
The Battle for the Zionist Idea Matan Peleg

May 2016 | Iyar 5776 1 © This booklet is not for commercial use and may not be copied, duplicated, or reproduced without the express consent from the author.

2 The Battle for the Zionist Idea

Matan Peleg

To the activists of Dedicated to the memory of Rivka Altabef

3 “The State of will be tested not by its wealth, nor by its mili- tary or technology, but by its moral character and human values.” David Ben-Gurion

4 Introduction: Since its establishment, the State of Israel has been faced with two central threats: a physical threat and an ideological threat. The former is expressed via bloody attacks, war, and terrorism, and has but one purpose – to wipe Israel off the map. The latter is expressed via efforts to convince the world that the Jewish state has no right to exist. Therefore, the goals of both these tactics are one and the same. In order to negate the State of Israel’s right to exist in the eyes of the world, international propaganda organizations spread blood libels and lies claiming that the State of Israel was founded in sin and carries out heinous crimes against humanity, including ethnic cleansing, genocide, and an apartheid regime for its Arab citizens. They strive to rally the nations of the world to condemn, boycott, and impose sanctions on Israel. In recent years we have been witness to a growing phenome- non that is no less concerning: the adoption of anti-Israeli ideals among many of Israel’s dominant elite. In academia, culture, the media, and the judicial system, Israel is frequently depicted as a racist state that requires fixing, rather than a spark of light in a dark geopolitical environment bereft of human rights and lacking all hope. Rather than accepting upon itself the historic role to defend the Zi- onist idea that brought the Jewish democratic state into the world – the most humane and moral state ever established in the Middle East – the Israeli elite focuses, at best, on casting doubts upon Is- rael, and at worst, on calling for foreign intervention. As we will see throughout this booklet, this is not the first time in history that the Jewish people have been forced to defend their diplomatic and spiritual character both at home and abroad. This booklet was written with the purpose of drawing the reader’s attention to the titanic battle raging between two ideas: the Zion- ist idea that strives for Jewish independence in the State of Israel, and in opposition, an idea seeking to limit the sovereignty of the Jewish people and to halt its renewed and unprecedented revival in the . Matan Peleg CEO, Im Tirtzu Movement 5 From “In the Kingdom of the Cross” / Uri Zvi Greenberg …Two thousand years the silence burns beneath these trees, A drug that is collected in the abyss – and I will not know the meaning; Two thousand years the bleeding has continued here, silence continues, And yet no mouth has yet spat out the poison spittle. In the books are chronicled all the deaths at the hands of the goyim, But the answer is not written there: our answer to the deaths.

6 A Lethal Obsession* In Those Times “All the nations hate Israel” (Genesis Rabbah 67:7) The magnifying glass of the world has been focused on the Jew- ish people for thousands of years. The attempts to denounce, dis- credit, and harm the Jewish people have been so numerous that it is hard not to suspect that we are dealing with a real obsession. In fact, it is a “lethal obsession” and not “anti-Semitism,” as this inexplicable manifestation has accompanied mankind since well before the term “anti-Semitism” was even coined. Evidence of its antiquity can be easily found. In the year 300 B.C.E. a Hellenist philosopher by the name of Hecataeus of Abdera prop- agated a libel that originated in Ancient Egypt, claiming that the Jews are “a people of lepers,” and were therefore exiled into the desert. The purpose of this libel was to demean and downplay the idea of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt that was so significant in the Jewish ethos.1 A short time later an Egyptian priest by the name of Manetho published a similar libel about the “expulsion” of the leprous Jews from Egypt. The famed Greek stoic Posidonius explained that the Jews were “a people of heretics, hated by the gods.” In the nd2 cen- tury B.C.E., a philosopher named Mnaseas claimed that the Jews worshiped the head of a donkey (considered to be a contemptible animal), and the rhetorician Apollonius Molon (Cicero’s teacher) wrote that “the Jews have done nothing for the good of mankind.” He held in contempt the abstract idea of god and claimed that Moses was an imposter. Democritus and Apion, each in their turn, charged that the Jews had a habit of capturing strangers, fattening them up, and sacrificing them while chopping up their flesh.2 And the list goes on. The Jews have always been perceived as strangers and as out- siders, and as a result have been the targets of dozens of various blood libels throughout history that have legitimized their murder. This has all stemmed from jealousy, frustration, fear, or from the

Note: The term “lethal obsession” was coined by Professor Robert S. Wistrich, one of the world’s leading researchers on anti-Semitism. His book A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad was published in 2010 by Random House publishing, New York. 7 need for a scapegoat. “The Jews killed Jesus” (4th century); “They prepare matzah with the blood of Christian children” (England, 1149; France, 1171; Germany, 12353); “They are poisoning water wells” (Switzerland, 1348); “They are planning to take over the world” (a plot which was most widely distributed with the writing of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” in the beginning of the 20th century in Russia4). This obsession and fevered imagination remains alive today. It seems that with time the only things that have changed are the wordings of the libels themselves. After all, it is hard to find a fun- damental difference between the “blood matzah” libel and the libel published in 2009 by the popular Swedish newspaper, Afton- bladet, which claimed that Israeli soldiers are harvesting the or- gans of for sale. It is even harder to find a significant difference between the libel that the Jews are the source of all evil in the world, and the poems of German author and Nobel Prize laureate Gunter Grass who accused Israel in 2012 of “endangering world peace.”5 The Jew-hating imagination knows no bounds.

8 Lethal Obsession in These Times “Abraham was on the one side while the whole world was on the other side” (Genesis Rabbah, Lech Lecha, 42) It is important to emphasize that not everyone who obsesses over Israel is necessarily doing so out of ill intent. The international media as a whole is certainly not anti-Semitic, but the attention devoted by leading media outlets to Israel is most definitely out of the ordinary. Matti Friedman, a journalist who worked for the Associated Press (AP) for five years and with other foreign media outlets, was in- terviewed on this matter.6 During his work at the AP, he explained that nearly 40 reporters cover Israel, which is more than the num- ber of reporters who cover China, Russia, or India, and more than all of the reporters who covered all of the 50 countries in Africa combined, including those countries in which the “Arab Spring” broke out. “In three years the Syrian conflict has claimed an estimated 190,000 lives, or about 70,000 more than the number of people who have ever died in the Arab-Israeli conflict since it began a cen- tury ago. News organizations have nonetheless decided that this conflict is more important than, for example, the more than 1,600 women murdered in Pakistan last year (271 after being raped and 193 of them burned alive), the ongoing erasure of Tibet by the Chinese Communist Party, the carnage in Congo (more than 5 mil- lion dead as of 2012) or the Central African Republic, and the drug wars in Mexico (death toll between 2006 and 2012: 60,000), let alone conflicts no one has ever heard of in obscure corners of India or Thailand. They believe Israel to be the most important story on earth, or very close,” summarized Friedman.7 The same phenomenon is highlighted by Israeli journalist Ben- Dror Yemini in his fascinating book, The Industry of Lies. In one example (out of hundreds of notable cases that he presents in his book), Yemini refers to the amount of references to Israel and the treatment that Israel receives in the prominent British newspaper, : “In 2011 the newspaper The Guardian mentioned Israel approximately 1,008 times. An average of three times in each issue. In that year 115 Palestinians were killed, most of them terrorists.

9 Iraq was mentioned 504 times. In that year 4,059 civilians were killed in Iraq and 3,021 civilians were killed in Afghanistan. At least 410 of them were killed by forces of which British soldiers were a part of. In that year, on that same soil, 46 British soldiers were killed. But Iraq and Afghanistan, where thousands of civilians were killed, deaths in which the British were involved both as killers and as victims – were mentioned in the newspaper less times than Israel was.”8 Even the United Nations is not a fundamentally anti-Semitic body, but its obsession towards the State of Israel can be proved using numerical data. Moreover, the United Nations has had an active role in creating some of the most fundamental challenges that face the State of Israel today, including the perpetual issue of the Palestinian refugees and the notion that is a racist idea. - Numerical Data In 2013, Israel “earned” 21 condemnations from the United Na- tions, the majority relating to the treatment of Palestinians and two concerning Israel’s control of the Golan Heights. The rest of the world’s countries only received a total of two condemnations.9 In 2014 the United Nations General Assembly condemned Israel 20 times, and the other countries of the world only four times.10 In 2015 Israel was condemned, according to Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon, 22 times. Iran was condemned once by the United Nations, as was North Korea.11 According to “UN Watch,” during the 2015 annual meeting of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNESCO), Israel was the only country in the entire world to be condemned. The deci- sion to condemn Israel was approved by 42 out of the 54 states, including members of the like England, France, and Germany. The Jewish state was condemned for “…the dump- ing of all kinds of waste materials in the Occupied Palestinian Ter- ritory, including East , and in the occupied Syrian Golan, which gravely threaten their natural resources.”12 Between the years 2006-2015, the United Nations Security Council condemned Israel more times than the rest of the world’s countries combined, with Israel receiving 62 condemnations and the rest of the world together receiving only 59. Thirty-eight percent of all resolutions passed by the United Nations Human Rights Council have been against Israel. Between 2006 (the year the Council was founded) and 2012, the Council published 48

10 reports against Israel, and only nine reports condemning the mass slaughter in Syria. There were only three reports written on Iran, and none written on China.13 - The Refugee Problem An additional example of the United Nations’ double standard, which created a damaging problem for Israel, is the issue of the “Palestinian refugees.” Since its foundation, the United Nations has created two agencies for handling refugees: the United Na- tions High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), whose goal is to care for (almost) all of the world’s refugees whoever they may be, and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), whose focus is exclusively on the Arabs who fled/left/were expelled during Israel’s 1948 War of Independence. UNRWA even has special criteria as to what constitutes a refugee that is different from all other refugees in the world. For example, Palestinian refugee status is passed down from generation to gen- eration and Palestinians remain refugees even if they are granted citizenship in another country – something that is not accorded to the rest of the world’s refugees. By operating these two orga- nizations, the United Nations has assigned one organization for almost all of the world, whose purpose is to reduce the amount of refugees, and another organization, solely for Palestinians, that consistently increases the number of refugees. Between the years 1944-1950, approximately 20 million people in Europe left their homes and became refugees, when in roughly the same period approximately 700,000 Arabs left Israel and became refugees. But while the UNHCR cared for those 20 million refu- gees and permanently resettled them (today the number of World War II refugees stands at zero), those 700,000 Arabs refugees, who meanwhile forged for themselves a national consciousness as a “people,” have grown to number 5 million. They are falsely and manipulatively classified as “Palestinian refugees.”14 - Determining Zionism to be a Racist Idea The United Nations resolution that proclaimed that “Zionism is rac- ism” (1975) was a watershed moment in the historical campaign of the de-legitimization of Israel. The resolution was adopted despite the fact that from an unbiased and human rights perspective, the Jewish state, both now and in the 70’s, is at the very least – clearly the least evil country in the Middle East. This is not only because Israel brought about only political mechanism in the region that

