Lewis &Clark


Fort Mandan Dec 1st 1804- April 7th 1805 Lewis’ Astronomic Observation Field Notebook April 7th-13th 1805 Map LeavingClark’s FortSketches Mandan Map Leaving Three Forks Camps Missouri River April 16th thru May 3rd 1805

White Earth Porcupine Capt Lewis killed River River a Brown Bear

Yellowstone River Camps Missouri River May 14th thru June 12th 1805

Camped 3rd -11th June 1805 To determine the proper River

Maria River June 16th 1805 Great Falls Portage at Great Falls June 16th – July 14th 1805

26’ 47’

19’ 97’ Portage at Great Falls June 21, 1805

We were obliged here to renew both axletrees and the tongues These parts of our carriage had been made of cottonwood and one axletree of an old mast, all of which proved deficient We have now renewed them with the sweet willow Flatheads

Camp Fortunate Cameahwait’s Aug 10th to Sept 2nd 1805 2nd Sept 1805


10th Aug 1805

Jefferson River

Lewis River


r t o

P Camp Fortunate 17th Aug Aug 10th to Sept 2nd 1805 2nd Sept 1805 N

10th Aug 1805

Jefferson River

Lewis River


r t o

P Camp Fortunate 17th Aug Sept 4th to 15th 1805

Travelers Rest 10th Sept Lat 46* 48’ 28.8”

Encamped with 33 Tents Of Flatheads the 4th & 5th of Sept Sept 4th to 15th 1805

Travelers Rest 10th Sept Lat 46* 48’ 28.8”

Encamped with 33 Tents Of Flatheads the 4th & 5th of Sept Sept 15th to Oct 7th 1805

25th Sept to 7th Oct 1805 To build Canoes A

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';,r, Canoe Camp 25th Sept-7th Oct 1805

Camped 9th Oct 1805 Canoe Split & Toby deserted j - l

. I Nov 7th Mar 24th Nov 8th -9th

Nov 10th –15th Mar 23rd Nov 6th Nov 16th –25th Nov 26th Nov 27th –30th Mar 25th

Fort Clatsop Dec 28th directed Joseph Field, Bratton, Gibson to form a Salt Camp With five largest kettles, Willard and Wiser to hall water.

Fort Clatsop

Salt Camp

Whale .·· CC ··· A / D A,, ) ·., ···-···-··· ··-···-···AN -···-1···--···- m.p'Disappointm.ent···-··· -···-·· [ 2 1-2 6 , 1806} • ···-·· Lewis expl01:atw i ef77Zarias'Rwer- (::July 77 - 2 8 , 1806) 'Pointof i 'Reunfon i

White (NOR-ti+ Bea.r 1slands Camp (UpperPormse) (July 31 ,1806)

==== Lewis and Clark (Overland) .._._....,. Lewis (Overland) Clark (Overland) Lewis (Wat-er) .. Clark 1 (W at er ) Lewis and Clark (Water} • Ordway (Water'} Ordway-Gass (LandandWa.rer)


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