Elena CINCEA Proportionality or majoritarianism? In search of electoral equity1 Elena CINCEA University of Craiova, Romania
[email protected] Recibido: 27/11/2012 Aprobado: 23/04/2013 Abstract: Finding an electoral system both equitable and efficient represents a desideratum for every electoral democracy. The electoral system is at the cornerstone of democracy and has important consequences upon the constitutional and political system as a whole. Through this approach, I bring the spotlight on the old dispute over proportional representation and majoritarian voting systems. Thus, I will determine which of these main electoral systems is closer to the ideal of electoral equity. Keywords: electoral systems, proportional representation, majoritarian systems, electoral equity, representativeness, government effectiveness 1 This work was supported by the strategic grant POSDRU/CPP107/DMI1.5/S/78421, Project ID 78421 (2010), co-financed by the European Social Fund – Investing in People, within the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007 – 2013. BAJO PALABRA. Revista de Filosofía II Época, Nº 8 (2013):175-190 175 Proportionality or majoritarianism? In search of electoral equity Referring to the importance of the regulation of the electoral system, Royer - Collard stated that “an electoral law is a Constitution. Depending on how good or bad the law is, the governments resulting from it are strong or weak”2. Choosing a certain electoral system is of great significance and there are several aspects that must be considered, such as the influence it has on political parties, on government formation and last, but not least, on voting behaviour. Besides, each state must take into account its own historical and political background and also the social and economic particularities, when designing the electoral system.