The View of Neurological Diseases

Shoji Tsuji, MD, PhD

he availability of high-throughput technologies is expected to revo- lutionize our understanding of not only hereditary neurological diseases but also spo- radic neurological diseases. The molecular bases of sporadic diseases, particularly those of sporadic neurodegenerative diseases, largely remain unknown. As potential mo- Tlecular bases, various mechanisms can be considered, which include those underlying apparently sporadic neurological diseases with low-penetrant mutations in the for hereditary diseases, sporadic diseases with de novo mutations, and sporadic diseases with variations in disease- susceptible . With unprecedentedly robust power, high-throughput genome sequencing tech- nologies will enable us to explore all of these possibilities. These new technologies will soon be applied in clinical practice. It will be a new era of datacentric clinical practice. JAMA Neurol. 2013;70(6):689-694. Published online April 9, 2013. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2013.734

The elucidation of the molecular bases of ologicpathwaysunderliebothhereditaryand neurological diseases is fundamental to the sporadic neurodegenerative diseases. development of disease-modifying and pre- In contrast to the molecular bases of he- ventive therapies.1 Over the past 3 decades, reditary neurological diseases, the molecu- we have witnessed remarkable progress in lar bases of sporadic neurological diseases, the identification of the genes that cause he- particularly those of sporadic neurodegen- reditary neurological diseases (Figure 1).2-4 erative diseases, largely remain unknown. This has been accomplished mainly on the A potential clue to the molecular bases of basisoftheresearchparadigmknownas“po- sporadic neurological diseases may be the sitional cloning,”5,6 which uses linkage stud- clinical observation that siblings and rela- ies to pinpoint the position of genes on chro- tives of a patient with a neurological dis- mosomes followed by the identification of ease are at an increased risk of developing thecausativegene.Theidentificationofcaus- the same disease; this phenomenon has been ative genes has further made it possible to observed with regard to Parkinson disease develop disease models for hereditary neu- (PD)12 and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.13 rological diseases7-10 and to develop thera- These clinical observations suggest the in- peutic strategies.11 volvement of genetic factors in these dis- The majority of neurological diseases, eases (Figure 1). Until recently, it has been however, are sporadic without any obvious difficult to elucidate the genetic factors un- familial occurrence. We are thus faced with derlying sporadic neurological diseases. the challenge of elucidating the molecular bases of sporadic diseases. Intriguingly, the CME available online at clinical presentations and neuropathologi- cal findings of hereditary forms of neurode- and questions on page 683 generative diseases are often indistinguish- able from those of sporadic diseases, raising Rapid advancements in genome science, the possibility that common pathophysi- particularly the availability of massively Author Affiliations: Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, parallel sequencing technologies that use University of Tokyo, and Medical Genome Center, University of Tokyo Hospital, next-generation sequencers (NGSs), are Japan. revolutionizing the neurogenomics view of


