglican Church AH churches in One of Canada's only true custome MOON ROOF, 5 SPD, RED, 1930 Diamond Road Squamish United Church service oriented dealer groups. 'Nc $13,300 (behind the Best Western Hotel) this directory 38014 Fourth Avenue will help you make it happen! Cal -: 604-8984 1 00 604-892-5727 Rev. Brenda Faust now for further information, Joannt Rev. John Stephens are members of ES or Paul 1-800-650-4829, 24 hrs Sunday Worship & Sunday "Spe days/wk. Guaranteed approval o Sunday services at 8 am . the Squamish School begins at 10 am we'll give you $1001. www.credit (Holy Eucharist) and 10 am (Family Eucharist) Ministerial Visit us at: king.com. 10829.1.36 with Sunday http://squamishunitedchurch.homestead.com 0 DOWN O.A.C." Guaranteed credi School and Nursery Society. - approvals. Trucks, 4x4'~~crew cabs CHEYYVENTURE I L 1 I diesels, sport utilities, cars & vans 1999 Repo's, broken ieases, heavy duo 7 pass., one owner Squamish &d equipment. Take over payments. FreE $15.800--,- - - Word of Life Centre -- . ...- Squamish Community Church delivery. Call Lawrence Siccia BC': 604-898-(HOLY) 4659 Valleycliffe Christian Sunday: 10:30 am 'RAYTUI largest finance broker. 1-800-993-3673 38647 Buckley Avenue Fellowship Church Vancouver 327-6377.10572.1 1.37Truc ks 604-892-3680 38265 Westway Avenue A bible teaching church for the 14~a! '90 GMC Suburban. 9 passenger, Pastor Derwyn Costinak 604-892-5023 whole family - a/c, snow tires incl. Good cond. Location: $8,000. Call 604-898-5336 Sunday: 10 am Coffee Time Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am Morning Celebration 1O:OO am Banquet Room - Best Western '94 Chevy Tahoe 4x4.4.3L auto., new Various midweek HomeGroups Hotel, Garibaldi Highlands brakes, tires and more. Tinted wind- 1996 WINDm Lx ows, good cond. $9,500. 604-898- LOADED, ONLY $12,780 A Non-Denomi na tional Church 5643. '97 Ford Aerostar XLT Van. 61,000 I kms. Electronic 4 w.d. Seats 7 - quad capt. chairs. Set of 4 studded tires on rims. 1 owner. Estate sale $14,500. 604-898-4939 or 604-250-01 95 (cell). The c 9515 Boats 1180 Hunter Place, Squamish Please he& zcs find homes for these pets Santana 20 sailboat. Great day sail- 604-892-3673 Squamish SPCA 604-898-9890 Dog Pound 604-898-541 1 cu erlweek-ender. New sails. Well 604-892-FOR D maintained. Great racer or first boat. $5,950. Call 604-892-5205. D8580 ...... __ _. . -. .. Notices ! LONELY 1 Mature adult, enjoys long walks and the simple pleasures of home life. A "good listener" with tons of affection for the right person. Contact SPCA 604-898-9890 B US1 NESS _- I I_ Flamingo Rentals AT A BUTTERSCOTCH SMOKEY-BOY STANDSTILL? A shy, quiet girl. Very affectionate, and NOW'S Feeling blue, needs a playful, 4-5 mnths old, THE TIME TO A real sweetie. nice quiet home. lovely, great with kids ADVERTISE! Sponsored by: Sponsored by: 1 Garibaldi Veterinary For more CALL US Capilano 1 Hospital Howe 501 892-9161 (I'ommcily KDM bchind lhc SQUAMISH VETERINARY HOSPITAL Highlanib M.111) 1 150 Cars mtWith a complete rei: 604 604-892-9381 604-092-9035 grooming facility 604-892-9 I6 I 38131 2nd Avenue 38229 Cleveland Ave. Squamish 604-898-9089 The Chief i Squamish, B.C I Tuesday, September 4,2001 I 31

Sand for Sale Sand for Sale Sand for Sale - Sale of Bulk Sand BCR Properties Ltd. has approximately 80,000 cubic metros of 0acanular material (sand) for sale on a portion of District Lot 4268, Group 1,New Westminstcr District, in Squaniish. MAMQUAM BLIND CHANNEL RE-WATERING The material consists of sand with some grad arid sniall cobbles. A sieve analysis noting the the gradation of tlic inaterial is The District of Squamish is planning to rehabilitate the aquatic habitat in available upon request at the office of BCR Properties Ltd. the Mamquam Blind Channel. This will be accomplished by increasing the Suite #506-221 West Esplanade, North Vancouvcr, BC. flushing (i.e flow of water) presently occurring in the uppermost reaches of For pricing and further details, plcase call Rod Salmon at the Mamquam Blind Channel (upstream of Loggers Lane). (604) 984-5459 or Sax (604) 984-5200. EIcTFl A member of the BCR Group of Companies District staff and design consultants are hosting a public information PROPERTIES meeting on Thursday, September 6, 2001 at 7:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers at the District of Squamish to present concept designs and to solicit public input into the designs and their prioritization.

