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T5.-S.t:«S!o TO r - ifc ' y " ' ~ San Antonio. a U 9 i a 1 ____ _ The Gulf, Colorado' *.*-"• \ T j - A New IVay To & Santa Fa Bailwaj : GST' THERE. — Is the best mid quickest—• - d l l f J A S l - a—route to all points in the-*-; Begin a hist January 1G, 1(597, and every 'Southeast, Worth and.East. jgjajgp - day (hereafter a through Pullman Sleen -The direct line to all- gllll ?r ^,il! leave Paris at 3.20 p. m., Dallas — Points in— \ • 1 ■ £itrsij■,■;: ’ Clehfirnp; arriving at San Antonio 8.45 ■ . any Santa. Fe Agent, or wnte fo; s / / -.a-3tu-:. One change only. Absolutely the \7. 8. KEENAN; m - OFICKEST-TDIE BETWEEN NORTH ■ G. P. A., Galveston, Tex.;: , W.A. TULEY, ...... AND SAN ANTONIO. ! T. P. A„ Dallas, Tex.

?rY’IX-Zj HUBEXIT & SONS, /Proprietoi’s. * ' • __ . S l . 2 5 P e r Y e a r . r;j r-.v:-.' : ^ & ’2 3 i ( & b & v E ;Br a3Lel.si.‘37'® 1 S ^ . n» »■» x.wwmn ■■■ ■ ^ .;f.^»i^jBr^'^,Triu».,i.T^,;Txriaa^^tx:[a=agi^gCTCTgxCT5«Rixi«izaLuiJ-a'u*‘j-iJLgwaznBi mjmr r i v u pir iuiia.ti^j»MuaiaeaeMSjaAgfe8SBf. 1-IU- ■r A movement has-‘ been started in E xpect? THE.,... jvausas to colonize the negroes j ATTEND TO THE . trom the flooded districts of the] It is -a well-ls-notgn fact that Mississippi". valley.- I - WELFARE OF YOUR SOLE^> eyeiyhrah elected to’the legislature -5- . wits pledged -or supposed to be, to C ifeer)s? B a i)k ; The lower, part o f El Paso has1- ■n. 1 redulie the salaries of public offi- ■ • .... ./";. • ■ •• •. v . - i -•. U lias been flooded by the overflow of j S, JACKSON., '' dials, atid^ not- to increase them.; . Basys- C feecks © a dll -polinrts o f , But such is democratic campaign theu-iver. ■ The Rio Grande is on | BOOT AitO SHOE MAKER, f promises, T hey are not worth a , - * tine Country. [ . v ...... T"’ vjiauu-Grand’ jjuugeoons. Lodge Sons of Hermann J ^ F e r o a d . Cleburne will be > that scheme. Dallas:News . . . Farm and-Bauch . "I..75" .dreh than she^pays to maintain in the EnteVprise, these might Greece lias'Yielded. 'n ,c“ T/cketS'oh' sale.'May .2nd.'aiU^3r^Usp^3g^|tyl4ij^er !hopu^ Texas Farmer * . - • Bet stoAirh.State- government' with gns^tlyjassisfc in. his education. f 1.23 good, to.'.retutn, Live Stock Journal . Dispatches from the east state! R ate^ S .95 for round V i n . ,‘aa ei* -FOR ©ME YEAIfc=». ISiW i**., d y ' U - that Greece has - unreservedly a c-i Si;eiK.criO be Avhether to put i Tonnesaee Centennial and. Inter - ,^iye raiDandhail storm ■/Colorado county two cepted the proffered intervention j THE gTATE q f TEXAS,) -- ; i. •.'ilfltii.'"' Soaie-.’vounS’ ; P'laf s.i^—Tickets bn salevApjilrT ...... of'^.the Powers foroiitting-a^stpOito.U of CoTjKsiax. J ’t/f ' coa ti a eanqa '-.o^ the f witteffptrtsg crops"./ 1 he ddtteft. 133- * v ...... f a B L uiiafly A; wqflSPw.atian’rl i 1» l- o ?aas, J3— i icKets^Ej;...... BHM m erjQy-.yCpffs” - smooth lips jsalfr. on /and affer ApriLSO'/sjuti! path.of the Etor'/n,, ^ r . - <____ 're-tin g' TQ^on-lier -hash fiu 1 chee k, j ^ 2 ’’ - in clpding - Oeto her,'! n aT shall r e d r a w tier troops f r o m r ;^ " - w 3 ^ at!i oJJj both h-lrld . ’ p-T-ji/ii/fits.Voald do in'case they . D. H. McDonnell, who calls him­ Be this as Jt T x ^ he ’Will fiiid it a limit 20 days, from date-of sale; Crete, and adhere formally to a ti'! fee£ white, small star in'tbe fore- , -i . vr-fe sairiisted with the control of suitable place to deal his gifts, but rate for round trip ®26 35. Class self “Alien, the king of the air,*” is tonbmy for Crete and a-ccept unre- lhead, about 134 handshigh, brand- ' -» StataV affairs, can only be ood judges have generally agreed |C— Tickets on sale Tuesdays'and preparing to astonish "the world, at reservedly the co'unse;s" which the: ed CAhvith a half circle over it on, 1 ‘by -what they actually did that the ligs oiler stipe j ipr induce-1 Thursdays of each aveek beginning Cb/Nashvills Centennial. JBTe will powers may give in the interests of left thigh. Apyraised at $15. meats, i ; vva^-Douglas .Terrold,] with April 28th .until and inciud- *ln fbe‘ifts:tcs where they once had nmik & high wire ebarged with 500 peace. " As stated above, Greece The owher of said stock is r e - . who speaking of the beautiful lips |in3 October 23, 1897; finalrimit 10 fquesteS to comS forward, prove, c 4tfcvil,-.notably Jn Kansas and Veits of electricity. After walking has accepted tbe terms, and , with­ o f wotnen.^leciaTed it “ the u.-mal! days after date o f sale; round Trip property, pay charge?, and' cake _ tKe-wire flora pole to poie, he will N >r;Ii'.'CaroUaa. la those. States fate of mad to be lost among tbe *• ra.te $19.35. 1 ^ drawal of:Greek; troops from Crete’ the same away, oi'. jt will be dealt tl > y .raised ,tlvt slate tax to about coral reefs/'- :* ’ j ' . W, B, Mitchell, Agt. scorch:over it "on -a steel; rimmed; has already -begun’. - Turkey has with as the law directs. . d • iblif what ills , in. Texas under I)rcvcle. ' ' - a- x " Then it ajgo depends what k in d , ^ ------#-----=------. . not been heard from as to the 1 Given under-my hand, and seal.' d ' nher&fic costroL* As to what of a kiss ‘,‘Cuh/ wishes to give. Iff- Barrel flour at A. G. Weaver & terms upon which she may be will­ of office, t-his the lotffffay of April, _ f New JErngland people are very 1897.— K. V-. WCOD, Clerk Coun­ to. people. ofTysag might expect it is of the betraying class; fur'Son’s, ing to cease hostilities and regnipe there’s treason in a kies, the'sooner much exercised' ever that; provision ty Court Coleman County. . » sssa'-ef popaiisi rule in Texas -amicable relations with Greece.", ' i the^parental foot deceives, the rash of the-'Ding-ley bill which places a I^ure Louisiana Syrup at L. L. t read' elsewhere jn this issue | de-ire, tlie better for all concerned, Of course Turkey will demand in­ 2’ tariff tax on hides. NTbe tariff on Shield’s. 'd-m iijfe' heading- o f “ Sovereign j But if his heart is'in a spare; if he demnity, .but "what arsouut- will hides wall cut down their profits . ■ Psifer*~ Master Workman Sov- lias glorious visions of- hope crown­ Satisfy her remain^ to be deter­ The' M'estSeld (Ind.) News, on leather, shoes etc. So long as er, ign is 'a populist and a member ed with the quintessence: o f happi­ mined. . prints the following in "regard to everybody else-is taxed for his ben­ an old resident of that place: 4 "the;populist national committee, ness,,if his sentimen t is di vine, and sqn beams- of joy create' the, .sweet efit; the average New Englander is “Frank McAvoy, for many years"' v i & delegate to the Cincinnati Turkish Cruelty. desire, he will know where to put content, but when bis profits are in the employ of the L.y N. A,‘ & ( iixcnthfi), seconded Tom IVat- the.kiss, for though passion gives C. By. 'here, says: ‘I haye used likely to be interfered with by such Fourteen.villages between Toul- . r 'g- tiomination at St. Louis, and it sweetness, affection will sanctify: Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and tax and somebody else likely to be and Kastroskia were 1 burned and. -Ipfst his .electoral vote for him in it, and the heart in it make it a Diairhoea Remedy for ten. years or incidentally beaefitted .thereby, he -the women, and children " massa­ tflayy, -therefore what he say's seal and a bond. ' longer— am never without it in my makeS’a kick-,’ cred;, v Following are samples rof family.