11 safeguards and protects the rights of minorities, homosexuals, and women, but because the right to freedom of expression and free- dom of religion are the cornerstones of Israeli society. The United Nations should have viewed the Zionist idea, and the country founded on its values, as a shining light in contrast to the countries surrounding it. Instead of passing biased resolutions against Israel, they should have opted to apply pressure on Israel’s neighboring countries, where the human rights situation is noth- ing short of abysmal. But they did not. The United Nations “World Conference against Racism, Racial Dis- crimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance,” better known as the “Durban Conference,” was a conference held in South Af- rica in 2001 that represented another formative milestone in the journey to denounce Israel and the Zionist idea. The conference was supposed to serve as an international front against racism and xenophobia, but quickly spiraled into an anti-Israel “hatefest.” Led by the influence of “non-governmental” organizations that succeeded in completely taking over the conference’s agenda, an “indictment” against Israel was promoted, which unabashed- ly denied Israel’s right to exist. Although this indictment was not accepted as a formal resolution, it left a mark that would mold the character of the future campaign of the de-legitimization of Israel:15 ÎΓIsrael is an Apartheid state – Israel should be isolated from the world and have all its social economic and military ties severed. Furthermore, it should be censured by all member states which support it. ÎÎZionism is Racism ÎÎIsrael is an occupying state – Occupation is a crime against humanity and a threat to international peace and security. ÎÎIsrael perpetrates war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. ÎÎThe Holocaust is not unique – The Holocaust against the Jewish people is one of many similar tragedies that happened to other nations in the world. ÎÎIsrael (as a Jewish state) was born in sin and established through “ethnic cleansing” of Mandatory Arab Palestine.”16

12 Two prominent Israeli organizations were among the “non-govern- mental” organizations that participated in the conference: “Ada- lah” and “The Minerva Center for Human Rights at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.”17 The “Durban Conference” was but one more example of the world’s obsessive and warped focus on Israel. This obsession, coupled with the application of a double moral standard, obscures, rather than reveals, the external and in- ternal challenges faced by Israel. Israeli policies and actions are as a result judged harshly and out of context with flagrant disregard to precedents in other countries, both past and present. - The European Union The European Union’s attitude towards Israel raises many ques- tions as well. It is hard to ignore the fact that the EU sets different standards for Israel than it does for the rest of the world, while blatantly ignoring the extraordinary geopolitical challenges that Israel is faced with. In response to the European Commission’s adoption of guidelines forbidding financial support for any Israeli “entity” located in the “,” Golan Heights, East Jerusalem or the (2013), the Kohelet Policy Forum published a paper titled “EU’s Israel Grants Guidelines: A Legal and Policy Analysis,” which re- vealed a clear double standard and selective policy being enforced against Israel. The policy paper cites other territorial disputes that are similar to that of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but where the European Union’s attitude is fundamentally different. For example, the EU does not recognize Morocco’s claim to sovereignty over the mil- itarily occupied Western Sahara, or Turkey’s claim to sovereignty over the militarily occupied Northern Cyprus, which is an EU mem- ber state. But despite this, the EU “does not claim in any other place in the world that it is forbidden to provide grants to ‘settle- ments’ in ‘occupied territories.’” Moreover, “in Northern Cyprus and elsewhere, it is EU policy to provide grants specifically for these settlements.” The European Union even runs a grant pro- gram focused on Turkish Cypriot settlers who were transferred there by the British government.18 In another example, “the EU pledged financial grants to develop the Moroccan fishery industry as a compensation for access to

13 Moroccan waters. Yet the agreement defined the ‘Moroccan’ fish- ery and waters as including Western Sahara (the agreement was opposed by representatives of the Western Sahara population). Thus the EU directly funds Morocco’s exploitation of resourc- es in the occupied territory, and it recognizes the application of EU-Morocco treaties to territory occupied by Morocco.”19 The EU also provides direct aid to the Russian-occupied Abkhazia region of Georgia, and is its largest donor (the funding plans for Abkhazia explicitly note that “it is not any form of recognition of the sovereignty of Abkhazian rule over the territory”). The double standard on Israel further obliges all Israeli grantees to sign a dec- laration that they are located within the Green Line, and that they do not operate over the line.20 In November 2015, the European Commission adopted guidelines for labeling Israeli products manufactured in Judea and Samaria and in the Golan Heights. The document published by the Com- mission stated that the European Union does not recognize Israeli sovereignty beyond the 1967 lines, regardless of the legal status accorded by Israeli law, and would like for the EU regulations and legislation to reflect this position. The guidelines require labeling fresh fruits and vegetables, wine, honey, olive oil, eggs, poultry, organic products, and cosmetics.21 As a result of these double standards, there is a feeling that Israel has been excluded from the rest of the nations of the world and that it is not eligible for any comparative criticism. “Abraham was on the one side while the whole world was on the other side.”22 The even bigger problem that stems from this is that Israel is con- stantly compared to a utopian fantasy of how a country should act, and such a comparison is illogical. Such an idea is imaginary at its very essence. It is unattainable. Israel has been held to these impossible standards from the day it was established.

14 Ghosts of Europe “When calamity comes to the world, Jacob is the first to feel it” (Lamentations Rabbah, 2) All of what has been written above is still unable to provide a sat- isfactory explanation to this widespread phenomenon. Neither the blood libels, nor the double standards are able to answer the ques- tion: “How did the Zionist idea become so taboo in recent decades, and how has it happened that the State of Israel is frequently com- pared to the Nazi regime, of all things?” If we return momentarily to Ben-Dror Yemini’s The Industry of Lies, the following text can assist us in understanding this phenomenon: “A survey held in Germany in 2004 found that 51% of the Germans (not including immigrants) think that Israel is treating the Palestinians like the Nazis did… A study commissioned by the Bundestag and published in the beginning of 2012 shows that 41% of Germans think that Israel is waging a war of eradication against the Palestinians. A survey held in Italy in 2005 shows that 36% think that “Israel is carrying out a destruction of the Palestinians, as the Nazis did to the Jews.” A survey held in Norway in 2012 shows that 38% think that Israel treats the Palestinians the way the Nazis treated the Jews. A European survey from 2011 shows that among all countries, close to 50% hold similar opinions, and that “anti-Semitism frequently masquerades as criticism of Israel.” A global survey by the BBC from 2007 points out that Israel has had the most negative influence in the entire world. In a 2012 survey, there was a slight change, as Israel came in fourth, behind Iran, Pakistan and North Korea.”23 An explanation to this conundrum of why Israel is constantly equat- ed to the world’s most heinous monster can be found in a captivat- ing article by the Jewish-French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut, “In the Name of the Other: Reflections on the Coming Anti-Semitism.” Finkielkraut writes:24 What are the foundations of today’s Europe? Does it rest on culture? On a shared admiration for particular immortals like Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Pascal, Cervantes, Giotto, Rembrandt, Picasso, Kant, Kierkegaard, Mozart, Bartok, Chopin, Ravel, Fellini, and Bergman? Does it share in the continuity of a glorious past? Does it seek to honor its common ancestors? No, it has broken with its bloody past, intent on remembering only its radical evil. Traumatized by Hitler, Europe cannot be satisfied with a simple

15 repudiation of anti-Semitism; it must unburden itself by switching from an admiring humanism to a reviling one. It is a humanism perfectly captured in the cry, “Never again!” Never again a politics of power. Never again empire. Never again warmongering. Never again nationalism. Never again Auschwitz. [pp. 14,15] What unites Europe today is the repudiation of war, of hegemony, of anti-Semitism, and of all the catastrophes that it has brought about—every form of intolerance and inequality to which it has given life. Inasmuch as the American call of “never again” plays itself out in its response to external threats, the post-criminal Europe is what Camus called a “penitent-judge”: One who takes pride in his penitence and is always on guard against himself. “Never again me!” promises Europe, and she kills herself to fulfill that oath. Democratic America fights her adversaries; Europe crosses swords with her ghosts. The call to vigilance is expressed in America through the active defense (sometimes with little regard for means) of the free world; in Europe it is embodied in the undying slogan, “ shall not pass.” [pp. 17, 18] What the Jews must now answer for is not the corruption of French identity, but the martyrdom which they have imposed—or allowed to be imposed in their name—on the Palestinian alterity. We Europeans no longer denounce the Jews’ cosmopolitan vocation; on the contrary, we exalt it, and we reproach them for having betrayed it… just when the enlightened world has switched en masse to borderlessness and wandering…. we now charge these latecomers [the Jews, M.P.] to autochthony with falling into that very state which characterized the Europeans before remorse gnawed at their egos and compelled them to put universal principles above territorial sovereignty. [p. 31] And yet, as the philosopher Michael Walzer pointed out in an essay in Dissent, not one but four wars are under way between the and the Palestinians: [1] The Palestinian war of attrition to obliterate the Jewish state (under which heading fall both suicide bombers and the refugees’ “right of return”); [2] the Palestinian war for the creation of an independent state; [3] the Israeli war for the security and defense of the State of Israel; []4] and the Israeli war to strengthen the settlements and annex as much of the territory conquered in 1967 as possible. [p. 31] …[Those] who are blind to this quadruple reality…and also to the unbearable and monotonous obviousness of the terrorist iniquity

16 that flaunts itself before their scandalized eyes. Indeed, thanks to round-the-clock media coverage, they can simultaneously see everything that goes on in the conflict and… see nothing for what it really is… Is it mean-spiritedness, or frivolity, that guides them? No. It is the dread of radical evil, the egalitarian fervor, the cult of tolerance. Their illusions proceed from their most honorable qualities… We find ourselves confronted with a hyper-amnesiac fever that spreads like a plague—one which, in a world simplified to the extreme, allows for only two types: Nazi and victim. [p. 31] We were so utterly concerned for the Other that the figure of the Other eventually replaced that of the enemy. Thus, the Palestinians are no longer the enemies of the Israelis, but their Other. The result is clear: Being at war with one’s enemy is a human possibility; waging war on one’s Other is a crime against humanity. [p. 31] The Beast and the Other are, according to this view, ontologically incompatible: The Beast yearns to cloak himself in the Other’s skin, while the Other is the Beast’s prey. The Other is wholly innocent, and even if his intentions are revolting, even if he comports himself as a declared enemy, it is never anything other than a legitimate defense. If the Other commits reprehensible acts, it is only in reaction to the spirit of reaction—in response, for example, to the apartheid practices and the harsh security measures to which he has been unfairly subjected. If he is angry, it is because exploitation and exclusion have made him dream of opening fire on the crowd; it is because his rights have been violated in France and his brothers murdered in Palestine… the “Zionists,” who defend the ethno-religious purity of Israel and everything that goes with it— which is to say Sharon, which is to say Hitler—and who thereby demonstrate their complete imperviousness to the maxims of universal . [pp 32,33] This being the case, the State of Israel suffers from the overseeing eye and from the moral duality of the world in general, and of Europe in particular, which bears post-traumatic mental baggage that sees every shadow as the ultimate darkness and each reflec- tion as a mortal danger. This is in addition to the suspicion that Europe is trying to assuage the guilt of its conscience by accusing the victims of the past of being the supposed Nazis of today. Given all of this, the obvious question remains: “Why is it so diffi- cult to present a satisfactory response to the hot air emanating from the countries of Europe?”

17 Speech on May 1, 1936; Berl Katznelson Is there another people on earth whose sons are so emotionally twisted that they consider everything their nation does despicable and hateful, while every murder, rape and robbery committed by their enemies fills their hearts with admiration and awe? As long as a Jewish child…can come to the Land of Israel, and here catch the virus of self-hate…let not our conscience be still.

