Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd oenuooia iesswl eepoe.Fnly h hraooia oeta fcnaiodaet in agents of bediscussed. potential pharmacological will the neuroinflammation Finally, basisof and explored. in syndrome metabolic be the role of metabolic and will of diseases theneuroinflammatory metabolic neurological the some give Furthermore, an overview rebalance mechanisms. can will metabolic that and strategies This review neuroinflammatory therapeutic are the few. date, homeostasis to Moreover, neuroinflammatory Parkinson [8]. and as anxiety andinpartic- such or (CNS) [7] system depression diseases nervous [6], manychronic central to of the presence high iscommon of a those is condition by ular there inflammatory reported patients This obese been [4]. and has chemokines adiponectin, models and murine as insulin, cytokines of altered, leptin, bloodstream hypothalamic the are of a in pathways development, Moreover, [3]. with obesity the authors in begins Indeed, many involved role. obesity hormones important especially food in- ghrelin, an and and and play syndrome cholecystokinin ECs anxiety metabolic the pain, of where inflammation, genesis altered to signalling the particular, related In those [2]. including inperipheraltake times, ancient processes since metabolic applications and Indeed, medical inflammatory [1]. in districts involved central closely and is system (EC) endocannabinoid The Introduction Received: DOI: and (CB1) Keywords: mechanisms 1 metabolic type and neuroinflammatory cannabinoid the on receptors, focus main also begiven involved. particular two will with (CB2), the 2 on type receptor acting attention cannabinoid entities particular system made. Finally, oftheendocannabinoidergic pharmacological be new will the i.e. of the involvement to pathologies system, metabolic endocannabinoidergic pharmacological An overview and the the neuroinflammatory Furthermore, beoutlined. of in described. will protagonists be the will of cannabinoids receptors, and main effects cannabinoids and of enzymes degradation history response. and re- brief inflammatory synthesis mesolimbic reduce a and to review able limbic are this the agonists cannabinoid modulates In Moreover, craving. system food cannabinoidergic to leads the phenom- which pathophysiological of sponse many inthe activation regulates central inhibition, system particular, or the cannabinoidergic stimulation, In of its ena. districts, peripheral diffusion the widespread of in the and to preparations brain thanks synthetic Indeed, diseases. and/or many natural for strategies different of use The Mastinu Andrea Article Review GRUYTER DE 21 atrd rye mH Berlin/Boston. GmbH, Gruyter de Walter ©2018 Mastinu Andrea Maccarinelli Giuseppina 4 3 2 1 neuroinflammation and syndrome metabolic in potential pharmacological disease: and health in Cannabinoids Abstract: eateto oeua n rnltoa eiie eto fPamclg,Uiest fBeca rsi,Iay E-mail: Italy, Brescia, Brescia, of University Pharmacology, of Section Medicine, Translational and Molecular of Department siuoCiioCtàd rsi,Beca Italy Brescia, Brescia, di Città Clinico Istituto eateto oeua n rnltoa eiie eto fPamclg,Uiest fBeca rsi,Italy Brescia, Brescia, of University Pharmacology, of Section Medicine, Translational and Molecular of Department eateto erbooy aeSine n oit,Cne o lhie eerh iiino ergrarc,Karolin- Neurogeriatrics, of Division Research, Alzheimer for Center Society, and Sciences Care Neurobiology, of Department k ntttt udne Sweden Huddinge, Institutet, ska [email protected]. 10.1515/hmbci-2018-0013 eray2 2018; 2, February anbssativa Cannabis stecrepnigauthor. corresponding the is 1 aiaPremoli Marika / noanbnis eaoi ydoe neuroinflammation syndrome, metabolic endocannabinoids, , 2 Accepted: arzoMemo Maurizio / anbssativa Cannabis ac ,2018 2, March 2 ilaFerrari-Toninelli Giulia / 2 aaAn Bonini Anna Sara / h aua oreo anbnis a enue o many for used been has cannabinoids, of source natural the , omn oeua ilg n lnclIvsiain 08 20180013 2018; Investigation. Clinical and Biology Molecular Hormone anbssativa Cannabis 2,3 ’ ies P)[] Alzheimer [5], (PD) disease s ioeTambaro Simone / 2 sascae ihtherapeutic with associated is 4 / ’ ies (AD) disease s 1 Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd at cdaiehdoae(AH n oocllcrllps MG)aedgaainezmso AEA of enzymes degradation membrane are (DAG) (MAGL) lipase diacylglycerol containing and diacylglycerol (FAAH) and acid, hydrolase (PLC) amide 2-arachidonic C acid phospholipase of Fatty of hydrolysis N- means by sequential phospholipids, are hydrolysis the the from these studied molecules. occurs among synthesis, endogenous most [16]. AEA these mediate released α of The neutral to immediately degradation proposed of are been [15]. and families have of and and (MAG) synthesis pathways monoacylglycerol phospholipids several metabolism the AEA particular, and membrane regulate (FAA) In [16]. acid cell mechanisms amide (2-AG) from enzymatic acid fatty produced glycerol Complex fatty are the 2-arachidonoyl from respectively, of and lipids, members produced are , which molecules 2-AG or (AEA), lipid arachidonoylethanolamine are ECs degradation and synthesis Endocannabinoids: BC. century 1st Dioscorides, 1: Figure theuseof in theinterest has disorders, in psychiatric that and the discovery processes in psychiatrywas different its use modulate ofcannabis [14]. renewed to been substance, main components able cannabinoids of an illegal the is use to be of system medical EC the identification the the 1930s, the for it wasconsidered the after used as However, After were further. [12]. extracts