Press Guests at State Dinners - Lists and Memos (4)” of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R
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The original documents are located in Box 22, folder “Press Guests at State Dinners - Lists and Memos (4)” of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Ron Nessen donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 22 of The Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Jw r--~ +~ -r /) ct/t r ') _;!J·J....-~J ~ tt;J JA • MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON March 19, 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR: CONNIE GERRARD FROM: SANDRA WISNIEWSKI Per your call for suggestions for the State Dinner for the President of Germany, Scheel, Jerry Warren and Margita White suggest: Mr. Haroltl W. Andersen Mr. & Mrs. (Marian) President 6545 Prairie Avenue Omaha World-Herald Omaha, Nebraska 68132 14th & Dodge Streets 402/558-1529 Omaha, Nebraska 68102 402/444-1000 MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON March 7, 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR: RON NESSEN FROM: JERRYWARR~ We are submittiqJ ihe:. following newspaper executives for the upcoming state dinners. For the Prime Minister Lee Dinner, May 8: Mrs. Helen K. Copley Mrs. Helen Copley Chairman of the Board 7007 Country Club Drive Copley Newspapers La Jolla, California 92037 350 Camino de la Reina ofc: 714-454-0411 San Diego, California 92108 714/299-3131 For the President Kaunda Dinner, April 19: Mr. William J. Keating, President Mr. William J. Keating (Mrs.) Cincinnati Enquirer 2959 Alpine Terrace 617 Vine Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45208 Cincinnati, Ohio 45201 513-321-0418 513/721-2700 513-321-8276 (private) For the Shah of Iran Dinner, May 16: Mr. Paul Miller Mr. Paul Miller (Mrs.) Chairman of the Board of 2963 Clover Road Gannett Company, and Pittsford, New York 14534 Chairman, The Associated Press 716/586-1212 55 Exchange Street Rochester, NY 14614 (Gannett) 716/232-7100 For the King of Morocco, April 22: Mr. William Randolph Hearst, Jr. Mr. William Randolph Hearst, Jr. (Mrs.) Hearst Newspapers 810 Fifth Avenue Editor-in-Chief New York, New York 959 Eighth Avenue 212/TE8-3747 New York, New York 10019 212/262-5700 MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOCSE \L\SHI:\"GTO:\ March 5, 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR: JERRY WARREN FROM: Connie Gerrard The Social Office has asked this office for suggestions for the next four state dinners. Included in our list will be one newspaper executive for each dinner. The upcoming dinners are: April 19 President Kaunda of Zambia April 22 King Hassan of Morocco May 8 Prime Minister Lee of Singapore May 16 The Shah of Iran Could you submit to Ron for each dinner: The name of one newspaper executive Marital status Title Place of business Current home address Current home telephone number Current business address Current business telephone number The executives who have previously attended White House dinners are: Katherine Graham Publisher, Washington Post Chancellor Schmidt Germany- Joe Albritton Publisher, Washington Star-News Prime Minister Wilso: Great Britain Alvah H. Chapman Jr. President, Knight-Ridder Newsp. Prime Minister Bhutt< Pakistan Could we have your list by Friday afternoon? Thank yout Jerry. P. S. Ron mentioned at one time William Randolph Hearst Jr. being invited, and asked me to make a note of it. So you might want to includ~.~~ one suggestion for one of the dinners. f'~ / I . 4 ·q: ~~\v/ "-···· '· ,.,. ......717 ,.. , ·---- WaM'eatoa. D,C. 11006 Plllll.... , 111-taoo • • • • MP. 114 Up. M 1)!11 H... ltN.w .... en 1 .......t90s.._.,.,.... ...... 101 ....._ ... D.c. 10006 Willi... , Ill 0900 • • • ,. ""'1ioa ...... .,. Driw ~tam••• ....,..... p-....a:a m ..uJ llU A N. W. Wulatapaa.D.C. P ' '' .noo I SUI PaiVWp LaM w•••IIIP-. D.C. I H&-16Z8 H!e!• Hl6M__..A . w. Wulllqtoa, D.C. IM-4MI fa~, <J. c:. ' -'. • Ham!I J) AlTD. PP'"P ld1R1'1P'"PT rPf ........ wn. amr qt.W"' Mr, ... Ma, Xe•a• Blfl!!!k ABC • 'W. a • ·• """"'l GI • W. ........... J). c. 10086 an out • ' • THii IIW! 0'1' IMif Helet Jli61VeeGef Wi , D.C. ZM08 Pt..~~aaa JJ7•Z?M H!g!f! 169 JUt 18th ........ .....New .oft.. N.. 'Y 10021 ZZ9 • •• • , .. Y a. .. Yen l OOS6 UIIW-'1 J Z·ll6 IM ( ..... • ab... , w. ----•·337-1387 D.C. I ' .w. • IC llal:allll.n A ..- .. ........ ....aJrwiaiMI 10016 ~-... sao..tou • - I • .. _... • • I • vncst L:.3:: ~o::: }\:FTER - DINNER ENT E:',. _:'_\_~i.Lv{E':':T :allowing the D~=-""""~-er 3 ::1 nonor o: _Hi.s, Ex c4 ~ 1 ~r_:cy The Pri~e 1v1i~i s ter of Pa , stan a:u.d ~:_g_u:n__ . Bhutto o~ \\ ~.:::ae s da~. .......,.:< EBR UAR Y :J, 197:J, at ten o' JCk, The ', .1::.:~ .