18 Ghosts of the Israeli Elite “Does a person who drinks water from a well throw a stone into it?” (Exodus Rabbah, 20) The following is an excerpt from an interview with Israel Prize lau- reate Prof. in Ha’aretz: “…I also distinguish between fascism and Nazism, because fascism does not necessarily carry a race doctrine. Let me put it in no uncertain terms: Fascism is a war against enlightenment and against universal values; Nazism was a war against the human race.” “Do you see a negation of universal values in Israel and a war against enlightenment in recent years?” - asks the interviewer. “It cries out to heaven [He responded, M.P.]…”25 Sternhell is not the only Israel Prize laureate who has drawn a con- nection between the State of Israel and fascism. As a general rule, the phenomenon in which Israeli , academicians, and journalists compare Israeli society, its elected officials, or groups within Israel to the worst forms of evil, is common. This is especial- ly true if the subject being discussed is the national-religious or ul- tra-Orthodox community, but it is not limited to them. Many remember the late Prof. Yeshayahu Leibowitz’s “Judeo-Nazis” statement26 when he was chosen to be awarded the Israel Prize (but declined to accept it27). His candidacy for the prize was promoted by then Minister of Education, the late Shulamit Aloni, who herself was an Israel Prize laureate who did not spare in her comparisons between Israel and the Nazis: “The ultra-Orthodox suckle from the same dark, primal urges that fueled monstrous Nazi fascism”; “[Benjamin] Netanyahu is an excellent student of Goebbels”; “Eli Yishai acted in accordance with the Laws,” and more.28 Israel Prize laureate, artist Yigal Tumarkin, said “When you see the ultra-Orthodox, you can understand why there was a Holocaust.” Israel Prize laureate Natan Zach said of Prime Minister Netanyahu that “Hitler too was elected in democratic elections.”29 Yehoshua Sobol, winner of the Israeli Theater Prize compared ’s “stop apologizing” campaign to the Nazi party and explained that “in 1933, when the National Socialist Party came to power in Germany, one of the first laws enacted was the law to cancel German guilt.”30 It seems that this phenomenon is particularly prevalent in academia as well. A history professor at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University, Moshe Zimmerman, compared an entire sector if Israeli society to the Nazis: “Look at the children of : They are exactly like Hitler

19 Youth.”31 Ofer Kassif, a political science professor at Hebrew Universi- ty, referred to Minister of Justice as “Neo-Nazi scum,” “filth,” and “not only a responsible partner of the fascism of Israel but also an indirect partner to African genocide and crimes against humanity.”32 Prof. Daniel Blatman, an expert in Jewish history, stat- ed: “Hitler declared after the Nuremberg Race Laws were passed in 1935 that they would create a suitable basis for a separate but wor- thy existence for Jews in Germany alongside German society. The race laws in South Africa established that people of different colors cannot exist when mixed with each other… The tsunami of racist laws passed by the in recent months is also being explained by reasoned and worthy arguments…”33 Dr. Anat Rimon of Beit Berl College wrote: “When the time comes, the High Court justices will be tried for treason on the highest level.I hope that they’ll be hanged like the last of the criminals against hu- manity for all the horror that they helped cause the Palestinians.”34 A teacher’s assistant at the Tel Hai Academic College addressed IDF soldiers on his page during Operation Protective Edge, say- ing “You are murdering children in my name, you Nazi psychopathic sons of bitches…”35 And the list goes on. These examples are a mere fraction of such statements. The list of those who compare Israel to the most heinous evil in history is up- dated on a nearly daily basis. As these very lines are is being writ- ten, the media is reporting on the controversial remarks made by Israeli film director, Udi Aloni, at a Berlin press conference where he claimed that Israel is a fascist state and called on the Chancellor of Germany not to sell Israel submarines.36 The notable Israeli author Ronit Matalon told the French newspaper Le-Monde that Israel is an Apartheid regime.37 Several weeks prior, the official Facebook page of Ha’aretz published a post suggesting that Education Minister Naf- tali Bennett is acting in the spirit of a moderate Nazi.38 The Ha’aretz newspaper is in and of itself a phenomenon worthy of study when it comes to the obsessive comparison of Israel to the Nazi Germany. Perhaps this can be explained by the fact that a Ger- man publishing house with a Nazi history (“DuMont Schauberg”) holds 25% of the Ha’aretz group’s stock, and Dr. Kurt Neven DuMont, the father of the current publisher, was a member of the Nazi Par- ty. His newspaper promoted the party’s ideology to such an extent that one month after the assassination attempt on Hitler’s life, the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda under Jo- seph Goebbels awarded DuMont the War Merit Cross for continued

20 publication of his newspaper despite severe conditions and heavy bombing.39 What is for certain is that editorials such as “The Face of Apart- heid,” “Cleansing Journey,” “The [Yellow] Patch Law,” “Netanyahu’s Apartheid Vision,”40 and articles by the newspaper’s publisher him- self – “Only International Pressure,” “The Necessary Eradication of Democracy,” “In Order to not Become an Apartheid State”41 – leave very little room for imagination. “Is it mean-spiritedness?” asks the philosopher Finkielkraut, and re- sponds in the negative: “No. It is the dread of radical evil, the egali- tarian fervor, the cult of tolerance. Their illusions proceed from their most honorable qualities. We find ourselves confronted with a -hy per-amnesiac fever that spreads like a plague—one which… allows for only two types: Nazi and victim.”42 While Europe’s post-traumatic frustration is directed towards the Jews, it seems that a large part of the Israeli elite has adopted a sim- ilar disease for itself. The trouble is that this common denominator shared by the elites (Israeli and European) leaves us, as a society, defenseless. Europe convinces itself and the rest of the world that Israel is the embodiment of the worst form of evil, while at the same time, the Israeli elite disseminates a similar message from within. Dr. Tzvia Greenfield, a former Member of Knesset for Meretz and a former member of the Board of Directors of “B’tselem,” expressed a similar concern in her article “The Problem of the Left”: “The new opinion leaders in academia, in the arts, in the media, in film and in literature constantly expresses, in one way or another, their increas- ing objection to Israel… and their deepening identification with the ‘critical position’that perceives the very existence and the basic es- sence of the State of Israel as the Original Sin… Today this discourse is expressed via the new demand of the current elites of the Left to turn Israel… into the State of Palestine or Israstine, foregoing its national character as the sovereign state of the Jewish people…43 (see note).

Note: I wish to clarify that Dr. Tzvia Greenfeld makes a distinction between the “new” and “old” elite of the Left, and even claims that the manner in which the “new” elite treat the “old” elite (i.e. A.B. Yehoshua, and others of the same mold) is one of dismissal and contempt. She even claims (in contrast to my claim) that they have no effect on the current radical Left ideology that rules the Israeli elite today.

21 From the Diary of Benjamin Ze’ev Herzl Mauschel is an anti-Zionist. We have known him for a long time, and our gorge has risen whenever we looked at him… with a kind of romantic tenderness or weakness we took an interest in him because he was a scoundrel. When Mauschel did something shabby, we tried to hush it up… Who is this Mauschel, anyway? A type, my dear friends, a figure that keeps reappearing over the ages, the hideous companion of the Jew and so inseparable from him that the two have always been confused with each other. A Jew is a human being like any other – no better and no worse… Mauschel, on the other hand, is a distortion of human character, something unspeakably low and repugnant.

22 Giving up on Moshe and Yosef “Zionism is the name for the drug which is meant to cure the form of ‘disease,’ which is the deepest illness which the Jewish people have, to cling to other nations, grow close to them, and it began at the end of the First Temple Period. A nation clinging to other nations…” (A.B. Yehoshua)44 In January 2016, Yedioth Ahronoth published the partial transcript of a discussion held between the former Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and former Ambassador to South Africa, Alon Liel, and “prominent activists” from “Breaking the Silence.” The discussion was filmed by the “Ad Kan” organization, and is some of the most important material that they have ever revealed to the public. The meeting took place against the backdrop of the concerted effort by the Israeli society to publicly denounce the radical anti-Zionist organization. Their discussion was fascinating. “Breaking the Silence” has not ad- opted an approach of self-denial, rather, they recognize that they are a negligible and denounced minority in Israeli society. Despite this fact, however, they are undeterred. They possess a worldview that only they are “educated” (as noted by one of the activists) and enjoy a greater understanding than most of the Israeli people, i.e. “Moshe and Yosef” as described by Liel, which is reminiscent of other historical periods when the Jewish people already sat in Zion yet had to fight for the spiritual and political image of Israel from within. All of this makes this story one of the most important articles published on the issue of the de-legitimization of Israel. I will quote here several sections from the article, which is definitely worthy of being read in its entirety:45 “Recently there has been a very large witch-hunt against us,” begins Nadav Weiman, the organization’s Activist Coordinator. “To a large extent, it has spiraled out of our control… the main thing that they are attacking us over is why we’re attacking Israel overseas, why we’re speaking in English.” “I’ll explain to you why I think the international activity is critical… [says the former Ambassador - M.P.] the sanctions against South Africa came about once the public realized that in South Africa black is white and white is black, once that happened to the public opinion in Europe began to roll, you are the arrowhead

23 which tells the world that the occupation is unbearable… and the moment there is a recognition that it is unbearable things will begin to move.” In response, Liel is asked by the activists how to answer the claims against them that they are acting against Israel overseas: “What answer do you give the people, not those who are educated like us? What do we answer to the people…?” “A response that I think you should not answer, despite being a correct answer, is that the battle within Israel has already been decided, says Liel…, I believe that only the international community, like in the case of South Africa, can change public opinion.” One of the activists has a hard time digesting the answer and poses a question to Liel: “We derive our legitimacy from the Israeli public, no? We are not going head-to-head with the Israeli public?” “What legitimacy do you have?” asks Liel, and answers: You have a two percent legitimacy, you understand. But what two percent? The most moral people, the most intelligent, who can see 20 years ahead, who are not brainwashed by the messianic right-wing propaganda…” “This isn’t your specialty, but with each article in the media, with each meeting with Members of Parliament here and abroad, you help create the environment that the occupation is not legitimate…” “The broader the framework is, the European Union or the United Nations, it’s easier to argue with Israel… the anger (of the Israeli government – Y.A.) is divided into more. Are you going to get angry with 28 countries?” “…Even if you gather a hundred more testimonies it won’t make a difference, and that’s because what matters is the activity overseas. Democracy doesn’t stop with going to vote,” he continues. “You want to change something? Go to Moshe, go to Yosef, convince him, that’s not all democracy is. Going outside is legitimate in situations where there is a part of the public that feels that the consensus is wrong and immoral and is leading us to disaster…” …asks him one of the “Breaking the Silence” activists: “The boycott