©2013 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 10/01/2021 sequence analysis, the enrichment of exonic se- Road Map to Personal Genome Medicine quences using “baits,” which is followed by sequencing, has been preferentially used. With this strat- sequence (April 2003) egy, all exonic sequences in the human genome can be ef- ficiently enriched.18-20 With this approach, more than 90% Human genome variation of target regions can be enriched, and these enriched ge- Pharmacogenomics nomic regions are then subjected to massively parallel se- Sporadic diseases Hereditary diseases (complex trait) (Mendelian trait) quencing using NGSs. This approach is currently being used a lot for the identification of disease-relevant variants21-31 Variants: related to Variants: susceptibility Variants: causative and even for diagnostic purposes.32-35 drug reactions mutations Given the ever-increasing throughput of NGSs and the • Differences in drug • Diagnosis • Diagnosis dramatically decreasing costs, it will soon be a realistic response and • Disease-modifying • Disease-modifying adverse effects therapy therapy approach to conduct whole-genome sequencing for vari- ous research applications (Figure 2).36-40 Studies have shown that there are more than 3 million variations in Personal genome medicine 40 Optimization of treatment and prevention the human genome of each individual. In one study, of disease based on personal genome among the 3.3 million single-nucleotide polymor- phisms (SNPs), 8996 known nonsynonymous SNPs and 1573 novel nonsynonymous SNPs were identified. In- Figure 1. Diagram showing the road map to personal genome medicine. Since the completion of the human genome sequence in 2003, the research focus in terestingly, 32 alleles exactly matched mutations previ- human genetics has moved to how human genome variations affect human ously registered in the Human Gene Mutation Data- health. Human genome variations are considered to be associated not only base. In addition, 345 insertions/deletions were observed with hereditary diseases but also with sporadic diseases. In addition, human genome variations are also associated with differences in drug responses and to overlap in a coding sequence and may alter 40 adverse effects. Optimization of treatment and prevention based on personal function. These findings indicate that, among the nu- genome information will soon be a realistic paradigm in clinical practice. merous candidate variations, it will be a challenge to de- termine which variations are relevant to diseases. sporadic neurological diseases. The elucidation of the ge- Given the enormous number of short read sequences nomic variants underlying sporadic diseases is expected to (~100 bp), informatics analyses, including mapping to ref- provide some answers that will help us to develop disease- erence sequences and indentifying variations, require a huge modifying and preventive therapies. computational power.41-45 Furthermore, mutations can be Another important field is pharmacogenomics, in variable, including single base substitutions, insertions/ which genomic variations underlie differences in drug deletions, and structural variations. It is difficult to effi- responses and adverse drug effects (Figure 1). This field ciently identify all the variations using currently avail- is currently being introduced into clinical practice. able NGSs and software. For example, expansions of repeat Thus, it will be essential to better understand how hu- motifs identified in frontotemporal dementia and amyo- man genome variations affect our health with regard to trophic lateral sclerosis46 are difficult to identify using NGSs. diseases with Mendelian or complex traits, as well as with As already stated, most of the currently available NGSs regard to pharmacogenomics. Herein, the neuroge- produce billions of short reads of 100 to 150 bp. This is nomics view of neurological diseases and the future di- the limitation in analyzing various structural variations, rections of clinical practice are discussed. some of which may be relevant to neurological diseases. Very recently, single-molecule sequencing technology has HIGH-THROUGHPUT GENOME become available from Pacific Biosciences; this type of SEQUENCING TECHNOLOGIES technology enables the acquisition of nucleotide se- quences as large as 10 kilobases.47,48 Another single- Emerging new technologies for nucleotide sequencing molecule sequencing technology using nanopores, which have brought about a remarkable revolution in analyses allows for the acquisition of much longer sequences,49 of the human genome sequence. Compared with a con- will soon become available. ventional technology (namely, the Sanger method),14,15 the throughput of massively parallel sequencing that uses EFFECT OF HIGH-THROUGHPUT GENOME NGSs16 is increasing dramatically, with the current SEQUENCING ON UNDERSTANDING throughput at 600 GB per run, which means that a suf- THE MOLECULAR BASES OF HEREDITARY ficient amount of sequence data can be obtained for whole- NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES genome sequencing of at least 4 individuals.17 In typical experiments, billions of short reads (100-150 base pairs The strategies for identifying causative genes for heredi- [bp]) are obtained. These short reads are aligned to hu- tary diseases have been well established.5,6 The chromo- man genome reference sequences, and sequence varia- somal localization of the disease-causing genes is pin- tions are called through computational analyses. pointed by linkage analysis using polymorphic DNA Currently, 2 types of sequencing strategy (namely, whole- markers.50-52 Although a number of genes have been iden- exome and whole-genome sequence analyses) are used. Be- tified by applying these technologies, more than 50% of cause the cost of whole-genome sequencing is still consid- the genes causing familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis erably high, it is not easy to conduct whole-genome remain to be identified.53 In families with hereditary dis- sequencing for a large number of individuals. In whole- eases, the availability of affected and unaffected indi-


©2013 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 10/01/2021 Paradigm Shift: Explosive Growth in Genome Science and Medical

Hereditary diseases Hereditary diseases Sporadic diseases Hereditary Sporadic diseases diseases

Linkage analysis Linkage analysis GWASs

Personal genome Microarray-based Next-generation SNP analysis sequencers Genome informatics

Microsatellites (~800) 500 000-1 000 000 SNPs

Disease-relevant alleles Medical genomics Medical genomics in the past in the future