-10-.!.Se: ~~ - ~~·~/~. ~ Mr. and Richard Bales M r. =:_ale s i s 1v1usic Director, National Gallery of Art .:.1r. James 3a.:lard E sco::-: of :Miss Brook e F a r land Mr. and. Mr3. J oe Bartlett. Mr. Bartlett is Clerk to the House Minority Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Beer Mr. Beer i~ a polo player on American polo team The Honorable Ronald Berman and Mrs. Berman . Dr. Ber:::nan is Chairman, National Endowment for the Humanities I Professor Francois Bondy . _, . I . Fellow, ·woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars I ~r. and Mrs. Simeon Booker •. .I Mr. Booker is Washington Bureau Chief, Johnson Publishing Compa.n.y I Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Buehler Mr. Buehler is Director of Government Relations, B~ F. Goo_drich . 1v1r. and lvirs. John A. Buggs Mr. Buggs is Staff Director, Commis_sion on Civil Righ ts 1v'1r. and Mrs. Hugh Collier Mr. Collier is Chief of Pakistan Office, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development :Wfr. and Mrs. Peter D. Constable Mr. Constable is Country Director for Pakistan, Afghani stan and Bangl adesh, Department of State :W!iss Bebe Cox,. N ew York, New York Guest of :i.\f r. Roger Wallace Mr. and Mrs. ·w illiam D. Crosby Mr. Crosby is Minority Counsel, House Rules Committee lv'Lr . Jerry A. Cun..."'l.ingham, _Memphis ~ Tennessee Escort of Miss Kaye Pullen Mr. and :Nirs. Philip J. Davis :tv1r. Dans is Director, Office of Federal' Contract Compliance, a nd Deputy Assistant Secretary, Department of Labor Mr. and :Wirs. John Downs :W1r s. Downs, White House staff Miss Brooke Farland, ·washingt on, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Farrell M::- . Farrell is Administrative Assistant t o Senator Charles Percy· ·Mr. and Mrs. John Fucigna, Rockville, ).1aryland '[i,:;s Anne E. Griffin, Vv"ashington, D . C. Guest of Mr. Robert Peck _.. _ . and :'vfrs. Aubrey A. Gunnels ;:...r:-. Gu:1.:-:ela is ::-:o;..i.nsel, Hous~ .... ~_u-c-caci::ttion:: Comrrntt'ee • - -2- 2/S/75 at 10 .00 p . m. ..\'lis s Ann -Ea. as :rvrr s . .?c:- c: s cor:::-e s pondence office . 1":-. Char:~s ~a~mond C ount:-:- Ciiicer f o r Pakistan, Expor t - Imp ort Bank of the U . S. :Mr. a nd M :!"s. ?-obert Herrema . Mr. He:-::-ema is Administrative Assistant to Senator Lowell \Veicker Mr. a!ld 1.1rs. Arthu.r Houghton Mr. Houghton is a s~aff member, National Security Council Mr. and Mrs. F. Michael Hugo Mr. Hugo is Minority Staff ~ssistant, House Appropriations Committee Mr. Imdad Husain Pakistani violinist :r~r. and Mrs. L. Bruce Laingen· Mr. Laingen· is Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary fo·r -Neai Eastern · and South Asian Affairs, Department of State 1V1r. and Mrs. Robert Lindh Mrs. Lindh is Special Assistant to the President Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manton, New York, New York . .......::: Mr. Manton is with the Chi"na-America Relations So.ciety . V itiiss Margaret Mayer Dallas Times Herald, Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. McCary, Silver Spring, Maryland Miss Slobodanl<a Micic, ·washington, D. C. Guest of ~vir. Charles Hammond l\.1r. and Mrs. Hal Norton Mr. Norton is Coordinator, Near East anci South Asia, Foreign ." Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture lvlr. and 1VIrs. Robert B. Oakley · Mr. Oakley is Senior Staf~ Member for Near East and South.Asia, · National Security Council 1VIr. 1tlarios Papadopoulos Accompanist for Mr. Imdad Husain Mr. Robert A. Peck Pakistan Political Officer, Bureau of Near Eastern and So~th Asian Affairs, Department of State Mr. and Mrs: Robert Pelikan Mr. Pelikan is with the office of South Asian Affairs, Depal·tment · of the Treasury }..fis s Susan Porter Ap p ointments Secretary for Mrs. ?ord ~ r. Luther D. P rescott, Washington, !J. G. Escort of ?vliss :Y!argaret i\[ay-er : ~:s:;; Ka;·e Pullen Speech-,~r"dter, ~:.11-:.te Ho115 ~ stai: ':\ - ..... -:.:::.::1 lv1rs. James R . rto~.::!:::'5 • .. j .. Z/'J/75 at 10:00 p .m. 6!r. Jonat:h~:: G. Rose- - "Sscc:-: c.: :Y!is s Susan Porter 'Lr . and :Nbs.· George Saunders· :Mr. Sa-.;:1·-:!e rs is with the Federal Bureau of I?vestigation and ~1::- s. :: eff Skov lvL::·. s~~o-;- is ·with Golden West Broadcasting :Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sober Mr. So::er is Deputy Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern & South Asiar1 .Ai:fairs, Department of State Mr . and Mrs. Richard Solomon . · Mr. a Senior Staff Member, National Security Council and Mrs.