The spiritual ascension: Ibn ‘Arabī and the Mi‘rāj . Pt. 1 Author: James Winston Morris

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Published in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 107, pp. 629-652, 1987

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The scriptural accounts of the Ascension (mi'ro}) of provided a comprehensive symbolic representation of man's spiritual development for later traditions of Islamic thought. The creative adaptation of those materials by the famous mystical thinker Ibn 'ArabI (1165­ 1240), reflecting the full range of his metaphysical-theological insights and practical spiritual concerns, influenced many subsequent Islamic literary and philosophic movements. This study of his major Mi'raj narratives (focusing on a revealing autobiographical version of his own spiritual journey) should also interest students of comparative , philosophy and religion from other "Oriental" traditions. Part II of this study will appear in the next issue.

2 STUDENTS OF ISLAMIC ARE WELL AWARE world. For Ibn 'ArabI, the 's "nocturnal that the brief Koranic indications concerning Mu­ journey" (an expression he prefers both because it is hammad's Ascension (mi'riij) or nocturnal voyage that of the Koran and because it is more appropriate (isriF, at 17: I) and the decisive revelatory vision in to the complete, circular nature of the movement in which it culminated (53: 1-18), together with the related question») is above all an archetype of the highest, discussions in the collections of , subsequently culminating stages in the inner, spiritual journey that gave rise to a vast body of interpretation among many must be followed by each of the or mystical later traditions of Islamic thought and spirituality.' In "knowers" who would participate fully in the noetic Sufi writing, especially, the stages and events of the heritage of Muhammad: even if the subjective phases Prophet's journey soon came to be understood as a comprehensive symbolic representation both of the 2 See the historical overview of this process of transmission inner, spiritual itinerary followed by the accomplished and assimilation in our article "Ibn 'Arabi and His Inter­ saints and of the various macrocosmic or metaphysi­ preters," JAOS, volumes 106.3, 106.4, and 107.1. cal structures underlying their realizations. l There are a number of shades of meaning in the Koranic The elaborate adaptation of those traditions and expression asrii (at 17: I and in the related hadith) that help scriptural sources by the celebrated mystical thinker explain Ibn 'ArabI's preference for that expression: in addi­ Ibn 'ArabI (560/1 165-638/1240) reflects both the typ­ tion to its being used to describe a complete spiritual jour­ ical features of his distinctive approach to the Koran ney involving both "ascent" and "return"-a fundamental and hadith and the full range of his metaphysical­ dimension he emphasizes especially in the R. al-Anwiir-the theological teachings and practical spiritual concerns. term refers more specifically to a "nocturnal voyage," with Here, as in so many other areas, it would be difficult all the implications of a "hidden," profoundly spiritual trans­ to exaggerate the influence of his interpretation on formation that are so decisive for the inner journeys of the later Islamic literature throughout the eastern Islamic saints described in all these narratives. Finally, this particular verbal form clearly insists on as the (ultimate) Agent

I See, for example, the outline of the earlier sources (from and Source of this movement, pointing to the key factors of a strictly historicist perspective) and extensive bibliography divine grace and individual predisposition that are central to in the articles "Isro"" (B. Schreike) and "Mi'riij" (J. Horovitz) his understanding of this voyage (whether for the Prophet or in the SEI and Ell, as well as the wider range of hadith and for the saints in general). legendary materials studied in the opening chapters of M. 4 While acknowledging the unique "physical" nature of the Asin Palacios' La Escat%gia musulmana en la Divina Prophet's Mi'raj (in section II below), Ibn 'Arabi stresses Comedia (Madrid, 1919) [abridged English translation as the primary importance of the spiritual isro"iit-even for and the (London, 1926; repro 1968)]. Muhammad-in the proportions implied by the Prophet's Ibn 'Arabi's own use of the related hadith is discussed in "thirty-three" other, purely spiritual journeys mentioned at detail in the notes below. the end of that section.

629 630 Journal of the American Oriental Society 107.4 (/987) and experiences marking that route necessarily appear or the Throne where the final "unveiling" takes differently to each individual.5 place-all of these, he insists, are so many places of Thus the theme of the MiCraj provides Ibn cArabi the Heart. 7 with a single unifying symbolic framework for the full Modern readers who want to understand these nar­ range of practical spiritual questions and theoretical ratives on this ultimate and more intimate level, how­ issues (ontological, cosmological, theological, etc.) that ever, must first find their way through an extremely are discussed in various contexts throughout the complex set of symbols and often only implicit refer­ Futul)iit and his other works. If each of his treatments ences to what are now largely unfamiliar bodies of of the MiCraj approaches those issues from its own . The task of interpretation is therefore not particular standpoint and purpose-and in addition, unlike that fac)ng students of Dante's Divine Comedy with very different literary styles and degrees of auto­ (especially the Paradisio). Hence our annotation to biographical openness-they all do share what is per­ this translation of chapter 367 of the Futul)iit (along haps the most fundamental feature of all his writing: with a short Appendix from the K. aJ-[srii') attempts the continually alternating contrast between the to provide that indispensable background in the fol­ metaphysical (universal and eternal) "divine" point of lowing areas: (I) the actual Islamic source-materials, view6 and the "phenomenological" (personal and primarily in the Koran and hadith, which provide the experiential) perspective of each individual voyager. basic structure and key symbols for all of Ibn cArabi's The aim of this sort of dialectic, as he pointedly MiCraj narratives;' (2) the cosmological and astrologi­ reminds his readers at the very beginning of chapter cal presuppositions which he generally shared with 367 of the Futul)iit (the opening section of the transla­ other intellectual traditions (more or less "scientific") tion below), is quite clear: if the journey in question necessarily appears to move through time and dis­ tance, that is not so that we can eventually "reach" God-since"He is with you wherever you are"-but , Hence the central importance of the celebrated divine rather "so that He can cause [us] to see His Signs" saying (I)adfth qudsf) with which he concludes that opening (31:31) that are always there, "on the horizons" and section: "My earth does not encompass Me, nor does My "in the souls." The of this journey, the , but the heart of My servant, the man of true faith, and who populate them, the Temple does encompass Me." The key position of the Heart (qalb) is again brought out, in a more autobiographical and experien­ tial context, in section IV-H (notes 168-72) in Part II. For further references to this fundamental concept in Ibn 'ArabI's The crucial notion of the saints' inner participation in the thought, see Mu'jam, pp. 916-21, and the famous chapter on distinctive spiritual "heritage" (wiriilha) of each prophet is the " of the Heart" in the FU#i~, 119-26 ( = Bezels, assumed throughout all of these MiCraj narratives: for Ibn pp. 145-57). cArabi, its ultimate verification (and perhaps even its source) , These works provide a striking illustration of Ibn 'Arabi's is to be found in the personal revelation of the all-encom­ typical approach to hadith. He scrupulously and literally passing "Muhammadan Station" described in section IV-I follows the sayings and deeds of the Prophet as recounted in and in the corresponding passage from the K. a/-Isrii> given the canonical collections-in this chapter (367), relying in the Appendix. For further references to this key notion in especially on the Sal:zfl:z of Muslim and, to a slightly lesser Ibn

of his time;9 (3) his distinctive personal metaphysical of the Qur'iin in its full eternal reality-realizations theories or "doctrines," which are basically those found that were soon to coalesce in Ibn 'Arabi's conception throughout his other writings; and (4) his conception of his own unique spiritual role as "Seal of the of the particular spiritual "heritages" and distinctive Muhammadan Saints."Il (His concise summary of qualities of each of the prophets encountered during one of the most important of these experiences has the Mi'raj, as they are developed in the Fu~ii~ been translated as a separate Appendix in Part II.) In a/-lJikam and throughout the FUlii/:Jiit. IO Finally, since an emotionally fluid and highly expressive his four major Mi'raj narratives do share certain style, drawing on an extremely dense and allusive common features-and since several are now avail­ symbolic vocabularyl4 and combining long poetic able (at least partially) in French or English trans­ interludes with rapidly moving rhymed prose-and lations-it may be helpful, for comparative purposes, culminating in a series or"remarkable "intimate con­ to point out some of the more distinctive features versations" (muniijiit) with God (pp. 50-82)-he of each. constantly returns to celebrate and elaborate on the twin themes of the eternal Muhammadan Reality The Other MiCraj Narratives: 1I K. al-Isrii'. R. a/­ (encompassing all the prophets and their teachings) Anwar, Chapter 167 and the metaphysical universality of the Qur'iin as they were inwardly realized and verified in his own The Kitiib al-/sra',12 at once the earliest, the longest mystical experience. Here the passage of this auto­ and the most personally revealing of the works dis­ biographical "voyager"'S through the heavenly spheres cussed here, was composed in Fez in the year 594, apparently only a relatively short time after certain

decisive personal inspirations concerning the ultimate Il In addition to the important autobiographical passage unity of the prophets and their message (in the spirit­ (pp. 13-14) translated and summarized in the Appendix ual "station of Muhammad") and the inner meaning here, the K. al-Isrii' as a whole conveys a mood of excitement and immediacy that must reflect the relative proximity of • Fortunately, these elements are much less important here some personally decisive (and perhaps not yet fully assim­ (in ch. 367) than in chapter 167 (see below), which assumes a ilated) spiritual revelation. More specifically, Ibn 'ArabI does far more detailed acquaintance with , Ptolemaic­ not yet seem to distinguish with complete clarity in this work Aristotelean astronomy, a wide body of traditional astro­ between what he later calls the "maqiim mu/:lammadT" (the logical lore concerning the particular inftuences of the , spiritual "station of Muhammad")-or that supreme part of and additional "esoteric sciences." it uniquely reserved for himself as "Seal"-and what he then 10 We may add that other prophets not explicitly mentioned calls the "station of Proximity (to God)" (maqiim al-qurba) in the hadith or in these Mic raj narratives are elsewhere attained more generally by the highest rank of the saints, the symbolically associated by Ibn (ArabI with specific heavenly afriid or maliimTya. See the extensive discussion of this spheres: see, for example, 's connection with the sphere question in Seeau, chapter IX, as well as the famous opening of the , mentioned at the end of ch. 3 of the FU~ii~ (in passage of the Futii/:liil recounting his subsequent experience reference to a longer account in Ibn

