,T C. K. SRINIVAsAN, H ..... ,B.L., H. Litt:


BY Dr. SURENDRANATH. SEN. M.A.., Ph r> ~ B.t.iti COxon.) - DiI'tclM of Arch£ves. {rOvcmment Qf i~iil.',

EDITED BY &0 Ba.~..&dur- 'C. S. SRlNIVASACHARI. M.A., Pt-O/essfW c/ History and Politics. A,.namalai-University.. - - .AnnamalrzinagM.


Pages (rom 1 to 328 printed at the De-Nobill Fr,ese, Madura.. and the rest printed a.t the Trichinopoly. United PriDtera Limited,. .Trichinopoly. coNTENTS





I. The Southern Expansion of the Maratha Race IS , II. The Rise of Shahji :t3honsle 31

m. Vyankaji and t~e Establishment of 'the Tanjore Principality 123

IV. --Oingee Under the Marathas 17S

V. The Heyday of the Tanjore ~oipa.lity 221 . VI. The Interregnum 242,

VII. The Struggle for Existence 249

VllI. The B6f§iuning of the End 294

IX. The End 329

X. Administration 342


mEX 399


Foreword by Dr. B. N. BEN, M.A., Ph. D.t B: LITT. COXON.} Dir.ector' oj ArchiveIl, G~ment oJ l1ulia. To introduce a yotlng author to bis readerts is a pleasure and a duty, for the future of history lies with the youth. lIr. C. K. Srinivasan does not claim to ha ve broken new ground. His" is an arresting theme of abiding interest. The story of Mai'a­ tha expansion and' c,oll'apse ili the Karnatak will bear repeated recount.ing. If older scholars have previously tried their hands a t it, there is no reason why a younger student should not attempt to bring the scattered fragwente of information together and give a fuIJer account of the titanic struggle. Very likely othere will tread in his footsteps; but it will be long before' the last word is said, for the subject is baflling in its immensity aud the characters are bewildering in their diversity. What a splendid cavalcade cross.es our mental vision: Shriranga and Tirumal, Shahji and Khan Muhammad, Aurangzib and , Ekoji and Raghunath Narayan, Harji Raja and Keshav Pingle, ,Pralhad Niraji and' Zulfikar Khan, the first Nizam and Raghuji , Muhammad Ali .and Chanda Sabeb, and Murari ,Rao, Clive and Dupleix, Coote and Lally, the rear being nobly kept by that man of God, Christian Friedrich Schwartz, whose spirItual qlission ii diQ not preclude him from taking afl activ~ part 'in contemporary politics. What passion's urged thelli ,in their mortal pursuits, what ideals did they strive after. what objects did they cherish? Was Shahji the vanguard of . resurgent in Karnatak or was he one of the common adventurers 'of his times, fishing in troubled waters, intent on self-aggrandize­ ment P Was it honest indignation at his master's shortcomings that drove Raghunath Narayan to desert the court of Tanjore or was it a mean lust for lucre and prospects of power and pelf that urged him,on his way to Raigarh? It is commonly believed that Aurangzib's invasion contributed to Maratha solidarity aod infused the infant state with fresh. vigour and renewed vitality. 'Mr. Srinivasants account does not leave any doubt that the consequent impoverishment led to the loss of the cradle of 'Maratha power in the Karnatak and the cession of important sea"ports to the merchant nations of th~ west who subsequently became the arbiters of India9s fate. The retained their grip over Tanjore long after the initial set-back and if in the face of renewed aggression they stooped to prevarication and double-tracking, they simply responded to the .natural instinct, of self.. preservation. The princes of Tanjore were no doubt autocrats,. with the common ruling weaknesses· of their times; but they have left a rich cultural legacy . T,O convert a small hamlet into a noble seat of iii learning is no ~lean achievement and whatever· theirifailings as rulers of men, the patrons of' c' Modern " and "Andhra Kalidas'~ did not live in vain. The dYn~sty has gone .the way of older lines, but the Mahal Lihrary still testifies to its love of 'learning and patronage of art. , Mr. Srinivasan has done 'well to present to his countrymen a most readable account of the rise and fall of ' the Maratha p'ower'in' Peninsular . Imperial Records Department,} NEW , S. N. SEN. 18t February, 1945" , PREFATORY Non BY THE EDITOR.'

Thi.s treatise is an attempt at a succinct survey of the fortunes of the Marathas in from the days of Shahji's campaigns in th~ Myspre plateau and in the Carnatic and on through the fortunes of the rule of his succes­ sors at Tanjore down to the extinction of the Tanjore Raj by the British Government in 1855. It is based upon a study of much the larger part of source~, primary\ as well as secondary, and aims at giving wha.t Dr. Sen has so happily worded, a most readable account of the rise and fall of the Maratha Power in Peninsular India. The book is an amplificati'on, in some respects, of a thesis for the degree of Master of Letters, submitted to and approved by the Annamalai University some years back. It is a matter for considerable gratification for the editor and the author that Dr. S. N. Sen., Director of Archives, Government of India, should have generously written an appreciative foreword and in other ways helped in improv­ ing the book. It is regretted that, in spite of great care taken, a number of errors should have crept in the course of printing.

