Use Ctrl/F (Find) to search for '54 Class Notes names, topics, months, years, whatever. Scroll up or down to May - Dec. '10 Jan. – Dec. ‘16 see nearby information. Click Jan. - Dec. ‘11 Jan. - Dec. ‘17 the back arrow to return to the Jan. – Dec. ‘12 Jan. - Dec. ‘18 Email: Ruth class site. Carpenter Bailey: Jan. – Dec ‘13 July - Dec. ‘19
[email protected] or Bill Waters: Jan. – Dec. ‘14 Jan. – June ‘20
[email protected] Jan. – Dec. ‘15 Class website: May 2020 – June 2020 In a previous column we highlighted the extensive travels of Jim Symons and his wife, Joan (NC), and the digital photo library they produced of them. Now you can plan your own Bucket List trips with their help. Just go to the community page of our class web- site ( and click on the Symons link on the lower right. Bon Voyage. Joanne Wilson Wietgrefe writes that she and her classmate/husband, Walter left Ithaca before our graduation ceremony because Walt was to begin his job in Massachusetts on that day. Joanne went on to graduate school to get her teacher certification and taught el- ementary school for 25 years. In “retirement” Joanne became a creative artist, making unique Teddy Bears, quilting art quilts, and creating paraments for churches. She and Walt moved into a retirement community in Shrewsbury, MA five years ago and Joanne says: ‘It was a wonderful decision’. Dr. Robert Friedman (
[email protected]) graduated from NYU Medical School in 1959. After internship, Bob was drafted into the Uniformed Services and as- signed to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) where he did research in virology, im- munology, and biochemistry.