For more information, contact Jas Michalski, Environmental Coordinator at 604-892-5217. Advertise the stuff you don't need and turn it into cash..... Call 604-892-9161 to advertise today.

PARTS SALES SERVICE I Jeff Shea phone: S04-898-&! 604-998-2378 FOR SALE MlSC SPORTS & IMPORTS I GENERAL EMPLOYMEN ~ BRACKENDALE, B.C. I New & used restaurant & catering 3' Subaru Loyale Wagon 4 wd, 5 An established Whistler equip. for sale. Contents of 3 pd, 157,00Okms, great condition. BOOTS Company is hiring a F/T and or restaurants. Call Rene to view 7995 o.b.0. Please call (604) 815- & A PICKUP P/T position. Applicant must 604-938-3248 605 have proven; interpersonal skills, P;.-,..?.% Yard Clean Ups, I computer and internet skills, Hauling & Landscaping ESCORT SERVICES TRUCKS & VANS

prior customer service experi- -~~ ence is essential. Fax resume 606-892-3391 Whistler Golf Bunnies 985 US Military Humvee fully I (604) 932-1852 or mail to P.0 BOX 2 c o nd itio ne d , c a mou f I a g e c o Io u r. 630 Whistler BC, VON 1BO We're back in town to help you relax & enjoy life after the game. 55,000. (250) 727-7079 or (250) 479- 127 - ~~ 604-932-8956 I 986 Chevy 1500 blue, runs good, BREW LODGE I CREEK 82,000 17582,000 kmsI$2200.Matt 604-905- has immediate positions available WHISTLER STAGS for housekeeping, office & ban- 'Specialized Services Providing Solutions" I We've got the best no need to quet staff. Reliable vehicle is a 388 Ford Ranger XLT 4x4 with cap call the rest. Call now for your must Flexible schedule. Full or part , reserved bookin 9.604-932-6380 Arctic Cat snowmobile 580 pow- time available. Please fax resume er special. Can be sold sep. 604- to 604-932-7223 or telephone 604- 3 8 - 00 96 932-7210 and speak with Shelley. .AUTO MISCELLANEOUS 1995 GMC Van Conversion 5.71 engine, power, remote security, flat @ BOND RESTORATIONS ' Busy interior design firm needs a 1996 Bluebird bus 36 passenger screen tu/vcr, cd, green ext , gray I good running condition $38,000 obo. design assistanvoffice manager leather captains chairs, tinted tour- SPRAYTEXING0 DRYWALL0 PAINTING 0 CARPENTRY& RENOVATIONS (one position). References 1989 Bluebird 22 pass. 247,kms ing windows w/blinds, 7 pax w/driv- i04=892=3918. Fax: 604-892-5336 required. Must have good comput- $8,000 obo. Verna 604-894-6131 er, 22 cu ft Pack-a-sport roof carrier, I er skills, excellent organizational non smoking. This vehicle has skills, ability to work well under DO MESTlC exclusively worked on Hwy 99 as a pressure/deadlines. Experience in charter limousine based in Whistler. the design field preferred, but not 1997 Chevy Cavalier 2 dr, coupe, Extremely well maintained, perfect essential, Position is full time. stereo, good tires, 54,000 kms, 1 condition, very high mileage, runs Please fax resume to 604-938-4733 owner $8,000 obo. Edward 604-938- very smoothly, excellent family or bring resume to 1064 Millar 6432 vehicle. Squamish 604-898-6641 or Creek Road, Function Junction, email: [email protected] must sell Whistler. Attention: Susie MOTORCYCLES by Sept asking $7,500. obo.