Annamalai University, } C. S. SRINIVASACHARI, ANNAJULAINAGAB, 15-2-1945. . Editor. FOREWORD .TO students of Indian History, the Maratha period is one of absorbing interest, for in it they meet w.ith soldiers, statesmen and saints who by their conquests, consolidation a-gd catholicity, welded together the scattered elements of a mighty race and presented to posterity the pattern of a nation, at once brave. independent and zealous 'of its own rights and duties. Even" while serving a foreign master" Shahji 'Bhonsle· showed his countrymen the -glorious and victorious part they have to ,pl~y in the years to come; and the task of gathering the Marathas together was taken up by his famous son Shivaji who gave them an impreg­ nable home and a durable government. This mighty race, reared to virility through blood and battle" became a formidable 'weapon in the hands of the in their wars with the 'neignbouring empires. Thus in the North, chiefly through the 'genius~f their leaders, the Marathas .marched from victory to victory. They humbied the Nizam and created consternation to the Great Mugha1 by entering Imperial Delhi· and the surrounding territory. But in the South they were not as militant or aggressive. 'The histol'Y pf the Maratha Ra.le in the -Oarnatic begins with the occupation of Tanjore i~' 1676 by Vyankaji, the son of Shahji," and .ends in I355 when the Tanjore Raj' was incorporated -u- into the British Dominion. Tanjore, like Patali­ putra; Was the capital of successive dynasties. It was the capita] and a centre of culture and learnlng unrler, the Imperial Chol,8s. then under­ th'; N ayaks' a.nd lastly under the Marathasl Tbus, the banks of the Cauvery, becam~ the home ef learned men owing to the encourage­ tnent- gi\'en by the dynasties that t:uled from Tanjore. I have -tried to give a connected .account of the part played by the 1{arathas .in the Carnatic, their ~ administrative organi­ Isatiot1. and. their' contributioll' to art a.nd" literature, from a study of the a.vailabl~ material. It now'remains, for me to acknowledge the­ help I have,received in the preparation of this ,work. I cannot be too grateful'to my Professor" Rao Bahadiir C. S. Srinivasachari, who guided ,my work and allowed·. me to snare bis rich knowledge of history and the historical method without atint., I am ob~iged to Dr. Surendra­ nath &en. Director of Archives,· Go~rnment of India, fpr his valuable Introduction to thb : book. My thanks are also due to Mr~ N. D .. Varadachariar. B.A .• B.L._ Advocate. MylapOlc, for his many suggestions. To my Univ:ersity wbicl\ kindly undertook the pubH­ ~ation of my the~i8 I am deeply indebted .

.8IM~A, } C. It. SRINIVASAN. !iOVtt'nber, '1944. BIBUOGRAPBY

L Contemporary sources. (a) Inscriptions.

..4.nnual Report Oil SouJJ. india,. Epigraphy, Madras . ..4. Topographical List of 1,~criptio"Mof thaMadraa PrMifh1tC1J Colkcted ,flll 1915 by V. Ra.nga­ : charya, Vols. I to ill. Epigraphia Carnatica by B. Lew.s Rice. I1I.Scriptions o/Ihe Pudukottai State. Liats of Antiquiliu in lhe·MaJraa Pr84ilknc!I by Robert Sewell-2 volumes. SQNth Indian Inscriptions. Palra SaT Sal!gran.a. The Maralhi Inecription iJS the Tanj0f'8. Big Temple, pUQlished by T. Sambamurtbi &0.

(b) Chronicles and Travellers' Accounts. Bartolomeo; A Voyage to the Eiut IfUliu. Bertr~d: La JIi:taiOfl au Madure. I Gro...~: A Voyage to the East Indie8. Vol. II. - Hamilton: .New Acro.tnl of the. Indiu, VoL I. Heber: Trat1el.r: Vol. m. Lo~kman; Travels oj Je~it8. 2 Vols. Manuooi: Swria do J[ogor. \'·01. m Nieuhoff: A. Voyage 10 awfrom 1M Indie~. Taylor: Oriental. Hi8torical M88. 2 Vols . . Taylor: Catalogua Raiaonna oj 0riemaJ ManfU­ , cript,a. 3 Vols. 'rhavenot : Travel&. Valentia: Travel.s Vol. I. so \-394-

(e) Traditio~laDd Lit~rary Work .. Natua ViJayam, a. Sa.nskrit Work. Boaalavam8avaZi, '8, Sanskrit Ms •• in the Tanjore Library. Sivalilarnava ,. Sangita Saramrita u' " 8arabhoji Oharitra " .. Bharat .1 " ,Ac{vaita Kirtprta, a Ta.mil ~~ " Athi,upavati Kalllanam " '"

Bhulo'kadeverulrfJ ,V ila8am " " 'II Oka:ndrikahiua 'V ilaBa N atakam a Sanskrit " .. K uravanji a: Ta.mil " . ' " Sivaji OhQri~ra •. " " ,V i8nnu Saharaj'i VilMam, " " Panjavuri Andhra RajuZu r • Ohar"itramu,a Telugu work. 'l'anjatJ?lri Vari Oharitam " , , 8aharaja Vilasa Nataka, a Telugo. Mss. in the Tanjore Library. • A Catalogue of Tamil Mal, in the Tanjore Library' ,~ Volumes. . A Descriptive Oatalcgue of Mg8, in the M aara8 : Oriental 'if88'. Library (Sanskrit) Vol. V, XX, XXI. j , A Deacriptive Oatalogue' of "Telugu Maa. in ~ Madra8 Orienta IM8s. Leorar,!! Vol. II, Peorts , ~ n and III, ~913-14 to 1915-16.' , n ., .Vol. ill, Part III, 1916·17 to " • 1918.19. (Sanskrit)' Vol. U, part t. C. " , It Vol. I, pa.rt I. " ,. (Tamil), "'Vol. n.', -395-