II There are also a number of other less complete treat­ al-Kitiib, I, pp. 21f./O.Y. ed., 1,43-55 [also accessible in the ments of the Mi


I give to him. Whoever requests My forgiveness, I forgive the broader meaning of the term Camo" ("the Cloud") in Ibn him.'" (This same hadith is recorded, with a number of cArabI, see the references in Mu'jam, pp. 820-826 and in the minor variations, in the canonical collections of Muslim, FutilJ;ot II, 310, as well as its treatment in the penultimate Malik, BukharI, TirmidhI, Ibn Mlija and Al:imad b. J:lanbal: stage of the cosmological ascension described in chapter 167 see detailed references and variants in Word, pp. 177-78.) (Alchimie, pp. 138-40). As Ibn cArabi explains in detail in the latter part of JZ This phrase is also contained (with minor variations) in a chapter 34 of the Futilf:ziit (O.Y., III, 320-32), the "night," number of other Koranic verses (3.5; 10:61; 14:38; 22:70) all in this hadith, "is the place of the descent in time of God insisting on God's intimate acquaintance with all things: see, and His Attribute" (of Mercy), and this "last third of the for example, "Our Lord. surely You know what we say night"-which, he insists, lasts forever-is none other than openly and what we hide: not a thing upon the earth and in the Perfect Man (the first two "thirds" being "the heavens heaven is hidden from God" (14:38), or even more appro­ and the earth," man's "two parents"). The Koranic verses priately, "He is God in the heavens and upon the earth; he and hadith immediately following here (notes 30-32) are knows your secret [si,,] and what you proclaim. and He interpreted in chapter 34 as references to different ontologi­ knows what you acquire" (6:3). cal degrees or "moments" of that universal divine Self­ JJ Ibn 'ArabI'S understanding of the divine "nearness" (cf. manifestation. the related notion of "with-ness," maCfya, at n. 28 above) '0 There are seven Koranic verses referring to God's being expressed in this Koranic phrase is intimately bound up with "mounted [istiwo"] on the Throne," often following "the the cosmic reality of "perpetual re-creation" (khalq jadfd) creation of the heavens and the earth" (i.e., what lies expressed in the rest of this famous verse and its immediate "beneath" or constitutes the Throne in its cosmological context: " ... yet they are in confusion about the (ever-) sense). For Ibn 'Arabi'S understanding of these verses see the renewed creation; but surely We created man [al-insiin] and extensive references to the Futilf:ziit in Mu'jam, pp. 791-803 We know what his soul insinuates to him and We are closer (on the many meanings of the divine "Throne," Carsh) and to man than his jugular vein" (50:15-16). As indicated in the pp. 622-29 (on istiwo"). Introduction, for Ibn CArabI the spiritual "station of An even more fundamental meaning of the ''Throne,'' for Proximity" (maqiim al-qurba), in which one actually realizes Ibn 'Arabi, is the "Heart of the man of true faith" (which is the full extent of this intimate relation with God, is the the "Throne of the Merciful," according to a famous hadith), ultimate goal of the Ascension of the saints outlined in this i.e., the Perfect Man (see Mu'jam, pp. 916-21, on the qalb). chapter: that relation is outlined schematically, in theological The inner connection between these two senses is brought language, in section III and discussed in more experiential out explicitly in the famous f:zadfth qudsf discussed at n. 7 terms in the final two parts of section IV. (See the extensive above and quoted at the end of this section (n. 37). Their references in Mu'jam, pp. 936-40 and Sceau, index s.v. metaphysical equivalence is a fundamental assumption (maqiim al-qurba].) throughout sections III and IV below, since the "Heart" is J4 While Ibn 'Arabi is alluding in particular to the "reason" precisely the "theater" of the entire spiritual journey; see for the Prophet's Ascension described in 17: I (see following especially the sections IV-G and IV-I in Part II. note), the same phrase (with only minor variations in the

JI A reference to the following hadith, concerning the pronouns) is addressed to mankind more generally in a Prophet's response to the question "Where was our Lord number of other Koranic verses (27:93; 31:3 I; etc.). Of these, before He created the creation?": "He was in a Cloud (Camii"), certainly the most important and best known is the verse without air above it and without air below it, and He created 41 :53-to such an extent that it is clearly assumed whenever His Throne upon the Water." (This famous hadith is found Ibn 'Arabi mentions the divine "Signs" (oyot): "We shall 636 Journal of the American Oriental Society /07.4 (1987)

He said: "Glory to Him Who made His servant jour­ moves (any) servant through his (inner spiritual) states ney one night from the Sacred Place of Worship to in order also to cause him to see His Signs, He moves J6 the Furthest Place of Worship, whose surroundings him through His states. ... (I.e., God) says: "I only We have blessed, so that We might cause him to see made him journey by night in order that he see the of Our Signs!" (17: I). J5 And similarly, when God Signs, not (to bring him) to Me: because no place can hold Me and the relation of all places to Me is the same. For 1 am such that (only) 'the heart of My cause them to see Our Signs on the horizons and in their servant, the man of true faith, encompasses Me',J? so souls, so that it becomes clear to them that He is the Truly how could he be 'made to journey to Me' while 1 am Real [al- Jfaqq ]-or is your Lord not enough. for surely He 'with him where':,er he is' (57:4)1!" is witnessing every thing! What, are they in doubt about meeting. their Lord? Does He not surely encompass all [II. The Narrative Framework: the things?" Especially important, for Ibn (Arahi as for many MiCraj of Muhammad] other Islamic thinkers, is the insistence in this verse on the coincidence of the Signs "on the horizons," Le., in the [The long following section (III, 340.32-342.34) external world [but note also Muhammad's decisive revela­ combines a virtually complete quotation of one long tion at the "Loftiest Horizon" (53:7)] and those "in the souls," in the totality of awareness of the "Perfect Man" section III below, and at the end of his R. al-Anwiir) on the (al-insiin al-kiimi/). critical importance of the "descending" phrase of return Secondly, Ibn (ArabI always emphasizes the causative, which distinguishes the highest rank of the saints (and of active meaning of the verb form Jarii as "to make someone course the prophets). Although we have consistently trans­ see," not just "to show": for him, God's "Signs" are already lated isrii" and its related verbal forms here as "journey," it there, throughout our experience, but usually "unseen" should be kept in mind that the Arabic term refers specifically (ghiiba)-i.e., not perceived as such. Thus the whole purpose to a nocturnal journey: for Ibn (ArabI, this corresponds to of the spiritual journey is simply to open our (spiritual) eyes the fact that the spiritual israJ, at least, is an inner, "secret" to the reality of "things" as (divine) Signs, or as Ibn (Arabi process largely hidden from outward observation, especially goes on to explain immediately below (and in more detail in in those rare saints who have followed it through to the end. section III), to recognize the divine Names "in our states." The complex inner significance of this and other grammati­ All this is implicit in the famous prayer of the Prophet which cal and lexical nuances of this same Koranic verse (17: I) are is likewise assumed throughout this chapter: "0 my God, discussed in detail in Ibn (ArabI's Kitiib al-Isfiir can Natii"ij cause us to see Carina) things as they really are!" al-Asfiir ( = Rasii"il II, no. 24), pp. 17-21; our translation J5 The masjid al-IJariim ("Sacred Place of Worship") was a here cannot convey most of those nuances or alternative common name for the sanctuary of the at , but meanings. there is some disagreement in the hadith concerning the 36 Here, as so often with Ibn cArabi (see especially section identification of the masjid al-aq~ii: sometimes, especially in III below), the pronouns are rather ambiguous; in this case later traditions, it was presented as the site of the Temple at the intended meaning is clarified by the following lines (al-bayt al-maqdis, "the sacred House") where (340.25-30, not translated here) citing several other hadith Muhammad stops to pray before his heavenly Ascension and Koranic passages where God shows some of His crea­ according to several hadith accounts (inclUding that followed tions to certain prophetic messengers in order to teach them by Ibn (ArabI below); but the earlier traditions agree that it a particular lesson. Here Ibn cArabl implicitly contrasts this refers to the "furthest point" (al-r;/ariil;z) or goal of the MiCraj "spiritual" journey of the saints (and ultimately of all men) (i.e., where Muhammad received the culminating revelation through their inner "states"-i.e., the "Signs in your souls" described in Sura 53). In the latter case it is therefore closely of verse 41:53 (see notes 34 and 72)-with the physical (or identified with the "Inhabited House" or heavenly Temple of possibly "imaginal") journey through heavenly places which, (al-bayt al-ma"miir), the symbol of the Heart of as he explains below (end of section II), was the exclusive the Perfect Man discussed in section IV-H (notes 168-72). privilege of the Prophet on this single occasion. Here Ibn (Arabi implicitly seems to follow the latter inter­ 37 An allusion to the celebrated IJadith qudsf (not found in pretation. (See also the articles from the SEll Ell cited in the canonical collections, but favored by many Sufi authors) n. I above.) already cited in n. 7 above. This divine saying is mentioned Throughout this chapter (and in the K. al-Isrii", etc.) Ibn repeatedly by Ibn (Arabi, who takes it as a classical reference cArabl generally uses the Koranic expression isrii" to refer to to the role of the Heart (of the "Perfect Man," as realized by the Prophet's Ascension and its spiritual analogues-possibly the accomplished saints) as the complete mirror of the divine because the term mi(rii) might appear limited only to the Self-manifestations (ta)a/liyat). (See the references at notes 7, "ascending" portion, whereas Ibn (Arabi always insists (as in 30 and 33 above, and all of section IV-H.) MORRIS: The Spiritual Ascension: Ibn cArabl and the MiCrii}. Part I 637 hadith account of the Prophet's Micrii/8-whose The second of these parenthetical remarks occurs in sequence of events and heavenly encounters with the the lowest heaven (the one immediately surrounding spirits of earlier prophets provides the narrative this sublunar world), when Muhammad is brought framework for all of Ibn CArabl's different versions of face to face with all the blessed and the damned that voyage-with a number of the Shaykh's personal among the descendants of Adam.40 "Then (Muham­ observations. These brief remarks either foreshadow mad) saw himself among the different individuals themes developed at greater length in the rest of this belonging to the blessed, at Adam's right hand, and chapter (and in his other treatments of the MiCraj he gave thanks to God. And through that he came to theme) or else allude to interpretations (e.g., of the know how it is that man can be in two places (at the drinks offered the Prophet at the beginning of his same time) while remaining precisely himself and not journey, or of the rivers of Paradise) that he discusses anyone else: this was for him like the visible (physical) more fully in the other contexts and chapters of the form and the (reflected) forms visible in the mirror Futiil)iit. However, four of those asides are significant and (other) reflected images. ,,41 enough to deserve special mention. The third such passage is Ibn 'ArabI's statement, in The first is Ibn 'ArabI's understanding of the state­ connection with the Prophet's visit to Jesus in the ment in this hadith that Muhammad "descended from second heaven, that "He was our first master, through (his celestial steed) and tied him up with the whose assistance we returned (to God); and he has a same halter the (other) prophets had used to tie him." tremendous solicitude (Ciniiya) for us, so that he does For the Shaykh, "all of that was only so as to affirm not forget us for a single hour.,,42 39 (the reality of) the secondary causes ..• , although he knew that Buraq was commanded (by God) and would have stayed there even if he had left him 40 The existence of those two groups on either side of without trying the halter. " Adam is mentioned in the second long Mi'raj hadith (from Abu Dharr) given by Muslim (fman, 264); however, that hadith does not mention Muhammad's seeing himself, so this aspect may well be Ibn cArabI's own addition.

