MMENSE STOC0 No 'Ponbmura 'Irt&'Iuy Ota'i^L^ Ot ' ' 1 » : ' Paje^Ea^ Boolei Ttoirue, Ito

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MMENSE STOC0 No 'Ponbmura 'Irt&'Iuy Ota'i^L^ Ot ' ' 1 » : ' Paje^Ea^ Boolei Ttoirue, Ito $ ¦ - I . '. ¦ K7A2TERFORD STEAM SHIP COMPANY LIMITED. ; THC IVICULOVV MOTCL ¦ : ¦ ¦ } i. ;: l || ! r- .^ASHijADVANCED.^:;:fr #-U INTENDED ORDER OP WIOKLOW ST.,, GRAFTON ex.. ' I . A»N. (Si i:?: City [ j ^_ _J3k SAILING ; ritTBLIN. arid County Loan and DIccount Banti. ! ^^^•iMSOTs- ' : (with ' ; Hl^^AOTA'fiBiid ^'M^^mWf i:0JEiWS2L|lkiiQjpb ^Jliv^&aWOJW:. : ! S^ipjrv"^^.^. or without Pilots or , :!- . j .I i . jCWJiW. i«[i^Bei^te!«;omnW.«f ycan). : .| : ! ' ;. ATej the ^Largestl and FastesiTe sseto ill V ;of . ||- ™ \- :<4VA8mN&f o?&Q0vxiiTt' ¦: ; fcr- . r.r><ts uborty to tow ox S WjUil ^^ J ' i .tbi .'VUAL 'i: I : j if!:; - . ¦ ^^p wl*^^iu^fcl!^J? J^ ^iii n any^jNari lrdkbd, TO-' ' .T^ rCpUBT^^ W^gM im; ' ¦ ' tcsisi rossols). Oentrelly cihat^d. Uodcrato ca , 1 FAEMERS, fl¦ HOPKEiaPEB8 (K)V03RNMEiwr : J fl< AQt ITAMA" i and' |:f- , LiMX)NIA' ; . i ' , . X _ -\ ~ ¦ ¦¦ 0FFICIAL8, AND ALL : ¦¦ ; : :; • .i| i . ' : ' ^ '"¦: " ¦[ ; " : , 'ii;.:: ¦';¦- - prbatdiB^.;:.!': . • MARCH, lau. Qcmtortiblo. r - 1 ¦ '[! I R ^^NSmE iPlEBBONS, on jj - \. p \ ; . , i|: • ¦ ¦ ; Hich-Oilaa Rcctanran, cttiohctL . Appjfpv^d Personal Security) without Putticity1 ! ¦ i Ti5ple-«caWw'j: . Tnrbiie j /'tiARMAljnrj.," / ;. : ,: j- " T: miiJEYJ :sB^Bfojsi8i. .." . T.H ' , BTEAireus: j bo .: . ' ! : Weddina Rrtaifaitaa Speoiliij Tie afaionn^ rrowed can be repaid by instajmeate or; ao may be - ' ' l!mo»Jtt |O r»iiitoy,i^iPrfdV-3oib<^iber-, iet» ' OUOD&QS., j on ranged; ¦ ¦ ^Cro^'Bn«ln4»»-Prida i3omD«inli«,Elron*sJ -M<Sl. " I DUKTBRODY, MEKAPIA', v rooe ct !:¦ . • ' l^o application. i*bida arfl! not rtrcn by other* ; f \ '• •( ••! i- i< . ¦•;: .-n:-l- . - |l. \ B^tTU&rordijr.iiij fiiwmber.i igio;; | : :| f i feEGINALD, Eta befored,» ^ftX Li ?top*ftoa nt *troabla* I : . _»_i Oii_i_: I 'TLoo a I ij^ngi ond.:exj)ensB.' - nv^*« o. r tumirviVTI"H I . "anjmrraaU[pinl BtufneM—Mottta.liad- tiaoarf . ©n arid will be foundia fair , better ¦ : a. HWVUQW . "'*-r"'" i \\j n * **^-'***» ' . «o« i ¦ 1 NOnCE—The Waterrord S!e»m«hip Company, Ui. F. r.lAHOrJ, Manasar. Own wa^>t^, ^an<& f i;Priv«.te 8«nmty/--a« - tbiB-!BAOT n&W >.. .Q»TOj teojte«M--Tnti<IaT, 3rd:Jta5i4ji ijn; j r*«iw Go^vU n:d Lire Stock for ihlpmcnt 0:1 tbt j i .weU;¦- ¦ ORCa|STRA84-LODNGi3fl r-'DinJX I*j-<i «».