U. Published Works. Aitchison: Treatie8. Engagementa and Sanadl. Vol. X. Ananda Ranga Pilla. Diary, Yolo I. II, IY, VI, XI. Balkrishna.: Shivaji. • Basu : R~se oj the Ohristian Power in India. Beckles Wilson: Ledger and 8uxrrrJ. Vol. II. Beni Prasa.d: History oj Jahangir. Bowt:ing: Hyder AZi~ Burnell: A Oatalogue oj the Tanjore Library. Charles Stewart: M e?lloira oj Haidar AU. Dodwell : DupZeix and Olive. DodweII: Madra8"De8patche8~ 1744-55. Duff: Historg o/IM.. Maratha8. 3 Volumes.. Elliot and Dawson: History 0/ India Q8 told by her own Historia'n8. English Records on Shivaji.. Foster: English Fact0rie8 in lrulia. Fullirton: A View 0/ English Inter6st8 in India. Hayavadana Rao: Mysore Gazett66r, New Edi- tion. Heras : The Aravidu Dynasty.., Vol. I . Hemingway; Tanjore Gau~. • Hickey: Tanjore M araiha Prin~ipalily .. Ho~h : Historg oj ~hristianity ill India. Hnltsch: Report on 8a",s1cri. MS8.,:VOl. nI. Irvine: Later Mughals. Kincaid and Parasnis: .,( H ~tory oj the Maratka People, 3 'Yolumes. . . Krishnaswami Aiya.ngar, S!: Sour~ 0/ Y ijaya. nagar History •• , I Love : Ve8ti(1u oj o.U M arJr~. 3 Vo~umes.' . Malleson; lli8e oJ the French Power in India. Majo~ Vibart: M ilitarll 11 i8l

Hiatory. J • Sarkar Jadunath: 8kivaji. , Sark~i\.Ja.aUna.th: Auranzzib. Vot. IV an~ V. Sarkar Jad®a.tli: . Bouse oj Skivaji. . Satyanatha lyer; R.' 1'Ae ,Nayaks oj Madura •. Scott' ,: Bist(JNJ 0/ the Deccan by Feruhta. Sen:' Stuaiu ,n Indian Hi8tM'!I. Sen: , Foreign Biogtaph£es 0/ SMvaji. Sen :' Sivaehhatrapati. Sen: ,Militar1l System oj the M arathaa. Schwartz:' H~ -.Remai,;a. Co1l.8i8~ing oJ Letu,a, J (YUma-Is ,ete. " Shelvankar: ' ...4. Repor~t on the Jlodi M8s. in 'hi I$arasfall M ahf!:l \Library. ~ -397- , Sriniva,sachari, C. S. A:nanda-Ranga Pillai-- 'Ihe. ,Pepya oj Frettch India. Srinivasachari, C. S. Evan8 BeU's. Empire in India. .... Srinivasachari, C. S. A History of .31adraa,. Srinivasacharl, C. S. A History Gingee and. ita Rule.rs. Subramanyan, K. R. Maratha Rajas oJ Tanjore. Takakhav and Keluskar: Lif8 oj, Shivaji jIaha- raj. Venkasatni Rao' A JfanulJ,l of the Talljore nistrict. Wilks: . History of .lJfysore, 2 Volumes. Wellesley: Despatches. m. Government Papers. C~ie8 oj Papers relative to the Restoration oj the Raja of Tanjo-re, 5 Volumes. Report oJ the Oommi8~on oj 1799. Records of Fort·St. George. Diary and Consultation Book Series. LeUera to F/Y/'t St. George Series.

Letters/1 0m Fort St. George Series. French OoirespOtidence, 1750. Ommtry Oorrespondence,: 1740, 1748, 1749, 1751, . 1803. IV. Journals. Joumal oj the Tanjore Saraavati Mahal Library, Vol. I. Journal oJ 'Oriental Research, 1939. Vol. XIn, Pt. I. . , J oumal 0/ Indian B i&tory, .vol. IX, XI, and xvm. : 1 Journal oj the Bombay Branch oftlte Royal.As·i.atic Society, Vol. XV, 1939. -398-

Shivaji NibandhavaU, Pa.rts I a.nd II. Bhivaji' Souvenir.

Modern. Review j September 1917 and July 1929. Indian Historical Quarterly. Vol. ~V. 1939. Proceedings oj the '.Indian Hi,torical Recor8d Oommission., 1938. Proceedings oj th, Oriental OonJerene~, 1939. 1941. Proceedings oj the Indian History Oongress, 1938, 1939 and' 1940. Vijayan~ar Sexcentenary Oommemoration VoZume. Volume ~J Indian and Ira~ian Studies presented to Sir C. D. Ro8~, "1939. INDEX