38 Although Ibn 'ArabI does not identify his hadith sources 41 For the simultaneous presence of each soul-even if we in this section or explicitly distinguish his "quotations" (or are usually unaware of the fact-in its own Garden (or ) paraphrases) from his personal comments and explanations, already during this life, see the illustrative passages in chapter the particular "f}adfth a/-isra)" (III, 340.30) which he follows 302 (III, 12-13) and chapter 73, question 62 (II, 82). for the basic order of events and the Prophet's encounters up More generally, this experience of the simultaneous to the "Lotus-Tree of the Limit"-both here and in the other presence of one's essential individual reality (Cayn: translated Mi'raj narratives discussed in the introduction-is the first as "precisely himself" in this passage) in different planes of one given in the corresponding section of Muslim's Sal)fl) being is only one illustration of Ibn cArabI's universal percep­ (fman, 259, from Anas b. Malik). Here and in the other tion of the reality of all manifest being as theophanies MiCraj narratives he adds many additional details (e.g., the (taja//iyat, ma;ahir, etc.) of the "Realities" or Names within four mystical "rivers" flowing from the , the the divine Essence and of the "eternal individual entities" sound of.the divine "Pens," the milk and other drinks offered (aCyan thabita) in the divine Knowledge-a conception for the Prophet) which are drawn for the most part from the which he frequently uses this image of mirrors and reflec­ following related hadith in Muslim (fman, 260-94)-although tions. See the famous metaphysical development of this most of those traditions are also to be found in the other image in the first two chapters of the FU$u$ al-Ijikam; in the canonical collections with minor variations in the order and Futubat I, 163 and IV, 2; and further references in Mu'jam, description of the events. pp. 499-505, as well as the striking set of diagrammatic 39 ithbat a/-asbab: i.e., the affirmation of all the "realities" representations of these "mirrors" of God and man provided or phenomena other than God (the ultimate and Primary by I:faydar AmuiI in the introduction to his vast commentary Cause). This assertion of the reality and importance of all on the FU$u$. Na$$ a/-Nu$u$ ("Le texte des textes"), ed. H. phenomenal existence as perceived from the very highest Corbin and O. Yahya, Tehran/Paris, 1975, plates 3-30. spiritual perspective-a central leitmotif of Ibn 'ArabI's 42 The special role of Jesus in the beginning of Ibn 'ArabI's thought, and an attitude by no means shared by all Sufis­ own spiritual path is alluded to repeatedly in the FutuI)at: was already stressed in the title and opening line of the poem "He was looking after us when we entered upon this Path we beginning this chapter, where he stresses that the true, ulti­ are following today" (I, 15.26); "I returned [to God: tubtu] at mate state of "tawakku/ (absolute trust and reliance on God) the hands of Jesus" (IV, 77.30); "Our return to this path was affirms the secondary causes" (see n. 23 above and section through good tidings (mubashshira) at the hand of Jesus, IV-F). Moses and Muhammad" (IV, 172.13); and "we found that 638 Journal of the American Oriental Society /07.4 (1987)

The final observation concerns the nature of the "Now (Muhammad) had thirty-four times in which Prophet's vision (ru~ya) of God at the culminating (God) made him journey at night:& and only one of stage of his Ascension, after God-in the words of the them was a nocturnal journey in his body, while the hadith-"had revealed to him what He revealed.,,4) others were with his spirit, through a vision which 'Then He ordered (Muhammad) to enter; so he entered he saw."] (the divine Presence), and there he saw exactly what he had known and nothing else: the form of his belief [III. The Spiritual Journeys of the SaintsJ47 did not change.,,44 This question of man's "divine vision" and knowledge is at the heart of Ibn cArabI's As for the saints, they have spiritual journeys in the 48 own long discussion with Moses later in this chapter intermediate world during which they directly wit­ (IV-F) and underlies his accounts of his own cul­ ness spiritual realities (macon/) embodied in forms minating revelatory vision in JV-I and the Appendix that have become sensible for the imagination; these in Part n. (sensible images) convey knowledge of the spiritual At the end of this section, after pointing out that it realities contained within those forms. And so they was only the Prophet's insistence on the actual have a (spiritual) journey on the earth and in the air, bodily-rather than e<::static or visionary-nature of without their ever having set a sensible foot in the this particular journey that aroused the scepticism and heavens. For what distinguished God's Messenger hostility of his contemporaries,4\ Ibn cArabi concludes: from all the others (among the saints) was that his body was made to journey, so that he passed through the heavens and spheres in a way perceptible by the station [of immediate spiritual 'feeding'] within ourselves senses and traversed real, sensible distances. But all of and had the immediate experience (dhawq) of it at the that from the heavens (also belongs) to his heirs:9 beginning of our journeying, with the spiritual reality (ru~iinfya) of Jesus" (Ill, 43.20-21). This may be connected with Ibn

(only) in its spiritual reality (maCnii), not its sensible Now this journey (in God) involves the "dissolving" form. of their composite nature.53 Through this journey God So as for what is above the heavens,5o let us men­ (first of all) acquaints them with what corresponds to tion what God made me directly witness in particular them in each world (of being), by passing with them of the journey of the people of God. For their journeys through the different sorts of worlds, both composite are different (in form) because they are embodied and simple.54 Then (the spiritual traveler) leaves behind spiritual realities, unlike the sensible journey (of the in each world that part of himself which corresponds Prophet). Thus the ascensions (maciirij) of the saints to it: the form of his leaving it behind is that God are the ascensions of (their) spirits and the vision of sends a barrier between that person and that part of (their) hearts, (the vision) of forms in the intermediate himself he left behind in tqat sort of world, so that he world and of embodied spiritual realities. And we is not aware of it. But he still has the awareness of have already mentioned what we directly witnessed of what remains with him, until eventually he remains that in our book called "The Nocturnal Journey,,,51 (alone) with the divine Mystery which is the "specific along with the order of (the stages of) the voyage.... aspect"55 extending from God to him. So when he Therefore whenever God wishes to journey with the spirits of whomever He wishes among the heirs of His messengers and His saints, so that He might cause path." Elsewhere Ibn 'Arabi, often following earlier Sufi them to see His Signs (17: I)-for this is a journey to writers, offers a variety of typologies for the soul's spiritual increase (their) knowledge and open the eye of (their) voyage: e.g., the fivefold division of suluk in chapter 189 (II, understanding-the modalities of their journey are 380-82); the classical "four journeys" (asfiir); or the more different (for different individuals):52 and among them elaborate division into dozens of "stations," "stages," etc., are those whom He causes to journey in Him. underlying the structure of the Fulill;iil. 53 ball larkfbihim: i.e., the process of "dissolution" or "disassembly" into its constituent elements (organic, mental,

