4 1 0 2 1 Q Fundamatics Anniversary issue Q1 2014 We don't have to go out of the way to save environment... Sustainable Solutions for Sustainable Environment Systems Sustainable Technology, Plant & Solutions for Machinery Sustainable for producing Environment Environment Industrial Friendly Biotech Products Biofuel including Bionutrients, Livestock Nutrition and Biochemicals Critical Process Equipment & Systems for Hygienic Water & Applications Wastewater Treatment Plants We don't have to go out of the way to save environment... At PRAJ, we have dedicated ourselves to developing environment-friendly solutions. With over 500 references in more than 60 countries, PRAJ has one of the largest resource base to to support the cause of environment. At the state-of-the-art R&D facility, Praj Matrix-The Innovation Centre, PRAJ is evolving technology solutions that will provide new avenues for a sustainable future. PRAJ INDUSTRIES LIMITED Pune, India E :
[email protected] W : www.praj.net 1 Q 2 0 1 4 Quarterly magazine of The IIT Bombay Alumni Association Contents From the Beehive 1 Engineering Entrepreneurship and Innovation Queenbee 3 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ajit RAngnekar 4 Changing the Status Quo: On Innovation and 6 Entrepreneurship in India HemAnt KanAkiA AAP, BAAP & PAAP Grumblebee 10 Enterprising the Chaat bunkumbee 12 Bringing History Home bumblebee 15 National Salt Satyagraha Memorial at Dandi & Dandi 16 Marchers’ Sculptures Workshop at IIT Bombay PRof. kiRti tRivedi List of 80 Marchers who participated in the Dandi 19 March, 1930