
Winter 2021 ASHOKAN WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PUBLISHED BY CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION ULSTER COUNTY NEWS Esopus • • Bushnellsville • Fox Hollow • Peck Hollow • Broadstreet Hollow • Woodland • Stony Clove • • Little • Traver Hollow • Bushkill

11-YEAR ON CHRISTMAS DAY IN THIS ISSUE On Christmas Day 2020 a warm front produced significant that fell on a thick snowpack in Christmas Day Flood the Ashokan watershed. Heavy rain- fall combined with rapid is a recipe for riverine flooding. In fact, such “rain on Flooding ” events are one of the primary causes of for Homeowners flooding in the Ashokan watershed. December is the second most common month for flood- Stream Projects ing behind March, another month dominated by rainfall-snowmelt events. Hydrologists use statistics to determine A New Pest the probability a specific flow will occur in a stream. Several U.S. Geological Survey stream High flows in the on Christmas Day caused Field Notes gages in the watershed have recorded the the temporary closure of State Route 214 near Lanesville. The highest annual flow for the minimum 10 years NYSDOT is overseeing repairs. Photo by Dany Davis needed for the calculation. According to this are Key method, the observed during the a 3-year flood for Little Beaver Kill and an 8.5- Christmas Day flood has a little more than 1 in year flood for Birch Creek. Get to Know 10 chance (11%) of occurring in any given year. Although no catastrophic damage resulted Thus, the Christmas Day flood was an “11-year from this flood, isolated incidents of flood.” Upcoming Events damage, , and minor road flood- The stream gage on Esopus Creek at Coldbrook ing resulted in road closures. re- recorded a height of 18 feet, a “major flood” pairs were needed to open sections of road stage according to the National Ser- along the Stony Clove Creek and Warner Creek. vice. The peak flow recorded at Coldbrook was Several culverts and a foot bridge on private 39,100 cubic feet per second (cfs). It was the were washed out. The McKenley Hollow highest flow seen on the Esopus Creek since stream in Oliverea shifted course along its up- Tropical Irene in 2011. It was the 11th per reaches and washed out the road similar to highest magnitude flood in nearly 90 years of Tropical Storm Irene in 2011. Damage assess- record at the Esopus Creek at Coldbrook gage. ments are ongoing throughout the watershed.

The Christmas Day flood was also an 11-year Online Resources: magnitude flood on the Stony Clove Creek at A short video to learn how stream flows react to rain Chichester, according to flood frequency anal- events: https://youtu.be/5f2M5s3CA0I ysis. It was the 4th highest in the 23-year re- Esopus Creek stream gage at Coldbrook: https://wa- cord of the Chichester stream gage. For other terdata.usgs.gov/nwis/uv?site_no=01362500 monitoring stations, this event ranged from

The Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program is on the web at www.ashokanstreams.org. Esopus Creek News