* I consider it" the best t u ht to .have great weight with r 'ifintokicationdbllows he can re-J peat tbe following from Goethe.: Turkish savagism: " remedy ofltbe bind -manufactured. tb? many sincere men who' byve -Germany, .France -and other I take pleasure in recommending;!* “ When pressed; against my-b’osomj Arta, May : 11,— ft is reported he etofure affiliated with that par­ it.’ ” It is a speoifie for all bois:!*!^ She exchanges kiss for kiss,. ., .Opitntries rare "raising; objections-.-to thqt tire Turks-, have .seysr^i...... the ^ ti. Read w’hatMr. Sovereign says All- through my marrow runs--: a | ASjgDSaaSeSs?" P u f © b theyDingley bill- on the;4-grounds j arms and legs of., all. the.. Greeks f disorders.^ For sale by Mathews ■' ■. thrill. . o/ ir his own eiguature and judge . . T, ,, . Phillips, j Runs e’en-my foot along! Celebrated for Its great leavening tbkt it places the tariff tax-so,high found in a.valiage on the plum o t! ... w. it the people of Texas would I fee! so well, ijfeul so ill, strength and healtliluliiess. Assures the that .it practically excludes their- Lourbs ; and deft; the; inutilated TheSsst Rernedy for Klisu- I feel so. weak, so strong!” " food asbunst alutn.nnd alldorms of.adul­ bodies bj' tb'e roadside to terrorize have a right to expect should the teration common to tl'.e- chean brands. gurplus products from . this -ffoivn- matism, rsSa n Angelo Enter prise. ~T the population. * Hi iddle-of-the-road” popu lists •Rbyal Baking Powder Co.; New York. tvy. And they- threaten' to .adopt ^ The Fnirhayen (N. Y.) Register „<" .’('(■ sbcceed in obtaining control Not a stone of tjie village of^savs: Mr. James Rowland o ftb i3 ; such retaliatory, measures .as; will Kamarina. is " left standing. The j village, states that for twentylfiy.e,; of .flairs in Texa-ill,-Ip"there are kissing methods j hand over land above what, (.he . Tbat js-what .Edwardswu Parker, and fipd-i that it always gives re- ,.i >Ififbirdj.:but we know of none. I ! country could' cor,H>jme and for merchants: of Plains, G:i., say of| Hef. He says that p b ; m?dit|iiie[ Chamber-hun II. ies fcre aa-oU a6 creation, yet> j which no sale-, could be found, it Pam Balm, for |which she lraa used- ever did - heiv. rhC*umatism~lame back, deep seat- las - much good. - Tlie ‘io . arff r iuO;- •""'■ r’1 have-A>een kept green by! would not. he .difficult to s.ee where ruffle? Time in tbe eea of geuej a- ] ed and muscular pains.'"' Sold Sccnt'sizes.for.,sale^by. ;Maf-hews,;u:r:; the price iVu,.ild"go.. As amufter of­ .by.;Mathe.‘.VS.0i. Phillips.- •■■■■. ’ . •* Phillips. SiU SiTA a n n a n e w s . A BIT OF HISTORY. ; PROCLAMATION -1. . i and operate under- tlie.provisions oi tins bonds for - -the erection of court | tution requires the .publicatio.n of ! t..•.. And tkaL.ei.ti, ■ umil .(louses and qai-ls, and tile construc- % iBy the of the State •.otherwise-proviued by law, said board .. . • , any proposed amendments once a week for four weeks, commencing £ F .»’UJ'jHtTBERT * SONS. Pay According To. The Law i . . . of Texas. I gita 11-fnwe.-t he, power and-authomv hi lion, and pm chase-of bridges, and inm-kin-SHul rules--us cumpiete us- the |.- Whetea?, ‘the statutes of the and the Contract. at-least three months before au. |.iwgtslutur.e ot timbtaie-otTexas,-naw. State ot Texas authorize-the Board' election; ' ... ; -OFFICIAL DIREGTORY OF Whereas the 25th Gegislaturo. at its Ihave to enact- laws, ,- The rules-, when nt-Education .of said State to invest , And whereas, each of said Joint -COLEMAN COO M Y . It will be remembered-that dur-. '"th beuetan of bute, and « hen the thereof Resolutions re.quirps the Governor . in bonds -issued for- the purposes' ing the. Harrison administration 159w/ -passed , , rite-10 MIlowing- Joint " ' . V we-—) ' so filed shall -,.■■■ lemun -i • m •• fu 1 toue • and to iss.ue his proclamation ordering-- j£ 0 . Woodward—District Judge. oluivona, .-in ;„..i vhe.-jnanner. presc-ribed • bv. neffeet : mi, -,tilchanged 11 •or modified , , by some1 tnoresatd..by the said counties, and: an election for: the submission of ‘Z i the gold speculators and-bond buy­ the Gonstttu.tion o! this ?.rate>:■ propose" . . * 1 other TtiUr unute ..... bv the-siud board-on - .Whereas., the Board' of Educa­ AT^TiCcoBson—District Attorney. I file’ll? theioflioe.of-the Secretary of;8 tate, said Joint Resolutions to the ouai- ing certamramendmertts LO the-ConsU- .ior-initil the sa.ni.e- are changed W general tion o.i this. State.an pursuance'-of. ified electors of the State for their- jJoEA D; Mann—District Clerk. ers induced Austria to go. on the tution of this Maui-,-, to-wit; . j ... , law.' Said rnies. shadife priiiteii iinder said'statut'orv authority, has' put--. adoption or rejection on the first B. Itose^-Coun ty Tudge, single standard. Austria’s na­ Joint-Resolution to amend Article' S of-j-th.e dnection ot ..the. Secretai.y oi.btate, chased as - an in vestment for' the Tuesday in August, A. D. 1897, 11. V. Wood—County Clerk. tional debt at that time was estre .. dheConstitution ot :th.e State oMexas ,'iV sl-raf^ lllr;i permauent school fiind bf the-State which- will be the 3rd day ?'■ by adding thereto, section 20, ‘as^^ {oi-l.nislied to any one demanding the. same W. ■ ■ " - J of said ■3- ^ J. JJ. Baker—County--Attorney. of- Texas; bpndw ap|‘ro.ximattng month. mated at .$2,400:000,000 payable ■-.lows-:. upon t''be-payi>iei]t.of-..sueh-tees us .said K. U. Gilliland—‘County Treasurer. board^may-prescrihe. three million dollars,..and - Now, Therefore, I, C. A. Culber­ J; A. McElralii—County Surveyo r ■in silver. Her debt is now.placed- ^ Section 2D. In adaitidn to.the powers ■ 1 he OiuyGriior. is herehv directed to .- W hereas, the-Gunstitution of the- son, , in accord­ of - taxation -granted. in the loregoing :O i A. Hemphill—Tax Assessor. .issue the necessary proclamation for -State: of .Texas provides that no at $2,900,000,000 payablein geld.i sections, it shall be lawful for-the- land submitting this amendment to thequa-h ance with the proyisiona of said" J.-TvSanders-=-Sheriff and Collector. owners oi- certain portions 61 Texas, as afied .voters of Texas on.-the. first'Tues­ deOt-for,any purpose shall. ever be :Joint Resolutions, and by the au­ ■ lit. Love—Inspector. Thus another-great demand was hereinafter provided, to organize witlun day in August,1897, at which election incurred -ju -any manner-for - anv thority yest.ed in me by the Coir* ■ Sam Roach—Public Weigher; created .for gold as a money metal,: that section,.of Tfxa.s. ivhuh he^- west,\ afe-votersdavoring the amenduient shall; city or county., unless provision ’ i's stitution and laws of this State,;dp- northwest-nnrln-u'puh and$mri southwest sniiT.nAUPBt. of,therif. f,hi* follow-’fn n'.v-t hAve u/,„« Yi,«;unnwritten 'ora.. prniled.on then-tickets, 1 --J . i r- made.at the time of its • creation- hereby issue this my proclama­ • COMMISSIONERS. thereby enhancing, its value -and- rag counties, viz: .Montague, ..Wise, “ For amending Article 8, ot the-Consti-, , ...... Parker, Hood; Somej vel-i, Bosque, Co­ tution ot Texas,- so‘as to'permit-the for- linr^tne levying and. collection -ol a tion, ordering that an election as B.’ FiJtose, County Judge. increasing its purchasing power. ryell, Bell, VVdliamson, -Travis, 1 Blanco,; iftation of . irrigation'districts in IVest I sufficient.