Prevention and better Candidate regions Candidate regions treatment of diseases (Sanger sequencing) (Sanger sequencing)

Causative/Susceptibility Personal genome medicine Causative genes genes

- 2000 2000 - 2009 2010 -

Figure 2. Diagram showing the paradigm shift (ie, the explosive growth in genome science and medical genomics). Over the past decade, genome-wide association studies (GWASs) using common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been conducted to identify genomic variations in sporadic neurological diseases. The theoretical framework of GWASs is the common disease–common variants hypothesis. Although GWASs have successfully revealed numerous susceptibility genes for common diseases such as diabetes mellitus, as well as neurodegenerative diseases, the odds ratios associated with these risk alleles are generally low and account for only a small proportion of estimated heritability. The availability of high-throughput genome sequencing technologies will enable us to identify all the genomic variants, and eventually those of disease-relevant alleles based on the common disease–multiple rare variants hypothesis.

viduals is often limited owing to small family sizes and APPARENTLY SPORADIC NEUROLOGICAL the small number of family members with a confirmed DISEASES WITH LOW-PENETRANT MUTATIONS clinical and/or a pathological diagnosis. These circum- IN THE GENE FOR HEREDITARY DISEASES stances pose a challenge to positional cloning because the candidate regions cannot be narrowed down to small re- There are numerous examples of low-penetrant muta- gions that are sufficient for identifying the causative genes tions in apparently sporadic cases of neurological dis- by sequencing individual genes in the candidate re- eases. Sporadic cases of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis due gions. Despite these difficult circumstances, the avail- to low-penetrant SOD1 mutations have been well char- ability of NGSs with unbelievably high throughput has acterized.56-61 In prion diseases, patients with V180I or made the identification of causative genes pos- M232R mutations in the prion protein (PRNP) gene rarely sible.31,54,55 Given the large capacity of NGSs, the most have a family history of prion diseases, indicating that essential step (and the bottleneck) is now the collection these patients are usually diagnosed as having sporadic of as many samples from patients and their families as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.62 possible based on well-characterized clinical informa- tion, including the correct diagnosis, regardless of fam- SPORADIC NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES ily size or number. WITH DE NOVO MUTATIONS

EFFECT OF HIGH-THROUGHPUT GENOME Alternating hemiplegia of childhood is a rare neurological SEQUENCING ON UNDERSTANDING disorder characterized by early-onset episodes of hemiple- THE MOLECULAR BASES OF SPORADIC gia, dystonia, various paroxysmal symptoms, and devel- NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES opmental impairments. Almost all cases are sporadic, but the concordance of alternating hemiplegia of childhood in The elucidation of the molecular bases of sporadic neuro- monozygotic twins and the dominant transmission in a fam- logical diseases is now a big challenge. We need to take vari- ily with a milder phenotype have been reported. With this ous mechanisms into account as the molecular bases of spo- background information, Rosenwich et al63 conducted radic neurological diseases, which include (1) apparently whole-exome sequencing of 3 proband-parent trios to iden- sporadic diseases with low-penetrant mutations in the gene tify a disease-associated gene and then examined whether for hereditary diseases, (2) sporadic diseases with de novo mutations in the gene were also present in the remaining mutations, (3) sporadic diseases with variations in disease- patients and their healthy parents. Whole-exome sequenc- susceptible genes, and (4) sporadic diseases with other ing indeed showed 3 heterozygous de novo missense mu- mechanisms. These different molecular bases are reviewed. tations.63 Similar approaches have been used for a number


©2013 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 10/01/2021 Road Map to Identification of Disease-Relevant Variations

Common diseases Rare diseases Mendelian diseases

Familial clustering Common alleles

Disease-relevant Rare alleles alleles Disease-specific alleles

Odds ratio (effect size)

Common SNPs Conventional Missing area approach: GWAS Odds ratios are Positional cloning too small. requires large familial resources.