\0 This phrase has two possible meanings: if it refers to the psychic and spiritual) of the original "composition" (tarkfb) purely spiritual or noetic (ma'nawi) phases of the mystical constituting the psycho-social "self" (dhiit) in the broadest journey symbolically surpassing even the outermost celestial sense-as opposed to the sirr (no 55), that "innermost reality," sphere, then this would roughly correspond to Ibn 'Arabi's "secret" or "mystery" that is the true essence of each indi­ enumeration of the forms of knowledge gained in his cul­ vidual. The terms "dissolving" (tahlfl) and "reintegration" minating vision at the end of this chapter (IV-I), a stage (tarkfb) are drawn from a larger body of alchemical vocab­ which is described in more detail in Chapter 167 of the ulary which Ibn 'Arabi uses in this spiritual sense throughout Futul;iil (Alchimie, pp. 131-141) and in the K. al-Isrii' the FUlubiit, most notably in chapter 167 (see introduction (pp. 45ff.). Or if-as appears more likely here-it refers to above), on the "Alchemy of Happiness." what is spiritually "above" the physical spheres and planets so The term "world" (Ciilam) refers here to the different (and the intellectual sciences that can be deduced from their "levels of being" or ontological "planes" (nash'iit, I;at;fariit, observation, as outlined in chapter 167), then Ibn 'Arabi is etc.) of divine manifestation; the "simple" ones are the purely pointing to the entire "autobiographical" spiritual narrative noetic (Caq/i) or spiritUal Realities, while most phenomena in the K. al-lsrii' and the rest of this chapter (section IV are a "composite" (murakkab) involving some degree of below). materiality or manifest form in either the physical or inter­ \1 K. al-lsrii': see the discussion of the autobiographical mediate, imaginal worlds. nature of this work in the introduction above, the key II al-wajh al-khii~~: this key technical term of Ibn 'Arabi passage translated in the Appendix, and further cross­ designates each creature's unique and unchanging inner references at each stage of section IV. This paragraph is "existentiating" relationship with God, ontologically prior to followed by a short poem (343.6-17), not translated here, whatever knowledge or other transformations that may be recapitulating the "order of the journey," i.e., the various acquired through its actions and "mediated" relationships in symbolic stages (, Lotus-tree of the Limit, the course of life. (See the extensive references from the divine Throne, etc.) found in virtually all of Ibn 'Arabi's Futu/:Jiil in Mu'jam, pp. 1139-42.) versions of the Ascension. The paradoxical relationship (of simultaneous identity and \2 "Modalities of their journey" = masriihum, which could non-identity) between this "divine Mystery" or "Secret" also refer to their "point of departure," the "place" or "time" {al-sirr al-iliihf} and the voyager's own innermost reality of the journey, the particular "route," etc. Cf. section IV-F, (sirr) is brought out more openly in the culminating stages of where Yal:iya (John the Baptist) explains to Ibn 'Arabi that Ibn 'Arabi's own miCriij recounted in section IV-I and in his each journey is different and "each traveler creates his own description (from the K. al-lsrii') of a similar culminating 640 . Journal of the American Oriental Society 107.4 (1987)

alone remains (without any of those other attach­ within it, and it is only at the end of this purifying ments to the world), then God removes from him the journey that the saints can realize man's true dignity barrier of the veil s6 and he remains with God, just as and spiritual potential as the "Perfect Man" (al-insun everything else in him remained with (the world) al-kumi/) whose heart fully mirrors the divine Reality corresponding to it. (al-lfaqq), thereby accomplishing that perfection for Hence throughout this journey the servant remains which the world itself was created. 59] God and not-God.57 And since he remains God and So when the servant has become aware of what we not-God, He makes (the servant) travel-with respect have just explained, so that he knows that he is not to Him, not with respect to (what is) not-Him-in (created) according to the form of the world, but only Him,s8 in a subtle spiritual (maCnawf) journey.... according to tbe form of God (al-lJaqq), then God [Ibn cArabI goes on (pp. 343.24-344.4) to recall the makes him journey through His Names, in order to fundamental metaphysical underpinnings of these cause him to see His Signs (17:1) within him. 60 Thus distinctions in the peculiar nature of the inner cor­ (the servant) comes to know that He is what is respondence between man and the world (i.e., "not­ designated by every divine Name-whether or not God"), since both are created "according to the form" that Name is one of those described as "beautiful. ,,61 of God. Ordinarily, however, people think of them­ selves as simply "parts" of the world, as "things" 59 The classic summary of this inner "correspondence" of man, God and creation in Ibn

It is through those Names that God appears in His us:6 just as we know that the transformations of (our) servants, and it is through Them that the servant states (manifest) the specific influences (al)kiim) of takes on the different "colorings" of his states: for those Names.... So there is no Name that God has They are Names in God, but "colorings" (of the soul) applied to Himself that He has not also applied to us: 62 in US. And they are precisely the "affairs" with which through (His Names) we undergo the transformations God is "occupied ,,:63 so it is in us and through us that in our states, and with them we are transformed (by He acts, just as we (only) appear in Him and through God).... 67 Him. [ ... 64] Now when (the spiritual traveler) has completed his Thus when God makes the saint (a/-wolf) travel share of the journey through the Names and has come through His most beautiful Names to the other Names to know the Signs which the Names of God gave him and (ultimately) all the divine Names, he comes to during that journey, then lie returns and "reintegrates" know the transformations of his states and the states his self with a composition different from that initial of the whole world.65 And (he knows) that that trans­ composite nature:! because of the knowledge he has formation is what brings those very Names to be in gained which he did not have when he was "dissolved" (in the ascending phase of that journey)"9 Thus he

(d. 546/1151), Khat< al-Na'layn. (For Ibn 'ArabI's own long 66 This opening phrase could likewise be translated so as to commentary on that work, see R. G. no. 681.) The inner "invert" this relationship (although that meaning is also spiritual "verification" of that reality is likewise a key feature implied, in any case, in the second half of the sentence): of the culminating realization described in the Appendix "And that transformation is what is brought about in us by (from the K. al-[srii') in Part II. the essence of those Names." In either case, this sentence 62 "Colorings" translates talwlniit, a traditional Sufi expres­ aptly summarizes the relation of inherent "reciprocity" be­ sion for all the constantly changing psychic states and condi­ tween God and the creatures (or the Names and their tions of every individual, equivalent to the incessant inner manifestations) which underlies Ibn 'ArabI's fre<:uent and "transformations" (taqallubiit) of the soul discussed in the apparently paradoxical statements that God (and the Names) following paragraph. As Ibn 'ArabI indicates here, the mani­ "need man" (in order to be manifest and known), or that the festations of the divine Names ultimately constitute all our caused thing "causes its Cause." experience and reality. 67 The translation is uncertain. This paragraph again omits 63 An allusion to the verse 55:29: ..... Every Day He is some further illustrations (III, 344.20~24) of this metaphysi­ (occupied) in an affair." Ibn 'ArabI typically takes the term cal relationship between certain divine Names and their sha'n ("affair," "concern," etc.) in this verse to refer to the manifestations in our experience. infinite particular aspects of the divine "Activity" at each 68 See n. 53 and the accompanying text above for the instant in time: see, e.g., II, 77, 82, 218, 499; III, 198, 224; meaning of the "self" (dhiit) in question here and the pre­ and the further references in Mujam, pp. 639-42. liminary process of its "dissolving" (tab/fl) into the various 64 The translation here omits a brief poem (Ill, 344.8-11) components of its "composite nature" (tarkfb) in each level illustrating this central theme of Ibn 'ArabI's thought and ("world") of being. foreshadowing his own inner realization of this truth in the For further details on Ibn 'ArabI's understanding of this revelatory vision described in section IV-I below. key category of al-riijiCun, "those who have returned" (to 65 "Transformations" == taqallubiit-a meaning which, for complete the full process of enlightenment by reintegrating Ibn 'ArabI, underlies the Arabic term for the Heart (qalb), all the descending levels of being in their true, divine context since these constantly renewed transformations of being and reality), see chapter 45 of the Futubiit (1,250-253) [also ultimately constitute all our experience: see his classic expo­ available in the French translation by M. V31san, Etudes sition in the Fu~u~, chapt. 12 (on Shu'ayb and "the Wisdom traditionnelles no. 307 (1953), pp. 120-39] and the detailed of the Heart"), and further references in Mujam, pp. 916­ references in Sceau, chapter VII. 21. His mention here of the "states of the world" is an 69 That is, he is now fully aware of the divine Ground and important reminder that these "transformations" and the the Names underlying each of those "things" in the world (or corresponding divine activity of "ever-renewed creation" in his "self") which he had originally seen as a reality encompass all the forms of experience and perception-not independent of God, and which had been temporarily "veiled" just what we ordinarily consider "inner" or "spiritual" from his attention during the spiritual ascension; or in other phenomena-and all the forms of manifest being. words, he has become profoundly aware of all things as For the complex term wali (usually translated here as God's "Signs" (as indicated in Ibn 'ArabI's allusions to the "saint"), see n. 79 below. famous verse 41:53, at notes 34 and 72). 642 Journal of the American Oriental Society 107.4 (1987)

continues to pass through the different sorts of worlds, the faqfh was unaware of (the true meaning of) His taking from each world that (aspect of himself) which saying: "We shall show them Our Signs on the he had left there and reintegrating it in his self, and he horizons and in their souls . . .',72 (41:53), since (God) continues to appear in each successive stage (of being) does not specify one group rather than (any) other. until he arrives back on earth. Therefore whoever God may cause to see something So "he awakens among his people" (like the of these Signs in the way we have just mentioned Prophet), and no one knows what happened to occur should mention (only) what he has seen, but he should to him in his innermost being (si,,) until he speaks (of not mention the way. For then people will have his journey). But then they hear him speaking a credence in him and will look into what he says, since language different from the one they are used to they will only deny what he says if he makes a claim recognizing as his; and if one of them says to him about the way the acquired that knowledge). "What is this?" he replies that "God made me journey Now you should know that (in reality) there is no by night and then caused me to see whatever Signs of difference with regard to this journey between ordinary His He wanted (me to see)." So those who are listening people7J and the person (distinguished by) this way say to him: "You were not gone from us, so you were and this characteristic. That is because (this spiritual lying in what you claimed about that."70 journey) is in order to see the (divine) Signs, and the And the jurist (faqfh) among them says: "This transformations of the states of ordinary people are fellow is laying claim to (nubuwwa), or (likewise) all Signs: they are in those Signs, but "they his intellect has become deranged: so either he is a do not notice'" (23:56; etc.).74 Hence this sort (of heretic-in which case he ought to be executed-or traveler) is only distinguished from the rest of (his else he is insane, in which case we have no business fellow) creatures, those who are veiled (83: 15), by talking with him." Hence "a group of people make what God has inspired in his innermost being75 either fun of him" (49: II), others "draw a lesson from him" through his thinking and inquiry with his intellect, or (59:2),71 while others have faith in what he says, and through his preparation, by polishing the mirror of thus it becomes a subject of dispute in the world. But his soul, for the unveiling of these Signs to him by way of inner unveiling and immediate witnessing,

