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Seven Up Janet Evanovich

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Seven Up

Janet Evanovich

Seven Up Janet Evanovich Also see: Alternate Cover Editions for this ISBN [ACE] ACE #1


All New Jersey bounty hunter has to do is bring in semi-retired bail jumper Eddie DeChooch. For an old man he's still got a knack for slipping out of sight--and raising hell. How else can Stephanie explain the bullet-riddled corpse in Eddie's garden? Who else would have a clue as to why two of Stephanie's friends suddenly vanished? For answers Stephanie has the devil to pay: her mentor, Ranger. The deal? He'll give Stephanie all the help she needs--if she gives him everything he wants...


As if things weren't complicated enough, Stephanie's just discovered her Grandma Mazur's own unmentionable alliance with Eddie. Add a series of unnerving break-ins, not to mention the bombshell revelation leveled by Stephanie's estranged sister, and Stephanie's ready for some good news. Unfortunately, a marriage proposal from Joe Morelli, the love of her life, isn't quite cutting it. And now--murder, a randy paramour, a wily mobster, death threats, extortion, and a triple kidnapping aside--Stephanie's really got the urge to run for her life...


Seven Up Details

Date : Published June 17th 2002 by St. Martin's Press (first published 2001) ISBN : 9780312980146 Author : Janet Evanovich Format : Mass Market Paperback 337 pages Genre : Mystery, Fiction, Humor, Womens Fiction, Chick Lit, Romance

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James says

Book Review 4 out of 5 stars to Seven Up, the 7th book in the "Stephanie Plum" cozy mystery series, written in 2001 by Janet Evanovich. They just keep getting funnier. And in this one, Stephanie gets a marriage proposal from Joe. But Ranger will only help her with the crazy old bail jumper on the loose if she will do anything he tells her to do. She kinda likes that. So do I. But not if she's gonna marry Joe. Come on! The antics and shenanigans are on high alert. Her family is way over the top and need to be stopped. And if I don't get to meet that Grandma some day, there will be hell to pay. It's a great book in the series, can be read in under 4 hours and will leave you red from embarrassment and laughter. But it's worth it. So dig in, my friends... it's a wild ride with this series.

About Me For those new to me or my reviews... here's the scoop: I read A LOT. I write A LOT. And now I blog A LOT. First the book review goes on Goodreads, and then I send it on over to my WordPress blog at, where you'll also find TV & Film reviews, the revealing and introspective 365 Daily Challenge and lots of blogging about places I've visited all over the world. And you can find all my social media profiles to get the details on the who/what/when/where and my pictures. Leave a comment and let me know what you think. Vote in the poll and ratings. Thanks for stopping by.

Stefania says

Attenzione: si sconsiglia la lettura di questi libri sui mezzi pubblici, o in mezzo alla gente in generale, per non attirarsi occhiate confuse dalle altre persone mentre state ridendo come degli scemi leggendo dell'ennesima avventura di Nonna Mazur.

No senti Janet, non puoi continuare così vorrei leggere anche altri libri ma se molli una bomba nell'ultima riga e mezza del libro, io come faccio??

La storia è sempre la stessa: Steph, nel bel mezzo di falliti tentativi di recupero del MA di turno, si ritrova in mezzo ad un omicidio e lo risolve per culo (e grazie a Morelli e Ranger). Detto così, non sembrano molto convincenti come libri, ma la Evanovich è in grado di tenerti incollato fino all'ultima parola e di farti sbellicare dalle risate per tutto il tempo.

Eric_W says

Those who have yet to discover Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum and her weird relatives and relationships are missing a huge treat or living in a cave. I recommend beginning with the first in the series, One for the Money, but Seven Up stands alone quite well.

Grandma Mazur has finally gotten her driver’s license, bought a red Corvette, and lost the driver’s license for too many speeding tickets, all in the space of five days. The scenes at the dinner table are always my favorite with Stephanie’s father

PDF File: Seven Up... 3 Read and Download Ebook Seven Up... trying not to choke on his food every time Grandma Mazur makes some outrageous statement or describes which funeral director does a better job at making up their clients and why. “ ‘I saw a television show the other week about a woman like that,’ Grandma said. ‘This woman was real sexy, and it turned out that one of the men she was flirting with was an alien from outer space. And the alien took the woman up to his spaceship and did all kinds of things to her.’