A Abbe Guyon, 2451}, 2!8 of Shahji, 36; his death, Abdulla Khan, 158 37; referr(od to, 102, 112 Abdulla. Qutb Shah, M ' Ambika Bai, 191 Abul Hasan, 149,157"9 Ananda Ranga. Pillai, his Acharyarijaymu,377 Diary, 12-13; referred to, Achutadeva Raya, 34.5 231'9, 246'9. 255Q, 256g, Adil Shah, 36, -39, 44. 68-70, 2(30'9,2629, 266,282, 2S?'92 81, 85, 91; 97, 103-105, Ananda. Rao .. 231-234. 132'9, 175. See also Bijapur. 240, 2!l, 349 &idl'.iita KirUlJia, 378, 379 Anekal, U3 "- Afzal Khan, 48,68, 81, 93 Annaji Pant. 153, 181 Ahmad Khan, 6SQ. Annapurna,.243 Ahmadnagar, 1, 19.20,28,32, Annasahib, 30, 242 35,38,44-45, 103. See also Antosi Pantele, 94- Kizam Shah Anwarnd~ 255-257 ~bar, Emperor, 20, 38 Apamba Bai, 235 Akkanna" 140 Appa Sastri, 379, Alagiri, 127-130 Arabia, 229 Ali Adil Shah, 13S Arantangi, 228, 233. 285, 311 Ali Mardan Khan, 201, 202 Arasumalai, 169 Ali Qadir, 20~ ArchaeQlogy. 17 Ama.r Singh, appointed regent Areot, 255, 256 i>o Sarabhoji 11, 313, tre-aty Ami, 161, 163 Vrith the English, 315.317;. Arunachala Kavirayar, 378 aBcends the throne, ~19; Asaq Khan, the Mugh&l g('n6- bad a.dministra.tion, 320; ~ raJ, 18S. 1999-, 200'9, 203- ill.treatmentofSarabhojill. 2Ol,217 321; d~throned and pen- Asad Khan. the Bijapur _gene- sionro 323-325; Charae~r .ral, 61 . 326-3~8: referred to 16,30, AsafKhan,41 - 329,351,369 ~Dl,~ce,207 Arohai. Malik, t"hief miuister- Aura.ngzib, 20, 7(, 76, SO, of the -.Ahmadnagar state, 150, 163. ISO, 186 ~ Mi. 31; his endea.~ours to 189, 195.200, m, 212, 2U, rehabilitate the Sultanate, 216 32 ; besi(>ged the Mugha.ls in Avanasi, 225 Balapur &nd Burhanpur, 33, Avji Pandit, 181 secured the alliance of Gol- AyyavaJ, 222, 372 eonda, 34: in the battle of Arrampet, 130 Bhatwa.di, 35 ; ill.treatment AY1!'v&Y1an, 231, - 40t)--,

B Baba &pib, 30, 235, 242, 243 ~Bhavabhuti, 236 Baho Sahib, 159 Bhavani Sal1kara, 232·235 Badaha/b N ama, ~4\} Bhimden, 83ttr OS, 156tt, 212 Bahlo Khan Shahjahani, 61, 218 .. . 95, 138 BlwscilavamllavQ.li., 3BO Baird, Sir Da.vid, 327 Bhuvanagiri, 147, 159 Baji Ghorpade, 65, .(i6n. ,. Bidar,80 . Bakhar8, The, 7,'8, 140, 176 . Bijapur, aggressive southern Balapur, 29, 33, 163 " -campaigns, 21, 46-511 83- Balkriahna, Dr,' 23, 54, 67. 02 '; war against Ahmad­ I 113 nagar, 35 ; entertains Shahji Balkrisbna Baghavatpada,. in service; 36-37 j def('a.ts 371 ' the Mughals near l)arenda., BaIoji, 225 43; crushes Shahji, 43-45;

Bangalore, 2. 10, 22,. 26, 29, o f'.a.mpaign ag~iDst Shivappa

'48~49, . 69, 111 1420, 171 o Nayak, 53-54; aUianc6 177g. with Golkonda, 54; defeats ':Ba.nkapur, 107 S.ziranga III, 54-61 i Mus­ BaramahaJ, 22, 25, 177'0, 225 tafa Khan .. sent to, the

Baron,153,157'O 0 Carnatio, 59-67 ;. senda Barwell, Chartes, 214 Sha.hji to the Carnatio~ in .p >atiwu/s.Salatfn, 11,12, 609, 1651, 071; captures Pena­ gonda, 73; enters into &. li,30Sa'Hlopattana, 26, 28, 47, t:t:eaty with Anrangzib, 80; , 5(;, 105, 108, 113. See also imprieollli Shahji for &. Kenga Hanumar second time, 93-97; refer- Bava Pandit, 311, 349 red to, 99, 101·107, 110-112, Bednore. 47, 53. ·~25. See also 123, 129, 135,167,175,178• .~ Virabhadra 'Nayak aud Shi. See also Adil Shah. . vappa Nayak. 'Bouchier, 292 Belvadi. 164 Braithw&ite, 341 Bel\.ares, 142 Britto. Father John de. 174- Benfield, Paul, 303 17 ij , Bertrand, Father, 168'0, .174'0. Buda-Inr, 302

22sn c Burhanplu,33,35 Bhaga~agar, 145' Burhanuddin,12 Bhaskara. Dikshita., 372, 381 Buhler. Dr., 37$ Bhatwadi, 35 • ',Boumell, Dr., 375

Caillaud, 281. 286, 289, ~90. Carnatic, 2, 3,9,14, 16, 21,28 . 'Campbell, Sir Archibald, . 318. 137, 138 140.142, 148, 149, . Canimeer, ~S5' d" 152-155, 157t', 163, 206, -401-

230.237,240,249,25),253, Chingleput, 22 255 tt 8eg 267, 294,. . Chitnis Bakhar, ~. 64, 140, . Camataka Desa RajJkkal Sa­ 152,218•. vistara Coo (ita, 14, 141 g. .Chokkanatha. Dikshit, 371 Catalogue Raisonnee" 1259 Chokkanatha Nayak, 87, 88,' Cauveri (Kaveri), 3, 24, 147, 107,- 124-130, 138, 159, 150, 225, 226, 276 166-170, 175. 179. - . Central Government, 34~352. Christianity, 245. Chamaraja Wodeyar, 23, 25 Clive, 264. ' 27. Cogan, Andrew, 56. , 6, 237, 242, Coimbatore, 225 . 243, '24.5, 249, 251 e& 8eq~ Coleroon, 159,-161, 164. 257-260, 264-267 Oommissum oj 1799, the, 7, Chandragiri, 26, 74 171,229, 245g., 3091j, 326. Channayya, 25 Conjeevaram, 156, 188 et Beg. Charities, 389, 390 • 201-203. -. Chengamaladas, 128-132. 170 . Cornwallis, Lord, 318, 322. Chennapatna,22,23,25 Court of :Qireetors, 303. 304, Chetpat, 189 306,322 et 8eg. Chidambaram', 2U, 271. Cuddalore. 183 el8eq. Chikkadeva Raya. 138, 171, Cuddapah, 188,219,223, 251. 177g., 225, .