70 This paragraph, opening with a phrase from the !:Jadlth a/-isrii' (section II above), alludes to Ibn cArabi's reminder 72 The continuation of this famous verse-underlining its earlier in this chapter (III, 342.27-33) of the sceptical, even universal metaphysical (or eschatological) dimension-is also hostile reaction of many Meccans to the Prophet's insistence assumed here: " ... until it becomes clear to them that He is on the physical nature of his nocturnal journey. (Those the Tru/y Real (a/-Ifaqq)-or is your Lord not enough, that events are vividly recounted in Ibn Isl:Jaq's Slra: see pp. 182­ He is Witness of every thing? Are they still in doubt about 84 in The life of Muhammad, tr. A. Guillaume, Oxford, meeting their Lord? /s He not surrounding every thing?" 1955.) It is also another allusion to Ibn cArabi's under­ (See also notes 34 and 36 above.) standing (see notes 2 and 35 above) of the "hidden," spiritual 7J ai-Co/am: literally, "(the people of) the world"; "(spiritual) character of this voyage of realization for the saints. In the journey" here, as throughout this section, translates isro', the R. a/-Anwiir (p. 17; Journey, p. 59), Ibn cArabi explains that term applied in the Koran to the Prophet's "nocturnal jour­ the fact that Muhammad-unlike, for example, Moses after ney" (see n. 35 above). his return from Mt. Sinai-showed no outward signs of his 74 The Koran applies the same formula to man's usual lack Ascension and revelatory encounter with God is an indica­ of spiritual awareness in a number of different contexts tion of his superior spiritual state of "perfect realization," (especially with regard to the eschatological realities), but corresponding to the equivalent "invisibility" of the spiritual this particular verse (23:56) seems to be most relevant here: state of the afriid and ma/iimlya among the saints "who "We hurry to them with the good things. but no, they do not return," the riijNin. notice!" 71 The first phrase is clearly an allusion to the following 75 "Innermost being" = sirr (see n. 55 above). "Inspired" verse (49: II): "0 you who have true faith, do not (let) a here translates the verb alhama, a term that is much broader group make fun of a group who may well be better than in meaning than the special divine "revelation" (wa!:Jy) char­ them. ..."; the second probably refers to the well-known acterizing the prophetic messengers, since here it evidently words (from verse 59:2): ..... so draw a lesson. you who extends to the results of thinking (fikr) and "rational inquiry" have (true) vision"-the latter group (uW al-ab$iir), for Ibn (na?ar bi-Vaql), as well as the fruits of spiritual practice and 'Arabi, evidently being the saints or people of true spiritual mystical experience (the "polishing of the soul") which are vision. Ibn cArabi's primary focus. MORRIS: The Spiritual Ascension: Ibn 'Arabi and the MiCra}. Part I 643

direct experience and ecstatic"finding. ,,76 not make up likenesses for God. For God is the one Thus ordinary people (when they object to those Who makes up likenesses for the people (14:25; 24:35), who speak of this spiritual voyage) are denying pre­ because of His knowledge of the underlying intentions cisely That within Which they are and through Which (of those symbols), since God knows, but we do not they subsist. So if (the traveler) did not mention the know80 (see 16:74; 3:66; 2:216). Thus the saint (i.e., the way in which he obtained the inner knowledge of "friend of God," the one truly close to Him) observes these things, no one would deny or dispute him. For the likenesses God has made, and in that immediate all of the (ordinary) people-and I do not exclude a witnessing he actually sees precisely what connects the single one of them-are "making up likenesses for likeness and that which it symbolizes: for the likeness God,,;77 they have always agreed and cooperated in is precisely what is sym12olized, with respect to that that, so not one of them criticizes another for doing it. which connects them, but it is different insofar as it is God says: "Do not make up likenesses for God . .." a likeness. So the saint "does not make up likenesses (l6:74)-yet they remain blind to that Sign. 78 for God"; instead, he truly knows what God sym­ 79 But as for the friends of God (10:64-66), they do bolized with those likenesses.... II

[IV. Ibn cArabi's Own MiCrij] 76 kashfan shuhudan dhawqan wujudan: see the extensive references to Ibn cArabI's usage of each of these key terms in [IV-A. The Departure From the Elemental Woridt2 MU1am, pp. 971-72 (kash/), 654-67 (shuhud and related forms), and 492-95 (dhawq), as well as his further discus­ So when God wished to "journey with me to cause sions concerning the necessary spiritual role of this "direct me to see (some) of His Signs" in His Names among experience" (dhawq) in his encounters with and my names83 -and that was the portion of our inheri­ Moses in section IV (notes 108 and 145) below. tance from the (Prophet's) nocturnal journey-He G~d's 77 I.e., instead of grasping the inner reality of sym­ removed me from my place and ascended with me on bols, those that already exist (and which ultimately con­ stitute all reality). "(Ordinary) people" here translates al-niis, a term with much the same meaning as al-ciilam (n. 73) in the 80 Although the phrase" ... God knows, but you do not preceding sentences-i.e., everyone but the accomplished know" completes the Koranic verse (16:74) already quoted in saints, the "friends of God" discussed in the following the preceding paragraph, its more illuminating use in the paragraph. other two verses evidently forms the background for this The phrase in quotation marks here (and in the various particular allusion: in 3:66 it is applied to those who "dispute Koranic verses discussed below) could also be translated as concerning that oj which they have no know/edge," and in "making up likenesses (or symbols) of God"~and that 2:216 it follows the reminder that "Perhaps you abhor some­ activity certainly accounts for an important part of Ibn thing although it is good for you, and perhaps you love CArabI's criticism. However, it gradually emerges from the something and it is badJor you." subsequent discussion that the main focus of his critique here SI In the remainder of this section (III, 340.6~25), Ibn is man's natural (and more universal) tendency not to grasp 'Arabi first insists on the decisive importance of considering and assimilate the omnipresent "likenesses" (or "symbols," every single detail of expression in the revealed divine "like­ amthiil) contained in the divine revelation of creation in all nesses" or symbols (which he illustrates here with the famous its infinite forms, but instead to impose his own conceptions Light-verse of the Koran, 24:35). This point, in his opinion, and standards on God and the world. was rarely respected by those interpreters (mUlaka/limun, . 78 Or "to (the meaning of) that verse": the individual verses philosophers, etc.) who relied on their own reasoning (na?ar) of the Koran are traditionally referred to as the divine to decipher the meaning of those symbols. He then goes on "Signs" par excellence. to stress the decisive differences between such "rationalist" 7. Or "those close to God," awliyiiJ Alliih: the term waif approaches and the methods of the saints, who rely solely on (pI. awliyiiJ) has usually been translated here as "saint," but inspired "unveiling" (kashJ) and direct "witnessing" (shuhud) in this case Ibn cArabi is more clearly stressing the root sense of the divine intentions in those cases. of the saints' special closeness or proximity to God-a 82 III, p. 435.26-35. meaning which is also brought out in these Koranic verses 83 fi asmiiJihi min asmiiJf: a dense formula that summarizes (10:64-66) concerning these rare individuals "who have no Ibn

81 the Burliq of my contingency.84 Then He penetrated remained with me of my bodily nature that I (needed with me into my (natural) elements.... to) depend on or to which I (had to) pay attention. [At this point Ibn

described in the hadith accounts of the Mi" (by R. Paret) in EJ2. FUlii/:riil (Alchimie, pp. 57-58) this "departure" from the 85 This brief passage (Ill, 345.27-35) therefore symbolizes physical world is explicitly explained as the voyager's inner all the relevant dimensions both of the individual's natural liberation from "domination by the carnal desires" (/:rukm "predisposition" (isti

various prophets named in the hadith) symbolically associated 89 Both of these points are also listed among the different with each of those celestial spheres. This meaning is there­ kinds of spiritual knowledge which Ibn (Arabi "saw" during fore quite different from the "gardens" (janniit) and other the culminating "revelation" described at the end of this MORRIS: The Spiritual Ascension: Ibn