“My father hunkered lower over his plateful of food and mumbled something indiscernible except for the words . . . Crazy old bat. “ ‘What about Loretta [recent murder victim found in Eddie’s garage:] and Eddie DeChooch?’ I asked. ‘Do you suppose they were seeing each other?’ “ ‘Not that I know of,’ Grandma said. ‘From what I know Loretta liked her men hot, and Eddie DeChooch couldn’t get it up. I went with him a couple of times, and that thing of his was dead as a doorknob. No matter what I did I couldn’t get a thing to happen.’ “My father looked up at Grandma, and a piece of meat fell out of his mouth. “My mother was red-faced at the other end of the table. She sucked in some air and made the sign of the cross. ‘Mother of God,’ she said. “I fiddled with my fork. ‘If I left now I probably wouldn’t get any pineapple upside-down cake, right?’ “ ‘Not for the rest of your life,’ my mother said.

It seems Eddie DeChooch, half-blind and really old, had decided to make a killing by smuggling some cigarettes. Unfortunately, Louie, his contact in Richmond, died of a heart attack, and when contacted, the family lawyer told Eddie to “bring the fart back.” Eddie’s hearing being substandard, he thought he heard the lawyer say heart. Arrested by the police on the way back from Richmond, Eddie had skipped bail and so Stephanie was assigned to go get him. Much easier said than done, because the heart has disappeared and the whole family, mob-connected, is determined to get it back, only no one knows where it is.

Throw in two crazy old ladies, a Grandma Mazur kidnapping (she was thrilled and intended to keep talking about it for weeks), a wedding dress, another smashed-up Stephanie car, and Ranger giving Stephanie more than goose bumps, and you have another classic Evanovich.

Light but lots of fun.

Dorothy says

This was another roll-on-the-floor-laughing-helplessly entry in the Stephanie Plum series. Stephanie's after another ancient mob-connected FTA who seems to have an uncanny ability to disappear even when she seemingly has him in her grasp. The plot revolves around the disappearance of a mob guy's heart. It was removed after his recent death and thereby hangs a tale. Amidst it all, Stephanie's perfect sister turns up with her two kids, in from California where her perfect husband has just taken all their money and deserted them. She now thinks she might like to become a bounty hunter like Stephanie, and, oh yes, perhaps turn lesbian.

There are some truly crazy and scary characters in the book as well and, of course, Stephanie's usual posse of Lula, Ranger, Grandma Mazur (who gets kidnapped), Mooner and Dougie (who get kidnapped), and even Vinnie (who doesn't get kidnapped). Of course, it all comes out right in the end, except that the wedding with

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Joe has been called off and she's feuding with him. Now here comes Ranger again and we are left with the tease of will she or won't she? Tune in to "" to find out, I guess.

Patrick Gibson says

Bob the dog is still around. Mooner, the dejected stoner is still around—although his roommate seems to have turned up missing and Mooner just might have to move in with Stephanie for protection when the bodies start showing up. Mooner’s roommate, by the way is called Dealer because, despite his penchant for administering your standard cocaine derived drugs to the neighborhood, he supplies vast amounts of Metamucil to the senior citizens and an incredible discount. So you can see why all hell breaks loose in the Burg when Dealer goes missing.

Wait a minute. Did Morelli propose? Did Stephanie accidently set a date? What the heck is the real case Stephanie is on anyway? Does it matter? Not really.

This is the continuing saga of an inept (but sexy, no doubt) eccentric bounty hunter written in light breezy style. I am not even sure you need to read the first six. There is enough quick exposition you could pick this up as a stand alone and have just as good a time as if you started from the beginning.

The running gags just keep getting better and better.

Once again, you must tell no one I am reading this series. Thanks.

Sarah says

It's no secret that I love this series, Stephanie's antics and her crazy family never fail to make me giggle and these books are the perfect thing to pick up when you're having a bad day and just need something to make you smile.

