And Catalonia (Spain)

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And Catalonia (Spain) MEMORANDUMMEMORANDUM D'ENTESAD'ENTESA MEMORANDUMMEMORANDUM OF OF UNDERSTANDING UNDERSTANDING ENTREENTRE EL GOVERNGOVERNRN DEDE CATALUNYACATALUNYA I IEL EL BETWEENBETWEEN THETHE STATESTATE OFOF CALIFORNIACALIFORNIA GOVERNGOVERN DE CALIFORNIA (EUA)(EUA) (USA)(USA) AND AND CATALONIA CATALONIA (SPAIN) (SPAIN) El GovernGovern dede Catalunya Catalunya (d'ara (d'ara endavant endavant The GovernmentGovernment ofof Catalonia Catalonia (hereinafter (hereinafter Catalunya), representat pelpel presidentpresident dede la la Catalonia),Catalonia), representedrepresented byby thethe PresidentPresident ofof GeneralitatGeneralitat dede Catalunya, ii elel GovernGovern dede thethe GovernmentGovernment of Catalonia,Catalonia, andand thethe "Estatl'Estat dede California California (d'ara (d ' araendavant endavant Government of of the StateState ofof California California California),California) , representatrepresentat pel governadorgovernador dede (hereinafter(hereinafter California)California) representedrepresented byby thethe I'Estat,l'Estat, d'arad'ara endavantendavant anomenatsanomenats elsels Governor,Governor, (hereinafter(hereinafter Signatories),Signatories), givengiven signants,signants, vistvist l'interesl'interes reciprocrecfproc d'aprofundir d'aprofundir thethe mutualmutual interestinterest ofof deepeningdeepening theirtheir tiesties ofof els llacosllar;:os d'amistatd'amistat existents,existents, friendship,friendship, MANIFESTENMANIFESTEN DECLAREDECLARE QueQue CaliforniaCalifornia tete elel producteproducte interiorinterior brut brut mes mes Whereas,Whereas, California hashas thethe highesthighest GrossGross alt dels EstatsEstats UnitsUnits d'Americad'America ii eses lala novenanovena StateState ProductProduct inin thethe United United States States of of majormajor economiaeconomia del monm6n i i CatalunyaCatalunya tete elel AmericaAmerica andand isis thethe ninthninth largestlargest economy economy in in majormajor producteproducte interiorinterior brutbrut d'Espanyad'Espanya i i eses lala thethe world,world, CataloniaCatalonia hashas thethe largestlargest Gross Gross setenasetena majormajor economiaeconomia d'Europad'Europa enen rendarenda DomesticDomestic Product ofof SpainSpain andand isis thethe perper capita, capita, seventhseventh largestlargest economyeconomy inin EuropeEurope byby GrossGross DomesticDomestic ProductProduct per per capita, capita, Que Barcelona,Barcelona, capitalcapital dede Catalunya,Catalunya, haha Whereas,Whereas, Barcelona,Barcelona, , thethe Capital Capital of of estatestat designadadesignada lala capital capital mundial mundial de de la la Catalonia,Catalonia, has beenbeen designateddesignated MobileMobile telefoniatelefonia mobilmobil i iacull acull anualmentanualment elel CongresCongres World CapitalCapital andand isis thethe host host of of the the annual annual Mundial de Telefonia Mobil i aa CaliforniaCalifornia hihi Mobile WorldWorld Congress,Congress, CaliforniaCalifornia isis thethe tenen lala seu seu les majorsles majors companyies companyies home of thethe largestlargest technologytechnology companiescompanies tecnologiquestecnologiques del monm6n ii lala regioregi6 deldel Silicon Silicon inin thethe worldworld andand thethe Silicon Silicon Valley Valley region region is is Valley n'esn'es lala liderlider mundial.mundial. thethe leading leading hub, hub, Que elsels avencosavenr;:os dede CaliforniaCalifornia enen medicina medicina Whereas, California'sCalifornia's advancementsadvancements inin regenerativeregenerativa ii elsels esforcosesforr;:os dede CatalunyaCatalunya enen regenerativeregenerative medicinemedicine andand Catalonia's Catalonia's genomics suposensuposen unauna grangran contribuciocontribuci6 perper a a effortsefforts inin genomics genomics are are both both combined, combined, a a lala humanitathumanitat i i elel futurfutur de de la la medicina. medicina . powerfulpowerful contributioncontribution to to humanity humanity and and the the futurefuture of medicine;medicine; Que trestres quartesquartes partsparts dede les les inversions inversions Whereas,Whereas, threethree quartersquarters ofof investmentsinvestments from from espanyolesespanyoles a CaliforniaCalifornia tenentenen origenorigen catalacatala i i Spain inin CaliforniaCalifornia areare ofof Catalan Catalan origin, origin , queque duesdues terceresterceres partsparts dede lesles inversions inversions CataloniaCatalonia isis hosthost toto twotwo thirdsthirds ofof investmentsinvestments californianes aa EspanyaEspanya son s6n a a Catalunya. Catalunya . from California inin Spain;Spain; Que CaliforniaCalifornia vava ser serfundada fundada per per Whereas,Whereas, CaliforniaCalifornia waswas foundedfounded by by exploradorsexploradors d'origend'origen catalacatala i comparteixi comparteix explorers