The discovery and awareness of these principles pre­ be 'filled Up'.92 For the (divine) Anger has already supposes man's ultimate reality as the "Perfect Man" come to an end with the 'Greater Reviewing,:91 (God) (insiin kiimil), the (potentially) complete reflection of ordered that (His) limits be established;94 so they were the divine Reality at all Its levels of manifestation­ established, and when they were established (His) i.e., the very foundation of his metaphysical vision which is developed at much greater length in the famous opening chapter on Adam in the Fu$U~. 92 (The final phrase refers to the Koranic verses II:119, At the beginning of this encounter Ibn cArabi-like etc.) Ibn 'ArabI alludes here to his controversial conception, Muhammad before him90-suddenly sees his "essential developed at length in the FU$U$ (e.g., at the end of ch. 7 on reality" (Cayn) among the souls of the blessed on Ismail) and in the eschatol9gicaJ sections of the FutuMt, Adam's right, while at the same time he himself that it is precisely the exclusive choice of certain limited remains standing in front of Adam. Then Adam goes "enjoyments" (whether bodily or imaginal), varying according on to inform him that the Koranic expressions "the to each person's predispositions and inner tendencies, that­ people of the left hand" and "the people of the by veiling him from the full awareness of God-ultimately right" (56:27, 38, 41, 90; etc.) refer in reality to constitutes each individual's "dwelling" (maskan) among the Adam's hands, since all of mankind are in God's many levels of . Hence it is only with the lifting of "Right Hand"-"the one which destines (them) to that veil of (spiritual) ignorance that the person becomes happiness"-"because both of my Lord's Hands are fully aware that what he considered "happiness" at the same Right and blessed.,,91] time is both his suffering and his (potentially purifying) " ... Therefore I and and my children are (all) in punishment. But Ibn 'ArabI also suggests (Fu$u$, 94; Bezels. the Right Hand of the Truly Real (al-/:laqq), while p. 110) that even for the "people of Ghenna who remain everything in the world other than us is in the other there eternally" (i.e., who are not ultimately redeemed divine Hand." through the intercession of their prophets), their "torment" I said: "Then we shall not be made to suffer (in (Cadhiib) will ultimately be made "sweet" (Cidhab). Hell)?" 93 ai-Carr! al-akbar: the "Reviewing" or "Presentation" (Carr!) And (Adam) replied: "If (God's) Anger were to of souls and their actions mentioned in the Koran (I I: 18; continue (forever), then the suffering (of the damned) '18:48; etc.) and elaborated in certain hadith was popularly would continue. But it is happiness that continues understood as one of the "events" occurring when all souls forever, although the dwellings are different, because are gathered together on the "Day" of Resurrection; see Ibn God places in each abode (of Paradise and Gehenna) CArabi's summary of this conception in chapter 64 of the that which comprises the enjoyment of the people of FuWbiit (I, 307-317), on the "stages of the Resurrection" that abode, which is why both abodes must necessarily (O.Y. IV. p. 466). Here-following Ibn 'ArabI's usual distinction between the "greater" (universal) and "lesser" (individual) Resurrection [see, e.g., ch. 369 (III, 388-390) and Mu"jam. pp. 945-46]­ chapter; see the translation of those particular points at the the "Greater Reviewing" evidently refers to the comprehen­ end of section IV-I in Part II. sive, universal process of all human actions and spiritual o 90 See the corresponding passage of the hadlth al-isrii in destinies (or at least those within one cosmic cycle) as section II (at notes 39-40) above. According to the original viewed from the all-encompassing, metahistorical divine hadith (only partially translated here), Muhammad first sees standpoint. That is why it can be perceived here, by the all the descendants of Adam divided among the blessed universal "Adam" who stands beyond time, as "already (literally, "the happy": sucadiF) at his right hand and the finished." The "lesser Reviewing" would then apparently be "wretched" or "suffering ones" (ashqiyiF) on his left. the same reality as perceived from the microcosmic stand­ '1 This phrase is quoted from a longer "divine saying," point of each individual soul. presupposed throughout this section, which Ibn CArabI •• Or "that (His) sanctions be applied" (iqiimat al-budud). included in the Mishkiit (no. 24; Niche, pp. 50-53). According The Koranic conception of the divine budud has two related to that hadith, God-having created Adam and sent him senses-both equally important here-that cannot be ade­ to greet the angels-shows Adam His two closed Hands, quately conveyed by a single English expression: they are saying: "Choose whichever one of them you want," and both the divine "laws" or "limits" and the "sanctions" or Adam replies: "I choose the Right Hand of My Lord, "penalties" (primarily corporal in this world, but in another although both Hands of my Lord are right and blessed," form in the next) prescribed for their infringement. Although "Then He opened (His Hand), and in It were Adam and his these two senses are apparently separated-for us-by the descendants...." passage of time and other contingencies, they are in reality 646 Journal of the American Oriental Society 107.4 (1987)

Anger disappeared. (This is) because the sending down [Ibn cArabI goes on to explain that "after this of the (divine) Message (tanzrl al-risiila) actually is period"-however it is to be understood-only the precisely the establishment (and application) of (God's) divine Names "the Merciful" (which encompasses all limits for those with whom He is angry (I :7), and the "Most Beautiful Names") and "the Compassion­ nothing remains (after that) but (His) Good Will and ate" will have authority and influence (J:tukm) in the Mercy which encompasses every thing (7: 156). So world, although the intrinsic, logically necessary when these 'limits' (and the punishments flowing from "opposition" of the other Names necessarily will them) have come to an end, then the (divine) author­ remain.] ity9S comes back to the universal Mercy with regard to ... Hence the creatures are entirely submerged in everything.,,96 (God's) Mercy, abd the authority of the (other divine) Thus my father Adam granted me the benefit of this Names (only) continues in their intrinsic opposition, knowledge when I was unaware of it, and that was but not in us. So you should know that, for it is a rare divine good tidings for me in the life of this world, in and subtle knowledge that (most people) do not realize. anticipation (of its full realization in the hereafter). Instead, ordinary people are blind to it: there is no Therefore the Resurrection comes to an end with one among them who, if you were to ask him "Are time,97 as God said: "[The angels and the Spirit ascend you content to have applied to yourself (the influence) to Him in a Day whose extent is] offifty thousand of those Names that give you pain?", would not reply years,,98 (70:4), and this is the period of the establish­ "No!" and have the influence of that painful Name 99 ment (and application) of the (divine) limits. applied to someone else in his stead. But such a person is among the most ignorant of people con­ cerning the creatures-and he is even more ignorant inseparable and indeed "simultaneous" from the comprehen­ of the Truly Real! sive, divine perspective represented by Adam here. So this (experience of) immediate witnessing in­ .s IJukm: with regard to the divine Names, this term usually formed (us) concerning the continuation of the refers to their power or authority to become manifest in the authority (J:tukm) of the Names (i.e., other than those various realms of being, and therefore, by extension, to all of Mercy) with regard to those Names (in themselves), their specific "influences" or "manifestations." (It is trans­ but not in us. For those Names are relations whose lated as "influence" in the rest of this section.) realities are intrinsically opposed, so that they (can) .. We have left this entire paragraph in quotes-even though never become united (in a way that would.erase their much of it is clearly Ibn 'ArabI's own paraphrase, using his inherent relational distinctions).loo But God extends typical technical vocabulary-because the Arabic text does His Mercy to (all) His servants wherever they are, not clearly indicate where the direct quotation of Adam's since Being in its entirety is Mercy.tOI words might end . • 7 Or simply "in time" (bi-l-zamiin): Zamiin-in its ordinary, popular usage (see the following note for references to Ibn and further references in Mu]am, pp. 1253-54. 'Arabi's more complex personal understanding)-usually 99 The "ignorance" involved in this almost universal refers specifically to the objective "physical time" marked out attitude-an "ignorance" which, Ibn 'Arabi repeatedly by the motions of the cosmos and the heavenly spheres. stresses, is profoundly rooted in us and can only be over­ Judging from the context here-which apparently refers to come by an inner transformation involving both divine grace the "Greater Resurrection" (al-qiyiimat al-kubrii) encom­ and the spiritual efforts of the individual-is grounded in the passing all the souls of the universe-he may be alluding to a implicit assumption that God (or the divine "Mercy," Being, sort of cyclical reversion of the whole universe to its Source, etc.) is manifest only in certain specific phenomena or forms thereby marking a cosmic "end of time." of experience. However, if the reference here is understood as applying to 100 For a brief but clear explanation of Ibn 'Arabi's central the "Lesser Resurrection" of each individual soul (see n. 93), metaphysical conception of the divine Names as "relations" then the final phrase could be translated as "in time," with (nisab) whose reality only becomes manifest through the the period of fifty thousand years being that allotted for the being of the created "individual entities" (a'yiin), see ch. 222 perfection and purification (including punishment) of each (II, 516-18). See also the many further references in Mu'jam, particular soul. pp. 591-618 (on the divine "Names") and pp. 506-13 (on the 'R For some representative aspects of Ibn 'Arabi's complex related concepts of each Name as "lord," rabb and marbub). understanding of "time" (zamiin), see ch. 12 on the cycles of 101 This theme of the universality of the divine "Mercy" as esoteric and exoteric time, I, 143-147 (0.Y., II, 342-45); the source and ground of all Being~and therefore on a very ch. 59 on the time of the cosmos, I, 290-292 (0.Y., IV, different level from the other more particular divine 33040); ch. 390 on the inner meaning of time, III, 546-50; Names-is developed in more detail (along with most of the MORRIS: The Spiritual Ascension: Ibn cAraM and the Micra}. Part I 647

[IV-co Jesus and Ya~yli (John the Baptist) in the occupy my station in regard to that (life-giving power), Second Heaven]I02 just as I do not have the station of the one (i.e., ) who granted me (the power of) reviving [Ibn cArabI next encounters Jesus and his cousin the dead." Ya~ya in the -the two figures being Ibn cArabI then turns to Ya~yli/John, who clarifies linked here by their association in the Koran with a long series of questions involving the references to "Life," both "animal" and spiritual. The Shaykh first him (and his relations with Jesus) in the Koran and asks Jesus about his life-giving powers, and is told hadith. '04 Finally, after a brief excursus on the nature that they ultimately come from Gabriel (as the of spiritual procreation and marriage in Paradise, lOS Universal Spirit, al-ru/.! al-ku/l): "No one who revives Ya~yli explains why it is t)Jat he moves back and forth the dead revives them except to the extent of what he between the heaven of Jesus and the sphere of Aaron has inherited from me; 10J so such a person does not (where Muhammad met him, and where Ibn CArabI will encounter him later) and sometimes dwells with Joseph and IdrIs as well. Fu~u~ other topics of this section) in chapter 2I of the Most of the themes (such as the interrelations of (concerning Zachariah), and throughout the Futu/:riil: see life, spiritual knowledge, and the divine inspiration of further references in Mu'jam, pp. 521-28. the prophets) mentioned only allusively in this section 102 III, pp. 346.20-347.20 (summarized here). See also the are treated in greater detail in the chapters of the references to discussions of Jesus in the Futu/:riit (including Fu~u~ on Jesus'06 and Ya~ya.] his key role in Ibn

as the meaning of certain verses in the Sura of Joseph of the cosmos), Ibn

III In the corresponding encounter with IdrTs in the 10& This insistence on the indispensable role of personal K. al-lsrii' (p. 2I), Ibn 'ArabI is likewise greeted as "Master "direct experience" (dhawq) in a fully adequate appreciation of the Saints" (sayyid al-awliyii').

