NET PRESS BUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION for the Month ot March, 1880 on* State Litowy-rC®"®- Partly doady and odder tonight 5,511 and Wednesday. Mcmbera ot tbe Andit Burean ot Circolntlons f o u r t e e n p a g e s PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., VOL. X U V ., NO. 173. (Classified Advertising on Page 12) 317 TWHURT IN PRISON RRE NAVAL TREAH SIGNED; "g g 'TRAPPED IN C H jj, COMICTS CONFERENCE IS ENDED I CDT^ENSES ARE rKlcJNUij Re-examination of Budget Simple Ceremony as Dele­ What Naval Parley Did Shows Deficit for Next ATTEMPT TO LOCKS gates of Five Nations Af­ (5QEAT BRITAIN TAPAN Year of Over 20 Millions; fix Signatures to Historic WORLD CONFLAGRATIONS 8 -IN C U ^Tause for Real Alarm.’’ PRISONERS HEROES 108,400'n»s SINCE THE YEAR 1863 Document; Secretary 1 8 0 ,0 0 0 *ruNS 14 6,800 TONS Washington, April 22.—(AP) — Stimson First to Sign, President Hoover has informed Con* By the Associated Press. AS THE FIRE RAGES 6 INCH gressional leaders that re-examina­ GU N .. December 8, 1863—Church, Santiago, Chile—2000 lost. tion of the budget shows a Treasury' By Dewitt Mackenzie. CRUISERS' I4 5 i,5 0 0 -TONS 1 9 2 ,2 0 0 TONS IOO 45OTONS May 25,1845—Canton, China—1670. deficit for the year between December 6,1917—Halifax explosion and fire—1226. , April 22.—(AP)—Repre- [ ' $20,000,000 and 130,000,000. Guards Also Among Those Who Help Fight Flames and sentatives of the five dominent • I In a letter to Chairman Jones of February 14, 1836—Theater and circus, St. Petersburg, naval powers of the world, America, ibESTRO^RE I the Senate appropriations commit- Russia—800. Liherate Prisoners—Blaze One of Most Disastrous in Great Britain, Japan. France and WL kL I tee and Chairman Wood of the May, 1872—Theater, Tientsin, China—600. 1O5.5OOT0NS Ittily, this afternoon affixed their TONS 150,0 0 0 TONS i House appropriations committee the December 30, 1903—Iroquois Theater, Chicago—574. signatures to an epoch-making i President warned “there is cause for April 18-19, 1906—Earthquake and fire, San Francisco History of Nation— More Than 2^000 Mill About Yards treaty,' limiting and reducing the real alarm."^ The unusual pro­ navies of three of them, and restrict­ S O S - , cedure of writing a letter of warning —over 500. to the Congpressional leaders in and Threaten Firemen—Others, However, Help in ing the navies of the other two. M a r in e s January 10, 1860—Factory, Lawrence, Mass.—500. Colonel Henry L. Stimson, Amer­ charge of the nation's purse, indi­ December 8, 1881—Theater, Vienna—450. 5 2 ,7 0 0 TONS 5 2 , 7 ^ 0 tons ican secretary of state, and his col­ 5 2 V 7 0 0 TONS cated Mr. Hoover’s concern over a July 10, 1911—Porcupine District, mining and lumber Saving Trapped Mates—Regular Army, National leagues on the American delegation, situation which oply a few days ago •• • * were the first to sign the historic he spoke of optimistically. At that property, Ontario— 400. document. M. Briand, French for­ time he foresaw a surplus for next 1907—Mine fire, Fairmount, W. Va.— 400. Guard and Cit; PoGce Maintain Order—Many of Vic­ eign minister, J. Ramsay MacDon­ year oJ about $40,000,000. December 5, 1876—Conway’s Theater, Brooklyn—283. ald, British prime minister and Ad­ The letter which was dated April January 13, 1883—Theater Berditscheff, Russo-Poland miral Guiseppe Sirianni vdth their 18 follows: tims in Hoqiital May Die; Think fires Were Started. delegations followed. “I thought you would like to —270. Japan Last to Sign. know that a re-examination of. our October 9,1871—Great fire of Chicago—250. Reijiro Wakatsuki, a former prime fiscal situation for the next year by f June 30,1900—Pi)5rs and vessels, Hoboken, N. J.—215. Columbus, Ohio, April 22.—(AP.) ONLY ONE PRISONER minister of Japan, and those of the the director , of the budget shows March 4,1908—School, Collinwood, Ohio—174. ESCAPED DURING FIRE Tokio delegation who have worked that upon thie Indicated income of —^Tales of heroism and of costly w'ith him through the three months \ V, the government and the expendi­ March 31,1888—Theater, Oporto, Portugal—17Q. hedtancy were told, today within Columbus, Ohio, April 22.— and one day of long and difficult ne­ tures to which the government is January 13, 1908—Theater, Boyertown, Pa.—169. the grim walls of the Ohio (AP.)—Only one convict'escaped gotiations, were the last of the fWe already committed through budget April 18,1930—Church, Scotesci, Rumania—about 150. Peifftentiary where. 317 convicts, at Ohio P^tentiary follovtog proposals and legislation which has power representatives to affix their March 25,-1911—Shirtwaist factory. New York—147. locked in their cells were burned to last night’s appalling fire, it was signatures. been completed, we are faced wtto reported today. Michael ^ m , The unpretentious but dramatic deficit of some twenty or thirty mil­ May 15,1929—Cline, Cleveland—124. death and suffocated last night in 32, sent up from Wood county ceremony which marked' the cul­ lions of dollars. September 20, 1902—Church, Birmingham, Ala.—115. one of the most life destroying fires in 1919 to serve 15 years for mination of the greatest disarma­ “This, of course, is not as yet a May, 1918—Chemical plant, Pittsburgh—100. in history. burglary was recorded as miss­ ment conference of all time very material sum but it is obvious ing from toe hospital where he New tonnage classifications under the three-power naval treaty re­ that any further large amounts of June 14,1846—Theater Royale, Quebec—100. And as the guards and Indies of place shortly after mid-day in the the prison recounted the vivid de­ was treated last night ancient and royal Palace of St. sulting from the London naval conference are shown above. The United expenditure will Jeopardize the pri­ May 25,1887—Opera Comique, Paris—70 to 1()0. 4> mary duty of the government that June 7, 1857—Theater, Leghorn, Italy—40 to 100. tails of the disaster, an official state James’s. The setting was one for an States has more large cruisers than Britain, hut fewer of the smaller commission appointed by Governor artist, the final plenary session of class, giving the two naUons parity. The new treaty does not affect bat­ Is, to hold expenditures within our February 28,1847—Theater, Calsruhe, Germany—63. convicts were snuffed out by flame the 'parley being held in tleships as these were classified at the Washington conference with 15 Income, " . Obd^? sought to learn caused. •) : v.> SpendUig Too Mocm. ^ the blaza nnd why theT locked ' in and smMie while they were locked Anne’s drawing room, with its rich for the United Statea and Britain and nine for Japan. Below, are^the prisoners were not liberated in time in their cells last night, according red tapestries from the midst of heads of the three signatory delegations. Left to right: Secretaty of “Something over one hundred and to toe official casualty count made w'hich looked down the portraits of a State Henry L. SUmson, United States; Premier Ramsay MacDonald, twenty-five acts have be^n passed te escape. Horribly Burned today by state officials. long line of English kjngs. Great Britain, and Reijiro Wakatsuki, Japan. by either the Senate or the House Fourteen weeks ago the confer­ or favorably reported by different In the horticultural building at One hundred’ and thh-ty other ence was ushered into being in the committees, which would authorize PEN GUARDS LOST TIME the state fair grounds, scores of un­ prisoners were in toe prison hospital midst of a dense fog which pervaded an additional expenditure of three dertakers worked untiringly to pre­ and a score of these ' were in a the House of Lords in a ghost-like hundred or three hundred fifty mil­ pare the victims for burled. ’The critical condition from bums and blanket. There was that same fog lion dollars next year. identity of 276 of the dead convicts from, smoke they inhaled while fire early today, but shortly after the U. S. AND BRITAIN EQUAL “A good many of these proposals IN OPENING THE CELLS had been established. ’The others, raged in parts of four cell blocks. ) plenary /ssio n convened the April are, of course, for comparatively trapped in their fire hound cells, The penetentiary housed 4,300 sunshine burst through the mists small funds, and some of them are were so badly burhed that identifi­ convicts, some 2,500 above toe and glinted from the golden trap­ necessary for the functioning of cation was edmost Impossible. capacity for which it was Intended, pings of Queen Anne’s favorite IN SHIPS BY THE YEAR ’36 the government; but I know you Warden Says Whhin 20 Min­ PU N NEW BON A H Convict heroes and prison guard when toe fire, believed of incendiarj' room. \;dll agree with me that there is heroes were told of time and again origin, and fEuined by a stiff wind, Limits Construction. cause for real alarm in the situa- j utes of Start of Blaze today by the hundreds of inmates swept through toe upper tiers of toe The treaty signed definitely limits ; tion, as we cannot contemplate any PLANT IN A U Sm U A who escaped death. These men, four-blocks, spreading death and the navies, in all categories, of Here Are the Highlights ofIpREPARE TO OPEN I such deficit." loosed in the Mg prison yard when the flames broke out in the north­ suffering in its tfake. America. Great Britain, and Japan, Senator Jones had the letter read They Were Bringing Out As toe dead were being pre­ I and provides reduction in ships al­ to the Senate at the outset of to- west ceU blocks, told of fellow con­ pared for burial in toe Coliseum of ready under construction in at least the Naval Treaty Signed ^ O R U ) gA N K I day’s session. victs and of guards who, mindless one category, capital ships. France Senator Borah, Republican, Idaho, Bodies—His Story. W. W. Robertson to Go to of their safety, dashed into the hot toe state fair grounds by corps of and Italy could not compose their characterized the letter as “very im­ smoke filled tiers in valiant efforts undertakers, state officials headed differences and so today adhered Today in London—How — portant” but inquired of Senator to free the trapped men. by Warden Preston E. Thomas and Antipodes This Summer Munnurings liist night against director of welfare H. H. Griswold only to other sections of the pact, Jones if he knew of any specific leg­ Columbus, O., April 22.—(AP)— continued their investigation of toe which, important enough in them­ Three Nations Compare. Officials Gather in Switzer- islation to which the letter applied. 'Thomas Watkinson, a guard who fire. selves. prescribe a capital ship holi­ . . . “As far as the general appropria- Guards failed to realize quickly the was charged with refusing to give day. limitation on sizes of subma­ Ifinn tn SpI Iln Incnfllt'inn tlons are concerned,” said the ap- seriousness of the fire which claim­ To Start Branch. up the keys to prisoners- who wish­ Pandemonium Reigns. rines. humanization of their use, and London, April 22—(AP)—By the Idnu 10 JCl up lUbUlUUUll l ppopriatlons chairman, "v. e have ed the lives’of over 300 state peni­ ed to invade the inferno, brought The flames were discovered record agreement on other technical terms of the naval treaty signed to­ I held them to the budget estimates. tentiary convicts so directed their his suspension today by Warden E. shortly before 5:30 p. m. Within phases of the conference work. Under the Young Plan. , whatever ^creases which sh^ arise first efforts against a possible out­ A report reached Manchester Thomas. Watkinson, one of two several hours toe fire bad been Formal signing of the treaty oc­ day by representatives of the five ® I would come from Impending legis­ break rather than to rescue work, from New York today to the effect guards on duty in the section where brought under control but toe smoke cupied less than half an hour. Ad­ powers at London, the United States lation which we have passed or au­ it was indicated in testimony at that the Orford Soap Company, death took its greatest toll, was continued to take its toll among toe journment was taken at 1:18 p. m., should achieve parity with Great thorized,’) the official investigation of the owners of the Bon Ami factory here, s'uspended pending investigation. convicts. In toe adjoining cell after a less than three-hour meeting Britain by the date of its expiration, Basel, Switzerland, April 22.— Senator Borah asked again disaster today. are planning the establishment o f a Outstanding Heroes. blocks men screamed to be re­ Dec. 31, 1936. Japan will occupy at in which the chief delegates in for­ (AP.)—Work of the Bank of Inter- whether ------Senator Jones had “any State Welfare Director H. H. manufacturing plant for the pro­ Prisoners and guards agreed to­ leased. And when the prison offi­ mal addresses had expressed their that time a ratio of naval power Griswold turned the prison reri- duction of the famous cleanser in cials capitulated to their demands somewhere between the five-five- national Settlements, set up under “ day that the two outstanding heroes gratification in their handiwork, de­ ; which the letter refers.” dence of Warden Preston E. Australia. It was stated that W. of the tragic disaster were guards the wide penitentiary yard became plored that Lhey had not been able three capital ship ratio agreed upon the Young plan to handle move I Senator Jones said he had none. Thomas into a courtroom early to- W. Robertson of this town, treasur­ a screaming mtiss of gray clothed at the Washington 1922 conference Tom .LltOe and W. C. Baldwin. to go as far as they wished, byt ex­ ment of German reparations pay­ day and questioned six prison offi- er of the Orford Company, was These men, braving the killing men. pressed hope that further negotia­ and the 10-10-7 auxiliary ship ratio ments commenced today when six­ dais, guards, firemen and prisoners about to make the voyage to Before ti^o hours had passed this tions in the future would remove ob­ Australia for the purpose of super­ smoke and heat, went into the blaz­ mass of men, picking their way teen directors and nine financial and NOYES IS RE-EECTED in the hope of fixing responsibility. ing tiers and liberated convicts until stacles to complete five ’ power (Continued on Page Three.) Warden Thomas said his first vising the erection of the proposed among countless bodies spread over agreement on limitation and reduc­ economic counsellors met to elect a they were overcome, to be rescued orders on receiving word of the fire plant. The report did not specify by mnvlcts participating in toe res­ the yard, became a threatening tion. president and general manager and New York, April 22.—(AP.)— what city it was intended to start menace. Some of them cut toe fire were to send a deputy with keys to cue work. MacDonald Speaks. to take preliminary steps for actual Frank B. Noyes of Washington, the prison gates to let the fire ap­ the enterprise in. hose which continued to play on In an opening address Mr. Mac­ president of the Associated Press Verifies Report “Big Jim” Morton was another flames that spread to toe prison STIMSON’S SPEECH opening of the institution’s doors. paratus in and then inquired if keys Donald. who as chairman piloted the since 1900, was re-elected today by had been sent to the cell blocks to Asked for verification of toe re- whose praises were sung. The for- cotton and woolen mills. Others conference past the dangerous shoals The meeting was held in the for­ the board of directors at their meet­ release the prisoners. — port here today Mr. Robertson mer Cleveland bank robber unhes­ hurled stones and slugged toe guards which threatened it from the very' mer ball room of the old Hotel ing following yesterday’s annual Keys Not Sent ■.vould give no details until he had itatingly flirted with death as he that were trying to maintain order. beginning, announced that the AT PACT SIGNING Savoie et Univers which will be the meeting and luncheon of the mem­ “I was informed that keys had conferred with the New York office dashed in and out of toe flaming Every, available policeman in 1931 conference provided for by bank’s home for two years until the bers. Mr. Noyes is publisher of the not been sent to the cell blocks and of the Orford Company as to the building,, carrying an unconsdous Columbus was summoned for d u ^ the Washington treaty would not be palatial historic mansion 150 years Washington Star. I ordered the guards to get them extent of the publicity desirablq but fellow prisoner, .^ d “Big Jim” kept both within toe prison and on ' the held but that the next naval con­ old which is being prepared for it, John Cowles of the Des Moines, down there as quickly, as possible. freely admitted that it was Intended up his heroic struggle against toe outside. A sub-machine gun in toe ference would take place in 1935, Says Treaty Goes a Long can be made ready. la., Register and formerly second I don’t know what guards took the to start a Bon Ami plant In odds until be feU a victim to. smoke guard room protected toe entranfce “unless events of such a happy na­ The bank’s staff will consist of vice-president, was elected first vice- keys or how long they,were in get­ Australia and that later in toe sum­ and heat. He was revived and to­ to toe prison yard. 'Two cpmpaBles ture take place meanwhile that it be from 80 to 100 persons chosen from president to succeed Col. Robert mer he plans to visit toe antipodean day was well on toe road to re­ j ting, them there.” of Regular Army troops and 1,500 not required.’’ i Way Toward Establishing the various nationalities represent­ Ewing of the New Orleans States. The warden said, he then armed cohtinent in connection with toe en­ covery. Ohio National Guardsmai were sta­ Colonel Stimson spoke for Amer-' ed on the management. They will be Paul Patterson of the Baltimore terprise. ' Other unn^iiued heroes, whites and tioned at strategic places about to© chosen particularly for their ability Sun was elected second vice-presi­ two guards .with shot guns and ica, emphasizing that the treaty took personail charge of guarding As Bon Ami is known all over negroes, all dad In prison garb, were penitentiary. “fixes our naval relationship with Peace In the World. to speak the several lang;uages in­ dent. Kent Cooper was re-elected toe world and has a market pf in the ranks of toe feuless. 'These Refuse to Obey. the British commonwealth of na­ volved. secretary, Jackson S. Elliott, assist­ the prison from the outside to pre­ enormous extent, it Is assumed that vent possible escape of prisoners. too, braved death time and again, Still toe thousands of milling pris­ tions upon a fair and lasting basis,” • To Open In May ant secretary, and J. R. Youatt, the Orford tompany hais decided to carrying toe dead, and toe dying at the same time establishing “our "Before leaving for the outside, avail itself of toe pre^ce' in oners in the yard refused to be London, April 22.—(AP)—The ad­ Tlje fact that Italy and Great treasurer. I ordered keys to the cells sent by i from the oveni like cells. quieted. When they were ordered to naval relationships with our good dress of Colonel Henry L. Stimson,'^ Britain as yet have not yet ratified Australia of beds of the’'requisite neighbor across the Pacific.” TREASURY BALANCE. a trusty to the E and F cell blocks mineral raw material to create there Sonie Bad'Men. assemble in toe dining room mimy the Yoimg plan makes indefinite but my wife had beaten me to it.” refused to obey. Later they were or­ Colonel Stimson expressed confi­ American secretary of state and the date of the opening of the Washington, April 22.—(AP) — a source of supply closer to .an ex­ Some convicts—those who refused dence that the world was progress­ delegation bead at the London naval Treasury receipts for April 19 were The warden stdd .it vas probably to maintain disdpl(ae, and who dered into toe remaining cell blocks bank’s doors but it is expected this tensive flAld of sale. and dormitories hut they Insisted on ing toward "an ever-increasing se­ conference, before th e’ conference will be early In May. $8,508,443.50; expenditures, $17,946,- threw atones and cut^ fire hose— (Continued on Page Three.) • drew hot words of condemnation staying In toe yard, crowding about curity with ever-decresising arma­ plenary session this forenoon, fol­ The bank Is set up under the pro­ 403.76; balance $230,914,830.66. PASSED BAD'CHECKS ment.” visions of the Yoimg pldn to super­ from both guards and prisoners. toe bodies which were arranged ip M. Briand, while admitting that lows in part: Boston, April 22.—(AP)—George These were toe “sore spot” in long rows five to six deep. sede the reparations commission Except for. minor dlsturbancies the treaty was not as complete a “Mr. Chairman, I wish to con­ and the general agent for repara­ C. Strong,, lawyer, who was arrest­ situation otherwise dominated by success as France had wished, de­ gratulate you on the successful tions, as intermediary between Ger- ed here ten days ago as a,fugitive fearless men who risked their all to there was no trouble, however. clared that Its scope must not be un­ conclusion of this naval conference succor fellow beings in distress. Scenes of confusion and terror -ac­ meiny and her reparations creditors. Salmon Not a Candidate from justice at toe request of Wash­ companied the outburst of toe derestimated. “We feel Justified In and to take occasion at the same It Is one of the last acts that will ington'police was arraigned before 'The prison to ^ y continued, an having persevered when we see the time to thank you for the sterling terminate the liquidation of the U. S. Commissioner Edwin C, Jeney armed capvp. , S6ldl«s were on flames. 'They started In toe north­ results of our deliberation as em­ qualities of your leadership which World War. today. He was held in $609 and his gm ^! within the waus and outside west comer of a new building of cell have contributed so effectively to For U. S. Customs Position of the baniers. All was quiet within blocks, part of which still was under bodied In the pact which we are Principal Duties case continued for one week. signing today,” he declared. that end. x x x Strong is charged: with having toe penitentiary.; , A flurry of ex construction. It ivas in this new The principal role of the new part that the fire, originated, not Both M. Briemd and Admiral Siri­ “We sign this treaty with realiza­ Mr. Salmon’s decision assumed passed worthless checks in Wash­ dtement came when Are engineers anni, who spoke for Dino Grandl, tion that It fixes our naval relation­ bank i^ll be to receive and dis­ Hartford, April 22—(AP) —State a ington. Local police informed toe wei)e rushed through the gates to inore than half an hour after a gang tribute the reparations payable by Comptroller Frederick K. Salmon important political significance of prisoners working on this Job re­ who is ill at Rome and was prevent­ ship with the British common­ since for some time he has been commissioner he was wanted here fight a blaze in the smoldering ruins ed signing for his coimtry, promised wealth of nations upon a 'fair and Germany for damages done by the of Westport today definitely remov­ and in Hartford, C^onn., on similar During the morning Governor turned to their cells. German armies during the war. It ed himself as candidate for the posi­ prominently mentionea as ,a Con­ Several Fires. . j that negotiations would be contin­ lasting basis and that it is equally gressional candidate, in the event of charges. Cooper and his committee of In- ued with the hope of solving their advantageous to us aU. It also es­ will also arrange the details of a tion of U. S. Chwtoms CoUeetpr at qiUry visited the sjMJt where the Apparently the flames broke out loan of $300,000,000, which will be Bridgeport, a post made vacant by the retirement of Congressman in several places simultaneoudy. differences and permitting adher­ tablishes our naval relationship with Schuyler Merritt. State • Senator TICKETS IDR REGATTA flr^ started, and then went into toe ence finally to the treaty. our good neighbors across the Paci­ floated at an early date, $100,000,- the death of Harvey BisseU. Instead h ’..* ck %hlch last night was the tomb officials said. ^ 000 of which will go to Germany of seeking this 'place, Mr. \ Salmon Albert E. .lAvery of Fairfield has New Haven, April 22 —(AP) — As guards released convlcto f r ^ Japan’s JSpokepman fic and insures continuous growth of Applications for observatiMi train of many men ■V'? for internal requirements, while eaid in a statement to 'The 'Times, *itin been mentioned as a probable one rahge they climbed to ‘ Mr. Wakatsuki was the last of our friendship with that great na­ candidate for toe Congressiobal tickets for toe»Derby reg*»tta the Five” to speak. He praised tion toward whom we have drawn $200,000,000 will be distributed he would prefer , to. take the renom- May 3, will dose tomorrow, the /ale . Columbus, 6., April 22.—(AP) * - ' inaUon as comptroller a t the com- noniination if Mr. Merritt decides 817 Ohio penitepUaTy (Conttatted oa Page Tlireei),^ to retire. Athletic Assodatlon said today. The lives of