Future directions: genome resequencing

Paradigm shift: from common disease–common variants hypothesis to common disease–multiple rare variants hypothesis

Figure 3. Diagram showing the road map to the identification of disease-relevant variations. Shifting the paradigm from the common disease–common variants hypothesis to the common disease–multiple rare variants hypothesis will lead to the elucidation of the molecular bases of sporadic neurological diseases. Relatively rare sporadic neurological diseases will be good candidates for identifying disease-relevant alleles with large effect sizes because, depending on the effect sizes, the sample sizes can be small. GWAS indicates genome-wide association studies; SNPs, single-nucleotide polymorphisms.

of diseases, including severe epileptic encephalopathy,64 au- mon disease–common variants hypothesis are not effective tism, and schizophrenia.65 The rationale for these ap- in identifying genetic risks with large effect sizes. The cur- proaches is based on the hypothesis that patients with se- rent experience with GWASs strongly suggests that rarer vere phenotypes associated with reduced reproductive variants that are difficult to detect by GWASs may ac- fitness may harbor de novo mutations.65,66 count for the “missing” heritability.17,74 Such rare variants Twin studies in which differences in the phenotypes may have large effect sizes as genetic risk factors for dis- of monozygotic and dizygotic twins were compared have eases. Thus, the paradigm should be shifted from the “com- long been conducted to delineate the involvement of ge- mon disease–common variants” hypothesis to the “com- netic factors. Therefore, the comparison of whole- mon disease–multiple rare variants” hypothesis to identify genome sequences of discordant monozygotic twins is disease-relevant alleles with large effect sizes (Figure 3). expected to accelerate the discovery of genomic varia- An excellent example of rare variants with substan- tions responsible for the disease phenotypes.67,68 tially large effect sizes is the recent discovery of the glu- cocerebrosidase (GBA) gene as a robust genetic risk fac- SPORADIC NEUROLOGICAL tor for PD.76,77 A population-based study78 coupled with DISEASES WITH VARIATIONS genealogy information demonstrated that the estimated risk IN DISEASE-SUSCEPTIBILITY GENES ratio for PD for siblings of patients with PD was signifi- cantly high, indicating that genetic factors substantially con- Over the past decade, genome-wide association studies tribute to the development of sporadic PD. Recent clini- (GWASs) using common SNPs have been conducted to cal observations79 have suggested the association of sporadic identify genomic variations associated with sporadic neu- PD with heterozygous mutations in the GBA gene encod- rological diseases. The theoretical framework of GWASs ing the enzyme that is deficient in patients with Gaucher is the “common disease–common variants” hypothesis, disease, an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage dis- in which common diseases are attributable in part to al- ease. Furthermore, the comorbidity of PD and Gaucher lelic variants present in more than 5% of the popula- disease was previously described.80 We conducted an ex- tion.69-71 Although GWASs have successfully revealed nu- tensive resequencing analysis of GBA in patients with PD merous susceptibility genes for common diseases such and controls, and we found that GBA variants that are as diabetes mellitus, as well as neurodegenerative dis- pathogenic for Gaucher disease confer a robust suscepti- eases, the odds ratios associated with these risk alleles bility to sporadic PD and even account for the familial clus- are generally low and account for only a small propor- tering of PD.77 The combined carrier frequency of the tion of estimated heritability.72-75 “pathogenic variants” was as high as 9.4% in patients with In GWASs, the general finding that the odds ratios as- PD and significantly higher than that in controls (0.37%), sociated with risk alleles identified for disease suscepti- with a markedly high odds ratio of 28.0 (95% CI, 7.3- bility are low indicates that GWASs based on the com- 238.3) for patients with PD compared with controls.


©2013 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 10/01/2021 We can draw the following conclusions from the dis- REFERENCES covery of the major disease-susceptibility gene (GBA) with a large effect size: (1) a genetic factor with a large effect 1. Trojanowski JQ, Vandeerstichele H, Korecka M, et al; Alzheimer’s Disease Neu- size has been discovered in sporadic PD; (2) in accor- roimaging Initiative. Update on the biomarker core of the Alzheimer’s Disease dance with the large effect size, there is a tendency of fa- Neuroimaging Initiative subjects. Alzheimers Dement. 2010;6(3):230-238. milial clustering (multiplex families such as affected sib- 2. Gusella JF, Wexler NS, Conneally PM, et al. A polymorphic DNA marker geneti- cally linked to Huntington’s disease. Nature. 1983;306(5940):234-238. lings); and (3) the disease-relevant allele could not be 3. The Huntington’s Disease Collaborative Research Group. 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