24 on sporting events was a start, no?” [in reference to the boycott on South Africa - M.P.] Liel answers him: “No, it came together, it came as a package.” Breaking the Silence Activist Coordinator, Nadav Weiman, responds: “If they impose a sporting boycott against Israel. Oh God [that would be great – M.P.]. Really, I say a sporting boycott against Israel.” “You need to go for things that can lead to a turning point,” explains Liel, “which can reach every room in Israel. Take FIFA for example. If we were kicked out of FIFA, then Beitar Jerusalem against Hapoel , that’s worth living for? For the fights between Beitar fans and Hapoel fans? Let me breathe a bit. A little Barcelona. You think it can’t happen? It can still happen. At one point Liel proceeds to talk about his personal battle against the appointment of Dani Dayan, former Chairman of the Council, as Ambassador to Brazil… “Dani Dayan is the elite of the elites,” he explains to them. “We knew that Dani Dayan is the elite. Once it was A.D. Gordon and Borochov, today it’s Dani Dayan. He’s the pioneer. We went to the Brazilian Ambassador and told him, he might be a big shot over here, but outside he’s the head of the settlers, don’t authorize him… Shelly Yachimovich and Buji Herzog were angry with how we do it, but we dared to stand against the elite… In Israel they’re the elites, overseas they’re criminals…” - Alon Liel Isn’t Alone Professor Nurit Peled-Elhanan, a professor at the Hebrew Univer- sity’s School of Education, is one of the heads of the “Russell Tribu- nal for Palestine,”46 an international forum that works to promote diplomatic, commercial, and cultural sanctions against Israel. It has approached international tribunals with the purpose of forcing Europe to harden its policies against Israel.47 Dr. Kobi Snitz, a mathematician at the Weizman Institute and one of the founders of the “Boycott from Within” organization, was one of the organizers of the meeting held between FIFA Presi- dent Blatter and Jibril Rajoub, the Deputy-Secretary of the Fatah Central Committee, whose goal was to suspend Israel from the world’s most important football (soccer) organization. Dr. Snitz ar- rived to give the illusion that this move was supported by Israeli society.48 Other prominent activists from “Boycott from Within” include Ofer Neiman of Hebrew University and Ronnie Barkan, who together with Snitz work to promote the boycott of Israel.

25 They prevented the musical group, The Pixies, from appearing in Israel in 2010, convinced French singer Vanessa Paradis to cancel her performance in 2011, and protested against the participation of Israel’s Cameri Theater in an arts festival in Delhi in 2012.49 Emmanuel Dror Farjoun, a mathematics professor at the Hebrew University, signed a petition calling to boycott the Hebrew Univer- sity,50 and is one of the most notable Israelis calling for a cultural boycott of Israel.51 , a political science professor at Ben-Gurion Univer- sity of the Negev, published an article in the calling for a boycott of Israel.52 In 2011, some 36 Israeli professors signed a petition calling for a boycott of products from Judea and Samaria.53 In 2014 dozens of Israeli anthropologists contacted the American Anthropological Association (AAA) in order to voice their objection to an official- let ter sent by the Israeli Anthropological Association (IAA) opposing the AAA resolution to boycott Israel. In their letter, they wrote: “In our opinion, the letter contains misleading statements regarding what BDS sets out to achieve and the manner in which it does so… despite implications to the contrary in the letter, Israeli anthropol- ogists have never as a body declared their opposition to the occu- pation and oppression of the Palestinian people. Second, contrary to the claims of the IAA letter, and as the proponents of BDS claim, the Israeli academy is a central pillar of the state, playing a key part in its repressive policies… We urge the IAA to condemn the oppression of the Palestinian people, and especially the recent murderous war in Gaza.”54 In 2015 a number of Israeli academ- ics and public figures launched a petition calling on the United Nations Security Council to support a proposal to end the Israeli “occupation.”55 And this is only a fraction of such statements, a very small fraction. “For years now, the left wing has become a religious, fanatical cult,” writes Dr. Dror Eydar in a critique of the Left. “It has heteronomous laws that came from some sort of god, and they supersede the laws of men or the consensus… despite its talk of human rights, it doesn’t have people, merely ideas… Like in the 1st century B.C.E., the Aristobulus and Hyrcanus of today invite the Romans into Jerusalem in order to assist them, and the Jews will lose their independence and sovereignty…”56 But Aristobulus and Hyracnus were not the first. Even before them

26 there were those who clung to other nations. Josephus writes in “Antiquities of the Jews”: This Jesus changed his name to Jason, but Onias was called Menelaus. Now as the former high priest, Jesus, raised a sedition against Menelaus, who was ordained after him, the multitude were divided between them both. And the sons of Tobias took the part of Menelaus, but the greater part of the people assisted Jason; and by that means Menelaus and the sons of Tobias were distressed, and retired to Antiochus, and informed him that they were desirous to leave the laws of their country, and the Jewish way of living according to them, and to follow the king’s laws, and the Grecian way of living. Wherefore they desired his permission to build them a Gymnasium at Jerusalem. And when he had given them leave … they left off all the customs that belonged to their own country, and imitated the practices of the other nations.”57

27 So the Devil Said/Natan Alterman The devil asks himself: This besieged, how can I cope with him? He is courageous and has practical skills Weapons, resourcefulness and wisdom. And he said: “I shall not take away his power, neither the reins nor a switch Not make him fear/And not put dampers on him I shall do just this: dull his mind / And he will forget that justice is with him.”

28 From Consciousness to Experience “For once the wall of the vineyard falls, the whole vineyard is destroyed” (Avot by Rabbi Natan, Chapter 24) Until now we have dealt with the lethal obsession towards Isra- el, the double standards, and the post-traumatic baggage carried both by Europe and by part of the Israeli elite. We saw how the addictive longing for foreign intervention is expressed and from where it emanates. But we haven’t spoken enough about the do- ers, both on the international level and on a domestic level. Who are those whose role it is to convert these ideas into action? Alon Liel referred to “Breaking the Silence” as the “arrowhead,” but how many other arrows exist? What is their strategy and what is their modus operandi? - Arrows from Abroad It is no coincidence that the first section of the “indictment” against Israel from the 2001 Durban Conference begins with the section “Israel is an Apartheid state.” Apartheid is not just “a catchy media headline…useful for getting the message across” as described by Ha’aretz publisher Amos Schocken,58 rather it is a term with a clear legal definition in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: “‘The crime of Apartheid’ means inhumane acts of a character similar to those referred to in paragraph 1, committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.”59 Clearly, by the definition and by all reality Israel has no conceivable connection with apartheid. The continued accusation of Israel as an apartheid state can only therefore have malicious intent, an at- tempt to demonize the country and to lay the groundwork for finding Israel to be illegitimate and unworthy of existing. The BDS movement is, in essence, the international executive branch of the Durban talking points.60 Omar Barghouti, the found- er of the movement, understood its potential and declared: “Our South African moment has arrived… The conceptual origins of Israel’s unique form of apartheid are found in Zionism…”61

29 Ali Abunimah, one of the founders of Electronic Intifada,62 summa- rized the apartheid strategy: “The loss of legitimacy in the practic- es of the (South African) apartheid regime is what changed, and when a system loses its legitimacy, all the weapons in the world cannot protect it…we’re beginning to see a similar loss of legitima- cy for Zionism.”63 By means of conferences, symposiums, and social activity, hun- dreds of thousands of students internalize these messages every year.64 The most notable “educational flagship” of the apartheid strategy is the Israeli Apartheid Week that takes place every year on hundreds of campuses throughout the world.65 But the BDS movement does not sit idly until its campus activists reach key positions where they can affect change. Rather, the BDS movement simultaneously embarks on campaigns to promote the boycott of Israel, whether it be lobbying companies to divest from Israel, approaching governments and international bodies in order to harness political pressure on Israel, convincing artists to cancel their performances scheduled in Israel, and more. “OK fine. So BDS does mean the end of the Jewish state…” ex- plained another notable boycott activist, Ahmed Moor, “…the suc- cess of the BDS movement is tied directly to our success in human- izing Palestinians and discrediting Zionism as a legitimate way of regarding the world.”66 This is the precise reason why the BDS movement doesn’t stop at Judea and Samaria, as its ultimate objective is to destroy the entire country. The harassment of SodaStream attests to this. The com- pany’s CEO Daniel Birnbaum noted: “But do you think that now that SodaStream is no longer in the West Bank, BDS has stopped persecuting us? Of course not. Now they say we steal natural re- sources from the , particularly land and water.”67 - Arrows from Within As is well known, there are dozens of “non-governmental” organi- zations in Israel that useforeign governmental funding to defame Israel both within Israel and overseas, and that seek to influence Israeli policy from within by means of public campaigns, social in- stigation, judicial appeals, legislation, lobbying, and more. This is an anti-Israeli industry with a turnover of hundreds of millions of shekels per year. The extent of the European funding for “non-governmental” orga-

30 nizations involved with the Israeli-Arab conflict is quite unique in comparison to other conflicts around the globe. Research carried out by “NGO Monitor” discovered that from 2007-2010 the Eu- ropean Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights, one of the European Union’s largest financial assistance programs, allotted 57% of its budget to groups in Israel or in the Palestinian Authori- ty. However, it allotted no funding whatsoever to Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and other countries that require such aid.68 In the Foreign Agents Report released by Im Tirtzu in 2015, we discovered that just between the years 2012-2014, European governments, embassies, and political foundations (including the European Union itself) transferred an enormous sum of approxi- mately 123,567,827 NIS to 20 Israeli organizations. If we add the funds given by the since 2008 (79,849,216 NIS) and those promised to these organizations by Palestinian founda- tions (13,648,440 NIS), we reach figures that are even more stag- gering.69 The industry of de-legitimization stemming from within Israel is a fascinating phenomenon because it is for the most part vague, as there is not one distinct overarching umbrella organization that facilitates the activities of all the organizations working to defame and isolate Israel. The closest thing to such an entity is the Amer- ican-based New Israel Fund (NIF), which claims to object to the BDS movement but does “not exclude support for organizations that lawfully discourage the purchase of goods or use of services from settlements.”70 A policy which only adds to the confusion of the de-legitimization phenomenon. If we return to the Durban talking points and apply them to dif- ferent areas on the map of Israel, we are left with the following picture: widespread, systematic activity aimed at negating any possible sliver of legitimacy of the entire State of Israel. Following are several examples from different regions, starting in the south and progressing to the north: ÎÎSouth – Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing, Racial Discrimination, Dispossession, and Violations of Human Rights The issue of Bedouin settlement in the Negev provides tailor-made conditions to implement the Durban talking points. The most no- table of all the foreign-agent organizations working in the Negev are “Adalah,” the “Negev Coexistence Forum,” the “Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI),” and “,” but