D Dabir Pandit, 251,314, 364- Devikottai, 262-264, 279 Dadaji Konddev, 141 . Dhanaji Jadhav, 191, 193, DadaJi Lohokare,. 70 201-203, 213-214 Dagh-BegiBter,16, 88. 91, 92, Dkarmak'Uta, ~.(), 171, 222g., 94 ~8. 372. 373 Da.1a vay and his functions, Diskalkar, D. B.,' 110 347,348 DodbaIJapur, 111- Dalhousie, Lord, ~39 Dodwell, 12, 246, 278Q' Dalton, 268', 270, 273, 275 Dost Ali Khan, 237, 251-253 , Damalcheruvu Pass,-253 Duff, GraAt, 3, 5, 18, 151t 194- Damodaram Pillai.. '295 246.2499 .' Dara Shukoh, 43 . Dumas, 244, 245 Darya. Khan Roheta, 32 - Dupleir" 12, 246~ 255 et 6"1. Daud Khan, 212, 220, 230 267-271,274,276,352 Daulatabad, 32. 42, 43,le3, Duquesne, 2p9 . 104 Dutch. The, 6, 16, ,95g.. 51. Deccan, the 20, 33, 41 et seq, . 74:0. .. 179, 136,. 161, lQ7, 64. 137. 150,1570. . 246, 301, 302 Delhi, 206, 212 S1 -402- E East India. Compa.ny (The Elavanasur, 161 Company) 5, 16, ,63, 88t Elchi Beg; 56 136, 184, 190~ 197, 198,262, Elihu Yale. 184, 198 283, 284, 293, 301tl, 304, EmbaJ.,289 306, 315,~317 etBeq, 327, 329, , English, the, 136, 142. 162, 330,- 341 , 182 et Beq, 248, 262, 214, EducBt~ion, 392 27?, 281 et 'B,eq. 298, 3U Ekoji, 30, 83~ 121-136; 160, EnglIsh (Factory) Records, 3, 16{\. 171-174, 199"(1, 229. 6,9,53,55,56,63, 77, 88, See also Vyanka.ji 96, 136, 142, 145, 152 F Fakir'a Rook, battle near, 273 74tt. 75. Feith Khan, 3742, 103 Freire. Father Andre, 134, Ferishta.; 216:-218 " . 148, 156. 160'9, 1650, 172- Finance, '359-369 175, 179 " .. Forbes, Mr., 340 Freeman, Robert, 1~4 . Foreign Missions, 38~389 French, the, 13, 14, 136, 152, Fort St. David. 199,208, 213, 197, 244 tt ,eq. See also 219, 247, 262, 263, 269, 279 Dumas and DupJeix. , Fort ~t. George, ,5, 72,134, French East ~dia Company, 153, 199, 207~ 208,219, 2749- 14 ,324. et Bsq. ' , Fryer, Dr, 1230 ' Foster, Sir M:,' 7, 37~, 57, FulJarton, 3,5, 133; 362 G dang~dhara Makhl, 347 .199-214; ,referred to 2.6, .Ganjam,.,188 - I J -14, 24, 88, 90, 106, 148. 149, Ghana8yama.· Pandita, 236. 152-156. 221 349, 375 ' Girira.)i Kavi, 382 ~ingee, fief of the Vijayanaga.r Goa. 18; 162 , Em'Dire, 178;! hostIlity to it,' 'Golkonda, invasions 'of' the 23, .. 51; defea.ted in the south, 21, 23, 27; treaty battle of Topur, 24; treaty . with the Mughals, 46; b&- with the Madura. Nayak, 27; \ siegesyellore, 52; allia.nce Muhammadan siege 'and.. with Bijapur. 54 i sends ~apture, 62-64; ,ta.ken by Mir Jumla. to crush Sri Shivaji; 156-157; becomes·, Ranga.- nI, 55-57; Joms the sed.tof Rajaram'a Bijapur troops ~t Gingee, government, 136, 193-197; ",_ 62-63;' disagreement' with Mughal siege and, capture, "Bijapur, 71 ; absorbs the -403- ~~ territory of Vijianagar em­ Gopal Dadagi Pandit. 184 pire, 78-79, attacked by Govinda Rao, 276 ; the Mughals, 80; rapproche. Govindappaiya.168 ment with Shivaji, 154-155; Grnndler, 385 referred to 106, no, ~39- Guillot, Elliot, 246 140, 143, 144, 151, 153, Gumti,58 ~157Q, 188. See also Qutb Gussafa):' Khan;21S' Shah. ' Gyfford, lSI - Gopalayyar,383

H Badiqat-ui-Alam, 769 Haynes, 20S Haidar Ali, 16, 294 e' 8eq. 298, Reber, Bishop, 15, 334. 336. 299, 307-312, 351. 383,387 33S , Rakim Ismail, IS3Q. Heron, Colonel, 286-288 Hambir Rao, 161, 165Q. !fickey,4,229-230 Hamid Khan, 39 Hindu Pad. PadaBhaki, 137. Hamilcar, 101, - 144 Hamsakuta, 28 History oj eM Oarnataca 'Harji Mahadik, 6, 181-::191 Governar8. 168Q. Hatsell, 198, 213Q. HoysaIas, 1, 19Q., 343, 344 Hayavadall& .R~_o. ,C., 113Q., Hussain Shah, 40 H6g Hydera'bad,.1,55-229'