-tax to: pay the interest required by said joint Resolutions Precinct Number 1, H. L. Lewis. t-iillespie, G-otnal, Caldwell, Gonzales, In 1893 . the - gold combination Texas,” ...and those opposed to said thereon, and provide at- least- two be held on the day designated • A . AV. d u e. Precinct Number 2. •DelVitt, Goliad, Victoria and Calhoun,. amcndmeirt shall have written oi pun- p&r ceM AS a Hnklng fundt and . irrigation- districts, without., regard ,t«i ted on" their tickets,' “ .Against irmending therein, to-wit: on Tuesday, tbe W. T, Reese, Precinct Number 3. wanted-the Sherman act repealed, county lines;, Jn making provisions Ior,j Article S, of the Constitution of Texas, .; AV.hepeasy- i,t is:b°lieved tiiat soiiti.e- 3rd day of August, A. D. 1897, in D. W. IJowe, Precinct Number 4. the only law of this country treat­ the cost-.ot .construction ol irrigation j gmas to f>eriiH-t.the--foniia-tion oi n-riga- 6f the bonds so purchased ’ by '.the the several counties of this State.’: •ttorkavwitnin said territory it-, shall be -tioli disn-icto.m West' Texas.” - State Board. ofEd-ucationas an in - i for the adoption or rejection !of ing silver as a money . metal,. Mr. lawful to create an imlebteaness-of not Approyed March 3, 1897. ■ !* • To Contributors. exceedins- fifteen dolla>-s..p6r acre to rest vestment.ior-the permanent school, j said proposed amendments to tbe Cleveland took the ground that as a charge on and be secured-bv a lien fund 'vere not issued in conformity I Constitution of the State of Texas, Parties writing ‘communications the Sherman law. was ruining the, on the irrigable land .for the use and Joint. Resolution-to amend Section 3; of with that7provision of• tho-Consti-.j Said election shall be held at the benefit of which said irrigation ivories . Article 11, ot tne Constitution of the tution, and lt is doubtful whether j several polling places of the eleo- for publication in the News are have been or- may 'be constructed. Icountry. He called congress to­ State of Texas, so as to authonze cer-. proper provision was made at. thel tion ,precincts ot the several coun- ‘requested to sign their names to Within the term, cost of-construction,■ -. -tain counties tn;give. aid- in ; the oon- gether in extra session, the Sher­ shall bo included . the cost ot riparian stru'ction.of railways. - t-ime ottlie attempted creation of j ties, of this State, and will be con- rights, dai-n sites and reservoirs, rights said debt,-evidenced, by said bonds, i ducted by the officers’ holding the their articles— otherwise we can- ..Section 1 . Be,it,resolved by the Leg- man law was repealed- without any: ot wav ier canal and laterals, and other fur the )eyy of a tax to -secure the same-in conformity with the laws 3idt publish them. Of course, you appurtenant.expenses of the construc­ idature of titer State -ol -Texas-: That Sec­ substitute legislation, and as a re­ tion-of imitation plants. In case of de­ tion 3, of ArticlcXI, of the Goiist.nution payment of interest and. thew ea- of this State and in accordance can wtite oyer any bom de plume of- the State ol Texas,'..be -amended . so uon of.a . sinking, fund, and that sult the panic of 1S93 followed. : struction ot- the works, or any part with the provisions of this pro­ thereof,- the repair or rebuilding..of.-the that the . same shali hereatter read as some of said bonds may therefore y o u may desire,: but your .name follows: ■ - - . ' ■- :■ : clamation. Since'the close, of -the war be­ same shall be construed to be within be held invalid by the courts; In testimony whereof, I hereunto should accompany the article:—for tfie mean ing of construction. To cover « Section-3.-- No county,- city- or other tween China.and Japan, .the latter, the cost of construction as above.defin- municipal carporauon shall hereatter Theretore, be it resolved by the sign my name .and reference,-.not for publication. ed. bonds may be issue4 ,by such irriga­ become a -subscriber, to- the earned of; Legistature of the State of Texas;: cause the Seal of State country- has been, reduced. by. the tion districts to run lir time for forty any corpiiration or association, or make That article:XT of the Constitution any appropnatton. or donation to the' [L. S.] to be affixed, at the city gold combination to adopt the years or less, and to bear interest at the- of the State of:Texas . be arriended of Austin, this 23rd .• Thoughtful people all over the rate. of not mare than six per gent, per same, or in anywise loan, its credit, ex­ cept as hereinafter provided.-' by adding, thereto- the following, day of April, A. D. 1897. gold standard. Her war indemni­ annum, . interest payable annually, -country - heartily endorse the ac­ >vhichjbonds shall.be sold at not less • It shall.be lawful for any county -in which, shall be denominated “ Sec­ C, A. CULBERSON. ty is to be converted into gold. It. than nar.' The bonds shall, be liquida- this State lying south of the counties of tion 1L” , : .. tion of the senate in rejecting the Jeff Davis, Reeves; Ward, - Ector, •Mid­ .Governor of Texasi ated' by the levy and collection of a tax Section 11. That all bonds By the Governor: Olney-Pauncefote arbitration ,trea- is also stated as a matter of fi­ upon; the irrnrahle lands within such land,’ Glasscock., Sterling-, -Cbke' and irrigation'districts-susceptible of irriga­ Runnels, and -south and west o f the CoL heretofore issued by the several J. W. MADDEN, iy . - The wrath of tlie British pa­ nancial history .that the Roths­ tion from and fcy.the system of imgafs,lor‘ldorado9 River,.:itiyer,. also, aiso, all those -counties counties :ot Texas for the. purpose Secretary of State. . tioa. works proposed. -Such, land i.west of Hardemaran, Rnox and Haskell-, of the erection of court houses and childs, combination has manipu­ Fisher, Scurry, Borden,: pers on account o f the e rejection, of he taxed in proportion, to zacreage|« Hanna still ■ has his To conduct these.big gold opera-1 - receiving tne water - for irrigation vof^a, provision for the levy of a tax for v».t vi.:. t * >» _•< • v ... sufficient gmonnt to cover the oMinaty purpose such.aid. is authorized ;.. provi­ ’ - -we&tbpr ej^on .securing -his elec- tions with the nations creafBS an: co'st of the.niaintenanceof the irflbation- ded; how^eveivthatno.Buch aid asis here- the paymentoftheintSrest and;the works.- the distributiofiof the g^ranfi- .inbefore . authorized and provided for creation of a sinking i§nd was nqt ’ Sioti to the senate. Hid .trpBtecl immense demand for gold, .thereby: appurtenant-charges and-the jB^ction 'shalfeverbe giveb or paid to- any rail- made, shall not be for that reasqn gjyte ji ? 11 r .-x ^ -1 -a. ^ I * O.1 bryP'.