Winter 2021 ASHOKAN WATERSHED STREAM MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Esopus Creek PUBLISHED BY CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION ULSTER COUNTY NEWS Esopus • Birch • Bushnellsville • Fox Hollow • Peck Hollow • Broadstreet Hollow • Woodland Valley • Stony Clove • Beaver Kill • Little Beaver Kill • Traver Hollow • Bushkill 11-YEAR FLOOD ON CHRISTMAS DAY IN THIS ISSUE On Christmas Day 2020 a warm front produced significant rain that fell on a thick snowpack in Christmas Day Flood the Ashokan Reservoir watershed. Heavy rain- fall combined with rapid snowmelt is a recipe for riverine flooding. In fact, such “rain on Flooding Resources snow” events are one of the primary causes of for Homeowners flooding in the Ashokan watershed. December is the second most common month for flood- Stream Projects ing behind March, another month dominated by rainfall-snowmelt events. Hydrologists use statistics to determine A New Pest the probability a specific flow will occur in a stream. Several U.S. Geological Survey stream High flows in the Stony Clove Creek on Christmas Day caused Field Notes gages in the watershed have recorded the the temporary closure of State Route 214 near Lanesville. The highest annual flow for the minimum 10 years NYSDOT is overseeing repairs. Photo by Dany Davis needed for the calculation. According to this Culverts are Key method, the discharge observed during the a 3-year flood for Little Beaver Kill and an 8.5- Christmas Day flood has a little more than 1 in year flood for Birch Creek. Get to Know Streams 10 chance (11%) of occurring in any given year. Although no catastrophic damage resulted Thus, the Christmas Day flood was an “11-year from this flood, isolated incidents of property flood.” Upcoming Events damage, bank erosion, and minor road flood- The stream gage on Esopus Creek at Coldbrook ing resulted in road closures. Emergency re- recorded a height of 18 feet, a “major flood” pairs were needed to open sections of road stage according to the National Weather Ser- along the Stony Clove Creek and Warner Creek. vice. The peak flow recorded at Coldbrook was Several culverts and a foot bridge on private 39,100 cubic feet per second (cfs). It was the land were washed out. The McKenley Hollow highest flow seen on the Esopus Creek since stream in Oliverea shifted course along its up- Tropical Storm Irene in 2011. It was the 11th per reaches and washed out the road similar to highest magnitude flood in nearly 90 years of Tropical Storm Irene in 2011. Damage assess- record at the Esopus Creek at Coldbrook gage. ments are ongoing throughout the watershed. The Christmas Day flood was also an 11-year Online Resources: magnitude flood on the Stony Clove Creek at A short video to learn how stream flows react to rain Chichester, according to flood frequency anal- events: https://youtu.be/5f2M5s3CA0I ysis. It was the 4th highest in the 23-year re- Esopus Creek stream gage at Coldbrook: https://wa- cord of the Chichester stream gage. For other terdata.usgs.gov/nwis/uv?site_no=01362500 monitoring stations, this event ranged from The Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program is on the web at www.ashokanstreams.org. Esopus Creek News Flooding Resources for Homeowners Residents of the Ashokan Reservoir wa- tershed unwrapped a present they prob- ably didn’t want this past Christmas in the form of significant flooding on many of our streams. While not as large or de- structive as the floods resulting from Tropical Storm Irene in August 2011, there was still significant damage to lo- cal infrastructure and erosion along our stream channels. Over the past year, many new residents began living full-time in the watershed who may not be aware of the flood- ing issues that periodically occur in our valleys, up our hollows, and along our Flooding near homes along the upper Esopus Creek on Christmas Day 2020. Photo by Aaron Bennett streams. Below is some basic informa- tion for residents on how to identify you should consider purchasing insur- know for certain that the power to the flood risk for their home, what to do if ance. Visit Floodsmart.gov (the official structure has been cut. there are damages to property, and who site of the National Flood Insurance Pro- If you’ve had damage to your structure to contact for additional information. gram) or contact your insurance agent from flooding, potential contacts include Most of the major streams in the water- and inquire about flood insurance. your insurance agent, local building de- shed have been mapped for flood risk A variety of damage can occur to a build- partment, and Aaron Bennett of the Ul- by the Federal Emergency Management ing following a flood. It is vital that you ster County Department of the Environ- Agency through the National Flood In- speak with your municipality’s building ment at 845-688-3047 ext. 109 or aben@ surance Program (NFIP). To view