
CONTACT: Experts at the Institute for Strategic Studies Gil Kraiem, Spokesman Available for Comment on Breaking News and for Analysis 050-570-3090

March 2018 Update Expert Specialization Biography

Major General (res.) The Anne and Greg Rosshandler Senior Fellow. Former National Security Advisor Yaacov Amidror Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, to Prime Minister Netanyahu, commander of the IDF Military Colleges, military US-Israel relations secretary to the Minister of Defense, and director of the Intelligence Analysis [email protected] in Military Intelligence.

Expert in military theory, Kurdistan, and the Middle East. Former foreign Mr. Lazar Berman Military theory, Kurdistan, and defense policy research manager at the American Enterprise Institute in [email protected] Arab affairs Washington DC. Taught for four years at Salahuddin University in Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Colonel (res.) Yonatan Ultra Orthodox conscription Former deputy commander of the Gaza Division, operations officer of the Branski and integration; civil- Southern Command, commander of the Negev Brigade, commander of the [email protected] military relations Haredi battalion, and chief of staff of the Military Rabbinate.

Military historian, specializing in urban warfare, counterinsurgency, irregular Dr. Yagil Henkin IDF, Arab armies, military warfare, and Israeli military history. Teaches military history at the IDF history [email protected] Command and Staff College, and a reservist with the IDF history department.

Professor Efraim Inbar Iranian threat, Arab-Israeli President of the institute. Former director of the Begin-Sadat Center for conflict, US-Israel relations, Strategic Studies (1993-2016). Veteran authority on the Arab-Israeli conflict [email protected] Turkey, public opinion and Israeli foreign relations. Author of five books and editor of 14 others. Mesh Branding Advisor to the Mayor of Jerusalem for Arab and eastern Jerusalem affairs. Dr. David Koren Jerusalem, eastern Leads a team of ten experts and officials responsible for community relations [email protected] Jerusalem Arab affairs and strategic development of the Muslim and Christian sectors of the city. Former head of the Middle East branch in the National Security Council.

Colonel (res.) Dr. Eran Arab and Islamic worlds, US- Vice President of the institute. Former deputy director for foreign policy and Lerman Israel relations, Egypt, Turkey international affairs at the National Security Council, and senior IDF Military [email protected] and Mediterranean countries Intelligence officer for over 20 years.

Dr. Emmanuel Navon Europe-Israel relations, Lecturer in at and at the Herzliya Arab-Israeli conflict, energy Interdisciplinary Center. Author of three books. Fluent in English, French, and [email protected] markets Hebrew, and conversant in German and in Italian.

Founder and first director of the Israel Missile Defense Organization in the Mr. Uzi Rubin Missile threats, missile Israel Ministry of Defense, which developed Arrow missile. Twice awarded the defense, defense doctrine [email protected] Israel Defense Prize.

Author of the recent book Days of the Fall: A Reporter’s Journey in the Dr. Jonathan Spyer and Wars, which details his extensive travels in these areas throughout Syria, Iraq, and Kurds [email protected] the recent conflicts. Ph.D. in international relations from LSE and an M.A. in Middle East politics from SOAS in London.

Vice President of the institute. Founding coordinator of the Global Forum US-Israel and Canada-Israel against Anti-Semitism in the Prime Minister’s Office. Former spokesman of Mr. David M. Weinberg relations, anti-Semitism and the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, of Bar-Ilan University, and of the anti-, Israel-Diaspora [email protected] Herzliya Conference. Diplomatic and defense columnist for relations, Jerusalem and newspapers.

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