Flooding Resources for Homeowners

Residents of the wa- tershed unwrapped a present they prob- ably didn’t want this past Christmas in the form of significant flooding on many of our streams. While not as large or de- structive as the resulting from Tropical Storm Irene in August 2011, there was still significant damage to lo- cal infrastructure and erosion along our stream channels. Over the past year, many new residents began living full-time in the watershed who may not be aware of the flood- ing issues that periodically occur in our valleys, up our hollows, and along our Flooding near homes along the upper Esopus Creek on Christmas Day 2020. Photo by Aaron Bennett streams. Below is some basic informa- tion for residents on how to identify you should consider purchasing insur- know for certain that the power to the flood risk for their home, what to do if ance. Visit Floodsmart.gov (the official structure has been cut. there are damages to property, and who site of the National Pro- If you’ve had damage to your structure to contact for additional information. gram) or contact your insurance agent from flooding, potential contacts include Most of the major streams in the - and inquire about flood insurance. your insurance agent, local building de- shed have been mapped for flood risk A variety of damage can occur to a build- partment, and Aaron Bennett of the Ul- by the Federal ing following a flood. It is vital that you ster County Department of the Environ- Agency through the National Flood In- speak with your municipality’s building ment at 845-688-3047 ext. 109 or aben@ surance Program (NFIP). To view your department and have them visit your co.ulster.ny.gov. flood risk and determine if your property structure to document the extent of If you have general questions about is located within the 100-Year the damage. There may be some fund- flooding, how to read a flood map or (which statistically speaking has a 1% ing available to mitigate flooding if the determine if your property is located chance of flooding in any given year) property has flood insurance. For more in a mapped floodplain, contact Brent you can visit the FEMA Map Service Cen- information, please visit the NYS Depart- Gotsch of Cornell Cooperative Extension ter, input your address and look at the ment of Environmental Conservation’s of Ulster County at 845-688-3047 ext. shading. If you see a turquoise color that website on substantial damage. 103 or [email protected] for help. means you are located in the 100-Year If you have questions about how to re- Floodplain. Online Resources: duce damage to your home from floods You can access the same information by be sure to read the FEMA Homeowners Map of Ashokan Watershed: https://ashokan- visiting the National Flood Layer, Guide to Retrofitting. streams.org/exploring-the-watershed/ which may be a bit more user friendly. FEMA Map Service Center: https://msc.fema. Very often during a flood homes with Keep in mind that floodplain mapping gov/portal/home basements have standing water in them. is meant for flood insurance rating pur- National Flood Hazard Layer: https://hazards- Sometimes this will result from over- poses only. Just because your property fema.maps.arcgis.com land flooding (flooding from and is located outside the 100 or 500-Year streams) or from ground wa- National Flood Insurance Program: https:// (the 500-Year Floodplain is www.floodsmart.gov ter. Regardless of the source, the base- represented by orange shading) that ment should have the water pumped NYSDEC Substantial Damage: https://www. does not mean you are guaranteed to dec.ny.gov/lands/75774.html out. Sump pumps can be used to do this, not have a flood. Roughly 20% of all or for a fee, many local departments FEMA Homeowner’s Guide to Retrofit- flood damages occur outside the 100- ting: https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/ will pump out basements. Do not enter Year Flood Zone. If you do not already files/2020-07/fema_homeowners-guide-to- a home with standing water unless you have flood insurance for your structure, retrofitting_guide.pdf

2 Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program Winter 2021

A Big Year for

The Ulster County and Water Con- in the Town of Hunter and spans 1,600 servation District (SWCD) is preparing to feet of stream length. The reach is histor- construct three large stream restoration ically unstable and the shifted projects over a busy field season in 2021. course after flooding in 2011 and came Work is planned at two sites on Warner into contact with glacial clays. Creek near Silver Hollow Road in the Permitted work at all three sites will be- Town of Shandaken. The sites are lo- gin after May 1 and end by September 30 cated off the road in wooded areas 1.2 to protect spawning. Stream flows Credit: NYSIPM and 1.5 miles upstream from where War- will be diverted during active construc- Have you seen this pest? ner Creek empties into the Stony Clove tion so that work doesn’t further • Wings have a pinkish tint; forewings are Creek. pollute the stream. The sites will be re- black spotted; end of forewing has a brick The projects are being built to reduce vegetated with Catskill native trees and pattern. shrubs and left in a natural condition. the amount of eroding into • The unusual short antennae are bulbous stream flows and polluting as far After construction, the project sites will orange with needle-like tips. away as the Ashokan Reservoir. Stream be regularly surveyed by the SWCD to Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) restoration will also halt erosion that is track their performance. The NYC Depart- is an invasive insect that was first iden- encroaching on several residential prop- ment of Environmental Protection will tified in Pennsylvania in 2014. The plan- erties and Silver Hollow Road. monitor in both streams to thopper is native to parts of east Asia determine whether the stream restora- Erosion at the sites has been monitored and has no natural predators in the Unit- tion projects have reduced levels of sedi- since flooding in 2010. During the flood, ed States. Spotted Lanternfly has proven ment pollution. Warner Creek cut a new path through to be a serious pest of grapes and other -rich soil deposits left behind by gla- The SWCD will begin bidding the proj- crops like hops, apples, peaches and cial . About 1,100 feet total of stream ects to locate a construction firm soon. other tree fruits. corridor will be restored to a more stable The AWSMP plans an informational ses- While the Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus al- configuration that removes stream flows sion in 2021 for Warner Creek tissima) is Spotted Lanternfly’s desired from contact with the clays. landowners to learn more about the source of , it also has been known to projects and construction schedule. The third project site is located on the feed on more than 70 different species Stony Clove Creek along NYS Route 214 of including those found in for- ests and riparian corridors of the Asho- kan watershed. Tree and shrub species like birch, , walnut, and willow are especially at risk. In riparian corridors, these tree species help to lessen erosion and provide important habitat. If you believe you have found Spotted Lanternfly insects on your property take photographs (be sure to include a ruler, coin or something similar for scale) and send them to spottedlanternfly@agri- culture.ny.gov. Be sure to note the loca- tion with either an address, landmarks, or GPS coordinates.