31 they are not alone. One of the most important reports on this sub- ject was compiled by NGO Monitor:71 During a discussion on Israel’s Prawer Plan that was held in the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights, represen- tatives from “Adalah” and the “Negev Coexistence Forum” claimed that the proposed bill expressed principles of apartheid and a mil- itary regime. David Martin, chairman of the subcommittee, strove to outdo them: “I would go further than our guests describe it as apartheid. I don’t use this word lightly but I think what we are see- ing taking place is ethnic cleansing...under any definition.” One year prior to the hearing, Dr. Thabet Abu Rass, “Adalah’s” Ne- gev office director, travelled to Brussels on an “advocacy mission” in order to call attention to the government-approved Prawer Plan, which he claimed threatens to forcibly dispossess and dis- place the Arab Bedouin community in the Naqab (Negev) from their homes and ancestral lands.”72 A report presented by ACRI to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights dealt with the discriminatory policies by the Jewish Nation- al Fund (JNF) and the harm caused to ethnic groups.73 In 2011 the “Negev Coexistence Forum” approached the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SDP), which was raising funds to go towards planting a forest in the Negev, in order to inform them of “the actions being carried out by the State and the JNF” while claiming that the forest “erases the memory of the Bedouin’s ex- istence and dispossesses them from their land.” “Rabbis for Hu- man Rights” promoted a propaganda piece based on the film Fid- dler on the Roof, where the were presented as victims of expulsion, much like the Jews oppressed during the anti-Semitic regime of the Russian Tsar.74 In July 2013, members of the “Ne- gev Coexistence Forum” participated in an annual convention of United Nations experts and called for “urgent intervention by the international community…”75 It is also noteworthy that these or- ganizations are involved in protests in Israel,76 and that many Bed- ouins have expressed complaints over this.77 ÎÎGaza – War Crimes, Violations of International Law, and Torture Merely uttering the words, “Goldstone Report” (United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict), is sufficient enough to underscore the influence that Israeli organizations have in the -ef fort to convince the world that the IDF is committing war crimes

32 in Gaza. “Adalah,” “Breaking the Silence,” “B’tselem,” the “Associ- ation for Civil Rights in Israel,” “HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual,” the “Public Committee Against Torture in Israel,” “Yesh Din,” “Physicians for Human Rights - Israel,” “Gisha - Legal Center for Freedom of Movement,” “Bimkom - Planners for Plan- ning Rights,” “Rabbis for Human Rights,” and “” are merely a few of the organizations mentioned in this infamously biased report.78 During Operation Protective Edge a Palestinian directorate oper- ating in Ramallah authorized funds for “B’tselem” and “Breaking the Silence” in order to investigate human rights violations and international humanitarian law violations by the IDF in the Gaza Strip. They were two of the nine organizations whose funding was approved. The others were Palestinian BDS organizations, some of which have ties to the terrorist group, the “Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).”79 This same directorate noted in a report published in 2015 that it paid “Breaking the Silence” in order to provide them with at least one negative testimony against the IDF. It claimed that “Breaking the Silence” provided 57 testi- monies.80 Following Operation Protective Edge, approximately 14 Israeli organizations provided statements to the United Nations Human Rights Council regarding severe human rights violations and suspicions of war crimes.81 The Israeli organizations “Adalah,” “Ittijah,” and “The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions” also benefit from their “special consultative” status in the United Nations Economic and Social Council and take advantage of this to file dozens of complaints and hurl accusations against Israel.82 ÎÎJudea and Samaria – Apartheid, Crimes Against Humanity, Collective Punishment, and Executions In Judea and Samaria there exists an all-encompassing industry of incitement that even includes an anti-Israeli tourism depart- ment,83 but for the purpose at hand we will not focus on that. A “B’tselem” report accused Israel of “apartheid practices on West Bank roads,”84 and in a letter to the Prime Minister the organiza- tion’s CEO warned that killing terrorists during the current wave of terror is “execution.”85 “Adalah” accused Israel of destroying property as “collective punishment in the Palestinian occupied territories.”86 “Physicians for Human Rights - Israel” claimed that Israel prevents medical treatment for Palestinians in the West Bank.87 “HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual” em- phasizes that torture is a crime against humanity and claims that

33 “Since 1948 and much more so since the occupation of the West bank and Gaza Strip, Israeli security forces – with the Israel Securi- ty Agency (ISA) and Military Unit 504 at the forefront – have been torturing and ill-treating Palestinians every year…”88 “Coalition of Women for Peace,” “Mossawa Center,” “Ta’ayush,” “Israel So- cial TV,” “,” “Yesh Gvul,” and other foreign-agent organiza- tions have approached the Government Pension Fund of Norway in order to stop them from “investing in the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory.” The letter accused Israeli companies of providing “specifically designed equipment for the surveillance and repression of Palestinian population through restrictions of movement and collective punishments.”89 Following the cam- paign, the Government Pension Fund of Norway withdrew its in- vestments in Elbit Systems due to its “involvement in building the Security Fence.”90 ÎÎJerusalem – Policies of Separation, Population Transfers, Collective Punishment, and Discrimination The “Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Secre- tariat” is an entity located in Ramallah, with a secondary- oper ating center located in Gaza.91 By means of European funding it supports both Israeli and Palestinian organizations with hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. The Secretariat emphasizes that it maintains a great interest in Jerusalem, and according to its publications has transferred funds to the Israeli organizations “Ir Amim,” the “Association for Civil Rights in Israel,” and “Emek Shaveh” for projects in Jerusalem.92 “Ir Amim” presents itself as a non-profit organization that “fo- cuses on Jerusalem within the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”93 However, the Europeans who support the organization describe it otherwise: “Ir Amim defends the interests of the Pales- tinian community in East Jerusalem through monitoring, advocacy and litigation.”94 The organization holds tours titled “United City, Divisive Policy” and the organization’s CEO, Yehudit Oppenheimer, accused Prime Minister Netanyahu of “advocating the mass trans- fer of Palestinians from Jerusalem.”95 “Emek Shaveh” accuses Is- raeli archeological digs of being “a means of control of the village of Silwan.”96 The “Association for Civil Rights in Israel” warns that “the reality of life in East Jerusalem is a continuous cycle of neglect, discrimi- nation, poverty and shortage…” and concludes that the “only ra- tional explanation for the discrimination [in East Jerusalem - M.P.]

34 is an intentional trend by the state authorities, who work to push the Palestinian citizens of Jerusalem out of the city, in order to preserve the long term Jewish majority in the city.”97 “Adalah” ac- cused the Eastern Ring Road in Jerusalem of being “an apartheid road…”98 “HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual” files dozens of appeals to the Israeli Supreme Court and approaches the Attor- ney General and the IDF to advocate against the destruction of Palestinian terrorists’ homes in East Jerusalem, which it accuses of being “collective punishment… contrary to both international law and the basic precept of Israeli law…”99 In addition, “HaMoked” acts against the expulsion of families of terrorists to Gaza (“utterly illegal”), against the revocation of residency for terrorists (“racist policies”), and more.100 “HaMoked” is not the only one that utilizes legal warfare against Israeli by means of foreign governmental funding. The “Associa- tion for Civil Rights in Israel” defended the terrorists Subhi Abu Khalifa and Shuruk Dawiyat, who stabbed Israelis in the recent wave of terror.101 “Adalah” along with “Al-Dameer” (a Palestinian organization) represented the family of Fadi Alloun, who stabbed a Jewish minor in Jerusalem.102 On top of this, “Adalah” files dozens of additional appeals and petitions advocating for the- improve ment of the conditions of detained terrorists.103 ÎÎThe Jordan Valley and the Northern Dead Sea – Occupation, Expulsion, Water Theft, and Ethnic Cleansing The following quote taken from a report published by “Machsom Watch” best illustrates the road to “Durbanism” treaded on by Is- raeli NGOs in the Jordan Valley: “…it’s ethnic cleansing, the desire to expel the Palestinians, especially the weakest of them, the ‘transparent,’ in order to annex the Valley.”104 The Israeli organi- zation “Who Profits” accuses the cosmetics company “Ahava” of acting “in violation of international law,”105 and accuses the “Me- korot” water company of “profiting from the Israeli control over the Palestinian market,currently under occupation.”106 “B’tselem” published a report titled “Dispossession and Exploitation” which deals with Israeli policies in the Jordan Valley and the Northern Dead Sea and accuses Israel of stealing lands, taking control of water sources, discrimination, and limiting Palestinian traffic.107 “Bimkom,” along with “Association for Civil Rights in Israel,” “B’tselem,” and “Friends of the Earth Middle East,” combined forc- es to act “for the benefit of a different community in the West

35 Bank [every day – M.P.]” that faces human rights violations, while “applying pressure on the decision makers.”108 These examples, like before, are merely the tip of the iceberg. ÎÎIsrael’s Center – Racism, Discrimination, Violations of Human Rights and International Conventions, and There is Not One Holocaust The issue of illegal immigrants in Israel is used as a tool to accuse Israel of violating international law. It is also used as a means to change the character of State of Israel from within. “ASSAF: Aid Organization for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Israel” (a New Israel Fund-backed organization109) declared that “asylum seekers who arrived in Israel face a harsh reality and violations of human rights.”110 In a report written together with the “Hotline for Refu- gees and Migrants,” Israel was presented as a country that does not meet the acceptable standards as defined by international law.111 The organization’s CEO explained in an interview that “a Jewish state is a country based on Jewish values and not necessar- ily on a Jewish majority.”112 According to a report in , ASSAF not only funded the large immigrant protest in January 2014, but “also initiated the events, planned them logistically, reviewed the speeches given by the speakers, and provided the illegal immigrants with media connections.”113 The “African Refugee Development Center” is also funded by the New Israel Fund,114 and was described as “the most radical organization of all the African support organizations in Is- rael.” In 2012 the organization gave a report to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination that stated that the State of Israel is practicing “a policy of racial discrimina- tion against Africans.”115 The NIF is directly involved in the illegal immigrant’s protests. It has funded buses leaving from Arad to Tel Aviv and has assisted in the overall “execution of the largest protest by asylum seekers that was ever seen in Israel.”116 The NIF even supported protests that compared the illegal immigrants to Jews during the Holo- caust. Oren Rimon, a girl presented as the “Organizer of the Ho- locaust Survivor’s March for the Refugees,” declared: “I want to thank several organizations with whose help we managed to get this march off the ground.First and foremost, the New Israel Fund which financed the march and Shatil for pushing us kilometers forward.”117

36 ÎÎHaifa, Galilee and the North – Racism, Oppression, Discrimination, War Crimes, and Apartheid “Towards the end of 2006, a strategy was formulated by the Pales- tinian elite in Israel, which intended to build a wide, national con- sensus among the Arab public regarding its collective demands.” This was explained by Dr. Dan Schueftan in his important book, Palestinians in Israel — the Arab Minority and the Jewish State.118 Schueftan focused on four formative visionary documents: [1] “The Future Vision of the Palestinian Arabs in Israel,” written by The National Committee for the Heads of Arab Local Authorities in Israel, [2] the “Mossawa Center legal document” [3] the “Demo- cratic Constitution” Proposal by “Adalah” and [4] the “ Decla- ration” by “Mada al-Carmel.” “The political message of all these documents,” explains Schuef- tan, “leads to the same fault line in regards to the interests of the Jewish majority… since their message is one and the same – a complete and total negation of the Jewish national- enter prise…”119 Three of these organizations (“Adalah,” the “Mossawa Center,” and “Mada al-Carmel”) are supported by the NIF, and of course, by European governments. The National Committee for the Heads of Arab Local Authorities in Israel recently participated in a BDS conference that was held in , where the organi- zation’s founder himself, Omar Barghouti, was present as a guest of honor.120 The preamble to “The Future Vision of the Palestinian Arabs in Israel” states that “Since the Al-Nakba of 1948 (the Palestinian tragedy), we have been suffering fromextreme structural discrim- ination policies, national oppression, military rule that lasted till 1966, land confiscation policy, unequal budget and resources -al location, rights discrimination and threats of transfer.” The doc- ument avers that “Israel is the outcome of a settlement process initiated by the Zionist–Jewish elite in Europe and the west and realized by Colonial countries.”121 The “Haifa Declaration” states, inter alia, that “Israel carried out policies of subjugation and op- pression exceeding those of the apartheid regime in South Africa… Israel has perpetrated war crimes against Palestinians, killed and expelled thousands…”122 Accompanying the conceptual aspect are the practical implica- tions. “Adalah” operates an intensive lobby in international insti- tutions and clarifies that it aims “To apply pressure on Israel…To raise awareness within the international community of the insti-