\ > / •K’ At, t .... ■ J fl'i, ‘ i to „ MANCHESTER EVENING HERA l d 7 SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1980. S a g b t w o - •'•<4 •*.)#»»• — ■■ ------—T New York District. He said $2,SOU MARGOIS’ RESCUER had been appropriated but it had m N n i A R c a H PROCTOR TO HEAD t o ORGANIZATION not been spent. The -$392 went for OBITUARY Local Stocb N .Y . S t o ^ printing cards, advocating Whitley’s c m $100 FOR m s JOB election, he said, but none was given BAY S i m SCHOOL I AIDED SEN. BLAINE the candidate or his campaign coni- m G E M ROBBERY •(Fomlsbed J|>y Pataam. A Oo.) Adams Ebep mittee. Worcester Family Grateful for Oentral Bowi Bartfon^ Oraa. A llegC orp ...... 81 Whitley had denied that he re­ DEATHS Timely Aid^Big Task to ilUDA Csn ••••••••••••••'••*•• *140)4 ceived any money from the associa­ Vice-Principal M. H. S. to Get-Car Out of River. 1 P. M. Stock!. tion after a list introduced into the LeopoM of Austria Implicat- Bank Stookz. JLni Mid For Pow ««••••••••»•..^ Curran Says His Association Asked Am Int xii&t 50^ lobby committee records from files Walter J. Murphy As a small token of appreolatloil Bid 6 Bankers Tnut Co . . . . 825 of'the organization said he was giv­ Walter J. Murphy, age 48, assist­ Leave at Once to Take for their recovery from a certain Am mmI Lt ••••••••••• *118% en $2,500.. . ed in Sale of Napoleon ant postmaster of the RockAdlle Post City Bank and Trust . 875 Axo TteA StMi^ S&o •••**•• 36)4 i Contributed $1>000 to watery death-trap, Mason Margols Cap Nat B& T ...... 860 Office, and one of Rockville’s most Wellesley Principalship. and family drove to Oakland yester­ Am Roll Mill••««»e*****e*** -8T ■ popular and widely known citizens, Conn. R iv e r...... 425 Am Smelt *10% BonapaHe’s Necklace. day afternoon and rewarded both Htfd Coim. Trust — 160 Elect a G. 0 . P. Senator. died shortly after midnight this Miss Doris Smith and John Kasllaii- A fffi ftzid 7el ••'••*••*•••• *863 P U N TO RATIFY morning at the Hartford hospital, First Nat . Htfd ...... 220 240 R^ph Warner Proctor vice-prin­ ekas, those who were Instrumental 40 Am Tob B"..;...... -...... i.239% after a two week’s illness. Mr. Land Mtg and Title -.. •— AmWatWka ...... 115 in saving the lives of the Margols 240 Washington, April 22.—(AP)— New York, April 22.—(AP.)— Murphy had been in poor health for cipal of Manchester High school for Mutual B & T ...... — Anaconda ...... 06% family imprisoned in the family car do, vtc . 240 Henry H. Curran, president of the TREATY AT ONCE Archduke Leopold of Austria was nearly a year. the past five years, has resig^ned AttRef 43 Mr. Murphy was bora in Rock­ on the bottom Of the Hockanum New Brit ’Trust ..... — 200 Association Against the Prohibition indicted today on^a charge of first and has been appointed to the prin­ river at 9:40 Sunday night. A re­ Riverside T rust ...... 650 Baldwin 1a)co 31 ville, the son of William and. Mary B and O ...... *% ....116% Amendment, testified before the degree grand larceny by a Grand cipalship of the Wellesley High ported gift of $100 was made to West Htfd. Trust .... 850 4 Senate lobby committee today that (Dolling) Murphy. He entered the Bendix Avlat . 4...... ;^.... 51% Jury which investigated the sale employ of the government nearly school in Wellesley, Mass., and will John Kasllauskas who effected their Insurance Stocks. • his organization had contributed President Says It Will Be assume his new position next Mon­ xAetna Casualty...... 155 Beth S te e ly ...... 1 0 3 here for $60,000 of the. $400,000 Na­ 25 years ago and has been assistant release by smashing in the top Canadian.Pac ...... ^*...... 208% $11,000 to the 1926 campaign of day morning, it became known to­ the nearly submerged sedan and a xAetna Life ...... 98 postmaster in the neighborhood of Case Thresh ...... 340 Senator Blaine, Republican, Wlscon# poleon Bonaparte necklace which day. The Massachusetts’ institu­ sum variously reported as $26 and xAetna Fire, $10 par. 72 Sent to Senate as Soon as ten years. tion has been without a principal Cerro De Rasco ...... 66% sin, a member of the comittee, and a belonged to his aunt, the Archduch­ In his High School days the de­ $50 was inade. to Miss Daris Smith, xAutomobile ...... 47% since the middle, of Jeinuary when Chic MU atP and,P*pf ...... 87% wet. ess Marie Theresa of'jLustiia. ceased played a prominent part in who was the only witness to the ac­ Conn. General ...... 142 its former head accepted a position Chic and Norwest . I...... Detailing activities of the Asso­ Received. the athletic life of Rockville High, xHtfd Fire, $10 par .. 84 Indicted with him on the same in Ardmore, Pa. Mr. Proctor will cident. Chrysler .. 4. . ' . 3S% ciation, during his fourth day on the from which he graduated with the Htfd Stm BoU, $10 par 73 , charge were Charles F. Townsend, return to Manchester one day a The family left the hospital when Col Gas and E l ...... • • • • 82% stand, Curran also said that $29,000 who for a time had held a power of class of 1901. friends from Worcester, where the National F ire ...... 84 had been spent in advocating repeal _____ V,. i week during the balance of the xPhoenix Fire ...... 89 Col G ra p h ...... — 29% Washington, April 22.— (A P )— attbroey for the Archduchess, and i school year to assist in the comple­ family lives, brought new clothing, Ooml Solv ...... 85% Of the state prohibition enforcement^ Rockville Alumni Association, \ a Travelers ...... 1550 : President Hoover announced today Mrs. Townsend. The necklace was tion of his work here. allowing them to depart. Members Comwlth and Sou 4-*....1 8 % member of St. Bernard’s Church, Public CJtUlty Stocks. ^ w s in Wisconsin, that the London naval agreement sold here Feb. 11, sometime after During his five years in Manches­ of the family suffered no ill effects Consol G a s ...... il80 i/ The witness gave the membership would be sent to tAfe Senate :^or rati­ the archduchess is said to have re­ the Holy Name Society, the Fish xConn. Eilec Sve ...... 89 ter, Mr. Proctor has made many from their exposure and wetting. xConn. Power ...... 89 Contln Can 67 k the association as 11,098 with the fication immediately upon its arriv­ voked-Townsend’s power of attor­ and Game Club, the Declamation friends not only through his school Mr. Margois is an underwear man­ Corn Prod ...... 109% majority of its members in New ney. The archduchess said she re­ Club, and the Alden-Skinner Camp, Hartford Elec Lgt ... 90 al in Washington. connections but in other channels as ufacturer and was on his way from Greenwich W&G, pfd » 90 COrtlss Wright .* ...... i ...... 12% York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania Undeterred by indications of pos­ ceived only’ $7,270 of the sale the Sons of Union Veterans. He leaves well. He was actively connected New York to his home in Worcester Du Pont De Nens...... -.... .137 and other eastern states, rest being retained by. Townsend his wife, Anna (Burger) . Murphy, Hartford Gas ...... 72 sible delay in Senate consideration with the Men’s League of th^ Center when the accident occurred. do, p f d ...... 45 Elastman Kodak ...... '..... ,246 i Blaine Present. of the pact, the President Is deter­ for expenses. The necklace has been and two children, Charles F. and Congregational church, having been ESec Pow and L t ...... i S7% Christine A.; one brother, Charles; The water was drawn down at the S N E T Co ...... 185 188 I Blaine was present when Currau mined to pirt the results of the Lon­ returned to an agent of the arch­ secretary of this organization for E r ie ,...... 5 8 % and one sister. Miss Lillian Murphy, pond yesterday morning add Ernest Manufactorlog Stocks. testified that funds had been-con­ don confereripe before the treaty duchess. ^ the past year and a half. He has A. Roy of the Depot Square Garage FoxFUm A ...... <.-65% Archduke Leopold allegedly ad-1 all of Rockville, Am Hardware ...... 60 62 tributed to aid in his election to the ratifying branch of the govrenment also been a prominent worker in Y. attempted the difficult job of pulling Amer Hosiery ...... SO Gen. Elec ...... 4...... 89 -v mitted to District Attorney Thomas | Funeral services will be held M. C. A. and Boy Scout circles. He Gen Foods ...... '56% Senate. at the earliest possible moment. Thursday morning at 9 o’clock at the heavy sedan back into the road­ American Silver...... 20 Curran said he thought the Wis­ C. T. Crain that he received a com­ heads the Torch Club of Manchester (Sen M otors...... 60% It is assumed that the American St. Bernard’s church. way. The Depot Square wrecker Arrow H&H, com .... 39% 40% consin Senator could have won mission on the sale. He is here in and is on Troop Three’s comhfittee. Gold^^ust-...... 45*^^ delegates themselves will bring back New York. The whereabouts of the was used as a boom to lift the for­ Automatic Refrig .... 4 ^without us.” the official copy of the treaty. Game From Bay State ward part of the car as high as pos­ xBlgelow Sanford, com 70 73 Grigsby Gnmow ...... 22% Townsends are not known. Mr. Proctor came to Manchester . A charge that the lobby commlt- They are sailing tonight from sible, and while raised, the Oakland xdo, p f d ...... /. 100 In tH a r v ...... H 0,% High school from Hatfield, Mass., iee had violated the spirit of the Southampton. . ‘ ’ Garsige wrecker, attached to long Billings and^ Spencer . 4 Int Nick Can ...... 39 FUNERALS where be was principal of the Smith fourth Amendment to the Consti­ If for £(ny reason the treaty can­ Bristol Brass ...... 25 lot Tel and Tel ...... 72% Academy for a year. Previously he tackle, pulled the two cars up the JohhsManvUle...... 126 tution in searching records of his as­ not be brought by the principal do, pfd ...... 99 served as principal of Chatham High steep bank, slowly and by many Kennecott ... 49% sociation was made by Curran as the delegates themselves, some attache BANDITS FOILED Mrs. Nora Brennan hitches, to the roadway. Convenient­ Collins Co...... 100 The funeral of Mrs. Nora Bren­ school for two years and taught Kreuger and ToU ...... ,.• .„34 fend of the session approached. of the delegation probably will re­ ly ^boated trees served as anchors Case, Lockwood and B. 525 ; Questioned by Blaine, the witness nan, was held this morning at 8:30 history at Bridgewater High the Colt’s Firearms ...... 27% Kroger Groc ...... ^ t o % main behind for a few days. year before. He was graduated for the block and tackle. Four hours Laid the money wsus not contributed at the home, 183 Hackmatack .Eagle Lock ...... 36 Loew’s, In'c 88 In any case the President’s trans­ IN BREAK AHEMPT street, and at St. James’ church •’.t from Tufts College in 1921 and his were consumed in getting the car LorlUard ...... 25% directly to Blaine or to his cam- mission to the Senate should take from its muddy bed in the river to Fafnir Bearings ...... 80 9 o’clock, when a solemn requiem home is in Arlington, Mass. Fuller Brush, Qass A . — Mo Kan and Tex ...... 60% baign but was spent independently, place within a week or so. the road. The car weighed 4,600 Southington, April 22.—(AP) — high mass was celebrated. Rev. P. Since taking over the principal- Hart & C o o le y ...... 136 Montg W a r d ...... 46% f He added that he thought It was Mr. Hoover reached his decision ship of the Franklin, or Junior High pounds. Traffic Officer Edward E, Geary J. Kileen was celebrant. Rev. Vin­ Hartmann Tob, com .. — Nat Csish Reg A ...... Ik.'. 61% spent for advertising in behalf of after conferences with Senate lead­ school, here, Mr. Proctor has been this morning at 3 o’clock broke up cent McDonough, deacon and Rev. “King” Morlarty, one of the' help­ do, 1st pfd ...... — Nat Dairy ...... 67% the Blaine campaign. , ers, some of whom told him that .actively identified in several new a gas station robbery, scared the W. P. Reidy, sub-deacon. The ers on. the job, captured a sucker Inter Silver ...... 107 Nat Pow and Lt .....« . .. 4. 4. 53 submission of the treaty wouicl bearers were John Downing, Michael projects having to do with school that was found swimming wltnln Nev Cop ...... 23 Washington, April 22.— (AP) — bandits away and recovered ,an au­ do, p f d ...... 107 either mean a pi^longatipn of the Foley, Thomas Haggerty, James instruction work. In addition to his the car.* The Jaeger clock on the xLanders, Frary & Clk 70 N Y C e n t...... 4...... 1 7 9 % ilembership of the Association tomobile in which were an Army curricular duties, Mr. Proctor found special session, or the pigeonholing MeSherry, James Walsh, Philip dash WEUS found running after six­ Mann & Bqw, Class A 13 N Y 'N H H ...... Against the Prohibition Amendment pistol, 300 rounds of ammunition, a of the pact xintil the session which Shea. Burial .was in St. James’ time to coach the Freshman base­ teen hours immersion and' the car do. Class B ...... 7 Nor Am er ...... ****^Sl|f the first of this year was placed at dagger, and a quantity of jewelry begins next December. cemetery. ball and basketball teams. itself, a new Packard sedah with xNew Brit Mclr com . 27 11,098 today by Henry H. Curran, and man’s clothii-g, all of which ap­ Wellesley High school has an en­ peared to have been stolen some­ less than 10,000 mileage was un­ North & J u d d ...... 19 Par Pam Lasky 72% president of the organioiation in * James Trotter rollment of about 400 students and damaged except for a broken bump­ Niles Bern Pond ...... 39 Penn , ...... 81% time previous. specializes in college preparatory testimony before the Senate lobby Funeral services for James Trot- er brace ahd the soaking of the up­ Peck Stow and Wilcox 8 Pub Serv N J ...... i . .115% Later this morning it was found work, about 60 percent of the stud­ committee. NEW YORK MAY that the bandits ih leaving town teii, who died at his winter home in holstery. The strong wire netting Russell Mfg Co X .... 85 Rad Cbrp ^ • 68 •: Curran read the membership of St. Petersburg, Fla., Friday night, ents taking that course. Its stand­ Red Keith 42'.. apprehended a sedan which was in ing is high. with which the entire top of the xScovill ...... 63 the following states; a garage near the home of Miss at the age of 74, will be held Thurs­ sedan was. covered showed to what Smythe Mfg Co ...... — Reading ...... 113% Mr. and Mrs. Proctor wlU move Rem R and'...... 42% New York 3,114, Massachusetts ALSO BAN PRIMO Bertina Case who lives on the Meri- day afternoon at 2:30 at Watkins extent John Kasilauskas labored in Seth Thom Co. com .. — Brothers, 11 Oak street. Mrs. Trot­ to Wellesley shortly from, their Rep Ir and Stl, new,,.. 4 .-...... 75% 1,292, Pennsylvania 1,249, New Jer­ den-Waterbury turnpike in Mill- a few moments at bis disposEd. But do, pfd ...... 27 ter and her son Alton are accom­ home here on 43 Branford street. Sears Roe ...... • 91% sey 565, Indiana 105, Montana 7, New York, April 22.— (A P )—The dale. Miss Case is at present vaca­ for the two rescuers it is doubtful if Standard Screw ...... 182 140 Arkansas 3, Idaho 9 and Wisconsin panying the body to Manchester His new. contract calls for the b€il- do, pfd. guar “ A” 100 Simmons, . .48% New York State Athletic Compis- tioning at Havana, Cuba. ance of this school year and all of any one of the four within the car 390. and are expected to arrive tomor­ xStanley W orks...... 41 43 Sinclair Oil 29% sion today took the initial sreps, On one of his trips while patrol- next. His resignation from the could have possibly escaped. . 38 \ When the Montana membership Ing the township during the e^irly row. xTaylor & Fenn ...... 115 SkeUy Oil . which will in all probability lead to Rev. Watson Woodruff of the faculty of Manchester High school Soil Pac ...... 4 4 . . 124 was read Curran remarked: “Maybe the suspension of Primo Clarnera, morning hours Offloer Geary saw a Torrlngton ...... 60 Center Congregational church was formally accepted last night at Underwood M fg Co. . 112 Sou Rwy ...... 4. ^ 4'^. 4.115% that’sf a compliment to Senator Italian heavyweight, and his man­ car with state of Maine markers at a meeting of the High school com­ which the family attended when liv­ Union Mfg Co ...... 21 Stand Brands...... < <;.. 26'- Walsh." agers, Billy Duffy and Leon See, in the garage of J[oseph Orcutt on mittee. No successor has been ap­ POET LAUREAT DIES ing here, will officiate and burial U S Envelope, com .. 215 St Gas and E3 ...... 4...... 128% Walsh, a dry, is a member of the this state. The commission, how­ Norton street, Mllldale. pointed and none will be employed will be in the East cemetery. do, pfd ...... S^^j* Cal- ...... 4.69^,^ lobby committee. ever, withheld its official action un­ He thought little of it at the time until next September. 112 London, April 22.— (A P .;--E n g- Veeder Root ...... 43 S O N J...... 76% Caraway of Arkansas, Blane of til it had a chance to review the but a short while later he spied the Mr. Proctor said today that it was SONY ...... 4... 35%' same car at Tolies gas station. land today mourned the dea^i£h o f its Whitlock Coil Pipe ... — Wisconsin, Robinson of Indiana and testimony that resulted in Camera’s with some regret that he was ter-^ Studebaker .. . j .. .. 4 .* South Main street, Plantsvllle and poet laureat, Robert Bridges, who X—Ex-dividend. Borah, of Idaho, are the other com­ suspension in California. minating his services here; that his Tex Corp . . . . .f s ' . • i* • 67% started an investigation. When the CLOSE OF TARIFF died Monday, at the age of 86. He XX—-Ebc-rlghts. 4 mittee members. associations with both Superintend­ had held the post of British official ’Tim Roll Bear, •, . i . 4.. .■•. - 841^ officer got ta the car he-found no ent F. A. Verplanck and Principal Senator Walsh, Democrat, Mon­ poet since 1913 and his works were REDS ARRESTED Transcon O il...... • • • • • • 22% one about, but immediately sensed C. P. Quimby had been very pleas­ tana, read a letter written to Frank LIONS SET DATE IN MAY known all over the world. Union Carb .,-4 4 4 •... .100 something peculiar because of the ant. Ho said he appreciated the C. Brophy of Phoenix, Arizona, DEBATE IS NEAR Notwithstanding his great age, Waterbury, April 22.—(AP.)— Unit Aircraft j . . 87. suspicious cargo. The motor of the opportunities afforded him during which said repeal of the prohibition announcement of his death came Nat Richards of 38 Howe street. Unit Corp ...... ,■47% FOR ANNUAL BANQUET car was running and the gas station his five years as vice-principal of law would result in a saving of $20,- with something of a shock to the New Haven, and Charles Crasnitskl Unit Gas,and Imp .. .45% 000 a year to persons paying income door was open. Hailing a passing Washington, April 22.— (AP.) — the local school. School officials U S Ind Alcoh ...... 91% truck the policeman had the driver British people, who knew nothing of this city were placed under ar­ taxes of $90,000 or more. The conferees on the tariff bill went commented upon the loss of Mr. U S Pipe and Fdiy ...... 85% Plan to Hold First Such Event push the car off the road and then to work today with prospects of Proctor by adding that he was a of the illness which k^t him abed rest at noon today by police who In­ Would Mean Saving. for about a week. He shunned the terrupted a Communist speech mak­ U S Rubber...... SlVi At Country Club on 7th— J. started a more' Complete investiga­ completing either late today or to­ very valuable member of the faculty U S S te e l...... 191 The letter added that this saving tion. All indications were that the spotlight as ardently as the shyest ing at the gates of the Scovill Man­ H. Savage Speaks. morrow their task of adjusting dif­ and that his work here had been UtU Pow and L t A •. • ...... 42% would result from liquor taxes. Cur­ place had just been entered and the ferences between the Senate and highly satisfactory. of British . literati, and discour­ ufacturing Company. Richards and ran said he did not know who had aged even in his lact days inquiries Crasnltski had annoimced their plan IVar Piet. 72I4r Announcement was made, last burglars scared, off before they House over the entire measure. Westing Air ...... - 45 ^ written the letter and had not seen could start cleaning out the place. Except for five major rate dis­ about his condition. to violate a city ordinance by mak­ it. He contended prohibition repeal night at the weekly meeting of the His funeral will be Friday. ing sidewalk speeches without a Westing E31 and Mfg*...... 194% Lions Club at the Hotel Sheridan Officer Cockayne was called and putes and controversies over the WORK ON DECORATIONS Woolworth ...... 64%- would result in a saving to every­ assisted Officer Geary in a search. export debenture and legislative Bridges’ poetry, like himself, was permit and scores of police were at that the annual banquet will be held the scene to pr,evcnt a disturbance. YeUow Truck ...... 31 one. At the Orcutt station it was found flexible tariff provisions, which wiil little known to the public. This was Walsh read an address by Horace at the Country Club, Wednesday true of nearly all laat he wrote, in­ evening, May 7 and the Conran that only a few dozen bars of candy be reported in disagreement, the FOR CHAMBER DINNER D. Taft of Watertown, Conn., bi^oth- cluding his’ latest w,ork, “The Testa­ Shoppe of Depot Square will cater. were taken. conference committees had only a er of the late Pre^dent Taft, which few secondary differences over the ment of Beauty” wWch many critics The committee in charge consists of Reservations for the 29th annual think his greatest poem. It was pub­ said he had read reports that the George Bagley, Alfred Knofia, administrative provisions to settle International League of Adversaries before making a ret>ort. banquet of the Manchester Cham­ lished in 1929, on the eve of his Francis Miner, Francis McCarthy, eighty-fifth birthday. His failure to WEDNESDAY Last Times Today_ of Prohibition was planning to spend EPWORTHERS GATHER Senator Watson of Indlafia, the ber of Commerce, to be held at the Thomas Conran, and Henry Smith. Masonic Temple, Weetoesday eve­ attain popularity with the British “ millions” in this country. Republican leader and a Senate con­ The Whistle-listeners hold a com­ ning, April 30, have mounted public, however, never- seemed to AND Greta Garbo ' Curran said the Association feree, informed President Hoover fortable lead over the Duckpinners AT ANNUAL BANQUET steadily in the past few days and worry him. Against the Prohibition Amendment in the attendance contest now be­ this morning that the adjustment THURSDAY ^ in .‘*Anna Christie” ' work, begun April 3, would be fin­ this morning numbered 180 in all no relation with the internation­ ing conducted. The large and en­ Tomorrow tickets will go on sale to CONVENTION OPENS al .organization. thusiastic meeting last night was ished today or tomorrow. Senator On Monday evening the Epworth Harrison of Mississippi, a Demo- non-members as well as to mem­ Willimantlc, April 22.— (AP) — “What paper is that in,” Curran due to the efforts of team captains The 21st annual convention of the TWO OUTSTANDING PICTURES ^ League of the South Methodist era tic conferee, was of the same bers until the quota of 200 couples demanded. Thomas Conran and Alfred Knofia. Daughters of Ufiion Veterans of the church gathered at the church for opinion. has been reached. IThe American Issue,” Walsh The speaker last night was J. H. Through an inadvertance it was Civil War op^ed here today with baid. ^ Savage, advertising manager of the its annual banquet and roll call. More Protection The spread was served by a com­ The measure as it now stands stated yesterday that the act of Mrs. Minnie ^ Mathleu, president tO R E T T A Raps League. electrical. division of Colt’s Manu­ mittee of women from the mis­ provides a much higher general Stone and Platt was engaged presiding. The convention will be in "Oh, the Anti-Saloon League facturing Company of Hartford, through the Clement’s Entertain­ session two daysi> ^ who incidentally is a resident of sionary societies. Rev. R. A. Col­ average percentage of protection YOUNG Journal,” Curran said, adding: pitis was toastmaster and the wel­ than the measure passed by the ment Bureau. The act was booked Two business' seeslons, a me­ “There is so much untruth in 'it Manchester. He gave a greatly ap­ direct from New York through morial'service and k banquet and preciated talk on advertising, stress­ come was given by the president of Senate. v that I question the veracity of almost the Epworth League, Stephen The rates and disagreements are Johnson and Woodward of Hart­ reception were on today’s'program. and: J# ing the point that advertising does ford. New officers will be elected tomor­ everything in it.” not take the place of salesmanship Klein. The toll call was in charge those on Cuban raw sugar, cement, L. N. Heebner, chairman, and his row. “ Do you question Mr. Taft’s state- entirely but paves the way as an of the secretary, Miss Margaret lumber, shingles and silver, the last committee on decorations are vrork- Douglas '^*aent?” Walsh asked. adjunct to creative selling. House. four now being on the free list but ing to make, the banquet hall a PRISONER ESCAPES. - ■ “ Mr. Taft is an honorable man but Mr. Savage outlined an advertis­ Mrs. Robert W. Wilson gave sev­ carrying duties either in the Sen- fairyland. In place of the regular Thomaston, Maine, April 22.— the American Issue is not an honor­ ing lay-out with a background of eral readings, Chester Shields play­ ' ate or House measure. Fairbanks, Jr. able institution, Curran asserted. ed a cornet solo, Marlon and Ethel The House will be called upon to lights will be Japanese lanterns, (AP)—Thorwald Grep, serving a life condition bringing out that tradition sentence for murder, escaped from ’’ '-At the ouset, Curran said his as­ builds and cited the case of the Brookings sang two comical selec­ vote on these items before a final both in the dining room and the the state prison here early today by In sociation had expended only $392 in Colt Manufacturing Company, with tions, a group of grlrls. Hazel agreement is reached. hallway. Southern smllax v/lll be climbing from a second story win­ ■ptomoting the 1928 campaign of a colorful career of 96 years behind Driggs, Marjorie Crockett, Bernice The Senate will be asked again, to festooned from the ceiling Eind dow'down a rope- made of torn Representative Whitley, of the 38th it. Harrison, Doris Sisco, Florence record Itself on the export debenture there will be special lighting ef­ Lewis, and Gladyfe Harrison, staged and the provision withdrawing ex­ fects. A candelebrum will adorh sheets. - ‘ • i B i an act of vaudeville entitled “The ecutive authority to change duties the speakers table. The platformi at “ LOOSE after investigation by the tariff the south end of the hall will be AVIATOR KILLED FEW DOGS UCENSED Krazy Kut-Ups," Lyon Park,. Va., April 22.-r-(AP.) The speaker of the .ivening was commission. decorated with ferns and imitation With settlement of these contro­ southern smilax will drape the —An unidentified pilot was killed Rev. M: E. Osborne, pastor of the this afternoon, in'-the crash of his AS MAY DRAWS NEAR Methodist church in Rockville. Mr. versies, the measure will bo ready walls. Other decorating features ANKLES” for a final, vote in both branches. are being planned by Mr. Heebner plane after a wing dropped off at Osborne is well known to the young 500 feet altitude. people of the South Methodist and his committee. With only seven week days Jeft church. He spoke for the most part You Do Not Know* Your Laugh Capacity Until Yon’vt to license over dogs, Q must 1,000 20 about Gandhi. Mr. Osborne was TWO MEN STEAL AUTO. Seen This Clever Comedy Concoction I be taken care of daily, from now un­ born and brought up in India and til May 1 at the office of the town knows something of the back­ - '—"■AN D ' clerk to clean up Manchester's 1,400 ground from which Gandhi has AND THEN WRECK IT canines . A fine of $1 will be added come. for every^og unlicensed after May The banquet was in charge of the MORE ' DASHING, MORE RO­ Meriden, April 2 2 .~ (A P )—Two 1. Less than 400 dogs have been li­ following: Elsie Lewis, general MANTIC THAN EVER, 8WAG- censed in the first 22 days of April chairman; Margaret House, enter­ men are held by the local police, one /■ and a long lineup is expected by the under guard at tfie Meriden hospital GERINO IN THE KILTS OP THE tainment; Ethyle Lyttle, depora- CANADIAN “BLACK WATCH.” town clerk during the last few days tions; and Mrs. Claude TruaXj sup- after an automobUe they are alleged of the month. per. • to have stolen In Hartford was wrecked by smashing into a tele­ TEN HURT IN CRASH phone pole ott the North Colony New Haven, April 22.—(AP) — road near the Old Colony Inn at John Mather Chapter, Order of DeMolay, GARY' COOPER At least ten persons were Injured 2:30 o’clock this morning. South Manchester today in a collision between a truck ABOUT oT{ w n One of the men held admits he is CordiaUy InVites You to Attend, the “ and a touring car. Augustine De t Michael Vallero, of 94 Wlntbrop Onofrio, 18 of this city was in a dy­ Hose and Ladder Companj^No. 1 street, Hartford. Athough the other ing condition at New Haven hospi­ of the South Manchester fire depart­ claims that his name is Burns and “SEVEN DAYS Well, Ws this way! tal with a severed jugular veinf ment was called out last night for a he comes from Springfield, letters FIRST ANNUAL DANCE The list bf Injured included Roger chimney fire at 684 Keeney street femnd on his person indicate that be LEAVE” f you see, officer, I couldn’t tell Poysean, 16, of 2259 Main street, In a houee occupied by Gustave is Rocco~J. CrioUo. of 80 Winthrop Masonic Temple, East Center Street Hartford, and Benjamin Enrico, 19, Stanleri , ^ how fait I was going, ’cause my street, Hartford. j of 23 Nesbit street. West Hartford, The wrecked car with which ttocy; speedometer isn’t working.” both of whom received lacerations. At the Manchester Community are Implicated, and in which Vallero | Others injured, aU of New Ha­ club whist at the,White House last admits they, were riding, is the, W ednesday Evening, A p rfl 23^ Added Attractfim Wednesday NljAt . , night, first prizes were won by Mrs. **No excuse. You should have ven, were Michael Diana 17; Louis property of Cfikrles W. Fear, a INTBRNAmONiJ. ------Wilkinson, 21; Esk Assin, 29; Joseph Frank J. Vlttner and David Had­ ANOTHER POPULAR negro, of 131 Clark street, Hartford. | Music by U o Roy’s Spanish Cavaliers it fixed at Schwartz, 21; William Blood, 19; den; second by Mrs. Donahue and J. ’This morning at 4 o’clock, an hour Oheerved u Charles Alderman, .17, and , Paul Marcus and third by Mrs. H. M. Lady and Gentlemui Subscription $2.00 THE NORTON Helovetch, 15. With the exception Hemenway and Alexander . Hanna. after thcT wreck. Pear reported We oar stolefi. Altbough the police were “SOpTCH NIGHT” of Diana who received a fractured 2 Beautiful Door Prizes. ELECTRIC CO. leg, and DeOnofrio, all of the New The Women of Mooseheart Legion at first Inclined to believe he was in Six Acts WUl Provide Fun for AU! Haven victims were reported to will hold their regular business the machine when it was smashed Donated by F. D. Savitt, Hartford Jeweler. Hilliard St., Manchester ^ meeting at the Home club on Brain- , they later swung to the theory that have received bruises and la'cera' ..... Phone 4060 tlohi. ard place this evening. he was n o t A party to the accident ^ .

i ■ f ' .4 - /. ' ^ vAGEttrsm u herald, south MANCHESTER. CONN.'. TUESDAX, APRIL'22, 1980. MANCHESTER EVENING ______*■. ■ ■*:' . • e It-

doctors i i S i 300 c o n v ic t s d ie 1 k il l s SWEETHEflJlT .f, S;1I:e HAS WOMAN ]K« iii)A»swsriim QOlurtf you c o il o j W lu y OodJ ju m tlu n Dr. N. IAl. Burr and Dr. T. G. Sloan wUl be on duty to a n ^ e r iN C0LiiM 0S,0.,nRE| AND THEN HIMSELF li • • X * ■ • • . fG”^ ' • IN OPENING UP CELLS emergency calls tomorrow after­ RELKIODS WORKER noon. (Ooqtlnued from Page One.) j . (Continued frona PSiSfe 1.) . I— I Men were choking and gasping for twenty minutes from the time he , * breath.. , . , Norwalk Man Steals.Taxicab was notified of the fire until they ■ about TOWN 1 As toey were released many Miss Doris Daris of Balti- were bringing out bodies. 1 joined in the rescue work, To Call on Ghrl In Brook- C. W. Osborn, assistant Columbus the I O n the fourth and fifth rangds t fire chief, said he figured it was not dea& iSk'its ton rapidly. The 1^^^^ 'more to Take the Place of ote than 12 minutes from the Eastern Star. wiU hold its re^ ar of the trapped men were filled with lyn; She Spurned Him. time of the alarm until he had his. business meeUng in Masonic Tem- smoke. Ghastly sights greeted the apparatus inside the prison walls. nle tomorrow evening. It is especial­ rescuers. Suffocated men lay on Key. J. E Greer. ly desired that all those who are to Ice cubes have been populated by electric refrigerators. Every hostess When he arrived on the cell range, the floor, pale and white. , Norwalk, April 22.—(AP)- prisoners and guards were rushing serve as ushers at the reception in Others were stretched : wants to serve them... .bpt heretofore only a few co^ld afford this luxury. Now about opening cells. “Some were honornoDor .. of F. »•A. Verplanck, who is Sornrha^tSa; Anthony Napoleon, Jl-yeat-old Jac- The official board of the South the new grand patrom patron, be present ^ ^ heads in the lavatories tory hand, who last night shot and it is possible for everybody to serve ice cubes. Nearly every Keith refrigerator is using keys and others were batter­ equipped with the new Electricutter or Cublce Cutter that'm ake 12 crystal: clear Methodist church, at a meeting held ing the locks off with axes,” he lofor r reticcii-ocfc*rehearsal **'’at 7:15, -----r ^ 1 Tn th^^cells th^ cella andana stillsuu othersotucio had ^lucukilled pretty Mildred Casalese,------^ 22, • is to vteabe viAiri held MondavMonday evening, April merabbed lcub their ^ blankets or tom their . ,i New York city telenhonetelephone operator.operato^ ice cubes in as little time as five minutes. It is now possible to have Uiem at last night, engaged Miss Dons said. The work of opening the cells 28 and representatives we expected he said, “seemed to be rather slow,” shirts ‘ from their backs to drench i and then took his own life, brooded every table, ready for toe many occasions when their presence in toe guests’ refresh­ Davis of Baltimore, Md. ^ butThe heat“was'so ■intense and the from chapters all over Coimecticut. them ^ th water and place them i over toe fact that toe girl was no. time director of religious e smoke so dense that it was difficult over their heads. ! at home when he called at her ments will add to your prestige as a hostess. for the current year. Miss uavis | them to make speedy headway, The midweek service of toe Souto Plav Hose on Them. i residence, 261 Lafayette »venue. takes the place of Rev. J. E. Greer. removing of bodies began Methodist church on Wednesday Streams of water swished through } Brooklyn, last Friday, toe police de- who was appointed to the Methodist within five minutes after he^ajrived I CTcning at 7:30 will be in charge, of \/no was appwvu'- on the cell ,, range, Osborn said. W Ula^ E. Kelli.. torm™d rtvSSsto® wW ef to” fa«s j " T fter upbraiding toe girl In a sec- church of Hull, Mass., at the April He could throw little light on Major Edward Atkinson of the Sal of fallen men were buried. ond telephone call on Saturday he vation Army, now retired, will j T J S fd e n t of Vermont Miss Davis is whether guards were doing all in Hundreds had been carried from j tried to borrow a gun from a friend of religious their power to free the prisoners, speak fronrfrom his wide ^ and above the heads j but was not successful. The “Hostess” Food a graduate of a college or b ‘The guards said they were unlock-unlock Army work. ^® “X h lS in toe ! S toe mscue«^ the sixth and last Groundless jealousy that so mad­ ^d K ^n Arkansas City. Mo. Her ing the cells, but toe prisoners said abundant opportuni y ^ P -o«cr«‘wi*re more than a hundred dgned his mind that he experience in religious work bas he dedicated his life range‘were more than a h^dred dened his mind that he was actually Preserver is a Year they were not. I did not see any others who could not possibly be crazed,, led to toe dual killing, offi­ tended over a period of several guards unlocking cells.” in young msmhood. The meeting to morrow night will be open to all. saved. Bed mattresses and the cots cials stated. Napoleon stole a taxi Firemen Overpowered were masses of flames. to drive toe girl to the lonely section Ahead of Competition ^*The new director wftl continue her Prisoners, impatient at the ef­ hr religious studies at toe Hartford A whist party ^wiH be held at toe Locks on the cells were battered of Calf Pasture Beach, where he. Theological Seminary addition forts of firemen to extimpiish the, / -irrank Hoi away with sledge hammers. The shot her in toe back as she jumped Meeting the public demand blaze which was threatening the home of Mr. and Mrs. F r ^ HOi mesh waUs of toe ranges were cut out of toe car and started to run for (1) economical food preser­ to her^official duties in the South lives of their friends, overpowered uster, 48 Hollister « Ctmoof Methodist church. vation, (2) smarter loolung cab- - Honors Dead Members the firemen and took the hose lines STun?n o L ^ h ^ e r r o f P°ocaSSas. Jrinlng up to ^ tig h ts o^^ was an lyisuccessful j inets, (8) a ready'supply'of ice „ from them in an attempt to pl^Y £ nrizes will be given and refresh- in the road of «tumbltog men. | standing. Be- Resolutions on toe death of Geor- streams of water on toe cells where cubes, (4) moderate prices, the ., "•e W. Ferris, a long time member the prisoners were held, Osborn ments served. Members of toe coun- j Like Battle ^eld. ; cause she did not think he could be new Hostess refrigerators sur­ of toe church were adopted by the said He declared their efforts were Si are welcome to bring their . outside toe smoke filled building gj^all factory wage | official board, as follows: futile as the hose were not long friends. • , the scene resembled a field ot naiue , repeatedly turned down his' pass all competition. No other - ■ “The official board of the South The boys 4-H club, sponsored gfrewn with corpses. ac ' freouent proposals, refrigerators can begin to rival Manchester Methodist Episcopal enough to reach toe upper tiers of locally 1 7 the Lions Club, will hold ; ^ t first toe prisoners who had es- trequeni prop____ Church desires to place upon its cells where the prisoners were con- ‘a' meeting tonight at the home c t ; ^aped death emerged in pairs ®arjy- their many features at prices records, and express to toe family fined. , - Teddv and Tommy Hagenow of 710 jjjg a comrade by the arms and feet, ranging from $15.50 to $39.50. Liston G. Schooley, Cleveland ^ e ^ n ^ stre e t. Any young boy in- they dropped on the grass, FULL EVENING AWAITS j of our brother George W. Ferns prisoner, said he was in the deputy There are many models to select p an appreciation of his long ana ceresLcuterested in becomingi^^w^****—© — a member- of Then rr^pn they th#»v knelt beside the chokedcho from. Modest little top icers to warden’s office when he discovered men and applied methods of resusci­ faithful service as an official mem­ the flames. He called the telephone in learning about the purposes of PYTHIANS TOMORROW big ultra modem all steel c^bin-' ber of our church. the club is invited to attend. tation. ^ „ “We wish to recognize his deep operator who responded that he al­ ----- Groans and feeble cries from the. ets. Everyone exceptionally low * devotion to its welfare, his estim­ ready knew of the fire. Town Trea.surct George H. Wad­ “Cleveland Johnson, a prisoner, Because it is felt that many per- j jjpa of the victims and words of en-1 in price bwause of the tremen­ able character as a citizen, hi sons who have not received imfita-j oouragement or shneks ^ dell will give the address of wel-1 dous buying power of the Allied radiant personality as exemplified came running in and asked for keys Hons would like to attend toe first, the men who were working come at toe district meeting of : by his friendship and his life of use­ to open doors to get down to toe annual semi-formal dance of John ’er them tneui rose from *i.v*** the—- ground.o---- n.nigm.LKnights of Pythias lodges in i Furniture Buyers Syndicate fulness among us. cell blocks where the fire was rag­ S X e r Chapter. Order of DeMoly. Out ------of the guardroom------r,o, door poured orange hall tomorrow evening, with which w’e are affiliated. “To few persons is given that ing. Guard Cooper came running In to be held at toe Masonic 'Temple, doctors, internes, nurses, priests and ^yQj-^g Qf welcome in behalf of the priceless possession of character and asked for keys also but in the excitement and confusion I could tomorrow evening, the committee in ministers. , * i* ' '.*rder will be given by District j which so naturally radiated sun­ charge has decided to open the af- Dying men cried for toe last rites pgputy James Quinn of Rockville. I shine and wholesome optimism. not find the ones he wanted. He fair to the'public, and couples may i.1---- church■ poiiowing singing of “The Star i "After a long life filled .to over­ left and then came back, ^reported purchaseLO.lL yyj admittance t' ___ ot tickets thft at toe Two__ _ hours__ after* toe fire started that he could not get through and Spangled Banner", remarks will be j flowing with kind deeds useful ser­ door. No one will be daylight had faded and weary, trou­ made by Grand Chancellor Melvin | vice to bis church, his community, asked what he should do. I told “stag ” Music for dancing will be bled men worked on under the, rays R. Marquand of Stamford and by j and his fellowmen, he has been call­ him to break the doors down or get provided by toe popular of the arc fights that gave the Grand Chief of toe Pythian Sisters, i ed to join with those he loved; there­ through any way he could. and his Spanish Cavaliers of Spring- prison yard a dismal appearance. Mrs. NelUe Bailey of Durham; Miss | By joining Keith’s Refrigerator Club you can have one of these fore be it . “I began to realize the serious­ field. The committee in charge con­ Start Disturbance. Helen Hines will give a lecitation, i “Resolved: that those of us who ness of the situation and ordered sists of James McCaw, chairman; It was about this time that Miss Gertrude ijerara Gerard a »oiu solo uauv-c dance , Modern Food Preservers today with up to a whole year to pay! remain, blessed by toe rich memory the hospital nurses in to make James Wilson, Wesley Warnock, and tering prisoners, chilled to the hone | Albert Pearson will sing. The of such a friend, shall endeavor to ready to care for the injured.” Arthur Davis. in the night air because they could i Qlee club under the dl- emulate the characteristics which Night Captain John Hall said he not obey orders to go inside, started, of Helge Pearson will sing There are four good reasons for joining our 1930 endeared him to us. May we con- ^ad just arrived to go on duty when The finals of the Boy Sqput swim­ the disturbances that caused so ^ numbers Refrigerator Club. (1) We can satfely say that at tinue to carry on that our church the fire was discovered, but had not ming meet will be held Friday much,„uv.iA . alarm...... I Colonel Harry Bartle will speak Keith’s you have the largest assortment to select from. may ever be found standing in the yet taken over his duties. “I ran afternoon...... at 5 o’clock...... at the School^ i Beyond toe gates, in the office of I g^bject of “Uniform Bank’ . Twenty-eight models to meet every requirement and fore front of toe battle line for down to the cell block and seeing street Rec pool instead of Saturday Warden warden Thomas, i nomas, min the warden s ; gjjjgjmgi QaseQ^se of tnethe supreme eu-en- righteousness. Be it said of us as the dense smoke was suffocating afternoon, as formerly announced.’ residence, in tviptoe record roomro®™ and in | ;owment------^ departmentomh and the the e-rand grand suit every purse. (2) You can have any model today so truly it was said of him that the prisoners, ordered the windows the secretary’s office, state andana ,| ,_____ records andond snnJs.seals, Edwin with up to a whole year to pay for it. (3) C^r 1930 home and church, city, state and on the east side broken in to allow The G Clef Glee Qub will appear county officials,■ armed t - „guardsinen pj Hartford will have a club offers you a special discount of 10%., You can THE ICE CUBER nation are somewhat better for our fresh air to them,” Hall said. and trooperstmoTiers were prepared for ^ jqj. ^^e gathering._ The Captain Hall said he did not on toe program at the G«t-To- pav on easy weekly terms and still receive this discount This new device Is having lived. - gether Club meeting in Cheney hall whatever might happen. principal address of the evening as'if you had paid cash. (4) On nearly every model “With him may be finally be re- know what guards were on duty as tonight, All members are asked to Electricians aided by trusties will be given by George S. Brookes st&ndard equipment on a-arded with ‘well done good and it was just at the time for a change be present at 6 o’clock when supper climbed to the guard tower atop toe of Damon Temple, Knights of there is a liberal trade-in allowance (from $5 to $10) on nearly every Keith refrig­ faithful servant, enter thou into the in shifts. front vtrall and installed flood lights your old refrigerator. When you consider all, these erator. It ia made in “I did not see any guards unlock­ will be served. The program will be Pythias of Rockville. joy of toy Lord.’ presented at 7 o'clock. that iUumlnr/ed nearly ever corner The program will be followed advantages you can readily see why our 1930 Refrig­ two models, plain' and “Be it further resolved: that tnis ing cells.” Hall said, “but the smoke of the yard. Policemen patrolled with a social hour, refreshments electric, making 12 crys­ memorial be spread upon our min­ was so dense that they -ould have the walks, prison guards were ready erator Club has already proven most popular. tal clear ice cubes in as utes and a copy be forwarded to the been doing so and I would not have The choir of the Swedish Luth­ and dancing. District Deputy Quinn eran. church will rehearse at 8:30 with pointed weapons. heads toe committee in charge. little time as five mlnutfs. family of our deceased brother.” seen them.” Not Attempts to Escape. Only at Keith’s can you 1 Is Guard’s Duty o'clock tonight. But the men apparently convinced select refrigerators equip­ i “Whose duty is it to unlock the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dradhi and themselves there was little to be 8TH DISTRICT PUPILS TO | ped with this modem lux­ STIMSON’S SPEECH ‘ cells in case of fire?” Director Gris­ family of 47 Summer street spent gained by adding to toe appalling ury. wold asked. •, ,, the week-end with Mrs. Dradhi s situation created by toe fire. The “It is the duty of the guards. parents, of South Glastonbury. groups thinned out to mere hand­ ENTERTAIN ON THURSDAY Hall replied. fuls. They took to their bunks. Let US show you the AT PACT SIGNING Captain Hall said there originally Mrs. A. Petitjean of *28 St. John While toe disaster Was revealing difference between the had been twelve keys to the fatal street is opening a hairdressing itself at its worst, pandemonium | -piie annual entertainment pre- (Continued from Page 1) cells, but that one of them had been relgned without as well as within i ggnted by pupils of toe Eighth Dis- “Hostess” and ordin­ business at her home and will . __ * .• _:ii ua v^aI.^ 4ti fhA Wnlliater ------lost since ----last------Thanksgiving. - „ _ The specialize in permanent waving, j the prison wMls trict will be held in toe Hollister ary refrigerators. Opposite H i^ School to look for stability and progress in j^gyg were in duplicate and each vrith work at special prices. ‘ Black smokesmoke, rolling In clouds Street school, Thursday evening of ^uth Manchester the far east. would unlock toe cells In opposite from the roof of toe damaged cell this week at 8 o’clock. A program Glad to Participate. tiers. blocks was toe first signal to toe of mixed activities will be presented, “We are happy to have partici­ “I saw Guard Wilkinson trying Mr. and Mrs. W. J. D. Hage and outside world of the impending participated in by more than 200 pated with France and Italy in solu­ to unlock cells and he was over­ two children have moved to Man­ catastrophe. Spectators gatoered pupils of all ages from kindergarten tion of some of the important gen­ come by toe smoke and fell sev­ chester from Arlington, N. J., and rapidly and within a few minutes to the eighth grade. Patents and eral times. Prisoners finally car­ are occupying William England s friends are invited to attend. eral problems and to have had the cottage at 15 Franklin street. Mr. forced .a serious handicap on toe pleasure and benefit of constant as-1 ried him out. officials trying to maintain order. The entertainment is certain to be Page succeeds H. D. McCann, one enjoyed as several innovations vfill sociatlon with their delegations. Wej “Guards Baldwin and Little start­ of the local Prudential Insurance A company of troops finally was are glad to know as we separate i ed to unlock the cells but both of called into action to clear West be included in this year’s program. company agents, who fi®-®, fi®®° The children have trained long and that it is our purpose to continue them went down and had to be transferred to Hartford territory. Spring street on which the prison their discussions in the hope of com­ taken to the hospital. I suppose faces and other building streets. ardently and their instructors feel Adams, Senator Robinson, Senator U .S. AND BRITAIN EQUAI; pleting a 5-power agreement of na­ they both had keys.” Ohio prison is forty years old. confident they will amaze toe NAVAL T R E A n SIGNED; Reed, and Ambassador, Gibson and The motion picture committee of audience with toe extent of their Morrow quickly followed Colonel val restriction, x x x Director Griswold sought to have the Second Congregational church New buildings have been added from m“The e fundamentaliuuucuucucci.1 purpose for j (j-uarasGuards isaiawinBaldwin auuand j Little-riluc brought time to time but the general prop­ talent. The affair will be for toe Stimson. Ambassador Morrow, who IN SHIPS BY YEAR’36 which we of the American delega-1 jjj questioning, but toe hospital is making plans for an ®°^® benefit of toe school fund. CONFERENCE IS ENDED is toe smallest to stature of all toe 'ment, Wednesday evening. April du. erty is much toe same as it was in American delegates, was almost lost tion came to London was to help in ! j-gported they were not in condition the beginning. promotion of good relationship be- j testify. The program will include the featore It was to accommodate louu in toe great stuffed chair on which (Contina^ from Fage 1.) tween. _ the__ nations ^ of the earth. It 1isC k _ . -» V ^ ^ M M 4- 4* Vl A picture, “Grandma’s Boy,” starring W.G.GLENNEYCO.INITS (Conttoaed from Page 1.) all sat to sign. Edward Jenkine, sergeant of the Harold Lloyd: “Leaves from a prisoners. The population yesterday our belief that the limitation of guard, said: was 4300. Gather In Oronps which toe Tokyo delegation souflht armament by mutual agreement is Ranger’s Notebook” and “Oranges. the- work accomplished, but reiter­ at toe beginning of this conference. armaiiieuL uy liiLiwuai --- -- 1 nau had no no msLruuuuuo instructions m in case of The proceeds will be used toward As the signing proceeded toe dele­ one of the most effective means of | ^^cept to guard the gates •. xuc thrmo'tion picture NO DANGER HERE NEW HOME TOMORROW ated-that Japan would keep toe gates arose and grouped themselves • To Be Scrapped ; , increasing the - r ! deputy W|irden James W .'^odj- ^p®^^*^®g a portion of which is Hartford, April 22.—(AP.)—The way open to asking a'new arrange­ informally In various corners and Nine are'to be sesap- nation in the pacific intentions of | ^^g outside 'toe prison Connecticut State Prison is not ment When toe next conference ped, or in the case of three, convert-' yet to be paid for. The big safe of toe W. G. Glen- chatted. Sevwal wandered into an every other nation. | ^y^en he saw toe smoke and flames overcrowded, said Warden Charles meets to 1935. He declared: A adjoining smokjng room for a re­ ed to training vessels and a flvb' ney Co., which has served the north years capital ship construction holi­ ; Other Conferences. j coming from the inside. He rushed Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis­ S. Reed today. There are 662 pns- end coal and lumber company for great and unprecedented thing has spite after toe; long session of “We believe that such limit j prison and found that all oners and twenty-five vacant cells. been accomplished. What was sown speeches. M. Briand and Ambas­ day is decreed. The ships'to ha ters, will call its business many years at the old office loca­ at Washington has been reaped at are, for toe United Stat*^ creases the ability cells in toe vicinity of toe fire had in Odd Fellows hall at 7:15 tonight In case of emergency more prison tion on Allen Place,- was moved sador Morrow got together In a con­ scrapped to carry its own pacific intentions been unlocked except toe ones in cell space than this can be made London.” versation'.-.over a beautifuUy bound the Florida, Utah, and either too As we believe that limitation of it­ to allow for a card party to follow yesterday to the new office building Arkansas or the Wyoming white the top ranges. He said it probably available, he feald. Cell doors may be at 336 North Main street, but not But while toe speeches were lis­ volume'on a..table near toe confer­ self increases security, we look for­ was twenty minutes before he at 8:15. opened or Closed simultaneously toy tened to ■with great interest ml Great Britain will abondon toe Beil- ward in toe future to a periodic­ without considerable difficulty. ence room. bow, the Iron Duke, the Marl­ could get to the top of the cell The Missionary societies of the a lever system, hut there is no elec­ In order to place toe big safe waited for toe event which WM to After ail bad .completed signing ally recurring conference, confident ranges to let the prisoners out. trical control such as that at the culminate toe thi:ee montos of ar-j borough,, toe Emperor of India and that In that way we shall obtain an South Methodist church, both home within the new structure one of the toe treaty M- Briand, who had re­ the Tiger; Japan will scrap tite “When I got there prisoners and and foreign, will unite in a spm g Ohio State Penitentiary. Destruc­ new plate glass windows on toe duous labor, toe actual signing of i turned to his seat, and who probably ever increasing security with ever- guards were pounding the locks tion of toe electrical control circuit toe treaty which throughout the Hiyei. . ; decreasing armament, x x x rummage sale, all day east side of the building, was remov­ has .seen -more international- con­ > - * ■ The Tonnage. * with axes and hammers, to break May 1. They have decided to hold by fire is believed to have caused in­ ed by Hartford glaziers and was session lay on a table placed just ferences/than any other present, “We have found great encourage­ them.” ability to open toe cells to the block opposite. Mr. MacDonald., Under toe treaty the United ment in toe sincerity and the spirit the sale in toe store In the Richards simultaneously at the prison in Co- replaced after the safe had been arose, and tossing back his mane'of Stetos may have 186,0(» ton?, .qjf He said there were supposed to building next to the A. & P- «ar-, put in its new position. The new A huto feU over toe chamber as Iron-grey hair, addressed Mr. Mac­ of fair dealing with which we have i be guards on duty at the cells. large cruisers,«Great Britain 146;- been met by our colleagues of the ket. Friends who have donations office furniture has arrived and toe toe groy-halrdd British Labor pre- Donald exercising a happy vain of 800 tons and Japan 108,400 tons; ip Prisoners carried most of the dead for toe sale may have them called The warden said toe cell blocks company Intends to move from toe mier rose and to measured tones humor he paid warm tribute to the other delegations, and our belief in out, he said. at Wethersfield are of toe old type, annoimoMl'that the time had amy- small cruisers , the United ■ S^gt^ the possibility of future progress for by notifying smy of the follow­ and that there are two systems tor old location on Allen Place tomor­ prime minister for tije manner in may have 143,500 tons: Great ■! ing committee: Mrs, Mary BeMon, row. ed for toe delegates to place their which he had conducted toe con­ rests quite as much upon toe spirit Mrs. Me,ry Behnfleld and Mrs. Annie opening toe doors, toe lever which tain 192,200 tons and Japan shown by toe conference as upon its opens all in one block at once, or The W. G. Glenney company has names to toe document. ference. tons; destroyer tonnages are s< actual accomplishments, x x x JERSEY SCORES AGAIN Lewis. the double lock by which each door preserved to its. hew office building Every eye ■was turned towards He said that he had been toe The U._ S. 160,000 tons;. Great- “In taking our departure we may be opened separately. toe old home of toe Wilson sisters, toe American secretary of state as good genius of the conference aAnce I ain 150,000 tons and Japan 10 Miss Sylvia Hagedora of 89 Oak­ of whom Miss Al'rina Wilson of 250 he arose'and made his way arpimd its start and had dissipated every pledge you for the future as we land street, who has been epjoying I tons. . Each of too three- pt pledged you upon our arrival our Prospect Fannie Machree o' W. FEAR BABTEZKO DEAD Main street is toe only surviving toe hors^oe-shaped table and seatj evU influence which bad tried to \ agrees to keep, its submarine F a purebred Jersey cow of the a ten-day vacation from her studies member. ed himself to toe great wreck it. Then he said as a token utmost co-operation toward the at New Britain Normal school, , re­ . .Bridgeport, April 22.-r-(AP.) I page Within 52,700. achievement of great ends which Pitkin & Calhoun dairy herd at the Concern was felt here today for toe before, toe pact, whose pages ^ e of appreciation of aU-the delegates France. Itidy Out, Ui , Porter street bams has again quali­ turned there today to take part to seals, against which toe dele­ brought us here.” the concert given by toe glee club safety of Alvin Bartezko, 28, or he intended'“to turn , 'a coUectlve Neither Prance nor fied for the Jersey Cattle Club this city, an inmate of the Ohio CAPT. DEWEY IS NAMED gates were to write their names. property into a private property” by tory,.to .that sectiopipf the; tri i ^ ^— ------Register of Merit '^th a 365 day for toe entertainment of the super­ visors of the stote who are having a State Penitentiary at Columbus ' Uses Golden Pen presenting to Mr. MadDonald toe, Umitipg cruisers apd;amdilary ciipt milk production record of 8379 which was swept by a disastrous For a moment Colonel StimMn official pen with which the treaty and a safe guardiPg clause iiu PREPARE,to OPEN pounds and 519.88 pounds of butter- three-day conference at the school. MAY 30 CHIEF OF STAFF had been signed by most of the dele­ therefore been Inserted which “W l fat. Her milk averaged 6.2 per cent Bartezko and Joseph Repka, 21, toto toe eyeshot Mr. ^ a c ^ h sld . A gates. ’ allow either of the three powers hutterfat for toe year. The cham­ ■Sam Nelson and John McMenemy NeI WORLD BANK are slated to play their pocket of this city, local police records Captain Albert T. Dewey of the a t pleMure lighted up the Ihe prime minister ,was greatly IncreaM its program,; the otbers id- pion cow ia 5 years and 3 montos show, were arrested on a charge or American Legion has been apiwtot- & h is,lip s affected by toe presentation and creating their » propprttoPately, old and is owned and was tested billiard match in the Group B divi­ ■efeio ■ _____ ' sion of toe tournament being i n ­ highway robbery to Springfield, ed chief of staff of the forthcom­ movU slightly, perhaps replied with bis sincei^ thanks. He should a''contipental navai-face de­ (CjpatliMied from Page 1) by Pitkin and Calhoun, local milk ducted by toe Masonic Social Club Ohio to 1927 and were sentenced to ing Memorial Day parade by Mwr heard whisper.. Then toe secretaiy got a' laugh whep he,said that he velop.- ; dealers. Her sire is Prospect I^d tonight. If If^elson wins a three- the Ohio prison for from -10 Lo 25 shal George Johnson, the latter an­ dipped a.golden pen to a sil­ hoped he would be present at toe France and Italy signed 'secticMte xmong. . tile ^ Wparations ',creditors. of Waranoke and her dam is Fan­ cornered tie will exiat for first place, years. Members of Repka a faim y nounced at a meeting of toS Per­ ver inkstand which Queen ■Ajme 1935 conference as a member of the of tlie treaty fbong a capital ship Franep"^ getting"-about $165,000,000 nie Machree. including Paul Dougan hnd Henry today said that Repka was serving manent Memorial Day committee to herself had U®®'^ British delegation. He stressed toe holiday, .prescijplpg . ride* of aulf- ■his senteilce In Mansfleld> Otoo, the Chamber of Commerce rooms wrote his tiame, arising to - give fact that toe conference was only marine warfare, and relating to less of the.ibtal. - ^ ; Tilden. The winner of toe play-off important phases PC; disanaamsnti The Bank for International Set- will later meet Sam Nelson, Group Batezko is married and has toree Iftst ' WEV’to" others of his dcilegfttioD. adjourning and Concluded, “1 hope tiementii, though ^ primarily an in­ SCARLET FEVER O S E S A winner, for toe division'title. children. His family last heard from ChalrmM Fred Lorch reported He carefuUy carried toe I^^®way you will all come back soon to si strum ent for the tranafer of repaTa- him last week. that Cheney Hall had been secured with hlin. The slender shaft of gold some thing, which’^I-feel will shortiy i SUBS 009ONG BACK tjons payinentsiitihs the power to do A surprise party was held at toe • ~~~ for toe Memqrial Day exercises. vms simUar to ones used by toe en­ be achieved.!’ • / New London, April ,22-*.(AB) -4- There are thirty cases of scwlet tire American delegation, ®*®®P^.f a general banking hustoess, under fever in Hartford County listed in home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Field, The dinner committee 'waa autho­ Vewels of the Navy contiti force, the control of toe central banks of 40 1-2 Summer street, last night to OPPOSE TROLLEY PLAN rized to arrange dinner for 36 per­ Senator Robinson,'* Who puUed h^ baeed at this city, arawzpecled bai» tiie principally Interested countries. toe weekly report of toe Co^®®“ * own from his pqwst ANDOVI^t’S POBULATION. herei'Wey 1 .f®om.s:mfn«>wW to cut State Department of Health for honor of the 18th birthday of MisjJ Hartford, April 22 — (AP) — sons, including civil war veterans It may receive deposits other than week ending April 19. Manchester, Josephine Glsford of West Suffleld. and memtiers of working commit­ sout^iepn water*. : . . ^ ^ ^ 1 wparations annuities and may dis­ There were refreshments, solo etroM opposition to the tees. The dinner will be served gt The pens were gifts from Colqnsl -*■ Andover, April ‘ M ^ (A P .)— . scheduled to arrlv93tlMt dal count paper for toe central banks. Bristol and Enfield each bad four dances, vocal numbers and danc­ cut ^ m p a n y ’a move to Stimson to «aaubmarUn'teiidsrs. cases, led by Hartford with ten. through trolley service to Rocky 12:30 o’clock. . gation, aU. of whom preserved them; 1980 censils'irives this town t , T it la this branch of the activities ing by the guests. The next meeting of toe commit uiation of '430 as compared to 389 and BiuhneU. the; sate "^ The remainder is scattered among Hill and Middletown, cropped up at The secreta^ of stats also gave Mr;) ■ Fsjeon and iplhpaitoaB w —-w . that constitutes an innovation, and six other Hartford county towns. 1 tee WiU be held to toe CJhamber In 1920h titt': increime o f, 4;^.Fortyr Bphieh, in the opinion of the authors There are more than a quarter of toe hearing on the com ity s P®“*. Monday "-evening at: 7:80 Donald a eimUar pen. 1 ft)ur apd twatvct . - No other of communicable tion before toe public utilities | Ambassador Dawes, Secretary five barns were enuPMurated. . I rf the scheme, is likely to make it disease of any kind was reported a million stamp collector* to the fflissloh at the capltol this morning, o’clock o clod ^ institution of toe greatest utiU- Uttlted States; ‘'2- ty in international exchanges. here. 'L. ■;'.A • i'-. -■.-A-'. • *;rf - -■S- V X