Online Resources: https://nysipm.cornell.edu/environment/inva- Sediment sampling at one of two Warner Creek stream restoration sites slated for construction in sive-species-exotic-pests/spotted-lanternfly/ 2021. Extensive survey, design and engineering were completed to prepare for construction. spotted-lanternfly-ipm/ www.ashokanstreams.org 3 Esopus Creek News


New Trout Management The Source of that Cloudy Water Plan Proposed After a high flow like we saw in Decem- The State Department of ber, some local streams take on a cloudy Environmental Conservation (DEC) is orange-brown color due to the high con- proposing a new trout management plan centration of fine and clays that be- for the upper Esopus Creek. As presented come suspended in the water. These small to the Ashokan Watershed Stakeholder were eroded from stream banks Council, key features include: and beds, and because of their physical , travel long distances from their • All Esopus Creek will be des- watershed sources to the mainstem Esopus ignated as “Wild” for management. Creek and Ashokan Reservoir. • The Esopus Creek mainstem from the Reducing the amount and duration Monitoring between 2018-2020 indi- Ashokan Reservoir to the Lost Clove of turbid flows in local streams is one of cated a pattern. The tributaries contribut- Road bridge in Big Indian will be desig- the stream program’s management goals. ing the most amount of fine sediment nated “Wild-Quality.” Funding to carry out stream management during this time were Woodland Creek, • The season will extend from is limited, so the stream program conducts Stony Clove Creek, and the Beaver Kill. April 1 - October 15. A new catch and studies to identify which parts of the wa- These tributaries produced the highest release season will extend from October tershed are generating the highest amounts concentrations of sediment and the highest 16 - March 31 (artificial lures only). Sea- of fine sediment. Stream management will loads of sediment to the mainstem Esopus son dates apply to all categories. have the most effect in these sections of the Creek. DEC is currently assessing public com- watershed. The creeks do not all behave the same ments and will complete the plan in 2021. Scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey way however. The Beaver Kill is a cleaner Reach designations are to be updated every (USGS) are the nation’s experts in moni- stream during low flows and only becomes February. toring stream flow and water conditions. highly turbid at higher flows. The Birch Research conducted by the U.S. Geologi- Because of its status as a large drinking Creek, Woodland Creek, and Stony Clove cal Survey with AWSMP grant funds over water supply, the Ashokan Reservoir Creek sustain high levels of sediment the last 10 years may help DEC carry out watershed has one of the most extensive per unit of during a range of a robust monitoring program in the upper USGS monitoring networks in the state. stream flows. But, Birch Creek doesn’t Esopus Creek. The USGS studies the amount of fine sedi- make the list of top-sediment contributors The New York State Trout Stream Man- ment suspended in local stream flows and because its watershed contributes a smaller agement Plan can be viewed here: https:// tracks how much sediment is coming from amount of flow compared to the others. www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/111015.html different streams. A Stream Restoration Five Years Later Stream restoration projects look down- restoration is not really complete until the right messy during construction. The has grown back and begins to vegetation is pulled back (as little as pos- hold the banks. sible) to allow for reshaping of the stream The transformation can be remarkable Catskill Streams Buffer Ini- channel by large equipment. Stream flows in just a few short years. The photos at the tiative Stats since 2009: are diverted around the site to prevent bottom of page 5 show a stream restora- sediment pollution. tion project on the Stony Clove Creek near • Over 65 Ashokan watershed landowners Following construction, the area is Wright Road in Lanesville. The left photo have received projects! revegetated and stream flows are put back is the project shortly after construction in • Over 10,000 trees and shrubs planted in the channel. That’s when the monitoring 2016. The right photo is the site in 2020 phase of the project begins. Staff from the during a survey five years after construc- • 18,510 feet of streambank planted (that’s Ulster County Soil and Water Conserva- tion. In another five years, the site will 3.5 miles!) tion District survey past projects annu- look even greener and shaded. The perfect • Over 13 acres of stream buffer restored ally and following high flows. A stream hangout for a large trout.