I Ibr8.him Adil-Shah I, 19 - Ikkeri, 2,: 25, 26, 46. 47, ol. Ibrahim Adil Shah II, 37 Ga,95 Idal Khan, 63, 85~ 129," 13IQ., - Irumbanadu, 289 134. See also Adil Shah. Ismail Khan, 203 J Jadhav RaO, 33,34.38, 39,103'" Jaya~m Pandit, 9,10, 83, ll~ Jagadeva Raya,,22, 28,60,105 ,_ Jedhe Chronology, 8,43Q., 156Q. Jagga Raya, 24 16IQ.,162U, 16qQ., 166,17IQ. Jagannatha,374 188Q.,I9In.199g,2000,202{ Jagannath,Pant. 161 205U,209IJ.,210V., 213~, 214{ Jahangir. 33, 34 Jija Bai, 100 Jaisingh, 175 . Jonathan Scott, 215 ,Tanardhan -Narayan, 1~3, 151, Joshia-'du Pre, 284 154, 181, 192, 194 . Justioe, 354-358 JaswaJlt &.&0 AsadkhaDi, 65 - 404:­ K Kafikha.n, 216 KUavan Setupati,' 619-171. Ka.lahasti, 155 226. 227. 232, 283 Kalyani, 80 Kincaid, 151 Kamtlkalan.idhi, 10, 376 King and his ministers, 346-

Kam Bakhsh. 200i ~01, 203. 350 204,206,207 Kivalur, 280 Kalmi Bakhar, 8 Kiranelli, 233, 285, 289-292, . Kanakgiri, 81, 116 . 311 Kande Rao Da.bhade, 191 Kondana., , 69 Kanhoji Naik Jedhe, 70 Kolar, 29, 111, 113, 163 Kanthiravanarasa, 25, 28, 49, Koneri Chetty, 78 73 Konher P~ndit, 161 Ka.raikal, 244-246, 261, 280, Kopal, 1~4 283 J(o~di,224, 26~, 275, 277 , 214,217 Koyaji Ghangte, 235, 261, Kasturi Ra.uga, 48 279 Katta Tevar, 234, 235, 237-. ,Krishna, Dr. ~1. H., OOth ,239 ' . lOOtt, 101(1. , Xattu Raja. 236, 243, 244, 248, Krishnadeva. Raya, 344 261-264, 279, 280. See, also ,,'Krishnadurg .. 60 . Savai Shahji Krishnaiyya.r, 383 Kaveripa.tnam.231 Krishnananda. Sarasva.ti, 380 Kaveripauk, 189, 202 Krishnaswami Iyengar (Dr. Kavikulesh. 180 . S.K:Iyengar) 22tt, 24tt 70tt, Keigwin,. 185 108, 110, 128tt, 131tt, 150. Kempe Gauds. 48, 49, -l08, Kumaraiya, 189,226, 228 113 ' Kumara. Pill8,i, 170 Kenga -Hanuma. (Nayak) 25, Kumbakonafu, 24, 131, 132, 26,28,47-50,119 301. 311,312,325,332,371, Keshav Pingle, 187-~89 380 Keshava R&mana, 203 l{undut:pi, 69 Khando Ballal Chitnis, 192 Kunimedu, 183, 184n.' 1 97, Khan Jahan Lodi, 37, 38 198 Khan. ZQman, 45 • Kuppanna., 377 Khaw$$ Khan, 38, 138 ' ,Kuppi, 235 I}hurra.., Pripoe, 33 Xurnool, 257 . Lakshmeshwar. 164 Lavatn",-~80 _ Lally. M., 279, ~80, 282,2839. Law, Yr.) 265, 266 Langhorne, Sir Willi&m. 135, Lawrence,. Major, 264--266. '. 148, 154. ~621 ' 269-271,273,274,276 -405- . . La Ricbe, 261 wts of Antiquities, 17 Lingama. Nayak, 87, 89, 94, Loca.l Governmwt, 352 et Beq. 107 ,Lockman, 2:!59, 2269 Lingappa. 183 M .Jfa'atltir.ul.Umara, 75 l'iIartin,FrancoiB, 14-15, 139\.1 Macken.zie Jls8, the 13, 134:. 145, 1~7, 153, 158~, 159D 1689, 219, 23111, 23611 205tl,211 - Madanna.. 137, 139, 144. 151- .Jla.isir-i A7amYlri, 218 154. 1579, 158-0. 'Masulipatnam, 94, ISS ]Jadras, 21, 148, IG3. 185,198. Mayavsram, 352 212, 291 et 8eg. 306, 311, Memoirs of Francois Martin, 319 U, '15, 145, 211 Ma.dura, 3. 2J, 24.,27, 28, 139, Middleton, Bishop, 15.334 164,168 et8eq, 179, 223et Mill, 3, 5, 24:6, 249u. . 8eq, 233, 237-241, 249. See Afinakshi. 237.239, 240 also Nayaks of Madura.. Yir J umla, general of the Magadi, 113 GoIkonda army, 53; con­ Maha.bat Khan, 36~ 37, 1:!, ~3 quest :0£ Udaigiri, 56; eon· Mwdeva Ka.vi, 372 quest~ of Pulicat and San Mahadji Gadadhar, 194 Thome, and si('ge 01 Vellora Ma.harashtra, 1s:- 181, 191, 56; defeats Sriranga, 56_; ,196, 20111, 215,260 his early career, 56-57-0.; Ma.ha uli, 45 • advance towards .. Gingee Maissin, 277 and its capture, 62-63; Mallai,55 defeated by Shahji 72-73;. Malleson, 243tl, 258,. 259 tried to 'IIlake himself in­ i.\Ialloji, 36 . dependent, '4 -!; joins the Manaji, 6, 251, 258, 26-1, 266, MughaIs, 75; a.ccount given 273 et seq.} 281, 285; '289- \ by th~ Ma'athir.u[..Umc.ra, 291.295 75-76 Manambhatta, 236 Montague, 208 lrIa.nga.ma.tam, 231 Mornington. the Earl of. 323, MangamI¥-l, 135, 223. 22!. ,32t , 227 Mugha,ls, the.. 31, 33 et &eq, Mann&rgudi, 317, 352 37. 38 e& 8eq, 71, 76" SO, ~nnarndas. 126-127. 103 et Beq, 11611, 150. 187 et Manned, 21211. 229 8eq, 192, 195, 220 Ma.ra.thas. Southern expansion 1-3, 18 d 8eq; rule in the Muhammad Adil Shah, 38" . Ca.rnatie, 123 d 8eq, their Muhammad Alir 256 257,265• administration, 342 el Beq. - 267 et seq, 283, 286, 288'0, M&ravas,169, 172, 173~ 227 296-306, 311 '237, 238, 285 d 8eq, 297 Muha.mmad Ami,n, 7Ij -406- ,

