Alex Heuer November 13, 2011 AP Euro Hr 6 Resume for Cornelius Vermuyden

Name: Sir Cornelius Vermuyden

Age: 416

Education: • Trained in land reclamation in the Netherlands

Previous Job Experience: • Worked for Sewer Commissioners; repaired a breach in the Thames riverbank in Dagenham • Worked for Charles I to drain in the in 1626 • Worked for the English government to arrange a political union between England and the United Provinces of the Netherlands

Skills: • Land reclamation; draining flooded lands • River digging and irrigation

Accomplishments: • Drained the Great Fen in • Reclaimed in 1623 • Planned and dug the Dutch River from the River Don to the River Ouse • Reclaimed the Bedford level twice in England and dug the

Awards and Recognitions: • Knighted by King Charles I in 1629 • Became a British citizen in 1633 • Inspiration for Cornelius Vermuyden School and Arts College • Given one third of the land in Hatfield Chase

Inspiration/Mentor: Giles Vermuyden (father)

References: King Charles I

Personal Motto: “Nothing without work” Cornelius Vermuyden November 14, 2011 Canvey Island, Essex, England

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you at the Bureau of Reclamation to apply for the position of Southern Reclamation Specialist. The job involves making plans to drain flooded and saturated lands in the southern states, especially Louisiana. I feel that I am qualified for this job because of the many years I have already spent reclaiming flooded land in England. I also trained for many years in my home country of the Netherlands before beginning to work in England. I would be able to reclaim the water from any flooded lands in Louisiana without destroying the quality of the land, which is evident from my recent work on of Britain. I hope you will consider my proposal. Working as a government Reclamation Specialist would be as fulfilling for me as it would be for the Bureau.

Many thanks, Cornelius Vermuyden Sources

Edwards, Martin. “Cornelius Vermuyden (1595-1683)”. World GenWeb Project. Mar 2000.

"Sir Cornelius Vermuyden." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2011. Web. 14 Nov. 2011.

“Sir Cornelius Vermuyden”. Borough of Barking and Dagenham. Version 11. 2009.