You'd think that Stephanie might be getting the hang of this bounty hunter thing by now but unfortunately for her she's just as terrible as ever. Even when she's up against a pensioner things don't go to plan for our plucky heroine and her sidekick Lula. I swear these two could get themselves in trouble in a kids soft play area!

Throw in family drama with her not-so-perfect sister Valerie who has moved back home with her two daughters and put Grandma Mazur on a motorbike and you know you're going to be in for an interesting ride, especially since all that's before we even think about the two men in her life.

Stephanie somehow seems to be accidentally engaged to Morelli even though he never officially proposed and now that it looks like she's off the market (her mother is already shopping for the wedding dress and Grandma Mazur has the hall booked!) Ranger has decided it's time to up the ante and make his presence felt. What's a girl to do when she's stuck between two very hard, very hot alpha men who both want to stake their claim? Personally if I was Stephanie I'd be tempted to keep them both but I'm not sure if either Morelli or Ranger would be willing to share.

There's no point me going into detail about the plot, if you're familiar with this series you know what to

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Tilly Slaton says

Evanovich went above and beyond when she created Seven Up!

This book is filled with missing friends, death, a kidnapped Grandma Mazur and … mud wrestling? Ha!

Stephanie Plum and Lula are my heroes. They really make me appreciate the diversity of friendships that I have. Even when my life decides to go a little strange, I can always count on the loved ones in my life to help me giggle.

Stephanie: For the better part of my childhood, my professional aspirations were simple-I wanted to be an intergalactic princess. I didn’t care much about ruling hordes of space people. Mostly I wanted to wear the cape and the sexy boots and carry a cool weapon.

Mazur does not disappoint in this book! Sharing a mysterious relationship with the bad guy of the book, DeChooch, her family is forced to endure her unusual and mind-blowing facts of her life.

“Not that I know of,” Grandma said. “From what I know, Loretta liked her men hot, and Eddie DeChooch couldn’t get it up. I went out with him a couple of times and that thing of his was dead as a doorknob. No matter what I did I couldn’t get nothing to happen.”

And if that wasn’t enough…Stephanie’s perfect sister with her perfect life shows up unexpectedly for a shocking family reunion.

“I’m never going to get married again,” Valerie said between sobs. “Never, never never. Marriage is the work of the devil. Men are the Antichrist. I’m going to become a lesbian.”

In Seven Up, the earth-pulling, heart-tugging sexual tension between Ranger and Stephanie becomes explosive and tingling! I found myself shhing my husband and lifting my book up to hide his view while snapping, “Hold on! This is a good part!!” :0

I love Morelli. I do. I think the relationship has grown and it’s very cool. But there is always the part of me that craves the bad boy. The untamable. The totally rockin’ awesome and downright sexy shadow of a man that lurks in my dreams and pulls a reaction from me that I seriously doubt I’d ever admit

I don’t especially want to marry a cop. Morelli doesn’t want to marry a bounty hunter. And then there’s Ranger.

I mean, what if I spent the night with Ranger? What then? Suppose he was so amazing I got ruined for all other men. Suppose he was better in the sack than Joe. Not that Joe was a slouch in bed. It was just that Joe was mortal, and I wasn’t sure about Ranger.

One part of me hopes Morelli pulls through and doesn’t ruin his chances with Stephanie, but the other part crosses my fingers that the feelings between Ranger and Stephanie rip things apart… Mmm.. I look forward to reading the rest of the series just to glide through the special moments of uncomfortable and awkward yumminess that leaves you hanging…wondering if the dreams will ever come true.

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As always, Lula’s graceful eccentricities leave me breathless with laughter. In this book, Stephanie and Lula become closer and share more intimate moments. It’s very cool to watch friendships blossom. And with Stephanie and Lula’s friendship, you can only anticipate and imagine what will happen next.

Lula reset the safety on the gun. “I think I messed my pants,” she said.

“Uh-oh,” Lula said. “Are you crying?”

“No. I think I inhaled a bug a couple blocks ago.”

I definitely recommend this book to anyone that is reading this series in order. Although the book can be understood as a stand-alone, the relationships will leave you oooing if you start at the beginning.