Muhammad Nama,. 12, 430.. Mustafa Khan, 54., 59, 70. lOB' 441),48Q,61U;62,65-70 178 Muhammad Sadiq, 190· Muthulinga-Nayak, 163 Mukundavila8a Kavya. 373 Muthuswamy Diksh itar, 382 Mulla Ahmad, 59 ,Mnthuyirappa. Y, 23 'Malia. Muhammad (MaHa. lIuthu"Virappa. II, 83, 87, 107 Ah;mad1) 83 et'seq. Mnzaff'ar Jang, 256, 257, 2G4. Murari Rao Gborpade, .6,' 2ti4 Muzaffar Uddin Khani Kha.- , e.l86q. 260, 265, 267 et seq, na.n, 54, 73. ' 271g., 272U,276J277~279 Mysore, !l, 21, 22, 26 et 8P.'1. Murar Pandit, 39 72, 73; 79"9, 99, 130, lH4, Murtaza. Nizam Shah, 40., 166, et seq,-l7l, 177Q, 223, Murtaza; Niiam Shah 11 I, 43, '225 et Beq, 257, 265, ,267, 104. 268, 270, 29·1, 297, 308 MUSic, 382, 383 N. N agama.ngala., ' 25 - yak, Muthuvirappa. Nayak, Nagore Se~tl.ement, 306 Mangammal and Minakshi. Na.gpU!,18 Nayaks of Tanjore. 23,2-1, t.7, NalJa,kavi,373 52,87, 89, 91,92, .94, 107, Nanasahib, 30, 242 125 et seq. See also Ragbu­ Nanja. Raja, .265, 267 et seq, natha and Yijioaraghaya. 270" 272, 213 Nayak Narahari , 15S Negapa.tam, 128,135,24.5 Narayana. Kane, 14, 141u. Nelson, J. n.; 129Q, 131U~ Narasappaiya, 224, 227 133U, 170tJ, 237, 285, 289 U , Nasir J ung, 256, '257; 260, 265 Netaji Palker: 181 Nasir Muhammad Khan, 138, Nilakantha. Dikshitar, 371 ,,139, 156, 157U, 179, ,182 Niloji Nayak, 161 N.qJesavijaya Kavya, 372 Nilo Moro Pingle, 194 . Nayaks of Gingee, 27 t 52, 53, NimbalJtar of Phaltan, 33, '37, 59 102 'Naya'ka of Madura, 23, '24, 27, Niraji R8;-vaji, 194 46, 53, 69, 62,. 89, 91" 92. Nizam, the, 25" et 8eq. , 94, -107~ 125, ,et8eq, '165" Nizam, Shah, the, 31 et leq. 223: 241. See also Tiruma.la. 35-45, 104. Soo 80180 N~yak, Chokkanatha Na- Ahmadnagar o Orine,' 'Robert, 3, J), 6, 181l.l, Oriental HistorIcal MBIJ.; 13, 222, 245U;246, 249U~ 250U. ) 27"9, 128tl~ 131Q, 168\1, , -,253-0, 2581), 264"9, 266\J., 298 ' 232~( Otthanad, 268 ' " i -407- . p . , Pacs, Leona.rdo, 53 Porto Novo, 63. sa, Si), lO7, Palal,189 153, 159. 162, 183. IS,! Palk, 273, 278 Portuguese, 6, 10, 41 Pambanar.l71 P.,abhoda,chandrodayam, 374: PaOlbar, 170. 233, 23-1 Prahlad Xiraji, 155, 191-194 Pandaram, 238 Pratap Singb, Raja of':J..'a}1jore Panhala. 15l, 164 . 249, relations. with the Ol.r­ Paradis, 261 natic powers, 250-278, signs Par~annnda, 9, 10 a treaty With Chanda Sahib' Paranjpye, Dr., 7, 145 258-259,disputed SUCCC8bion Parvez,36 262-263J sep.ds ~lanaji tc. Pattukkottai, 170-172, 221D. help Major Lawrence, 27~. 227,311,317[1,352 besieged by Lally. 280-282, Pedapolam, 155 treaty with the , Pemgiri~ 43, 103, 104 284:-285, relations wit.h the Penugonda, 22, 26, 28 72, 153 Sethupati and Tondaiman. Pereisa, Frq.ncisco, 245 325-291, his character, 293, Periappa. Kavi, 3i2 refered to, 30, 351',369, 3S2. Pcrumukkal, 208 385' - Philosophy, 379-381 President oftha Madras Coun­ ~got, 284 . cil,287 Plutschan, Henrich, 385 Price, 12 Pondicherry, 63, 147, 148, Proenza.83 205g,246.256,256,261,272, - Pudukottai, 240, 272 279 Pulicat,78 Poona..39, 103, 141.144,298 Pun ganur , 113' Poonamallee, 18S 1