4 Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program Winter 2021

Youth Program Responds to Covid-19 When schools closed last March in response to the Covid-19 pandemic the stream program’s youth education staff quickly transitioned from in-person learn- ing to virtual programming in support of elementary science education within the Onteora Central School District. At the request of several teachers, we began making science educational videos that related to the topics and themes that were being covered remotely. Video links were posted to the teacher’s websites so that students could view them on their own. Youth educator Matt Savatgy at- The Watershed Detectives after-school club is meeting outdoors this winter to learn about stream and water- tended weekly class “hangouts” to share shed topics. Photo by Amanda Cabanillas additional information about the videos and answer student questions. weekly basis to review their progress and tent will be used as part of our permanent We were also able to successfully transi- to discuss upcoming activities. youth education program moving forward. tion our popular Watershed Detectives In addition, the youth education staff To access the youth education materials Club to a digital format. Program assistant created an online science series to provide online, visit: http://ulster.cce.cornell.edu/ Amanda Cabanillas created a series of resources to students we were not already environment/online-science-series stream education videos and activity sheets connecting with, and as a way to organize During the school year, we in support of the remote club. Students all of the content that was being produced. continue to support our local schools with were provided these resources to use at A new feature of the site is a “Watershed virtual instruction. Several in-person, home. With the help of their parents, Animal Spotlight” series that highlights outdoor events for youth and families are several students eagerly conducted stream local species with pages full of planned for the coming year following study activities in their own neighbor- resources including videos, fact sheets, safety guidance. hoods. Club members met virtually on a activity pages, and related links. This con-

restoration is not really complete until the vegetation has grown back and begins to hold the banks. The transformation can be remarkable in just a few short years. The photos at the bottom of page 5 show a stream restora- tion project on the Stony Clove Creek near Wright Road in Lanesville. The left photo is the project shortly after construction in 2016. The right photo is the site in 2020 during a survey five years after construc- tion. In another five years, the site will look even greener and shaded. The perfect Wright Road stream restoration project shortly after project construction ended Wright Road stream restoration project after five years of vegetation regrowth hangout for a large trout. in 2016. and a few high flows in 2020.

www.ashokanstreams.org 5 Esopus Creek News

Culverts are Key for Flood Mitigation - Watershed Towns Advance Projects

While they seem insignificant, road culverts play an important part in strengthening our community by shield- ing ourselves from . Culverts are structures that house and protect streams as they pass underneath roads and make it possible for them, as well as the critters that live in streams, to safely maneuver past manmade infrastructure. Depending on the situation, culverts may be part of preventing roads from flooding or contribute to flooding. One factor that influences the ability for a cul- vert to protect from flooding is the size of the . One common way undersized culverts A scour pool beneath two under-sized culverts with evidence of erosion. worsen flooding is by eroding the stream at the downstream end of the culvert. Erosion can be so severe that a scour pool forms directly beneath the outlet of the structure. Scour pools form when the water traveling down the stream chan- nel is suddenly squeezed into a smaller path (by the undersized culvert) and ef- fectively becomes a funnel. As the cross- sectional area of the stream decreases, the velocity of the water increases and then gets ‘shot’ out at the outlet of the structure. The deepened scour pool then causes the stream banks to become steep and unstable. That often leads to An upsized culvert on DeSilva Road constructed by the Town of Olive in late 2020 performed well during the erosion of the road or nearby land. Christmas Day flood. Photo by Ethan Ely In addition to erosion, sometimes the silience. Installing culverts that are com- The Town of Shandaken was awarded hydraulic capacity of the undersized cul- patible with their stream is a small, but $221,038 to enlarge a bridge on Peck verts is exceeded during high flows. The important way to protect communities Hollow Road. This money is matched to water level of the stream increases and from flooding. It is a necessity for com- Bridge NY funds the town obtained. then can overtop the structure - making munities to build culverts that are large The Town of Shandaken was also award- the road impassable. This is more likely and sturdy enough to reduce the local ed funding to conduct an engineering to occur when the culverts are clogged impact of floods. study of culverts and bridges in the ham- by sediment and carried by stream The Ashokan Watershed Stream Man- let of Pine Hill. flows. Furthermore, as our climate is agement Program recently awarded four changing, the Catskills are receiving The Town of Woodstock was awarded grants to watershed towns to improve more rain than ever before. This only am- $333,950 to construct an enlarged and enlarge road crossings over streams: plifies the urgency for installing culverts bridge on Mink Hollow Road. The funds that are not undersized. The Town of Olive was awarded $145,660 will pay for the portion of costs related to design and engineer enlarged cul- to bridge enlargement and for construc- Understanding streams to produce a verts on Bostock Road and Red Maple tion of channel stabilizing features near structurally sound culvert is often the Road near Boiceville. the bridge. first step in strengthening community re-

