MIKVEH ISRAEL RECORD 2 Sivan 5774 Shabbat May 30-31, 2014


In this week's parashah, G-d told to take a census of the and between 30 and 50 years old, who were subject to service for the . The duties of the Gershonites and Merarites which concerned transporting the Tabernacle, under the direction of 's son Ithamar, are detailed. The number of , ages 30 to 50 were: 2,750 ; 2,630 Gershonites; and 3,200 Merarites-for a total of 8,580. Candle Lighting Friday Night 8:03 PM G-d directed that anyone with an eruption or a discharge and anyone defiled by a corpse, be Friday Evening Services 7:15 PM removed from the camp so that they would not defile the camp. If one wronged a fellow Jew, he Shabbat Morning Service 9:00 A.M was to confess the wrong and make restitution either to the wronged person or to the priest if Class 6:30 P.M. there were no kin. Shabbat Afternoon Service 7:30 P.M. If a husband, in a fit of jealousy, accused his wife of being unfaithful -the wife underwent the Shabbat Ends: 9:03 P.M. ritual of the sotah-the ordeal of bitter water. The man was to bring his wife to the priest who prepares the bitter water. The woman drinks the water. If she was unfaithful, her belly swells BIRTHDAY WISHES: and she dies. If she is unharmed by the waters, she is cleared of any suspicion. G-d also laid out the laws for the Nazir-those who wished to be set apart for G-d. A Nazir must abstain from wine and grape products, allow his/her hair to grow, and may not come in contact with a human corpse. Mr. Victor Levy G-d told Moses to instruct Aaron and his sons that they should bless the people with this Dr. Arnold Franklin blessing: "The Lord bless you and protect you! The Lord deal kindly and graciously with you! The Mrs. Suzanne Levy Lord bestow His favor upon you and grant you peace!" Mrs. Lea Alvo-Sadiky If we have missed your special date, please call the Moses finished setting up the Tabernacle, anointed it and consecrated it, its furnishings, the office. , and its utensils. The chieftains of each tribe then brought their offerings - 6 draught carts and 12 oxen - and G-d told Moses to accept them for use by the Levites in the service of the Tent REFUAH SHELEMAH TO: of Meeting. The chieftains then each on successive days brought the same dedication offerings for the altar: a silver bowl and silver basin filled with flour mixed with oil, a gold ladle filled with Ms. Victoria Rosin Mr. Maurice Sady incense, a bull, 2 oxen, 5 rams, 5 goats, and 5 lambs. Mervin Wilf, Esq. Robert Franklin, Esq. Parashat Naso has 176 verses (the longest single Parashah of the year) Mrs. Rhoda Franklin and Mr. Robert Stark Haftarah Naso has 24 verses. Phone calls and cards to wish someone a Refuah Sefer HaHinukh: Parashat Naso contains 18 Mitzvot. Shelemah are appreciated. This week's Haftarah from Judges and will be read by Mr. Shlomo Chriqui. Shabuot Readings: THANK YOU! On both days of Shabuot, we read from two Torah scrolls. On the first day, in the first scroll, we To Mr. Israel Roizman for the beautiful floral read from Exodus of the giving of the Decalogue (Ten Commandments). In the second scroll, we arrangements at the Hekhal. read from Numbers of the special offerings for Shabuot in biblical times. The Haftarah for the first day of Shabuot is from Ezekiel. To Mr. Shlomo and Mrs. Mindy Chriqui for The reading for the second day of Shabuot is from Deuteronomy which deals with a detailed sponsoring Kiddush on Shabbat in honor of description of the three pilgrimage festivals of Passover, Shabuot, and Sukkot. Shlomo reading the Haftarah. The Haftarah for the second day of Shabuot is from Habakuk. To Mrs. Fran Levy for her weekly donations of The Book of Ruth and the Azharot will be read one half hour before Minhah. the flowers on our Shabbat tables. Mrs. Levy provides different floral arrangements - which FROM THE RABBI she does herself- to make our Shabbat and holiday tables so lovely and festive. By Rabbi Albert Gabbai At the conclusion of the Nazarite. stage, the one who took MAZAL TOB! such a vow had to bring a Korban Hattat, sin offering, to the To Mr. Norman and Mrs. Marilyn Skydell on Temple. One wonders what kind of sin did he incur if all he th th welcoming their 11 and 12 grandchildren in wanted was to elevate himself spiritually by abstaining from Israel! Their son and daughter-in-law, certain physical pleasures. Our Sages give us the answer: he and Achinoam Skydell, welcomed baby boy Yisrael Yitzhak; their daughter and son-in-law, prevented himself from benefitting from what G-d had permitted. As we Mollie and Avi Stark, welcomed baby boy say in our prayers on Kippur when we confess to G-d our transgressions, Yisrael Zundel. Our heartiest congratulations to “We have permitted what You have forbidden and we have forbidden what new grandparents and parents. you have permitted. “ Continued on page 2.

