Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America C
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This article was downloaded by: On: 23 Sep 2021 Access details: subscription number Publisher: CRC Press Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG, UK Duke’s Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America James A. Duke, Mary Jo Bogenschutz-Godwin, Andrea R. Ottesen C Publication details https://www.routledgehandbooks.com/doi/10.1201/9781420043174.ch3 James A. Duke, Mary Jo Bogenschutz-Godwin, Andrea R. Ottesen Published online on: 24 Oct 2008 How to cite :- James A. Duke, Mary Jo Bogenschutz-Godwin, Andrea R. Ottesen. 24 Oct 2008, C from: Duke’s Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America CRC Press Accessed on: 23 Sep 2021 https://www.routledgehandbooks.com/doi/10.1201/9781420043174.ch3 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR DOCUMENT Full terms and conditions of use: https://www.routledgehandbooks.com/legal-notices/terms This Document PDF may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproductions, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The publisher shall not be liable for an loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. C C PRIDE-OF-BARBADOS (Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw.) ++ FABACEAE Illustrations: fig 369 (LWW); pl 346 (KAB) Synonyms: Poinciana pulcherrima L. (basionym); fide (USN). Notes: Associated with the deity Oxum in the Afro-Brazilian Candomblé religion (VOD quoting Voeks, 1997). Common Names: Barbados Pride (Eng.; KAB; USN); Barbón (Sal.; JTR; LWW); Barbona Rofa (Nic.; LWW); Bas Phul (Nepal; NPM); Bird of Paradise Flower (Eng.; LWW); Caballero (Pi.; KAB); Cacasúchit (Mex.; MAX); Cansic (Bel.; BNA; JFM); Canzinkin (Bel.; Maya; AAB; JFM); Carzaza (Sp.; AVP); Carzazo (Dor.; AHL; JTR; LWW); Chacaloxóchitl (Mex.; MAX); Chacamalxóchitl (Mex.; MAX); Chacikin (Mex.; JTR); Chaczinkin (Mex.; JFM; MAX); Chagas de Jesus (Por.; AVP); Chamol (Mex.; AVP); Chana (Malaya; IHB); Chapa (Guat.; AVP); Chinchemalinche (Mex.; MAX); Chink-In (Bel.; Maya; AAB); Ciriguanita (Ma.; JFM); Clavelina (Pr.; Sp.; LWW); Clavellina (Col.; Cr.; Cuba, Pr.; Sal.; Sp.; AVP; JTR; LWW); Clavellina Colorado (Ven.; AVP; LWW); Daungsop (Burma; KAB); Diep Ta (Ic.; KAB); Dok Fan (Ic.; KAB); Doodle Do (Bwi.; Ma.; JFM); Dul Dul (Pr.; Usa.; AVP); Dwarf Poinciana (Eng.; LWW; USN); Espanta Lobos (Guat.; JFM); Fang Ham (Ic.; KAB); Fèy Sousi (Creole; Haiti; VOD); Flambeau Flower (Bel.; AAB; BNA; LWW); Fleur de Paon (Fwi.; AVP); Fleur d’Espanya (Fwi.; AVP); Fleur du Paradis (Fr.; AVP; KAB); Fleurs Jaunes (Haiti; AHL); Flor Barbona (Guat.; Sal.; JTR; LWW); Flor de Ángel (Col.; Peru; AVP; EGG; JTR); Flor de Camarón (Mex.; LWW; MAX); Flor de Chapa (Guat.; JFM; JTR); Flor de Gucamaya (Ma.; JFM); Flor de la Virgen (Bel.; BNA); Flor de Pavo (Col.; JFM; JTR); Flor de San Francisco (Mex.; AVP; MAX); Florito (Col.; JFM; JTR); Flower-Fence (Eng.; Ocn.; AH2; JTR; UPW; USN); Flower-Fence Poinciana (Eng.; LWW); Francillade (Haiti; AVP); Francillade à Fleurs Jaunes (Haiti; AHL); Francillade à Fleurs Rouges (Haiti; AHL); Francillane (Haiti; AVP); Franciyad (Creole; Haiti; VOD); Franciyann (Creole; Haiti; VOD); Frijol (Sp.; EGG; SOU); Fromboyan Frances (Fr.; RAR); Gallito (Guat.; JTR; LWW); Galtora (Guj.; WO2); Guacamaya (Cuba; Guat.; Nic.; Sal.; JTR; LWW; RyM); Guacamaya Pequeña (Nic.; JTR); Guayacan (Bol.; DLZ); Guletura (Hindi; KAB; WO2); Gulutura (Hindi; WO2); Hāng Nok Yūng Tai (Thai; IHB); Hierba del Espanto (Guat.; AVP; JTR); Hoja de Sen (Cr.; AVP; JTR); Hojasen (Ca.; LWW); Hojas Sen (Bol.; DLZ); Huaika Sisal (Sp.; EGG; RAR); Huaita Sisa (Sp.; EGG; RAR); Irritación (Bel.; AAB); Jambu Měrak (Malaya; IHB); Kan Gok Meas (Ic.; KAB); Kansik (Bel.; AVP); Kanzinkin (Ma.; JFM); Kenjigaegidda (Kan.; WO2); Kenjige (Kan.; KAB); Kim Phuong (Ic.; KAB); Kim Phuong Hoa (Ic.; KAB); Komari (Kan.; WO2); Krerekrere (Ma.; JFM); 139 Downloaded By: At: 21:25 23 Sep 2021; For: 9781420043174, chapter3, 10.1201/9781420043174.ch3 © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 140 Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America Krishnachura (Ben.; Sanskrit; DEP; NAD); Krishnochuda (Oriya; KAB; WO2); Macata (Fwi.; His.; AHL; AVP); Malinche (Cr.; AVP); Maravilha (Brazil; LWW); Maravilla (Mex.; LWW); Maravilla Moreña (Mex.; JTR); Mayikonrai (Tam.; WO2); Mayilkonna (Mal.; WO2); Mayilkonnai (Tam.; NAD); Mayirkonrai (Tam.; KAB); Mayuram (Tam.; KAB; SKJ); Molinche (Nic.; AVP); Nalal (Tam.; KAB; WO2); Nok Yãng Tai (Thai; IHB); C Orgueil de Chine (Fr.; UPW); Padangam (Sanskrit; WO2); Pamiditangedu (Tel.; KAB; WOI); Paradise-Flower (Eng.; Ocn.; AH2; USN); Peacock Flower (Eng.; FAC; WOI); Phuong Hoang Chang (Ic.; KAB); Poincillade (Fwi.; Haiti; AHL; AVP; JTR; UPW); Pride-of-Barbados (Eng.; Scn.; AH2; USN); Radhachura (Tripura; WO2); Ratnagandhi (Kan.; Sanskrit; Tam.; Tel.; Tulu; DEP; KAB; NAD; WO2); Rosas Caballero (Pi.; KAB); Sandhesharo (Guj.; KAB; WO2); Santa Rosa (Ma.; JFM); Settimandaram (Mal.; KAB; WO2); Shankasur (Guj.; WO2); Sidhakhya (Sanskrit; KAB); Sidhanasha (Sanskrit; KAB); Sidheshwara (Sanskrit; KAB); Sinnaturayi (Tel.; KAB); Sirina Daniqua (Mex.; JTR); Sirumayirkonrai (Tam.; KAB); Spanish Carnations (Bar.; Jam.; KAB; LWW); Tabachill (Mex.; JTR); Tabachin (Mex.; Ocn.; Sp.; AH2; LWW); Tabachin Amarillo (Mex.; JTR); Tabaquin (Ma.; JFM); Tabaquino (Mex.; JTR); Tachino (Mex.; JTR); Techimandaram (Mal.; KAB); Thurai (Tel.; NAD); Ti Ponpon (Creole; Haiti; VOD); Toetoeroetoe (Ma.; JFM); Turayi (Tel.; KAB); Tuturutu (Ma.; JFM); Wild Senna (Jam.; AVP). Activities: Abortifacient (f; DAV; EGG; JFM; JTR; MAX); Anthelmintic (f; EGG); Anticancer (1; KAB; WO2); Anticancer, breast (1; X14531033); Anticancer, lung (1; X14531033); Antican- cer, oral (1; X14531033); AntiHIV (1; X12837746); Antiinflammatory (1; X15893896); Anti- septic (1; WO2); Antitubercular (1; X14531033); Antitussive (f; EGG); Antiviral (1; WO2; X12837746); Astringent (f; IHB); Bactericide (1; AAB; WO2; X12193012; X16730921); Bechic (f; AHL; VOD); Cathartic (f; DAV); Cytotoxic (1; WO2); Emetic (f; DLZ); Emme- nagogue (f; JFM; JTR; MAX; VOD); Febrifuge (f; DAV; EGG); Fetotoxic (f; EGG); Fun- gicide (1; WO2; X12193012); Gram(+)-icide (1; WO2); Hemostat (f; EGG); IL-12-Inhibitor (1; X15893896); Laxative (f; EGG; JFM); NO-Inhibitor (1; X15893896); Piscicide (f; DAV; JTR); Purgative (f; VOD); Sudorific (f; AHL; VOD); TNF-alpha-Inhibitor (1; X15893896); Tonic (f; PIO); Tumor-Promoter (1; AAB); Vulnerary (f; AHL). Indications: Amenorrhea (f; VOD); Angina (f; PIO); Asthma (f; SKJ); Bacteria (1; AAB; WO2; X12193012; X16730921); Biliousness (f; VOD); Bleeding (f; EGG); Bronchosis (f; SKJ; VOD); Cancer (f1; KAB; WO2); Cancer, breast (1; X14531033); Cancer, lung (1; X14531033); Cancer, oral (1; X14531033); Canker (f; VOD); Catarrh (f; JTR; WO2); Chol- era (f; KAB); Colds (f; JFM); Conjunctivosis (f; MAX; NPM); Constipation (f; EGG; JFM; VOD); Convulsions (f; WO2); Coughs (f; DLZ; EGG; JFM; NPM); Dermatosis (f; JFM; NPM; VOD); Diarrhea (f; AAB; IHB); Enterosis (f; WO2); Erysipelas (f; JFM; JTR; MAX; VOD); Escherichia (1; AAB); Fever (f; AAB; DAV; DLZ; EGG; JTR; VOD); Flu (1; UPW); Fungus (f1; AAB; WO2; WO3; X12193012); Gastrosis (f; AAB; IHB); Gin- givosis (f; DLZ); Hepatosis (f; EGG; JTR; UPW; VOD); HIV (1; X12837746); Infection (1; AAB; WO2; X12193012; X16730921); Inflammation (1; X15893896); Kidney Stones (f; JFM; WO2); Malaria (f; JTR; NPM; SKJ); Measles (f; VOD); Melancholy (f; AAB); Metrorrhagia (f; EGG); Mycosis (f1; AAB; WO2; WO3); Nephrosis (f; JFM); Odontosis (f; JFM); Pulmonosis (f; PIO; WO2); Respirosis (f; JTR); Ringworm (f; WO3); Sores (f; JFM; VOD); Sore Throat (f; JFM; MAX; PIO); Staphylococcus (1; AAB); Stomatosis (f; JFM; MAX); Stones (f; JFM); Swelling (f; AAB); Toothache (f; PIO); Tuberculosis (1; X14531033); Vaccinia (1; UPW); VD (f; JFM); Viruses (1; UPW; WO2; X12837746); Worms (f; EGG; WO2); Wounds (f; AHL; VOD). Downloaded By: At: 21:25 23 Sep 2021; For: 9781420043174, chapter3, 10.1201/9781420043174.ch3 © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America 141 Dosages: FNFF = ! Flower decoction mixed with beaten egg for cough (JFM). Hulled green seeds eaten raw or cooked; flowers cooked and eaten; green pods eaten by Senegalese children; seeds yield an edible oil (AAB; FAC; JFM; TAN; UPW; WO2). r Africans take the root decoction for malaria; powdered root for infantile convulsions (WO2). C r Argentinians drink a sweetened cup of emmenagogue decoction (half handful flow- ers/0.5 liter water) to bring on the period. “Strong doses may cause abortion” (JFM). r Barbadans give children crushed flower tea for griping and stomachache (JFM). r Belizeans recommend baths in solar tea of 2 handful leaves/gal water for melancholy (“tristesa”) (AAB). r Belizeans suggest solar tea for “irritación,” an infantile disease with cold hands and feet, diarrhea, fever, perspiration, and swollen belly (AAB). r Curaçaoans take decoction of 7 yellow flowers for sore throat (JFM). r Filipinos use the flower tea for asthma, bronchitis, and malaria; the leaves are consid- ered emmenagogue, purgative, and stimulant (KAB). r Haitians take floral decoction as antibilious, bechic, febrifuge, and sudorific