™'- roadicompany, or ihaid of any such rail­ enhancing its 'value and likewise of said-tax. -Thia charge.sha^pp upon held to be invalid; but-said bonds 1 J,}-3iaulenants in the d ^ d 11^^ *0 a basis oi the amount dfwattjHkntract- way construction ;■ except in proportion immensely increaBing-JtE; purchas­ ed. for; ;providetl, thati.this slPffnot tn- to and ;for :feuch railway pr part thereof are- hbreby validateiLgdlhd are ber.e After.... , terlere.with’therighiof-anylandioivner as shall have .been com pi etely construe-, by made yalid debtl^mgainst .tfie ing power, and at the satire time tO’demand his proportionate part of tile ted and equipped within any such'coun-, several -counties by which .they water on' t-be ba*.is of act cage. TJte ty. Aad s{|ei;inl authr>fity..and-power is Taking teivfcWthe.comniissfpnerBcourtof a’e r- ed, po.wer o f‘sfabor and -the assessed;; be seenred by lien on the Wtd~ anyfitp'untytwitliin.lJie'^^verfitbry. hSiFfh .f’ ” grS . Pilistvthg - b£dy soibat the big boas y-<- _ ...... as now provided by general law for the prescribed/: wherein -sucb raid, may be ameti^ient sfiull be submitted -to o f labor. For as the -gold,goes np security of .State taxes,.and when delin­ aufbprized, foleyy and collect an nnnnaf; a votiThf the qualifiedtekctors .of system is. set in good working jfoe senatorial tax’in adwitionto any otherjax author­ quent; shall be enforc'ed ‘flB now provi- the -State of.Texas on the, first .order and a man begins, to’ feel- J|r nowbplda by appointment. Iri.value, labor and its produets go ded. by general Ijtwhfor the collection of. ized by.this. Coilstitution npoij.all prop- • * ^ ^ t V delinquent State taxes.: biit the.lion se-i erty insuch eon 11 ty subject to taxation; Tuesday in August, 7^)7, at w"hicb s that life is -worth, living. He ^ifom present ■-in ji j<$atums, dowu. / > fenring the same shaU be subordinate to to,pay interest- oiidmd to create a sink*-- election all voters favoring said ing fund to meet said bonds or other .1 n- who has become the' gradual -Hitherto^llen gold has beeri re­ the lien securing.the-parment of. State, propoeed' amendment shall’ write chances for defeat^ ate yery county and municipal taxes.* debtedness aa-eated for such purpose; % urovidedf.that tihe aggregate of such tax, or have printed on theic ballots prey of constipation,'■does not -A ‘promising. - • > quired^^ to carry on-financial.opera­ -None of the foregoing provisions oi the-words “ For the amendment to this amendment shall ever beConStTped! •In any-county, shall never in . any - one realize the. friction Under: which tions of the gold comfiinatlon wi th to give authority to create a.lien- o n ; or- •year exceed two: per centum upon the Article X I of the Constitution, val­ tax in any manner any lands so long as assessed /valuation of tlie ■ property in idating bonds held by the?State as he labors, -until the/burden is. the nations, it has' been conven­ such county. '• . - , .■ Mi (v r - Read in another column an’ ex-: they shall helongtxo the State; nor,after an in vestment -for - the permanent sale thereof shall -any charge ever be ■ Full pW er ia hereby given . to said lifted from. him. "tbeo his ifact from a- letter by .Grand -Mas- ient .for the- foreign holders of created thereon which shall-take prec­ commissioners court of any.such couDty,, school fund;” and all voters opnos? an’d it is hereby made Us duty, at ouce, mountains sink into m ole-; «99ktr|uaaikr*y^rv tR..-tSofff^nhio United ^tatestecurities to demand edence -over the liens securing the bal­ ing said amendment shall write or ance o f the purchase money due tbe upon, the petition thereto of- not less have printed on .their, ballots the- hills,, his moroseness -gives ■than one. hundred C10 0) qualified voters m T-jfiltofi Park, chairman pf jtl»e na-. the gold on .tlfe.ee; securities from State. ' ' , , words “ Against the amendment to hXj ' * -The.indebtedness for the constrnctfon: of any such county, to at .any time ci der / place to jollity, he is a happy liptv&l reform press .association. our government to meet their re^. of irrigation works authorized under the- and in all things-provide for and regu­ Article X I of the C.onstitutiou, val­ late such election* and Ihp holding, re­ idating bonds.held,by tbe 8 tate-as man again. If life does - not; quirements, and the- executive de< provisions of this amendment shall, be r ,' Nir-Sovereign IB a mepaber of the created only upon a vote of a majority turns and determination “of the same, an investment for. the permanent ; seem' worth living to yon, you of the land owners resident in - the dis­ and. prescribe the- form, of the -ballot to t .V; populist national committee and partment has complied with' these be-used. ; School fund.” ' ■ = > 4 trict proposed to be organized and whose may take a very different ,view?, ' Avhathe says is populist testimony demands without a single syllable lands.are-susceptible of irrigation- from AH-bonds or other evi,dences.of indebt­ • • And that the Governor of the and by the Kysteui of irrigation works edness issued by any such county, under State is hereby directed to .issue of it after .taking and therefore ought ,to ihave .con­ of law in support of; such a policy. proposed ;■ only qualified- voters under fhe provisions of this section, all all, her the -necessary proclamation for lore being delivered., negotiated or-float- the existing laws- of Texas, beipg such Baid election, and have ;sam« pub­ >- *?; er~, ^ siderable weight with .those .who For under the law every obliga­ owners oi'._rural lands, within suph dis­ ed, be approved by the Attorney General tricts, shall have the right to vjot-i as of this State, and -thereupon the- Comp- lished as required by t,he Constitu­ Auer’s Cathartic Pills. bavh heretofore affiliated with that tion of the government is payable troller'of this State shall .-register the tion and existing laws of the State.: . Any natural or artificial person haw same and endorse the fact of such regis­ party under the belief that nothing, in - silver dollars'; of-412$ “ grains try upon-said bonds or evidences of in­ Approved April 22, 1897*. . A big stock of Shirt Waists, ing. an interest in any bf .the irrigable, Ladies Cuffs, and Collars at le e «ouId or would be done for the re­ each. Then why should, the gov­ lands ,in any. .such ’ irrigation.: district debtedness: . , ; shall, have the right at any time, within •Section 2. The. Governor iR hereby - And -whereas, the State Consti- Shield’s. lief of the people from the existing ernment impoverish and bank­ ninety days after the vote authorized . direc-tp.d to issue the necessary proclama­ tion lor submitting this amendment to rupt its own citizens by-surrender­ ■has beOn declared, and not theresfter. to -depressed condition of affairs. file a.proceeding - in ;any court ,having -the qualified: voJers of-Texaaon the first ing its option to pay its debts in jurisdiction to: test the-validity-of .the Tuesday m August, 1897, fit which elec­ formation of said district, the classifica­ tion all voters lavoriDg tlie amendment <^EXAS’ GREATS Men may come and men may either silver or gold to gratify the tion of tlie land as irrigable .lands, or shall have/written or: printed on-their UHIKJother details thereof. bUUil-UI., fVlVWSuch jllproceedings ULECVilll^fi l "tickets, : r /.‘For i i the• ■ • amendment-to- 6 Y • ‘ Section ‘ ‘ • i ’ - go, but the principles of democracy greed of the -gold combination? shall:bsve precedence through all- thei'V 0! Article It, of the Constitution of o • 1-1 . » ~ . fp/iv-iio I liiM*i-»i»ir* ■■11 nnn nfirth f hio- courts as now provided by law in quo Texas, authorizing all counties iiv this ■ tire unchangeable. New cPndi- Already raids have begun on the warranto suits. - , State lying.soulh of the i-ounties of Jeff Democratic Newspaper, Davis, Reeves, Ward, Ector. Midland, continually arising and national treasury for gold to 3hip Irrigation districts organized, under the.provisions of this. amendment are Glasscock, Sterling, Goke and Runnels, methods and policies change to abroad. Let the government meet hereby declared to be bodies corporate, and south and west of the Golb’rado riv-;: and in the name, of the districts they er, also, all those counties west ot Hanl- THE HOUSTON POST. make conditions, as they arise its obligations-according to the law- shall have the right to sue and be sued; einan; Knox and Haskell, and north of; and mny. acquire by purchase or con- Fisher, Scurry, Boidtui, Dawson and- Action of the St ttjs Co^ve.ntiox— . • —t -- conform to the principles of de- and the contract.. This is democ­ deniniUion proceedings as now author­ Gaines; also, the counties of^Matagorda ,und Brazoria, to give aid jn I he. const ruc­ ized bv lgw in the case Of irrigation cor- ■ “ Resolved, Tbat.