of spiritual matters is also one of the leitmotifs of Ibn 112 For Ibn 'ArabI's understanding of IdrTs' position as the 'ArabT's encounter with Moses (IV-G in Part II). heavenly "Pole" (qu{b) of the perennial spiritual hierarchy­ 10. This particular section lacks the references to the meta­ whose two "Imams" at that eternal level are Jesus and physical principles of beauty, harmony and artistic inspira­ lIyas-see the references to the Futiil:ziit and other works and tion (traditionally associated with both Joseph and Venus, the explanations (including the relation of these figures to the planet of this sphere) which are found in chapter 167 their successive terrestrial "deputies") in Sceau, chapter VI, (Alchimie, pp. 72-76), and it does not deal at all with the and in Mu]am, pp. 909-15 and 101-14. The R. al-Anwiir, at profound questions of the nature of "Imagination" (both this point in the mystical ascension (Sceau, pp. 201-13; cosmic and human) and Joseph's special powers of spiritual Journey, p. 43 at bottom), adds that all the preceding interpretation (ta'wfl) that are the focus of the famous spheres belonged to the realm of the "Imam of the Left chapter 9 of the F~U$. The corresponding section of the K. Hand," while "this is the place of the Heart," where "you will al-lsrii' (pp. /8-21) also includes a brief dialogue with the discover the degrees of the Pole." allegorical figure of Venus (al-zahriF). 113 al-kharq: i.e., more strictly speaking, of any phenomena 110 III, pp. 348.11-349.2; the translated sections correspond that appear to "break" the "accustomed order" ('iida) of to 348.14-21 and 24-35, with minor omissions. events in the world. The term is more general than the divine In Islamic tradition, especially in the popular "tales of the probative miracles (mu]iziit) performed for the prophets, prophets" (qi$a$ al-anbiyii'), the figure of the prophet IdrTs, and likewise distinct from the "wonders" or "blessings" who is mentioned only briefly in the Koran (19:57-58 and (kariimiit) that are among the charismatic powers attributable 21:85-86), is closely associated (and often simply identified) to the spiritual force or himma of certain saints. (See the with a number of prophetic or quasi-prophetic figures who additional references to these distinctions in Mu'jam, are generally distinguished by the traits of supernatural pp.961-7\.) longevity (or at least frequent historical "reappearances" in 114 Alluding to the Koranic description of Idris' miraculous different forms). These different "facets" of Idns include: preservation from death: "And mention Idrfs in the Book: he and Elias (the Koranic Ilyiis), each of whom is the was a man oftruth [$iddrq], a prophet [nabf], and We raised subject of a chapter in the F~u$ (see notes 114-15 below); him up to a lofty' place" (19:56-57). See especially Ibn the threefold persona of "," father of many esoteric 'ArabI's more detailed discussions of these verses in chapters arts and sciences according to Hellenistic traditions that were 4 and 22 of the F~u$ (pp. 75-80 and 181-87). widely integrated in ; and even the mysterious lIS The meaning of this exchange, and of the outward, initiatic figure of al-Kha~ir. (For the historical background cosmic symbolism of Idris' supreme spiritual rank and func­ and sources concerning each of these personages, see the tion, is brought out in much greater detail in the long respective articles in EI2, vols. III and IV.) chapler 4 of the F~ii$ concerning "Enoch" (who is explicitly MORRIS: The Spiritual Ascension: lbn 'Arabf and the Micriij. Part 1 649

1 said: "I have heard it said that you only asked 1said: "This is strange!" taw/:lfdll6 of your people, and nothing else (i.e., no ... (Then) 1 said: "But the differences (of opinion) separate revealed Law)." concerning the Truly Real and the things said con­ He said: "And they did not (even) do (that). Now 1 cerning Him ll8 have become quite numerous." was a prophet (nabf: see 19:56) calling them to the He said: "It (can) only be like that, since the matter word (i.e., the outward profession) of tawl:rfd, not to is (perceived differently) according to the constitution tawl:rfd (itself)-for no one has ever denied taw/:!fdl"I'7 (of each individual). I 19 1 said: "But 1 thoughtl20 that all of you prophets, the whole group of you, did not differ concerning identified there with Idris). Chapter 22 of the Fu~~ likewise Him?" • concerns "Elias who is Idris ..." (opening sentence). There So he replied: "That is because we did not say Ibn cArabi explains that Idris "who was a prophet before (what we taught concerning God) on the basis of Noah," was first raised to a lofty place (19:57), but was then reasoning (nafar); we only said it on the basis of a sent down again to earth-in the form of the prophet Elias­ common direct relationship (with God).121 So whoever to experience fully the divine "intimacy" with even the lowest knows the realities knows that (the fact that) all of the (animal, mineral and vegetal) degrees of creation. The con­ prophets agree in saying the same thing about God is trast between these two chapters of the FU$u$ suggests that equivalent to those who follow reasoning (all) saying "Enoch" is associated in particular with the divine transcen­ the same thing. 122 dence (tanzih) and "Elias" with the equally essential aspect of divine immanence (tashbfh)-together symbolizing the expressions of tawl}id-in both their ontological and "sub­ two indispensable aspects of Idris' comprehensive perfection jective" spiritual dimensions-in chapter 198, fa$! 9 (II, in his spiritual function as Pole and his position as "Heart" pp. 405-20; tr. by C.-A. Gilis, Le Coran et la fonetion of the cosmos. d'Hermes, Paris, 1984). Further references can be found in 116 This term is ordinarily understood to refer t~ the out­ Mu]am, pp. 1172-80. ward "profession of divine Unity" ("there is no god but 118 Or "It": "Truly. Real" = al-lJaqq, which could also be God ...") contained in the shahiida ( = the "word of tawl}id" translated here simply as "the Truth" or "God"-since in this in the following sentence), but Idris understands it here in context the "ontological" and "theological" perspectives are the far more profound sense of the reality of divine Unity­ virtually inseparable for Ibn 'Arabi. Similarly, "things said" at once both transcendent and immanent-which is at the (maqii/iit) could also be translated here as (theological) heart of Ibn CArabi's conception of the "Unity of Being" (see "schools" or (religious) "denominations." additional references in the following note). 119 "Constitution" (miziij: strictly speaking, the mixture of In the larger body of Islamic tradition the prophet Idris physical "temperaments" distinguishing each person) must be (like the figure of "Hermes" with whom he was often identi­ understood very broadly here to include all the factors­ fied, n. 109 above) was known not for bringing a particular spiritual, social, etc., as well as physical-ultimately helping revealed divine Law (shariCa), but rather for his institution determine the distinctive outlook and understanding of each of the whole range of rational or "philosophic" human arts individual with regard to every aspect of reality (not just and sciences (by no means simply the "hermetic" ones). Thus "theological" matters). Idris returns to elaborate this point in Ibn cArabi goes on to address him (in a sentence not the latter half of this section. translated here) as "founder of the (arts and sciences) of 120 Or "I saw" (ra'aytu), if this expression is taken as an wisdom" (wiiqiCal-I}ikam). allusion to Ibn cArabi's visionary revelation of the unity of

JI7 I.e., the reality of tawl}id which-since it constitutes the the prophets and their teachings within the "Reality of very nature of Being and the primordial core of man's Muhammad" or the "Qur'iin," which he describes in section nature-is necessarily expressed in all the planes of mani­ IV-I and the Appendix (from the K. al-Isra') in Part II. festation and the corresponding degrees of spiritual realiza­ 121 "Direct relationship" translates cill, a term that can refer tion. Ibn CArabi often refers (e.g., at I, 405) to the Koranic either to a blood-relationship or to a pact or (as in statement" Your Lord has decreed that you worship none the Koran, 9:8-10). In either case, it refers here to the but Him . .." (17:23), which he typically understands as an relation of immediate divine inspiration-in itself implying expression of this universal metaphysical reality (as well as a both "kinship" and covenant-that, for Ibn 'Arabi, distin­ command). See likewise his discussion of the underlying guishes the spiritual state of the prophets and saints, as meaning of the traditional formula of taw/:!id in the profes­ opposed to the fallible and often quite divergent results of sion of faith (i.e., the "word" or "saying [kalima] of tawl}id" man's ordinary "reasoning" or "inquiry" (na:;ar). in this sentence) in chapter 67 of the Futii/:!iit (I, 325-29), 122 I.e., such unanimous agreement-unlike the usual and and especially his subtle treatment of the 36 diffe.ent Koranic expected slate of disagreement among the "people of na:;ar" 650 Journal of the American Oriental Society /07.4 (/987)