\ iiich calllire, and to-thoro 'with guns bek>w‘-that size respecUyely. Tl]ta |N()TABI£ P A O S JA D E ' Destroyers,; are deflfiejd to / ‘sur­ articlearticle! ’ nroboundapropounds the1950 6Y N£A- SERVICE INC. 5V RUTH D E ^ GROVES er, -destrier and subiparines cate-^ gard to merchant ships, subdiarinea Saint Germain, Neuilly and the gofies-which^are not to be^exceeded must'•conform to rules of intema- , i ■•■: -r . Trianon, known -genet^y a s " the Ships to Be Kept and ^ p s : on December 31, 1936 are given in- tioflal law to’ which surface' vessels “Peace Treaties.” On AprU 2 2 ,1915, the second bat­ Article 16 thus: i are subject; second, in particular. 1922—The Washington Nawed tle of Ypres, in which "poison," or Cruisers with guns above 6.1 inch | except in case of persiatrat refusal BEGIN HERE TODAY treaty, signed by toe United States, chlbHne gas, was used for the first To Be Scrapped Under calibre *are; The U. S., 180,000 l;ons; I to stop on building duty summoned. time,'was begun bjrthe Gomans at NATALIE CONVERSE tries to V Great ^tain, France, Italy and Great Britain, 146,800 tons; Japan, | or of active resistance to visits and Japan. It incorporated an agree­ 5 o’clock in the evening. conquer the jealousy which con­ 108,400 tons. ' search, a warship, whether surface sumes her when other women ad­ New Agreement. ment on limitation of naval arma' 'The French. Colonial troOps, the Cruisers with guns of 6.1 or lessvessel or submarine, may not sink ments, but dealt principally with first to experience- , the deadly | mire her handsome husband, inch calibre are: The United States, | or render incapable of navigation a ALAN. When he receives a;phone battleships, y vapor, found It in^xMartble ti I 143,500 tons; Great Britain, 192,-; merchant vessd, without having 1925—The Treaty of Locarno, ydthstand It, .and broke In dis­ call to the homil of BERNADINE London, April 22.— (A P )—The I 200 tons; Japan, 100,450 tons. flrst placed passengers and crew. LAMONT, a popular night club signed by Great Britain, Germtany, order. In their retreat, they un­ naval treaty signed at St. James’ Destroyers tonnages are set at: and ship’s papers in a place of safe- hostess who has outraged the smug France, Italy and Belgium. It'was covered the left wing of the Cana­ Palace, carrying forward the work i The United States, 150,000 tons; ty. essentially a treaty of Eiuropean se­ respectability of Westehester aris­ i Great Britain, 150,000 tons; Japan, “For this pu^iose a ship’s boats dian line and thus endangered toe tocrats by purchasing a home of the Washington naval confer- curity, providing for conciliation In whole position of the AUifed 1 105,500 tons. ! are not regarded as a place of safe disputes under toe axispices of the \ among them, Natalie demands that ence, prescribes limitation and re-1 Submarine tonnage of each power i ty,. unless the safety of passengers forces;-'A t this juncture the enemy Alan refuse to go and that he give i . opened '.up a h o * ^ artillery attack duction of Naval armament for three i is set at .52,700 tons. Vessels which j and crew is assured in the existing I 1927—The Kellogg-Briand treaty, up the brokerage business of “ that signatory nations'and agreement on f cause the'total tonnage of any cate- i sea and wekther conditions by ‘ he and c^tu red toe EYench front. Lamont woman.” . ' often called toe Pact of Paris. This Following several fruitless coun­ some phases of the naval disarms-i p^y to exceed toe foregoing are f proximity of land or toe presence was a general treaty for remmeia- terattacks made by the British and Alan teUs her that Bernadine is ment problem for the five nations I to be disposed of gradually Ibefore of another vessel which is in the tion of war and was open to the the widow of a war buddy who had December 31, 1930. position to* take them aboard. The world. The contracting parties con­ Canadians the following ^ y < the saved his life, and that she is doing ^^e'to?M^li^t?ng'^nSSs?^ 1 maximuih number of cruisers high contacting invite aU other demned recourse to war for toe so­ .Germans on April 24'^' launched an­ the only work she was able to iTnitpd States Jaoan and Great the flrst sub-category in which powers to express assent to toe lution of international controversies other gas attack. Again tha&itish secure in order to support herself Siln. iwTdid nS! .“ y *”<* and renoimced it as an instrument counterattacked only to fiad toe and her fatherless boy, BOBBY, Concluding Farts enemy securely entrenched:.-. After enter the liifiitations. v 1 otof.o no. r'-Aot -o r-tf of national policy. i After a bitter quarrel in which The U. S. may keep the Arkanssis . The United States, 18, Great Brit- The fifth and last part of the 1930—^The London Naval treaty, resisting.the Allied counterattacks he taunts her for refusing to bear or toe Wyoming for ^ training pur­ am, 15; Japan 12. treaty deals with its duration and proidding a naval limitation agree­ for a month'the, Germans.-gave up him children, Alan leaves and poses for which Great Britain may Destroyer Class its ratification. Its flrst clause. ment among toe United States, hope of obtaining victory by gas at- Natalie spends a miserable evening In the destroyer category not also retain toe Iron Duke and Japan Article 23, specifies December 31, Great Britain and Japan, with addi­ attacks and closed the battle oa, May trying to fight down her suspicions more than 16 per cent of toe total the Hieyi, subject to conditions de­ 1936 as the terminal date, except tional agreements on certain naval 25,'- > — never dreaming that even then tonnage is to be employed in ves­ fined in the treaty. that part four shall remain opera­ questions accepted by France and ■The casualties on both^ sides were Alan listening to a grave-faced doc­ sels of over 1500 tons. Destroyers The third article gives a new tive without toe time limit, and that Italy. extremely hea'vy. The total Britisn tor tell him that Bemadine’s re­ completed or under construction definition of aircraft carriers, re­ Articles 3, 4, 5, 11 and the annex loss in toe battie -was 2,16a officers covery is in doubt. placing that of the Washington April 1, this year, in excess of this relating to aircraft carriers shall be percentage may be retained but no and 67,125 other ranks, while toe The actress answers the question treaty and conferring the designa­ effective for the same period as the SHERIFI^ASSi^ATED German losses were returned at 860 in his mind by saying that she has tion of on any,sur­ other destroyers exceeding 1500 Washington' treaty. tons shall be constructed or acquir­ officers and 34,173 other raifics. . no relative to leave her son with in face vessel of whatever displace­ The article further states that im- the event of her^ death, and asks ment which is used exclusively for ed imtil toe reduction to 16 per; cent less toe parties agree otherwise by Blmmtstown, Fla., April 22- Alan to take him. Alan shook olf carrying aircraft and constructed so is affected. reason of a more general agreement Sheriff C. D. Clark of Calhoun N6t more than 25 per C'-nt of toe his fears in regard to Natalie’s atti­ that aircraft can be laimched from limiting naval armaments to which ■ county was shot to death on a street total tonnage may be filled K\TCH€H tude after meeting the wistful-eyed it. they are all parties, they shall meet here today by J .T. Blackwell, an aU€STIONNAIR€ little Bobby, who reminded him of Capital ship existing April 1 of with aircraft decks. again• in ■ 1935----- to frame - a new treaty employee of toe federal govern­ Jack Lamont. He resolved to tell Article 17 allows toe transfer of ment. this year may be fitted with a replacing and carrying out toe pur­ — — 6 - t ^ ; his wife about Bernadine’s strange tonnage between cruisers of toe poses of toe present treaty, it being Deputy Sheriff McClelland said landing deck. second sub-category and destroyers, request but when he got home Aircraft Carriers. understood that none of the present Biackwen, apparently without Natalie was not tl^ere. The fourth article prohibits ac­ but this is not to exceed ten per provisions will prejudice any of warning drew a pistol as Clark quirement or construction of any cent of toe category into which toe them. passed him on toe street and fired NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY aircraft carrier of 10,000 tons or less transfer is -made. Ratification is decreed by Article five or six times at his back. Three mounting guns above 6.1 inch It ismtated in article 18 that toe 24 to be in accordance with toe of toe butiets struck toe sheriff, CHAPTER IV United^tates contemplates comple­ calibre. Armament of carriers is respective constitutional methods of kUling him instantly. tion by 1935 of 15 cruisers of the Her better judgment, was caution­ limited to Articles 9 and 10 of the i toe signatories, the ratifications to McClefland said in-feeling had ex­ ing Natalie to hold back her caustic Washington tr«ty. or by. the ««b : be deposited in London as soon as isted between Biackwen and Clark comment upon Alan’s visit to Ber- article of toe present treaty. possible. The treaty will come into for some time. Biackwen, toe ' nadine Lamont, but it lost to her three remaining cruisers in this sub­ FhilUpa West has been with Alan Converse a year The sixth article determines the force when toe last of these ratifi­ deputy said, ■was recently arraigned ungovernable jealousy. standard of displacement of surface category the United States may cations has been deposited. in court on a charge involving mari­ substitute 15,166 tons of cruisers in ‘T hope you, were able to be of vessels to be in accordance with toe The rights and obligations of part tal relations. service to Mrs. Lamont,” she said flannel underwear to .keep off the Phillipa had grown more attractive pro-visions of toe Washington treaty toe second sub-category. three are limited to the United Clark, who was 53 years old, and In toe event toe United States acridly as Alan brushed aside the chill. unnoticed. The change was too and prescribes in detail toe stand­ States, Great Britain and Japan, .Who had served as sheriff of. Cal- ' cup of coffee she offered him, “ and gradual to be ^rtling. ard of displacement for submarines. constructs one or more such cruis­ who win agree respecting toe date hoim coimty for aboii^ 14 years, that you won’t have to make an­ But -Alan Imew the flame was But it was not without effect. In Article 7 the signatories agree ers, toe sixteenth unit will not be and conditions under which the ob­ was unarmed when he passed'Black- other call tonight.” ready to burst through the. ice at Alan gave her a welcoming smile, not to acquire or construct any sub­ laid down “before 1933 and won’t be ligations of that part will bind them wen, toe deputy said. MOTHS OUTOP “Why for tonight?” Alan in­ any moment. He walked lightly and which, had he thought of it at all, marine exceeding 2,000 tons dis­ completed before 1936; toe seven­ in relation to France and Italy, such quired. spoke softly for the rest of the eve­ he would have fancied was the placement or -with a gfim above 5.1 teenth will not be laid down before agreement determining toe obliga­ “ Because the Wynnes are coming ning. same kind of smile he’d have used inch calibre, subject to certain pre­ 1934 and will not be completed be­ tion of France and Italy to toe other MY RUGS AMD OUIPHS? to welcome anything that was.... in for bridge,” Natalie explained. Gladys tried to engage nim in a scribed conditions, although they fore 1937 while the 18to will not be three. Now Is The Time For Carpets: Scrub the Alan shrugged. He liked bridge, mild flirtation when they wen,t out well, that was welcome! laid do-wn before 1935 and will not According to Article 25, next- to She’d been off the day before, and may retain such as they possess floors with a strong stdution but not the Wynnes. However, they to the pantry to mix some drinks^ April 1, 1930. be completed before 1938. toe finaK clause in the treaty, after played contract acceptably, and he as they chose to do while Natalie things didn’t go well -without her. Article 19 prescribes certain re­ all ratifications have been deposited T o Eat Oysters of Ivory Salt and water, be^ He asked, and she told him that Article 8 lays down that certain \ forgave them much on that account. and George Wjmne fooled away specified vessels are exempt from strictions to lajdng down tonnage in Great Britain win communicate part fore leering the carpetu “I hope Gladys won’t bring that their time with a trick top, but he she’d had a splendid time. the different categories while Ar­ four to all non-signatory powers, And We Have the Best “That’s fine,” he said, and added limitation, these being surface ves­ in-vitlng them to concur in it, this For Rags: Sprinkle Ivory silly poodle to sleep all over the was absent-minded, unresponsive. sels of between 500 and 2,000 tons. ticle 20 deals with disposal and re­ chairs,” he grumbled. “He sheds Gladys gave it up. She wasn’t seri­ suddenly: “Miss West, do you know being toe section relating to human­ Sedt on the rugs before Article 9 deals with rules for re­ placement of certain British and When in Hartford dine with us, hairs like that rabbit ermine your ous, an Tway. anything about children?” ization of submarines. sweeping. 3 placement and Article 10 provided Japan vessels and grants Japan toe and don’t forget to bring some Aunt Emma gave you.” They took toe refreshments back (To Be continued) right to anticipate replacement oy ^ e present treaty, in accordance For newest ideas in eookhig sea Natalie ignored his jibe. “Then to the li'vHng room, where the guests for information to be given by each with Article 26, win be in toe keep­ home for the other members party to other parties to toe treaty laying down 19,200 tons of sub­ the 'Worcester Salt Cook Book. you will be here?” she pressed. at least did justice to the care that marines of which not more than 12,- ing of toe firitish government, certi­ of the family. It’s free. Jnst address Worcester of vessels it is building, while fied copies to be transmitted to the Alan frowned. “As far as I know, had gone into the preparation of 000 tons are to be completed before Salt Company, Dept. 106,71 I will," he answered, and left the the tiny open-faced “sandwiches.” Article 11 lays down rules for dis­ other signatories. ray Street, New York posal of abandoned vessels. Dec. 31, 1936. table abruptly. He hated her habit Natalie, watching fat George MARLBOROUGH Article 21 contains toe safegruard- of pinning him dow. . How in Wynne devour them greedily, won­ Special Vessels. Certain vessels listed in the annex ing clause which while it does not An hour or so of complete relax­ HONISS’S thimder, he asked himself, as he dered if it had been worth while mention specifically France and hastily donned his hat and coat for A large crowd attended toe Easter and described as “special vessels ’ ation daily, with the feet higher to teach the cook to make them. Italy was inserted to protect Great OYSTER HOUSE IVD the street, could she expect him to pageant Sunday evening at the Con­ are allowed under Article 12 to bo than toe head, is recommended to Alan ate one or two, without prais­ Britain against a continental build­ women by an eminent woman doc­ control the imexpected? ing them. And Natalie remembered gregational church. The pageant retained, their tonnage not being in­ Established-1845 tor. ’This benefits toe heart, helps He was too much annoyed with was “A Legend of the Grail,” and cluded in the tonnage subject to ing program involving those two how he had complimented her for to combat varicose veins, and also Natalie to remember, before he left was written by Rev. Douglas Hor­ powers. 22 State St. Hartford, Conn. i her skill and originality when she limitations. helps to keep toe ankles slim, she the house, that he had intended tele­ ton, formerly of Middletown, and The fourth chapter of the treaty prepared th ^ for him before they Of these 14 are United States ves­ says. (Under Grant’s Store) phoning Bernadine’s residence to were marriem-A.nd for a short time was read by Rev. E. T. Thienes. sels, 21 are French, 7 are British, ask how she was. Oh well, he’d do afterward. Those, taking part in the pageant 7 Italian and 8 are Japanese. . were Robert Lester, Mrs. Ruth it at the office. But at the office he When the last salted almbnd was It is provided in the same article was besieged by business callers, gone, Gladys and George left. .Alone- Caffyn, Anna Pettengill, Jean Thienes, Benjamin Lord and Harold that any other vessel built, adapted and again forgot. with Natalie, Alan weakened, and or acquired for the purpose for It was the same at lunch. He gave her a beseeching look that Kierstead. Miss Grace Kierstead, a teacher which these special vessels are re­ WARNING went to his club and talked market. might have brought them together tained,' shall be charged against the But at home he thought of it again. for the moment at least, if Natalie’s at the Rockville high school, spent the week-end at her home here. tonnage of an appropriate combat­ Buy GENUINE Someone was singing the song that vision had not been obscured by ant category, unless conforming to Bernadine had plugged in her night suppressed fury. Miss Edwards of Hartford -will SAGE-ALLEN exempted vessels listed In Article 8 club. He was sick of it. Every time She said good night briefly, and open, the tavern on Memorial Day. Japan Is allowed to replace two BAYER INC. you tuned in you got it. hurried up the stairs. He was in­ Miss Edwards conducted a tea room * Hi * at the place last summer. mine layers in toe special list under dignant and disgusted. | Aspirin HARTFORD Alan was conscious that his en­ Natalie was do-wn to breakfast. | Mr. and Mrs. Hiram E. Hodge conditions and prescriptions affect­ have moved back to their place in tire day had seemed somehow By morning she was always half ing her other special vessels. Know what you ore taking to shadowed, heavy, but he hadn’t way prepared to sue for pardon. the northwest district after spend­ Under Article 13 toe contracting ing the -winter with their daughter, relieve that pain, cold, headache sought the reason for it. But her tongue invariably betrayed parties are allowed to retain,their Call “ Enterprise 1000” Without Toll Charge. One thing he knew when he her heart. Alan never guessed the Mrs. C. H. Isleib, at the Center. existing stationary ships in non-sea- or sore throat. Aspirin should not Mrs. Gustave Johnson has been opened the front door— coming longing to restore their happiness going condition. ill with grip. only be effective, it must also be home was nothing to shout hallelu­ and understanding that lay behind The foregoing articles constitute jah over. her bitterness. The Ever Ready Group is making two of the five parts into which the safe. plans for the annual Mother and He was at the foot of the stairs This morning it was the same. treaty is divided, both parts to be Daughter banquet, which will be Genuine Bayer Aspirin is reliable, when the radio song reminded'him Everything she said was caustic.' subscribed to by the five great pow- | held Saturday, May 10. of Bernadine. He turned and went Alan departed for the office with a ers. The third part comprises the always tho same— brings prompt to the telephone. Nellie’s voice soon The first of toe three treatments chip on his shoulder. His news­ of toxin-antitoxin to be given to agreement to which the United relief safely—does not depress the came to him. paper took his mind off his domes­ children of the town will be at the States, Great Britain and Japan She assured him that Bernadine heart. tic trouble on toe train, .and as soon Library Wednesday. Dr. C. G. alone are signatory. was better. “ She acts like she’s got as he reached his office, and sent Rankin of Glastonbury will admiU'^ Article 14. ’ ' Do not take chances"—get the no more troubles,” the girl con­ for his secretary, he felt even bet­ Article 14, which leads toe third fided, and Alan could hear the ring ter. ister toe treatment aided by toe genuine, product identified by the school nurse. Miss Thferesa Vincent part, declares that the, "•'United of happiness in her voice. • • • of Willimantic. States, toe British conamontveaJto name BAYER bn the package and “How’s the little boy, Bobby?” he Phillipa West had been with George Wi Buell has completed and Japan agree to limit for dufp inquired immeasurably relieved. the word GENUINE printed in red. him a year—much lon.ger than any his task as census enumerator. tion of the treaty tlieir: combatant Bobby, he was told, had been ask­ Fit and Wear ! other secretary had stayed. Phillipa Mr. and Mrs. H. Grant Duff of vessels other than c a p i^ ’ships, air­ ing for him; wanted to know when was notybeautiful. Natalie made no Boston, who have recently built a craft carriers and the! vessels exr> he was coming to pay that prom­ trouble Tor her. In fact, she en­ cottage on the Hebron road, spent empted imder Article s. They’re' As Smart Looking ised visit. couraged Alan to keep her when in the week-end at their place. Article 15 contains .a’ fleflidtion of “ Tell him very soon,” Alan said, the beginning he had complained . Mrs. Henry J. Blakeslee, who re­ As They Are Serviceable . pleased, and hung up to find Natalie Phillipa was not efficient. “Give her cruisers and destroyefs.,. • “ cently; injured toe ligaments of her Cruisers are defined, as “surfahe practically at his shoulder. a chance,” Natalie had said; “ she knee, is now able to get aroimd She lifted her eyebrows and may improve.” vessels of war other- than cdplta) in a wheel chair. ships or aircraft carriers, the stand­ passed on into the living room. But And indeed she had. She hadn’t Benjamin Horowitz, Who is a not before Alan had caught an ex­ been in Alan’s employ more thsm student at Connecticut Agricultural ard displacement eff 'which exceeds pression in the tightness of her Tips two weeks before she discovered his college 16'.at ;his home for the vaca­ 1,850 tons, or withgun abdve 5.1 $39.50 that warned him this would be no wife was furiously jealous. And tion. inch calibre.” ' . ‘ \ V good time to attempt to interest then she learned it was Natallels - 'Mrs. E. A. Grant and two chil­ The cruiser cafcegory is- 'di­ her in Bobby Lamont’s future. custom to threaten to leave him: dren', Donald and Marion and Miss vided into two sub-ektegoiies main­ Natalie, coming out of her room Her work began to improve. Lena Pasani has returned to their ly, those carrying gfms above 6;1 ^ after an hour of making her beauty She did not expect to turn the homes in Providence, and East •perfect, for Alan’s sake, had heard world upside do-wn—but she Green-wich, R. I. after spending a him inquiring about Bernadine. thought it would help her to avoid week with Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Slowly and quietly, she had slipped irritating a man whose home life Lord. down the stairs, ashamed of herself was anything but peaceful. She con­ .for eavesdrooping, yet excusing it centrated upon her office duties to Education in Spain has shown ’on the ground that she was not the elimination of aU else^ until tbA substantial growth. Five thousand Mr. StfllilM 'stiU -h'asYcharge of all r e ^ r work at hiding out of sight to do it, or pry­ work was easy for her hew schools have been opened up Van Wagner’s-fiervice Station, 311 Main St. OflScial ing. Alan could see her simbly by After that she allowed herself to in that country during toe past A. S. A. Station;, looking up, she eased her con­ make other moves in the game she decade. science. was playing.’ Alan found her quite FORD OWNERS But he did not, and the fact fur­ soothing. We are now equipped to service the new Ford. ther inflamed Natalie. She thought And she was getting prettier. he was too much absorbed with his Unfailing devotion to the grooming Newi York and CAR GREASING .interest in Bernadine^ to be aware of her person was bringing her toe of anything extraneous. It required Have your c^r greased and oil changed on our new Electric reward of smartness and poise. Had Worcester Express Lift. You will save on repair bills. ILTSHIRE Topcoats are famous for all the self-possession she was Natalie met her for the flrst time several things. They fit beautifully. capable of to walk on by him, and on this morning when she entered Direct Connection for BOSTON BRAKES W not speak her mind. Alan’s private office with demure and all points. They're tailored, to perfection. Their fab­ Sj One way Round 'Trip , Brakes adjusted and reUned. Come in and get otir prices rics are the long wearing kind that give al­ . Alan, dressing upstairs, made a grace and perfect bob she would on ACCESSORIES beige, blue, gray, green and plain camel’s him Mrs. Converse had a slight faded into the backgroimd as much New York 12:20 p. m. The lowest prices in town. hair. headache, and was having a tray as possible, and remained there Bohded and Insured, Careful Driv­ In her room to save herself for the until she left. ers...... Shell Gas and Oils Women’s afid Misses’ Sizes bridge. Also, on occasion, Phillipa had Other Wiltshire Topcoats priced from $^5 She did not come down imtil the ruffled toe perfect bob imbecoming- The All American Bus Lines & Wynnes - arrived.-- Then she was ly and deliberately-wiped the pow­ Civil Aircraft Inc.- Van Wagner’s Service Station Coat Shop—Second Floor—New Store civil to Alan, but as cold as ice." Her der ^off her nose until it Shone.'JUke. ;.'!^cke.ta. Oh at The. Soda Sll Main St. TeL6691 guests, discussing her later, agreed ^ old 'house.. -whlcii' '^bws! 'shabby Shopper Manchester Center, Phone that Alan must -surely wear red -without toe occupants’ knowledge, 5926. 1 ^ ‘ f. . ,* r ■ ■ ■ •■

::::■ jw; 8fe

•••■ Ik (XT€



iiiiiS ehxhorate and fascin

I t v *^9.' *• ll^ Furniture beginning T uesday, April 22nd, and continuing all week to Saturday 10:30 A. M. to 10 P. M. Women’s Auxiliary to St* Francis Hospital will act as hostesses, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday*

^he furniture ^ brilliant Exhibition S h o w to /OU may call it distinction . . . or artistry T .. class H IS is not a special selling event... but rather an V. ^perhaps. . . or character. It’s not anything you educational event that is chock full of inspiration can put your finger on . . . But you know that the furniture has that elusive something about it that is and enjoyable surprises. really beautiful.