Mild sexual contact. Non-descriptive but gruesome violence. As far as age preferences, I would definitely advise to read this book before allowing a young adult to do so. Immature adults should not read this book.

Kindle is charging, and the dishes are done! Time to start the next book in the Stephanie Plum series, Hard Eight!

Happy reading! <3

Bhanuj says

What I like the most about Stephanie Plum series is the continuity of characters; Grandma Mazur, Lula, Morelli, Ranger and Stephanie, Stephanie's mother and father. But storywise, I get the feeling that all books are the same. This one was however a bit less entertaining than the previous ones.

Choko says

*** 4.35 ***

A buddy read with OhWell at BB&B

This series is hilarious! Hands down, one of the funniest I have ever read, that keep on with the hilarity even 7 books into the series. We are already very well acquainted with Stephanie's family, and the consensus is that everyone needs a grandma Mazur in their life, just for giggles! Stephanie's mom is obviously going through "the change", but is doing anything and everything to deny it. And the poor Mr. Plum is hanging on to sanity by the tips of his toes.... The only thing Mrs. Plum can hold up as an example to all is her sainted normal daughter Valerie, who is happily married to a perfect husband, with two little girls who are perfect little ladies.

Stephanie continues confounding her mother with her chosen profession of a bounty-hunter, and not very good one at that, and keep trying to encourage her to find a new job. A job where no one is getting shot at and she is not known as the mother of a woman who keeps on finding dead bodies. At least there is the engagement (but no ring!!!) and possible impending marriage to Morelli to look foreword to... Imagine everyone's surprise when one evening for supper who but the perfect, perfect Valerie and her little lady girls

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Just a little snippet of the joy Valerie brings to this volume:

"I'm not perky . . . I'm cheerful. I am absolutely not crying anymore, ever again. No one likes a Gloomy Gus. I'm going to get on with my life and I'm going to be happy. I'm going to be so goddamn happy Mary Sunshine's going to look like a loser." Yikes. "And do you know why I can be happy? I can be happy because I'm well adjusted." Good thing Valerie moved back to Jersey. We'd fix that."

.... "Of course I'm the bounty hunter type," she said enthusiastically. "I just have to get into the right mind-set." She sat up straighter on my couch and started singing the rubber tree ant song. "He's got hiiiigh hopes . . . hiiiigh hopes!" Good thing my gun was in the kitchen, because I had an urge to shoot Valerie. This was taking the cheerful thing way beyond where I wanted to go."...... Yep, they will fix all that perkiness right out of her:):):)

As always, Stephanie is on a hopeless case to catch a bond jumper, an old mob guy with enlarged prostate and vision problems... She has a new car, we all know how this turns out, don't we... And she is still caught up in a struggle of attraction between two perfect alpha males... I am not usually for love triangles, but even the most prudish among us would find it hard to choose between Morelli and Ranger, and I honestly am very happy I am not in that situation... In this case and THIS CASE ONLY, I totally vote for polygamy and a menage:):):)

This is a great addition to the series, but be warned, things go a bit differently in the romance department... Absolute must read for the fans of Stephanie Plum!!!

Now I wish all happy reading and may you find joy in every book!!!

Joe says

Is it possible to give zero stars? This book was awful. One of the few times in my life where I thougth to myself, "I could have written this same story and same characters myself, and it would have been much better." Does this woman even have a college degree? Did she go to SLCK? Salt Lake Community Kollege? Please don't read this book, you will get dumber. The main character is unlikeable, a tramp, and an embarrassment to women everywhere. America needs to do better than this book. You know who will like this book? The same public who likes "Deal or no Deal". Picking random suitcases with hot but fake looking women? America must do better!