-the:democrats of Texas recognize in The Houston Po^t - " mocrttcy upon -which the govern racy, pure and simple. ■ tion of railroads by the.issuance of bonds/ po-ations all the. property necessary fot an able and tearless democratic newspaper, and advise democrats to support an£ ' meat’ is bated. The principles its organization,- operation and exist­ or other evidences of. Indebtedness, when FOR SALE ence;- and may buy m-under-foreclosure authoriz&Hherelo by a, majority vote of read THE HOUSTON I ’GST., ! > . . . -embodied.in ,the ;Chicpgo platform of its taxes any property,- but the prop- any such county,” and those opposed to O.ut of the Ma*honey ranch-rlm- ert v bought.in at tax siiles shall be.held aaid amendnieiit .sliull liaye written or -are.not new, but si'mply the reaf- pro.ved farms and the Mahoney and disposed of as hereafter provided by printed on their tickets, -“ Against the amendment-to-Section 3, of. Article M, Every Democrat - ffrmation of the principles of right, law-.. home ranch near Santa Anna, for: Ail bonds i^3iied under the provisions 01 the Constitution of Texas",, authoriz­ =; : justice, and the equality of all be- sale, at reasonable prices ‘-and lib­ of this amendment shall be passed upou ing all counties in this State-lvingsoullit Should Read it. and certified to by the Attorney General, of the counties of.Jeff Davis, Reeves, eral terms, wi|h low rate of inter­ Ward, Ector, Midland, Glasscock, Ster-: fore the law. which are as old as of The State of Texas, as now .’required . . Tne only metropolitan Texas newspaper supporting the Democratic Party est. Address A. F. Ilardio, Dallas, bv law in tbe case of-county and city ling, Goke and Runnels, and--south and the government itself. Had these bosds. When:approved-bv. the 'Affor-t^westoftheColoradonverj-also, all-those. and fighing tor the “ cause of the;inassc8-.” ■ Texas, or L. V. Stockard, Siytla nBv GM10,.ai. Pal_d -bonds...... '-shall be reals-' vounhes west of - Hardeman , Knox and eternal principles of democracy Anna, Texas.--. :J- |••t•l►r•ed^:»v•'t)^eCbnJptro!]erof••«)eS^;a^ H.AHkelUand iiortk °t-lMtt4ier., ..Scurry/ been.adhered to by Rational ad- _i g.______■ . » 1 iut\v required .:ltv law .iu tlie t w ^'ison.an.d Gainefes, also tlie r^arrroj- WffaviWa* l.eonntv and tv bfjndfij and when ho renr. < ‘Hvii1i« t*oi . M«ttngoidd and BFazoria, Jo# The Houston Daily Post, /: / • .ministrations for the! past thirty • yvudvm0. ' :.| i«tered>HhUll be emitlvd to all 1 the const rue.upn oft railroads, " Parties desiring good substantial Laud confidence now prescribed bv law:l by ttu? j.-hnam e of lx>ndM ,or .other- o.vi- ■. ‘ - ' For tlie Campaign, . years as they were during the bet­ will find* it 'to their j in the-cuRe of county and city bomb*. ;.dem e of lndel.tediu^h, v hen anthoi ut d carnets woven, wui m w m men i '" -- ---v *. j . . •, ,v » ♦' such 1 Daily and Sunday, three months. ter days of the republic, such interest to call on. me at my Itome 'j10.*jHd t ju^t thifi:aniend^ent ina) - trcJ[j!nltv * 4 u - L Briith of deiiot One 'm-net of mV 1 b? I’*1-1 P>b> niunediate operation-upon things as scondaious bond deals, scum oi aepot. unt c?,.pet.qi. my ,,n-s a(v0puon ,bv the jieople,.it ifi provided Passed A pril: '1897: manufacture nul. out List- two of i that until Otherwise . proyi •. - - ijiroducers by a few multi-million- Sts months. .59 Cents. faction. The ladies of Santa Ai)nall"n;Plt>tf; P0" ‘’J and auilionty to e j section 11. • Three months. - flP > . —^^a.irep, would.never have been heard ...... ,. .. , sneli i u-les and regnlatioiiH as ■ may be | Whereas; the la tvs o f. the State and vicinity ate respectfully m v t - , ,„.te*eary to pnt into immediate prai ti- o f -res-ad authorize 'th e sc-yeral A>f in the glorious land of the free r i-al operation .this amendment to the -.-' ... t. v. - ., V v ted to giveimef a call. - l.Gonstitution and that inav he necessarv i C n a II11 e 3 .111 t Ills ... ,b tfite, til-lough ‘ aod the home o f the brave. Mits. J oshc II ar r is... .1 to enable 'irrigation districts' to organize btheif Commissioners coutd, tbifesue1 Address THE POST, Houston, Texas. Criminal Discriminations SOVEREIGN TO PARK. fiANTA'ANNA NEWS. Crushing Local Indus­ *v-<- trial Enterprises. He Opposes the Convention to $p . . Held in July. 3 ing on the varied natural resources' Sulphur Springs, Ark., ' Entered,afc Use Post Office-:at Santa April 16, 1897; of Nevada and showing w hat sour­ MATHEWS & PHILLIPS, ■ jb a i, a£ Second-class mail matter. To Hon. Milton Park, Chairman of ces of-- prosperity -.these’ , natural Committee of N. R. P. A., Dallas; resources would be to the people of •Texas: ■ TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. that State provided it enjoyed-fav­ ■Dear Sir— Have just- returned after a month’s absence in the East • - ;Oo6 copy one year - - fl.fi. orable transportation facilities,-the- • /One : o p y sis months 75. and find your favor of April 1 op ' ,‘Ose copy four months . - 50. New York- Journal says, in part: my table. You ask .my opinion op iiSingie copieSi five cents. ‘‘Why is a-Stale So opulently the propriety of holding in ,the - ', HATES .OF ADVERTISING. endowed the paralyzed thing that §mtb%‘t£0* near, future ■ a national .delegate ■;Ose columni inem ontli, - - $8.00. we see? Chiefly because the Cen­ conference of the-People’s party as /iOne-half column, one month, - 5-i* • School goals#* tral Pacific Railroad, -built, with recommended by the National ,Re.- : jFour inches, ■ " •. _ the public money, has forbidden- form Press Association at its Mem* " ' Less, than four inches, 75 cents per thisAmerican State togrow. What-, phis meeting. In reply I beg ,to ' iinrfi yar month. ever she imports from the East, say that I- am.decidedly opposed / Yearly advertisers allowed the privi- must pay the through freigh t rate ■ .legeofqoarterlyehaoi'e-' POST-OFFCE DRUG STORE. to suGh conference a.t .this dime. [I - to San Francisco, and in addition - Tributes of respect, trom 2$ to $4. ac- can conceiye.of no.good resultfrom - eordiugto-iength of matter. the local freight rate back. That a conference that is invited and ’ Local notices, ten cents a line for first is to sav, a carload oh merchandise, demanded from the point of .the insertion; and tiye^cents a line for .each which costs 5-300 to carry from New, SANTA ANNA, TEXAS, TndditionaliBsertio'n. dagger. . * * * . A o ro » mark upon the paper indicates York to San Francisco costs $800. ■/ *v^< The reason assign­ and Mrs. E. B. Grady at Browns presence o f a -few dozen "men aDd bine,was freely^ used to stimulate wood.. ed for this ad vice is caused by. the the“ middle-of-thc-road” campaign had kept it-out 'of the newspapers, LOCAL TIME CARD, contents of a letter written by . A. U^Weaver, the popular and and'‘ ‘.middle-of-rthe-roadersn . were ?•» Wilson to the editor of Harper’s - how many people would know any- handsome member o f the firm of gi ven free railroad tickets to travel C. & S. FE. R’Y. CL Weekly • in which among other A.:G. -Weaver & Son, had business over the country to work up dis­ ■ thing of that speech? Some mer- in^BrownWood Monday. : cord and disruption in onr party, • Jpiwsesger, North Sound__ 9 :45 p. m. things he says: and while at Washington, D. C., a ' -South ....6.23a.m. “ I was influenced, I may gay ■ chants who have bargains to offer -Mre. W. A. Shaw returned Man- few .dav8 ago, I found “ middle-iof- ; North Round.. 