Thousands of people will be here from every part You’ll find that sparkling quality in piece after piece in Garber Brothers showing. It is the result of Connecticut... fathers, mothers, young couples not of one outstanding feature . . . but a combina­ and the older folks. They will come to see the tion of all things that make furniture appealing. newest, smartest furniture ever gathered under one The glorious display throughout the store is sure of < a wonderful reception by every person interested roof. They will come to see furniture ‘of good in home beauty, home environment and home style, good taste and comfort, in such volume and comfort. Y ou ’ll marvel at the great showing. See variety as Hartford has never seen before. A fur­ the new ensemble ideas. See the new corridor idea. See the special rujg display. And after niture fashion show in every sense. New! Dif­ visiting Garber Brothers Furniture Fashion Show ferent! Educational! Enjoyable. An event you will go home much happier than when you you’ll never forget. came. ,

SPECIAL-^ SPECIAL- PARKING SPACE POKING SPACE for your car . for your car Betiy Bright Radio Star Just drive into the rear of the Just drive into the rear of the Will Personally Greet You Market Street side of our building Market Street side of'our building

'Morgan St, Corner Market hakteobb A sHprt block from Main St

in .■ A w -;a ST- ■


general store, a filling station and Sion whose sponsors had pull m m Amripwtnr { from three to a dozen houses. It is enough to get a bill presented to probably this sort of community Congress. Ctmting Sfrslb which is suffering from decrease of As Mr. Hoover says in his veto 'FUBLISHBD BY THU I>opulation by the removal of the message, the matter may not be of HEKAI.D PRINTING COMPANY, ING family of the storekeeper’s clerk. the greatest importance,'but it is 13 Blskell Street South Manobeeter. Conn. Some New England villages. It is silly and expensive and, again as THOMAS FERGUSON true, have suffered through the re­ the President points out, it provides General Manager______By RODNEY DTJTCEIEB moval of industries to larger indus­ excellent opportunity for counter­ NEA, Service Writer Founded October 1, 1881 trial centers; but in recent years feiters to, get in their work. Washington—Prohibition referen­ One thing that this veto shows is Publiahed Every Evening Except there has probably been as much of da are going to be talked about a Sundays and Holldaya Entered at tbe that isn’t'sighing Post Office at South Manchester, this movement in one direction as lot-more thain they qver.were before. Connl. as Second Class Mall. Matter. the other. Housing and living are any bills, Ho matter how apparent­ 'Proposidhx'for national and state SUBSCRIPTION RATES cheaper in the smaller communi­ ly unimportant, -without knowing votes oh the wet-dry issue will be One Year, by mall ...... 8C.00 made with increasing confidence Per Month, by mall ...... 3 .60 ties, labor turnover less and not a what they are about. for Delivered, one year ...39.00 and persistence by the wets ^s they Single cop ies...... 3 .08 few manufacturers have found it wage what looks like tbe first real to their advantage to ;>perate in PRISON HOLOCAUST organized general campaign against MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED the dry l^ws. v- PRESS ' what they call the coimtry. Culminating a long series of pris­ The Associated Press Is exclusively The ‘drys are not going to like entitled to the use (or republlcatlon We’re not going to subscribe to on disturbances comes now this hor­ that .at 8dl, for they have nothing < o( all news dispatches credited to It the theory that the villages are ror of the Ohio Penitentiary at Co­ to .gain by referenda. They are or not otherwise credited in thia paper and also the local news pub­ fading till we have more reason to. lumbus. In numerous instances going .to oppose them in the first lished herein. where convicts have revolted, and place and whenever there are All rights of republlcatlon of referenda they will say that the special dispatches herein are also re­ TOO MANY DOGS started rioting, in the last few votes don’t mean anything. As served. There are too many dogs. There years, they have resorted to incen­ for the proposal for a. national SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE­ are a great many too many dogs. diarism. How the convict mind referendum 'Jiey will argue that SENTATIVE: Hamilton - DeLlsser. works, in setting fire to its ovra there is no excuse for it. Whether Inc., 285 Madison Ave., New York, N. The dog situation seems to be on these argruments are true or not Y., and 612 North Michigan Ave., trap, it is difficult to imagine. Per­ Chicago, Ilia the point of getting out of hand al­ all depends on the way you Jook together. haps this type of mentality is in­ at the issue, itself. Full service client of N E A Service capable of foreseeing consequences Confidence for First Time Inc. The dog that lives in intimate as­ Member, Audit Bureau of Circula­ —^perhaps that is an essential of the The- wets are full of hope. Pri­ tions. sociation with human friends is one vately, for. years many of them confirmed criminal character. At all of the finest of created things—es­ have-not been the least bit confi­ The Herald Printing Company. Inc., events the blind folly of incendiar­ assumes no financial responsibility pecially if his association is with dent that a national referendum for typographical errors appearing In ism in a prison should be obvious to on prohibition would give them a r a d e your old furniture for the new things you have longed to own! Watkins Brothers Furniture fine humans. The half starved, half majority. , Some admitted that advertisements In the. Manchester an infant, if for no other than Evening Herald. wild dog that lives in the streets— they probably represented only a Exchange makes this possible. Select the new things you want at our Main store. We'll send physical reasijns. a representative of our Exchange department to appraise your old things. You may pay the bal­ ‘and especially if he be a mongrel very large, minority. But neither T TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1930 Now, at Columbus, the insurrec­ side was -ever very confident about with a strain of the big varieties of ance on your new furniture in small weekly payments if you wish. tionary prisoners have succeeded in what wpuld. happen, despite pub­ •* y THE PARKER STRAW dogs popular in recent years—may lic statements from both. Today Here are a few of thQ iteiris now available at our Furniture Exchange—17 Oak Street, in the same destroying themselves to the ap­ The Constitution of the United be all right in his place, but his it's different, and before long the building as our Main store. Many pieces here for the cottage or camp owner! You will note, that palling numbers represented by the States does not gfuarantee any per­ place, if any, isn’t roaming at wets p^robably will be howling for I casualty list. Perhaps, even in the a natibnai-’ vote in unison. ’They! slightly shopworn furniture and floor samples from our Main store are also sent to the Exchange De­ son social equality with his neigh­ large in a settled community. world of the felons, the awful price may be making a mistake about | partment for clearance. , bor. It does guarantee him political It is highly probable that this popular sentiment, but they must be paid will prove a convincing lesson. and legal equality.'The Negro lead­ matter of dogs will very soon re­ shown. ers who have been fighting the ele­ ceive a great deal more of serious The Literary Digest’s poll indicat­ ing something like a 3 to 1 senti­ Floor Lamp (n e w )...... $7.50 Victrolas (used) ...... $10 lip vation of Judge Parker to the Su­ attention on the part of public and ment against the existing prohibi­ preme Court have not been attack­ legislators than it ever has in the IN NEW YORK tion laws, is the largest factor in Bridge Lamps (new.) $2.95 up 6-Piece Walnut Dining S u ite ...... $55 ing any opinions of that gentleman past. In the first place there never their enthusiasm. Better organiza­ Extra Large'Mahogany Dresser...... $40 tion, larger finances and greater wet 4-Piece walnut and gum wood bedroom suites * as to social inequality of the Negro were so many dogs in this part of (new) ...... $149 New York, April 22.—The county vociferousness are factors allied. Odd Bedroom Chairs...... $1.50 with the white man. They have in­ the world before. And there never The Crusaders, new wet organiza­ sisted that the judge held opinions was a time when they were so fair atmosphere which frequently tion, start advertising for members Jacquard Velour Bed Davenport (new) ...... $85 Oval Crex Grass Rugs (new) ...... $19.50 hangs over the Broadway belt be-1 in the linost widely circulated maga- antagonistic to their constitutional much of a nuisance. If the number I . . (3) Mission Oak Dressing Tables (new) ------$21 kitchen Chairs (new) ...... $1.50 guarantees as to political equality. of automobile accidents caused by coipes particularly thick as spring ^ zines and Senator Tydings of Mary- rrpPTiq in land publicly wagers that he can Glenwood Gas Range (new) ...... $55 They seem to have, proven their that type of dog which suddenly 3 and 5-piece Parlor Sets ...... $15 14 f V* 4 a drink in ^ y town in the case to the satisfaction of the judi­ rushes out into the road to snap at Perhaps this slice of rurahty is ■ united States I Lenox Gas Range (new) ...... $42 Gray Combination Range'(used) ...... $95 ciary committee of the Senate. If the tires of passing cars were sub­ injected to make the millions of vis- candidates for office roar all Itors from way points feel at home. ^ j^nd. Wet newspapers get' Wincroft Gas Range (u s e d )...... $25 Glenwood Ranges (used) ...... $25 they have thus succeeded in keep­ tracted from the total the remain­ My own h ^ c h is that it s appeal the spirit of t^e thing, whoSp-! Odd Walnut Bed ...... ,$20 ing an otherwise able and desirable ing casualty list would be a good to the litUe bit of rube that’s in ing louder than ever, exposing evil I Metal Beds (used) ...... $1.50 jurist off the bench of the Supreme deal smaller than the actual one every local wayfarer. j conditions and conducting their Used Gas R a n g e s...... $10 up , Wooden Beds (used) ...... $2 Court it is our belief that they is at present. Dodging that kind of A t the moment, it’s possible to ■ own poUs. Wet magazines send start at 42nd street and, dropping staff writers throughout the dry Used . Kitchen C abinet...... $5 have done nothing for which they a dog has produced many a crash. P'arlor Stove (used) ...... $12 in on the freak show at Hubert’s states to prove that they aren’t dry Oak Buffet (used) ...... $12.50 should be scolded. But most important of all is the Museum as a beginning, find an ex-1 at aU. Perhaps it aU doesn’t mean 1 Day-bed (used) ...... ’...... $6 presence in this and neighboring It is very seldom indeed that the traordinary assortment of attrac- i very much and Congress' may stay Refrigerator (used)...... : ...... $6 Bed Springs (used) ...... $3 Negro asks anything of either poli­ states of a very serious amount of tions that appeal to those who like ^ dry forever- and ever—but ail that tical party. It is seldom that he gets rabies. So serious is the situation to crane their necks. i noise is at least temporarily impres- Mahogany Buffet (used) ...... $18 Commodes (used)...... $1.50 A few doors up and you’ll find a sive. anything. If in this instance he has that in many places all dogs are re­ first class old-fashioned medicine Regarding a national referendum, Crex Grass R ugs ...... $2 up Cbngoleum Rugs, small s iz e s ...... 50e gotten his mad up, so to speak, quired to be kept under restraint show. Around the comer the min. leaders of the two factions have Linoleum Remnants...... $1 up and has interfered with the opera­ for a number of weeks at a time. strels are moving in. Stopping en just made statements to this writer Oak R o ck e rs...... $5 route you’ll see the pretty young' as follows: ■ tion of the political machinery to Yet here in Manchester there are Large Oak Dining Table ...... $20 ladies tossing hot cakes in the wm- | Henry H. Curran, president of the Leather Rockers...... $6 perhaps no very beneficial end, it days when it almost seems as if dows and the other pretty ladies Association Against the Prohibition Children’s desk and chair sets (new) ...... $1.95 Library Table ...... $8 will do no great harm. Even if the one met as many dogs as children, demonstrating how cigarets are Amendment: Music C ab in ets...... $2.50 Negro vote begins to feel its oats a •running about at will, invading door- turned’out “Of course it would be a good S\^x 10Y2 Axminster R ug ...... $29.50 bit as a consequence of this success- yards, clumping through planted Just across the street is the mod­ thing to have a national referen­ Radios (used) ...... ‘ ...... $5 up Stair Carpet, 8 yards ...... $3 ern variation of the medicine show dum.' A n y way o f ascertaining the full protest, it will still do no great gardens, trespassers, .vagabonds, — the combination psychologlst- opinion of the people as an aid to harm. Perhaps it will do some good. whether licensed or not—and only strong man, who can teach you how I the'solution of any problem of gov- The presence in this coimtry of a fraction of them are licensed at to be successful in three lessons, yet emment is a good thing. Why are \ elevm million Negroes, scarcely any that. still has to rent comer i^torespace the drya so afraid of it? I am con- j for his own purposes. There, with a vinced that the people of the coun-: WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc* of whom actually enjoy the actual Almost everybody loves dogs^ on flood light revealing his particularly try stand three to one against pro- j political rights granted them by the general principles. A great many pliant muscles, the spieler will sell hibltion.” I FURNITURE EXCHAN GE, 17 OAK STREET Constitution and all of whom in dogs are deserving of it. But the im- you brain as well as brawn food for ' P. Scott McBride, general super- ? many ways are socially and eco­ restrained, uncared-for dog is a a small sum. intendent of ‘the Anti-Saloon Three doors away, one of the League: nomically inhibited, constitutes a menace and an economic liabilty. dozen auction houses will amuse you “There is no sentiment in Con­ problem which sooner or later has Something will soon have to be done with a line capable of turning rhine­ gress for such a referendum or any­ got to receive a great deal more at­ about dogs. stones into Tiffany gems. In this where else as far as I can see. For tention than has so far been given brief trip, it will have been possible one to be effective we would have to encounter a shooting gallery, a to have a constitutional amendment it. If the Negro is beginning to WE ARE SKEPTICAL penny arcade peep show, a rare as­ and the wets can’t get it. Why awaken to the fact that he possess­ This newspaper is in receipt of a sortment of balloon merchants, have a referendum on prohibition Rhode Island will have an official sinusoidal electric current will prove es, in the North at least, some real very lovely letter from Will Hays, dancing doll pitchmen, orange drink when we don’t have it on anv other i straw vote on the repeal of the helpful. If you are interested in the Eighteenth ..mendment. There may political power, it is possible that motion picture “czar,” calculated, vendors and hot dog emporiums. question? We got the law into the HEAUH<>MEr ADVICE exercises, send for my article cailled The music from Chinese noodle re- constitution by orderly government be some other similar referenda. In O r nw m k McCoy ^ , Elxercise amd Digestion. the day may not be so far off as we suspect, to cause flutterations of sorts will have boomed in your ears and the wets can get it out the same 1929 Wisconsin voted by a majority has been supposed when he begins the editorial heart over so great an way—if thev are able.’ of 120,000 to repeal its state prohi- and you begin to look for the ‘'nig­ Article- on similar subjects which It’ll Be a Battle biuon, act. In 1928 Massachusetts to use that power somewhat to his honor. It begins, “I have read with ger-baby” rack and the “ring-the- OJOnOIBlMliaUOIVNIiklTHtOKTWIuar/L __ 1‘have prepared for free distribution. interest your editorial of April 4,” cane” concession. So yoii take your choice. Mr. gave a majority of 283,000 to the •r NLMCC0T IM> ON tf M naS39 M CMC » TM0 m m own advantage. proposal to repeal the Eighteenth st/m p k o MMesseo Kn^aopc ftsPiY Pleame send 2-cent stamp for each But there is one more triumph, McBride and his gang will fight like article you desire. This is . to par­ He might, for instance, concen­ and proceeds co show that its writer ■wild steers against an official na­ amendment, .'••’d Montana refused gentlemen! — one more item that tially pay for preparation amd post­ trate his efforts on a demand that has done no such thing. Our edi­ must not be missed . . . “that fa­ tional referendum. Mr. Curran and by more than 12,000 to re-enact a CAUSES OF FLATULENCE lotion will 'result, producing a large age. . his gang are rapidly edging toward state prohibition law such as it had in those states where he is not per­ torial of April 4 was probably listed mous painting . . . let me assure amount of gas. The combination of Vomiting aLd Belching—; 3 on the point where thev vnll insist that voted to repeal in 1926. mitted to vote he should be exempt­ among others as “unfavorable” by you that this is the sight of a life­ Flatulence means gas in the intes­ sugar and starch is also readily fer­ Flatulence— ; Gastritis— Food time . . . absolutely no one under such a vote would be the best way Those three are the last official ed from taxes and liability to mili­ some clerk and Will had the clerk tines or colon. It is sometimes mentable, and some foods where Combinations— ; Cold SItz Baths— ; 18 aUowed within these doors. . . . to decide the fate of the present pro­ votes on the wet-dry issue. North starch and protein are heaidly com­ caused by the use of the •wrong Flatulence or Gam—; Elxcessive tary duty in time of war. Meantime send us form letter number umpty- Only 25 cents . . . the quarter part hibition laws. 'Whichever way you Dakota voted by 6000 in June, 1928, bined, as in beans. to retain its prohibition act. In foods-so that digestion is interfered Stomach amd Intest^ad Gam—; Pro­ the negative achievement of knock­ leben, gotten out to meet the antici­ of a dollar.” feel about it, the battle is getting lapsus of the Abdomlnad Orgams— ; a lot more interesting. ' 1926 New York, Illinois, Wisconsin, with. For example, when foods Some foods seem to be especially ing off a Presidential appointee to pated disapproval of various edit­ After passing which I threw away Keep the Abdominal Muscles De­ the piece of straw I’d been chewing It now appears that Massachu­ Montana and Nevada—in one way especially starches,'are cooked in a likely to cause flatulence in suscep­ tible people. Among these foods veloped—. the Supreme Court is not to be ors, along with others to the rest on. and went upon my wii^ay. setts is going to have a referendum or another—voted wet, and Colo­ hea-vy layer of greasdv the digestive sneezed at. It is likely to set a good of the dissenting newspapers. next November on the preservation rado, California and Missouri voted juices may not be able to work upon may ^ . mentioned beams, cabbage, The efforts of Belle Livingston, of its state prohibition act and that dry. the starches, and starch fermenta- melons, onions, garlic, radishes, pep­ QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS many politicians, who have been It happens, however, that our pers, turnips and peanuts, and there once a theatrical favorite, to bring (Adhesions to Heart) taking the Negro for granted as an criticism of the supposed Hays re­ is an inflanmlation or obstruction of the “salon” idea to Manhattan, have the intestines,.the large quantity of Question:—C. K. L. asks: “Is it easy mark for two generations, to form had nothing in the world to do again been short-lived—this time, possible to have adhesions of > the thinking. with the things which Brother An Anxious ‘Taul Revere”! cellulose which is present in some of. thank's to the revenue officers. the fruits amd green vegetables, will heart to the lungs or chest? If it A couple of winters ago Belle de­ Hays’ letter deals with. What we cause a delay in the passages and is possible, doesn’t one feeUJie heart cided that the more-or-less erudite “DECLINE” OF VILLAGES most seriously object to in the talk­ bring about fiatulende* For instance, beat against the lungs and chest, New Yorkers would like a place to com kemails may sem to pass or even see it move ? Is there a cor­ Eastern newspapers which have ing movies, and what our editorial talk things over and so she took a through the body in practicailly am rection for this condition, or does begun to explain the “ decline of the referred to specifically, is the gra­ mansion in the Fifties, where writ­ unchamged state, but in pieople suf­ it bring on some other illness? In village,” accepting as their premises tuitous nastiness that makes its ap­ ers and artists and society folk fering from an ihfla'med colon they exercising, after taking a deep gathered. But it was n o . financial certain figures derived from the pearance in the vaudeville fillers. will usually cause gam. .Where there breath, I cam feel tbe lun^ against success and Mile. Livingston turned are pockets , or distended aj^as of something when I s-wlng from side Midwest, might hold their horses We have hardly ever seen a pro­ to writing magazine stuff. to side—sounding like an escape of vmtil the census gives us some facts the bowel ais in many cames of con­ air.” gram or feature moving picture When suddenly she reappeared in stipation, a portion of the. food may the swankiest section of Park ave­ on the state of village populations that really shocked us or that we remain much longer than' it should Answer: The adhesions are proba­ nue, she told me one evening that bly attached to the sac covering the in the East. It is stated that 62 per believed likely to do any more and undergo putrefaction and fer­ she was engaged upon another opus, lungs amd also to the dlaq>hragm. It cent of the villages in Illinois have harm than ten thousand other im- mentation, producing large quanti­ which she intended to title, “With ties of gam. is ■virtually impossible for the heart, lost population, 70 per cent in Min­ avoidable things in our civilization. Livingston in Darkest America.” itself, to grow directly against the Any interference or diseame of the nesota, 80 per cent in Missouri and But we have seen and heard plenty Her new resort attracted the “ultra­ ribs, although one can often see and ultra” trade of her neighborhood; organs producing- the digestive feer the heart’s action because of 30 per cent in Ohio and Michigan. of these grubby, cheaply suggestive those toney folk who were just on secretions may ailso interfere with' the vibration produced upon the From this some commentators fig­ interpolations by so-called perform­ their way to the polo matches or to digestion amd result in food fermen­ chest walls. You -should have an ure that the automobile has put a ers that make us sick. their winter sports engagements. tation; cirrhosis of the liver is examination with the x-ray to de­ espcciailly .lively to do this. Where crimp in the village t»y displacing We never expected Will Hays to The real novelty of the place lay termine what is causing your symp­ there*is am interference of the cir­ toms. it as a center of the trading and so­ in the fact that no money was ex­ have any effect on the movies, one changed. Books of tickets were on culation of the intestines, which oc­ cial activities of the farmlands; the way or the other, and, frankly we sale for sonoething like $20 per each. curs in many cases of heart trouble or arterial sclerosis, flatulence will (Bfoahrooms) agricultural populations now being don’t believe he ever has had any If one wanted a match or a package Question:—R. F. asks; “Of what often re.sult. This condition may able to reach the cities, where there or was ever intended to have any. of cigarets, a coupon was used.. food -value ame mushrooms? Are Several clubs, in fact, have' used also result in anemia or in diseames they easily digested? How ' can I are more stores, bigger stocks and But he could make a name for him­ of the lungs. this coupon system and foimd it cook them without the addition of better facilities for recreation. self very easily and get a lot of particularly profitable, since some It must be remembered that flatu­ some klhd of fa t? ” lence is only a s^ptom. If it is This may be so; probably is. But rousing cheers by insisting on a purchasers never came back and Answer: Mushr^ma have a low due to wrong food combinations. It it does nojt determine whether vil­ much sterner supervision of the others -allowed their books to expire caloric vaUue but are readily digest­ with many coupons still unused. All can be oveitome quite eamily. amd if ed if prepaired T>y boiling In a small lage life, as we of the East know vaudeville releases. of which adds up a good house pro­ this is not the came, flatulence is a danger signal pointing ^to some amount o f wa.ten Butter ;inaiy be it, has diminished at all or not. It fit. , added after toe cooking. is a very small hamlet indeed that GILBERT SWAN. serious ^disease of the body amd one FIRST VETO should pay carefiil attention to dis­ (SeboBd pomdas) calls itself or is legally known as a President Hoover’s first formal cover the cause. Question:—E. B. aska: “Is it ad­ visable for second cousins to m ury village in the Midwest. A very great veto is one for which he will receive AlabEister vases found in a tomb "Where the gas accumulates to near the Sphinx, in Egypt, still such am extent that it causes col- and would their children be absol­ many of our villages would be cities very general applause. The Presi­ utely normal; or la toe relationship in Illinois or Minnesota. There is gave forth a sweet 'perfume,, the llcky painis, relief cam be experienced too close?” ■ ^ dent, by disapproving a biU for the result of impregnation with soihe through using a warm enema amd a Answer: It is all right for second more than one Midwestern state in coinage of half dollars commemo­ secret preparation over 4600 years warm sitz bath. Where inflamma­ which a community of 500 souls ago. cousins to many providing toey are rating the Gadsden Purchase anni­ tion o f the' Irawel is- the cause, a both in good be^to. would never think of such a thing versary, has probably put an end milk diet is'ziecessary to permit a rest for the inflamed fturfaces. If as getting along without a mayor, for all time to a practice which long Apparatus to keep the air In resi­ kinks or pouches ate present in the Astronomers possess \%talogues dences moist in-winter so funfiturc a city coimcil, a chief of police and ago had become ridiculous, the bowels br^ intestines, they should be o t toousands of ; stars virith the. rival beer gangs. The village, out. striking of a new m in^e of half and woodwork will not dry suffi­ corrected by mechanical measures. amount of th ^ actual proper-mo-‘ ciently to deteriorate has been de­ I that way, Is likely to consist of one dollars for every show and occa- Gften hand manipillationa, S]|NiciaI tlon, and also- toeir dlrectimi, where veloped by a New Jersey inventor. escrifises. or treatments ^wltb the these have been msamred.-

- .4. ^ % > . \. rAGC SKVfiW '

to level up the lawn around tfit sum will be handed over to the cable concerns when their contracts ex- ^buildings and the women wUl clean Sh^et Metal COLUMBIA IRADIO REPLACING pine while the balance will go to­ the chapel and get dinner for all. GOURMETS DEPLORE ward the cor^letion of the radio Mt. and Mrs. Ralph Benton and stations. ' , About 50 families and neighbors son of Natick, Mass., were week-end , Miss Anne Dix, who has been One station is being erected in gathered at the ’ home of Mr. and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry 1. CABLES IN CHINA Providence, R. I.| April 22— (AP) DECLINE OF TASTE spending several weeks in Montclair, SliMghai, another at Hankow «and Mrs. . ohn E. Kingsbury . . Saturday iB&rofiS If you have an intricate job still another at Tientsi. One will also evening and gave them a surprise Miss Laura K. Kingsbury of Con­ -—Ernest Condello, John Condello N. J., at the home of her sister, / and Ralph Colanisso were today j Mrs. Newton Failor, "returned home be.built at Canton later in the year. necticut Agricultural College is or something out of the ordin­ I party, celebrating their twenty-sec­ charged with .the murder of Peleg | n ! « • •n*l Friday afternoon. She was accom- Radio in the interior is also find­ ond wedding anniversary. Mr. and 'spending her Easter vacation with ary and requiring expert work­ Government Not to Renew ing increased support, both on the her parents. Champlin, life prisoner at the Good EEung Places in Pans panted by the Misses Hedden of Or- Mrs. H. Schell sang several of the Rhode Island state prison during manship this ie the shop to » ® ange, N. J. part of Nanking and the provincial old favorites. George Maskiell, 80 Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Holland and bring it to. Material and governments. Four and possibly five faipily spent the week-end 'witn the attempted jail deUvery of Sat­ Ck)lumbia friends learned with re­ Contracts That Are to Ex­ years old, sang "Susan Jane” and urday afternoon. workmanship of the best. gret of the death in New Haven of new stations are to be erected in “ Swinging in the Lane,” while the thSr parents in Orange, Mass. Fast Disappearing; Chains Szechuen and Honan provinces this The trio were in the visiting room Prof. Edwin Lockwood. Prof. Lock- rest of the group joined in the more Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hlhott ana of the prison when the outbreak oc­ I year. family of Manchester spent the wood with his family spent several pire This Year. modern songs. Games were enjo.v- curred. Making Their Appearance summers on the Green some years cd. Rev. J. N. Atwood presented a week-end with John E. lUngsbury. \ John Condello who lives in North \ ago. TO STUDY OUR LAWS. purse of money- to Mr. and' Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Maskiell and Bergen, N. J., has been identified by I At the comer of the Green Friday Hartford, April 22— (AP) — Kingsbury in behalf of the company. 2 sons, George and William, spent Harry MeVey, wounded priiron Nanking — (AP) — Existence of ■ make a survey of the operation of Paris—(AP)—The year 1930 will' afternoon a car bearing New Jersey cable companies operating in China i Ice cream and cake was served. Mr. the week-end with the former’s par­ guard as the nian who shot him. lETTNEY have a ring of mourning around it markers coming up the hill from the Connecticut laws' regulating and Mrs. Kingsbury were presented ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Maskiell. John and his brother Ernest, who is being threatened by the National; yards and bill boards on state high­ Plumbing and Heating in the calendar of many a Parisian West was struck by a car coming government and radio. ' -vrith a large Easter lily*. Thomas Madden of Brooklyn, N. lives in West New York, N. J., has j ways, Robert Chapman of the New V gourmet. from the north smd the rumiing The Sunday morning songalogue Y., spent the week-end with his also been identified by two convicts Contractor. In an article published in the Cen­ Jersey State motor vehicle depart­ '^The passion for rebuilding, be has board on the New Jersey car was tral Daily News, Nanking’s official service was exceptionally well’at- niece, Mrs. Benjamin A. Strack. who were in the prisoner’s cage at 38 Main St. TeL 3036 foimd, has soimded the knell of completely demolished. The other ment will be in Hartford tomorrow tended. Mrs. Walter S. Haven was' Charles Scott of Brooklyn, N. Y , the time of the outbreak as one of mouthpiece, Chuan Chi-Huan, direc­ to confer with Commissioner Rod- scores of the small “ serious” res­ car was damaged about the front tor general of the government’s tele­ the reader. The reading was sun- is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Benjamui the young men. taurants whose clients minds ran fenders. The driver of the New Jer graph and telephone system, stated bins B. Stoeckel. lemented with many selections oy A. Strack, for a few days. MeVey with a woimd on his chest more to super-excellent food than^sey car, Mrs. -Marietta Flynn of that the ministry of communic^ions the choir. Mrs. Arthur Porter announces the is not expected to recover. _llorhts EUzabeth, Tiroowas taken, tnto Rt-.St. JoSGt)hJoseph’s S ^ “renew “it REGAINS HER SENSES. engagement 6 t her daughter Ruth, Colarusso resides in North Ber­ to mirrored walls and bright lights. Hospital and it was found that three had decided■ not to renew its con- i Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Carver of Ashes removed Proprietors of these eating places, tract with the cable companies New Britain, April 22— (AP) Rockville spent the week-end with I to Wilfred Hill. Both Miss Taylor gen, N. J. He is 26. depending upon low rentes ^ d ribs had been broken.. The other which , are scheduled to expire this —After being unconscious for more their mother.- Mrs. S. Noble Loomi-s. and her fiance are natives of this small overhead to serve the best car was driven by. Chafles McBride than 100 hours, Miss Anna McMa­ town. ' LOTS OF SERVICE. of South. Mjinchester, and Eteputy year. Miss E va Koehler of Willimantic food at a reasonable cost, have 'Two companies, the Great North­ hon recovered her senses at New Normal School was home over the Miss Mary Fisher is ill with Ger­ DIAL 6432 at t i f 3 provisions oi [sher^^ Harvey Collin’s after inves- ern Telegraph Company and the Britain General hospital today. She man measles. “How do you like my dress, Tom’ was struck la.ot week by an automo­ week-end.* GUS SCHALLEK fit^new leases presented them and! tigation placed Mr. Eastern Extension Cable Company, Wednesday will be clean-up day Mrs. Walter Havens reports that Dad got it for my eighteenth birth­ their tents. Their 1 arrest on a charge of reckless driy- bile while crossing a street in Bel- constituting the most important at the church and chapel. Everyone her father, Mr. Parsons, has recov­ day.” S S SS e l i t e ree-iiog. He ie to eppear ,ln C otobla units of the so-called British-Danish videre and received injuries to her ered splendidly from his recent at­ “Certainly worn well, hasn’t it?” Town Court next Wednesday eve­ skull. Her condition is still criti­ is urged to come and bring equip­ Read The Herald Advs. taurants suddenly transformed into Cable Trust, have protested to the ment to work with. The rden pla-i tack of bronchial pneumonia. —^Tit-Bits. brisrhtly-painted, modernistic food ning. ministry of communications, claim­ cal. palaces with skyrocketed prices, The road across the green was ing that the privileges they now en­ have been forced literally to pound oiled two days ago, and with the joy were granted by the Manchu the pavements to find a’ new home rain of Friday on it the surface was government and hence must be re­ of good food within the limits of a very slippery, and brakes proved garded as irrevocable. ^ small pocketbook. worse than useless in emergency. Another danger spot recently seems No Government Tastes Declining The government has taken the So.e t o o 'S I S dfear. that, to be Poat Hm, ing over there at the curve at lie stand that nothing the Manchu gov­ the decline of the serious si(^ of bottom towards the Hebron side, ernment may have done can be con­ restauranting is due to a real de­ when the road is wet. A large car sidered irrevocable because the Man-1 THE NEW FORD COUPE cline in the taste of the public. As turned turtle Friday morning there, chus no longer exist in an official | the days of the leisurely two-hour and was quite badly damaged, al- way. ! A beautiful cloned car, dintinguUhed by lunch are numbered by modem busi­ Back of the determination on th e: tbougb no one w&s hurt. Tho driver it» substantial grace of line and contour» ness demands, they say, so are num­ stated that he had been driving 20 part of Nanking to end the contracts bered the days of fine sauces, care bered poem-lik years and this was his first accident with the cable companies is seen the j A particularly good car for. physicians^ fuUy prepared entrees ana poe y shrubbery on the Green is steady advance of radio in China. business executives and salesmen because Several powerful stations are now j o f its comfort and-rediability. The Triplex One of the most famous cooks of ' being trimmed and put in shape for being erected by Nanking at various | all France, who ran an exclusive lit­ the summer, with its appearance , poinfe throughout the country and shatter^prOof glass windshiedd apd the tle restaurant where kings and the much improved. these, it is said, will take care of j fully enclosed four-wheel brakes contribute great of the earth had been charmed Frank Clark who lived on the Wil- all communication between China to the unusual, safety of the new Ford* Irith his exquisite dishes, recenUy limantic Hartford road nearly to and foreign countries after Decern- i found himself so far /|ebt ^hat the Andover line, was found dead her 31, | he had to close and scramble around by his litUe I0-year-ol4 granddaugh­ To pay for the stations and at the ; for the wherewithal to pay his credi­ ter on her return from school Thurs­ same time square up old debts to j m tors. He found that his cUents want- day afternoon. The little girl noti­ the cable companies, the ministry j OUTSTANDING FEATURES cd plain steaks and chops instead fied neighbors who called on the of communications is Rating a $5, of “ortolans surprise” and <3ebce de Selectmen of Columbia. The Mtle 000,000 bond issue. Much of this OF THE NEW FORD sole dieppoise,” and he wasnt pre­ girl knew of no relatives, but on pared to give them what they examining papers and records it was New streamline bodies • Choice of ■ wanted. found that Mr. Clark had a h^f Prices Go Up . , brother in New York, and a tele­ WHEN A CHILD colors • Rustless Steel •. Triplex Another famous restaurant, dat­ gram was sent to him by first se­ shatter-proof glass windshield • ing back half a century, was forced lectman aair Robinson. He came to i to give way for the erection of an­ Columbia Saturday and took the IS FEVERISH, Four Houdaille double-acting hy­ other building. When it was erect­ bodv of his brother back to New 1 draulic shock absorbers • Fully cn* ed, slick and shiny quarters York for burial. The little girl is provided for the restaurant. The being cared for by Mrs. Raymond CROSS.UPSET closed, silent four-wheel brakes • rental was $7,200 a year instead of Squier for the present, and will later Colic, gas, sour 0 the former $1,200. Prices went up go on to New York to her relatives. Extensive use of fine steel forgings belching, frequent andid the cuem.3clients wentwcut avy^jr.away Mrs. AioertAlbert ci.E. Brown has re-- - • Aluminumrpistons • Chrome sili­ Chain restaurants, and the larger i from Dade City, ^oriM, vomiting, feverish­ establishments with little overhead, gjjg jj^s been spending the ness, in babies and con alloy valves • Three-quarter in proportion to the business done, winter. -Mr. - - -- Brown------n will romniTi remain m in children, generally show food is sour­ floating rear axle • Torque-tube are getting the trade. The gourmet Florida for several more weeks. waUs that the big restaurants sim­ Mrs. Julia Little and son Horace ing in the little drive • More than twenty ball ply can’t produce meals like mother Little of Hartford opened their home dige>5tive tract. and roller bearings • Sturdy steel- used to cook. at the lake 'or over the week-end. When these The exception to the tale of sor­ They had with them Mr. Clarence symptoms appear, spoke wheels • 53 to 65 miles an. row is the left bank of the Seine, BisseU of Hartford, and Mrs. Little’s give Baby a teaspoonful of Phillips where the “auberge” or country brother, Frank Brown of New Milk of Magnesia. Add it to the hour • Qiuck acceleration • Ease tavern type of eating place has first bottle of food in the morning. of control • Reliability • Economy caught on. The general idea is to Mr. and Mrs. Lewellyn Latham of Older children should be given a stimulate, more or less, the kitchen Baltimore have been spending the tablespoonful in a glass of water. • Longlife. of some Normandy Inn, and the week-end witli relatives in Hartford, This will comfort the child—make bizarre surroundings generally draw coming to Columbia Saturday after- his stomach and bowels easy. In five a fair clientele.ientele. Rents are still fairly |^ taking back with them Mr. minutes he is comfortable, happy. It low in the outskirts of the Latin Latham’s sister. Miss Mildred Lath- wiU sweep the bowels free of all __ 3 .... nr . _?_•!. sour, indigestible food. It opens Quarter, and as the proprietors of yjgit them at their v' NOTE THESE LOW PRICES these restaurants barely spend much jn Baltimore, the bowels in constipation, colds, on them, they are still bringing in a j Daisy Gwatkin of Berlin was children’s ailments. Children take J good return. In most of them the | ^ g^gst Easter Sunday of her sister, it readily because it is palatable, Roadster v • • * ■ * $4^5 food and wines are excellent. |,iary Hutchins. pleasant-tasting. They do not, however, solve the At ^the"^ Columbia church Easter I" Learn its many uses for mother | Phaeton ...... $440 problem of the tired and hungiy momine a large audience was pres- 1 and child. Write for the interesting __ - • _Finn ** business man in the center of Paris, ent. The church was beautifully book, “Useful Information.” Ad-, Coupe ...... $500 who mourns the disappearance of his decorated with lilies and cut flowers. dress the PhUlips Co., 117 Hudson '‘ T udor Sedan ..... $500 favorite food shop. The choir sang “ Victory Bells” and St., N. Y. It vyill 5»e sent FREE. Mrs. Edith Isham sang as a solo In buying, be sure to get genuine Sport C oupe ...... $530 ‘TheX uc .ru-igAngel’s w Easter-A-*'-**-' Song.”~ —cj The Phillips---AT Milk of Magnesia. Doctors pastor’s topic was “And Peter.” This I have presenbed■' ’ it 1 for over 50 De Luxe Coupe .... $550 BOLTON Sunday concludes the ministry in years. Three-window Fordor Sedan $623 Columbia of the pastor, John How­ “Milk of Magnesia” has been the ell; who has accepted a call from U. S. Registered Trade Mark of C a b r io le t ...... $645 The last monthly report of the The Chas. H. Phillips Chemical school nurse is as fellows: Number the Federated Church of South Waterbury, where he will take up Co., and its predecessor, Chas. H. De Luxe Sedan .... $650 of school visits, 8; home visits, 15; Phillips, since 1875.—Adv. class inspections, 2; individual in­ his duties in the near future. 'v Town Sedan ..... $6 70 spections, 86; referred to physician, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Himt and 5; cases referred to health officers, family motored to Johnston, R. I., ( f . o. h. D etroit, plus freigh t and deliverym 1; exclusions, mumps contacts, 5; Sunday afternoon where Mrs. Hunt Bumpers and spare tire extra, at low cast.^ will spend several days at the home total corrections, 2. ^ ' ” 4 Universal Credit Company plan of A special Easter service was held of her sister, Mrs. Chester Winsor, at the Congregational church Sun­ Mr. Hunt and the rest of the family | PLUMBING time payments offers another Ford day. Winifred and Ruth See sang a returning Simday night. and econom y. duet. John Kyler Hutchinson, infant son BROKE ROAD RULES. I of Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Hutchin­ HEATING son of Andover, was baptized. Ansonia, April 22 — (AP) — Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolton of Sveme Salveson of Seymour was Hartford visited at their home Sun­ fined $10 and costs in the city court day. thig morning on a charge of viola­ jf . Mr. and Mrs. B. S. McGurk and tions of _rules of the road. He was James F. Dalton BEAUTY has been built into the graceful family are spending a week at At­ arrested on complaint of Chief of a lantic city. Police Adamson Of Naugatuck, who 34 West Middle Turnpike Beauty ©f Hue and \ Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lawton of claimed that Salveson, while driving Telephone 3485 flowing lines of the new Ford and there is Hartford spent Sunday at their on Wakelee avenue, this city, Sun­ bungalow. day, forced his car off the road. Mrs. R. K. Jones and son attend­ an appealing charm in its Iresh and varied ed the 40th anniversary of the wed­ ding of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hills in Gilead. ^ liarmony of color. Yet more distinctive even Schools in town close Friday for a week’s vacation. V.' ■ ■ “ ^ - i - ' , ' • ■ . Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lawton of Kr-rtford spent Simday at their Value Far Above than this beauty of lin e « its alert and sprightly performance. « « m bursalow at the Center. Hiss Mary Maybury spent the As days go by yon will find that It becomes more and more your favorite car. to drive— wceli-end at her home in Springfield. Hiss .Amelia Palmer spent the The Price” week-end at her home in Stoning- BO responsive, so easy to handle, so safe and comfortable that it puts a new joy In motoring. tcn. The new Ford represents niore for CHURCH OFFICE RIFLED. The city dweUer -t the* farmer — the industrial -worker — the owner of the spacious two-car your money than you can buy at the Nc>v Britain, April 22— (AP) — Police are investigating a report by same price. The beauty anii, me­ garage in the suburbs — to^ aU of these it brings a new measure of reliable, economical service. Rev. Samuel Sutcliffe, rector of St. chanical excellence are worthy , of Mark’s church, that his office in the church building was entered last careful investigation. These cars Craftsmanship has been put into mass production. Today, more .than ever, ' the new Ford u night and drawers in desks pried open. Papers were scattered about are on display for your benefit and a y , by the vistor who is thought to have ,«a value far above the price." « « - • • * * * '* sought the offering at the Easter visit will result in a new knowledge of service. the outstanding features of the new Ford. 7 ^ DEBATE and DANCE : IP©»D MOTOR COMPANY Fri., April 25, 8 o ’clock Manchester High School vs. \ Wesleyan University . .. I Freshmen Manchester Motor Sales 1069 Main St., Telephone Open Evenings High School Auditorium ■■ •> ■W’esleyau Univeralty Ordiesfra l^homas E. Donohue, Mgr. ' ' -

