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The z "' EDITED BY THE INSTITUTE FOR PROSPECTIVE TECHNOLOGICAL STUDIES (IPTS) AND ISSUED IN COOPERATION WITH THE EUROPEAN S&T OBSERVATORY NETWORK Internet: The Academic Network Revisited r)1 Global Climate Change: Potential Impact on J ...:..J Human Health r; ( The Importance of Interdisciplinary 11 Smart is beautiful ')\) Approaches: The Case of Nanotechnology '){\ Technology deficits and sustainable ~jJ l) development in Less Favoured .... Regions of the EU -> • * • " . >< EUROPEAN COMMISSION • * .. Jo1nt Research Centre . UJ . " . UJ C) The IPTS Report N o '1 3 A P r I I 1 9 9 7 ABOUT TH IPTS REPORT he lf'TS Ripw1. lmmcfwd 111 !Ject>mher !995 011 the req1test and 1111der the awp/(e., ol the CrmlmlSSlOilerfor Sczenct', Re,wtrch mu! De!'elopnlent. Ed1th Crt>SS0/1, has 1/0II' completed 1ts pzlot phase \r1){{f seemed lzl.?e a dmolflllf!, challe11,r.W 111 late 1905. appt>{//"S 11011' 111 retrospect {/S a cruual gd!m111ser ofthe IPTS e11e1;!.!,1es mzd ,,/.?!lis 771e R£pm1 has puhlzshed m1tcles 111 {/ numher of are{/S, knjJIIlf!, a mztgh halm1ce among them mzd e.\{JI()[flllf!, lllterdlsCiplulantr {/S much m· possz/Jie Arttcles an' deemed prosjx'tfll'el)' rt>lel'allf I{ the)' e.\plore 1ssun ll'lnch are e1ther 1wt yet 0/1 the pulzcrnlal.?er~o; agenda I hut dut> to he there som1er or later!. or (/.,jwLfs oj't.,:\'ltes zrh1ch although 011 the age/1{/a thetr 1mpu11m1ce has 1101 ht>ell jullr appreczated 77)[' thomugh dmji111g m1d redraftmf!, pmce.':'. hased 011 cmlfllli/UIIS 11/(t>mcfll'e crmsultat1m1 ll'lih our culla/)()ntflllg ll<'fll'orl.? ol mstlflttes.
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