6 Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program Winter 2021

Getting to Know Streams: How Streams Manage Water from Trickle to Flood Whether you have lived here your entire may also see signs of recent erosion like When Things go Wrong or are a newcomer to the area, you a wrack line of twigs. This channel stage If your stream seems to have lost its in- know you are surrounded by abundant is extremely important because when herent structure and is eroding as a re- wild streams with clean water, unique full of water, the most amount of chan- sult, the first step is to evaluate the situ- wildlife, and verdant wooded slopes. But nel-shaping occurs. If the shape and size ation. Then a few management actions how well do you know streams? of this mid-sized channel isn’t right – the may help. Here are a few useful things to know stream may erode. Stream buffers - a line of native vegeta- when living in a region full of mountain The floodplain is the next major step out tion bordering the active channel, work streams: of the deeper parts of the channel. When wonders for stabilizing streams and can it comes to floodplains, remember that provide beauty and wildlife habitat for Streams transport water – floodplains were built by the and your enjoyment. The stream program are ultimately part of the river. that’s obvious! But the more offers free consultations and planting as- subtle but important thing Living in the Catskills means living in sistance for qualifying landowners who steep mountain valleys that rapidly shed want to enhance their stream buffer. to know is that streams are water after the rain falls. Water levels Any work that reshapes the stream chan- shaped to carry widely vary- can rise quickly. Water is heavy and ex- nel or increases flood elevations near erts considerable pressure on the stream ing amounts of water. streams usually benefits from some en- bed and banks. That pressure is relieved gineering and requires a permit from Natural stream channels are finely tuned when water is able to spread onto the state and local agencies before work to carrying different quantities of water. wide flat areas adjacent to the channel can begin. If you are experiencing ero- They do not function like simple troughs called a floodplain. Because floodplains sion or flooding on your property and of water. Rather a typical stream chan- slow and store water, they are crucially are looking for a solution, and you live in nel contains multiple “stages” or chan- important flood-control devices. nels within channels that pass differently the Ashokan watershed, call the stream sized stream flows. In the Catskills, the amount of floodplain management program office and re- space available to streams can be limited quest a free site visit to obtain guidance Stages of a Stream Channel for various reasons. So expect streams to at (845) 688-3047. At low flows, water concentrates in the maintain enough power to move large deepest section of the channel such as trees, rocks, and even roads and bridges Online Resources: pools (areas of deep depth and slow- during the largest floods. A short video that explains stream stability: moving water) or other faster moving https://youtu.be/6x4pikRXuZI low points where flows remain cooler, deeper, and oxygenated. These “low points” in the channel that hold water even during the summer are important for the survival of fish. The next highest ‘stage’ in a stream chan- nel carries the normal high flow event like a typical summer or average snowmelt runoff. This is not a flood that overtops the stream banks. This stage of the channel may only car- ry flows for a few days in a typical year – you may not recognize this mid-sized channel stage when near a stream in summer, because only the low flow area will be wetted. You can find this part of the channel by a lack of large trees that don’t survive where it’s often wet. You www.ashokanstreams.org 7 AWSMP

Esopus Creek News Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program


Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program

Cornell Cooperative Extension Ulster County

Ashokan Reservoir by Ed Ostapczuk Esopus Creek News is published by Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program March 24 April 17 P.O. Box 667, 3130 State Route 28, Shokan, NY 12481 Phone 845-688-3047 • Fax 845-688-3130 Enter your art or photograph The Stream Explorers Youth EDITOR in the Love Your Stream Video Adventure one-day confer- Leslie Zucker, CCE Ulster County, [email protected] and Art Project. The viewing ence at the Ashokan Center CONTRIBUTORS will be streamed online on returns. Conference activities CCE Ulster: Leslie Zucker, Tim Koch, Brent Gotsch, Matt Savatgy, Kiah Parmalee March 24, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. will be held outdoors follow- Ulster SWCD: Adam Doan, Allison Lent, Bobby Taylor, Tiffany Runge Stream program staff will be ing Covid-19 safety protocols. on hand to answer questions. The date is subject to change. The information given herein is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is To enter artwork, contact Brent Registration will be announced intended and no endorsement by Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) is implied. CCE provides equal emplyment and program opportunities. at [email protected] via social media, and on our website: https://ashokanstreams.org www.ashokanstreams.org www.facebook.com/AWSMPUlster @AshokanStreams

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