ŌWHANGO SCHOOL PANUI Working Together to Achieve Our Very Best Me Mahi Tahi Tatou Kia Whiwhi Mai Nga Mea Pai Rawa Phone 07 895 4823 Cell 027 895 4823 www.owhangoschool.co.nz Email:
[email protected] [email protected] 5/2021 17th March 2021 THOUGHT OF THE WEEK / WHAKATAUKĪ are also building up great balance skills on their “Pearls lie not on the seashore. If you desire one chosen wheel-based toy. you must dive for it.” Chinese proverb It is an asset that will have ongoing rewards for the lifetime of the track, which should be long as it is DATES TO NOTE well engineered. 18 March Inter-school Swimming 19 March Golf- mini golf at Schnapps 23 March PTA Hui 3:15 Golf 26 March Bike Day 29 & 30 March Zero Waste 30 March 1:30pm Duffy Role Model 31 March Junior Hockey skills and fun night 1 April Tech. Day for Year 7&8 Fri 2- Tue 6 April Easter Break - No School 7 April Hockey competition games begin Golf 9 April Inter-school Softball Tournament 10 April Saturday: Netball Grading Day 12-15 April Footsteps Dance Lessons Tech. Day for Year 7&8 End of Term Assembly- Dance 15 April The original inspiration for our scooter track. Performance in the Hall BoT Hui 7pm 16 April Last Day of Term One 17 April Saturday: Netball Grading Day 3 May First Day of Term Two PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE A final thanks to everyone who has helped to make our scooter track a reality. Our third and final working bee on Saturday was again well attended, which meant all the boxing and waste concrete was removed, soil placed around the track, and grass seed sown.