Linha Azul 808 200 166 / 226 158 158



Local: Rivoli - Teatro Municipal Date: 28 February a 09 March URL: Lines:

● 10M ● 11M ● 13M ● 1M ● 200 ● 305 ● 3M ● 4M ● 5M ● 600 ● 601 ● 602 ● 700 ● 701 ● 702 ● 7M ● 800 ● 801 ● 8M ● 900 ● 901 ● 904 ● 905 ● 906

Cost: A partir de 1 € Calculate your route 2014-34 th International of

This year's edition of Fantasporto will present in February in Porto, 20 world and European premieres , a total of 180 films from 32 countries , with tickets to one euro for most moviegoers , announced the event .

According to a statement released by the organization of the International Film Festival , will be given " strong emphasis " to Portuguese cinema , present in all official competition sections , which happens for the first time in the 34 years of the event .

Two new sections will be introduced in this 34th edition , the Fantas Classics and Industry Screenings this year with the presence of three companies , two English and one of the United States , which " will bring participants also more professional through the Port of cinema ."

This year , Fantasporto will have the official opening film " Vampire Academy " by Mark Waters , the closure being in charge of " The Railway Man " by Jonathan Teplitzky , with Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman .

The festival, which will take place between February 28 and March 9 in Rivoli Teatro Municipal , will receive a " lower than usual " subsidy by the Porto City Hall , according to a source of authority , assured that there is an agreement between the two parts to the event this year .

In a statement , the organization states that will reduce the price of tickets to win over the public , " taking into account the reduction of private sponsorship , and there is no new but keeping the previous year , because the budget of the festival will be identical to the recent years. "

Ticket prices range from the normal price of five euros , passing through four , three, two and one euro each , subject to certain conditions and depending on the area of exhibition of the films .

Also on the list of films to be shown is " " , the work of Aharon Keshales and Navot Papushado that , according to the press of international cinema , director Quentin Tarantino called it " the best film of the year [ 2013] " after having witnessed this in the international film festival in Busan ,

In the official section , even if the returns are ( director of " The Cube " and "Nothing " , winning the grand prize of Fantasporto in 1999 and 2005 , respectively ) , Takashi Miike and Alex de la Iglesia .

Fantasporto 2014 maintains the Orient Express Section and the national competition for film schools and partnerships with Cinanima , the Black & White Festival and the Film Society of Brodick .

In addition to the news , the event will present the restored " The Wizard of Oz " and " Gone with the Wind " by Victor Fleming versions .

The programming will be presented in detail Fantasporto to 25 January .