THE DIAPASON JUNE 2021 First United Methodist Church Lubbock, Texas Cover feature on pages 22–24 PHILLIP TRUCKENBROD CONCERT ARTISTS ŚĂƌůĞƐDŝůůĞƌWƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ WŚŝůůŝƉdƌƵĐŬĞŶďƌŽĚ&ŽƵŶĚĞƌ THE DIAPASON Editor’s Notebook Scranton Gillette Communications One Hundred Twelfth Year: No. 6, Digital edition promotion Whole No. 1339 As a reminder, through the end of June, those buying a new JUNE 2021 or renewal one-year subscription receive a free one-year digital Established in 1909 subscription for a friend. This offer is valid when purchasing a Stephen Schnurr ISSN 0012-2378 print or digital subscription; the free subscription is digital only 847/954-7989;
[email protected] and is intended for a new subscriber. For information and to An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, subscribe: toll free, 877/501-7540; local, 847/763-4933; for new the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music subscriptions:; will be published in the May 2022 issue. Further details will for renewals: appear in Editor’s Notebook in an upcoming issue. In the CONTENTS meantime, direct questions to Stephen Schnurr, Editorial FEATURES Calendar of events Director:
[email protected]. Memories of Charles Hendrickson The Calendar section of this issue is the largest listing of by David Engen 14 events in over a year, an encouraging example of a gradual In this issue Exploring the unknown of BWV 565, return of the arts in daily life. Next month’s issue will include a David Engen offers remembrances of Minnesota organ- Part 1 summer carillon concert calendar. builder Charles Hendrickson, who died December 17, 2020, by Michael Gailit 18 If you will be hosting summer organ and carillon recitals at the age of 85.