limited hypnotics cannabis [9]: and century, decreased sedatives 20th significantly as the cannabis especially of disorders, anti-emetic beginning mental anti-inflammatory, the analgesic, of its In treatment for [13]. medicine properties Western anticonvulsant plants, into and different introduced classified cannabis useful AD was symptoms tranquiliser 70 century relieve a and 19th to and 50 cannabis between hypnotic inhaled physician, a Assyrians Greek as more the a including as India, Also Dioscorides, such Pedacius [11]. In hysteria [12]. functions, [10]. and depression various analgesic mania of whenitwasrecommended for anxiety, surgical ago used of a was treatment as plant years the wine, in 5000 the with BC, mixed years in China and, 1000 pains than rheumatic appeared constipation, asamedicine malaria, for ofcannabis documentation first The of history Brief Cannabinoids 2 , β N hdoaedmi-otiig4adgyeohshdetrs nNP rcros[7.2A synthesis 2-AG [17]. precursors NAPE on 1 glycerophosphodiesterase and 4 domain-containing -hydrolase .sativa C. aypopaiyehnlmn NP)b AEslciepopoiaeDo h yegcato of action synergic the or D phospholipase NAPE-selective by (NAPE) -acylphosphatidylethanolamine atn tal. et Mastinu anbssativa Cannabis .sativa C. ln a enue o eiia esn o huad fyasb ifrn utrs[] The [9]. cultures different by years of thousands for reasons medicinal for used been has plant anbssativa Cannabis n ecie h eeisdrvdfo t usein its from derived benefits the described and , lutainfo the from Illustration . “ inaDioscorides Vienna ” 1 Daatdfrom adapted AD 512 eMtraMedica Materia De α eMtraMedica Materia De (DAGL Fgr ) nyi the in Only 1). (Figure α or ) β (DAGL by EGRUYTER DE β [18]. ) Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd t n tutrlcagsi ri ein ihi BR uha h ipcmu,aydl,cerebellum, amygdala, hippocampus, the as such CB1R, in toxic- rich dose-dependent effects. regions induce adverse brain to different in shown with changes been associated structural has is and cannabis (THC) ity of delta-9- use studies long-term animal the From that suggests literature Increasing brain and Cannabinoids 2: Figure in shown are system EC the of components main improvesendothe- The [38]. inhibits atherogenesis, 2. [37], Figure events andconsequently cardiovascular reduces acids and function fatty lial offree the metabolism, levels PPAR- of lipid plasmatic glycaemia, of inflammation, Activation control [37]. the inflammation on and intervene factors, tone and transcription vascular genes As numerous [36]. of receptors expression hormone the thyroid and regulate PPARs steroid includes also which family, super receptor proliferator-activated peroxisome the receptor, nuclear (PPAR the 1 receptor-gamma with vanilloid interact potential AEA receptor of the transient concentrations Ca with high Moreover, intracellular In addition,AEA AEAinteracts increases [31]. severalimmuno- and Indeed, to have channel seems non-CBs. [30], (TRPV1) CB2R for [29]. affinity production an [28], cytokine show 2-AG [27], ofproinflammatory and cells) they inhibition Recently, andneuronal [26]. including [25], effects, CNS(glial cells suppressive the immune in and of tonsils expression spleen, identified protein- enhanced the G been the in have are distributed CB2Rs to mainly Also leads In [24]. are lipogenesis stimulation [23]. and increases receptors [22], its thus associated levels, kinases and low MAP synthase acid stimulates at fatty cyclase and expressed and adenylyl carboxylase-1 potassium normally acetyl-CoA of with is those inhibition CB1R activates where the P/Q, liver, receptors generates and between the ligand N interaction channels the cannabinoidergic calcium where and of transduction protein and signal G in neurotransmit- role neu- inhibits inhibitor key CB1R In with of a presynaptic [19]. associated plays consisting of CB1R portions stimulation receptors, particular, the N-terminal In protein-coupled localised, release. intestine, and G mostly ter the C-terminal is the as expression intracellular to such CB1R the belongs where areas with rons, CB1R peripheral and in [21]. segments localised cells respiration transmembrane been con- of immune seven also centres less and have regulatory hand, They tissue the other [20]. where adipose the brainstem liver, located On the are [19]. in function example, cortex cardiac for insome and areas, and hippocampus distributed other significantly cerebellum, in are ganglia, localised CB1Rs basal is hand, (CB1R) centration the one receptor the as cannabinoid On such 1 [19]. type areas (CB2R) the brain receptor receptors: cannabinoid two 2 of type level the the and at mainly act cannabinoids endogenous The receptors Endocannabinoids: glycerol or ethanolamine and acid arachidonic [18]. generate hydrolysis their through which respectively, 2-AG, and GRUYTER DE noanbni system. Endocannabinoid γ 3] PR r rncito atr ciae ylgnsta eogt h nuclear the to belong that ligands by activated factors transcription are PPARs [35]. ) 2+ eesb iigC1 n BRatvto 3] 3] [34]. [33], [32], activation CB2R and CB1R miming by levels γ sfr mrvssniiiyt nui,reduces insulin, to sensitivity improves isoform atn tal. et Mastinu 3 Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd ugrsteyadnuonlmaini h ri n nteohrhn,te r novdin peripheral Thissignalling are are involved ones cells. the they the blood main in hand, modulate other the response cannabinoids onthe anti-inflammatory these, one hand, and and muscles between the fat, liver, disorders, on the the brain in central reactions in metabolic and Indeed, neuroinflammation peripheral pathologies. and