Snowcat mechanic needed fa 396 GMC 4x4 w/c a n poy, post-graduate pograms 1993 Suzuki Motorcyle GS XR. Monashee Powder Adventures ci l,000kms, $12,800. obo. 604-938- career programs Runs Great, new rubber. Asking p~ skiing. Remote lodge. Bombardie 107 7 r community $5000. obo. Call 604-938-4085 snowcats. Nov-April Call Nick (25t I I 679-81 20. 1997 Ford E250 Executive "2001" XR 400 Tour Van SUN PEAKS RESORT dirt bike.Performance pipe, Baja 5.41 V8 , power, high-top w/30 cu ft cu mer.s needs a Street Legal Kit, $7200.obo. RESERVATION/ADMIN AGENT. Pack-a-Sport, tv/vcr cd, silver ext Call 604-932-3946 grey leather captians chairs w/swiv- I Full time, accommodations I el tinted touring windows w/blinds, available. Must be experienced 9 pax w/driver, never smoked in. in clerical, computer and admin- cv This vehicle's interior looks like a und Corridor Customer istration duties. SPORT UTILITIES & 4x4s "lear jet". It has exclusively worked or res you for a high-demand Fax resume to: (2501-578 -8579 or 1988 Jeep YJ, emerald on hwy as a charter limousine on agent, hotel desk clerk, email: [email protected] 99 green,174,000 kms, 3 tops, lots of based in Whistfer, Extremely well co er, call centre operator, - ~~ ~~ I recent work, great condition, $5500 maintained, perfect condition, high Whistler Escort Service seekin obo. 604-932-2091 ~~ mileage, excellent for resort hotel well dressed reliable and class * 1992 Toyota 4 Runner 5 speed, 4 cly. vehicle. Squamish 604-898-6641 or ladies. All nationalities. 604-932 burgundy, no accidents, dealer email: [email protected], have pix 0 6380

~~ serviced. $8500.604-905-0080 ember 21,2001 and is open to all unemployed asking $17,500 obo. ' Whistler Husky Station 1996 Ford Explorer XLT a

~ ~ is looking for full time cashiers loaded,$15,000. 604-938-4838 IY You'll earn the following certificates: I available for shift work. Experience 1996 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4x4 MOVING 1990 lsusu Trooper 4x4, ' SuperHost Fundamentals and 1 an asset Call Gail or Jimmy green, standard, a/c, 11 1,000 kms, 6 V6, std, $5995. obo recent work. 604-932-3959 or come down in per- cyl.,one owner $1 2,999. 604-935- new brakes & tires 25 mpg . Lady old, Occupational First Aid I son to the Whistler Husky. 2669 driven. 604-932-8686 tids FoodSafe Level I and II SPORTS & IMPORTS Thanks to our community supporters: West Coast Railway Heritage ART & COLLECTIBLES Call Nancy, Gord Park,Tim Horton's and Squamish Chamber of Commerce. -~~ 1982 BMW 733i 5 speed manual or Jo-Ann at ldi transmission, some rust, runs well For more information, contact: Antique wooden skis, poles, boots. 604-892-91 61 ary Eastern Canada, 8 & 1/2 pairs. $1 250. obo. 604-894-3389 to advertise tal Howe Sound Corridor Customer Service program 1870 -1960, sold as collection. 1990 XJS Jaguar convertible 57,000 ichind this in the 1 150 Carson Place, Squamish, B.C.VON 3G0 $1 800. Ca II 604-740-0887 original miles. Never winter driven hll) classifieds. te I: 604m892m5322 email claw@lunisenre .com $18.000. Call 604-938-8081 tY r Tuesday, September 4, 200 I The Chief Squamish, B.C. Communitv - Overcoming baniers thmugh musde power

eoroup ascend the 24-km is a light and portable all-ter- Garibaldi Park Elfin Lake Trail Aug. 24 - rain piece of equipment that psovides 25. moves through muscle Each team, consisted of power on one slow-turning backdrop for five rncmbers who worked pneuma t i c ti re. Access together to navigate the cho- Winning an award for sen route. fastest team in descent was Challenge The teams followed ;i des- that of competitor Jamie ignated trail using naviga- Coleman of Duncan. His tional tools that were provid- team made it down in two ed and a11 the teams were hours, 38 minutes. The slow- Powered by the niusclc judged on set criteria and est team cornpleted the event s t reng t 11 ;tnd de tcr in i nation were rccluired to practicc ‘no in four hours. of‘ 3 I volunteers. scvcn hik- trace’ camping that results in TWO years ago coiernan crs with disabilities taincd inininial impact on thc envi- suff‘ered a spinal cord injury (he wildcrness ;tround I-onmcnt. in a cat- accident and is now a Gari ba!di Provi1ici;iI Park Tc ;i m s t rave 1 c d tog c t h c r q u ad r i p I eg i c . 1 ;is t utce k (3 I1 d . ;ilid campcd togethcr through “It was a w cs o in e ,” Acccss Challcllgc 200 I, (lie wildci-iicsb. To xilizc C+nian s3id frnr77 17% home sponsored by thc B.C. their ultimate goals - fin- in Duncan. && It was soine- .< CONTRIBUTEDTO Tiit: Ctr r’