STREET DIRECTORY :111 :11 II' 1111 Ii' Ill :1111 III
, IIII TORONTO • • •••f -'/ '" 'ill, 'I' ,'!I, STREET DIRECTORY :111 :11 II' 1111 ii' ill :1111 III Containing a Complete List of the Streets of the City, with their Location; the remodelled Street Rail way Ronte,s; the Fire Alarm Boxes, etc. PRICE, TORONTO: :SlncHAKl If Q,9QIII'BU,8W, 'WYONGE STREET. 1892. LUCAS HOUSE .TTTBILEE TEMPERANCE HOTEL 56 Louisa. and 60. 62 & 64 Teraulay Sts .. TORONTO, CANADA. 11' 11" IU' 11'] .'.! ' Ne,u' the uew Municipal antl COUllty Buildings, 'tnd witbin ,~ block of Tonge or Queen Street Cars. Being ill the vel'," centre of the Cit~·, and easy of access to Bu,;iness, the 'Vh,tl'ves and Railway Depots, the pub li e H>Llls and Churches,-visitors wilt find a conven· ient ,\ntl comfortable home (luring their stay in To· ronto, ,,,nd at ... od.·.·n ... IH'i<'e!i, rl~("rlU "', $1.00 per Da;\-. 1111""",11 The weekly Boarding Department is carefully con dllcted, intoxicants being completely excluded from the house, ana q nietness full v maintained. PriCes from $3,50 to $4,00 per week. strictly in advance. LUCAS & CO., Proprietors. · . TORONTO ..• srrREET DIRECTORY ~ Iii I:: Iif II: Iii Iii 1111:: I:: I:: I HI i Containing a Complete List of the Streets of ~he City,_ with their Location; the-remodelled Street Rail way Routes; the Fire Alarm Boxes, etc. :11111I11111111111I11~llllIlllllIfl PRICE, 10 CENTS. 1I111111111111111111111111::I:IIII~ TORONTQ: BUTCHART & GOODFELLOW, 288 YONGE STREET. 1892. TORONTO STREET DIRECTORY. 11111110" The following are a few of the principal thorough· fares of the City, each having a street railway.
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