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WEEKDAY SERVICES FROM THE RABBI CONT. Daily morning services: (M-F) 7:00 A.M. Sundays and Bank Holidays: 8:00 A.M When we want to go on the road to higher spirituality, all we have to do Please check your schedule and fit into it one is follow the Torah as straight as an arrow. It is only for those who are morning a week, one week a month, twice a spiritually weak, those who are easily tempted, that they have to work month, whatever you can, to attend morning harder and perhaps bring upon themselves more stringencies for fear of minyan. Go online to our website and sign up. We falling in the pool of weakness. This is certainly commendable as long as need you! this tool is used temporarily to get back to the “normal” straight path. SUNSHINE PROGRAM ADULT LEARNING CLASSES WITH RABBI (BIKUR HOLIM) GABBAI We have formed a support program for the ill and/or infirm. If you are willing to provide any services for Rabbi Gabbai’s last session of Text Studies: Genesis was on Monday, May 12, them such as taking them to medical appointments 2014. This class will resume in the Fall. or tests, doing food shopping, preparing meals, Rabbi Gabbai continues teaching his Monday evening class, from 5:30 to 7:00 running an errand, making a phone call or home visit, P.M. The title: The Book Of Deuteronomy And How It Impacts Our Modern, please contact Loretta Tretina at 215-925-2226. A Everyday Life. The last class is Monday, June 2, 2014. The next session will list will be compiled. When someone is ill or infirm begin September 15, 2014. and in need of any assistance, he/she can call Loretta and she will put him/her in contact with some of the If you wish to enroll in the next session for either class, please contact the volunteers. Your assistance is appreciated. office at 215-922-5446 DONATIONS TO JFCS TEXT STUDY GROUP THRIFT BOUTIQUE The Jewish texts study group that Dan Cohen has been leading for thirty years is now meeting at KKMI. Anyone interested is invited to join. The next session is June 2, 2014 and runs from 12:30 to 1:45. The schedule through July 2014 is as follows, June 2 and 16 and July 14 and 28. Anyone interested in participating should call the office at 215-922-5446 or call Dan at 215-635-3168. Looking for a prom or other special occasion dress? Check out the JFCS Thrift Boutique located in BARUCH DAYAN HAEMET Shelly Plaza for some wonderful buys! We regret the passing of Ivan Shomer’s sister, Mrs. Hava Yvonne Call 267-273-5537 or email [email protected] if you want further information on shopping at or Shomer Missry on Tuesday May 20, 2014. Our deepest condolences to donating to the JFCS Thrift Boutique. the Shomer and Missry family. THE ERUV We regret the passing of Mr. Leslie I. Baker, brother of Mrs. Carole Baker Solis Cohen on Wednesday, May 21, 2014. Our deepest The Eruv in Philadelphia spans the area between condolences to the Baker and Solis Cohen families. both rivers and goes from Washington Avenue to Poplar Street. Unless further notification is We are sorry to announce the passing of our long time member and received, the Eruv is up on Shabbat. friend Mr. Richard Marcus, husband of Mrs. Myrna Marcus and father of A contribution to help maintain the Eruv may be Jerome and Benjamin Marcus this past Wednesday May 28, 2014. We made online at www.CenterCityEruv.org . extend our deep condolences to the Marcus family. MARK WOLFSON’S Shiva will be observed until Tuesday, June 3 (eve of Shabuot) at the MIKVEH ISRAEL BLOG home of his son, Mr. Jerome Marcus, 472 Righters Mill Road, Narberth, Pa 19072. Mr. Mark Wolfson has started an interesting blog called Mikveh Israel History. In it he explores the Schedule for services: Thursday, May 29, 8:00 P.M.; Friday, May 30, 7:00 people and events in the history of Congregation A.M.; Sunday, June 1, 7:30 A.M. and 8:15 P.M.; Monday, June 2, 6:45 Mikveh Israel. You can see it at: A.M. and 8:15 P.M.; Tuesday, June 3, 7:00 A.M. www.mikvehisraelhistory.com. Min HaShamayim Tenuhamu