of CatalanCatalan originorigin andand sharesshares aa historiahistoria ambamb CatalunyaCatalunya i imoltes moltes similitude similituds historyhistory withwith CataloniaCatalonia andand manymany similaritiessimilarities geografiques,geografiques ,climatologicques climatologiques i i culturalsculturals i ique que inin geography,geography, climateclimate andand culture.culture .Catalonia Catalonia Catalunya te te una una economia economia di versificadadiversifica amb isis alsoalso aa place place withwith aa high high levellevel ofof diversity, diversity, unun altalt nivellnivell universitariuniversitari i id'emprenedoria. d'emprenedoria . educationeducation andand entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship ,and and QueQue lala GeneralitatGeneralitat dede Catalunya Catalunya tete la la GivenGiven thethe capacitycapacity ofof thethe Government Government ofof capacitat de firmar acordsacords dede cooperaciocooperaci6 enen CataloniaCatalonia toto signsign cooperationcooperation agreementsagreements in in elel marcmare dede lesles sevesseves competenciescompetencies perper taltal dede thethe spheresphere ofof itsits powerspowers toto promote promote theirtheir promoure els seusseus interessos,interessos, dede conformitatconformitat interests,interests, accordingaccording toto articlearticle 195195 ofof the the amb l'article!'article 195195 dede l'Estatutl'Estatut d'autonomiad'autonomia dede Statute of Autonomy ofof Catalonia;Catalonia ; Catalunya;Catalunya; D'acordD'acord amb lesles previsionsprevisions de l'Estatl'Estat dede InIn accordanceaccordance withwith thethe provisions ofof thethe CaliforniaCalifornia StateState ofof CaliforniaCalifornia 11 RespectantRespectant lesles actualsactuals previsionsprev1s1ons legalslegals i lala RespectingRespecting the existingexisting respectiverespective legallegal normativenormativa enen vigor,vigor , respectivament;respectivament ; ordinance andand regulations,regulations , ACORDACORDEN AGREEAGREE PRIMERPRIMER FIRSTFIRST DonarDonar suportsuport i impulsar impulsar la cooperacio la cooperaci6 To supportsupport andand encourageencourage economic economic and and economicaecon6mica i empresarialempresarial entreentre CatalunyaCatalunya i trade cooperationcooperation betweenbetween CaliforniaCalifornia andand CaliforniaCalifornia enen lesles arees arees prioritaries prioritaries seguents: seguents: Catalonia inin thethe followingfollowing keykey areas: areas : information and communication •. informacioninformaci6 i i tecnologtecnologiesies de lala comunicacio;comunicaci6 ; information and communication .• biotecnologiabiotecnologia i iciencies ciencies de de la la vida; vida ; technologiestechnologies .• mobilitatmobilitat sostenible,sostenible, incloent-hiincloent-hi elel transporttransport •bio-tech bio-tech and and life life sciences sciences public,public, elel trentren d'altad'alta velocitat,velocitat ,el el vehiclevehicle electric electric .• clean clean and and sustainable sustainable mobility, mobility including, including public transportation, high speed train , ii els ports public transportation, high speed train, .• gestiogesti6 dede l'aigual'aigua electric vehicles (EVs) and greengreen portsports .• proteccioprotecci6 deldel medimedi ambientambient .• waterwater resourcesresources managementmanagement .• agricultura agricultura avancadaavan9ada i itecnologia tecnologia alimentariaalimentaria .• environmentalenvironmental protection protection •turisme turisme .• advancedadvanced agricultureagriculture andand foodfood technologiestechnologies .• educacioeducaci6 superiorsuperior i i recercarecerca tourism• tourism .• cooperaciocooperaci6 culturalcultural .• higherhigher educationeducation andand researchresearch •cultural cultural cooperation cooperation SEGONSEGON SECONDSECOND EntreEntre d'altresd'altres activitats,activitats, enen elsels ambitsambits prioritarisprioritaris AmongAmong otherother activities,activities, inin thesethese keykey sectorssectors lesles partsparts acorden: acorden : thethe PartiesParties agree: agree : ProporcionarProporcionar informacioninformaci6 a lesles empreses, empreses, To provideprovide information information to companies,companies , incloent-hiincloent-hi pimes,pimes, enen relaciorelaci6 ambamb els els mercats mercats includingincluding smallsmall andand medium-sizedmedium-sized respectius,respectius, perqueperque inverteixininverteixin oo exportin exportin aixi aixi enterprises,enterprises, fromfrom each each of theirof their respective respective comcom facilitarfacilitar contactescontactes enen lala mesuramesura queque siguisigui marketsmarkets asas theythey seekseek toto investinvest inin oror exportexport toto the other market, and to facilitate relevant possible;possible ; the other market, and to facilitate relevant connectionsconnections
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