many neuroinflammatory hunger/satiety in and involved metabolic is the system EC The re- disease and are Cannabinoids trials clinical and studies further but epilepsy, supportthe and These data seizures of [50]. treatment the Alter- VDAC1. inanti-ictogenesis in quired. or CBD be GPR55 involved use also channels, for may TRP potential as effects such modulating anti-inflammatory targets neuronal transmission many CBD and natively with excitability interactions theiranti-seizure reduceneuronal through exert may drugs calcium CBD these intracellular which understood. of by well variant not the propyl Themechanisms are models have effects vivo cannabidivarin, and properties. in Also anticonvulsant effects. vitro significant anticonvulsant in has evalu- and CBD, Recently been anti-epileptiform [50]. have has effects theuse CBD that anticonvulsant phytocannabinoid that for non-THC shown studies support only clinical the evidence and is Preclinical preclinical CBD [49]. epilepsy. in of ated observations disorders, treatment anxiety these the of confirm in treatment CBD can to cannabinoids the of of necessary in CBD are a of effect studies as usefulness anxiolytic further inbothanimals potential cannabis a This though effects suggest use [48]. data disorders These areas anxiolytic anxiety [47]. paralimbic symptoms CBD has with and anxiety patients limbic many in why In contrast, patterns activation explain have to THC are anxiogenic. due of doses humans doses low and that high that fact reported instead the studies Animal to effects, anxiety. due anxiolytic modulate is to have able can cannabis properties, This psychoactive that ferent effects. demonstrated have anxiolytic problems, studies and Recent balance [47]. nau- anxiogenic asthenia, anxiety hallucination, both as also fatigue, and such mouth, [46] events vomiting dry adverse somnolence, drowsiness, short-term sea, euphoria, of diarrhoea, risk disorientation, increased dizziness, an confusion, in with Tourette gain associated weight and nabiximols), are nabiximols) and noids (, (dronabinol chemotherapy disorders to cannabi- sleep due that vomiting (dronabinol), suggest and chronic HIV to nausea of evidence for [nabix- is useful treatment (MS) There be sclerosis the can dronabinol]. multiple for noids and to cannabinoids due capsules spasticity (CBD) of and THC/ use nabiximols) nabilone, the and imols, THC and support (smoked Whiting to pain by evidence cancer performed or study is meta-analysis neuropathic there A that [45]. potential showed medical [46] has colleagues cannabis acid, that gamma-aminobutyric possible and be serotonin might glutamate, it dopamine, as the such [42]. , with adolescence with correlation during cannabinoids without processes users developmental drug with regular associated contrast, be in In may found [39]. use cerebellum in symptoms cannabis Changes the psychotic of in [43]. and amount volume behaviour [44] matter social performance gray and memory increased and personality reduced the processes to in suchas affective/emotional related changes processes, to are with inmany linked hippocampus correlated modu- the cortex pole is orbitofrontal haveimplications temporal and also and the use in insula cannabis variations alterations of in structural frequency These reduction [42]. the volume use with matter first linked gray users tem- of is drug cortex, age regions occasional temporal the these with by medial in compared lated alterations the cortex of orbitofrontal in magnitude and volume The insula cannabis matter [42]. left of gray defining quantity gyrus, lower the parahippocampal factor a and pole, key [40]. showed changes development poral a these users matter of is white cannabis importance to use the Regular toxic cannabis to is consumed. relative regular use is cannabis of question long-term interesting onset and another of alterations Finally matter age white the of white reasons, intensity altering the these and progenitors For oligodendrocyte [40]. of exposure apoptosis development cannabis provoking sub- long-term matter thus and and CBs, system, disorders of EC psychiatric rich the such still of downregulate are factors, occurrence can structures Environmental matter the white [41]. increasing adolescence functions development, During forbrainmat- abuse. brain sensory period stance adolescent and alter motor brain structure can cognitive, is animportant on drugs, of as development effects Adolescence the adolescence). differential for (during/after wi 4 ie h xrsino anbnisrcposi h evu ytm n h neatosbetween interactions the and system, nervous the in receptors cannabinoids of expression the Given atn tal. et Mastinu .sativa C. “ ’ ydoe(H asls.Cannabi- capsules). (THC syndrome s self-medication otisTCadCD ihdif- with CBD, and THC contains ” ooti eiffrom relief obtain to EGRUYTER DE Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd deinmlclsepeso yedteilcls eutn napohobtcsae[5,[6,[67]. [66], [65], state and promotes prothrombotic a in levels resulting fibrinogen of cells, development increases endothelial pro- the also by and C-reactive IL-6 expression levels including molecules disease. CRP liver, adhesion cardiovascular high and the between diabetes and in correlation marrow syndrome, a proteins bone liver, its demonstrated metabolic phase have the and acute studies on cells Several acts of (CRP). It immune production resistance. tein and increased insulin adipocytes and to fat by leading inhibits body produced in endothelium, and cytokine increase acids the a fatty with is free increases (IL-6) increases production lipolysis, 6 