-. Eqi)a7- |rueadiy, 3rd January J911J , J ¦ kn.oflrn| £o<- lhalt «t«ight^rw^ ^ealiDm -wpltai UlenU. ! j : jfi 'l ¦ ¦! . cnoHiiinn* (mentioned in Sailing Uit. Rc_ to be had it Telaaatno—" Wioitow Hotol." i To ijTnT- NEWSPAPER?.!, |: [ :¦<. Watsfonl Wi\t 'iB^e»-X VtiioaixiikthljanoarV , : their •'fficra . ftr^xonniring a I temporary advinw. Se abtovia fa tho .best and moot'relUbte. ' loii f' Cn^ X-uinia^-Thtiridiy,sth; Janoary, 1911 ; FO t nd apply. ;LA)sCrB3' ?; A!ND iii-iwES* !; BTEAMIE IS 1*»E KqullT^FrldajjoUiI aan»Ty,.i9i:f. r > ! '¦ ' ¦ WATERFORD A ITD BRISTOL. ;I- - f; f{°"'j parti^ulara;; : O'OONNBLL 8XKEET. WATERFORD. Witefonl I' ; f : Tpif, J Crown [ Bmlnoj-t-Friday, '; 6tfc t 1 . Saili ng -irorn On^barlwrxi IW-in, ©ailing f- CANADi .--FAST¦ ^lRQTJTEi BPEQL LL — ' - '• • 1 , • - - . ¦¦ ¦L ¦;. at Milfnrd Himn. ' i l^ pi • if ^ . - .!: BATBd.:!; itti ;p \ [yBAff TES 8BS8IO1®!.!,! 1 :*¦ !- . > •Fxwn LI VERPOOL fVSa QtoiwWroV rBOal WATERFORD TO FROM BRISTOL TO niTSH CTVTL SERVICE ^- > \WT j : HR1STOL- WATERFORD. ' W^rTORt.] i!|lV :::TO.-BOSrtoHr. \l BUILDING SOCIETiY. rr Loaltjanls,,¦; Satv : Mar.ln ;| ^virtrif •¦ Too. :Apl -4 Toaatj 7-. 4. o\ Krtsay }.. o o p.m | Ompjnll. ' Sat »Iar. ll8 Pr incodli. Tpow A iL 1« . Cro^niBintnaW KMayJ Whi A ril AIVV TC fa 0 noon Friday, 10 tt o ooon ^ 73 p M rM ' Tuesday 14.. (Open to thb GeneralOeneral PPublicoblicl , ! \£fl_ _ ; Manrttapla't SaL? atu-^ | It^nl«4. : ;Tda^, > a; » %a ftcftlay ii.. 4 0 ^ni ^ Friday. 17.. 6 10 p.m =i Wifcfnrit ; ¦ ftooday JS. 11 o un [Friday. 14..M30 a.m 25 WESTUORBtiAND STREET, Dl IBLIH ¦:w UNBPEJ AB8ED| M! AC|OOilMODATJ< N I^ Bod*«^S»hidx^<iiiApkWrt^- ' ¦ ¦ !Qro^ J<«HMa^«»la^wtt.AtA':rn«5.?SrSi' " !' ;Kr[<lay. jr.. ' p.m . , i II ' I' -L' -am: VAtrr i « tiriMi'. li : ' ' • )' ¦:" I Sj O EsUbllthed IS84. Incorporated I ' t -. -,; |..kiv. \4T;.LQW-liATS»;.,:r - ' ¦ y. ¦ ¦ . .^ending Berth—Broad Quay, Bristol. L0AN8 ORAKTBD ON THE FAVOUnABIiBiTERUB TO Eli ' e«&d.4ad .TiiiiW^W sie<5s«»&^ Pttosengers Embark at Cumberland ^O proT»rM to trea»,:w»h:tbe sr^a^*^ &^. ^ PERSDHS TO BDIIiD OR PUBf ¦ fojWABDS Jto »fl pwEa^ni wt their OWH JaPWlOViW H i;0^Bno«;!Cfift.