Ticket* 50o ,

'■ ■ i i . J ■ .r'' -a"


gomery and transportation will be pro-vided., GARBER BROTHERS’ 4TH' A NRW CENSUS JOKE DAILY RADIO PROGRAM NEW ALARM SYSTEM Notes, . , Tuesday, April 22. 10:00—Robison’s dance orchestra. Leading DX Stations. Misses Ruth ;and\Margai:et Mc- 10:30—Moscow Art Club revels. R O C K m i l Lc m of Talcbtt avenue s^nt the FURNITURE STYLE SHOW .4 review of Sismond Bombers num­ 11:00—WiU Oakland’s orchestra. 405.^W8B, ATLANTA—740. Norwjdk, April 22-r-(AP)-r*'A c«]^- Easter holidays in New Hairen. ' ' ber! with the composer es guest art­ 11:30—Moonbeams music hour. 7:30—^Musio box entertalnmenL FOR STATE POLICE tain young lady o f |7<:»rw^ w ^ ist at the piano, will be presented 302.a—WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—994 8JOO—NBC programs (3% hrs.) Mrs. James Prentiss and son Mil- Garber Brothers fourth furniture 6:30—Dinner dance music. 12:00—Theater stage presentations. Mexican Exhibit ton ■visited relatives in FiBliner, has been taking the census for tke over the WXI4F chain at 9:30 Tues. 7:00—WJZ Amos *n* Andy. 12:30—Transcontinental program. fashion show surpasses all the shows dajr night Bomberg, composer of 7:15—Jesters: feature hour. 293.9—KYW, CHICAGO—1020. , An interesting exhibit will be field Mass,, on Simday. ' in tbe past. In beauty of display, in past two weeks, .was %6nSidiri’abty 8t00—Bing family party. at the Mfixwell Memorial Library on Mrs. Charles .Trapp is convaleslng many of the most tuneful operettu 8:30—WJZ programs (1 hr.) 7:30—Dance orchestra: lads. brilliance and in the newness of de­ embarrassed today. Her zeal XGr ac­ of the past decade, will be assisted 8:00—NBC programs (2V4 hrs ) Telephone Typewriters to Union street from April 30 to Mr.- at her home on East street after 9:30—The champ's comer. 11:30—Amos ’n* Andy, comedians. signs it takes its place among the curacy led to her confusion in the > by a vocal trio and orchestra con­ 10:00—^WJZ chorus, orchestra. 5, showing the hamdicraft of Mexi­ three weeks illhess. >. 10:30—lAwe’a dance orchestra. 11:45—Dance music to .3:00. foremost furniture fashion shows in home of the Minses Marjguerite and ducted by Frank Black. Included, on 389.4— WBBM. CHICAGOA77O. can school children. Forty-nine ex­ Mr. and Mrs. WilUain Mariey have Helen Hamilton, the former a w ^ the program will be melodies from 348.6—WABC, NEW YORK—860. Connect All Barracks America. 6:00—Howard Barlow’s Symphony or. 9:00—WABC programs (3 hrs.) hibits of arts of Mexico have been returned to their home on Village ^ Manufacturers of furniture hold known writer and the latter a prom­ “ Maytime,** "Blossom Time,** “ The 6:30—Novelty numbers; talk. 12:00—Charlie Straight’s band. sent to this country through the street, after, visiting relatives in Desert Song,*' “The Lady In Ermine,* 7:00—Original songs, patter. 12:30—Ted Weems’ orchestra. semi-annual markets in Grand Rap­ inent artist and teacher in Brook­ “The Blue Paradise’* and Romberg’s 1:00—An hour about Chicago. Mexican Federal Department of Brooklyn, N. Y. , ( , ids and Chicago, with sm^ler ex­ lyn schools. latest operetta score, "Nina Rosa.” 7:15—Bernard licvitow’s ensemble. With Hartford Office. Education, in return for 30,000 7:30—Long Island duck feativaL 254.1— WJJD, CHICAGO—1160. Mrs. Louise Hayes and family of positions in New York, Jamestown "In what state were you bom?” Renee Cbemet well known French 8:00—Musical serial with Julia San> 9:00—Theater presentations. schooLbaga sent by American school ■woman violinist wUl play favorites Spring street have returned Yrom a and Boston. Entire buildings are the enumerator "asked Miss Mar­ derson and Frank Crumlt. 9:30—Mooseheart children’s hour. children to Mexico in 1918. They from the musical literature of her na­ 8:30—Romany Patteran, gypsy music. 12:00—Artists entertainment. visit with relatives in Lawrence, used to display each mhnufaMSturer’s guerite as she completed her listing, tive land over WJZ and associated Hartford, April 22.—Commission­ have been shown in many cities and Mass. stations at 8:30. The program will be 9:00—Paul Whiteman’s orchestra. 416.4— WGN, CHICAGO—720. new creations, but at Garber Broth­ “New York,” was the reply. in the form of an imaginary musical 10:00—Sketch, “ Mr. and Mrs.” 9:30—Orchestra; spogts review. er Robert T. Hurley of the State the exhibit includes samples of all 10:30—Grand opera excerpts. 10:80—The Little ensemble. ers Furniture Fashion Showjn Hart­ “And are you the only ono in.the pilgrimage to France. Mme. Chemet’s 11:00—Three dance orchestraa Police announced today that ar­ beautiful arts of Mexican pottery, numbers will Include the “ Meditation* 11:10—Quintet, dance orchestra. rangements have been completed basketry, drawn work, leather work, ford one will see the choice crea­ house?” was the next quety. from “Thais’ ’and three short com- 12:30—Midnight organ melodies. 12:00—The dream snip concert. tions of all the manufacturers. . “Why no, my twin sister also re­ 454.3—WEAF, NEW YORK— 660. with the Southern New England blown glass and laquer work. Ameri­ , positions by modern French ■writera 12:15—Three dance orchestras. The Women’s Auxiliary to St. They are “Extase,** “ Si Mes Vers 6:00—^Ludwig Laurier*8 orchestra. 344.6—WLS. CHICAGO—870. Telephone Company for the installa­ can School children two years ago TOLLAND sides 'here” Miss Marguerite an­ Avaient des Ailes" and the melodious 7:00—^Voters’ service addresses. 8:00—Book shop; The Angelus. tion of a telephone typewriter sys­ sent the 30,000 school bags through Francis Hospital will act as host­ swered: “ Serenade.” The concert orchestra 7:30—Old time sketch, music. 8:15—Little German band. esses.. A percentage of the gross “In what state was she bom ?” the' \ under the direction of Josef Pastfer- 8:00—Balalaika orchestra, soprano. 8:30—^Verses, songs, orchestra. tem connecting Headquarters in the Committee on World Friendship Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tomphorde ^nack will support and accompany her. 8:30—Coon-Sanders Nighthawks. 9:00—Feature concert hour. Washington Street this city with among children of the Federal Coun­ business will go to the Auxiliary’s absent-minded census taker con­ 9:00—Popular compositions by De are spending a few days at their 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670. each of the eight barracks in the cil of the Churches of Christ in working fund for the St. Francis tinued suid then ■ caught herself Wave lengths in meters on left oi , Sylvj, Brown and Henderson. 9:30—Concert ornheslra, quartet. summer home. Hospital. The show is promoted for blushingly. . ■ station title, kilocycles on the right. 9:30—Frank Black’s orchestra with 10:30—Musicale; Dan and Sylvia. state, and providing thus one of the America. Times are al Eastern Standard. Black Sigmund Romberg, composer. 11:15—Water Boys feature hour. most comprehensive crime dissemi­ Harold Clough and Raymond Ladd its educational features, and it is 10:00—Don Carlos’ Marimba band. . Kiowa Anniversary face type indicates best featutca 11:30—Amos *n’ Andy; DX club. nating informatiQn systems in the have returned to their school duties free. No one will be asked to buy. 10:30—Vaudeville headliners program. 12:0(k^Two dance orchestras. Kiowa Coimcil, Degree of Poca­ at the Bentley School of Finance Many new ideas are to be had and it Leading East Stations. 11:30—^Two dance orchestras. - 202.6—WHT, CHICAGO—148C. United States. Similar equipment is hontas, will observe its anniversary 393.5—WJZ, NEW,YORK—760. 9:30—Studio musical program, now interconnecting the police de­ and Accounting in Boston after is worth while for everyone who has 272.6—WPG, ATLANTIC CITY—1100. 6:15—Harold Sanford’s orchestra. 10:00—Artists entertalnmenL on Friday night. The festiirities spending a week at their homes 6:45—Prohibition poll program. partments in fifteen cities of this a home or is planning one, to •visit it. S:00—Marchetti’s concert orchestra. 10:30—Vour hour leagiie. will commence at 6 o’clock with an here. | Betty Bright, well-known radio g;30—Five minute men’s recital. 7:00—^Amos ’n* Andy, comedians. ’ 288.3—WFAA, DALLAS—1040. State, the Motor Vehicle Depart­ 7:15—Kirilotf's string orchestra. elaborate supper, to which it is ex­ star, is chairman of the reception 8:45—Song story; dual trio. 12^X5—ticliool days lealiii'c hour. ment and the Springfield Police De­ pected there will be about 150 mem­ Mrs. John Darling and son of 1 10:u0r—Jr. O. U. A M. special hour. 7:45—Polly Prestons’ adventures. 11:00—Bridge lessons, music. Newington spent Simday at the committee. Miss Bright, it will be 10:30—Geidt’s concert ensemble. 8:00—Vincent Lopez orchesti’a. 361*2—KOA, DENVER—830. partment. While the two systems bers from this city, Hartford, New 11:00—Organ recital; orchestr.n. 8:30—Musical world travelogue with 8:30—NBC programs (3>/4 hrs.) will not be interconnected, arrange­ home of her daughter, Mrs. Emery remembered, played in “Stop Thief,” Mme.Renee Chemet, violinist. Britain, Stafford, Manchester and 283—WBAL, BALTIMORE—1C6C. 12:00—Stage coachers; feature frolic. ments are to be made so that alarms Clough and family. “Only Thirty-Eight,” and “Merely 9:00—Musical melodrama, orchestra. 1:00—Down through the ages. other places present. W h i c h D o 7:00—Masqueraders music hour, 9:30—Ramblers male trio, solos. may be broadcast over both net­ Mrs. Emma Crandall and daugh­ Mary Ann” and became even better 7:30—WJZ programs (ZV2 hrs.) 299.8— WHO, DES MOINES—1000. Following the supper there •will 10:00—Sodero’s orchestra, chorus, talk 8:00—Studio concert orchestra. works if desired. In this way a known through her radio work over 11:00—Marylander’s dance orrjiestra. by Charles N. Fitts. be a short business session and an ter Edna spent the week-end with 508.2— WEEI, BOSTON—590, 8:30—WEAF programs (1V4 hrs.) wider circulation of crime informa­ Station WTIC. She finally consented 10:30—Bill Daly’s dance band. 10:00—Studio revue, program. entertainment program at which friends in Brooklyn and New York. Y o u W a n t ? 7:00—Big Brother club. 11:00—Slumber music hour. tion is accomplished. to act as chairman of the Recep­ 7:60—WEAF programs (4^4 hrs ) 10:15—WEAF programs (II4. hrs.) time the “Dancing Marieys” will Miss Ruth Martin, teacher of the 12:00—^Wayne King’s orchestra. 11:30—Neapolitan Knight’s music. It is expected that the state police tion' Committee. Miss Bright will 243.8—WNAC, BOSTON—1230. 305.9—KDKA, PITTSBURGH—980. feature. There will be other num­ Cedar Swamp school, spent her independent income— 12:03—"WHOOT Owl’s popular program system will be installed and work­ vacation at her home in Pittsfield, personally gn'eet all visitors this 6:15—Artists: dinner music. 7:00—WJZ Amos *n’ Andy. 374.8— WBAP, FORT WORTH—800. bers and an address of Welcome will An estate to retire on— 12:00—Hector’ orchestra. 7:15—Revelers; Evening Altar. ll'.OU—Studio concert hour. ing about August 1. Mass. Wednesday and Thursday evenings. 545.1—WGR, BUFFALO—560. 9:00—WJZ programs (2% hrs.) 12:00—"Theater stage program. Two Typewriters be given by the Pocahontas, Mrs. , In furniture fashions for the home, A new home— . 6:30—Van Surdam's orchestra. 11:30—Recitalists music hour. 374.8— KTHS, HOT SPRINGS—800. Ellen Fiss. A dance program will Mr. and Mrs. John H. Steele have 7:00—Feature music Ijour. 245.8—WCAE, PITTSBURGH—1220. There will be two telephone type­ the complete room ensemble idea is Money for your child’s eduea- 9:00—Barn dance players. be enjoyed. arrived home from a three months’ sweeping the country. Garber Broth­ 7:30—WEAF programs {4% hrs.) 6:00—Dinner dance music. 11:30—Dance orchestra; organist. writers in the office of the Commis­ sojourn in Florida. James Pursley, tion— := 428.3—WLW, CINCINNATI—700. 7:30—Good music program. Mrs. Mary Johnson of Hartford, ers’ entire stock is being displayed 12:00—Studio entertainment. sioner so that messages may be sent who accompanied Mr. and Mirs. A financial reserve for'your 6:15—Dinner dance music. 8:00—Songs of the season. 468.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES—640. Great Pocahontas, and her staff of in ensemble style. Another feature 7:00—^Artists; home-totvners. 8:30—WEAF programs (3 hrs.) 10:00—.Concert ensemble; band. and received at the same time. The officers will make their official visit Steele from Florida, left Wednesday business — , 8:00—Bubble blowers entertalnmenL 11:30—Studio dance orchestra. 11:00—Hawaiian songs, trio. barracks at Canaan, Stafford is the new corridor idea, each group­ 8:30—WJZ programs (11^ hrk.) 535.4— WFI, PHILADELPHIA—564 on Friday night and will be present evening for his home in Simeo, Can­ The Investors Syndicate ofTere 11:30—Orchestra; ballad recital. Springs, and Danielson will be on in­ ada. ing being set off by a separate par­ a time.preved plan to provide 10:00—Band; chime reveries. 5:30—'WEAF programs (5% hrs.) 370.2—WCCO, MINN., ST. PAUL—810. at the banquet. tition, An unusual rug display Is 12:00—Orchestra; variety hour. 260.7—WHAM, ROCHESTER—1150. 8:00—Concert Hall of the Air. dividual lines, with the headquarters the money, through g conveni­ 1:00—Dance orchestra; Hottentots. 6:10—Ordhestra; educational talk. 9:00—WABC programs (2i,4 hrs.) here, while the barracks at Beacon Police Court Ten Easter lilies were distributed , being featured, scores of new real ent a c h e d u 1 •- of aurprlalngiy 260.2—WTAM. CLEVELAND—1070. 6:45—WJZ programs (% hr.) 11:30—Bert Lown’s orchestra. Falls, Westport and Ridgefield will Michael Hartley of Mountain by the committee to sick and elderly 1 Oriental rugs and many more small payments. Check the 6:00—Studio concert music. 7:15—Hawaiians; orchestra, baritone. 12:00—The old settlers program. people about the town. | subjects above which you are 7:30—WE.\F programs (3^ hrs.) 8:00—WJZ programs (3 hrs.) 379.5— KGO, OAKLAND—790. be on another circuit. The barracks street was before Judge E. Fisk in American Oriental rugs being dis­ 11:00—Supper dance music. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clough were ' played. most Interested In,'and return 11:00—Studio dance music. 12:30—Los Angeles entertainment. at Westbrook and Groton will be on the Rockville Police Court yester­ this advertisement with your •283—WTIC, HARTFORD—1050. 379.5— WQY, SCHENECTADY—790. 1:00—Artists: Sauntering Sailors. with Mr. Clough’s parents recently. Last year over eight thousand 6:00—Stringwood ensemble; talk. 11:55—Time; weather: markets. 2:00—Musical musketeers. a fifth circuit. The system per­ day charged with intoxication. He name and address for Informs* 6:30—Musical program; circle. 6:00—Dinner dance music. ■ 270.1—WRVA, RICHMOND—1110. mits the Commissioner’s office to was sentenced to Tolland County Mr. and Mrs, Walter Pearson of people visited the Fashion Show and tivo booklet, “ Enjoy Money.” 6:30—Braves: Melody boys. 7:00—Studio program, addresa 8:U0—WJZ programs (1 hr.) send messages to the barracks in- Jail for twenty days. As he could Hartford •visited friends and rela­ It is expec^d that there will be 422.3— WOR, NEWARK—710. 7:30—WEAF dramatic sketch. 9:0O—Studio cigarette band. twice as many this year. The store 170,000 INVESTORS 6:30—Dinner concert orchestra. 8:00—Studio concert orchestra. 9:30—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) diiridually or collectively, this being not pay the costa of $11.31 he will tives in town Simday, 7:30—Marathons comedy team. 8:30—WEAF programs (1% hrs.) 11:30—Theater organ recital. done through the switchboard at serve several more days at the jail. Misses Mary and Florence Leon­ is at 120 Morgan Street, comer of 8:00—Main Street rural comedy. 10:00—Pop the question. 440.9— KPO. SAN FRANCISCO—680, Headquarters by means of which the He was arrested on Sunday night by ard were witii their parents, Mr. Market and occupies twin buildings 9:00—Male quarteL orchestra. 10:30—WEAF. vaudeville hour. 12:00—Great composer’s hour. terminating point or points may be Police Officer Dowgewicz. covering an entire city block. This Investors 9:30—Concert orchestra, singers. 11:30—Theater organ recitaL 1:00—Bears; troCaderans. and Mrs. Oscar Leonard over the Secondary Eastern Stations. Secondary DX Stations. determined. By means of the equip­ Francis W. Blake Eeister recess. building was erected in 1853 by the ment in the barracks messages may Cheney Silk Mills. There are no Syndicate 545.1—WKRC, CINCINNATI-550. 9:00—Popular entertainment 344.6—WENR, CHICAGO—870. Francis W. Blake, 71, a life-long Miss Bessie Terhune and Fred show windows at Garber Brothers as 10:00—Artists feature hour. 10:00—Red Apple Club program. 7:00—Dinner dance concert. he sent to headquarters or to other resident of this city, died Sunday FOUNDEDH894 11:00—Dance orchestra. 291.3—CFCF, MONTREAL—1030. barracks, thereby providing the Randall have returned to their it is deemed more dignified that the 9:30—Farm hour; Home concert. afternoon at his home at 61 Orchard home, 374.8—WSAI, CINCINNATI—800. 6:00—Twilight music hour. 11:00—Comedians, memory melodies. same flexibility found in telephone displays shall be in the store in | 815 MAIN STREET ^ , 7:15—Feature music hours. 9:00—^Frolics feature hour. 12:00—DX air vaudeville. street, following an illness of three ’The Misses Bernice and Alice Hall their proper settings rather than i So. Manchester 9:00—Minstrel men’s frolic. 10:00—Studio partv: hockey scores.- 491.5—WDAF, KANSAS CITY—610. service. years. He had been confined to his 9:30—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) 526—WNYC, NEW YORK—570. 10:30—Feature artists broadcast. With this system accurate tjrpe- spent the Easter vacation with their thrust upon the public from the out­ Sscesd Nodenal Bank Bids. 215.7— WHK, CLEVELAND—1390. 6:30—Italian language lessons. 11:00—"WEAF vaudeville hour. bed for two weeks. He was bom in parents. / side. 7:00—Winton’s dance orchestra. 7:00—Blind singers; address. 11:30—Amos ’ n’ Andy, comedians. written messages are flashed to any this city, the son of Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Broadbeht enter-' The show formally opened this 8:00—Playboys: musical programs. 27Z6—WLWL, NEW YORK—1100. 11:4.3—Orchestra: variety hour. or all barracks at a single opera­ Maria (Supple) Blake, and for 8:30—WABC programs (2% hrs.) 6:00—Orchestra; pianist, tenor. 12:45—Nighthawk frolic. tained relatives from Flushing, L. I., morning at 10:30 a. m. and will tion. The operator simply type­ thirty-two years was employed in 11:00—Two dance orchestras. 6:40—Catholic talk; contralto. 461.3—WSM, NASHVILLE—650. recently. close at 10 p. m., also Wednesday, 325.9—WWJ, DETROIT—920. 7:20—^Address; famous waltzes. 7:30—Craig’s dinner music. writes the message on a keyboard the packing room of the United Miss Florence Meacham spent-the Thursday, Friday and Saturday eve­ 9 30—Dinner dance orchestra. 357—CKCL, TORONTO—840. 8:00—NBC programs (4 hrs.) similar to that on the standard States Envelope Co. He was later 7:00—Gypsy baron’s concert.' 7:00—Popular music; artists. 12:00—Studio dance orchestra. typewriter he" sees what he writer, Easter recess with her grsind- nings. Flowers ■will be given to the 399.8— WCX.-V/JR, DETROIT—750. 0:0M—Simpson opera hour. 309.1— KJR, SEATTLE—970. employed in the finishing depart­ mother, Mrs. Sarah Young. 7:30—Business talk; artists. . and the message is automatically re­ ladies and cigars to the men. 11:00-Late dance orchestra. ♦ 12:00—Dance'^rchestra. entertainers. ment at the Regan Mfg. Co. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ladd spent corded at the receiving point. Each Mr. Blake was a member o f St. message sent is printed in clear, leg­ the week-end with relatives in Po- Bernard’s Church and the Holy quonock Bridge. 10:31 p.m.— Criminal Law—Gleason ible type, thereby eliminatihg any Name Society of the Church. He L. Archer. ONLY ELEVEN DAYS LEFT chance for misunderstanding, and It Harris Price and Lawrence leaves his wife, Annie (L3mch) Blanchard of Boston spent the WTIC PROGRAMS 10:45 p.m;—B e r t Lowe’s Statler makes available a permanent record Blake, two daughters, Mrs. Michael Orchestra. in typewritten form not only at the week-end with Mr. Price’s parents, Travelers Broadcasting Service Cosgrove of this city and Miss Rose Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Price. 11:00 p.m.'—Longines time. IN KEITH ESSAY CONTEST sending point but at the receiving Blake of Boston, Mass.; two sons, Hartford, (Junn. 11:01 p.m.— Champion Weatherman. points as well. Mrs. Charles H. Daniels spent the John of Providence, and Thomas of Eaater recess with her daughter in 50,UUU \V„ lUdU B. C.. AL ^1:03 p.m.— Sport Digest. The State Police telephone type­ this city; a sister. Miss Anna A. 11:08 p.m.—Temperature. writing system will be used in broad­ Windsor. Here are some things to remem­ Blake of Rock'ville; also two grand­ Mr. Elder, a missionary who has 11:09 p.m.—The Champ’s Comer. ber in ■writing your story for Keith's casting police alarms, for general children. Tuesday, April 22 police information, for filing reports worked in Egypt, occupied the pul­ prize contest on “How I Would Fur­ The funeral will be held tomorrow pit at the Federated church Sunday Eastern Standard Time nish My Liiung Room.” and other communication work, tak­ morning at 9. o’clock from St. Ber­ 4:00 p.m.—Hartford Times News. ing the place of and speeding up the morning. First, there are but eleven days nard’s church, with burial in St. 4:10 p.fn.— “ Shakespeare” — Rich­ AN OPEN AIR POOL business between barracks and Mrs. Sarah Young, Miss Florence left. May 3, last day of Better Bernard’s cemetery. ard H. Morton. Headquarters. Of course, the intro­ Meacham, Miss Amy Boyle and Homes Week, is the closing date. Kuhnly To Sing Robert Meacham spent Sunday in 4:30 p.m.—Edwin Rogers, baritonp FOR PRINCE OF WALES duction of this broadcast system will Frederick Kuhnly of New York The winners ■will be selected just as reduce materially the necessity for Troy, N. Y., with Miss Helen and Laura C. Gaudet, pianist. soon after as possible by impartial City, will be heard over the air this the use of telephone service, for Meacham. 5:00 p.m.—The Stringwood Ensem­ judges selected by the local com­ evening from station KABC from 9 CO#**** ble—Thomas C. McCray, baritone London, April 22.— (AP) — An with this system an alarm may be until 10 o’clock, with a trio, and on Mrs. William Porter of Rochester o tr f f \je- - ^ mittee in charge of National Better spent the week-end ■with her par­ soloist. open air swimming pool in the gar­ sent to all barracks, thus saving Thursday noon at 12:30 from sta­ ••• Homes Week. The judges are Miss time and increasing greatly the ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Senk. 5:45 p.m.—Rand McNally An­ den is one of the many features of A'vis 'Walsh, Mrs. H. O. Bowers, tion WEAF, New York. He is the nouncement. the Prince of Wales’ new coimtry chances of success in apprehending son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuhnly The firemen were called out Sun­ Malcolm Mollan, Rev. William P. criminals. day afternoon to fight a brush fire 5:47 p.m.—“Be Kind to Animals”— residence, Fort Belvedere, at Sun-*’ Reidy, A. F. Howes. of Rau street and is a favorite of Ernest A. Legg. ningdale, Berkshire, which is now Plan Cooperation the radio audience. He is a tenor on the Willington road. Very little Name and address must be print­ damage was done. 6:00 p.m.—Home Circle Program. being put in readiness for liis re­ In the event that the State Police soloist and has been stud3dng music 6:15 p.m.—Cab Flashes! Philgas turn from Africa. ed or typed on a separate slip at­ wish to give further publicity to an in New York for five years. Miss Helen Clough and Miss Ruth Announcement; News; Baseball In the center of the house is an tached to, but not on the story it­ alarm than may be allowed by send­ Annual Meeting Ayers have been with their parents self. They will be submitted to the for a short time. Scores; Benrus Time. old guard-room built by the Duke ing it to their own barracks, it will The annual meeting of the Coun­ t e 6:30 p.m.—Betalac Braves. of Cumberland in 1745. This has judges by number only, with names be possible for State Headquarters cil of Congregational Women of in a separate envelope. Only after 6:45 p.m.—Baxter-Lane Piano Duo. been converted Into a comfortable to get in touch with any Cltry Police Connecticut will be held in the Sec­ MOVING TIME, 7:00 p.m.— Silent. lounge hall. Other' rooma, including the winning number has been, se­ Headquarters who will cooperate to ond Church of Christ, Hartford, next lected, will the envelope be opened. the prince’s bedrooni, open directly the extent o f forwarding any such Tuesday. A large delegation from Jock: I can read your mind like a w upon this hall. On one side is the Thus everyone is assured of strict­ messages to the sixteen cities of the the Rockville Council is planning'-to WBZ—WBZA ly impartial judging. book. Tuesday, April 22 dining room, which-also leads out State which operate municipal tele­ attend. Joan: If you could, you would not 5 GLASSES to the BIG FAMILY BOTTLE 4:00 p.m.—Musicale. to the garden, and on the other a Be sure to include all the. infor­ phone typewriters. Funeral df Paoline Bosh. be sitting there.—-Answers. 4:15 p.m.—Home Forum Decoratiiig drawing room which has been con­ mation necessary to completely de­ In this way a crime occurring at The funeral of Mrs. Pauline Bush, Period—Vella Reeve. verted from an old banquet hall. scribe your liifing room. It must be any point in the state would be who died at her home on Saturday 4:30 p.m.—Light Opera Hour. Garage accommodation has been plain, enough and complete enough known and a description furnished morning, was held at the home on RADIO SERVICE 5:00 p.m.—Stock and curb closings. provided and special chauffeurs’ for a person to duplicate this liiang in a very few minutes to all state Mountain street this afternoon at 5:30 p.m.— Safety Crusaders. quarters have been fitted up. Bimga- room without trouble.. It is suggest­ police and several hundred city po­ 2 o’clock and at Trinity Lutheran on all makes. 5:45 p.m.-^Kyanize Road Man. lows are being erected for house­ ed that the contestant, make a dia­ lice at twenty-four, different points church at 2:30 p. m. Rev. E. O. New Sets and Standard 5:53 p.m.— Sessions chimes. hold servants. A suite will be kept gram showing the portion of each in the state, «o that the criminal Pieper, pastor of the church offici­ Accessories. 5:54 p.m.—Champion Weatherman. for the use of Prince George, who piece of furniture' in the liirtug room. seeking escape through the use of ated. ’There were many beautiful 5:56 p.m.—Agricultural Market is preparing to live at Fort Bel­ This will be of great help in judging a motor car, for example, has small floral tributes. Interment was in WM.E.KRAH report. vedere with his brother. your entry. Remember that auch in­ chance to evade arrest. the family plot at Grove Hill ceme­ 669 Tolland Turnpike ONE BRAlQPrONE QUAllTr,* ALL FLAVORS 6:05 p.m.— Sport Digest. In one respect Fprt Belvedere will formation as the cover on a piece Connecticut is the second state to tery. The bearers were Charles PHONE 3733 6:15 p.m.—Savaimah Liners’ Or­ be the most up-to-date house in of upholstered furniture and why j adopt this method of communication Pingel, Fred Leinhos, Ernest chestra—Inauguration March, England, for from the front door a you selected it is of importance. | between the barracks of the state Schindler and Fred Schwalm. Herbert; Slavonic Dance, Felber; private road is being built to the Balance, arr^mgement, color scheme, | police, Pennsylvania having recently Bed Men Ode of Hafis from "Persian Suite,” private royal aerodrome at Smith’s and liveability will all be consider- 1 installed a state-wide network em- There will be an important meet­ Rubenstein; Soon from “Strike Up lawn. In Windsor Park. ed. If you have not already entered, I plojdng 110 machines. ing of Tankeroosan Tribe, I. O. R. the Band,” Gershwin; Alt Wien, you can obtain full informatloh a t! M., in Red Men’s Hall tonight at 8. 'Godowsky; Balkan Patrol, Trin- Keith's store. 1 Plans for the minstrel show to be kaus; Without You, Emaline, de held soon will be discussed and the fRose; Roses of Picardy, Wood: LOUDER! second degree •will be conferred on A THOUGHT a class of candidates. .AmarylUs, Ghys; On the Sunny ara— asaa!~ni—i----jsssssssa^m^ Side of the Street from “Inter- A countryman was using the ~ ’ — Hope Chapter Notes national Re’vue,” McHugh. telephone in London, but could not Hope Chapter Nol' 60, O. E. S;, has get the number he wanted. The op­ Get thee behind ine, Satan.—Mat­ been invited to meet with Evening 6:45 p.m.—^Literary Digest Prohibl- thew 16:23. ition Poll—Floyd Gibbons. era"'• kept telling him to- shout Star Chapter No. 63 of Warehouse 7:00 p.m.—^Bulova time. “The whole purport of literature lO' Point, in a transferred meeting to be Satan, as a master, is bad; his 7’iJl p.m.—Amos ’n’ Andy. . . . is the notation of the heart.” ' ould shout any louder,” he held in Broad'Brook. Thursday at 8 7:15 p.m.—Tastyeast Jesters. —Thornton' Wilder, author. sf, - vvbuldh't.he using your rot­ work much worse, and his wages of p. m. Members planning to attend Something important is bound to happen, 7.-30 p.m.—^Red Cross Mattress ten . - mi,chine at aill.”—Tlt-Hts. all.—^Fuller. can telephone Mrs. Florine Mont­ Makers. “Love is an art that has to do when our giant mixers set to work on the 8^0 p.m.—Waldorf’s “Bing Family” with a certain kind ot ability, a self- 8^0 p.m.—“Aroimd the World with understood swinging together of choicest of dairy products, the freshest Liibhy”— Carillon from “ L’Arlesi- body, soul and mind.”—Count Her­ enne” suite, Bizet; Overture to mann Keyserllng. juicy, fruits, pure sugar, et cetera. Some­ "Ra37mond,” Thomas; Meditation from “Thais,” Massenet; DMse “The ’governing class’ Is'now ab­ thing does! Manchester Dairy Ice Cream Macabre, Saint-Saens; Aragonaise sorbed in the mass of the people.”— AU M y Patrons from “Le Cld,” Massenet; Elxtasse, Premier Ramsay MacDonald of —Manchester’s favored dessert and be­ Thome; Si Mes Vers Avaient des England. Ailes, Hahn; Serenade, Gabriel- will be glad to know that 1 have again opimerT tween meal dessert is the result Marie; Bacchanale from "Samson "Restlessness and discontent are End Delilah,” Saint-Saens. the first necessities of progress.’'— my hairdressing business in my home at 9:Q0 p.m.—Johnson a n d Johnson Musical Melodrama. Thomas A. Edison. 9:30 p.m.—Swoco Show. . 28 St. John Street • IIO4OO p.m.—^Westinghouse Salute. “Prohibition is the lone achieve­ ment of evangelical (llhrlstianity.”— 10:30 p.m.—^Bulova time. Telephone 3058 v Heywood Boun, author. a

