RSA, integer factorization, Diffie–Hellman, discrete logarithm computation Aurore Guillevic Inria Nancy, France November 12, 2020 1/71 Aurore Guillevic
[email protected] • L1-L2 at Université de Bretagne Sud, Lorient (2005–2007) • L3 Vannes (2007–2008) • M1-M2 maths and cryptography at Université de Rennes 1 (2008–2010) • internship and PhD at Thales Communication, Gennevilliers (92) • post-doc at Inria Saclay (2 years) and Calgary (Canada, 1 year) • researcher in cryptography at Inria Nancy since November 2016 • adjunct assistant professor at Polytechnique (2017–2020) 2/71 Outline Preliminaries RSA, and integer factorization problem Naive methods Quadratic sieve Number Field Sieve Bad randomness: gcd, Coppersmith attacks Diffie-Hellman, and the discrete logarithm problem Generic algorithms of square root complexity Pairings 3/71 Introduction: public-key cryptography Introduced in 1976 (Diffie–Hellman, DH) and 1977 (Rivert–Shamir–Adleman, RSA) Asymmetric means distinct public and private keys • encryption with a public key • decryption with a private key • deducing the private key from the public key is a very hard problem Two hard problems: • Integer factorization (for RSA) • Discrete logarithm computation in a finite group (for Diffie–Hellman) 4/71 Textbooks Alfred Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot, and Scott A. Vanstone. Handbook of Applied Cryptography. CRC Press, 1996. Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl. Understanding Cryptography, a Textbook for Students and Practitioners. Springer, 2010. (Two texbooks [PP10] (Paar and Pelzl) are available at the library at Lorient, code 005.8 PAA). Relvant chapters: 6, 7, 8, and 10. During lockdown, the library is opened: see La BU sur rendez-vous covid-19-la-bu-sur-rdv.html Lecture notes: (Lorient → 5/71 Textbooks The Handbook is available in PDF for free.