|r5laTO»»^WMata4jT'^i ] Iiali ' : ' • '--H-- Basio, Bristol. I ;¦ ¦ ¦ 31: . ¦ ' : PE^NAl E^EOTDtiTI'. : cfltatsbito A»*(!n i«nd/-Kattedelp, alf;aut i lclir HOO8BBHOO8KB IN TOWNS OR TO PATPA Of^ ; " ' ~ -\T~~- -Jr-r.y' ;» • i j-,-*V'!'?"i:: :-, , :-¦ ¦ ¦»-;] - Y{" T. ' .-t^.a>wy 'j iayH' t.-^yi l«»»e*jitifl -¦-;»/a.-^y."il ...:-j ¦ ' ;;.'i * Hair MattFesises, SpringX \J 3 j ij ^.. ;j;. ^•Vdai': B«^t ffl. 'tO ." HW; ]B?*';.'K>4 I ; * *¦ i| . * Averags&» Possope, 14 to 15 tnxtrta ' " " i :' are ; T "^ ¦! notlB^«^tWl;b:iJiB^etrjdiflOt>tfortra»ilu^on ^ man^ 1 ' :¦ ;i WATERFOHD AND UCVEEPOOL. 'WE HAVE AN IMMENSE STOC0 no 'ponBMUra 'irt&'iuy otA'i^l^ ot ' ' 1 » : ' PajE^ea^ boolei ttoirUe, ito. ^' P ^^ ^ ^i ^b. 1 ¦ c^ . ¦ ¦ l * *» ' ! ' of Ameiwa-<nd OanM&u W'-. -. - i " ' - TCOU WATERFOBD. FROW LIVERPOOL. Annual Income, m Quartor of a JMililoD WIIICB WE OFFER AT : ' :- ' ' ' ~: J: , Watotari, 3T0 Bialapi—Moodjv.jkl)lane,ion • I: YZtdactday l.. pjD Wednesday r ' \ App1y^HM:M&NAQEn. :. \\ Apply—)Th< Ophtcri ! BteomsnlB: Ow o- ' J o ..ll o aun Stejrllntf I | , ' ' ¦ ¦ : Frtoy, 3.. 31 o pm Friday, 3.. 11 30 a.m I [ : I T 1 ¦: ] . ' 0, JOHN OTREET,. WATgBf ORD, '' pasyj TAWiti if Liverpool $ or ;«j thx ir Sonday. :?•• ?! ° ajn Monday. 6.. I .0 p.m ^ agenxe-^Wen}' BroftnenrandHarrey [aid Wednesday !«.. 13' o noon Wednesday 8 0 p.m .. } , Son, Waterfoid;' Mi«8 U<i Ootter i BaHy- : ; Frfclay 10.. r 2 0 noon Friday, fo .. o }o ajD ^« ZSZ- EXCEPTIONA|LLY LOW . M mOHAELMAS 8ESSIONB. ¦ • < ' ; Sunday ia.. 7 o a-nt Monday, <¦ l Ejan,i Dun- f : ij.. 9 a.m . .,PRICES.° ^T. 4W1JHOWV ^6F dufl; iMidiae] Fodey and P. IJaniort.: airtl ! Bo3ln««*4JoadaT, l iolif Be >tei4e»: ; i Wednesday 15 *. 3' o pjn Wedneidav.tsr .ll 0 a.m M i " PADUAj" 1 Gappoqati;loll; Crown ^ At Call 2J PerCoDt. per Anaum ; '¦¦ garran; Hrei Kato!Be ^, Baaloo»—Toeada. ruti Seotia***- mrt i ! Friday (7.. 3 0 p.m Friday, 17..11 30 a.m IN THE DIOCESE 0F NORTHAtlpVoti, FAKENHAM, NORFOLK. James (Atieame or Jbs.t Qmrji Lomor s; Ssaxiay, 10*. 7 o ajn Monday 90.. 1 o pjn For One or Two Years J ,. .. \f • , ; Pnarm CWlBrmnrw Wcdxcslaju.. 4 0 p.m Wednesday}!.. tt TT O ITTT V n Jain<a: ;Oarrf<!4-on-8cir.[ ., Ttnr»daT;aUt3eotoni;«rJ - 1 o pm For Threa Year. 3j .. „ I) A Mjc3at*^ || I9«: Crwra Balnea—Friday, tmi ieSmbir i<ar*' ' ; Friday 14..u; 0 noon Friday 14.. 4 jo xjn \ \\ IT | e Sunday. t6.. 7 o ut Mnoday. 17.. B 30 a.m Curren* Aoconnti Opened, anfl luteresi jjTj TR\ (ff» HELP ! HELP .waWaurfon^?