Growing Forward 2

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Growing Forward 2 GROWING FORWARD 2 (INCLUDES A SUMMARY OF THE STUDY OF THE BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY) Report of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food Larry Miller, M.P. Chair MAY 2012 41st PARLIAMENT, FIRST SESSION Published under the authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons SPEAKER’S PERMISSION Reproduction of the proceedings of the House of Commons and its Committees, in whole or in part and in any medium, is hereby permitted provided that the reproduction is accurate and is not presented as official. This permission does not extend to reproduction, distribution or use for commercial purpose of financial gain. Reproduction or use outside this permission or without authorization may be treated as copyright infringement in accordance with the Copyright Act. Authorization may be obtained on written application to the Office of the Speaker of the House of Commons. Reproduction in accordance with this permission does not constitute publication under the authority of the House of Commons. The absolute privilege that applies to the proceedings of the House of Commons does not extend to these permitted reproductions. Where a reproduction includes briefs to a Standing Committee of the House of Commons, authorization for reproduction may be required from the authors in accordance with the Copyright Act. Nothing in this permission abrogates or derogates from the privileges, powers, immunities and rights of the House of Commons and its Committees. For greater certainty, this permission does not affect the prohibition against impeaching or questioning the proceedings of the House of Commons in courts or otherwise. The House of Commons retains the right and privilege to find users in contempt of Parliament if a reproduction or use is not in accordance with this permission. Additional copies may be obtained from: Publishing and Depository Services Public Works and Government Services Canada Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0S5 Telephone: 613-941-5995 or 1-800-635-7943 Fax: 613-954-5779 or 1-800-565-7757 [email protected] Also available on the Parliament of Canada Web Site at the following address: GROWING FORWARD 2 (INCLUDES A SUMMARY OF THE STUDY OF THE BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY) Report of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food Larry Miller, M.P. Chair MAY 2012 41st PARLIAMENT, FIRST SESSION 41st Parliament – First Session STANDING COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE AND AGRI-FOOD CHAIR Larry Miller VICE-CHAIRS Frank Valeriote Malcolm Allen MEMBERS Alex Atamanenko LaVar Payne Ruth Ellen Brosseau Francine Raynault Randy Hoback Brian Storseth Pierre Lemieux Bob Zimmer Ben Lobb OTHER MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT WHO PARTICIPATED Mike Allen Jim Hillyer Joe Preston David Anderson Pierre Jacob Jean Rousseau Ray Boughen Brian Jean Kyle Seeback Rod Bruinooge Greg Kerr Kevin Sorenson Blaines Calkins Mike Lake Mark Strahl John Carmichael Hélène LeBlanc David Sweet Sean Casey Chungsen Leung Lawrence Toet Joe Daniel Wladyslaw Lizon Brad Trost Earl Dreeshen James Lunney Merv Tweed Hon. Wayne Easter Hon. John McKay Chris Warkentin Hon. Mark Eyking Costas Menegakis David Wilks Cheryl Gallant Marc-André Morin Stephen Woodworth Parm Gill Annick Papillon iii CLERK OF THE COMMITTEE David-Andrés Novoa LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT Parliamentary Information and Research Service Frédéric Forge Khamla Heminthavong iv 40th Parliament – Third Session STANDING COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE AND AGRI-FOOD CHAIR Larry Miller VICE-CHAIRS André Bellavance Mark Eyking MEMBERS Alex Atamanenko Blake Richards France Bonsant Bev Shipley Wayne Easter Brian Storseth Randy Hoback Frank Valeriote Pierre Lemieux OTHER MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT WHO PARTICIPATED Malcolm Allen Blaine Calkins Hon. Ken Dryden CLERKS OF THE COMMITTEE Chloé O’Shaughnessy and David-Andrés Novoa LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT Parliamentary Information and Research Service Frédéric Forge Aïcha Coulibaly v THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE AND AGRI-FOOD has the honour to present its THIRD REPORT Pursuant to its mandate under Standing Order 108(2), the Committee has studied the Growing Forward 2 policy framework and has agreed to report the following: vii TABLE OF CONTENTS GROWING FORWARD 2 (INCLUDES A SUMMARY OF THE STUDY OF THE BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY) ............................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1 PRIORITIES OF GROWING FORWARD 2 ............................................................... 1 SCIENCE AND INNOVATION ................................................................................... 5 A. Effective research in Canada ........................................................................... 5 1. Foster partnerships .................................................................................. 5 2. Improve commercialization and transfer ................................................... 6 3. Support research capacity ........................................................................ 8 B. Growing Forward programs .............................................................................. 9 1. Canadian Agri-Science Clusters ............................................................... 9 2. Other programs ...................................................................................... 10 3. Program administration .......................................................................... 11 MARKETING AND TRADE ...................................................................................... 12 A. Export markets ............................................................................................... 12 1. Agri-food trade policy ............................................................................. 12 2. Growing Forward initiatives .................................................................... 14 B. Domestic market ............................................................................................ 18 1. Market status .......................................................................................... 18 2. Initiatives ................................................................................................ 18 CONSUMER DEMANDS AND PRIORITIES OF SOCIETY ..................................... 19 A. Health ............................................................................................................. 19 B. Food prices .................................................................................................... 21 C. Origin of foods and production methods ........................................................ 22 1. Origin of foods ........................................................................................ 22 2. Food production methods ....................................................................... 23 3. Meeting demands ................................................................................... 24 COMPETITIVE ENTERPRISES .............................................................................. 25 A. Harmonization of regulations .......................................................................... 25 B. Skills and business strategies ........................................................................ 27 ix C. Rail transportation .......................................................................................... 29 BUSINESS RISK MANAGEMENT ........................................................................... 31 A. Supply management ...................................................................................... 32 B. The programs ................................................................................................. 32 1. AgriStability ............................................................................................ 35 2. AgriInvest ............................................................................................... 36 3. AgriInsurance ......................................................................................... 37 4. AgriRecovery .......................................................................................... 38 5. Other programs: Price insurance programs ............................................ 38 C. The Advance Payments Program .................................................................. 39 CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................... 40 LIST OF RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................. 41 APPENDIX A: COMMITTEE HEARINGS ON THE BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY DURING THE 40TH PARLIAMENT, THIRD SESSION ........................................... 45 THEMES ADDRESSED DURING THE HEARINGS ................................................ 45 SUMMARY OF ISSUES — BIOTECHNOLOGY ...................................................... 46 A. Definition and Evolution ................................................................................. 46 B. Examples of Technologies and Products ....................................................... 47 C. Role and Importance of Biotechnologies in Farm Production ........................ 47 SUMMARY OF ISSUES — ADOPTION, PERCEPTION AND CONSEQUENCES . 48 A. Adoption ......................................................................................................... 48 B. Environmental and Health Benefits and Risks ..............................................
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