induces Interleukin it production. furthermore, adiponectin resistance; insulin factot-alpha to Tumour necrosis leading receptor, are involved. to clinical manifes- molecules leading systemic inflammatory a pathway (TNF- Different common induce syndrome. final activation metabolic the neuroendocrine of and that represents tations diabetes, car- resistance insulin state obesity, pro-thrombotic dyslipidemia, Visceral and ofhypertension, [64]. inflammatory [63], to the development damage CVD endothelial and inflammation, diac contributes promotes that stress oxidative proliferation systemic endothelium fibroblast This the and NF- cells. on (LOX-1) of muscle receptor-1 smooth induction lipoprotein (ROS) vascular low-density aggregation, species oxidised and oxygen platelet lectin-like reactive injury, of the expression endothelial increases and oxidation, turn, acti- pression in LDL enzyme II, angiotensin-converting consequent Angiotensin of with tissue. result de- adipose production a by the as produced to formed also contributing pathway is II, vation, important Angiotensin an syndrome. represents metabolic also of system [61], velopment diabetes, renin-angiotensin production adiponectin of the reduces development of obesity the tothose Activation leptin, against opposed [62]. to factor Opposed protective infarction. a myocardial witheffects considered acute cardiovas- and been increased hypertension adipokine has to Adiponectin antiatherogenic levels. correlated and leptin directly anti-inflammatory high are of an levels is leptin Adiponectin appetite higher of risk. and regulator negative cular levels a leptin is as receptors Leptin increases hypothalamic system. on Obesity angiotensin acts renin control. and the tissue of adipose activation by the produced through adipokine and an adiponectin and favouring leptin amount through further as pathogenesis higher proliferation, syndrome such fatty metabolic a adipokines cells in free muscle also role a smooth synthesises of plays promotes activation tissue delivery Neurohormonal which alterations. adipose cardiovascular protein increased in visceral involved of an circulation; and more to proteins splanchnic is prothrombotic leads the fat of lipolysis through Visceral liver visceral [60]. the because [59], to fat, production [58], acids subcutaneous the (LDL) and than lipoprotein synthesis mechanism density triglycerides low this induce containing thus acids cells, B fatty beta apolipoprotein free pancreatic for of Also, riskof toxicity production. and increased vasoconstriction insulin toan for inhibiting responsible increase are further an that to thatcontribute acids leading state, fatty lost, free prothrombotic is tissue circulating lipolysis a in of theadipose of inhibition insulin-mediated induction the from Finally, the (CVD). cytokines with diseases cardiovascular pro-inflammatory together of se- occurs, release insulin viscosity fails the serum compensation and in the insulin increase When higher an euglycaemia. produce decreases maintain cells lipol- cretion to pancreatic inhibits resistance, state and hyperinsulinaemic insulin liver, the a and the to generating in muscle levels response role in In for50% pivotal uptake gluconeogenesis. a account hepatic glucose play may and increases to factors ysis believed Insulin is syndrome. [57]. Genetic resistance metabolic Insulin susceptibility. of ofinflammation syndrome pathogenesis metabolic high pathway en- of the final variation and to due the the inflammatory adiposity of strong in visceral a culminates from has originate and density to It intake seems [55]. high caloric pathogenesis [54], syndrome low [53], Metabolic and [56]. [52], base triglycerides 3) docrine (Figure (high hypertension dyslipidemia and hyperglycaemia, cholesterol) named lipoprotein obesity, also abdominal syndrome, includes Metabolic [51]. which fat white resistance abdominal insulin syndrome of diseases, sistance accumulation cardiometabolic several the includes with that obesity pathology and complex a is syndrome Metabolic mechanisms pathogenetic and definition syndrome: Metabolic syndrome Metabolic akeyrole. play thecannabinoids i α sscee yaioecl arpae n ntr asspopoyainadiatvto finsulin of inactivation and phosphorylation causes turn in and macrophages cell adipose by secreted is ) ” or “ ydoeX syndrome ” sagopo ikfcosfrcrivsua ies n ye2diabetes, 2 type and disease cardiovascular for factors risk of group a is , atn tal. et Mastinu “ nui re- insulin κ ex- B 5 Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd ciiyaddpmn ees notencesacmes[3.Frhroe BRand CB1R hedonic Furthermore, sucrose-induced [83]. increase accumbens agonists nucleus highly the CB1R for into synthetic preference release or a dopamine endogenous in and system resulting Indeed, activity the mesolimbic pathways, [82]. the represents activating [81], and which by foods circuits CB1R, the palatable reinforcement EC both obesity the and the with and reward of interacting system of the by EC hyper-regulation and with and the a ECs interacts between system with existing of EC associated relationship levels The pathophysiological be [15]. circulating/tissue the can in in involved obesity most increase that receptor an known EC involves levels now hypothalamic EC it is elevated modulates it as an which in Indeed, system pathways, resulting [80]. ghrelin [79]. thus and [15], obesity, feeding leptin during tone in response to the deregulated involved EC become through not in and part, areas hypothalamus stimulates in brain the accumbens least the activation within at andnucleus in CB1R