°1j., ,(1111feu1S?*' ITIHIMI Hnnr<iii^Seplity. Scx>taBbtfti I \Vednesda\a9.. 3 o pjn Wedoesctayao.. 9)0 ajn \ \\ \? Jf \ \\ \\ /\Jj I HELP ! ^J't.Ll ^ ' H' ¦ fcUowofl on the mlolmom monthly balance II V I Jli *J IV Vi THE OOMPtEraON tiF 8T. ' Friday. 31 . 30 Fr day II .11 a a.m \ /!J] \\ \\ ANTHONY'S CHURCH Ifl ABSOLUTELY APS DCAD LirJEo «»4^y-WMn^y/i lh8<j«OT?Si«9J^'i ; For Proipectui ana &U intortoaUou V" I /f ' ; We, have indeed the bk)pof God. ea mucU to-Way, ais in Hue early dfeya. In •; ^Walarford, qhr QKrwn: 7 «»! , Tkc Sunday Vessels Lnad and Sal] from North Wharf , fi I < X (\ I It] N^ . Bpina^WwSSr. ! Waterfond- ftpply emfe oi our! touWieo, and (y?iti lite Mp, our liUib Misedoa boa proepered beonomd ^PnilideMiia ^ 8arT&». Loadlnj; Berth—Princts Dock, Urerpooi. AURED H. MERGER, Bocrotary. \i J_i viJL Ji vlj/ , ell eroooSatioB S, ¦and w« batnq gaftlheiiedto (iie Saxseid Heart of Christa gqcxi y nun> .Wecbieeday. , . ' U* Ji 1. ii liij. O • 5 Brery ' ¦ . ; BitMij^Jrnrfe»Mh ^SS,«tMi " ' ¦ ' ' ' E ^ ^ ^^ i ¦ ' l^r t53~On nrly Hornlnf aalliafi Cabins of tht tteumerl bdr]of Soul*. I' II ' ! ' I i n i '(¦ ¦ ¦' I i ¦w U be op«n to receive passengers arrlflnf by lac N'lght ;! :Tbe Small SocriEfty-Cbhirchka & nor? been opened just o\-cr «jgb««ajfakmitbs, " J Hall Train* ^ LJT«rpool fa>lPh4ftirtBip!&j ni .jjj J.^|Dnrfflroira^i|IFr - J |: . "..j i iid inisptteof ¦fmwh opposUlon <q our Holy Faith, great tninge hay© been ;al Queeaftoro eWry ; T&noflshr. FARES — Watc-Tord »nd Liverpool and Walpford COUNTY OK WATERFOMH Bairronstraiid iStreet, Waterford f ' - ' - ;¦ CaJJini . sckicwjd. ! . :. | , . " i\ g« th». IWtA W Aflua, ia tha Bixm.^fiSS¦ S. !! aod Bustal Obm (sln^O. >S> ; Children tinker ta ^ 1 1 i.WgOOt lhtBajl . K-l.ijV. - ',!¦¦ ' . M ^iT T • . .:¦. ij of RC -i Cbli l\clurn, available (or Two Already seventy Convorts hive beco reoewed; fifty of i -whoin. had tt* grcai ' iw Iawte4 eS ' 1car» . f- f . \ Paesanj era ' didloo Goodei : _I>aitni^«a->ni*BaonlMofI>o^ TnuiIa l)rea:' lonlhl (op 10 eturn to ' or f-om Bristol or LI rer- Data f ixed by tht Cmnty Councilof hisppinwa: of receiving the BJoIy 8ax>ra tnent of CoBflrmation J&St yeor. ' jAt px&- the .j^VWarfi of ,|tta OhjiEfer. WKliOTl 5» I Cibin Re urn Children under u yeanj PhiSde^hiaJ i ib^ZXdM Dtral «) ^S pool).
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