DIALOGIC LITERACY: CONTEXTS, COMPETENCES AND DISPOSITIONS FRANCESCO CAVIGLIA*, CHRISTIAN DALSGAARD*, MANUELA DELFINO**, ALEX YOUNG PEDERSEN* *Centre for Teaching Development and Digital Media, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark ** Scuola secondaria di I grado ‘don Milani’, Genoa, Italy Abstract Dialogic Literacy is understood as being able to participate in productive dialogue with others and is a key competence for learning and active citizenship in a cultural and societal landscape shaped by the ‘participatory turn’. The article develops a definition of Dialogic Literacy based on a cross-disciplinary approach combining deliberative discourse, collaborative rationality, and Moral Foundation Theory. Furthermore, it presents a framework that educators can utilize in order to transform classroom discus- sion into activity that fosters learners’ Dialogic Literacy. Finally, the article argues for elevating the status of Dialogic Literacy as an overarching learning goal that should become an integral part of language education. Keywords: dialogic literacy, knowledge building, dialogic education, dialogue 1 Caviglia, F., Dalsgaard, C., Delfino, M. & Pedersen, A. Y. (2017). Dialogic Literacy: contexts, competences and dispositions. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 17, 1-38. https://doi.org/10.17239/L1ESLL-2017.17.01.05 Corresponding author: Francesco Caviglia, Centre for Teaching Development and Digital Media, Aarhus University, Jens Chr. Skousvej 5, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark, email:
[email protected] © 2017 International Association for Research in L1-Education. 2 F. CAVIGLIA, C. DALSGAARD, M. DELFINO, & A. Y PEDERSEN 1. INTRODUCTION According to Collins & Halverson (2009), the world of education is undergoing a momentous shift from an ‘era of schooling’ to an ‘era of lifelong learning’, with pedagogy moving from didacticism to interaction and relationships shifting from authority figures to computer-mediated interaction (pp.