mediated, changing that is without the hypothalamus action accepted refeeding, This well after within normal is function to increase it the returning significant Indeed, fasting, as levels of well [78]. activity EC as [77], the and neuropeptides, CB1R, neurons anorexigenic feeding of brainstem activation and and via orexigenic modulating, mesolimbic of by release of manner the local a and in neurons intake hypothalamic food and appetite regulate ECs syndrome metabolic and Cannabinoids drugs biosimilar on investigations increasedfat analytical all with for important very dietassociated is data [76]. This [75]. andhypercarbohydrates muscles the oflipidsinthe metabolic in hyperlipidic remarkable metabolism showed against kidney, absorption the protection by that to block the including secreted reported studies cytokine glycoprotein effects some able a (iii) [74]; erythropoietin, [73], with vitamins treatment () fat-soluble a lipase inhibitors of malabsorption cardiovascu- a (ii) pancreatic strong to however, (i) leading, with remembering: intestine, [72]; but worth USA, [71], the is effects in it side used compounds, lar sibutramine) these biochem- (phentermine, Among some compounds and syndrome. amphetamine-like intake metabolic the side effectsinsub- caloric with regulating kg/m freeof associated of 30 parameters capable always above ical compounds not (BMI) developed is has index research mass pharmacological activity body of physical subject [69]. Moreover, a obese diet with the the jects deprives phys- often the complete diet, restore to always the diet difficult not hypocaloric and making does subjects a strategy obese of highly this in consists Unfortunately, and country, parameters [68]. debilitating industrialised iological activity every a physical obesity, of adequate Service combat with Health to associated National adopted the strategies for the disease of onerous One complications. cardiovascular ing 3: Figure 6 al igoi fmtblcsnrm sfnaetlt ar u ietl oiiainueu in prevent- useful modification lifestyle out carry to fundamental is syndrome metabolic of diagnosis Early atn tal. et Mastinu eaoi syndrome. Metabolic 2 7] ae nteeasmtos ntels 0years, 30 last the in assumptions, these on Based [70]. “ gratifying μ oii antagonists -opioid ” EGRUYTER DE od thus food, Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd eta naoit hrceie ypo lo-ri are emaiiy nioeiyefcsada cardio- CB1R a and is effects NESS06SM anti-obesity Also, permeability, [108]. barrier trans- area blood-brain mesolimbic of poor the normalisation by a in characterised and levels antagonist, liver expression neutral the factors in risk factors, neurotrophic levels of cardiovascular and expression anporters improvement enzymes metabolic weight loss, fat of body significant NESS038C6 increase regulating a with an mice; treatment in obese chronic promising in particular, showed, In particularly antagonist) [107]. be CB1R [106], (a to [105], forpsychiatric DIO appeared peripheral by generated and for circuits responsible alterations antagonists animals metabolic theCNS selective and in CB1R tested compounds Several recently [104]. were modifying recep- [103], tissues without CB1 [102], the metabolism peripheral [101], In [100], on the proposed. reactions blocking been adverse of by has effects stimulation exclusively strategy positive the act pharmacological with and anti-obesity that metabolism tors new drugs drugs energy a characterised CB1 antagonist regulating evidence, researchers com- in this several peripheral of role of other particular, the light important that In an efficacy shown [99]. play the has [98], can years hunger testing system recent EC at from the aimed evidence of trials experimental ponents and clinical this, depression Despite the anxiety, con- [97]. as all was stopped such it and were because drug, drug (2007) this market unsafe of the an large scaleofpatients use from a withdrawn sidered the was on to effects despite Consequently, related [93]. Indeed, events tendencies [96]. adverse suicidal psychiatric ofrimonabant effects of side analysis series serious acareful a their therapy, revealed for new syndrome blocked of metabolic developed were the companies benefits they that pharmaceutical the [93],[94], unfortunately shown other have patients but the market, the tested studies antagonists, in in the CB1 in all drug antagonist rimonabant and alterations CB1 placed humans ofmetabolic Sanofi-Aventis first obese (the After and improvement or rimonabant [95]. overweight loss the in weight of synthesised) significant action induces be the drug to syndrome tested emetabolic drugs have of of trials effects class clinical the this Several counteracting thus [92]. sati- loss, [91], fat of [90], induce sense which [89], the districts, regulate peripheral that the centres, at hypothalamic and the ety on act both agonist/antagonist, cannabinoids, Inverse syndrome metabolic in cannabinoids of potential Pharmacologic 4: Figure energy peripheral and central both of control the in ECs central hypothalamus of mediobasal role the key in 4). the (Figure resistance highlight homeostasis insulin data causing these by CB1R- All for syndrome [88]. preference might metabolic a signalling, to leptin peripheral lead impaired to in with associated seems contribute ECs, and hypothalamic diet of high-fat upregulation The a diet [88]. of fat consumption mediated satisfying chronic more or be acute might after foods upregulated palatable is very within that upregulated indicating are eating, levels with these hedonic EC positively under of the correlate centre mice, which key (DIO) a levels, food, obesity 2-AG hippocampus, palatable diet-induced the plasma in of elevated Moreover, consumption by [86]. antagonists levels volunteers, accompanied ghrelin CB1R healthy is plasma food, In pharmacological normal [85]. both to models indeed, compared hypophagic [84]: as are models mice murine knockout in CB1R weight and body and intake food reduce GRUYTER DE fet fedcnaiodsse activation. system of endocannabinoid Effects