10 a. m. captivated, by the possibilities of day to her home in Pallas. Her Booth “ ..3:45p.m. the-roaders” pleading piteously . making ..this institution a great •their customers wait .for them to- daughters, Miss Annie Shaw and W. B, Mitchell, Agent. for recognition at the pie counter center of sound learning and sound Little Fannyr will remaiti through come in and ask about it, and con­ of President McKinley. With citizenship, a power to reproduce •the summer .months.. these facts before me I am of the in the south some of that high sequently only a-few hear about it. . E. Schneider of-Brownwood, will JBTAR ROUTE MAILS. opinion that it would be well fur thinking which made our leader­ have special days in-. Santa Anna. us to wait until we are a little bet­ ship in past generations so con­ ■If* a politician mints fame, let his His announcements will appear in NOOEWOOD, WilDETP, X.OHN, BSAOT. ter acquainted before we have a servative and so national. I. am. the.News. Specimens o f his work (ArrivesDaily.....'..;...... 7.. (. p. m. utterances appear in the -columns conference. I defend the,aiction of sure the seed has .not run .out. can be-seen at Mathews .& Phillips ip&vsa ...... /...... 8 : a. in. Ghairman Butler because I think , But it needs, strength and whole­ drug store; of • newspapers..- IF -a merchant he is right. He supported the en­ some culture.” XBIv'KKAM. To- retain an abundant head of tire People’s party ticket and you ; Commenting on this, letter; the: wants to do businesaj lefhim talk Arrives-'Daily...... 5: p. m. hair of a natural color to a.good old did not. I bear no ill-w ill toward Leaves .'■**...... 3- a. in. edi tor of Harper’s Week ly say s : to the .people .through the news­ • ■ S. H. PaiLMPS. P. M. ‘•He is abou^ turning his .atten­ Ronewer.' . . Southern" State. T*i“ They 1* are ^ as hon-?h“ tion to the education of southern papers;—.Wliitewright Sun;.- est and patriotic as ever enlisted youth in the hope of doing some­ If you can find a week spot in in the cause of reform in any chan­ the BUCKSKIN BREECHES put . Good Newspapers. thing for that section of the-eoun- P. try. But in some o f the “ middla- try. and of enlightening the ig­ your hand8 in the pocket and take of-the-road” leaders I have little* the printed guarantee to the dealer. . . . The Semi-Weekly News (Galveston norance that now • prevails among He’ll gi ve you another pair. or the confidence. They do not want a j«jf. Dallas) is pablished Taesdays and its public . men.... Surely there money back; - -Suit yourself. Aint victory for the people and would. Fridays. Each -issue consists of eight never was a people more greatly that Uiir? For sale by -M. Tyson. not have it if. they Could. ' jmges,- - There are - special departments in need of education, and of such Respectfully yours,' ... . : Notice to Breeders. • ^or tfie farmers, the-. ladies and the boys education in mind and . morals as J. R. SbVESEJGN*. - sand girls, besides a world of general “R abbi,” my thoroughbred-stal­ Mr. Wilson can impact and' in­ "news-matter, Illustrate articles, etc. lion, Register- No,-980,’ American spire.” - ' ' W e offer’. , Stud book, sired, by Zeferino, the Fjne C hickens.—Silver Laced .1 hese utterances have created! | | | ': MOUNTAIN HOTEL son of the noted racer, Rebel;- and Wyandotte eggs for sale— $ 1.00 per Semi-Weeekly News each a storm of indignation my Black Jack “ Fitzsimmons.” setting: Apply to Mrs. M. E. Hu­ - ■; ■ and the - The Santa Anna News among the-. Virginia people that il l fed sired by Black Diamond, 1st Dam bert. is said Wilson will probably be in- !*|> Black Salley, by Crockett, will Jor- 12 roontlis. for the low clubbing stand at nxv farm nine miles south - ^irice of,$l,75 cash.' duced to ask.a release from-his ac^ ! ^ . RATES FINEST of Santa Aii'na, at $6.00, foal in­ v ■ ‘Thia jriyes yon - three three papers a ceptance of the posi tion. ‘ - ■ -/-I m -j . $ 2.00 HEALTH RESORT C. A. CHAMBERS, *week, Orl58 papers in a year, for a sured. Will .try to avoid accidents but will not be liable-for damage if ' ridfcaJonsIv low price. For Sale.- ■■ _= ,| ^ PER DAY. IN TEXAS. COTTON BUYER G raded and Registered Poland - a nr occur.- Nonebui* gentle mares Wbo can thick Will pay the highest-' of Boms ilmpis China Pigs :uik1 Shoats for ■ sale ' [i* - solicited. ’ Pasturage free for mares Wanted-An Idea this# t. C+ tor thrtr $i#n.... priae__ offer ■ , Eil-CjJA.’JBfliS.- 14-4* ; -offered jk the market.- - jju4 lift ot X9q Hentired 4aTAouou8 waouj. s a n t a Aisrisr_A. N E W S. THE CRADLE. |- - C)ur..Mountain!.-city- seems to be , . Chartered-. ‘ •■ Born to: Mr..and- Mrs. A. A.-.D-nn- 1 headquarters fur ■ prospectors. Austin;/rex., May 8.—Chartered, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. wodv—a bov. •- - A, 6, Weaver k Sob: [.They: may be.seen at ail. hours- of The Colorado Valley railway com­

Wil l Hubert, Editor. Commissioners’ court -is in ses-J the-.- ■ day -moying out. in - different pany, with headquarters at Robert i sion this ■ wee V Lee, Coke county. \ Incoi;porators,: See-oitf DRY GOODS.- -W-trkeap almost, everything-.. -[directions : admiring our cheap, F r a n k nenmvr.l puWiBhers. Irwin. Wheatcroft, J. B. Latham,' -“General-Green” will now. be the. j 1 ich and. piodn-cti ve.lands,' togeth- H a r r y : H u b r e t ,) J, II. Burroughs, J: W. Reed, L. objector assault by.-, the Termer, for . • Our -SHOES are’ known everywhere.- • The famous i-er. \utli the promising crops gro-w- FI. Brightman, I. ;. M. Bennick, many days to follow. -SEI .You can’t.get va bettcr shoe: • ..W® sell- them ■ [mg- thereon.-. Choice farm lands George Moore, F. Buchanan, Gid ; LOCAL NEWS. at. th.e smallest passible margin..- . - All notices banded ns for publication " The sun -doubtless never shone j ready for- the-plow can be purchas- Graham, and J. D .; Davis. Capi- . jjo on a mors- contented, free poo pie. • with inefruiaion to discontinue, will j ed.here for less money than is re­ tal stock, $500,000.: The purpose/: -he inserted without omission until au- than those who abide in Coleman Gur HATS are-the-best that can be -bad. .The .well thorizedto stop, and charged according- Of the corporation is to construct,1 u5 now-n S t-etsoSt-Bea-v e r aftd Gowan brandsti We; can - quired m.less favored localities to .-PTpftiw* rpm<*mhf'r this. county. : equip and operate a line of stand-, sell you- a Man’e-HaWrom 05c to $5.0©.- grub .and prepare the same class of Jno. 'L. Compton left 'Monday, ard gua'ge railroad from Colorailo, 1V9WC on a fire-extinguishing tour,; .He •lands.for the p.lo-w4.. Another, very the county seat of Mitchell county, r.->V'j£ In GROCERIES,.weliandle'a^-staple line. Make no is working the- territory . south of important, thing that should not on the Texas and Pacific railway,' F. W. DODSON, jtr.vc 1 • • - . , - leaders, but sell everything cb.ea,p...... - - THE DENTIST, S li here. .be overlooked is-that a man can through a portion of Mitchell-and COLEMAN,------TEXAS. J& ■ If you.-are hunting.