37 tutionalized discrimination against Palestinian citizens of Israel.” They further explained: “The purpose of this awareness raising is to influence international actors to compel Israel to cease its -hu man rights violations.”123 A report published by Im Tirtzu documents the activities of for- eign-agent organizations against the recruitment of minorities, most of whom reside in the North, to the IDF and to National Ser- vice. The report points to widespread activity led by the “Baladna Arab Youth Association” (another NIF-supported organization) and by dozens of other organizations that operate by appealing to the Israeli Supreme Court against benefits for IDF soldiers, despite the fact that Arabs also serve in the IDF in the highest ranks.124 ÎÎAll the Rest – Apartheid, Nakba, Ethnic Cleansing, Colonialism, and Right of Return The parts of Israel that have remained untouched thus far, if any, are targeted by “Zochrot,” an NGO that strives to erase the Jewish and democratic nature of Israel. “Zochrot” states that it works to “promote the responsibility of the Jewish public in Israel for the Palestinian Nakbaand the realization of the right of return of the Palestinian refugees.” It goes on to further explain that the Nak- ba’s “mere presence in Jewish Israeli discourse still does not mean broad acknowledgement of and accountability for the Nakba.” It believes that “peace will come only after the country has been decolonized... as a necessary atonement for the Nakba.”125 “Zochrot” holds courses and seminars that “invite teachers to en- gage in a critical educational process using Zochrot’s Study Guide on the Nakba,”126 and holds dozens of tours (some in ) to villages destroyed in the War of Independence, with the purpose of restoring them as part of their “decolonial vision.” The orga- nization’s tours take place in dozens of places across the coun- try, including Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Haifa, Akko, Ramla-Lod, Beit Shemesh, and more.127 The organization holds a “Return Flotilla” event at the Port in order to commemorate the Nakba; in the last event, MK Haneen Zoabi even participated as the guest of honor.128 The organization also holds an international film festi- val, titled “48mm,” which accuses Israel of war crimes and ethnic cleansing.129 “Zochrot” works to promote their ideas around the world as well. They conduct activities throughout the United States130 and are

38 prominent participants in international Israeli Apartheid Week.131 They even promote an “iNakba” mobile device app that is used to detect destroyed/abandoned Arab villages in Israel, a device that is also promoted by the BDS movement.132 “Zochrot” is not the only Israeli organization that advocates for the “right of return.” At the “’Awda” (Return) convention that aimed “to examine the various ways to promote practical return [of Pal- estinian refugees – M.P.],” speakers included the Executive Direc- tor of the “Baladna Arab Youth Association” and a reporter from “Israel Social TV,” both of which are organizations funded by the New Israel Fund.133 - Optical Illusion Despite seeing the clear objectives of these organizations and their benefactors, it seems that at times decision makers main- tain some difficulty in understanding the full depth and severity of this threat. One of the main reasons for this is the relative size of the de-legitimization organizations within Israeli society. Given that they are a negligible minority, enjoying only a “two percent legitimacy,” as Mr. Liel admitted, there is an illusion that the situ- ation is not so bad. The foundation of this illusion is derived from the idea that polit- ical and social organizations receive their strength from the trust of the public, and that their strength is dependent on how much public support they receive. However, these foreign-agent organi- zations receive their budgetary and ideological strength from for- eign entities, and therefore are not dependent on the public. The US-based NIF and European governments funnel their support to these organizations with deliberate disregard for the feelings of the Israeli public and its elected officials. The European Union’s deci- sion in January 2016 to transfer additional funds to “B’tselem” with the purpose of combating the “Transparency Bill”134 further illustrates that organizations do not need public support in order to heavily influence the country. Only when taking into account the vast activities, reports, and ju- dicial appeals filed in Israeli courts and international institutions do we begin to understand the dangerous amounts of political power wielded by foreign-agent organizations. Add to this the information being published and disseminated by organizations such as “Breaking the Silence” and “Machsom Watch” on the IDF’s operational activity, and we can understand that “ideological bat-

39 tle” is a very delicate term for a much more severe phenomenon taking place unhindered in Israel.

Smoke Screen Another difficulty in fighting against de-legitimization from within, aside from the fact that these organizations are protected by Euro- pean powers, is the involvement of highly respected Israeli elites. In an article titled “Denouncing the Silencing,” Ben-Dror Yemini writes that “Amos Oz is one of the most notable intellectuals of the Left. He represents the just aspirations of the Zionist Left… and that is the tragedy. Because that same Oz, the sober think- er, the Zionist, is a board member of “B’tselem,” an organization that has several leading members promoting the “right of return,” and that has a board member who believes that Israel is a Nazi monster whose head must be crushed. Oz himself boycotts Israeli representatives around the world. What is that, if not a tailwind for BDS?”135 But Amos Oz is not alone. Alongside him on a list published by “B’tselem” also appear A.B. Yehoshua, , Gila Al- magor, , Rivka Michaeli, Rona Kenan, Sammy Smooha and others.136 Joshua Sobol is on the “Yesh Din” public council,137 popular singer Sha’anan Street is on the public council of the New Israel Fund,138 and more, more, and more. Not only is it unpleasant for me to write out these names, but prior experi- ence has taught me that there is a just concern that the thought police will again condemn me. These actors and cultural icons might have the best of intentions, but history is not measured by the degree of intent, rather by the result. It’s truly a shame. Why were their voices not heard when it was revealed by “Ad Kan” that a “B’tselem” activist has been handing over Palestinian Arabs who sold land to Jews to the Pal- estinian Authority to be tortured and murdered?139 What good is all the wisdom and humanism if it was not expressed when it was revealed that “B’tselem” paid “Ta’ayush” activists to arrange prov- ocations against IDF soldiers the Mt. Hebron region?140 Where is the call for introspection? For what and why is the code of silence activated time and time again? Does that has openly embraced you not have the right to receive answers? The cards must be put on the table. Europe does not fund those 40 who spread libels about Israel in order to create a better world, rather to comfort and justify its own post trauma.We should not have any part in this.

Cease Fire “Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace” (Proverbs, 3:17) Let’s try and disconnect from everything for a moment, and com- pletely tune out background noise. Let’s remove from the equa- tion, with your permission, the Europeans and all those who be- lieve that Zionism is a stain of darkness on a world of light. If we do this with candor, I believe that we will discover that a large ma- jority will remain, including members of “Breaking the Silence,” and who knows, maybe even members of “B’tselem.” If we apply this filter to the issues raised over the course in this booklet, we will discover that there are essentially two main arguments. Two screams. The first scream comes from the people and organizations who see themselves as representatives of human rights. Those who devote their lives to the human tragedy occurring between us and the Pal- estinians and who strive to heal it, out of the desire to protect the State of Israel and its values. It is within their full right to scream, and our duty as a society to listen. After all, this phenomenon where a country requires strong and decisive military strength, and all the things that it entails (roadblocks, raids, arrests, curfews, etc.), in order to handle a civilian populace that has consistently engaged in terrorism for a hundred years, certainly is not pleasant for anyone and clearly requires constant examination. But the second scream, which is a product of the first one, is also well founded. It can be summarized by two simple questions: “Why are you going overseas?” “Why form a connection with ex- ternal entities, some of whom object to the very existence of the State of Israel?” Joining forces with foreign forces with the pur- pose of forcing certain political ramifications upon the majority of the people is unjustifiable. Not because it is unethical, but because it has no justification. Adi Arbel, from the Institute for Zionist Strategies, explains this well in the context of “Breaking the Silence”:

41 Back in 2004, the year the organization was founded, the Israeli Knesset hosted an exhibition of photos by “Breaking the Silence” for three weeks and even held a special discussion by the Knesset Education Committee on the subject, attended by the Deputy Defense Minister and the IDF Chief Education Officer. I am not aware of many organizations which upon their founding received such a warm embrace from the establishment… “Breaking the Silence” was given every legitimacy to operate in the State of Israel…”141 “Breaking the Silence” was not only welcomed in the Knesset, but in the IDF itself. In September 2014 it was revealed that the com- mandant of the IDF Officer Training School had his cadets meet with “Breaking the Silence” activists so they could present testi- monies that they gathered.142 It is important to note that these are not unprecedented events, rather they are a fundamental element of Israeli society. Nathan Alterman’s poem “About This,” which was written at the end of the War of Independence and accused IDF soldiers of war crimes, was printed approximately 100,000 times and handed out to all IDF soldiers on Ben-Gurion’s order.143 Neither can one claim that “non-governmental” organizations lack the strength to bring about widespread changes. “” was founded on the background of the peace talks with Egypt and was a force which “compelled” Menachem Begin to continue the talks with Sadat. During the First Lebanon War, the organization arranged what it claimed as the largest protest rally in Israel, when 400,000 people (out of a total population of 5.5 million) called for an investigative committee to look into the events at Sabra and Shatila.144 “Four Mothers” was one of the most influential organi- zations in the decision to withdraw the IDF from Lebanon.145 The movement to release captured soldier Gilad Shalit, which drew much of its strength from the Kibbutz movement, is also an exam- ple of the extra-governmental power that can be created in the State of Israel.146 Therefore, there is absolutely no reason to encourage internation- al pressure and promote Israel’s isolation. Anyone with Israel’s best interest at heart should not write reports for the British or for the Norwegians, but should instead operate from within Israel by using harsh, but constructive criticism, meaning criticism that is not based on the Durban Conference’s talking points. The State of Israel has paid in blood to maintain a tolerant soci-

42 ety. The Declaration of Independence, written in the middle of a war of annihilation forced upon Israel by the Arabs, contains an explicit call for peace with all the nations. Hundreds of terrorist attacks and thousands of casualties have not stopped Israel from trying time and time again to reach a peace agreement. When no partner was found, nearly 10,000 citizens were expelled from their homes and parts of our homeland were abandoned with the hope of ending the cycle of violence. However, the death continued, and yet we still have remained the only open society in the world that succeeds in maintaining its free nature, despite the fact that even before Israel’s establishment the existential threat was so concrete. Despite the deep crisis of trust that exists between Jews and Arabs, racism is denounced from wall to wall in the political establishment, Jewish and Arab students learn side by side in uni- versities, and Jewish and Arab doctors work around the clock for all who need their help. In the State of Israel, an Arab judge sent Israel’s former President to prison for sex crimes. The Israeli Knesset has had Arab Deputy Speakers. There are Arab security officers, police officers, fireman, and officers in its armed forces. There are Arab park rangers and Arab lifeguards. Israel is not a militant country. In a country where military service is so significant for all its citizens, there cannot be found even one Arc de Triomphe, nor military parades. In job interviews, employ- ers are prohibited according to Israeli law from inquiring about one’s military profile. While most of the population in the country goes through some form of military training and knows how to operate a weapon, the rate of violent crimes is in most cases close to the average in OECD countries.147 Israel is not a racist country. It is the only country in the Middle East that provides full human rights and civil rights. In Lebanon each religious group has its own militia, the Coptic Christians are persecuted in Egypt, the Bahá’í, Christians, Yazidis and Houthis and are persecuted in Iran and are subject to genocide in regions which until recently were proper countries. Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lib- ya, the Sinai Peninsula and large parts of Tunisia are nothing more than killing fields. In Saudi Arabia women are not permitted to drive. Africa is beyond mention. Things are not perfect in Europe, either. Mosques are not allowed to be built above a certain height in Switzerland. Burqa laws are in effect in Belgium and in France.