odtos eutn na nsaal odlaigt bst 8] loi h yohlms 2-AG hypothalamus, the in Also [87]. obesity to leading road inescapable an in resulting conditions, atn tal. et Mastinu 7 Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd AP n rmtn h ciiyo t laaeezmstu rgeigadneosadnxosvcoscy- vicious noxious and dangerous a triggering thus enzymes cleavage its of andthe activity astrocytes, the and promoting microglia and activate (APP) to A peptide can promote of the itself A thatA proinflam- inflammation of states AD property of of loss proinflammatory the the release for phenotype, excessive hypothesis roinflammation, microglial cascade the M1 The inflammatory with to M2 [123]. process neuroinflammation from aggregates, pathological protein switch remove self-feeding the and factors, phagocyte a to matory becomes order in subsequently plaques surrounding that area but the in activation cells glial tial neurodevel- from [127]. ranging pain diseases, chronic to brain complement several disorders the neurodegenerative for and in responsible opmental dysregulation is A activity [126]. pruning plasticity microglia-dependent development non- and redundant learning-associated later prune guiding and to regulators embryonic thus contact during connections, synaptic neuronal role functional as key pathway complement a neu- foralack of neuroprotective the play inregulating with they together particular, for microglia acting in emerged; role a key also alsoberesponsible has Recently, may rodevelopment neuroinflammation. detrimental withan chronic YM1) M2response to and leading factors asIL-10 Afailed (such [125]. factors function inflammation-inhibiting of anti-inflammatory cytokines release inflammatory and clearance of debris release repair, the Microglia wound trigger [124]. that pathogenesis and massive phenotype), M1 disorders (microglial brain cognition (TNF- activation other classical impaired a andtissue and ofsynapses, in neurodegenerative damage react loss in can involved to events incellular all lead death, canresult can cells neuroinflammation that Chronic response is potentially [123]. inflammatory destruction neuroinflammation self-propagating prolonged and a Uncontrolled nox- generating damage. a the harmful, signalsand repair of or detection pathogen the detect extracellular the following remove to and microglia, order When the in [122]. enter homeostasis stimulus, brain branches ious maintaining motile thus highly them and to ramified respond their microglia with condition, environment resting mal the In disorders. associated non- been called low-grade has chronic to and contribute towhat microglia may this ageing, leading and and With inflammation, stressors cytokines [119]. environmental resolving inflammatory to processes sensitive producing pathological more by several become respond cells in to mast roles and inflammation. stimuli fundamental during have harmful CNS recognise they the to chemokines; able with are signalling cells immune these peripheral All connecting in brain players important the blood represent of and component response; a key inflammatory repair. regulate brain neuroinflammation, to for order in involved essential in and cells cells barrier immune glial other abundant insulation with most and interact the support also provide astrocytes, but which CNS the oligodendrocytes, in immunity; axons adaptive to and innate [118]. both treatment regulate its fea- which and disease-specific disease important the represent of barrier nature brain the blood determine the cell phenotypes to immune of crucial varied state tures, with functional be- and associated link structural states commonpro- close diverse inflammatory a a and different being as pathologies, emerged CNS neuroinflammation several also Despite to it [117]. cess Furthermore, neuroinflammation disorders. and mediated stressors psychosocial immune disorders, tween and spectrum [116] (autism ma- disorders [115], (schizophrenia, neurodevelopmental [114], disorders [113], epilepsy) patho- suchas psychiatric disorders) a PD)[112], bipolar to and diseases, disorders, leading AD depressive neurological activation in jor of several system immune (firstly pathophysiology the chronic diseases in neurodegenerative a ischaemia, in is involved degenerate can Neuroinflammation response,act- that defence state. as but a brain logical goal, protective a initiates with that normally ing process physiological a complex in Neuroinflammation mechanisms pathogenetic and definition Neuroinflammation: Neuroinflammation which compounds, [111]. these intake food to on added acting be by models should mouse derivatives obese pyrazole in novel the homeostasis of or antagonists energy re- Neutral improve NESS0327, treatment. highly as rimonabant neurotrophins, with such and instead of receptor, transporters noted administration as CB1 monoaminergic disorders, chronic both mood a of and Moreover, anxiety expression with [110]. the lated [109], change not models did murine drugs obese these in improvement factor risk vascular 8 npriua,tebano Dptet scaatrsdb h rsneo osiuu loi,det h ini- the to due gliosis, conspicuous of