

Meeting date: 18 May 2016

From: Corporate Director – Environment and Community Services




1.1 This report advises Local Committee of options for cycling improvements in the Levens / A6 area, working with Bay Partnership as part of the Bay Cycle Way project.

1.2 This report updates Members following further investigation after Highways and Transport Working Group of 7 April 2016. The report seeks approval from Local Committee to progress the improvement scheme measures as part of the Cycleway funded through the Coastal Communities grant as indicated in the recommendation at paragraph 3.1 below.


2.1 The Council as Highway Authority has responsibilities for road safety and its policies are set out in the Local Transport Plan and the compendium of transport and highways policies.

2.2 The schemes being delivered support the following priorities from the Council Plan 2014-17:

 To promote health and wellbeing, and tackle poverty  Protect and enhance ’s world class environment  To provide safe and well maintained roads and an effective transport network

2.3 There are no equality implications contained in this report. 3.0 RECOMMENDATIONS

3.1 That the Local Committee approve, revised implementation works in the Levens / A6 area, working in conjunction with the Morecambe Bay Partnership as part of the Bay Cycle Way project, to improve signage warning motorists of the presence of cyclists and to cut back vegetation and epicormic growth along sections of footpath and adjacent to Levens Hall, to create a safer riding experience for cyclists in the area, subject to the granting of an extension to the original deadline of 31st March 2016, of the Coastal Communities Grant to meet the cost of such works. The extension is currently being agreed by the Morecambe Bay Partnership group.


4.1 In June 2015, an 81 mile route – (NCN) 700, was launched. The route known as the Bay Cycle Way stretches from round to south of Lancaster. The route has been developed on existing quiet roads, greenways, towpaths and promenades. It has been designed to showcase Morecambe Bay and appeal to a more family friendly market. 4.2 The navigation of the busy stretch (from Levens village to the turn off to Marsh Road) of the A6 and the junction of the A590 is, at present, quite challenging for anyone other than the most experienced of cyclists. Therefore the works that are outlined in the accompanying plan, attached as Appendix 1, have been designed to make the relatively short stretch of the Bay Cycle Way route safer and more appealing to cyclists. 4.3 In the spring of 2015 Capita were commissioned by Cumbria County Council and the Morecambe Bay partnership team to undertake a feasibility study to scope the options for any works for the Bay Cycle Way at Levens that would improve the cycling experience in that area. The study presented several options and Highways Officers working with Janet Barton at the Morecambe Bay Partnership, have investigated and costed the options based on the available funding from the Coastal Communities grant. 4.4 Funding is available through the Coastal Communities time limited grant led allocation, with Morecambe Bay Partnership as lead in partnership with Cumbria County Council. An allocation of £35,000 is available for improvement measures in the Levens / A6 area. An extension of the original deadline of 31st March 2016 for the grant is currently being agreed by the Morecambe Bay Parnership Group. 4.5 Options presented by Capita were investigated and costed to make the best use of the available funding for improvements over the section of the route. The proposed works, shown on the plan attached as Appendix 1, are as follows; 4.6 Improved signage Some minor signage improvements to ensure cyclists can effectively navigate through the Levens stretch of the A6. 4.7 Sheltered entrance / exit It is proposed to install a sheltered entrance and exit for cyclists onto the A6 at its junction with Marsh Road. This will allow cyclists to safely leave and cross the A6 into Marsh Lane and also to enter the A6 from Marsh Lane. 4.8 Cut back of bushes and tree branches Works to be undertaken to cut back overgrown vegetation and low branches to allow cycling along the edge of the carriageway. It is also proposed to undertake clearance of brush and foliage alongside the northbound footway. 4.9 Road Markings Amendments to road markings are proposed to indicate to cyclists where to cycle and to highlight cyclists to drivers. The works include removing the existing edge of carriageway marking along the length between the A590 / A6 southbound slip road and Marsh Road. An advisory 1.5 metre cycle lane is proposed along the length with the narrowing of carriageway adjacent to Levens Hall northbound and the reduction of lanes southbound, removing the overtaking lane. It is also proposed to refresh the road markings at the junctions along the length. 4.10 On 7 April 2016 the proposed works were presented to the Highways and Transport Working Group. Members of the group discussed the suitability of the measures. Members raised concerns with the road markings that were to indicate advisory cycle lanes on the carriageway. Members requested that further assessment and consideration of undertaking improvements to the existing footways be undertaken to assist cyclists off the carriageway. 4.11 Officers in liaison with Janet Barton of the Morecambe Bay Partnership have looked at the option of making improvements to the existing footway as an alternative to road markings. The footway condition on the west side of the A6 cannot be improved, beyond the cut back of vegetation without significant amounts of funding which are not available. The path on the eastern side adjacent to Levens Hall is approximately 300 meters long and therefore the funding available cannot stretch to any meaningful improvements. 4.12 It is considered that some signing warning of cyclists before Marsh Lane, coming towards the Levens interchange from Levens Village, and on the A590 off-slip roads will highlight the presence of cyclists to drivers. 4.13 The minimal improvements to the footpath on the west side of the A6 plus the cutting back of the vegetation are considered a good improvement to allow cyclists to use the footpath. It is not appropriate to sign it for cyclists but anticipated that some family groups may well choose to use it. 4.14 Overall having considered Members concerns at Highways and Transport Working group on 7 April 2016, and following further investigation, the measures recommended to be taken forward are to cut back bushes and tree branches and implement warning signs of cyclists on the A6 and roads adjoining. The costs for the revised works are £10,000. The additional funding will be used for other parts of the project to introduce the Morecambe Bay Cycle Way route as determined by the Morecambe Bay Partnership.


5.1 To approve the Recommendations. 5.2 To not approve the Recommendations.


6.1 The works, revised after HTWG on 7 April 2016, at an estimated value of £10,000 are part of a scheme of work included in Morecambe Bay Partnership’s Coastal Communities funded Bay Cycle Way project. All costs will be covered through the time limited grant led funding from Coastal Communities through Morecambe Bay Partnership with Cumbria County Council. 6.2 The project needs to be managed to ensure that it is completed within the time limit of the grant funding. [NG 04 05 16]


7.1 Section 62 of the Highways Act 1980 gives a general power to highway authorities to improve the highways for which they are responsible, and to provide equipment for those highways.

7.2 Section 65 of the Highways Act 1980 gives the highway authority power, in or by the side of a highway maintainable at the public expense by them which consists of or comprises a made-up carriageway, to construct a cycle track as part of the highway; and they may light any cycle track constructed by them under this section. 7.3 Section 75 of the Highways Act 1980 enables the highway authority to vary the relative widths of the carriageway and footway in a highway repairable at the public expense. (KB – 5.5..2016).


8.1 Local Committee are requested to approve the Recommendation in paragraph 3.1 above.

Dominic Donnini Environment and Community Services


Appendix 1 Morecambe Bay Cycle Way Consultation drawing

Electoral Division(s): Lyth Valley, Lower Kentdale

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been N/A undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? N/A




Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.


No background papers.


Contact: Victoria Upton Tel: 01539 713028 Email: [email protected]