- bargains, grye us a trial. • i .;. through Coke county and a por­ The N ews reaches : more homes cultivate three acres here, with-less Special Oays ln Santa Anna. - Respectfully, tion of the county of Tom Green; and is . read hv .more, people-thair hard labor to himself .and team to San Angelo, the county seat of. any paper published-in the county. than he can two acres in the black Tom Green county, on the Gulf, This is straight goods, Our coun­ Friday, May 14. Waxy, la-ml. Rev. H :‘ M. 'Fletcher, Col orado & Santa Fe. road, a ; dis- try circulation is immense, - “ :S; jEj.'Liddeii was here from the A. 6. Weaver & Son, ri. J.-Pievatfc and others who’ could tance ot-seventy-fiye miles more o r ; .Roekw'odcLeouqtry Tueeda}-. Mrs. A. Hicks has a_ card in be. named who purchased ' land- on less! •' this issue. - Mrs. Hicks 'has as-- Mr. Taylor,of Camp oreek, was time, haye improved their lands The Houston Post on May 6th,- sumed control of the old Co name r- - .in town yesterday. and -paid-off. their land notes, prin­ cinj hotel at Coleman and. will be showed a picture developed by M, Chamber’s has a fresh .stock of pleased to cater to those who eat. , Wars! a House? cipal and- interest; all- .with the L.. Sanders of Waco, of an X-ray . "can goods of every description. Mr. Stanley Byrd and Miss Jes­ proceeds: of., crops raised on their shadowgraph made by Prof. Heyer, "J.- C. Jones.of Coleman, was here sie -Melton, R.- A. Gregory, and Miss lands. ■: -- ' . - - of Georgetown. It plainly shows' ■ Wednesday. Anniev-Sha-w enjoyed a ride on a bullet embedded in the bones of a WE think we can suit you. ^ ' a ■ - . ’ v Brownwood, Texas, May 6. horseback out to Home creek Wed­ if-; , Mm. Dan Sanderson was in town, To Officers-and Members of Santa man's neck; .By means o f- this- nesday morning’: . - • -When in the market for. the lumber give us a call.- • shopping Tuesday". Anna. Lodge, K. of H.: photo, an operation was performed, / Evervthing-you waul to eat fft The Santa Anna L idge'IC of H .,s ■We buy direct from manufactures; thus saving middle'man’s • On -May 5th . I received $2,000 of but it was so long delated that-.the organized .January 28th, 1890, ha.s profit. ■■■-.■'■ the Santa Arina K. of II. Lodge in . Clmmber’3. man died a few davs later. qiaid to Mrs. Thomas Holmes the. paymeu.t-of death claim of my : de­ here1 from .We pay Spot'Cash;-thus saving from IS.to-30 per cent interest. -Torn Cannon was sUm. of $2,000, insurance policy of ceased husband; Thoimas.-Holmes; A Fitzsimmons knockout oh Sad­ Ttockwood yesterday. the date ^homas Holmes.- A like, ■ We have neither clerk bire.nor rent.to pay; thus enabling us for which please accept my thanks. dles, Harness and Furniture. Mon­ Mr'ft.-Cheatham'“was here from sum will soon-be paid to the wid- to sell at lowest-priees and our customer’s get thebenfit. ' I had always, opposed. life- insur­ ey will hit. the. right lick in the Ttockwood Tuesday. ; v ow.of tbe la'te. Dan Sadderson. ■ ance and \my.. husband told me a right place at W. D. Stephenson’s; ■ fewiweeks before he was taketi sick Santa Anna, Texas. Cheese,' Macaroni, Rickies and ’ : Prof. J. E. Hickman left Tnes-. that if I . insisted on his dropping Gates’,* all fresh,?at Chamber’s. day morning for the Centennial at r Ply Time Coming. .Bisdnsurance he- would do so after Nashville.-He will visit Kentucky •• ElegantScreen Doors and adjust-* J W lN i Gardner was her® from awhile. I thought .1 could - get before his return j and it has- been Horses Lumber Yard. able Window Screens^ (will fit any - the j&oek^pod’ country, Tuesday. along without -insurance, but now. rumored that Be wi 11 j o i n th e army CALL AND SEE US. window) good and cheap at,Morse[9 .that he is gone and I have m-y two ---- TYiil Steward was' up from Roek- of. bendicta while in the blue grass Lumber Y"ard. r little children to support I find the ; ..•wood'Tues'day. ■ ’ ; state. _ ■< . ’ Hamlin’s Bond.. . - C. A. Chambers made a business V s * ^ ---.ITiij- ...... _[ .... ■■ ■- “ i ; ABOUT COLEMAN". way is not so easy. With- this trip down on Mukewater below Jr * For. bargains iii Groceries, *30 to ^ JIpn. M. L. McFarland, M. S. : J. F Hamlin’s bond -’'has- been, fund „I expect to buy. a home for /-/■ Clurmbers,' , , . . - * n '27tf,, Ussery and Esq. J. M. Smathers ternsPurloined:From the^Cole- Trickham yesterday. . He reports a made and-acceptedp? the folio Wing: ray little children -abd beljeve I ,vr. -w... ) ^ man Papers. ' , lively battle going on between the Y . . ISas’n.lEIoriisrd o f Camp creek’, was of Camp creek> and Bro. Willis of can raise and ecluca^e’ .them.. On gentlemen begominghis bondsmeii; farmers and the weeds, while the ^ ite'S^Togsi|ly. Brown wood, attended-the; regular the other hand,.had:rfey good;land meeting.of Mountain Lodge, A. F. to-wit: J. - P. Richardson,' T. J. ■Rev. J. -R. Caoon has resigned growing crops are whooping for the ' js putting an ad- wise husband yielded' to my 're­ and A. M-, Tuesday night.” Mcllvain,- M.:Rv Gheatha^,. M. S«. hjsvpo3t;;.n.s pastor .of the • Baptist’ landing. - j. I;d itio n ^ > L ,'lit'Grady’s residence.- ' quest I would have been left un­ Ussery, N. D, Collins, J no. T. Pope^ church in> this city. ^ _ cEsra-ST., a Wednesday was a delightful?May provided for, and. tijffway would the'cheap prices- at -The babe of C. A. Hemphill is |!‘re5^ iJ^kPortlahd’Cementj usfe. jiayY ?ao ehone'brightly g.nd Ar R. Ferguson, J. S, Martin and hare been very hard. ‘ I -can see .very sick.' received.— Leeltaj Lumber Yard/. R. HoUingsworth. The boud now t«l»t he was right rn canying YGfcrSSS ^ 0 bet-is- Lyli u Bd tifg-W peat- Blw? is a good one. Any one- of the an inspiration tothose-whd appre­ frame cottage near the Christian enjoye5 perfect health since our surelies is amply able.to pay the CHEAPEST P1AHO 1 ~ ciate nature, and many ^mjoyed church. - marfJuge, eight years and seveD AND MUSIC HOUSE Tun Bejl'dpl Tric&ham, was here IH THE SOUTHWEST. full face'of the bond,.and some- of ■ Miss LomieBeaumont returned months before his and T al­ ednesfhj~h>~ drives, horseback rides and-other (/oaviEcoycTinelf.* 5?|-- ______outdoor amusements, , them could .pay-th& bondageveral Thursday night from a two-months ways thought, he would outjiveme, Get Catalogs tees. T^fehie^d.liaV^fodrplete stocj QSO. 'ALLEN, times aqd 110t .be serious]y embar­ .visit to her-sister in'Palestine;.. but these things we cannot under-, SAM ANGELO.. J p f'd ry goodls,Just see those beau­ s .Monday morning we noticed rassed thereby. , r- --Qu^tea number of our people- stand. Respectfully, t i f u l silks afid.&L saficos. § Mark and Frank CaFadine and the are speaking favorably of the prop­ Mrs, Tads. H oemes. father,’ eu route to the cotton field .Missr Annie Kidd is with us again,; COMMERCIAL HOTEL, -4fii Another pne ram fell oyer this osition do place a neat iron fence v c o l e m a m / t e x a s . to wage war on General Green. having' recently closed her,school ‘ Franklin D. Gurley, for; many ^ Jcotmirj ^Wednesday morning, r aronhd the courthouse yard and to sins. a.‘ a. hicks, vnovaurniES. £t"*£ \ * r . r*. 'Ti. Jr.'.. f Tb ese hustling, ' thorough-going at Salem. yearsia resident of Runnels coun **plnnt schrubs, etc., in the. enclos- —This popnlar Hotel has been thor- : . \-;E. N. Y obs of Poverty Flat, was boys will raise king cotton.in large, . t ‘ ----r~— : - 1 — 1 - tys where he owned .640- acres o f lira. oughly; renovated .mid everything £ in the city on Wednesday. bales this year, and we. wish them : Don’t, by no means, forget that land,j:died suddenly in Chicago, put in splendid shape. No pains " If t f, J. .- . IT--.