"Catholic Church, Where Are You Going?" a Conference. That It Not Lose Its Way
"Catholic Church, Where Are You Going?" A Conference. That It Not Lose Its Way Dm, 20/03/2018 URL article: http://magister.blogautore.espresso.repubblica.it/2018/03/20/catholic-church-whe … > Italiano > English > Español > Français > All the articles of Settimo Cielo in English * It is confirmed. Next April 7, the Saturday of Easter Week, a very special conference will be held in Rome. The intention of which will be to show the Catholic Church the way to go, after the uncertain journey of the first five years of the pontificate of Pope Francis. The reckoning of this five-year period, in fact, is rather critical, to judge from the title of the conference: “Catholic Church, where are you going?” And even more so if one looks at the subtitle: “Only a blind man can deny that in the Church there is great confusion.” This is taken from a statement of Cardinal Carlo Caffarra (1938-2017), not forgotten as an endorser, together with other cardinals, of those “dubia” submitted in 2016 to Pope Francis for the purpose of bringing clarity on the most controversial points of his magisterium, but which he has left without a response. In a Church seen as being set adrift, the key question that the conference will confront will be precisely that of redefining the leadership roles of the “people of God,” the characteristics and limitations of the authority of the pope and the bishops, the forms of consultation of the faithful in matters of doctrine. 1 These are questions that were thoroughly explored, in his time, by a great cardinal who is often cited both by progressives and by conservatives in support of their respective theses, Blessed John Henry Newman.
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