ROSE says

Toujours aussi bon. J'aimerais beaucoup que la mère ait un rôle un peu plus important dans un des tomes suivants, car elle a un potentiel comique assez immense comme personnage ! Sinon, encore une fin hummmm.... Mais heureusement cette fois j'ai prévu : j'ai le tome suivant entre les mains ! NA :)

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Tracy says

Yes, I read book 6 and 7 in one day . . . I am on medical leave. It is the weekend. These books are my entertainment. So, book 7 finds us looking for an old retired Mob guy who may have killed a kind old lady. Ranger ups the heat on Stephanie by making a deal with her . . . if she wants his help it is going to cost her. Stephanie attempts to entertain the wedding proposal and out of fear of giving her mother, who comes unglued when perfect daughter Valerie returns home after her marriage crumbles, says she may have a heart attack. She sets a bogus wedding date to appease the women in her life and if puts pressure on Joe and she to discuss what their relationship is going to look like when the lights are on, they are fully dressed, and not on a surface they can use for sex. I believe Joe's fear that something horrible is going to happen to Stephanie really freaks him out and makes him say things -- really stupid things. This opens the door for Ranger who is continuing to up the heat by making a deal with Stephanie. The deal involves her having to pay him in nonmonetary ways should she need his help bringing in the old mob guy. Oh, yeah . . . I totally forgot about her two missing stoner friends. No one could ever say Stephanie is a biggot. She has friends from all walks of life.

Jilly says

Truth is, I think naked men are kind of strange looking what with their doodles and ding-dong hanging loose like they do. Nevertheless, there's the curiosity thing. I guess it's another one of those car crash experiences, where you feel compelled to look even if you know you'll be horrified.

And, this is the mindset of the girl who has two major alpha men after her? I'm not saying that I disagree with the awkward boy-parts thing, but Stephanie has to be the most un-sexy girl I have ever read. She's probably the type of girl who the guy can only tell if she orgasms because she drops her nail file for a moment.

So, we have the usual crazy shenanigans, insanely fun characters, and lots of car mishaps in this book. Stephanie doesn't seem to be getting any better at this bounty hunter job. She is, however, really good at making people mad enough to want to kill her. And, her apartment seems to be the easiest place to break into in the world. In this one, she has two old guys breaking in all of the time. They are nice though. They bring her gifts and do her dishes. Considerate burglars are the best kind.

As for her relationship with Morelli? Well, it's gotten kind of sticky. Somehow, everyone thinks they are engaged and it keeps snowballing as people actually expect them to get married. Stephanie's mother convinces her to try on wedding dresses and her grandma is renting a hall. I see a shotgun wedding that will involve both Stephanie and Morelli being led to an altar at gunpoint.

"My mother and grandmother showed up and next thing I was trying on gowns."

"You'd tell me if we were getting married, wouldn't you? I mean, you wouldn't just appear on my doorstep in the gown one day and say we were due at the church in an hour."

Yeah, I could see this happening...

But, of course Janet Evanovich is a sadist and is determined to make our Stephanie as unlucky in love as she

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Author says

Something I think a lot of people forget about this series is that it's not supposed to be literary genius. It's supposed to be entertaining, lighthearted, fun. While the basic plot of the books in this series tends to have the same set-up, what changes is the personal relationships. I think the action of the books is more of a means to an end. The characters need something to do so they are hunting down bad guys, and in the process the real story, the story of the character relationships, develops. The characters don't grow dramatically throughout the books, but I think they change in subtle ways and they keep the story interesting. For me, this is a fun series to read and has a couple of great characters that make me smile and keep me reading. If you don't mind the repetetiveness of the plot, I think these are a great series of books to read and a lot of fun. Can't wait to see more of the relationships developing and what will happen next, and I hope it continues to stay interesting.

Melissa says

OK I didn't add reviews to the last several books in this series because I was out of town (stuck in a snowstorm back east)& didn't get to my computer until today. I made two trips to Barnes & Noble while we were back east because I couldn't wait to get more of these books. This series in hilarious!!! Very quick reads too - perfect for passing the time in an airport with nothing else to do. I can't decide who my favorites are yet - either Grandma Mazur or Lulu. They both crack me up. I had several people several times give me strange looks in the airports and on the planes because I would just crack up laughing. My family is now used to it and just shake their head no longer embarrassed. I just started #7 and already have #8 waiting for me when I am done.I have never read a series that is this long and that I am still enjoying and can't wait for the next one.

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