There*8 Nothing FOR RADIO I will specialize in finer than a SERVICE PERMANENT WAVING Ice Cream Company STROMBERG- PHONE 81^ Have yoa heard Che n.ew Majestic > At Special Prices D IA L 5250 CARLSON Electric Radio? i Barstow Radio All Other Work at Reduced Prices. Always Obtainable, At Its Best, At Xour Nelgb KBME'S Aietimui Distributor Service borhood Store or Favorite Soda Fountain. INCOREORATED Aathorlaed Dealer CROWN LIGHT CO. MhJectie, Fhlloo Mrs. A. Petitj^n 763 Main S t, 20 Blp^ 8t. 109-11 Allyn Street South' Mtmehesiar Kent door te Kittle’s Blarket H artford


night oh a bus,” the^ plained. “We SCIENGB TAKES TASTE Why Parley Was Called; WILBUR TO b r o a d c a s t want ^ jobs as teA^faph ^m ess^er OUT OF EPSOM SALTS Old Clocks, Shakespeare, HUSBAND BEAfER boys & tvhil*. io^ wa can ' earn FROMWn C money to'get taitdpsevelt Field and Amazing discovery'puts all-won­ W hat It leam tb ’fly. a i^ beo'pnie. fathpds like derful “phj^c” affects of table­ Fan For New Film Mogul FINED FOR STILLS Lindbergh. We gdt tired of ^ e r e tt, spoonful o f E^)Som salts into small V it was too small.” j sugar-coated pill. ’Kuhnk Ep-sum By Associated Press ish prime minister, and the call for Secretary of the Interior Ray Pill geta action in a few houia. Lymtm Wilbur will address the They added ^ a t they started with laid-but sure. Stlck to good old Ep­ C3iicagc^(Af*) Bricks, skyscrap­ London.— (AP.)—^The London na- the London naval conference result­ only 40 cents more than the $8 need­ ers, Shakespeare, power plants and 7a1ificlrv TpIIc nn Wife When ■val conference was the result of a ed. radio audience from the .studios ■ of som Salta in new easy-tO-take form. >|LaimSKy ieU5UU years’ agitation for disarma- Station fi^IC in Hartford*at 1 ed for btw fEu^. h u ts a ^ oy. 25c boa. Satisfaction ' guaranteed. old clocks all are part of the back- nipe years’ agitation Under the WMhington arms con­ carrying baggage for other messen­ I ment that followed the convening o’clock Saturday afternoon, April At all druggists.—^Adv. ference agreement a ratio for large gers. , gtound of Harley Clarke, new She Wallops Him as a Cop of the Washington arms conference warcraft, was agreed upon as fol­ 26. The secretary’s address will be head of the Fox Film corporation. in 1921. lows: Ehigland, 5; United States, 5; in the interests of National Better Nor is Clarke wholly a new­ The Washington conference limit­ Japan, S; France and Italy 1.67. Homes Week. He is president of comer to the movie business. Arrives. ed the size and number of battle­ The London conference sought to B.etter Homes in America, a nation­ Among other things he was a pio­ ships, aircraft carriers and battle establish a similar agreement on a al organization which includes Presi­ neer in the manufacture of motion cruisers in the navies of the signa­ definite ratio for the smaller types dent Hoover on its advisory coimcll. picture projectors and equipment, of warships. The Zalinsky family of McNall tory powers but did not limit the Before his appointment to Presi­ an<^ his company still supplies a construction of cruisers, subma­ The London treaty incorporates a dent Hoover’s Cabinet, Secretary large part of such vmaterial used in street had their troubles aired in Manchester Police Court this morn­ rines and destroyers. The result was limited five-power agreement for Wilbur was president of the Leland- the United States. the Uhited States, Great Britain, ing before Judge Raymond A. John­ a more' or less open race to build Sanford University in California, OP GOOD NEW AND USED CARS Popularizing Shakespeare was Japan, France and Italy; and a son who found Aimee, 41, the wife, cruisers. where he had served in turn as pro­ Clarke’s most recent claim to frame full three-power agreement for the The following cars will be sold at a big sacrifice: . guilty of selling liquor and suspend­ Several attempts were made to fessor of medicine and as dean... of ■until he joined Fox Films. He United States, Great Britain and One eight cylinder 1930 Hupmobile Sedan—brand new. ed judgment on a charge of breach curtail this, notably by the prepa­ the medical school. During Am «- made Shakespearean productions ratory commission for the disarma­ Japan. One six cylinder 1930 Hupmobile Sedan—brand new. a paying proposition for a whole of the peace growing out of her ica’s participation in the’ World One six cylinder Hupmobile CoiQie—brand new. . actions late yesterday afternoon ment conference League of Nations, ' France and Italy signed sections winter season at the Chicago Civic salvaging valuable points‘solved at War, he was chief of the conserva­ Two six cylinder Durant 1980 Sedans—brand new. > when she became pugilistic and de­ the Rome naval conference of 1924, tion division of the United States theater a few months ago. attended by minor naval powers, the London conference, such as hu­ One six cylinder Diirant 1930 Coupe with rumble seat—brand cided to use her spouse for a spar­ Food Administration in Washing­ In his school days Clarke was a and the Geneva conference of 1927 manization of- submarine*' warfare, new. ' Chicago newspaper reporter. He ring mate. definition of special ships, and a ton. The husband, Anthony, much the between Britain, the United States went to Michigan imiversity, where compromise between the global And the following used cars in'perfect condition: smaller of the two, proved an im- and Japan, pll failed to reach an he says he “studied a little and accord. (complete naval tonnage) ana cate­ One 1928 Hupmobile Sedan. played football a lot.” willing gladiator and beat a hasty ? One 1928 Chandler Sedan. retreat through a tobacco field w ith' President Hoover’s accession to gory (tonnage listed separately by NAB RUNAWAY BOYS Next he sold gas engines, then HARLEY L. CLARKE office in March 1929 was followed classes, such as battleships, cruis­ ’ ■ One 1929 six cylinder four speed Durant Sedan. became president of a power com­ the wife in hot pursuit. Policeman 4 ■' One 1928 four cylinder Durant two door Sedan. John McGlinn arriving shortly after­ in the autumn by a visit to Wash­ ers, etc., methods of classifying na­ pany and right now is head of the ington by Ramsay MacDonald, Brit- val strength.) New York,' April 22—(AP) One 1926 Bulck Two dqor Sedan. world’s largest brick plant. hobbies, one of which is buying an­ ward upon the summons of the hus­ Their broad New England accents Two 1928 Chevrolet Sedans. The biggest realty deal in Chi­ cient clocks all over the world and band, found blood fiow ng freely today cut short the careers of two These cars are all g(uaranteed to be in perfect condition. cago history, involving $20,000,000, making them run. The other, he from the latter’s nose and other school boys who intended ti learn to says, is to bring better education This sale will be held’at 193 Center Street. Open evenings was swung by Clarke, and out of it signs which told plainer than words YOUNG GIRL KILLED fly and “become famous like Lind­ to poor and isolated communities that he had been the loser in a one­ DAVIS-GRUNDY and Sundays. ' he built a skyscraper. bergh.” The new movie magnate has two by means of the movies. sided battle. Squeak on Stills IN NEW HAVEN CRASH The plans of the boys, Edward To erase any possible doubt, Mrs. BAHLE MARKS Mc(3ung, 14, of 76 Nichols street, Zalinsky, in the very presence of and Anthony Tester, of 58 Jefferson HEIL MOTOR CO. street, Everett Mass., went awry the law, swimg another powerful New Haven, April 22.—(AP.)— SOUTH MANCHESTER WAKATSUKI LAUDS M’DONALD’S WORDS when they asked Patrolman Elmer 193 CENTEH STREET. right to Anthony’s nose and blood Miss Dorothy Costigan, 19, was OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. spurted again. The policeman quick­ KEYSTONE TILT killed and her escort Walter V. An­ Duckett where to find a Western ly intervened, vastly to the relief derson, 22, seriously hurt this morn­ Union Telegraph office. RESULTS OF PACT | AT PACT SIGNING of the husband, who then gathered ing when their automobile hit a' Duckett, a former inflelder with sufficient courage to tell the officer Harrisburg, Pa.— (AP)—Pennsyl­ milk wagon standing at the junc­ the Boston Braves, recognized theu* that his wife had been selling liquor tion of East and St. Johns streets. accent and questioned them. vania’s republican senatorial prima­ for two or three years. It didn’t The couple was returning from the “We came down from Boston last London, ja p S S | R a m S y ^Ma^o^ald^^'Britis^rime take much of an investigation to ry takes rank as one of the year’s ■ Easter Monday ball of the Knights Wakatsuki, conference ; minister and chairman of the naval substantiate this statement, for noteworthy political struggles. » j of Columbus. delegation to the Naval in an address at the closing plenary conference, in an address bringing down in the cellar the officers found On one side is the power and pres- -A- fragment of the wagon went the parley to a close today, said, in , three five-gallon stills, a 50 gallop session of the conference and sign­ tige of William S. Vare of Philadel- ing of the naval treaty today spoke part: j barrel of dry mash and a 100 pound ° , -i. .«i ated the young woman s neck. "Gentlemen, we have-now gone as I bag of sugar. One still had just phia, linked with the popularity of i ipjjg milkmEm making his deliver- Mous.Bilions, constipatedT Take in'—i in part: , , “On behalf of the Japanese dele­ far as we can at present and we j been disconnected but still stood on James J. Davis, secretary of labor | les had left the wagon standing NATUBE’ 8 REMEDT—tonight, gation I wish first of all to thank have met together this morning to ! top of a stove. xmder three presidents. | about 12 feet from the curb and ac- —the mild, safe, all-vegetable the chairman most heartily for his gather our points of agreement and 'j Mrs. Zalinsky admitted she had Oi^ the other is the entrenched in- I cording to police it did not carry laxative. Yon'll feel fine in i splendid statesmanship, kindliness embody them in a treaty. been selling liquor, “ but only a lit­ fiuence of the pleasantly persistent! lights. the morning. Promptly and m M u r r "Compared with Washington or tle now and then and only to good Joseph R. Grundy, the junior sen-' pleasantly rida the system # lU 'N I u H l and forebearance in which he al­ o f the bowel poisons that ^ TO-MOBROW ways steered the deliberations of Geneva we have progressed very people.” Mrs. Zalinsky speaks not- ator, out to keep his seat. cause headaches—25c. ^ ALRIGHT far; compared with our desires we so-good English and it was no easy Grundy, too, is supported by the the conference and which has been OPENING STOCKS The A ll'V egetable LaxcAvoe most essential in bringing about are still short. This is but smother job to gather her side of the story Mellon political interests. | successful solution of so many com­ stage and the work will have to be when she took the witness stand. As a result of the balloting. May j continued. The husband readily testified his 20, Pennsylvania foresees the pos­ New York, April 22.—(AP.) — Wednesday Specials plicated questions. “Needless to say it is important “We must go on attacking prob­ wife “used me pretty rough and lots sible emergence of a single figure Heavy selling developed at the that in agreement on lems which have baffled us. Upon of times I’m glad to get rid of her.” who will assume the mantle of the opening of today’s Stock Market the matter of national safety should one t^ng we can congratulate our­ The Zalinskys have a 16-acre farm late Boies Penrose as “boss.” with several of the recent leaders NEED be taken fully into consideration. selves. Every one who has taken between Tolland Turnpike and Dem- It is around Davis, who opposes showing sharp recessions. American As I had several opportunities to part in this conference knows how ,ing street. There are five children Grimdy for the senatorial nomina­ Machine and Foundry, Loose Wiles SHOULDER e y state in and out of the conference again and again a mistaken word or in the family. tion, and “Uncle Joe” that the bat­ Biscuit and Westinghouse Electric ADS* it always has been the policy of the awkward handling could have cre- Officer McGlinn in his testimony tle of Pennsylvania’s political giants recorded initial declines of 2 t>r Jaoanese government to maintain a j ated troubled situations which would said that when Mrs. Zalinsky struck swirls.. -V more points each. United Gas Im­ MONE STEAK ^ minimum of naval strength suf- not have been allay^ sp^dily. her husband in his presence she As a direct offshoot of the sena­ provement opened with a block of ficient for defensive purposes and i Make it a Re^ty. knocked a pipe out of his mouth and torial struggle, the republican gu­ 15,000 shares at 45 1-8 off 7-8 and for fulfilling her obligations in main-1 “Yet we part today in a spint of it fiew up and struck the ceiling, at­ bernatorial fight has developed Electric Auto Lite dropped nearly • > tenance of general peace in the Far | active good will, determined to testing to the power of the punch. warmly. There are two candidates. a point. International Harvester Tender, Loin East__a strength that would in no ! make this a beginning and to use The officer said the woman appear- Francis Shunk Brown of Philadel­ opened a point higher‘and United sense arouse apprehensions in the every means which' offers itself to ed to have been drinking and “seem­ phia is aligned with the 'Vare forces States Steel Common improved minds or other nations. make a five power treaty a reality. ed crazy.” Policeman Arthur Sey­ The other is Gifford Pinchot, Penn- \ fractionally on the first sale. LAMB CHOPS ® You can make all, / 35 . National Attitude “The conference has done a great mour’s testimony was to the same sylvanih’s chief executive from 1922 The poor selling resistance shown "Such has 'been and will always work. We have secured a three effect. (Jhlef of Police Samuel G. to 1926. yesterday, which measured by the arrangements for a be our national attitude. If, there­ power agreement on a building pro­ Gordan told about _ receiving the Prohibition could not be kept out index of 90 leading issues was the fore the present treaty were regu­ gram, _no mean or unimportant complaint from the husband. of the campaign and an entire wet worst reaction since last December, loan, up to $300, in late the situation for too many achievement, with other points em­ The fine and costs came to $134.52 slate is in the field, headed by Fran­ brought heavy offerings into the, Lean years to come, the Japanese people bodied in the treaty which repeated­ and after this was paid by a young cis H. Bohlen, University of Penn­ market overnight by timid investors 2 4 hours "or less might entertain feelings of insecur­ ly have- defied solution and have daughter the husband, wife and sylvania professor, for senator, and and speculators. Early declines, as ity as to their national defense. brought conference after conference daughter drove back to the farm in Thomas W, Phillips, jr„ Butler, for a rule, were held to a point or two, « l a m b s t e w lb . 1 5 c to naught. ~ their Chevrolet sedan. as some of the high grade industri­ 1 , ■ “But in view of the fact that the governor. f ' t present agreement is binding up on “On the apparently simple matter Finkbeiu S-'Timer The democratic party has an un­ als, which have been making fa­ Repayments to the powers concerned for only limit­ of settling the method by which Jvdius Finkbein of Walnut street opposed slate for high state offices. vorable earnings comparisons with Suit Your Income ed duration, imtil the end of 1936, relative strength of neighbors may was fined $200 and costs for selling Sedgewick Kistler, Lock Haven, a year ago, received strong under­ and the naval strengths to be held be agreed there have been insoluble liquor. It was his third offense and : democratic national committeeman, lying support. _ > by the powers thereafter are to be differences of opinion. the court added a 60 days suspend­ ! seeks the senatorial nomination and Further selling developed in the Tender, Loin reconsidered at the next conference, Reduced Battleships. ed jail sentence. Attorney William John Hemphill of West C2iester is copper group on persistent but un­ , Courteous Attention Japan, from her ardent desire to see “That is gone. We have stopped S. Hyde defended the man and en­ out for governor. confirmed rumors of a further cut Complete Privacy the cause of peace promoted, and the replacement of battleships and tered a plea of guilty adding, how­ The senatorial fight was marked in the price of the red metal, .^a- VEAL CHOPS Ib. S 4 c from her conviction that the con­ have reduced their* number. We ever, that Finkbein had been making by an early schism in republican conda, Granby and Inspiration drop­ The only charge is three and one- clusion of a treaty like the present have limited the tonnage of auxil­ only a very limited number of sales. ranks, with the PhUadelphia organ­ ped to new low levels for the year. half per cent per month on unpaid will naturally strengthen the sense iary craft. We have shown how ization supporting Davis ana the Railroad equipments also were amount of loan. of national safety, and in a spirit of equipment building and replacement regular state republican body going heavy, American Car and Foimdry accommodation and harmony, has of fleets can be brought ^thin the CHESHIRE CHANGES for Grundy. Philadelphia’s vote is and American Locomotive selling at P e r s o n a l F i n a n c e " C o . LIVE gladly agreed to the present treaty. realm of international order. We a rich stake. In 1928, the repub­ new lows. ' Rooms 2 and 3 lb . "A great and imprecedented thing have proved how, when the world lican majority in the city was Oils, public utilities, rails and State Theatre Bldg., Second Floor has been accomplished, in that for likes, the menace of arms can be 420,000. foods all presented points of heavi­ LOBSTERS the first time in human history all removed by regulating their de­ APPROVED BY BOARD ness. Early declines of a point or 753 Main Street important fighting vessels have velopment. two were registered by Standard So. M a n c h e s t e r , C o n n . been placed under restriction. What “ True, the work has been but par­ Oil of Kansas, Lackawanna, Union Tdepbene Dial 3-4-M was sown at Wsishington has been tially done but all great advances Cheshire, April 22.— (A P.)— DRY AGENT SHOT Pacific, New York Central, North Open «:30 to J—Saturday 8:J0 to t ) reaped at London. of this kind must be in stages and Changes in the subordinate person­ American Co., Standard* Gas and — LICENSED BT THE STATE— “There is no doubt but that the we have gone much further than Electric, American Can and Purity present treaty will prove to be an has as yet been possible. Figures nel of the management of the Con­ Banking. American Tobacco “A” historic and lasting momumen. on have been published already showing necticut Reformatory here have Hendersonville, N. C., April 22— quickly dropped 2 1-2 points and the path of peace and human pro­ the reductions in building and sav­ been made the past few days by or­ (AP) —aarence Howard, deputy the “B” 3 1-2. gress.” ings in cost which have resulted der of the board of directors, it was Federal prohibition agent was shot J. I. Case was again a spectacu­ from our negotiations but I doubt if made known last night by Frederick and probably fatally wounded today lar performer, quickly soeuing 11 the public hr»-! E 4 n &IESTER EVENING HERALD.^ S MANCHESTER, GONN.,- TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1930.: V>i P A G E TE N ■V N* ■ **' *#>** • i ... t f* ^ ■ f ’' ANNIE AiJSTlM: OLIVE ROBERTS BARTON . AliTbpB OF. ; ®.toso n NCA teKvKC. ‘ THE A /£tt^S PARROT* •the; BLACK pigeon: etc. I’m trying to teach my childrenfl concluded, “but not tb^fea at «U ^ not to feel,” announced a certain —this is as impossible as tiying mother to two of us on a street to hold the rain back.” , ' - CigSOIjyHEA-SERVlCHHfi.^ comer. > But this mother wasn't epn- Of course that palled' for an ex­ vinced. ‘Tt’s a hard world; b ^ e r than ever,” she said as she stepped T planation, so she went to to say: the police station, then?” she chal­ if he’d taken hold when the murder onto her bus. “I’m bringing my chll- , BEGIN HEBE TODAY ‘Why should we have to generate lenged liim. was first discovered he’d have had some kind of emotion or feeling? dren up, I tell you, to &y to live W hen DETEiCmVE DUNDEE without emotion.” ’ “Because I was a fool!” he re­ a confession by now.” every time something happens? lifts the body of DOBIS MAT­ “T hatnSO?” Dundee grinned. ‘ I It makes .us thoughtful.’ r.. • torted bitterly. “There was a bare When i look at a picture or a sim- THEWS, lady’s maid, from the lake chance that Johnson was guilty of seem to remember that our Mr. set pr a view, why do I have to grow and lays It in the summerhouse, he Jerome Sherwood is up for reelec­ the murder, and would, confess, and senUmental? WTiy can’t I like it knows that the heavy perfume that your sister need not be dragged tion in November. One can quite BUSINESS IS SOUND ^ ' flask, murder weapon, is the chief sympathize 'with his determination and appreciate It without growing into the CMe. I see now that chiv­ sad, or inspired, or regretful at its clue. He has seen SEYMOUR not to antagonize so infiuential a alry doesn’t pay in this case. . . . passing, or cooking up, any'of a doz­ CROSBY, engaged to CLORINDA Come clean Gigi!” he commanded vote controller as Multimillionaire SAYS STEtL OmCIAL BERKELEY, give the flask to MRS. Berkeley, by insulting him, his fami­ en different reactions? harshly. VWhy did you do this? “When somebody says something, BERKELEY; has watched GIGI Why did you destroy evidence?” ly or his guests with horrid old sus­ BERKELEY madly wasting the picions. . . . WeU, I wish him luck!” why do I have to be dubious, or cu­ ’Hoboken, N. J., April 22— (AP)— “Why do you keep harping on rious, or indignant, or resentful, or Myron C. Taylor, chairman of the perfume by sprinkling it over every­ ‘destroying evidence ? ’ ” she cried “Want to watch the show?” one in the drawing room Friday Strawn suggested, with malicious pleased or disgusted, or frightened, finance committee of" the United angrily. “Clorinda told you she’d or discouraged? And that’s not a States Steel Corporation'told stocks evening, before WICKETT, the but­ been in the summerhouse after the amusement. “It’s being staged in ler (formerly employed by MRS. the servants’ sitting room, t The tenth of the number of ways we do holders at their annual meeting to- murder was committed. You didn’t feel over things people say in the i day *that the financial and business LAMBERT, now Mrs. Berkeley’s so­ need a cape with a streak of blood chances that Arnold will knock cial secretary, and by Crosby), took | ^ .j. gUppers to prove him cold looked pretty good five <«E.4RPPt1? course of a day. ' I situation “Is basically sound and we it to Mrs. Berkeley s rooms. rggt of the thing’s, minutes ago.” “We feel and feel and feel; we ! can face the ^uture \^th a feeling of Butnot ir n t U M r s .^ r k e le ^ m ^ l y^e only evidence I destroytid was “No, thanks. I might pitch in and have to react to everything we do ! assurance, confidence aqd safety.” or hear or touch or see, or what | “We witoepsed last year a very BERKELEY, Clorinto, EUGE^ that jI snrinkledsprinkled perfume oh __ aJl-jof help Arnold. . . . Yes, W ickett?” .\RNOLD (Doris’s flnancee), Sey- you Friday ^ night, and you’ve still “Telephone for you, sir. Will you other people do or say. Our emo- j great readjustment in the ^ i^ tie s mour Crosby, and finally HARVEY got your own Tuxedo to prove that!” take it in the library?” tions are like strings always playing market” he said ‘!whlch to an extent JOHNSON, missing valet who “You knew my coat was harm­ .iV o minutes later Dundee hung some kind of tune and it wears us 1 was bound to occur, but which ran robbed the house, have all been sus­ less as that handkerchief you gave up the receiver and faced his chief, R a '.I out. 'Why can’t we live by our heads ] beyond its proper point ;,lh readjust- pected In turn, does Dundee hit upon me to have analyzed for poison. with a resigned shrug: instead of by our hearts?” { ment.” , the theory that Mrs. Berkeley and Quit stalling, Gigi! When did “Well, that’s that! Kathryn Mat­ “Emotion” Habit Grows | James A. Farrell,--president, re- not Doris was the intended mo^er ' gy ^Qj^g to the conclusion that that thews died without regaining con- It was my turn to orate: “You | ported that the corporatfop’s mills victim.______For Dundee di8wyer8_:^8. i Fleur ^d’Amour ______was diluted sciousness. can’t suppress emotions like that.' had operated at an average -rate of Berkeley is a perfume addict. There | alcohol, after Wickett! “Tough luck,” Strawn admitted, I do think we allow children to grow 82 per cent of capadty during the is proof Crosby hoped for his fu- ( mother’s room Fri- | “I guess that means the Crosby case | into the ‘emotions’ habit too easily first quarter. Mr. Farrell recalled turet-__ mother-in-law’s pnrlvearly death, ji ^uoa n _ y jig really ---ii,, ’closed fnreverforever,’ ’ as DonsDoris J by tRlking of such things to them. that last year a stockholder had a n d abundant suspicion against ..ymyre creizy!* I don’t know whkt i said.” t-. i We keep the words ‘angry,’ ‘afraid,’ asked how much business the cor- Crosby in the death of his wK e,. talking about!” she denied fu- “Maybe yes, maybe no. Dundee ‘cross,’ ‘discouraged,’ even the more j poration would do in 1929 ' and he PHYLLIS, 14 months before, when. gj^ ® retorted with irritating cheerfulness, j .A/ ■ fortimate ones of loving,’ ‘kindly.’ ■ had predicted $1,500,000,000.'He said Doris was her trusted maid. , ..Qh’ ves vou do Gigi!” He was “What are you up to?” Strawn j ‘sympathetic,’ ‘patient’ and their ; he wished to apologize because “We His case against-Crosby is «hat-j > ^ ’lacable. “ This stunt of'demanded suspiciously, as Dundee; kind, too. much to the front. No ] fell short of that amount by tered when the city chemist reports , nroves that! You were eaves- I rose to leave the library. | question about it And we should $4,000,000.” no traces of poison in Gigi I dropping this morning when I was! “Up to bed—for a nice long nap. | try to teach children to take things Mr. Farrell added “We . look for­ ley’s perfume-scented handkerchief. I ^ Jennings, the city 1 until exactly nine o clock! a little more for granted and to ac­ ward to a. good year.” He ^ d mlU DundeeTtiind(>(> has learned that wood al- !I chemist.Qjjgjjiist You i^aoT'Aheard mdme mpntinnmention I (To Bc Continued) cept things as they come without operations are now holding a.t about cohol is used to fill cigaret-lighter ®\ea*-et-UgMer, , alcohol__ repeatedly. You knew 1 growi!>' into a frenzy of excitement 82 per cent of capacity. fountains in the Berkeley home. wood oi^-nvmialcohol -wns'was availsavailable in half i over them," ^ther good or bad. FATHERLY SUPPORT IT’S IN 'THE NAME Then comes the arrest of Johnson, a dozen of those patented fountains | “But a good bit of emotion Is the valet-robber, who confesses to of your father’s. . . . Now tell me' instinctive." Perhaps not at birth— the robbery but furnishes an iron­ — ------. . ‘He told me he could live on bneacl (NoO but it develops at such an early age An old golf professional; was in- whom you were trying to protect by , cheese and kisses -vited to play in an exhiWtlon match clad alibi for the msdd’s murder. Re­ this mad stunt of yours?” (J l Le^ it seems to be in the very air chil­ alizing the case is up to him again, “What then?” OF dren breathe. Joy—where does that at Hitchin, England. On hearing h!s Dundee returns to the' Berkeley “I found out that he expected fa­ come from? It’s an emotion. Un­ caddie call /t Ttchin, he sa^; "I house Sunday afternoon, to be met “Not so mad!” Gigi retorted im- ther to furnish ^he bread and or happiness?______How are you goi/K to suppose thiCi is where thef scratch S % h e turned back to th e' heese.”-P e le Mele', Paris. «L m/oriEo £L<^ ^/ sto^p^itF Self pity? Yes, we fan do golfers come from.”—Tit-Bits. frnnV t L tesement win- reeking laundry tub. “If anybody] ------pounng_ from^ the basement ^wm^ | alcohol in Abbie’s per-1 930 BY MCA SERVICE. INC. a lot and stop- that, because it Is AND THEN "GONE.” s ; r « « e d he P .«n .e, A GRAND SLAM what we call a ‘builtin’ or ‘condi­ into the basement. jume, you re g ^ tioned’ ' emotion. And what can be Guest: Well, I must be going. JUST A REMINDER Friend of Hostess (aside): He said NOW GO ON 'VITH THE STOEV . started eavare- Conceited Poet: My work is hailed built in, can, with care, be tom Friend: Thanks for the $25—but down. that once befc,’^-^. CHAPTER XLIV , turped to stamp out of the as that of a genius. what is this pamphlet you gave me ? Hostess (also aside): Y m , he al­ The Other: Really! What’s his Emotion Can’t Be Banished “Gigi!” Dundee shouted, in a voice | ^igggjnent. | Another: Oh, that’s just a booklet “I ^ think you can teach your chil- ways says it twice when he’s going. name?—Hummel, Hamburg. so harsh with t ^ “Where ari you going?” Gigi that explains how to develop one a j many things,” He’s an auctioneer.—Passing Show. memory.—Answers. ' S'''°fthTew%i;5SeT^rm“ S ' Paated, dying after him. I HEALTH DELIGHTFULLY EXCLUSIVE “ ped at him incredulously. ! FROCK FOR M.\TRONS E.'LTING OF UNCOOKED MEAT$>veloped symptoms of trichina. Of . ^ e .rta S lv 'a s S e ’ d e t?c 'i“ T l h S 't '! " she sobbed, and tol- laughed doing I lowed him as stubbornly as a dog Sleekly Flattering, Slender Lines CAN CAUSE PAINFUL ' the 20 cases, one d i^ . Thirteen of AILMENTS the cases were due to eating im­ ^''^^S cirfTcout good d?ed Tut stones flung by his mas- properly cooked summer sausage T L S ld ha/t worn Rubber gloves. | ter; followed him as he strode across and the remainder due to eating L the devil r j the lawn to the summerhouse. BY DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN Th,sstua bums hke to deer ^ He In grim silence the thoroughly Editor, Journal of the American raw pork sausage. But he Medical Association, and of Hygeia, The first cases were diagnosed- seized her and shook her till her angry young detective knelt on the floor of the little arbor where Doris { the Health Magazine 20 days after the beginning- of the teeth rattled against each other. outbreak. In the meantime, those “ You ought to have had on a strait Matthews bad been stunned to in­ sensibility by the blow of a perfume The recent reports of severe cases who were sick had had no indica­ of the Exquisite Complexions j.icket!” he corrected her savagely.' of trichina from the eating of in­ tion as to the cause of their illness. “Do you know what you’ve done?” flask in a murderer’s hand. “ Oh!” Gigi gasped. “I never fested meat . emphasize again the It is. an interesting fact that among “ I hone I’ve got rid of the stink, serioumess of this condition, par­ those who might have' eaten the of Fleur d’Amour,” she retorted. ■ thought of that. raw pork sausage was one high ^ h °? h e had dropped her arms help-1 With his penknife Dundee gouged ticularly among people who try ‘..o . prepare meats themselves without | school girl who had been taught at you see on the screen are lessly and a little ashamed. For she j the dirt from between the cracks of observing proper regulations con- j school that .it was unsafe to eat ra"w ^ so innocent— “When the I the floor, on the spot which had did look -- . , been saturated with the spilled per­ cerning meat handling and packing.J pork and who therefore refused to folks began to play bridge Not long ago cases were reported* eat any of the sausage fume. this afternoon, you know, the odor from California and newspapers re­ Of the group she was the only was sickeningly strong, because “I should have burned down the summerhouse,” Gigi laughed hys­ cently have carried reports of cases one who escaped the disease. cared for with Lux Toilet Soap everybody’s clothes are scented up in Germany due to eating the in­ It is difficult for the average per­ with the stuff from hanging in terically, as Dundee transferred the loosened dirt from the floor to an fested meat ot a bear. son to tell by looking at meat closets with the evening clothes we Drs. J. C. Willett and C. L. Pfau whether or not it iz infested. It is were wearing Friday night.” envelope. When the envelope was safe in reported 20 cases which occurred safe to eat meat after it is re­ “Who complained of the odor?” frigerated properly for a long ! his pocket, the detective faced the recently in St. Louis. A butcher pjrchased hogs at intervals from enough period of time or'if it is ^^Seei^ S ia ^ h e had his interest, girl. “I’m going to ta^e this to Dr. thoroughly cooked before eating. in spite of his anger, Gigi ! Jennings now, for analysis. But like the stockyards and slaughtered rushed Ti^ichinosis is a painful condition, on eagerly; “ Abbie. • She said it ] you Gigi, I haven t a doubt in the them on his own premises. He made part of the meat into green sausage sometimes sufficiently serious to positiifely made her sick, and M rs.' world that he will report the find- cause death, manifested by fever, Lambert said it did her, too, and ; ing of wood alcohol impunties. And and part into summer sauLage. He marketed about 60 pounds of sau­ profuse sweating, swelling of the she’d be glad when Monday came j I’m going to give you one more eyes and face, inflammation of the \, and the perfume-sprinkled things; chance to help me. Certainly you sage in St. Louis, peddling it from muscles and sometimes complica­ could be sent to the cleaners. And owe me a great^eal for the damage door to door. A list of his customers was ob­ tions affecting the kiejueys and Dad said, ‘If the police ■will let you | you’ve done today. Whom are you lungs. It is a pity that any cases at send them!” ’ .trying to protect?” tained and it was found that all of “Did anybody suggest this stunt?'* I “I refuse to answer, she said those who purchased and ate the all should occur when the disease is Dundee interrupted harshly. | steadily, but her face was vtery pale sausage on a certain day had de- so certainly preventable. “ No. I thought of it all by my- i beneath the tan. ■ self!” she retorted proudly. “I told! “ You realize, of course, that you | you over the phone they wouldn’t j are shielding a person who plotted j let me play bridge, so I finally got to murder your mother ? Some per- | UNCLE S A M S tired of nothing to do, and sneaked ‘ son who knew your mother to be a ' upstairs and collected all the clothes : perfume addict, and who confidently ' that had perfume on them, sh ot! ■expected her death to follow the PLANTING them down the laundry chutes in j drinking of Fleur d’Amour!” the bathrooms, and—there they are! 1. Gigi did not answer, but her eyes I did the evening dresses first, then | were wide with horror and misery. | POINTERS doused all the Tuxedoes, even Wick- I. ‘"Then I am to conclude that you, R b n b b A oobSb, beloved ett’s— Oh, don’t look so peeved!” j are shielding yourself?” Dundee! WARNS OF BOXWOOD LEAF intervals of three or four days De- Metro-Goy'wyn-Mayer she protested. “I didn’t take yours. | went on brutally. MINER. [ tween them is usualy sulficienn, star, in the ba,throom echoed incredu- I was afraid you wouldn’t like it; I “Myself!” she I Their objective is to keep the leaves crested for her in Holly­ besides, I know you’re n o t so {lously. By WILLIAM MIDDLETON. ! (especially the under sides of the squeamish about smelling it as the j “You confessed to me Friday wood. She soys: “ Lux Bureau of Entomology, U. S. De­ new leaves and those that are in­ rest of us are. Abbie was right for | night before the murder that you Toilet Soap lives my skin partment of Agriculture. fested) sticky during the time that thatbesutifiilsmoothnets once; she said the smell of Fleur | had done ‘something dreadful,’ ” he By ANNETTE the flies are issuing from the leaves d’Amour would always be the odor remirided her. “You were very The skirt is interesting with I thought only French angry with your mother, for having Just before the first of May own­ and trying to lag eggs. of death to her, and I didn’t see why shirred inset at the center-front. The After the flight period, it is fre­ soap could live. It is cer­ all of us should be reminded every slapped and humiliated you before ers of the boxwood should look for curved seaming of the hip yoke is quently helpful ■< to clip'the bushes, tainly a loyely soap.” time we open a closet door— ” guests. You knew your mother was decidedly smart and slimming. The the boxwood lekf miner. If infested, a perfume addict. Her habit dis­ removing a considerable part of the low-flared skirt has a panel at cen­ many of the leaves will be blistered “Just a minute, Gigi!” Dimdee in­ gusted you. You have told me that new foliage. This is especially ter-front, which carries out lovely and within these blisters will be true if rainy weather has inter­ PhotobyC. S. BnB ' terrupted sternly. “At exactly what she makes life miserable for you. vertical line to give the wearer maggots. fered to some extent with the effec­ time did this Good Samaritan com­ You—” height. required, they use This destructive pest, introduced tiveness of the s’pray and if eggs plex overtake you? Before or after The bodice is youthful with open It has swept across the world “ Gh. don’t be an idiot!” she cried, from Holland about 1910, is rapidly were laid on the new foliage. it regularly, and you found from telephoning me that V neckline and shaped collar. The stamping her foot. “I didn’t put spreading in this country. This in­ have the softest, Johnson did not kill Doris Mat­ short elbow sfieeves are given length­ from Hollywood to Europe thews?” Iwood alcohoFin her perfume, and I sect seldom kills the boxwood, tmt smoothest skin ened line by flaring cuffs. , infestation reduces its beauty and NO NEED TO WORRY Her eyes grew very wide and in- i don’t know who did!” * can w n adnairation swiftly and nocent and injured as she answered: ■ “But you know who bated her Style No. 656 is navy blue crepe, yieor. Weakened plants ’ frequent- imaginable. “Why, it was after, but—” i enough to plot her death,” Dundee silk. The collar and cuffs are of ly die from other causes. “My dear, I had a queer dreain JjN| surely unless 'she has a lovely skin,” So lu xu riou s, “Gigi. you can’t fool me! Y ou, said almost gently. “And you love blue and white sheer crepe. It can Such infestation in a neighbor- last night. I thought I saw another says Millard Webb, famous Hollywood di­ be had in sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 4& man running off with you.” they say, so dainty! have deliberately destroyed evi­ that person enough to wish for him hood demands co-operation of all rector, expressing the conclusion reached by dence, which is a crime punishable —or her—to go free of a horrible and 48 inches-bust. “Indeed! And what did you say And it does give such boxwood owners. Unless the infesta­ Joan Bbnnbtt, United Art> by imprisonment!” murder that grew out of a crime Printed crepe, silk is effective self- tion ia. controlled, the insect will to him?” • 45 famous Hollywood directors after long generouslather,even ists’ star, seye: “ It’eajoyt'* Gigi laughed, a little shakily. which poor Doris Matthews prevent' trimmed smd very serviceable. spread ‘rapidly. “ Oh, I asked him why he was experience in chot^ng ^ Is likely to win the running.”—The Humorist. in the hardest water.. “Which brings to light still an­ ed, by discovering the poisoner at Chiffon, printed voile, shantung, Control may be secured by spray­ adoring admiration of milfions. other advantage of being only 15! work! Isn’t that true?” printed batiste and georgette crepe ing and clipping. Spray work must They’ll only send me to the re­ Gigi’s horror-filled eyes stared at are charming fabrics to select. be carried on during the flight “ To the motion picture star beautiful skin 9 out of 10 screen^stars use it 'f formatory—” him for a long minute, then the girl Pattern price 15 cents in stamps period of the fly, and the clipping turned and fled from the summer­ is an absolute necessity,” he goes on< “ The “ You made a clean sweep of it, or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap should be done immediately after In Hollywood, of the 521 important actresses, I suppose?” he cut in disgustedly, house. ‘ coin carefully. glaring li{^t|/ tpagnify the slightest defect, gingerly lifting a soaked coat by a It was past four o’clock that Sun­ the flight period Is over. including all stars, 511-are devoted t6‘Lux We suggest that when you send The flight period usually begins and only the ’wdth exquisite skin can lapel. day afternoon when Bonnie Dundee for this pattern, you enclose 10 cents Toilet Soap. For their convenience* it has “I’m afraid I did,” Gigi con­ returned to Hlllcrest after his visit additional for a copy of our new the first week In May, but the hope to win success.” leaves will have' to be watched been made the officia l ^ p in all the great fessed with an air of deep hunaility, to the home 'of Dr. Abel Jennings. Spring Fashion Magazine. How natural, then, but Dundee saw a glint of triumph The chemist had promised to forego closely during the late spring for film studios! the first appearance of the flies, that every girl in. in her eyes before she lowered them. a bridge game and rush the analysis, The’lovely Broadway stars, too, dep^doa "Every single thing but the, shoes predicting by nine o’clock Manchester Herald which are small and orange to yel­ Hollywood,- from the we were wearing Friday night I’d that evening. Pattern Service low In color. They hover about the sta r d ow n to the this fine soap to keep their complexions flaw* Two sedans, which he recognized plants, laying eggs through the have doused them, too, but there H 856 y o u n g e s t “ extra,” less. A nd t ^ screen stars in the Etirc^paui* wara't any perfume on anybody’s as belonging to District Attorney As ouB patterns are mailed under surfaces of the leaves. capitals, too! , . , but Clorinda’s. There they are, Sherwood and Captain Strawn of from New York City please allow The files are usually found over should guard the t M under the tub. I’m afraid ben2dne homicide squad warned Dundee five days. a period of about three weeks after beauty of her skid Y ou will love this fragrant white aoap-^ Isn’t awfully good for gold slippers," that- his superiors were again in Price 15 Cents the first fly appears. During this ^ most jealously. And vwU find that it keeps your sli^ silk ^ she added ruefully. charge of the case- " time the bushes, both those infested "Hello boy!” Captain Strawn bow significant that smooth and soft, as it does the stars*. Order “ Clorinda’s slippers, cape and Nome ., I • • • • e e • and those unlnfested In the neiga- evenisg dress were in my room,” he greeted him ruefully as soon as borhood of the onec attacked should so many of them use several cakes—^ a y . re^adra her. “You at least toew Wickett had admitted him. “Old Size . . . I • • • e • « be. kept thoroughly sprayed w ith . a Wind-bag’s at it — hammer and Lux Toilet Soapt tbit they had been confiscated by solution prepared aa follows: Address t • • e • a « teeeete** Luxury such as you kavefomsi the poUee, as sx])iblt8 for the gpand tongs. > Says you and me have been Stock-food molasses, 1 gallon. -t-l'p ®ve thdr com- Jury. And since the odor of .per- barldng up a whole forest of wrong in fins Fremh soaps at SOff foxpe from them could net possibly trees. . . . Yeah, says it’s plain as ) • a a e a t • a a a a Nicotine sulphate Mab MinxAT, (Gtednatini plexipns just the aasmr> your “' Bister or anyone but the npse on your face 'that the Send your order to the "PaB- 40 per cent, 10 teaspoonfuls. gtor. uses Lux toilet Soap, gentle carC" that is and $1.00 ihs cake, now ...... chauffeur killed the girl in a lovers’ tern Dept., -ftlancbester Evening Water, 6 gallons. “Why-hadn’t you taken them to quarrel over Dick Berkeley, and that Herald, So. Manchester, Connt” 'Three or four sprayings with in-