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MIKVEH ISRAEL RECORD 2 Sivan 5774 Shabbat Naso May 30-31, 2014 FYI MIKVEH ISRAEL ASSOCIATION EVENTS MAY, 2014 Mikveh Israel Association Activities and Events: 1st session of 8 week childrens' classes - teaching Invites You To Attend the KKMI Shabbat service with Rabbi Gabbai- 5/1 Luncheon on the Ms. Adrienne Sasson lecture on Israel travel- 5/3 2nd Day of Shabuot Rabbi Gabbai- third class for Docents - 5/4 Room rental- Sharon Geller Comedy Club - 5/5 12 & Thursday, June 5, 2014 19 Jewish Text Study Group with Daniel Cohen, Esq.- In Honor of the Association Board Members 5/12 8 19 Rabbi Gabbai - Monday morning class - Genesis - Mrs. Caralyn Vessal, Vice President, Membership 5/5 12 & 19 Ms. Rachel Garber, Vice President, Programming Rabbi Gabbai - Monday evening class - Ms. Mary Jane Bension, Treasurer Deuteronomy - 5/5 12 & 19 Shabbaton with Shearith Israel @Mikveh Israel 5/9 Ms. Loretta Tretina, Recording Secretary 10/& 11 For Their Devotion and Commitment to KKMI Welcome new members: Ms. Nadine Novak CHILDREN'S PRAYER CLASS Tours: Anshei Roosevelt, May 4 Please sign your children (ages 8 and up) for a new class Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart, May that will teach the KKMI Shabbat service. Enrollment is 12 still open. Kellman Academy, May 13 8-week session on Thursdays, 5:00-6:00 P.M. Touring Friends Young Adult Division/Moriah beginning on May 1 (Next session June 12) School, May 13 $36 per child. Vered Saranga, May 13 HAFTR Yeshiva, May 14 Children should have a beginner's level knowledge of Hebrew. Hillel Yeshiva 5/15 For more information please contact the KKMI Office at 215-922-5446. Yeshiva Bitahon, May 15 CHANGES TO CHILDREN’S PROGRAMING Yeshiva Shaarei Tzion School, May 19 Golda Och Academy, May 20 ON SHABBAT Hebrew Academy of Nassau County, May 20 Starting May 17 until the end of June, the Shabbat class led by our teacher, Ms. Barkai Yeshivah, May 20 Dorit Amos, will be held from 10:00 A.M. to 11:15 A.M. At 11:15, Dorit will take the older children, ages 5 and up, to the library for more intensive Hebrew Kreiger Schecter, May 21 Prospect Park Yeshiva, May 27 work. The younger children will remain in the playroom to be supervised by Yeshiva of South Park, May 27 their parents. This schedule will last until the end of June. EVERYONE IS WELCOME-COME ON SHOP IN OUR GIFT SHOP OUT AND JOIN OUR MANY ACTIVITIES The gift shop has wonderful items for the house, for you, for everyone! Come CONTACT US in and browse! There is a large selection of wine, honey, dates, and beautiful jewelry. Please call the office, 215-922-5446, for an appointment to shop or We are delighted to share news of all happy stop in during office hours. occasions, accomplishments and events of our congregants. Email your information by CONTRIBUTIONS Wednesday afternoon to our email address: Thank you to the following people who made a contribution this week: [email protected] and we will publish your Mr. Mauricio Atri Mr. Lewis and Mrs. Abby Berry news. You may also reach the Office at 215-922- Mr. Robert Franklin Mr. Jonathan Kleinbard 5446 Monday- Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mr. Gustavo Masri Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. with any Mr. Isaac Shomer Mr. Ephraim Spielman Mr. Spielman Mr. Joshua Spielman questions or check out our website Mikveh Israel Record 3 www.mikvehisrael.org Mr. David Vessal Mr. William Vessal Mr. Mark Wolfson SUPPORT MIKVEH ISRAEL DIFFERENT WAYS TO PAY Want to donate to Congregation Mikveh Israel while Congregation Mikveh Israel now offers additional ways for members and guests also enjoying delicious and healthy kosher products to make donations and payments. Your options are:

MIKVEH ISRAEL RECORD 2 Sivan 5774 Shabbat Naso May 30-31, 2014 SHABUOT (2011) 25 Minutes CAMPAIGN FOR CHAIRS (2004) 30 Minutes In less than three short months, we reached our goal of buying at least 50 new chairs for the social hall. Now we can all be seated comfortably. A big thank you to the following people for their generosity:

Tobe Amsterdam Miriam Mandell Nida Bernstein Carol Marchand Louise Berlin Maxine Morgan Dr. Daisy Braverman Deborah Philips Join us for services for the holiday of Shabuot in our Marla Diamond Constantin Raducan lovely decorated Synagogue when we will read Gail Ehrlich Cristal Rodriguez the Ten Commandments Marian Fisher Rosalie Rosenfeld Hilda Fox Sally Rosenthol TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 3RD, SERVICE 7:15 P.M. Bonnie Freundlich Libby Schwartz Rabbi Albert Gabbai Yuri Sergeyev WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4TH, SERVICE 9:00 A.M. Barbara Geller Dr. David Shklar Rosalie Goldberg Jessica Shklar WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 4TH, SERVICE 7:15 P.M. Daniele Grossman Judith Torrance THURSDAY, JUNE 5TH, SERVICE 9:00 A.M. Jerry Grossman Kim Vernick Essie Karp David Wundohl ______Linda Kirschner Harriet Wundohl SHABUOT MEALS Leah Leventhal Please let the Office know the meal date(s) you will be attending and return WITH YOUR CHECK for the full amount or pay online at our website www.mikvehisrael.org with your credit card. PRICE PER MEAL: $18 per adult - $10 per child 6-12 yrs. old - Children under 6, free ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NAME: ______TOTAL NO. OF RESERVATIONS:______TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED:$______TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 DINNER # Attending ______$ Amt. ____ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 2014 LUNCH # Attending______$ Amt.____ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 2014 DINNER # Attending______$ Amt._____ THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 LUNCH # Attending______Lunch will be dedicated by Mikveh Israel Association In honor of the Association Board Members for their devotion and commitment to KKMI Mikveh Israel Record 4

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