your department and have them visit your co.ulster.ny.gov. flood risk and determine if your property structure to document the extent of If you have general questions about is located within the 100-Year Floodplain the damage. There may be some fund- flooding, how to read a flood map or (which statistically speaking has a 1% ing available to mitigate flooding if the determine if your property is located chance of flooding in any given year) property has flood insurance. For more in a mapped floodplain, contact Brent you can visit the FEMA Map Service Cen- information, please visit the NYS Depart- Gotsch of Cornell Cooperative Extension ter, input your address and look at the ment of Environmental Conservation’s of Ulster County at 845-688-3047 ext. shading. If you see a turquoise color that website on substantial damage. 103 or [email protected] for help. means you are located in the 100-Year If you have questions about how to re- Floodplain. Online Resources: duce damage to your home from floods You can access the same information by be sure to read the FEMA Homeowners Map of Ashokan Watershed: https://ashokan- visiting the National Flood Hazard Layer, Guide to Retrofitting. streams.org/exploring-the-watershed/ which may be a bit more user friendly. FEMA Map Service Center: https://msc.fema. Very often during a flood homes with Keep in mind that floodplain mapping gov/portal/home basements have standing water in them. is meant for flood insurance rating pur- National Flood Hazard Layer: https://hazards- Sometimes this will result from over- poses only. Just because your property fema.maps.arcgis.com land flooding (flooding from rivers and is located outside the 100 or 500-Year streams) or infiltration from ground wa- National Flood Insurance Program: https:// Floodplains (the 500-Year Floodplain is www.floodsmart.gov ter. Regardless of the source, the base- represented by orange shading) that ment should have the water pumped NYSDEC Substantial Damage: https://www. does not mean you are guaranteed to dec.ny.gov/lands/75774.html out. Sump pumps can be used to do this, not have a flood. Roughly 20% of all or for a fee, many local fire departments FEMA Homeowner’s Guide to Retrofit- flood damages occur outside the 100- ting: https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/ will pump out basements. Do not enter Year Flood Zone. If you do not already files/2020-07/fema_homeowners-guide-to- a home with standing water unless you have flood insurance for your structure, retrofitting_guide.pdf 2 Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program Winter 2021 A Big Year for Stream Restoration The Ulster County Soil and Water Con- in the Town of Hunter and spans 1,600 servation District (SWCD) is preparing to feet of stream length. The reach is histor- construct three large stream restoration ically unstable and the channel shifted projects over a busy field season in 2021. course after flooding in 2011 and came Work is planned at two sites on Warner into contact with glacial lake clays. Creek near Silver Hollow Road in the Permitted work at all three sites will be- Town of Shandaken. The sites are lo- gin after May 1 and end by September 30 cated off the road in wooded areas 1.2 to protect trout spawning. Stream flows Credit: NYSIPM and 1.5 miles upstream from where War- will be diverted during active construc- Have you seen this pest? ner Creek empties into the Stony Clove tion so that earth work doesn’t further • Wings have a pinkish tint; forewings are Creek. pollute the stream. The sites will be re- black spotted; end of forewing has a brick The projects are being built to reduce vegetated with Catskill native trees and pattern. shrubs and left in a natural condition. the amount of sediment eroding into • The unusual short antennae are bulbous stream flows and polluting waters as far After construction, the project sites will orange with needle-like tips. away as the Ashokan Reservoir. Stream be regularly surveyed by the SWCD to Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) restoration will also halt erosion that is track their performance. The NYC Depart- is an invasive insect that was first iden- encroaching on several residential prop- ment of Environmental Protection will tified in Pennsylvania in 2014. The plan- erties and Silver Hollow Road. monitor water quality in both streams to thopper is native to parts of east Asia determine whether the stream restora- Erosion at the sites has been monitored and has no natural predators in the Unit- tion projects have reduced levels of sedi- since flooding in 2010. During the flood, ed States. Spotted Lanternfly has proven ment pollution. Warner Creek cut a new path through to be a serious pest of grapes and other clay-rich soil deposits left behind by gla- The SWCD will begin bidding the proj- crops like hops, apples, peaches and cial lakes.
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