I said: "And is the matter (Le., the reality of things) (Idrls) said: "He told the truth. I am a prophet of in itself really as it was said to you (by God)? For the God (19:56), and I do not know any period at the signs (followed by) the intellects (of those who rely close of which the universe as a whole stops. How­ exclusively on their reasoning) indicate the impos­ ever, (I do know) that He never ceases creating (the sibility of (certain) things you (prophets) brought universe) in its entirety; that it (i.e., the whole of concerning that." reality) never ceases to be 'nearer' and 'further,;125 and Then he said: "The matter is as we (prophets) were that the 'appointed times,i26 apply to the (particular) told-and (at the same time) it is as whatever is said created things-through the completion of (their) by whoever says (his own inner belief) concerning periods (of existence)-and not to the (process of) Him, since 'God is in accordance with the saying of creation (as a whole), since creation is continually everyone who speaks (of Him)'.i23 So that is why we renewed 'with the breaths' (at every instant).127 Thus only called the common people to the word (i.e., the we know (only) what He has caused us to know­ verbal profession) of taw/iid, not to (the reality of) And they do not comprehend anything ofHis Knowl­ taw/fid." edge exceptfor what He wishes (2:255)." ... I said: "Once, in a visionary experience (wiiqiCa) So I said to him: "Then what remains until the I had, I saw an individual circumambulating (the appearance of the 'Hour,?,,128 Kaaba), who told me that he was among my ancestors 124 and gave me his name. Then I asked him about the time of his death, and he told me it was 40,000 years (earlier). So I proceeded to ask him about Adam, 125 I.e., dunyii ("this world") and iikhira (the "next world"): because of what had been established in our chro­ their etymology alludes both to the full ontological range nology concerning his period (namely, that it was of levels of Self-manifestation and to the reality-which much more recent). Then he said to me: 'Which Adam Idris mentions explicitly later in this discussion (at n. 130 are you asking about? About the most recent Adam?''' below)-that their "closeness" (or the contrary) is relative to the perspective of each observer, since all are equally with God. or individual reasoning (see preceding note)-points to the 126 iijiil: this term is used dozens of times in the Koran­ truth of their conclusion on that particular point. often in close association with "the Hour" (n. 128 below)-to 123 This last phrase alludes to a well-known !;adith qudsi refer to the ultimate fate of men in general (e.g., in verses (mentioned a number of times, with minor variations, by 6:2,60; etc.), of "every community" [umma: a term which for Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ibn Maja, AJ:!mad b. J:lanbal, Ibn 'Arabi encompasses every type of created being] (at 7:34; etc.; see Word, pp. 127-30), which is quoted twice in Ibn 10:49; etc.), or of the motions of the sun and the (at cArabi's Mishkiit (no. 13 and 27; Niche, pp. 36-37, 56-57): 31:29; etc.), etc. "I am in accordance with what My servant supposes con­ 127 maca al-anfiis: this is one of Ibn 'Arabi's most common cerning Me, and I am present with him when he remembers expressions for the ever-renewed creation of the universe at [root dh-k-r] Me...." For the broader metaphysical under­ every instant (khalq jadidltajaddud al-khalq), a metaphysi­ pinnings of this saying in Ibn cArabi's thought,. see the many cal reality which is only directly visible to the true Knowers references throughout the FUfU~, including his discussion of and accomplished saints, as he explains in the famous chapter this hadith in the closing lines (p. 226; Bezels, pp. 283-84) on ShuCayb in the Fu~u~ al-/fikam (pp. 124-26; Bezels, and his development of the related notion of the "god pp. 153-55). For some representative discussions of this created in beliefs," in the chapters on Shu'ayb (I, 119-124; recurrent theme in the Futu!;iit, see II, 46, 208, 372, 384, 432, Bezels, 148-53), on Elias/ldris (I, 182-86; Bezels, 230-34), 471, 500, 554, 639, 653; III, 127; and further references in on Zachariah (I, 178; Bezels, 224-25), and Aaron (I, 194-96; Mu]am, pp. 429-33. Bezels, 246-48). 128 There are some 48 Koranic references to the "Hour" 124 This encounter is described in greater detail in chapter (a/-siiCa) and the many questions surrounding it (e.g., at 390 of the Futu!;iit (devoted to the inner meaning of "time," 33:63; 79:42), as well as a considerable body of hadith, al-zamiin), in a passage {III, p. 549.8-140 which clearly especially concerning Its "conditions" or "signs" (shuru!, a brings out the "visionary," dreamlike character of this par­ term mentioned in Ibn cArabi's ensuing question here). Ibn ticular experience: "Now God caused me to see, in the way cArabi frequently discusses these matters along lines already that the sleeper sees (in his dreams)-while I was going followed by many earlier Sufis (e.g., in his response to around the Kaaba...." There this mysterious "ancestor" Tirmidhi's question [ch. 73, no. 72; II, p. 82] concerning the also reminds Ibn CArabi of a hadith of the Prophet stating "Hour"), so the apparent naivete of his questioning here is that "God created 100,000 ." almost certainly a literary device. MORRIS: The Spiritual Ascension: Ibn 'ArabI and the Micriij. Part I 651

And he replied: "Their reckoning has drawn near to He replied: "What we know, and what we do not people, but they are in (a state of) heedlessness, know_" turning away" (21:1).129 I said: "Then where is error in relation to what is I said: "Then inform me about one of the condi­ right?" 133 tions of Its 'drawing near'. " He said: "Error is a relative matter, while what is And he replied: "The existence of Adam is among right is the (unchanging) principle. So whoever truly the conditions for the Hour." knows God and the world knows that what is right is I said: "Then was there another abode before this the ever-present Principle, which never ceases (to be), world (al-dunyii), other than it?" and he knows that error (occurs) through the opposi­ He replied: "The abode of Being is one: the abode tion of the two points of <¥iew. 134 But since the oppo­ does not become 'nearer' (dunyii) except through sition (of the two perspectives) is inevitable, then error you, DO and the 'other world' (al-iikhira) is not distin­ is also inevitable. So whoever maintains (the real guished from it except through you! But with regard existence of) error (also) maintains (the prior existence to bodies [i.e., as opposed to the man's inherent and reality of) what is right; and whoever maintains spiritual finality and progressive movement of 'return' the (ultimate) non-existence of error speaks what is to his Source], the matter131 is only engendered states right (78:38)13S and posits error (as deriving) from (akwiin), transformations and coming and going (of what is right." [ ... 136] endless material forms); it has not ceased, and it never will." I said: "What is there?" 132 IH The two Koranic expressions translated here as "what is right" (~awiib) and "error" (kha{a") originally refer respec­ tively to hitting one's target or "getting it right" and to

12. "People" here translates al-niis, a Koranic expression "missing" it; thus the usage of both terms here implies a which Ibn cArabl generally understands and uses (e.g., at focus on the subject, the person who is judging rightly or n. 77 in section III above) in reference to the condition of wrongly-not simply on an abstract logical question of the inner ignorance or "veiling" characterizing "most people" or relations of truth and falsehood. In addition, kha{a o (in its "ordinary people," as opposed to the enlightened spiritual Koranic context) has strong overtones of moral error-i.e., state of the saints ("people of God," "true men," "true "" or "trespass" (against the divine limits: see n. 94)-so servants," etc.). On this specific point, see his remarks con­ that the ethical (or religious) and ontological dimensions cerning the saints' visionary awareness of the contemporary of Ibn


Alchimie. Ibn 'Arabi. L'Alchimie du bonheur parfait [ch. 167 Anwar], tr. Muhammad V1Usan. Paris, 1983. of the Futii~iit], tr. S. Ruspoli. Paris, 1981. O.Y. Ibn 'Arabi. al-Futii~iit al-Makkiya, ed. Osman Yahya. Bezels. Ibn 'ArabI. The Bezels of Wisdom [Fu~u, al-lfikam], Cairo, 1392/1972-present (9 volumes to date, correspond­ tr. R.W.J. Austin. N.Y., 1980. ing to most of vol. I of Futii~iit above). (References are to Ell/ E12. The Encyclopaedia ofIslam (1st and 2nd edition). volume number [I-IX] and pages.) FU~ii,. Ibn 'Arabi. Fu~ii, al-lfikam, ed. A. Affifi. Cairo, R. al-Anwiir. Ibn 'Arabi. Risalat al-Anwiir fi rna Yumna~ 1346/1946. (All references to Part I.) [See also English tr., $ii~ib al-Khalwa min al-Asriir [Rasa'ill, no. 12, pp. 1­ Bezels.] 19]. Hyderabad,.1948. Futii~ii': Ibn 'ArabI. al-Futii~iit al-Makkiya. Cairo (Bulaq), Rasii'il. Ibn 'ArabI. Rasa'il Ibn 'Arabi. Hyderabad, 1948. 1329 A.H., 4 volumes. (References are to volume number (References are to title, volume number [I-II], selection [I-IV], page and line number.) The ongoing critical edition number and pages; page numbers only are given for R. by Osman Yahya is listed as "O.Y." below. [See also ai-Anwar and K. al-Isrii'.) French tr. of chapter 167, Alchimie.] R.G. Yahya, O. Histoire et classification de l'oeuvre d'ibn Journey. Ibn 'Arabi. Journey to the Lord of Power [R. 'Arabi. Damascus, 1964. (References are to the number of al-Anwiir], tr. R.T. Harris. N.Y., 1981. each work in Dr. Yahya's "Repertoire General.") K. al-Isrii'. Ibn 'ArabI. Kitiib al-Isrii' ilii al-Maqiim al-Asrii' Sceau. Chodkiewicl, M. Le Sceau des saints: Prophbie et [Rasii'ill, no. 13, pp. 1-92]. Hyderabad, 1948. saintete dans la doctrine d'. Paris, 1986. Mishkiit. Ibn 'Arabi. Kitiib Mishkiit al-Anwiirfi mii Ruwiya SEI. The Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam [selections from 'an AIliih min al-Akhbiir. Aleppo, 1349/1927. (Hadith are EI']. Leiden, 1965. indicated by numerical order.) [See also French tr., Niche.] Wensinck. Concordance et Indices de la Tradition Musul­ Mu'jam. al-I:Iakim, S. al-Mu'jam ai-Sufi: al-lfikma fi mane, ed. A. J. Wensinck, et. al. Leiden, 1936-1969. lfudiid al-KaJima. Beirut, 1401/1981. Word. Graham, W. Divine Word and Prophetic Word in Niche. Ibn 'Arabi. La Niche des Lumieres [Mishkiit al- Early Is/am. Paris/the Hague, 1977.