presence the by characterised is patients AD of brain the particular, In inflammation- all in role pivotal a play they and brain the of macrophages tissue-resident the are Microglia astrocytes with together and brain the in sentinels neuro-immune main the are microglia and cells Mast theCNS,mastcells, of cells immune resident the microglia, celltypes: different involves Neuroinflammation α atn tal. et Mastinu L6 IL-1 IL-6, , β n tes n O,o na lentv ciain(irgilM hntp) novdin involved phenotype), M2 (microglial activation alternative an in or ROS, and others) and “ activated β ” cuuainb nuigicesdsnhsso h A the of synthesis increased inducing by accumulation tt,te rge nifamtr epnei re opoettheCNS to protect in order response inflammatory an trigger they state, “ ’ anrl st oio n uvyteparenchy- the survey and monitor to is role main s inflammaging ” 10,[121]. [120], β lqe eoa n chronic and removal plaques β eoiinidcsneu- induces deposition β rcro protein precursor EGRUYTER DE Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd ainpriual njit n eut nitnepi n akdjit wle n ial deformation. finally and swollen joints marked and pain intense in results and [157]. joints fluid in cerebrospinal particularly in glutamate mation of level elevated induced encephalomyelitis autoimmune associated experimental the reduce the to in neurodegeneration and inhibit model markedly Furthermore, [156]. to reported neurons kinase phosphatase-1 been protects has and protein receptors activated mitogen CB2 inducing and by CB1 inflammation both during on acts , cannabinoid endogenous the AEA, A from lymphocytes blood peripheral rescue and protect to reported acti- been H have microglial agonist, blocking CB2 by selective AD a in neuroprotective be to surrounding shown vation were en- cannabinoids particular, HIV In (ALS), pathologies. sclerosis lateral suchasneu- [149]. amyotrophic colitis diseases and (MS), ofmany (RA) sclerosis arthritis multiple rheumatoid (HIVE), thein pathogenesis PD, cephalitis and role AD a major disorders rodegenerative plays inflammation mentioned, previously As neuroinflammation in cannabinoids of potential Pharmacologic and as bind acting that thus 2-AG metabolites, of pro-inflammatory levels its increased acidinbrain, and both acid induce arachidonic arachidonic inhibitors offree agents. MAGL of anti-inflammatory [148]. levels powerful gut decreased in- intheproduction the in and role in CBs, enzyme main not activates a but asarate-limiting has lung 2-AG, and acts ligand liver cannabinoid italso endogenous Furthermore, for [147]. Indeed, enzyme apoptosis flammation. hydrolytic stress-related primary reticulum endoplasmic the reduce MAGL, demonstrated to also inneurodegeneration and death implicated from processes neurons protect of arachidonyl-2 inflammatory on study effect neuroprotective vitro a in oxideand recent nitric A as such [146]. city by release, neuroprotection mediators promotes pro-inflammatory stimulation of TNF- dor- receptor inhibition and CB1 the [142] cord including Cannabinoids-mediated spinal mechanisms, [144]. [141], several compartment [143], presynaptic ganglia neuronal thanbeingexpressed the root other in sal localised also CB1 receptors, are cells, modulation. microglial system in and immune processes inflammatory TNF- in volved CB2 blocked with monocytes Treatment [25]. LPS-activated modulation on macrophage, (chemotaxis) anti- migration myeloid, agonists [138], cell inhibition (including immune production and cells cytokine [139] provokes reduction activation immune presentation its in gen involvedin and mainly [137] localised CB2 is cells) mostly mast activated and is [136]. lymphoid by it microglia, release (IL-10) indeed, the as interleukine-10 modulation; regulates system also such system immune mediators, EC anti-inflammatory the of inflammatory Indeed, and cells cytokine [135]. is immune toxic EC microglia system the counteract from the to release and inflammation massive damage During from mediators [134]. cells cells protect activated to in order only in but upregulated highly cells resting in expressed not are ceptors phenotype microglial M2 alternative the induce to effect. able anti-inflammatory are [132]. an ECs macrophages with that [131]. in demonstrated presentation immunosoppression [133] antigen inducing suppressing colleagues by thus and activation apoptosis, Mecha cells cell helper BandT dendritic T inhibits and inhibiting THC cells Furthermore, T production, the andchemokine of inducing and components cytokine proliferation different byblocking cells on acting effects inflam- agents anti-inflammatory and pharmacological exert immunomodulation that in system demonstrated role EC been important play has to It found [130]. been [31], have CB2R) mation and CB1R (both CBs and ECs neuroinflammation and Cannabinoids with together responsible, being neuroinflammation, AD-associated in A for role neurons, pivotal a play Astrocytes [128]. cle GRUYTER DE yecpaoyltsvrs nrae eeso E eeal odwrglt irgilatvto n to and activation microglial downregulate to demyelination of able model (TNF- were murine cytokines AEA a In pro-inflammatory of [136]. levels decrease reported been increased has virus, system subjects encephalomyelitis EC to healthy the by of cord compared disturbance overall an the spinal and in CB2- [153] increased significantly identified patients, MS been have human In microglia/macrophages [152]. immunoreactive axons neuronal covers that myelin the of degeneration 2 O huaodatrts(A sacrncatimn iodr hrceie yhgl ciae inflam- activated highly by characterised disorders autoimmune chronic