/ Manchester "0>-- I r . V A M m iC A N Batten. Have Their Day At PWladelgM**" At St. X,o(«lsw- , HATlOIVAliS A V K L K tlO n FIKATBS 6, .CAnOS 4 WMhlngton , Pittsburgh t West, ct ...... 4 0 0 a ABL B. H. PP. A. B; Rloe, rf ...... 4 0 2 3 Flagstead, of In The Major Leagues Grantham, 2b ...... 2 Goslini It J J ® MyorSe 2b *•••••••••• * *• * P. Meaner, rf ...... 2 Cronin, as ...... 8 J ^ Comorosky, If ■ .....4 W i n s m a r a 't h o n Suhr. lb' ...... 2 Jud|p6, lb •••••••••■ Smith or Hedlond to Pitch Bluese, 3b Sartoll. Bs ...... 4 Ylual. c • • ' Ninety Base Hits Poled Out; Hemsley, c ...... 4 t h e BATTALtirPsflBAHAM BEFEBBE. Hadley, p ^ X V V I f A N P i Engle, Sb L for Manchester; Middle- If you pay as you go, you’re Brame^. p 3S 6 8 27 12 9 State'■ Boxing Citommissloner 'Thoinaa E. Donahue may b0-‘j)eew|tly Philadelphia „ Jackson Hits Brace of always welcome to stay AB. R. H, PO. A. B. town Plays Here Friday jufltffled in hia decleion not 1to aHoW. i^neutral referee to handle the;fiat- Bishop, 2b ...... 4 1 1 4 4 0 Douthlt, cf . tallno-Graham'bout, but, personally, we think it would be much fairer Haas, cf ...... i.4 1 2 '4 0 0 Homers; Lyons and Brown Adams, 2b .. (Jochrane, c • ••••• I .0 0 5 0 0 Frisch. 3b .. to employ an arbiter from outside the bounds of (Connecticut or New Simmons, If Afternoon In Important Bottomley ,1b Foxx, lb . . . Hafey, If ----- York, the homes , of the respective gladiators. Miller, rf .. Are Heroes. Fisher, rf .. The forthcoming Battalino-Graham batUc Friday night in the Hart* Dykes; 3b . . L ea^e Tussle; Moriarty Gelbert. ss Goley, ss . . . Smith, c ford state armory is one of the most important in the career of the Earnshav^, p By HEhBEET W. BARKER. Hill, P world’s champion. A victory over a topnotcher of Graham’s caUber •Ehmke, p ...... 0 O O 0 0 0 Frankhouse, Harris, z ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Qnifs. Wilson, XXX would be a big feather in Battalino’s hat but it would be a much brighter Mahaftey, p ...... v..l ® 0 0 0 0 Pitchers have been grabbing the Manciiso, z /- Martin, zr one i f ’the thlrd^man in the ring hailed from Ijeyond the cohflnes of the headlines so often this * 83 8 8 27 6 1 Manchester High school opens its son that National League batsmen Nutmeg state. Washinston ...... Oil 220 000—r6 36 4 9 27 16 2 Phlladelpbia ...... 200 010 000—3 home baseball season tomorrow have found it necessary to take Runs batted in, Comorosky 3, Bar- Commissioner'Donahue has not yet named the m*m to handle the Runs batted In, Judgre, Rice. Had­ them down a peg or two. tell, Hemsley, P. Waner, Bottomley, bout but he has denied Graham’s request for a neutral referee. This ley, ‘West, Cronin 2. Haaa 2; two base temoon with Rockville furnishing Wearv apparently of reading ac­ Douthlt, Adams; two base hits, Gel­ hits, Haas 2. Hadley. Myer. Rice, the opposition. The game, which bert. Hafey; home runs. Comorosky; means that undoubtedly either Bil Conway of East Hartford or Henry counts of two and three hit Ruel; hojne runs, Cronin; sacriftcei. starts promptly at 3:30, will be play­ stolen bases. Hemslev; sacriflees, Garrity of Bridgeport will get the assignment and It’s dollars to dough­ Rice; double plays, Ruel to Myer, batters in the four games of the e:.j .chii>eMS of tiEri\)ER,Goio., Bartell, Flagstcal, P. Waner. Como­ Bluege to Myer to Judge, Cronin to ed at the West Side Playgrounds " older circuit yesterday grasped their UJlLUtiOU) SlMG. rosky: double plays, Frisch to Adams nuts that Conway gets the nomination. The night Battalino won the Myer to Judge; left on bases, Wash­ will Bill Brennan as the sole arhlter.:^'| bats firmly, took a toe hold and to Bottomley, Adams to Gelbert to title from Andre RouUs, Conway didn’t give the Frenchm^^^ jw^le ington 7, Philadelphia 4; base on Manchester opened its season in ’ ; Bottomley, Grantham to BartOll to balls, oft Hadley 2, off Earnshaw; a Maze of glory last Wednesday by -, blasted out ninety safe hits, nine o. Suhr; left on base, Pittsburgh 9. 6t. tom d and the same was true when he nosed out a weU-awji^ struck out, by Hadley. 2, by Earn? them home runs. The day’s b a t^ g Louis S; base'on balls, off Braiiie 3, Shaw 1, by Ehmke 1, by Mahaftey 1: annihilating the highly touted Hart- sm 's Hill 5. Frankhouse 3: struck out, by over Ignacio Fernandez.' ■^It sounds incredible that a man of ^Fernan­ hits, oft Earnshaw 3 In 3 2-3, oft ford High dlamondeers 9 to 2 in honors went to the New AS IT IS Brame 2, Frankhouse 1; hits, off Hill Ehmke 2 In 1 1-3, oft Mahaftey 3 in Giants who smashed out 14 safe dez* abUity, a boxer who knocked A1 Singer Into slumberland, coultol (Jolt’s Park. Coach Tom Kelley’s ^ j 4 In 4, (none out in 5th), oft Haid wild pitch, Hadley; loshig pitcher, outfit showed real class in this con- '\ hits, including for the circuit to beat none in 1, Haines 2 In 2, Frankhouse at least win one round from Battalino who is admittedly far-from a fin­ Earnshaw; umpires. Van Graflan, 1 in 2; hit by pitcher, by Hald Connelly and McGowan;, time, 1:45. test touching a match to a season' the PhUs, 8 to 6 and chalk up their (Suhr). by Haines (Grantham): los­ ished boxer although a great little' slugger. z—Harris batted for Ermke in 5th. which promises to bum a path;,! fourth successive win wltoout a de­ ing pitcher. Hill: umpires, Clarke, Graham is a much better boxer than Battalino and has had a g^ at through the heart of the opposition.'* ' Klem and Stark;‘time, 2:07. feat. Travis Jackson, Giant short­ deal more experience. His record also reveals that he haa-’)je«rkayoed At Detroit ►— In view of t^e splendid start which stop hit two homers and Fred Leach How They Stand XXX— Batted for Smith in 9th. INDIANS 6. TIGERS 1 7.—Batted for Frankhouse in 9th, but once and that at the very^ beginning of his careqr neariy^ ten years Cleveland Manchester made, it seems safe to . and Bob O’Earrell each contributed ' zz— Ran for Marcuso in 0th. assume that a large crowd will be ago. The Utica battler must also posses quite a pimch as is attested AB. R. H. PO. A. one. YESTERDAY’S RESULTS Morgan, rf ...... 5 1 1 3 0 on hand to get a personal glimpse" j Wilson, Hartnett and Beck hit At Ncit Torkt— by. the fact that he floored Kid Chocolate twice and Bud -Taylor four Sewell, 3b ...... 4 0 ■ 0 1 0 of the 1930 favorites. Rockville'^'!, CIA3VT8 S, PHILLIES 0 Seeds,, cf — ...... 3 2 2 3 0 / homers as the Chicago Cubs whip­ American League New York tlfees. Graham is the former bantamweight champion of the World ...... 4 2 o 11 T comes here with a team which has ^ Fonseca, lb 2 ped Cincinnati 9 to 1. Washington 6, Philadelphia 3. • AB. R. H. PO. A. E. and he is clamoring for the title now held by the Hartford lad. Hodapp, 2b . 1 1 3 yet failed to show its true ability. ___ 5 0 1 3 5 0 ...... 4 0 1 2 0 Del Bisonnette was the big noise Chicago 3, St. Louis 2. Marshall. 2b . . . o L. Sewell, c Winning the Boston marathon In its opening skirmish, Rockville” ' Leach, if ...... 4 1 2 0 0 Many are picking Graham to whip Battalino Friday night and such Jamieson, If ...... 3 0 3 0 0 V in, the 16 hit attack the Brooklyn Cleveland 6, Detroit 1. 2 0 has become a habit'with (Sarence polished the strong Windham High - ' Llndstrom, 3 b . ....5 0 1 would be our opinion if the bout were-handled by a neutral official but Goldman, ss ...... 4 0 0 1 1 Robins launched against the Boston (Others not scheduled). Terry, lb ...... 5 1 o 10 0 2 Brown, p ...... 3 0 0 1 4 nine 12 to 7 only to flop before East ; O 1 0 o 0 0 — H. de Mar. Here' you see the 42- Hartford 10 to 0 in its second game. Braves to win 16-8. He drove m National League Ott, rf ...... »> otherwise we will be considerably surprised to see Graham s hand lifted New York 8, Philadelphia 6. Jackson, ss .... ___4 2 o •0 0 34 6 10 27 9 year-old athlete—victor for the sev­ Coach Kelley anticipates more op­ seven runs with a homer, triple ana o u 0 0 0 in token of victory at the end of the ten rounds. Battalino has got to Chicago 9, Cincinnati 1. Roettger, cf . . . ___ 5 Detroit enth time—as he crossed the finish position Friday afternoon than to- single. His homer and triple each O'Parrell, c .... ___4 ii 4 0 0 defend his title before long and when ha'does put the crown at stake it AB. R. H. PO. A. came with the bases filled. Brooklyn 15, Boston 8. AValker, p ...... ___ 4 u 1 1 4 1 Johnson, rf ...... 4 0 0 3 0 line after covering the distance of morrow for on the former day, the ■ In the other National League Pittsburgh 6, St. Louis 4. probably will be in a New York ring without the services of a Connec Stone, cf .— ..4 1-2, 4 0 strong Middletown team comes here 38 8 10 27 10 3 26 miles, 385 yards in 2 hours and fray the Pittsburgh Pirates made Eastern League Ucut referee. Certainly it wouldn’t hurt Battalino to get accustomed to Gohringer, 2b ...... 3 0 1 2 4 for a league battle that, even at ' Philadelphia Alexander, lb ...... 3 0 010 0 24 minutes. this early stage, will play an import­ good use of their seven hits to win Hartford 9, Springfield 0. Thompson. 2b .. 2 1 4 1 0 a change. I t will have to come sooner or later. Rice, If ...... 3 0 1 2 0 Allentown 10, Providence 6. O’Doul, if ...... 5, 1 1 0 0 McManus, 3b ...... 4 0 0 3 1 ant part in the ultimate deciding of ' -’ . from St. Louis 6-4. O 2 We look for one of the best battles in years when Battalino and Pittsfield 7, Albany 1. Klein, rf ...... ___ 4 0 . 0 0 Rogell, ss ...... 4 0 1 2, 4 the pennant. M iddleto^ has a” Pitchers dominated the American Friberg. 3b ...... 5 1 4 3 c Graham crawl through the ropes. It should even eclipse the Battalino Hayworth,' c ...... 3 0 0 1 1 team of veterans with McDonald, its New Haven 4, Bridgeport 3 (13 ....4 0 1 6 0 1 League games. Hadley of the Hurst, lb ...... Of Whitehlll, p ...... 2 0 0 0 4 star schoolboy pitching ace back for Washington Senators was too much innings.) Southern, cf . . . ___ 3 0 1 0 0 0 Fernandez scrap. It goes without saying that a big delegation Sullivan, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 Theveno-w, ss .. ___ 4 0 0 5 1 service. for the Philadelphia Athletics wno Manchester fans will be at the ringside. Interest here is running at a Funk, z ...... '...... 1 0 0 0 0 THE STANDINGS Davis, c ...... 4 0 0 4 3 « lOuiv^ Either A1 Smith or Johnny Hcd- went down to their first defeat of Wiiloughby, p ...... 0 0 0 0 4 a fever pitch. Battalino is a big favorite with local followers of the 7l ” l ~5 27 14 1 AND lund will toe the slap against Rock­ Benge, p ...... 0 0 0 0 Cleveland ...... 400 000 020— 6 the season 6-3. American League Sherlock, x .... ___1 0 1 0 0 0 cauliflower industry but judging frorn remarks picked up here and Detroit ...... 109 000 000— 1 ville tomorrow viith Roy Fraser or Clint Brown, rookie pitcher, held W. L. PC. Elliott, p ...... ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 there, 1 am not alone in my contjsntion that a neutral official should Runs batted In, Fonseca 2, Jamie­ Dave McConkey working the Mid­ the Detroit Tigers to five hits and son 2, L. Sewell. Rice; two base hits, | dletown encounter. Fraser subdued Philadelphia ...... 3 1 .750 37 6 11 24 14 2 handle a bout of this major importance. Some may argue that Batta­ Cleveland won without trouble 6-1. .667 Fonseca, Stone and Seeds; sacri­ Hartford quite satisfactorily and - Chicago ...... 2 1 T/uns batted In. Hurst 2, Jackson 4, lino wasn’t given a similar favor in his fights with Lew Massey and Buc fices, J. Sewell. Seeds, Rice; double bHWaUAMBRAlXniER '-'Ted Lyons was the whole show as Washington ...... 4 2 .667 O’Farrell 3, Klein, Leach. Southern, plays, Rogell to Gehringer to Alex- I probably will get the assignment so the Chicago'White Sox nosed out St. Cleveland ...... 3 2 .600 FcLb.berg; two base hits, Hurst, O’Far- Taylor, but does this mean he was not deserving of such a courtesy? ander, Gehringer to Rogell to Alex­ that Kelley won’t have to break up Louis 3-2. relT. Klein, O’Doul; thre base hits, ander; left on base, Cleveland 5, De­ his infield combination. McConkey is Boston ...... 3 3 .500 Such a ruling would not be amiss in the boxing code troit 6; base on balls, off Brown 2, off A PRIZE FOR PANSIES The Yanks and Red Sox had an .500 Friberg, Roettger; home runs. Jack- regular third-baseman. The loss of Detroit ...... 3 3 son 2. Leach. O’Farrell: stolen bases, Sullivan 1; struck out, by Brown 2; Some big-hearted gent who Marcus Moriarty. second baseman open date. St. Louis ...... 1 3 .250 Tliompson, Jackson; sacrifices, Davis, hits, off Whitehlll 10 in 8. off Sulli­ New York ...... 0 4 .000 Tlievenow, Southern; double play, van none In 1; hit by pitcher, by i doesn’t hate to see his name in on last year’s team, who quit the Benge to Thevenow to Hurst; left White (Jamieson): passed ball. Hay­ team because of an argument, leaves National League on base. New York 11, Philadelphia worth; losing pitcher, Whitehlll; uni- the public prints ought to give a W. L. PC. plres, Gelsel, Dineen and Nallin;{ Kelley without anyone to fill Mc- U : base on balls, off Willoughby 2. prize of some sort, any little token Conkey’a gap if the latter pitche.s. New York ...... 4 0 1.000 Walker 4, Benge 2, Elliott 1; ,struck Trade School Baseball time. 1:40. z— Funk batted for Whitehlll In | would suffice, for the major leagues’ Squatrito is being trained for tliis BOWUNG Pittsburgh ...... 5 1 ,833 out, by Walker 3, Benge 1. Elliott 1; hits, off Willoughby 8 in 3 1-3, Benge Sth. prize pansy, or bonehead play. The duty. Chicago ...... 4 3 .571 6 in 3 2-3, Elliott 1 In'l; losing pitch­ .500 contest could be divided 'into the Boston ...... 2 2 er. Benge; umpires, Moran, Reardon A t Chicagoi— months of the baseball calendar, t w o -m a n t o u r n n i .i e n t .333 and McGraw; tirne, 2:25. ' St. Louis ...... 2 4 W H IT E SOX S. BROW NS S ' and called the Boob of' the Month Cincinnati ...... 2 5 .286 X—Batted for Benge In Sth. Hopes Are On Upgrade Chicago AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Award or something like that. (A t Farr’s) .250 2 Philadelphia ...... 1 3 At Chicago i— Smith, ss ...... 5 0 1 3 o To date the wonderful faux pas Brooklyn ...... 1 3 .250 CUBS 9, REDS 1 Cissell, 2b ...... 4 0 2 5 3 0 With The Leaders L. 0 0 U 0 0 of Messrs. Kenig and Lazzeri of w. Eastern League Chicago Reynolds, cf ...... 4 the Yankees holds the ranking posi­ 19 W. L. PC. AB. R. H. PO. A. Influx of New Talent Re­ Yesterday^s Stars Jolley, rf ...... 4 0 0 1 0 0 Nelson—Canade ...... 11 f> ...... 4 0 0 13 0 0 tion. In the opening game, with a Giorgetti—Cervini ... 13 7 .750 English, ss ...... 4 0 3 Shires, lb .. (INCLUDING GAMES 8 Springfield ...... 3 1 Blair, 3b ...... 5 1 1 0 Moore, if .. 1 2 0 0 0 nice double play in sight, Koenig OF APRIL 21). Anderson—Berthold . 12 Providence ...... 4 2 .667 Cuyler, rf ___ 2 2 5 Kamm, 3 b ...... 4 .1 1 1 4 0 took a bounder from the bat of A1 E. Wilkie—Cole ----- 14 11 Allentown ...... 2 1 .667 Wilson, cf ...... 5 1 1 3 vives Hopes of Popular Del Bisonnette, \ Robins—Hit Riddle, c .. ______3 0 0 3 1 0 (By the Associated Press.) Stephenson, If ...... 4 1 2 •) Lyons, p ...... 3 1 1 0 3 0 Simmons and tossed to Lazzeri to Shubert—(Jurtis ----- 12 13 Hartford ...... 2 2 .500 single, triple and homer to drive in —1- . ■ — ■ - ■ ■ National League. / 7 13 Grimm, lb ...... 5 0 1 11 force Mule Haas at.second. Lazzeri Sherman—^Dickson Albany ...... 2 2 .500 Hartnett, c ...... 4 2 2 Sport; Large Squad Out seven runs as Robins beat Braves 15 34 3 7 30 14 3 then started complacently off the Batting, Fisher, Cards, .571. Petke—A. Wilkie .. 8 19 Bridgeport;...... 2 2 .560 Beck, 2b ...... 3 1 1 to 8. St. Lou(s field, thinking three men were out Runs, Richbourg, Braves; Ste­ ...... 4 1 1 0 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. New H aven...... 1 2 .333 Carlson, p . . . Hal Carlson, Cuds—Pitched Cubs and that was aU.- It happened that phenson, Cubs; 7. .167 Blue, lb ...... 3 O' 0 7 3 0 Rims batted in, Comorosky, Pi­ l a s t NIGHT’S GAntes Pittsfield ...... 1 5 39 9 14 27 For Practice. to 9 to 1 victory over Reds, allowing 0*lXou 3b 0 2 2 1 0 only two; were out, however, so Cincinnati Manush, If . 0 0 4 0 0 Shortstop Koenig went about the rates, 10. only five hits. 0 Petke (1) A. Wilkie GAMES TODAY Critz. 2b ...... 4 0 0 1 0 Travis Jackson, Giants—Smashed Kress, ss ...... 4 1 1 5 1 business of retrieving the' play. Doubles, Neun, Braves, 4. 98—2^0 Allen, "cf ...... 0 0 5 0 Basebail conditions at Manchester Schulte, cf ...... 4 0 0 1 0 0 Triples,' Ford, Reds; Comorosky, 122 Sukeforth. c . 0 1 4 1 out two home runs and drove in four Melillo, 2b ...... 4 0 0 2 3 0 How did Shortstop Koenig go about 107 92—199 American League ...... 4 0 0 3 0 Trade school which reached a criti­ Gullic,' rf . . ...1....4 0 0 2 0 0 retrieving the play? By chaging Pirates, 2. Walker, rf . . . runs to help Giants whip Phils 8 to Homers, Jackson, Giants; Allen, 90 99—189 Detroit at St. Louis. \ Meusel, If ...... 3 0 0 3 0 cal stage last year resulting in a Manlon. c ...... 1 0 0 3 0 down Muie Haas, who already bad 101—205 ...... 4 0 0 a 0 6. Crowder,. p ...... 4 1 2 2 2 0 Reds, 2. 104 Chicago at Cleveland. Kelly, lb .... temporary disbanding of the team, Ted Lyons, White Sox—Held 1 ■ been forced at second. Meantime, 111—237 Philadelphia at New York. Cucclnello, 3b ...... 3 1 2 1 Stolen bases, Jackson, Giants; 126 Ford, ss ...... 3 0 1 1 4 appear to have improved consider­ Browns to 5 hits in ten Innings and 34 2 5x28 10 0 A1 Simmons strolled down to sec­ Boston at Washington...... 1 0 0 0 2 ably and the attending school au­ Chicago ...... 000 000 200 1—3 ond base, asked for Murad and Richbourg, Braves, 2. Campbell, p ., tripled to start rally that won game. American League. 549 501 1050 National League Johnson, p .,...... 9 0 0 0 1 thorities now look for an ultimate St. Louis ...... 000 001 100 0—2 how’s your uncle. 0 1 0 1 Runs batted In. O’Rourke. Mellllo, Batting, Cissell, White Sox, .583. , ifelson (4) Canade New York at Boston. McWeeny, p ...... 1 complete recovery. 123^—235 Hellmann, z ...... 1 0 0 0 0 Kamm 2. Smith; two base hit, Moore; Runs, ^shop. Athletics; Hodapp, 112 Brooklyn at Philadelphia. Eckert, p ...... 0 0 0 0 1 The disbandment last season was Frank J. Crowley, mechamicsU draw­ thre base hit, Lyons; home run, Press Box Breaks Out 109—214 St. Louis at Chicago. Kamm; stolen bases, Gullic; sacri­ i Indians, 6. 105 forced by the opening of several ing teacher at the school. He comes This was the signal for the press 111 ■ 90—201 Only games scheduled. 30 1 5 27 11 2 from near Boston. Among the best fices, Lyons, Blue; double plays, Cis- I box. Stories of pansies flew thick Runs batted in, Simmons, Ath­ 133—239 Eastern L^gue Runs batted in, Wilson 3, .Cuvier. otheir state trade schools which re­ sell to Shires,' I^imm to CIssell, to letics; Cronin, Senators, 8. 106 Hartnett 2, Beck. English, Stephen­ duced the enrollment here tailing of last year’s material are Chester Shires; left on 'bases, St.. Jx>uls 4, I anil fast. 142 9 ^ 2 3 6 Bridgeport at Hartford. Chicago 6; base on balls, off Lyons 1, "Do you remember the time? Hits, Johnson, Tigers, 9. son, Ford; three base hit. Ford; home some of the best baseball talent. An Sendrowski, Emie Viot, the diminu­ Doubles, Todt, Red Sox; L. Sewell, Pittsfield at New Haven. runs, Wilson. Hartnett, Beck; double tive basketball sensation. Bill Brun- Crowder 2; strijck out, by CroWder 3. was the theme of the meeting after 549 1125 Albany at Providence. plays, English to Beck, Blair to Beck Influx of several good players last Lyons 3; umpires, Hildebrand, and Indians; Kress, Browns, 3. 576 to Grimm, McWeeny to Ford to Kel­ uel and Johnny Turrin. Ormsby and Guthrie; time, f:45. that. Every scribe in the box did Only games scheduled. fall together with the remnants of I happen to remember another prize Triples, Lyons, White Sox; Goalin, ly: left on bases, Chicago 6, Cincin­ last year’s team give'hopes of a suc­ The schedule is being drawn up Myer, Senators; Regan, Red Sox; Nelson (S). Canade nati- 10; base on balls, off Carlson 2. play. 125—251 McWeeny 2; hits, off Caqipbell 8 In 8 cessful renewal of the sport. but is as yet incomplete. , It will Fred Merkle’s failure tc touch Falk, Indians, 1. 126 Homers, Simmons, Athletics, 3. 103 114—217 2-3. Johnson 4 in 1 1-3, McWeeny 1 An unusually large squad of,well Include all the leading state trade Hartford Game ' second base in the pennant race of In 3, Eckert 1 in 1;. passed ball. schools and will probably include Stolen bases. Combs, Yanks; 127 114—241 CARNERA IS BARRED Sukefortli; losing pitcher, Campbell; over 50 candidates turned oift for 1908, a failure that cost a pennant 128—254 practice recently and has been some 15 or 16 games. The opening Bluege, Senators; O’Rourke, 126 umpires, Quigley, Pflrman and Jorda; for the Giants; Helnle Zlmmer- Browns; Johnson, Tigers; Falk, In­ 117 131—248 time, 1:37. working out under the new coach, game will probably be on May 1. At Hartford;— [ mann’s chasing Eddie Collins BUT GETS HIS PURSE s— Batted for McWeeny In Sth. SENATORS 9 PONIES V dians, 1, , Hartford across home plate In a world series; 612 121A AB, R. H. PO. A. E. 599 Brooklyn «— John Anderson’s stealing of second Cole At Corrella, 3b ...... 5 0 I 0 1 0 [base when it already was occupied GRAMMAR SCHOOL GAMES. E. Wilkie (3) San Francisco,' Cali., April 22.— ROBINS 15, DODGERS H. Watson, c f ...... 4 0 2 4 0 0 122—244 Brooklyn —these ' and other classics of the 122 , (AP)—Primo Camera, gigantic Roser, rf ...... 4 2 1 0 0 Manchester Green school defeated 133 109—242 Italian boxer today stood barred AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Graham Is Impressive Hohman, If ...... 5 1 3 0 0 I diamond were recalled. Frederick, cf ...... 6 2 4 2 0 0 Greenberg, lb ...... 4 1 2 16 0 the AllrEighths 14 to 11 last week 100 116-^216 from rings in California, the result Gilbert, 3b ...... 1 2 0 2 1 0 107—222 0 Paynter, 2b ...... 3 3 1 2 9 Monday afternoon and Seventh No. 115 of the unsatisfactory ending of his Warner, 3b ...... 1 0 0 0 3 J. Watson, ss ...... 4 o. 2 3 5 „ Helnle AU-Time Champ 149—252 ■Warner, 3h ...... 1 0 0 0 8 0 Heinie Mueller,” the former 1 was nosed out 11 to 9 by the, 103 recent bout with Leon Chevalier, 0 In His Initial Workout Smith, c ...... 4 1' 2 3--1 Herman, rf ...... 4 2 2 3 '0 Brown, p ...... 8 1 0 0 0 North school team. The Thursday San Francisco negro. Bressier, If ...... 4 2 0 3 0 0 Cardinal outfielder, who built 603 1176 0 a lovely (jhicken coop In the cellar igame was called off an account cf. 573 The state athletic commission also Bissonette, lb B....5 2 3 11 2 36 9 14 27 16 Wright, ss ...... 5 1 2 1 1 1 of his home and had to tear it rsun. revoked the boxing license of Car- ■ 0 Willie 0 ’(JonneU, New York^comes a home-loving married man Springfield Sherman Slade, ss ...... 0 0 0 0 0 AB. R, H. PO. A. B. down to get it outdoors, pulled a Dickson (3) nera, together with that of his man­ Flowers. 2b ...... 5 2 3 1 4 1 featherweight and sparring partner and then came right on to Hartford 125 114—239 Sewell, 3b ...... 4 0 1 0 2 0 prize pansy in a game at (Jhicago ager, Leon See, of France. - Finn, 2b ...... 0 0 0 1 0 1 many years for headliners in the to wind up his trailing...... 4 0 0 6 4 1 121 ' 103—224 Deberry, c ...... 2 1110 0 Gleason, 2b some five years ago. -.1 Purses 0^ Camera and Chevalier 0 fistic game among them Joe Lynch, Graham has been working out at Dougherty. rf ...... 4 0 0 1 0 0 106 131—237 Lopez, c ...... 0 0 0 0 0 O i l 0 0 iDcMdt wag pitching for the (Jards were ordered returned to the fight­ Luque, p ...... 5 1 1 1 3 0 former bantamweight champion: Utica and tipped the scales at 127 Brooks,' cf 91 137—228 Johnson, If ...... 3 0 0 1 0 0 and Mueller had been instructed to ers, however, the commission hold­ Moss, p ...... 0 0 0 1 0 0 Pancho 'Villa and Andy Chaney, has pounds when he finished'bis last 0 0 10 0 118 s 104—222 Faulkner, p ...... 0 0 ,.0 1 0 0 Bejin, lb . Q watch the signals carefully. When ing that they were blameless for the been imported to work with Bat­ workout up there on Saturday. Dewtin, ss ...... 3 0 0 0 s 1 0 1 6 2 0 a slow ball tvas called for, Mueller bout being stopped in the sixth 38 15 16 27 15 3 talino as the present featherweight He is. confident he can beat the Koliibecker, C ...... 3 was to come in about 20 feet, and 561 589 1144 featherweight champion and says Noble, p ...... 0 0 0 1 0 round when one. of Chevalier’s sec­ Boston champion winds up his training for ...... 1 0 ,0- 0 0 0 he was to baiik up against the fence Shubert (3) Curtis Welsh, cf ...... 5 0 0 1 0 0 that he will force a title bout if he Jorgens, p 127—250 onds tossed a towel into the ring. the bout with Bushy Graham of when a fast nne was signaled. The 123 Dunlap, XXX ...... ,.l 0 0 0 0 0 succeeds In beating him here' Fri­ 0 3 24 14 2 The Italian and his manager to ...... 5 1 2 1 2 0 Utica In the Hartford state armory 29 ^ s e crowd., hi the bluchers got 142 139—281 MaranvUle, ss day night. Batts&io and Graham lOO- 200 51x-- 9 135—231 Richbourg, rf ...... 4 2 1 3 0 0 Friday night of this week. next-to what Hekiie was doing and 96 E. Clark, rf ...... 1 1 0 0 0 0 Willie had bis first workout with are working out at the St. Nicholas Runs batted in, Roser, Corrella, J, 88 132—220 1 Watson 2. Greenberg, Paynter 2, started to sing out “Slow ball, slow Robertson, 3b ...... 3 1 2 0 1 Bat Sunday and, talking with gym and each morning bit the road, Smith; home run, Roser; sacrifices, 101 172—273 Angeles negro tonight. Neun, lb .... • • •'% eecD 0 2 7 X 0 ball, slow ball” whenever Mueller Maguire, 2b . 0 0 4 2 0 newspapermen after the four-round, their gym workouts coming in the Brown. J. Watson: double plays, moved in, and “Fast ball, fast ball, afternoon. Paynter to J. Watson to Greenberg, R. Moore, x ...... 1 0 1 0 0 0 session, declared Bat the strongest fast ball” when he retreated. 556 705 1255 0 Dowtln to Gleason to Bejin; left on Rhiel, 2b ...... 1. 0 0 1 1 and the hardest hitter among all base. Hartford 11, Springfield 4; base The crowd’s rhythmic chanting Spohrer, c ...... 4 0 2 3 1 2 the boys ^tk^w:kP*fl•he has trained Governor Trumbull has sent Last Night’s Fights Brandt, p ...... 3 0 1 0 2 0 on balls, off 'Brown 2, Noble 6. Jor- finally so got on Heinle’s nerves Sisler, XX ...... 1 1 1 0 0 0 over a period of several years. letter of regret to Promoter Hurley. jrens - 1; struck out._ by .Br9wn';2, SPECIAL MATCH ^oble 3. Jorgena 1; hits, off Noble , 10 that, with the bases loaded, he- came Barba, out O’Connell: never made any great The governor writes that he would in on a fast ball signal. The bat­ Chicago—Fidel La 40' 8 13 24 iO 3 in 6 . (none out in 7th), Jorgens 4 In name In the boxing game, bdt he is have accepted bad he known earlier, 2; wild Ditches, . Jorgens; passed ter socked one far over Heinle’s (At Gamba’s Alleys) pointed Bud Taylor, Terre Haute, Runs batted in, Bissonette 7, Her­ but now has a speaking date for the Norwich Five man 2, Luque 2, Wright, Flowers, known as one of the cleverest of the balls. Noble; umpires, McDonald,and noble dome and that broke iip the Ind., 10. smaller boys and one of the; fastest 25tb. Gardella; time, 1:46.- No adulterants Sidney ...... 101 HO 12i3—336 Kansas City—Jackie Fields, world Robertson 2, Neun 3, MaranvUle. game. 121—324 Rhiel; two base hits, Herman, Flow­ and that Is why he was brought in Keller ...... 86 117 welterweight champion knocked out ers 2, Luque, Neun, Frederick; three Mayor Batterson will lend his LEADING HITTERS t O O p ^ o m t 112—325 to give Battalino polish before Bat '■ . IN MAJOR LEAGUES A Classic Reply Aldi ...... 106 107 Meyer Grace, Phila., 3 (non-title). base hits, Bissonette, Richbourg; official presence to the occasion and 101—296 home run, Bissonette; stolen- base, steps out ajgalnst the smart and 5 Branch Rickey asked Helnle Hull ...... 103 92 St. Louis—King Tut, Milwaukee, will, as usual, be found rooting for pure Cambois ...... 122-142 116—380 Gilbert; sacriflees, Gilbert; Robbri- clever Graham. Amqrlcaa Leagne [ about it after the gaine. . outpointed Pinkie Kaiifman, Hart­ son, Herman; double play. Flowers Graham Is not a “ruhner;" quite the HfiU'tford boy to come through. G. AB. R. .R. PC. “What’s the matter, Heinie, didn’t to AVright; left on "^'Eses, Boston-II, Cinell, Chicago .. . 3 12 8 .7 .688 ford, Conn., 10. the reverse, he is given to carrying I you- get the fast ball signal?” - 518 568 575 1661 Chl- Brooklyn 10; bhse onvballs, off Luque This not being a title bout, both JamICsoQ, Clav. . . . . 4 11 2 6 ,545 Milwaukee—Eddie Anderson 2, Brandt 6, Brown 3; Mqbs 1; struck the fight to his opponent, hut he is a . 4 16 6 7 .438 Rickey asked his errant outfielder. ■ Manchester boys will come m over the feather­ SimmonS.. Phila. .. 106” —358 cago outpointed Joe Sanger, Mil- out, by Luque 1, Brandt 2, Chinnlng- master in getting away when the go­ Haas, phila...... 4 14 S 6 .429 “ Sure,” was Mutileris surpriafor Salella ...... 121 131 ham 1; hits, off Brandt 6 1-^3. weight limit of 126 pounds. . 4 14 2 6 .429 100— 304 W^&UlC66 X0« ing gets rough. He dodges, weaves Stone, Detroit .... repty, “i knew a fast ball was (min­ H. Murphy ___ 98 off Brown 3 In 1-2, off Cunningham steps out and so m^euvers that it is, O’Rourke, St. L. .. , 4 14 3 6 .429 ...... 89— 312 Buffsdo—Tony Tozza, Buffalo, de­ 1 In 1 1-3, off Luque 10 In 8 (hone Leaer a year ago. today, Jamieson; ing, but I thought I would - cross Wilkie ... 100 feated Arturo Schackles, Belgium, very difficult to get a “shot" athlm Jess i^fcMahon, vei'eran New .York Berthold _...... 1 0 6 113— 324 out in 9th), Moss 3. In 2-8 Faulkner Cleveland. .583. . . that gang in- the blea(fiiers.” ■ - 0 In 1-3; hit by. pitcher, ' H r Moss and 8o,Battallno is'getting a few promoter, who is to stage shows at National LfeasraoA .... 98 107— 319 foul, 7. It happened that Doak overheard Cole Flint, Mich.—Harry Diblinsky, (Spohrer, Sfsler); wild pltcb, I/Ud'*®’ days ^ valuable training ih hitting Ebhets Field this summer, is anx­ Fisher, St. -L ...... J -2l - 8 12 the omiveraation. ■ iC H B IB O p Y passed ball, Deberfy ; wlhnlhg. pitch­ at a fait-taoving target. iously awaiting the result of this Stephenson. Chh . . . 7 28 7 13 ,600 523 679 515 1617 Chicago stopped Herman Wallace, er, Luque; losing pitcher,'- p. Waner, Pitts. . . 6. 22 6 11 .600 “What chance has a guy like me HOT BfrniE, umpires. Rigler, Magerkdnb and Bu^hy.,Qfnliam arrived in bout as affecting the Battalino- Friberg. Phila. 4 14 1 7 .600 got? said Z>oa)c. *Tm only trying New York, 8. Cbocolate title bout which he wants Louisville—Jack McCarthy, Clii- Donohue; time, 2:30, , , ford -Honday afternoon,; after auto- Frederick, Rkly. ., 4 19 2 9 .474 I to fool the batters—and Mueller is • New Orleans—A1 Fhy, Clharlerol, X—Batted for Maguire in 2th. ing.dbwn his home in "Utica. He to put in at the Brooklyn ball park Iieader a year ago tOdar. Jamieson, cago outpoihted Elmer Bezenah, XX—Batted for Cunningham in 8th. out there folUng the crowd.” Pa., and Big Boy Peterson, Kiln, with this summer. ' ^ Boston, .630. Cincinnati, 10. xzz—Batted for IVelsh in Bth. spent Saster bis family u be f-rt- ■ Miss., drew.'lO. >v L-' , r' '•' t ~ if J-r*- 45'

p a q e u w e l v b BlANCi«!OTR '^ t e W MANCHJPSTBR, COJ^N^ TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1980.

