Kol Nidrei כל־נדרי and Evening וערבית Service ליום of Yom Kippur כיפור
KOL NIDREI כל־נדרי AND EVENING וערבית SERVICE ליום OF YOM KIPPUR כיפור Preparatory Prayers 202 הקדמה לתפילה Kol Nidrei 205 כל נדרי EvEning SErvicE The Sh’ma and Its Blessings 207 שמע וברכותיה The Silent Amidah 213 תפילת העמידה בלחש S’lih.ot: Pleas for Forgiveness 223 סליחות Viddui: Prayers of Confession 234 וידוי Concluding Prayers 246 סיום התפילה 201 yom kippur · evening service Copyright © 2010 by The Rabbinical Assembly, Inc. All rights reserved. הקדמה לתפילה PREPARATORY PRAYERS Isaiah . ָׁשֹלום The Meaning Shalom: shalom to those who are far off, shalom to those who shalom This verse from the .57:19 ָׁשָלֹום ׁשלֹום ָ לָרחְֹוקוַלָּקָרֹוב אַמר יהוה. .of the Day are near, says ADONAI Haftarah for Yom Kippur One day a year we morning is used here to welcome everyone to the make a journey in the Meditation for Putting on the Kittel synagogue. The welcome will be developed further company of the whole when the liturgy declares that we are permitted community of Israel— Just as I clothe myself in this white garment, so may You purify tonight “to pray with those who have transgressed.” all of us together, each of us alone. That day is my soul and my body, as the prophet Isaiah said, Originally a . ִקֶיטל The Day,” the Day of “Even if your sins are like crimson, Kittel“ Yiddish term, the word kittel ְלִבַיׁשִת קֶיטל ”.Atonement, the day that they will turn snow-white refers to a white garment ְּכֵׁשֶם ׁשֲאִנִי מְתַלֵּבִׁש/מְתַלֶּֽבֶׁשְת ּבֶֽבֶגָד לָבֵן, ּכַן ּתְלִּבין is deathlike. It is the day we wear the kittel, the K’shem she-ani mitlabbeish/mitlabbeshet b’veged lavan, kein talbin traditionally worn on Yom Kippur as well as at sacred ֶאִת־נְׁשָמִתְי וגּו ָפִתַי, ּכָּכִתּוב: אִם־יְהֲיּו חָטֵאיֶכם white gown that will one et nishmati v’gufati, ka-katuv: im yihyu h.
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