43 From a material point of view, Israel is an impressive place de- spite all the challenges facing it. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, since the year 2000 the rate of employment has con- stantly grown, and we are in 10th place in the world in an inter- national comparison of developed countries, ahead of the United States, England, and Germany. The household income in Isra- el has been constantly increasing since 2002, and the extended unemployment rate has also been steadily dropping since 2000. Households have enjoyed a consumption growth of 121% in the last decade. The gross national product in Israel has risen by 119%. Israel is in 7th place compared to other Western countries for life expectancy. Infant mortality has significantly dropped, and is much lower than the OECD average.148 According to the data provided by the Central Bureau of Statistics, the percentage of people migrat- ing from Israel is the lowest it has been in the past three decades. Israel is considered a country with a negative immigration rate that is “particularly low in comparison to the OECD countries.”149 The State of Israel is the best thing to happen to the Jewish peo- ple in at least the past 2,000 years. A broken, persecuted people dispersed to all four corners of the earth, subject to every whim of sadistic rulers, returned to its mythological days of glory. From the depths of despair emerged the ingathering of the exiles, a miracle as envisioned by the prophets. No less. In fact, the Zionist idea brought about the most successful political mechanism (Judeo-Democratic) in regards to human rights. Given this, our neighbors’ attempt to destroy us is the ultimate crime against humanity. But in order to preserve this light we must also talk more with each other and not forsake any ideological camp. Not through insults on Facebook and not through endless debates and deliberations, but through true discussions and personal meet- ings. Activists from all parts of the political aisle, including those on the extremes, need to talk. I believe that at first it will seem odd, and will be met with suspicion and accompanied by vocal ar- guments, but we will later see that such discussions will influence the behavior of even the strongest organizations. This is the only way to build and not destroy. To build a Zionist society. “Because the Zionism as I see it,” wrote the visionary of the state Benjamin Ze’ev Herzl, “includes not only the aspiration for a legally secure homeland for our miserable people, but also the aspiration for moral and spiritual perfection.”

44 Excerpt From “Uniqueness and Destiny”; David Ben-Gurion “Recently there have been attempts to undermine the value of the I.D.F… even among speakers who claim to speak for the intellectuals. They do recognize the important role of the military and its necessity, but they see it as an asset and not as a value… the IDF is important because of its great destiny: ensuring the existence and wellbeing of the public. And the goal to ensure the existence and wellbeing of the public is not an asset, but is a value, the most valuable of values, because without it there are no assets and no values, and no people. And there does not exist another nation whose existence and wellbeing are so dependent on its military and its skill, and the recognition of its fateful mission.”

45 46 Conclusion “King Antiochus returning out of Egypt for fear of the Romans, made an expedition against the city of Jerusalem; and when he was there, in the hundred and forty-third year of the kingdom of the Seleucides, he took the city without fighting, those of his own party opening the gates to him. And when he had gotten possession of Jerusalem, he slew many of the opposite party; and when he had plundered it of a great deal of money, he returned to Antioch… “Now it came to pass, after two years… that the king came up to Jerusalem, and, pretending peace, he got possession of the city by treachery; at which time he spared not so much as those that admitted him into it… led by his covetous inclination… and in order to plunder its wealth, he ventured to break the league he had made… “He also burnt down the finest buildings; and when he had overthrown the city walls, he built a citadel in the lower part of the city… and put into it a garrison of Macedonians. However, in that citadel dwelt the impious and wicked part of the [Jewish] multitude, from whom it proved that the citizens suffered many and sore calamities. “But the best men, and those of the noblest souls, did not regard him… on which account they every day underwent great miseries and bitter torments; for they were whipped with rods, and their bodies were torn to pieces, and were crucified, while they were still alive, and breathed. They also strangled those women and their sons whom they had circumcised, as the king had appointed, hanging their sons about their necks as they were upon the crosses… “NOW at this time there was one whose name was Mattathias, who dwelt at Modiin, the son of John, the son of Simeon, the son of Asamoneus, a priest of the order of Joarib, and a citizen of Jerusalem. He had five sons…” (Antiquities of the Jews, Flavius Josephus)

47 References 1 “Hatred of Egypt”/ Assaf Malach. Makor Rishon March 11, 2011 http://goo.gl/u7SoJy 2 “Judophobia – Properties of Jew Hatred”/ Dr. Gustavo Perednik. Joseph Sapir Research Institute on Society and Economy, Tel Aviv 3 “Position Paper on Blood Libels” / Academic College web- site http://goo.gl/8qGdrJ 4 Yad Vashem - World Center for Holocaust Research, Documenta- tion, Education and Commemoration. http://goo.gl/7gLRJc 5 “Outrage in Germany: Nobel Laureate Grass Attacks Israel in New Poem”/ Der Spiegel April 4, 2012 http://goo.gl/koHtPf 6 “The Israel Story”/ Matti Friedman. Tablet, August 26, 2014http:// goo.gl/dBDqsZ 7 “The world is obsessive against Jews and turns them into a symbol of things that went wrong with the world”/ Dafna Maor. The Marker September 6, 2014 http://goo.gl/thMxb5 8 “Industry of Lies”/ Ben-Dror Yemini. Yedioth Ahronoth Publications 2014 [Page 24] 9 “The Ten Worst Decisions by the United Nations in 2013”/ Ariel Wit- man. Mida, January 5, 2014 http://goo.gl/oNtPbi 10 “The Ten Worst Decisions by the United Nations in 2014”/ Eric Greenstein. Mida, December 23, 2014 http://goo.gl/6zoP1n 11 From Danny Danon’s official Facebook page https://goo.gl/RQ6SG8 12 “Crooked decision, completely ignoring and Islamic Jihad”/ UN Watch http://goo.gl/VjWGT5 13 Video by Prager university, narrated by Anne Bayefsky, director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights. Translation: “” https://goo.gl/7Q2qBO 14 From the UNRWA official website, the United Nations Relief Work- ers Agency http://www.unrwa.org 15 Uri Heitner’s blog/ Durbanism. June 2012 http://goo.gl/xTVPTT 16 Durban Conference (2001) Reut Institute http://goo.gl/LhOyU5 17 List of non-government organizations which participated in the 2001 Durban Conference http://goo.gl/GOhihO 18 “EU’s Israel Grants Guidelines: A Legal and Policy Analysis” Kohelet. October 2013 http://goo.gl/dl5Jy7

48 19 Ibid. 20 Ibid. 21 European Commission Adopts Guidelines for Labeling Products from Israeli Settlements/ Barak Ravid. Ha’aretz November 11, 2015 http://goo.gl/d8tOZ7 22 Midrash Rabbah, Lech Lecha, 42. 23 “Industry of Lies”/ Ben-Dror Yemini. Yedioth Ahronoth Publications 2014 [Page 29] 24 “In the Name of the Other: Reflections on the Coming Anti-Semi- tism/ Alain Finkielkraut. Shalem Publications 2004. 25 “Interview with Prof. Zeev Sternhall”/ Gidi Weiss August 8, 2014 http://goo.gl/lnx3py 26 YouTube “Yeshayahu Leibowitz: There are Judeo-Nazis” https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKZtzmjm-FM 27 Prof. Yeshayahu Leibowitz announces he passes on Israel Award”/ Ha’aretz January 25, 1993 http://goo.gl/gnblCk 28 “Selectors of the Opinion Club”/ Kalman Liebskind. NRG February 7, 2014 http://goo.gl/5wx3gT 29 “Imaginary Comparison”/ Shaul Rosenfeld. May 13, 2014 http://goo.gl/KQ0E48 30 “Yehoshua Sobol compared Bennett to the Nazis: They didn’t apolo- gize either” / Walla! March 9, 2015 http://goo.gl/OK24qI 31 “Professor Not Reprimanded; Said Settlers Similar to Nazis Eye” / Jewish Telegraph Agency May 7, 1995 http://goo.gl/tfVwXL 32 “Hebrew University lecturer: Ayelet Shaked is ‘Neo-Nazi scum’” / Jerusalem Post December 28, 2015 http://goo.gl/X0LNne 33 “Heading Toward an Israeli Apartheid State”/ Daniel Blatman. Ha’aretz April 4, 2011 http://goo.gl/ETDWLx 34 “Israeli College Lecturer on High Court Justices: ‘I Hope That They’ll Be Hanged’ for High Treason”/ Ha’aretz February 22, 2016 http:// goo.gl/zxlr46 35 “Tel Hai Academic College Threatens to Fire TA for Statements over Protective Edge” September 14, 2014http://goo.gl/dLS0lR 36 “Director Udi Aloni in Berlin: “Israel is a Fascist State”/ Israel Hayom February 21, 2016 http://goo.gl/ei3HIg 37 “Ronit Matlon in “Le Monde”: We live under an Apartheid Regime”/ Ha’aretz January 10, 2016 http://goo.gl/WHIys9

49 38 From the Facebook wall of Minister of Education Naftali Bennett https://goo.gl/DNeCJy 39 “Ha’aretz’s Nazi Problem” / NRG August 16, 2016 http://goo. gl/5spQun 40 “Ha’aretz” editorial articles http://goo.gl/Js0D2o 41 Amosh Shocken opinion articles http://goo.gl/Ai53JU 42 “In the Name of the Other: Reflections on the Coming Anti-Semi- tism/ Alain Finkielkraut. Shalem Publications 2004. p. 31 43 “The Problem with the Left”/ Dr. Tzvia Greenfield. Molad Center May 20, 2013 http://goo.gl/kFBv9r 44 “Zionism is not an Ideology”/ A.B. Yehoshua, lecture at Haifa Uni- versity, June 14, 2010 https://goo.gl/40PS7A 45 “The Fault Line”/ Yifat Ehrlich. Yedioth Ahronoth January 13, 2016 http://goo.gl/1jrvIu 46 Russell Tribunal on Palestine http://goo.gl/kAzljL 47 “Russell Tribunal calls for harsh sanctions against Israel”/ Ha’aretz March 3, 2010 http://goo.gl/cIBLof 48 “Jibril’s Jews”/ Yishai Friedman. Mida June 1, 2015 http://goo.gl/ BzRQ94 49 “Meet the Israelis… Standing alongside the boycott…”/ Sarah Lei- bowitz-Dar. June 13, 2015 http://goo.gl/uLfqaQ 50 “Only in Israel” / Yishai Friedman. Yishai Friedman’s blog. August 16, 2013 http://goo.gl/NH5rar 51 “The Israelis calling on the world to boycott us”/ Mako June 13, 2010 http://goo.gl/kTLMwD 52 “Boycott Israel”/ Los-Angeles Times. August 20, 2009http://goo. gl/0swBVM 53 “Boycott in Cooperation with Israeli Academics”/ Academia-Moni- tor http://goo.gl/mMCgBc 54 “Anthropologists Letter” August 28,.2014https://goo.gl/lzQ026 55 UN Security Council: Set the Date to End the Occupation http:// www.atzuma.co.il/TOUNSC 56 “No Playing, breaking the game pieces”/ Dror Eidar. Israel Hayom February 5, 2016 http://goo.gl/s03Chd 57 Antiquities of the Jews, Flavius Josephus.

