The Georgia Confederate March/April, 2018
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2015 ~ 2016 DeWitt Smith Jobe Award Winner VOL. IV Issue 5 Official Publication of the Georgia Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans March/April, 2018 Celebrate Your Heritage & History/ Fly Our Flags Past Division Commander Charlie A. Lott Special Flags Over Georgia Issue September 15, 1937 - March 25, 2018 Mr. Charlie A. Lott, age 80, of A flag can be a symbol to identi- he has done over the past several Carrollton, Georgia formerly of fy who you are. It can be demon- years to promote this great Geor- Winston, Georgia passed away strated to show where you belong gia Division project. Three cheers Sunday, March 25, 2018 peaceful- and what you respect. It can stand and hats off to Joel., a true South- ly at his residence surrounded by for the memory of your ancestors. ern gentleman. ~ .al perry. his family. In short, a flag is the same as your identity. Charlie was born in Thunderbolt, To take away a person’s flag is Georgia on September 15, 1937. the same as taking away his/her He is a 1955 graduate of Carrollton identity. It is no different than High School and was Methodist by telling someone they do not exist. faith. And who is allowed to get away With a servant's heart, Charlie with that today? If you think began his distinguished life of ser- about it, it is no different than vice with the State of Georgia, murdering someone. working with the Georgia State As the verbally militant and Patrol (GSP). During his career he served as President in 1975. Char- cowardly night-raiders assault our was a member of the GSP bomb lie was also a founding member heritage and history, it is time we squad, served as Asst. Post Com- and Past Master of the Wool Hat took our stand. But be prepared. mander of Villa Rica Post #24 and Boys. He was a founding member It could get worse. was Post Commander of Conyers and former Commander of the And so, we offer our gratitude Post #46. He also served as an In- Sons of Confederate Veterans and congratulations to all the structor with the Police Academy. (SCV) Forrest Escort Camp #1239 Camps who participate in the After thirty years of dedicated ser- in Villa Rica, Georgia, founding “Flags Over Georgia” program. vice, he retired as Sgt. First Class organizer and Chairman of the [See Page 2 for photos] in 1992. Friends of Wicks Tavern. He also A special Thank You goes out served as the SCV Commander of to Joel Coleman for all the work Charlie became a Mason and the Georgia Division in 2008. served for over fifty years. He was Charlie was very supportive of a member of the Douglasville “Any society which suppresses community events and was a the heritage of its conquered Lodge #289 F & AM and past member of the Villa Rica Lions minorities, prevents its history Master where he received his fifty Club for many years. and denies them their symbols year Masonic pin and a member of has sown the seeds of its own the Temple Lodge # 322 F & AM. Those left to cherish his memory destruction.” He was a founding member of the include his loving wife, Linda Lott ~Sir William Wallace,1281 A.D. Sweetwater Shrine Club where he of thirty Continued Page 5: LOTT The Charge Inside this issue: 3—11 to the Georgia Division DIVISION NEWS To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we submit the vindi- COLOR PHOTOS 2, 13, cation of the cause for which we fought; to your strength will 16, 27 be given the defense of the Confederate soldier’s good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, CAMP NEWS AND 23—26 ARTICLES the perpetuation of those principles he loved and which made him glorious and which you also cherish. REUNION INFO 18 Remember, it is your duty to see that the true history of the Permit # 80002 # Permit 19-23 CAMP DIRECTORY NON PROFIT ORG PROFIT NON U.S. POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE U.S. South is presented to future generations. Page 2 The Georgia Confederate March/April, 2018 Flag in Waynesville damaged by storms was replaced by Compatriot Dennis Gran- tham. ☜ § In honor of Confederate Flag Day, the Clement A. Evans Camp #64 held a cleanup and installed a new Flag on March 3rd at the Camps flag pole on Hwy. 82 near Waycross. Pictured are [L to R] Steve McCarthy, Jeffery McCarthy, Mike Griffin, and Jim McClellan. ☝ ☜ I-75N State of Dade Camp 707 installs new flag. In ☟ Dixie’s Land I’ll take my stand ! ☝ Located in Mitchell County, Hwy. 19 near Albany, 60’/ 12’X18’ Battle Flag. ☝Anderson Cemetery in Ringgold, GA We had to remove it from our Battle- ☝ Wheeler Road Flag, Augusta field Pkwy and I-75 location due to the BBQ restaurant property being sold and Compatriots: the new owner wanted it gone. Compatri- ☝ Bleckley County Courthouse For those who missed this ot Ron Eslinger, Camp Commander of Dodge County Courthouse ☞ the Patrick Cleburne Camp was instru- issue, there will be another mental in making the relocation happen. Flags Over Georgia feature Joel Coleman Flags Over Georgia in the July/August Georgia Confederate. .editor. March/April, 2018 The Georgia Confederate Page 3 Commander's Report. that we will conduct. In addition, “My friends the Confederate elections for the offices of Divi- soldier is fast fading away. It de- April/May, 2018 sion Commander, Lieutenant volves on you, sons and daughters of the Confederacy and those who Fellow Compatriots of the Commander North, Lieutenant come after you, to cherish his Georgia Division: Commander South, Adjutant, and Judge Advocate will take place. I memory, to preserve and keep alive I am very happy to report that am sure that there will also be a his glorious deeds. Let this sacred the Georgia General Assembly slate of amendments to deal with obligation sink into your has ended with no change in our as well. hearts. Tell the story of the Confed- State law that protects our Con- Commander Thomas Stevens eracy into the listening ears of your federate monuments and memori- and our Macon members are once children until it becomes part of als. We can be very thankful that again working hard to put on an- their nature to love, cherish and de- not a single monument in our other great event. As those of you fend the principles your father's fought for, bled for, and died State has been removed or other- that attended last year remember for. Do not slight them, for they are wise dishonored. the environment at our 2017 reun- sacred now. Guard, shield, protect Despite this result, we must be ion was great. The flags, the ven- and defend them from detraction, as vigilant now as we ever have dors, the assembly of delegates misrepresentation and abuse, no been. The threat to the monument were all impressive. Our visiting matter whence it comes, and your in Decatur, and several CSA SCV dignitaries were impressed. monuments in Savannah are still children and your children’s chil- One commented that it “looked dren in successive generations, very real. We are watching these vision Lieutenant Commander. If like a national reunion”. Let’s do situations 24-7 and in Savannah, looking back from the distant future, that does not work, call me @ 404 it again. will proudly exclaim: ‘I am de- outside legal assistance is on re- -449-2521. Sincerely, scended from a Confederate sol- tainer and on standby should the Each brigade should have at Scott K. Gilbert, Jr. dier.’" City try to violate the law. The least one event per calendar year. Commander ~ General John B. Gordon Division has officially notified I strongly suggest that the event DeKalb County that we will take be a training workshop, with a immediate legal action if they at- well thought out and well planned tempt to move the monument. agenda that is designed to help the Statement We can also be thankful that Camp as a body, the officers as of several Camps are actually work- leaders, and the members as indi- ing hard to erect more CSA mon- viduals who will become active Purpose uments in our State right now. and proud of their membership. We, the Sons of Confeder- While it could change, there are While I cannot personally put on ate Veterans, having been still street names in The City of thirteen of these in a year, I will Atlanta that still carry the names certainly by happy to work with commissioned by the Con- of Confederate heroes! you on planning an outline, secur- federate Veterans them- Speaking of Atlanta, we are ing speakers and presenters, and selves, retain our responsi- working very quietly with the city providing you with helpful infor- bility and right to adhere to to preserve several CSA related mation such as my own “School landmarks, we are flying the flag, of the Camp Commander”. the founding principles of and we are working on a project Looking ahead on the calen- the United States of Amer- that will eventually include a dar, April is upon us and there ica remembering the brav- large flagpole on our own private will be a host of Confederate Me- ery, defending the honor property in a very busy, highly morial Day events around our populated part of the city. These great State. Please provide a re- and protecting the memory things take time, so please be pa- port of your event and send it to of our beloved Confeder- tient and smart about what news myself, Adjutant Tim Pilgrim, ate Veterans, which in- we share online and in the public and our Division Historian, Mark cludes their memorials, arena.