-I----...... ------r „ the success which-they Ideserye. .. L. L. Shield is in the Binder busi­ -The Commissioners’ court, is in A p r ils , leaving'a- widow with life will be spared to seeurejthe romfort.' AH kind of produce kept at and convenience of guests<.: Charges; ness: You >will save money by sessio’n this. Week; attending' to’ insurance policies to the amount > BlueldV. "A big bill o f, Groceries The Santa Anna; m o u.n t a i n s, reasonable and suited to the times. seeing him. ' " . routine business and especially of $7,000. . The .relict has buried " just received. " clothed in their garments of green 1 ------;--- public-roads. - ‘ : - four husbands under circumstan­ and enlivened by the chittering . Harry Thomson of-Ballinger, is- ", Mrs. J. M. -Key. and Mrs. Cal­ The.school, trustees have- so far: ces quite: similar, and is still 'fair,- sR. J. P.‘ MATHEWS, voices' of numberless birds,: and visiting the family , o f GapL A. G. houn of,Colem an, were- visiting appointed Prof. Glassgow as prin­ fat and forty^two.— Gold th Waite the magnificent view afforded- the Thomson. D ' -'Mrs. G. A-Chambers Thursday. cipal and the two Misses.Bronaugh Mountaineer:; ;eye, is a pleasant place - to-, pass C, X, Price ,| n d family of the ' P.'B.. Talley of Love Hill, is as- teachers. Other appointments* FE7S1CU9 g- STO5S0U, away leisure hours. Tnl a walk, . The iPopuhsf Editors. • Y -Rock'wobd cout|try, were here on s pe n d i ii g a fe w d a y.s -1h i s w e ek vvl t h will be made, later. . it will do you you good. JTf you his father;; Uncle B. F-. Talley, of Lampasas, Tex., MayMO.-^The Offers his services in all branches of the- .'Tuesday.* *. appreciate nature you cannot but; - The New York Work World men- Texas Reform Press . association; DTofession. .Calls Dromntlvanswered at- *r *'♦ * r \ m ’T a > 1 " * this place. ' 1 .Strictly -b-igf|'grade,- Louisiana be entertained, w tions-our countyman Wm. .Anson, met in.annual session today. The ,all hours. Office at my drugstore ;durr -; - -Jfolasses _at Chamber’s. Rest in • L. L. Shield has just received a as one of the participants in the Jessie M. -Adan)s, of the Coleman meeting is siimly attended, .about ing the day and at niaht will be found big lot.of-gunsi - AH kind and de- polo gamesinow on iu Middlebrook; at residence south of depot. 1 --4iie laird. 'J Review, passed down the road-to twenty five members being present; script-ionB, see them. - . ; L. L . _ imong. - those in attendance are SANTA ANNA. - TEXAS. ^ Mr- and Mr^. T. J , Lancaster Lampasas. Monday morning to.4.t- . F. L< Snodgrass while in Austin j President J.- M'. Mallett of Abilene, ~ o f Home Creek!, were in the city tend the Reform Press Association; Mrs. Secrest.and Mrs. Hi G-.Ran-: q R. NEWT. LONG, ' - trading -on veslterdav. returning on Tuesday night’s train. dolph of Coleman, were visiting in last week met Will-.Vining, who j General Vandervoort,- Harry Tracy YtJ — L=_i_------o«- informed him:, that he had assur- and Milton Park; Very little en- He reports -having had an immense Santa Anna -Thursday,, guests oi Y- Chas, Slafiofd and family of ances of help in the construction time and speaks words of praise Mrs". M. Tyson. thusiasm is manifested. mi - Bock wood, werifc in the city trading of the Coleman and- Vming rail­ Fhysid&a S^gsss. for Lampasas ■ hospitality, stating ' Thursday. '' ( Fresh Oat Meal,.Eli Pettijohn’s road. : . Estray,Notice. • that all the .conveniences o f .the Offers his services in all .branches of the Best, and Snow Flake Hominy,- at, In compliance with the estray profession. Calls promptly answered Good Cedar “Char Coal for sale city (even the bath hou.ses) were Chamber's. . - ■ /- - IF you don’t want to buy a wag­ [law-now in force 'and upon return at all hours. Can be lound 0 ; Drug iaiTL F- Rotherajel’s in any quan­ placed at th(eir disposal,' That act on it wiil be to your interest and store or at Lee Shield’s residence. Prof. Bartlett of:IIill county, is of A. W. Blue, Commissioner pre­ tity. ______' alone is commendable ■ in Lam-[ cost yd(i nothing to see the Wagon visiting' .-in the Mountain city-, cinct No. 2, Coleman Co., Texas, I pasas. - • -. ■ Show at- Lee Shield’s Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, P. B. Talley left guest-cf Rev. and Mrs. J. II. Mc- herewith report. the following E s- Every-body. come. - -Tuesday roornipg for Fort Worth, - L. L. Shield --will get: in position Corkle. • tray which has been found run­ W.R, KELLEY & CO. s-to he ^absent several d.ij-«. toda^’ his big burglar and fire proof ning at large, to-wit-: One brown- Anybody can- find Lee Shield’s Brown County. safe, purchased of the Brownwood horse, 14 hands-high, 5-or.6 years , '' - Awarded store -if they-will-notice, -■where, all . Miss Florence --Brown left- this national bank.- old, branded R on left shoulder, Highest Honors—World’s Fair. those blue bundles come from. I morning fora visit to Sari Saba,. and IIP connected, on left thigh: The streets of Santa Anna put Cheap prices tell. . • 1 [ .. • *: ‘ -.- : i M rs.-.1 Wil-lie Vaughn ■ of Paint If.-same is not legally proyen away on an animated appearance-, last t -, - T, j l , -, - , . Rock,:- was en route .-home Sunday Can transact any business for you- is iSL Mrs. Bodenbamer and daughter, , ’ : • ,r ; ; wijl be estraved as the law direots. Saturday. .Snores- o f people-, were . -.- ---.i, ,,, : • .. Grom' a visit to Mrs. Jessie Cross in ithat line. We respectfully solicit 1 your - Miss .I,mu. ■airs. LIva Horsem an ' ' Witness my hand andseal of.office Custom. . ! in. town and our merchants seemed and. elnIdren, and Miss. Tiuvitn Vice .‘■Limestonc county. this loth day of April, 1897. •. i to'be rushed.-.during ail the day. ■nf Rock-wood, were shopping in the*,-r -.Rev.:.,Rcv. AV. As .L L. . Skinner,Skim ,\ell known — R. V*. WOOD,- Clerk Co. Court V. L. GRADY, CASHIER 1 to B row n wood - poop I e,: Ira o f the -pant week..- if:m to. A n n a n “torn to. Com i nr _ — \ •. hR 1 he.. t ' ' - r -* * n, I have, located m SantawVnna for controls r.n immense trad ». . and M IK h .in torest is m*v vi fe-tod- -in- 1 t\-p \L s RIS .the purpose ol making J j : Geortn .is -. stiff 1 r 1 from v a ,r . i bv ■ kecpi tig- com nlcte:-stocl:s.- ard the Chr istiitn rev 1 v U-. me??tins a t An .:-mus rt-ed. ; French. Coach 1 !o ^ .11 •evcsig >t. JI> ii Ten*i . 1. uj> with judicious-advertin' >n -t lm'1the M. E .- Cl) u reh •enndue ted by; -it'll* > K 0 1 i aid ' e. tno pres *111 MM- »S ( - the- iiidiction only. UjJi), , , __ part of the merchant? -her t •fide- Rev A W .To ies nf d 1 ill 1. i! 1*0. j. non a t t i c 0 V L me-ran oh a t-flu —AT— . lYroin* Brown Lt4 s.- ciin- be greatly-incrc; ifed. The Join as j. an in ercsli ng ?|xenhi 1 , Ill- *■ ny.-l[l(y :i. .. LIVE AND LET LIVE PRICES. . ! . .. r S . Ni5\vs- reaches t-h'1 peoj 11e-in rn It'S - Wii v find jet iiir ng: die T lie finest. ■and o’ MVA no- . --.guns > -_a- t’iiM b! md J Pe.■c heron > Also do general R epair Wonx. Good MOST PERFECT MADE. ritorv adjacent to Bi n lii. Ann 1 d o - vt tie 11 tii HI: Ot the . -fii > »-a- eve '.into "A ':!i:1 h-t' ju -t i;ulhjm n > BH.'if bv the ins uranee. J work and prompt attention. •, Ufewm. Crape Crearri of Tartar Powder. 1 ! t Atfifnonia, Alum or any other adulter Wise .merchants need 110-. 11Ttour Hun FV. -V*I11 eh at nigh t - a ie*. -in vhura- '.0 1 -u L. I. SL'P d - lI’ b vc • I ha v ? p:isu re far mitres. . .V f T f.- 40 Years ifec Standard, bint. illy la r 0 •- ... ’ hi ! '•f l' r- ---- .... ^ L IcL E S K S Y