50 58 “In order not to be an Apartheid state”/ Amos Shocken. Ha’aretz June 27, 2008 http://goo.gl/dywBxp 59 Rome Statute - the International Criminal Court http://goo.gl/dGB- c0r 60 Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement official website http://bdsmovement.net 61 “The BDS Movement Promotes Delegitimization of the State of Israel” / Reut Institute October 6, 2010 http://goo.gl /bPe6Sp 62 The Electronic Intifada https://goo.gl/RBULCH 63 “Abunimah: There is a tremendous struggle to be waged, to force Israeli introspection, and change” / April 12, 2009 http://goo.gl/PUXehc 64 BDS Movement http://goo.gl/ZVl1qO 65 Apartheid week events http://goo.gl/i944rv 66 “BDS is a long term project with radically transformative potential” / Ahmed Moor. “Mondoweiss” April 22, 2010 http://goo.gl/q4uPdi 67 “SodaStream, alone in the fight against BDS” / Ariela Hoffman. Ynet February 17, 2016 http://goo.gl/nMBnzI 68 “Evaluating Funding for Political Advocacy NGOs in the Arab-Israeli Conflict: The European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)” / NGO Monitor February 17, 2014 http://goo.gl/Aml2QJ 69 Foreign Agents Report / Im Tirtzu https://goo.gl/o2DIs2 70 “Selected Policies” / New Israel Fund http://goo.gl/02Bl39 71 “Non-governmental organizations and the issue of Bedouins in the Negev in the political warfare against Israel” / NGO Monitor Novem- ber 1, 2013 http://goo.gl/VgojmC 72 Adalah’s Newsletter, Volume 92, April 2012 http://goo.gl/GqDPKQ 73 “Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI)” report October 1, 2011 http://goo.gl/IIiT6 74 “Libel Film”/ Ben-Dror Yemini. Ma’ariv November 29, 2013 http:// goo.gl/R8hwaF 75 “Non-governmental organizations and the issue of Bedouins in the Negev in the political warfare against Israel” / NGO Monitor Novem- ber 1, 2013 http://goo.gl/VgojmC 76 Violent confrontations in Bedouin protest against the “Uprooting”/ Shai Machlouf. Walla! July 15, 2013 http://goo.gl/mGm5Bg

51 77 “The left wing’s method to inflame the Negev”/ Akiva Bigman. Mida April 7, 2014 http://goo.gl/Jdr1ml 78 Influence of non-governmental organizations on the Goldstone Report/ Im Tirtzu https://goo.gl/JnOopy 79 “Prepare for diplomatic terrorism”/ Im Tirtzu November 1, 14 https://goo.gl/Kp5s4I 80 “Foreign Agents Report” / Im Tirtzu December 1, 15 https://goo.gl/ G1sefk 81 Israeli organizations with consultative status to the United Nations, against Israeli policy. May 11, 2015 https://goo.gl/K4qIuz 82 Ibid. 83 “Tours”/ “Breaking the Silence” http://goo.gl/eorr64 84 “Regime of forbidden roads in the West Bank – practice of Apart- heid” August 9, 2014 http://goo.gl/z16reN 85 “B’tselem” Executive Director to the Prime Minister: Your silence enables public executions, November 25, 2015http://goo.gl/iakfrx 86 Electronic “Adalah” edition, no. 11 March 2005 http://goo.gl/kB- Dz2o 87 “Refused” / “Physicians for Human Rights - Israel” (PHR–IL) http:// goo.gl/N7DjLi 88 “Torture”/ “HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual” http://goo.gl/C8Bt1M 89 Letter to Norwegian Pension Fund / Israeli Organizations http://goo. gl/63vk8G 90 Due to the Security Fence: Norway pulls investments in “Elbit Sys- tems” http://goo.gl/gYUQdS 91 Team-Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Secretari- at http://goo.gl/Kj2eK0 92 Approval of 20 Projects in Support of Human Rights in the oPt http://goo.gl/ubzjmt 93 “About Ir Yamim” http://goo.gl/fp4ALd 94 European Endowment for Democracy https://goo.gl/axsV02 95 “Netanyahu’s transfer plan is met with silent complicity” / “Ir Amim” http://goo.gl/kIjR0y 96 “From Silwan to the Temple Mount”/ ”Emek Shaveh” http://goo.gl/ cXoSsM

52 97 “East Jerusalem – Facts and Data”/ “Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI)” http://goo.gl/1DK7B5 98 “Objection to the Eastern Ring Road Plan for Jerusalem…”/ “Adalah” http://goo.gl/6kA7t5 99 “Punitive house demolitions”/ “HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual” http://goo.gl/xQo4vH 100 “Eastern Jerusalem”/ “HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual” http://goo.gl/jtmj0A 101 “Revocation of citizenship under claim of disloyalty is an extreme punitive act” http://goo.gl/KPfu2Z 102 “Fadi Alloun’s family approached Police Internal Investigations De- partment with demand to investigate police who shit him to death” http://goo.gl/lhg2JX 103 “Prisoner’s rights and criminal justice” http://goo.gl/QnF996 104 “Machsom Watch” report in Jordan Valley/ Amos Gvirtz and Dafna Banai August 16, 2015 http://goo.gl/pHIuGX 105 “Ahava: Tracking the Trade Trail of Settlement Products Stolen Mud” / ”Who Profits” http://goo.gl/fMHT3m 106 “Mekorot’s Inovlvement in the Israeli Occupation” / “Who Profits” http://goo.gl/6pMYFH 107 “Dispossession and Exploitation: Israel’s Policy in the Jordan Valley and Northern Dead Sea”/ “B’tselem” https://goo.gl/auW4qo 108 “One action a day – the struggle for right to access lands and hu- man dignity, for Palestinians too” http://goo.gl/NIv4rq 109 New Israel Fund (NIF) core grants http://nif.org.il/organizations 110 Asylum Seekers in Israel / “ASSAF: Aid Organization for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Israel” http://goo.gl/KusL5e 111 “When there is no free will”/ “ASSAF: Aid Organization for Refu- gees and Asylum Seekers in Israel” and “Hotline for Refugees and Migrants” http://goo.gl/kP0vRL 112 “Eilat residents object to refugees solely due to incitement” / My- net Eilat http://goo.gl/zouenJ 113 “The illegal immigrants’ left pocket”/ Israel Hayom January 9, 2014 http://goo.gl/MWOcbS 114 From the New Israel Fund (NIF) website – the “African Refugees Development Center (ARDC)” http://goo.gl/77JvNl

53 115 “Illegal Immigrant leader visits Israel”/ Gideon Dukov. Makor Rishon July 24, 2015 http://goo.gl/6UIEJs 116 “Which organizations are assisting in funding the asylum seekers’ protest?” / Dana Polk. Walla! January 9, 2014 http://goo.gl/kgrJ98 117 “Need to compare: Holocaust survivors will march against the ex- pulsion”/ New Israel Fund July 28, 2012 http://goo.gl/XW2uUA 118 “Palestinians in Israel — the Arab Minority and the Jewish State”/ Dan Schueftan. Kinneret Zamora Beitan. 2011 119 Ibid. 120 “Tracking Committee will participate in BDS convention”/ Yishai Freedman. Mida February 24, 2015 http://goo.gl/qMXLrH 121 “The Future Vision of the Palestinian Arabs in Israel” / “Adalah” http://goo.gl/dD1n8A 122 The “Haifa Declaration” - Full Text/ Occupation Magazine http:// goo.gl/dpsWTI 123 “Why International Advocacy?” / “Adalah” http://goo.gl/m3uPnY 124 Operation of non-governmental organizations against IDF soldiers, the principle of sharing the burden and in favor of isolating the Arab minority https://goo.gl/BwIA5G 125 “Who we are”/ “Zochrot” http://zochrot.org/he/content/17 126 “Education professional symposiums”/ “Zochrot” http://goo.gl/ X7qGwI 127 “Tours open to the public in the steps of the Palestinian Nakbah”/ “Zochrot” http://goo.gl/Phh8lQ 128 “From exile to homeland: Ship of return to Jaffa and to Ajami”/ “Zochrot” http://goo.gl/FWL09F 129 48mm Film Festival / “Zochrot” http://goo.gl/GSq0jG 130 ““Zochrot”” and “BADIL” bring Nakba to U.S. audience http://goo. gl/OWOxWK 131 “Israelis behind “Israel Apartheid Week”/ Yair Altman. Israel Hayom March 16, 2016 http://goo.gl/lg2X3K 132 iNakba App, “Zochrot” http://goo.gl/c5clJg 133 “How do you say “’Awda” in Hebrew? / “Zochrot” http://goo.gl/ fFd0ST 134 “European Union transferred funds to “B’tselem” to fight the “Organization Marking” law/ Walla! January 11, 2016http://goo.gl/ ncMyl4

54 135 “Denouncing the Silencing”/ Ben-Dror Yemini. Yedioth Ahronoth February 6, 2016 http://goo.gl/WrzPXs 136 Public Council / “B’tselem” http://goo.gl/V7eOfB 137 Public Council / “Yesh Din” https://goo.gl/q6ilxQ 138 Members of the International Board – Israel (2013) / New Israel Fund (NIF) http://goo.gl/r9N3VF 139 “Planted on Mount Hebron”/ Mako January 7, 2016 http://goo. gl/53Ij3j 140 “Why did “Breaking the Silence” pay ?”/ Ofer Hadad. Mako January 11, 2016 http://goo.gl/gsGZDd 141 “Not Relevant – Adi Arbel’s Line.”/ Adi Arbel. Makor Rishon March 20, 2016 http://goo.gl/vQD2QP 142 “Occupation penetrated the officer training school”/ Yuli Novak. Walla! December 7, 2014 http://goo.gl/vXpVye 143 “About This – Nathan Alterman”/ Yael Rimer. Alm”a website May 3, 2012 http://goo.gl/Frqs6Z 144 “Peace Now – Who are we?” / “Peace Now” website http://goo. gl/6UKe4X 145 “We injected the female voice into the public discourse”/ Mya Ben Gal May 22, 2005 http://goo.gl/07mDEi 146 “Task Force led struggle to free Gilad”/ Arnon Lapid. My-net Octo- ber 26, 2011 http://goo.gl/iTWCUs 147 “National Violence Index 2014”/ Ministry of Public Security report http://goo.gl/cc2PoU 148 “Israelis are happy, and have all the right reasons”/ Boaz Levi. Mida March 22, 2016 http://goo.gl/hZgiR6 149 “Number of migrants from Israel is among the lowest in the OECD”/ Lior Datal. October 1, 2013 http://goo.gl/1g7dLp

55 Tel Hai College

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