36»9E9tXSCV3»(SSSan;9SSOCXaB3i0CKKVh96Mk«%l53igi^S iE l.l.:H [IR E CARD OF THANKS , GARDEN—PARM- APARTMENTS—FLATS— that "The s\etgb*' - (Koimta-|l«ld- vocal range, clear- Waat Ad Information DAIRY FitopUCTS 50 .TENEMENTS 63 i^n) and the w«l-ltiiowp^‘M 6ri^^ n'eas'of lfifb -toms, nad effortie.Ms CARD OF THANKS MOWER - SHARPENING,'-.:Vftcuu|a BEETHOVENS REACH^ (Speaks-Baldwin),, sh6uM'«^pfiikr l^ii 'ftyTe ih'r«nde:Hli^ run- Manchester cleaner, phonograph, clock repair­ w a n t e d —CUSTOMERS for T. B. FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, all mod- tfa^e pi-oMain; as Ralph '.Biiildwln n ^ ' p a r a g e s .'^ t a nutpber qeces- I wish to take this opportunity to ing, key fitting. Braithwiite, 52 tested milk, at your door dally 13c ern improvements. Inquire Robert Men a leai^r in ^tftad an encore, and the soloist re­ Evening Herald thank all my friends for the gift Pearl 'street <’ a quart with tickets. Maple Rowe R. Keeney, 16 Eldridge street. NEW CHOKAl MARK higher nnisic stahdiu^a, particuiaii- sponded with the ' Spi^gtime,” which was given me on my birth­ Farm. Coventry. Phone Rosedaie •lyin’ the field of-chbiral- ijsusto. - l ’n e composed by Mr.. Luboshutz, the ac- UPHOLSTERED furniture modern day, April 18. I wish especially to 33-18. .2 OR 3 ROOM suites in Johnson’s Musical Trust’’, by • Clokey Wfa a cpnipanist. A third encore was CLASSIFIED and antique repaired and'recovered, thank those in charge and Scandia Block, with modern improvements. member in which eight different-an<^’ "Sec(md Minuet” by Mdses, and be ADVERTISEMENTS ah work guaranteed.’ Phone 4892, Lodge. Phone 3726 or 7915. separate • melodies were heard at pdei ingrTecaUed again ^ aaag the ever MRS. ANNA JOHNSON. :Alh5rt Grunder^ 542 Hilliard St. j Brilliant Concert Delights Count six average words to a lino. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 TENEMENT FOR RENT—4 rooms time in ^perfeot' harmdi^i It called popular aria from the “Barber of Initials, numbers and abbreviations fbr" four-hand ; accpiqpwying, and 9BVl}ld>" by Rossini. Madame each count as a word and compound CARD OF THANKS SEWING .MACHINE - rep^fipg - of USED. CREX RUGS $2.00 eacli. with Improvements. Apply H I Holl Capacity House; Madame Uie work of .Mias Johnson-^-and-ML. KurenkO:- also sang oue number by words as two words. Minimum cost is ail ixiakes, oils, needl8i^,, ahd sup­ Used 7’6”x9’ Axminster rug $12.50. street. 'Tel. 7330. price of three lines. • , request, with toe chorus.. This was We wish to extend our apprecia­ plies. R, W. Garrard,, 37 Eowwd New Crex oval rugs $22.75. Hawley Was ’ commendable.., ‘‘Fire* Dine rates per djiy for transient street. ..Tel. 4301. FOR RENT—:6 ROOM tenement, all Flies,” J a Russian folk song, was "The Italian Street Song” ■ from ads. tion to our friends and neighbors, Watkins Furniture Exchange impro'vemcnts and garage. Inquire ^ Kurenko Scores Triumph. Effective Marclt 17, 1927 also members of W2B &W1A weav­ characteristic of the national tcni; Naughty Marietta by Herbert. The dash Charge FOR SALE—BED SPRING and at 52 Russell street. perament, which has Influence .o n wqrk' of ' Madame Kurenko was 6 Consecutive Days . . 7 cts 9 cts ing mills. Court Nutmeg F. of A. :i Consecutive Days .. 9 cts 11 cts Modern Woodmen of America, who mattress $5, bureau, safety crib,' FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenements the Russian ear. Peculiar harmonies nota’bly outstanding, as she rendered 13 els wash bench, bassinett, chairs, An audience which filled nearly and fast rhythm were well employ­ this solo, accompanied by the f’oir 1 Day ...... 11 cts offered their kind expressions of A BETTER PLACE A-1 condition, modern, near All orders for irregular insertions sympathy in our recent bereave­ desk. 29 Strant, 6129. every seat in High School Hadl last ed. . ■ • chprtis 'of forty-eight male voices. vmII be charged at the one time rate. FOR YOUR UPHOLSTERING Cheney mills, $20'and $25. Inquire Special rates for long term every ment. FOR SALE—HOUSEHOLD furni­ premises, 5 Walnut street. Tailor night was'treated to one of the fin­ Final Club Number. Mr. Lub<)shutz, accompanist for day advertising given upon reauest. MRS. ELLEN CAMPBELL AND Shop. Tel. 5030. The final number by the clqb wa? Madame Kurenko, displayed splen­ Ads ordered for three or six,days ture, including gas stove, bed room est choral concerts ever heard in FAMILY. Samples and prices-on request South Manchester, the fifth annual "Laudamus” by Owen. This Welsh did style, seeming, to sense every and stopped before the third or fifth set, baby carriage, 627.Center S t APARTMENTS for rent in Forest day will bo charged only for the ac­ George Holmes, Manager Telephone 8802. concert of the Beethoven Glee Cluu, choral was hymn-like in style anij mood of the soloist. Likewise the tual number of times the ad appear­ block, Main street. August Kanehl. called for the employment of the accompanists for the club, Mis.s ed. charging at the rate earned, but Tost a n d f o u n d Dial 7541. under the direction of Helge E. no allowance or refunds can be made “It pleases us to .please you” Pearson. Assisting the club in its full chorus throughout. The theme, Johnson and Mr; Hawley showed on six time ads stopped after the LOST — SATURDAY EVENING Manchester Upholstering Co.. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 53 FOR RENT—HALF house, 6 rooms brilliant performance was Madame in minor arrangement, was appea’v- careful training in executing the dit- fifth day. brown fur neckpiece, Main street and garage at 60 Hamlin street. Maria Kurenko, soprano, of New ing, and broughtr the numbers- in ficuit scores. No ‘Till forbids” ; display lines not Pine Upholstering Work which the full club .sang, to- a bril­ sold. , or Hales. Phone 8108. FOR SALE— SECOND hand piano, Tel. G. H. Waddell. York City. Madame Kurenko was Splendid Achievement. The Herald will not bo responsible 244 Main St. . '• Phqme 3615 accompanied by Pierre Luboshutz, liant finish. for more than one Incorrect Insertion f o u n d — PACKAGE containing in good condition. Telephone 4924. The concert was' a splendid- FOR RENT— 7 ROOM flat, newly while Miss Eva M. Johnson and L. . Tbe Soloist. of any advertisement ordered for belt. Owner may have same by renovated, hot air heat, price $30, Madame Maria’’Kurenko, soprano, achievement on the part of the cluo more than one time. calling at 16 Delmont street. Burdette Hawley were accompanists ^ dirMtor and members, and this fine The Inadvertent omission of Ihcor- WANTED—TO BUY 58 at 9 Oak Place. Inquire at 88 for the Glee Club. the soloist, scored a tremendous sue rret publicathDn of adverllsins: will be Church street. ccss. She sang with perfect grace, musical organization, whose purpose rectified only by cancellation of the LOST — SUNDAY morning Elks The varied and delightful pro­ iS:to build up an intelligent and ac- WILL PAY HIGHEST cash prices utterly unconscious of any fatigue, charge made for the service rendered. tooth charm. Finder please tele­ FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, gram lasting about two hours, in­ All advertisements must conform COURSES AND CLASSES 27 for rags, papers, magazines and and her every pose, acCphtuated o.-yr ,curate ! concept!on of the finest phone 8390. newly renovated, 8G Church street, cluded modern and early classics, .^wo.rJjS for maje voices, through in- In style, copy and typography with metals. Also buy all kinds of true art, but never artcffclai was^a regulations enforced by the publish- b a r b e r TkA PB taugbx 'to dey steam heat, all improvements, $40, the readings of which merited the chickens. Morris H.' Lessner. Dial study for pain ter |. '.dr - sculptor. vestiMntjdf time and energy, tbu.s or.s and they reserve the right to and evening classes. Low-tulUbp garage available. Inquire at 8^ hearty' applause of the appreciative ensurtog the advEuicement of the art edit, revise or reject any copy con­ 6389 or 3886. Maiiame'Kurenko' was'in ’ splendid ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 rate. Vaughn Barber School, 14 Church street. audience. The Club was in fine ;.6 f.m ^ cboriis 'Ringing, is a most sidered objectlonabli;. voice, and her power and range was CLOSI.NG HOURS— Classified aijs to Market s^eet Hartford.; JUNK form, rendering the entire program valuable and cemtributing'asset ic he published same day must be re­ MATTRESSES & BOX SPRINGS FOR RENT—FOUR room flat, all maiArelous . Her moat difficult num­ RENOVATED LIKE NEW 1 will buy anything saleable and in a style and manner which evi­ the musical life of oiir town. ceived by 12 o'clock noon; Saturdays modern improvements, at 36 Clin­ denced untiring efforts, in rehears­ bers were free from rigidity, ahd 10:30 a.' m. Let UB submit prices and samples HELP WANTEi)^ ' pay best cash prices. Prompt atten­ tion. Wm. Ostrinsky, 91 Clinton. ton street. I^ u ire Mrs. Thibodeau ing. The best work of the club was rendered with marked clearhess atid TELEPHONE YOUR “ It please us to please you” FEMALE 35 or telephone' 4970. pfirity of'-^tone. -Madame Kurenko’e Manchester Upholstering Co. Tel. 5879. in the full choral and accompanied ^ The gnii has the head of a bison WANT ADS. first.number was the favorite “Phir a long, narrow face, the body of a Fine Upholstery Work WANTED^—Elderly woman ‘ to do numbers, in which there was proper Ads are accepted oyer the telephone balance between the parts, flexibil­ Dicesti” a specimen of Antonio horse, ‘ antelope’s legs, an up­ at the CHARGE RATE ..given above 244 Main St. Phone 3615 housework. Inquire 159- EjlQftdgfe: SUBURBAN FOR RENT 66 as a convenience to advertisers, but ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 ity and accuracy of intonation, clear Lotti’s work for single »v(jioe. to very standing mane- and a flowing /tail street afterj5 p. m. . > ' ■ pleasing style. VPastoralc.”.;by^earpy that reaches to the ground. Hie CASH RATES Will be accepted as ,FOR RENT—FURNISHED room, articulation, and beautiful expre.s- h'ULD PATMENT if paid at the busi­ AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 WANTED — GIRL for' mother’s FOR RENT—MY FARM, ideal for sion. The variety of the pfogram and ■ ‘‘Phyllis Has' Such Charming ness office on or before the seventh 1 minute from State 'Theater, raising market products, cuts about Graces” by Young, sung .in: ■ “ Eng­ day following the first Insertion of helper, t(? go hoam .nisrht^.'; Phone Telephone 4692. ' called for skillful conducting; and each ad otherwise the CHARGE 8195 or cair62 • Pitkin ‘after 6 25 tons herd’s grass hay. Inquire the^ work of Mr. Pearson was a lish, were r«idered. “AUeluja" by RATE will be collected. No responsi­ FOR SALE— 1929 DESOTA sedan, Dr. Weldon. Tel. 3434. o’clock. ’ FOR r e n t " — TWO Unfurnished notable feature of' the splendid per­ Mozart revealed breadth and,dignity bility for errors in telephoned ads looks and runs like new, small S Acres on Car Line rooms. All modern conveniences. formance. of style, necessarily cbaractei^stic of will be assumed and their accuracy mileage, car guaranteed, will sell 8 room house, bam, city water, cannot be guaranteed. WANTED—AN experienced wo­ Inquire Dr. Weldon. Tel. 3434. The Program. the composer’s latter works, in re­ for $650.00, less than 1-2 original man for general housework, hours FARMS AND LAND FOR sewer on street, 8 acres of Imid. It seemed fitting for the club to sponse to tbe applause, Madame INDEX OF cost, monthly payments can be ar­ from 9 to 3 daily, 202.South Main This is a good bargain . at $6,500.^. SALE 71 open its program with the lovely Kurenko encored with' “Peter Pan" CLASSIFICATIONS ranged if desired. Phone 7780 or street. Phone 8452; ■ '. TENEMENTS 53 by Strickles. In her next group of Terms.’. In to-ira near school an-J 3460 for demonstration. “Sanctus” by Franz Schubert, .as Births APARTMENTS—FLATS— TALCOTTVILLE FARM—28 acres, songs, “ ’Time of Parting’.’ by Hadley, stores. Knsasements ...... ® song WM the lifelong object of this Several new single houses and Marriages HELP WANTED—MALE ^36 6 rooms, electric lights, furnace, great composer, and in this number and “ Passepied” by Delives, the lieaths ...... FOR RENT—5 ROOM downstairs heat, new barn, silo, apple orchards singer again delighted the audience, some nice 2 family dwellings at rea­ WANTED— THE BEST used sedan flat, all improvements. Inquire the noticeable feature was the sonable prices. Card of Thanks •.••••••••••••• WANTED—MAN TO open store in and small berries. Will exchange the easy singing stjde, and lovely in Memoriam ...... or coach that on* to three hundred splendid expression effects, which Building lots ais low as $100. It Manchester $50.00 weekly to s)tart. Charles Kellner, 61 Union street. for small 6 room house well locat­ quality being notable. host and P'ound ...... dollars will buy. Give make, year were well marked. In the second will pay to look over dur listings. Announcements ...... and price. Phone 6500 after 6. $750 to $1,250.00 cash deposit re­ FOR RENT—UPSTAIRS flat, 5 ed. O. R. Lamphier Farm. Man. number, "Countless Hosts In White Best Number. Personals ...... 860 Main street, East Hartford. Aalomobilea quired on merch^cUse. 264. Cen­ rooms, all conveniences. Inquire at Array,” by Grieg, the bass soloist, Madame Kurenko’s finest number Automobiles for Sals ...... * " GOOD USED CARS tral Ave., Albany, N. Y. 49 Benton street or telephone 3138. Phone 8-3221. was the Aria “Dtlmka Parase” from ROBERT J. SMITH Cash or Terms G. Albert Pearson, realized, the Autumobiles fur lUxcUangs ...... S the opera “The Fair of Sorotsebin- 1009 Main St. Phone 3450 Auto Accessories—Tires ...... 6 Madden Bros. FOR SALE—60 ACRE farm with ideals of the composer. Thd atia FOR RENT—6 ROOM flat with all bears out the marked characteris skajo,” in which the singer demon- Fire and AutomobUe Insnrance. Auto Kepairing—Painting...... 1 681 Main St. Tel. 5500 SITUATIONS WANTED— improvements. Inquire at 82 Cot­ 6 room bouse, apple orchard, about .Vuto Sciiubls ...... 7*A 100,000 feet standing timber, all for tics of Grieg’s works, but is not of Autos—Ship by Truck ...... * m a l e 39 tage street or telephone 4332. Autos—‘For Hire ...... SI 10 GOOD USED CARS $3,750. Wm. Kanehl. Telephone too strong national color. The third Carafes—Service—Storage ...... H> Crawford Auto Supply Company WANTED — WORK caripg for FOR RENT—SIX ROOM cottage, 7773. number in the club’s group was "A ^iotul•cycle3— Bicycles ...... 11 Centei & I'rotter Streets lawns, washing v^ddws' or mis­ Song to Music” by Gibson, the sob) Wanted Autos—Alotorcvcles . . . . 12 all improvements, 135 Main street. Kiixiiiess niicl PrufeaMlottSl Services Telephone 6495 and 8063 cellaneous work areupd house. CaU 3028 or 4078. parts being taken by Wilfred Kent, Kusiiicss Serxiues Offered ...... 18 Dial 7647 after 5 p. m. HOUSES FOR SALE 72 tenor, G. Albert Pearson, bass. The ItiiiiM-luilil Services Offered ...... 13-A FOR RENT—SINGLE 5 room tene­ next number by the club was Kuiiding— Contracting ...... H CONTRACTING 14 ment, at 238 Spruce street. In­ K lu r 1 s t s—-N urfeei’its ...... 15 FOR SALE—MODERN 10 room “Cradle Song” a Czechoslovak folk ^■ulH'rul Uiieclors...... 16 BUILDING- DOGS—BIRD&-PETS 41 quire at Geo. England’s store, flat, including screens, shades etc. song. Modern influences are' turning Iliiritl.s—Slocks—Alortsages .. WHITE l e g h o r n -day old-chicks Tel. 8146. FOR SALE—6 ROOM house; also 5 monic poseibiilties were realized and minutes’ walk from mills aiid H*i^^ord Road'bus.line. Busines.s Opportunities ...... curbstone and sidewalk relaid. Ail 14c each,! Hatches ever^. Satur­ room bungalow. All improvements. brought out in ;this number by Di­ Money to Doan ...... work guaranteed—By bour, day or day. B. S. Edgertoh,. ■ 655 ! North FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, all mod­ Call at l68 Benton ■ street. Dial rector Pearson. The Negro Spiritual Help and SMuntiunn contract. Get my estimate before Enjoy Yaur Lunch'at Home ;, - Help Wanted— Female ...... Main street- Phone 54lfi. ern improements. Inquire at 27 8713. “Sweet Caanan,” by Reddick, had to Help Wanted—Male ...... 30 you look further. EUro street. be i' repeated. Captivating ryhthm CALL HARTFORD 8-2349 FOR SALE—Single and double Open for Inspeotifllt DaUy 4 to 7 p. m. Help Wanted—Male or Female 3 7 and imitative faculties of the Negro Agents tVanted ...... 3 i - A 14 John St. East Hartford. Conn. houses: also one^ve room flat for ARTICLES I*X>R SALE 45 FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, were high developed. The num­ Situations Wanted—F’emale .. 38 modern improvements, with or rent. W. R. Hobby. Phone 5773. Situatl(5ns Wlented—Male . . . . 3S ber was marked with rich bass, CARPENTER WORK.—Shingling, FOR SALE—LOAH. A-No.. 1. In­ without garage. 6 Hudsoa street. Hmplo.viuent A gen cies...... 40 warmth of tenor, and splendid har­ T. p, FAUU ^ER CO. I.lve Stock— Pets— Poultry—Vehicles screens and screen enclosures a quire Frank Damato r<& Son, 24 Telephone 5573. Dogs—Birds— Pets ...... 41 specialty. T. Neilsen. Tel. 4823. Homestead street Phone 7091. LOTS FOR SALE 73 mony. 64 Pearl St, Hartford. ; Telephone 2:2241 Diva Stock— V eh icles...... 42 FOR RENT—TWO desirable tene­ In Sullivan Number. Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 L. S. Burr, Manchester 4522. Wanted — Pels—Poultry—Slock 4 + ments, one upstairs, and 1 down­ PROSPECT STREET — A few After the intermission, the Club For Sale—Miscellnneons STORAGE 20 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES stairs, at 95 Charter Oak street, choice building lots at a low price. opened with the Finale from “The V R. J; McKay, Manchester 6185 Articles'for Sale ...... 43 MOVING—TRUCKING— — RADIO 49 near Main street, every room has Gondoliers” by Sir'Arthur Sullivan, 40 High, quiet, healthy location. Build Boats and Accessories...... been redecorated, all modem con­ near the mills and enjoy the ad­ composed in 1889. Much of SuJli- Building Materials ."...... 47 GENEftAL TRUCKING— fik)Uipped Jiiamon(is— Watches—Jewelry 48 LATEST MODEL of Atwater Kent veniences. Apply Sam Yulyes Shoe vantage of noonday lunch at home. van’A. work Is comic and lively, but for light and heavy jobs, tobacco, Dlectrical Appliances— Radio 4'J and Zenith radios. Terms to suit, Repair Shop, 701 Main street. R; J. McKay, 21 Summit street. never vulgar or coarse. The skill­ Fuel and F'eed ...... 4'J-A hay. lumber, heavy freight, etc. some good battery sets. - Phone Phone 6185. ful handling of this robust number tiarden — Farm— Dairy Products 30 Prompt service, reasonable rates. 4673. Raymond A. - Walker, 64 FOR RENT—5 RQOM flat and lOousehold Good.s ...... 31 drew marked applause. With the Frank V. Williams. Tel. 7997. Mather street. . . . garage, on Eldridge street, nearly .Machinery and Tools ...... 52 freedom of music and verse, the di­ Musical Instrum ents...... 33 new; ^ all improvements. James J. RESORT PROPERTY • ifCice and Store Bauipment . . . . 54 L. T. WOOD CO.—Furniture and Rohan, telephone 7433. . rector and club painted a beautiful Specials at the Stores ...... 36 piano moving, modern equipment, FUEL AND FEEiD 49-A FOR SALE 74 tonar picture in the number “Trees,” W'caring Apparel—Furs ...... 57 experienced help, public store­ FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat on Cen­ by Rasbach. Warned—To Buy ...... 58 FOR SALE—AjBOUT 10 tons of nooius— Bonril—Uotcis— Resorts house. Phone 4496, ter street, all improvements, with In selecting works for their an­ Ucslaumnts gcKid horse hay. Edward J. Holl. garage. Apply H. W. Harrison, 598 FOR SALE—LOT on Pine Lake nual concert,^ it seemed appropriate Rooms Without Board ...... 53 PBRRBTT & GLENNEY INC. Tel. 4642, . . Center-street. Phone 3839. shores. Telephone 5203. Boarders W an ted...... 3-A Local and long distance express Couiuiy Board—Resorts ...... 60 and freight eervlce, including over­ FOR SALE—BIRpH seasoned hard FOR'.RENT—6 ROOM teneihent, all Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61- wood, or hickory sawed, fqp .istQye, W'anted—Rooms— Board ...... 62 night express service between Man­ modern Improvements, with heat. Real Estate For Rent chester and New York. Furniture . furnace, or fire place by the trnck Apply at 31 East Middle Turnpike. AMERICAN iUDNAPED SPECIAL Aparlmenis, Flats. Tenements 63 moved under the supervision of ex­ load, good service and., measure Business Donations for Rent . 64 guaranteed. Fred Miller, Coventry. FOR RENT—MODERN five room Houses for Rent ...... 65 perts and in specially constructed Brand new single of six Suburban for Rent ...... 66 trucks. Phone 3063, 486U or 8864.. Telephone Rosedaie 33-3, flat including shades and screens, Washington, April 22,— (AP) — rooms, oak floors, steam heat, Summer Homes for Rent ...... 67 second floor, corner house. 135 Mid­ The State Department today an­ oak trim dowii,; white enamel Wanted to R e n t ...... 68 WOOD IS VERY SUI-TABLJE M a dle Turnpike. West. nounced receipt of information that Real Estate For Sale PAINTING—REPAIRING 21 Spring fuel. We have the foubwlng Dr.’ George Eilward Purnell of Snow in charribersi sun parlor, slate Apartment Building for Sale . 69 sawed stove- length- 'and Business Properly for-Sale .. . 70 FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, all Hill, Maryland was kidnaped Sun­ roof. A real'buy at $6900. PAINTING AND PAPER hanging, cover; hard..$7.50,.-per.load; (slab improvements, , including garage. I''arms and Dand for Sale . . . . 71 day near Guadalajara, Mexico. Many other; new singles and some Houses for Sale ...... 72 neatly done, prices reasonable. $6.00 perv^Qtd;' ch^tnut' $5:00. L.'iT. Inquire at 172 Charter Oak street. nice two family Chouises to choose Jajts for Sale ...... 7.1 The information was contained in James F. Roach, Jr., 36’ Walnut Wood Co;'DTal 4496.. ' ’ from...... P.e.sort Property for S a le ...... 74 street. Dial 5921. FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat on a telegram from R. A. Gibson, .‘Suburban for Sale. ,... 1...... 7.1 American consul at Guadalajara. Real Estate for Exchange . . . . 76 WOOD EOR-SAIE—A;^b^S’.ttb re­ Center street, also 6 room tene­ W'anted—Real Estate ...... 77 PAINTER AND paperhnnger, first move. Any kind o f li|^'t ,4xucking. ment, all modern' improvements. Mr. Gibson reported he had notified ROBERT J. SMITH Auction-Degnl Kotlces class, many years experience, 75c CaU V. Firpo, llB WeUs . steeeL Inquire 147 East Center street. the authorities of the kidnaping. ' ^ 1009 ]»Un St. Degal Notices ...... per hour. Telephone 8475. Dial 6148. Telephone 7864. Further information was lacking. All KindS':0f Insurance.


Tbere ore at l«ut •p le^tlte abqve j^ctinre. They may per* tain to grani]Ba& hiptory, e tti o r nitotnot. See if you can tind them.'' fbbn look jPoN. heipwrreuHd uoacram- ble it, by awitcblhg the tit eacb of the mlsttiK# yop ana, and

G 0 | ^ O fI O N 9 (>V » h e f t tipp right Ip l l f ^ f p ^ P , ltd'put'--'of -Id ■ i j ^ (I) iciraiidtfed werdi VV V .

P A G E t h i r t e e n m a n c h e s t ^:r e v e n i n g h e r a u x s o u t h M a n c h e s t e r , c o n n ^ T u e s d a y , A P B I L 22, 1930. Mi— 1— 111■■■IP..■il'ii.iwpiiww .• »>«. • ,Vi' 1 By Percy L Crosby F l a p p e r F a i w -S a y s SKIPPY REO 5. PAT. OPT.'______SQ iSE ^ NONSENSE4 *... ^ - ‘ - i - - m i SifCH A tiAO AP€A Happiness N ot what we have, but what we use, -TV-NOW Not what we see, but what we {; y- choose. / These are the things, that mar or bless, . I 'And swell the sum of human happl* ness. . The things nearby; not things afar. u Not what we seem, but what we are, These are the things that make or brciik And gives each heart its joy or ache. Not what seems fail, but what is true. Not what we dream, but the good we do. These are the things that shine like gems, Like jewels in Roual Diadems. Not as we take, but as we give. ' P'-r'-y ^ Crosby. Great Britain~rlrhU reserved. Not as we pray, but as -we live, _ Feature* Syndicate. Inc. . These are the things that make for ~w - f P6&C6 Both now, and after Time shall cease. OUR BOARDING HOUSE liSNEA iU> The sad part about the prohibi­ coiiLPA?

An old railroader says: “Trying to N C t see through a pair of dirty specs is just about as difficult as trjdng to U P O N see signals in a dense fog.”

A TIM E.- Nothing grows so burdensome £ d w a r p ^ t h e from long carrying as a grudge. \ M u s i c B i< 5 W i n n e r )”7b H is . What has become of the old-fash­ ioned child welfare program that ■BATHS’ used to be done in the woodshed? 01930 BY NEA SERVICE. INC. REa U. S. PAT. OfT. Tontilnd Pd*. 1930 ENGAGED By Crane “Do you mean the court to under­ WASHINGTON TUBBS IL Hey! What’s U p ? stand that you stood hy and' saw this man strike the poor woman again and again?” asked the judge. “Yes, I saw it all,” replied the vdt- ness. o 9 < H ! A , “And why didn’t you make an at­ tempt to interfere?” RtSCUE ?MGV/ “Because I was filling my pipe.” ■When a boy, i —Hummel, Hamburg. 'John W. Davts, |; former presiden­ tial candidate, A CAUTION in hia first busi­ ness transaction. “Dear me,” said the yoimg mar­ * ‘ outsmarted *' ried woman to several meh about the shrewdest her, “ why is that knot in my hand­ jhorse trader at kerchief. I tied it there to remind ,Clarksburg. W. me of something.” I'Va., obtaining a “My dear,” said an old woman |tho ronghbred who overheard her, “it was prob­ pony for a 2- ably to remind you that you are urearold heifer. married.”—Moustique, Charleroi.


JEST AS 1 AL'^SS ou-u~v»iMy,\Muy u-utLLo -MASSE SOU vj»£R6trr lAPlS CCN\W 1 SoTTA SAID-TUEQE AlHT A StoU DOMT kM0^^1 MC.PARBAR!’. 6-6EE — coihiE A»snHiMs -g u r - ROM fCQ. HELP ^MD souB e v e s v^e r e i.' SOUL in TUlS tOvHM VMUAT *m’ HALF OF M 6 ? OH, I VJJAS JOST CUM FAST'/ EXPLORIM’ TUlS OLD TUERSS O ti\» OME HAS

W j jAtt V Ml

^WiaVwweaiiie.------U.. By Sm all SALESMAN SAM Just the Thing! (BEAD THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) * PtMC> S o u “TeLL CA(i. 6U^.■2.Let<\ IF t h e m \'LL TeLL wtA _ S Yes,Kes« 1 vdeLcowe amSj- r (\ PftPER “Say! Will we come along? You done. They left the shore, arimning, H e Pa s s e s t h i s u p ^ H e's m o t t h e TAs COt^e (^lO-HT (M ? yTHmO-THAT'LLH«LP S»iC Viet&MTt , bet!” cried Coppy. ‘^Can we use and soon reached a farm nearby. ' - e y p c M s e s l - ^ . r - r ; your net Bind help you gather in the “ Oh, my, this is a pretty place,” said SWREWD BO SIM esS MAM I T A K & shrimps ? ’Twill be a lot of fun. We one with a smile upon his face. The Hib> t ?3 don’t know what it’s all about, but houses and the fields look pretty 0 we can soon all learn, no doubt. ’neatb the bright blue sky.” v r ~ l l W e’ll do just as you tell us, if you’ll Just then, atop a hill nearby they OPB c e tell us how it’s done.” heard a little Dutch boy cry, “Hello, The shrimp man said, “Why, I’ll there, friends! Come on up here. Ill •3. glad to show you how it’s done, show you all around. Tbis^is my fa­ be - — - A my lad. Come on, now, out upon ther’s farm, you know, and there is the beach and keep your eyes on qtiite a lot to show.” ’The ’Tinymites PRIVATe - me.” . He then began to gather w ere’ tickled and then joined him, . shilmp and Clowny, quite a little on the boimd. \ UM0ep.6*I?H4D You HASH. SO«AeT«iMCir ^ > Imp, said, “Aw, that looks real easy, Soon Clowny pointed to a mill and TO K eep (AS GILLS OOVJMV. HPNg.— though you’re clever as can be.” said, “Oh, look! That won’t stay They stayed with him an hour or still. What makes the paddles go ~ r ^ s o . There really wasn’t much to aroihid ■with such apparent ease?” sho^ and every ’Tiny had his turn The Dutch boy smiled and promptly at Mr. Shrimper’s task. The Travel ■said, "W hy you ’ shoLild know. Just Man then said, “I’d say that we had use. your head. ’Those great big fans best' be on our way. What would move fast or slow, according to the you like to do? We’ll do whatever breeze.” ■ you may akk.” ■* "Let’s run to yonder fields,” said (The Tinymites ride the paddles one. And ’twas no sooner said than in the next story.) V - PAGE EOUETBBN J‘ ■ ;::v A - W -l

. i>

CSheney Brothers Get-Togetiie^ Troap 9 Boy Scout Club will have as their guests at thA ffiNOTT WRIST meeting . in Cheney HaU at six o’clock tonight, all former en^>loyei Wed. Apia 28, 8:1S p. m. who have been pensioned iff ter 25 Maadwster Oonumniity Club more years of service with the tirm.^ Door and lot Prlzos, f2A0 The regular meeting of Earl Rob­ BefreobmaitB. 85 cents. erts Lodge, Sons of St. George, will DEPARTMENT STORE SO. MAHCHESTER;,CQHI be held in Tinker hall tomorrow, evening at 7:15 o’clock. A delega­ D E PAR TM EN T STORE. SO. NAHCHESTEI^,COt1N. tion from the General Kitchener ^ ABOUnOWN Lodge of Rockville will be present bringing with them the state lodge ■' A large attendance Is expected at traveling gavels. After the meeting the meeting of Manchester Lodge of the last whist party of the season Shop Tomorrow For These Masons in the Masonic Temple to­ will be held. Rrfreshments will be night as the lodge will receive its served at the close of the whist annual visitation and Inspection by party. Lewis O. Kline, district deputy. MOTHERS! Mr. and Mrs.- Alvar C. Gotberg The census enumeration of the of Pine street have had as their lollowing districts has been com- guests over the Easter vacation Wednesday Thrift Specials ' Dieted in the town of Manchester: their daughters. Miss Laura C. Got- i, These Are Children’s Days iJistrict 146, boimded by town lines, berg of New York and Mrs. Orville ; north and east, Middle Turnpike Lamb and Mr. Lamb of New Lon- ‘ Bast, Woodbridge, Oakland, Tolland don. In Our Store Turnpike, Deming. District 154, bounded by East Center, Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Thure Hanson of One Group of Remnants Autumn, Oak, Main. It is hoped Worcester, Mass., have been visit­ that any person residing in these ing Mrs. Hanson’s parents, Rev. P. territories who has not been enum­ J. O. Cornell and Mrs. Cornell of As ASpecialFeatur e erated will communicate at once Church street. a with the office of the Supervisor, 225 Beginning V t o % Trumbull street, Hartford, Connec­ Boy Scouts of Troop 9 will assist The thiifty housewife will find many short lengths of Spring fabrics that she can put ticut, telephone number 2-5086, at the benefit whist to be given for to many uses in this group of Remnants whi ch we have repriced 1-4 to 1-3 off for tomor­ row’s selling. The assortment'includes: cot too prints, printed and plain rayons, cretonnes, either by mail or phone, giving their troop at the Manchester Com­ munity clubhoxise tomorrow eve­ Wednesday, April 23 scrims, plain cottons, silks and drapery fabrics. name and address. ning. Play will begin at 8:15. The r Hale’s Remnants—^Main Floor, left. makers of the highest scores for The Beethoven Glee Club will give men and women will receive $2.50 and closing a concert in Meriden, Thursday eve­ gold pieces. A gold piece will also ning. be offered for a door prize. There Betty Bates $1.69 $1.98 will be the other prizes and a social Saturday, May 3 Miss Juul, of the Weldon Beauty time with refreshments. Lloyd Velour Pillows Parlor, will study the texture of Schonhaar and his committee who Colored Lunch Cloths your hair for a Permanent Wave are in charge are bent on making 89c $1.00 this one of the biggest card parties and will assure satisfaction. Phone A small group of regular $1.98 velour of the waning season. OUR 36 only to seU! Solid colored jacquard 5009.—Adv. table or limch cloths In blue and gold. Size pillows to close-out tomorrow morning at 54 inches square. Also a few plain white $1.00. Oblong and round shapes in most­ CHILDREN’S mercerized cloths, withy^colored borders In­ ly dark colorings. For best selections an cluded in this group. early visit is advised. PHOTO EVENT Main Floor, left. Miffn Floor, left. \ For all the little chUdren' of 50c and 59c r South Manchester and vicinity up Dotted Muslin to 12 years of age. Sash Curtains Cheery Cretonnes 'Ttar^g^ @enteK 39c 39c yard Now is the time to dress-up your kitchen How gay and springlike a few y a ^ of Euid bathroom windows for summer. These cretonne can make a room. Pattenis in Free Telephone Service Call Enterpri^ 1200. dotted muslin sash curtains are very airy this gn^oup suitable for draperies, slip cov­ I and cool looking. Plain white. ers. cu ^ on s, etc. lig h t and dark pat- A FINELY HNISHED For Main floor, left. Main Floor, left. PHOTOGRAPH Only Fast Color Children’s Knitted (Adults 50c) Cotton Prints Light Weight Sleepers 3 yards 50c 69c We want 1,000 children customers who will grow up to be friends of Now is the time to make up cool cotton Children’s batiste and cross-bar muslin SPORT SUITS frocks for yourself and the youngsters. You sleepers in pink, white and blue. Short The J. W. Hale Company. These photographs will be taken by an expert will find many smart patterns and colorings sleeves. Sizes 8, 10 and 12 years. Other in Child Photography. In this assortment. 36 Inches wide. models, 99c. Owing to the great popularity of this event these are sure to be busy Main Floor, left. Main Floor, rear. and FROCKS days for our photographer; therefore, we are asking our patrons to come early for their sittings and save any disappointments. Photographs also taken Thursday and Saturday nights. for active women A Group of Women’s Home Frocks FIRST DAY—WMnesday, April 23rd. spectator sports wear • •• We have gone through pur house dress stock and picked-out a group .of high priced LAST DAY—Saturday, May 3rd. models and reduced them to this price for tomorrow’s selling. Neat printed dresses with self or contrasting trimmings. Short, sleeveless and long sleeves. cmart things in Sports wear now shown Rain or Shine—It Makes No Difference. Hale’s Home Frocks—Mahi Floor, rear. in our Sports Shop. New knit fabrics, novelty zephers, novelty bramble yam SECURE COUPONS AT THE INFANTS’ DEPARTMENT Children’s Women’s $1.00 Berets Rayon Hose and mohraysette, one, two and three piece 25c 3 ^ pair models, in lovely pastel shades. A small group of children’s berets to Women’s rayon stockings suitable for close-out at 25c. Regular $1.00 merchan­ every day wear at home, sports or business dise. Mostly dark shades. ^ weari All rayon with square heels. Cot­ \ ton or all rayon tops. M ^ floor, rear. Linen blue... .orchid...... sea green...... Main floor, right...... M a iz e ____ beige and w hite...... Bedex Cedsj4zed Garment Bags Garment Bags ^ 4 for 50c No\

O’Cedar $ • Onet Group 19-73 Don't Give A Burglar Moth Sprays Fancy China $1.25.quart The Chance If you spray your clothes with this O’Ce­ $1.00 Women’s Sizes 36 to 44, Misses 14 to 20 dar spray they will surely be mothproof. Values from $1.49 to $2.98. The assort-^ Pint can 75c. Hand spray, for holding ment Indudes vases, tea pockets, wall pock­ spray, 35c. ets, flower blocks, etc. . Basement < Basement Sports Shop— Second Floor to carry away your valaWes— or fire the oppor­ tunity to bum them. Better get the right pro­ tection for them now by putting them in our Close-Out Group of Fancy China Safe Deposit Vault where you can rent a Private Lock Box for only $3, $5, $10 or $25 per year. Price MOMI A table of fancy ph