a is (RA) arthritis Rheumatoid inflammation-mediated several in role neuroprotective a have to reported been has system cannabinoid The re- (CB2) 2 type receptor cannabinoid whereas cells microglial in constitutively expressed are receptors CB1 Si hoi,ifamtr eylntn ies ftehmnCScaatrsdb T-cellmediated by CNS characterised thehuman of disease demyelinating inflammatory chronic, a is MS 2 α idcdaotss[151]. apoptosis -induced uigteauepaeo nuy[4] n upyn ndmn rtcinaantaueexcitotoxi- acute against protection on-demand supplying and [145], injury of phase acute the during , β etd erto n loteices nteidcino l h A the all of induction the in increase the also and secretion peptide β ayodpaus[5] utemr,bt P54,aC1C2aoit n JWH-015, and agonist, CB1/CB2 a CP55940, both Furthermore, [150]. plaques -amyloid ’ clrehlmd AE) eetv B eetraoit beto able agonist, receptor CB1 selective a (ACEA), -chloroethylamide α L6adIL-1 and IL-6 , α n IL-1 and β n ircoiesnhs- ees[5] [155]. [154], levels synthase-2 oxide nitric and ) β rdcin[4] loteC1rcpo sin- is receptor CB1 the Also [140]. production β acd opnns[129]. components cascade atn tal. et Mastinu Δ 9-THC β and 9 Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd Highlights new a ther- will constitute pain and inflammation of modulation effects. the side horizon. in several apeutic agonists have CB2 drugs inflammatory Finally, anti-inflammatory of used. current use be and should the Consequently, act- disorders, barrier blood-brain antagonists brain the CB1 many receptor cross in involved not patients, are do of obese pathways that and areas profile CBs.Indeed, peripheral metabolic on the only improve for theprincipal ing extreme to in order mostly important, in afun- compounds very particular, are selective In therapies obesity. thisreason, of more pharmacological For innovative activity, physical identification therapies. the the with and metabolic together be pain will inflammatory, point for starting pathway promising damental a is system EC The Outlook innovative an be to seem istouse compounds therapy. agonist anti-inflammatory CB2 central can have Instead, and CB1R compounds barrier. peripheral brain-blood for processes, for the way and metabolic cross strategy not pain pharmacological new do that inflammation, the molecules modulating Consequently, in effects. useful agonists orantag- and central psychotropic of synthetic CB2R and capable are CB1R which onists, Unfortunately, transmission. anti-inflammatory reasons, several cannabinoids shown these modulating have For by phytocannabinoids system. effects numerous EC Indeed, centuries. the past to andregulation over connected applications inflammation strictly systemic numer- are the Indeed, balance Furthermore, functions. genesis. energy brain inflammatory of centraland many an have and CNS homeostasis indifferent the metabolic of diseases of been reported ous control has the in involved condition organs inflammatory peripheral This syndrome. the shows endocrine metabolic Inparticular, tissue to consequently fat release. and cytokines thewhite hormones the state tory where in disease inflammatory modifications an with alterations considered be can syndrome Metabolic opinion Expert matter is still effects, psychoactive of avoid agonists selective chronicdebilitating study. in CB2 pharmacological as of withinflammation, such from cannabi- compounds, associated selective pain deriving often with agents and anti-inflammatory diseases inflammation, powerful reducing new of in goal expected The is noids. expectation high 4), matrixde- [162]. Figure inhibit [161], (see andto [160], [159], [158], HU-308 levels -9 andIL-8) WIN55,212, and -3 CP55,940, tissueofRApatients, (IL-6 metalloproteinases-1, as cytokine matrix such pro-inflammatory enzymes decrease synthetic, grading to and synovial able AEA, from the were as JWH133) such and and analgesic endogenous, elicit extracted (both they agonists synoviocytes Indeed, cannabinoid Infibroblast-like RA. in agents effects. pharmacological potential anti-inflammatory as emerged also have Cannabinoids 10 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. hrfr,i ih ftehg muto aaspotn eeiilrl fcnaiod ininflammation ofcannabinoids role beneficial a supporting data of amount huge the of light in Therefore, h s fhgl eetv B gns opud ol ecniee inn taeyt lc many block to strategy winning a considered be could compounds illnesses. agonist mental CB2 inflammatory-derived selective mustactin highly of use basedoncannabinoids the therapies bestanti-obesity the the brain, in districts; peripheral effects side avoid to order inflammation; in peripheral and central blocks system EC a loss ofsynapses of activation to the functions; cognitive impaired leads with death activation, neurons and astrocytes massive a and microglia involves bal- that hunger/satiety neuroinflammation, the chronic of breakdown the from originates obesity, to ance. linked closely syndrome, metabolic of virtues anti-inflammatory antinociceptive, Sedative, atn tal. et Mastinu ” stemcaimta a xli o dps iseacmlto ed oislnrssac,and resistance, insulin to leads accumulation tissue adipose how explain can that mechanism the is .sativa C. eekonmr hn10 er BC; years 1000 than more known were .sativa C. a enue o many for used been has “ hoyo inflamma- of theory EGRUYTER DE Automatically generated rough PDF by ProofCheck from River Valley Technologies Ltd 3]TmaoS auM,MsiuA azr .Eauto fslciecnaiodC()adC()rcpo gnssi os oe of model mouse a in agonists receptor CB(2) and CB(1) cannabinoid selective of P. 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