Q!Wm Khan, 187 58,67,7,611, 77D. 137, 140, Qutb Shah (Kuth Shah) '41, 155. See also Golkonda. / R

Radha M adhava Vila8a Champu Ragbunath Narayan Hann~, 9.71 . manthe 123, 137, . 139, 14(,. Raghavabhudaya N ataka, 373 . 142,144,151,152,loi,157Q Ragltavaeharita, 374: • • 160-166,176' , Raghoji Bhonsle, 2.53. 2M, Ragq Pandit, 231 4 267 Raigad, 163, 190, 192, 193 Raghunath Nayak. 24 _ Rajaram, 30 1al}, 191, 199 Raghuniithabhyuaayam, 24 Rajapnr:.147, lsa '. -40~-

Rajwade, 82, 193u. Randulla. Khan, 26,28,43,45, ,24 47,50, 69, 105,113 Rama'bhadra Diksbita, .222, Rati11lJ1,nmatha; 374 371, 372; 374 Ratnagiri, 113 Ramachancjra Nilakantha. llatnatulika, 372, 3S! 'havdekar, 192494 Rauf Kh,tn, 156, 119 Bama, Rajiyamu, 58· .'. Revington, 89,93 Ramnad, 110, 227, 232, 237" . Rice, 21u, 22U, 470, 48l), 490, 295-297,,300.' See also Se­ 51.TJ., 63u., 58t;).. 1141.), 1160 tupatis of Ratnlla.d Rumbold, Sir Thomas, 387 Re,.ma.nanda Sarasvati, 381 Rustam Khan: 168 Ra.nade, 19, 149, IDO, 172 s

Sabka8M Bakha'fj 7, 116, 1.40, 230, his learning, 231, rela.- 144{ 141;, 151, 152~ 154lJ~ tiona wiith Ramnad. 233- 1650 234, death, 236, referred to EfadasiV'a Brabmendra, 380 30, 350, 369 Safdar A1i~ 251,,653 / ..sarabhoji 11, Raja of Tanjore, Sagar, 54 .. 207 ... 329, 376, 379, 383, . 387-389 SaJw,ratjo/vila/lOJ N atoka, 377 Barabhoj;' Oluuitam. 10, 32 ;Bahendra VilaBa Kavyam,'l71, Sarabhojirajapuram, 231 222,228,372. I' _ Sarafraz Khan, 212 Sahityaratnakara, !4."68 . Saraswathi MahallA'brarg, lO- Saiyid, 24tJ-.:.244, 250' 11,331, 334, 3~5, 376, 378, ,Saiyagi, 244, 246-248 Sa.rdesai, 17, 1009.1449, 1510- Sakhoji, 251,271 . ID6' . Sakkottai$.'230. Sarkar, Sir Jaduna.tJi, 3, 6-9, Salem, 1779, 225 . 62, 66t.l, 69, 70Q, 761.), 77g., ,Saletore, R. N., 819, 117tt 8Itt, 93tt, 102, 138tt. 142 Sa.mbanarkoil,.231 . et,seq, 1551.), 174, 179tt, 1941) .,. son of Sha.hji Bho- 206tt, 20~ttt 211[f, 216,2189 nsle~ 180, 188. . 223g.· - Sambhaji.. son of Shlvaji, 180' Sa.rk~rai Pula.var, 378 et seg, 185-188 . ~asivarna' Peria. Udaya. Tev~rt Sampgan, 164 . 234:-235 . SangiJa Saramiita, 236, 375 ,., 176, ~56 , 'Sanskrit Letirning_ 3'70-376 Satgarh, 208 • Bantaji Ghorpad.e./144, 164" Satyana.tha. lyert R.,24, 124U, 1659; 175, ~87, 191 el 8eg, 128~f J290, 132tt.· 146n. 201,,202,.204, 2051), ~t1, 15In. ;' 211tl, ~J3, 214. 217 Savai Shahji, 235, 243. See Saptapadulu,377. also Kattu Raja.. Sa.rabhoji I Ra.ja of. ';fanjore,. 'Schultze, 385 . . J -409-

Schwartz, Rev, Father; 15, 16, invasion of Bijapur, 93-94; 3030, a05t', 30~. 312Q, 313, Ba.hlol Khan sent to quell 317tt. 3190,320, 32W, 322 him 95; second .imprison­ et seq, 329. 331-338, 346, ment and release, . 96-97; 350, 383, 386-389 meeting witn Shivaji, 97-99; Sen, Dr: S. N., 15. 150, 153, death, 99-100; Character. 176, 195 . 101- liOj administration, Seringapatam, 2, 26, 28 Ul122: refered to 123. Setupa.tis' of Ramnad, the , 139· 143, 178, 179, 342, 345, 169-171, '2:n~_ 2::12-235, 2371 370, 285, 289, 295, 299. See Ki· Shahji, Raja of Tanjore, 221, lavan Setupati. patronage of literary men, Sewen, Robert, 17 222\. help to Rajaram, 222; Shah Jaha,h, 10, 25. 36. 39, 40, agreement with Zulfikar 45, 75 Khan, 223; relations with Shabji Bhonsle, the founder Madura, 224; with Mysore, of the Marahtha Raj in the 225; with- Ramnad, 2n; South, 2; hjs service under administration, 228-229 ; the Ahmadnagar Suita.nate. death 230; referred to 30; 31-35', success in tile battle oi)-:t:~~7 , <).:19_, 370, 37'}IJ, 382 , 38,4"f of Bhatwadi, :55 ; his service Shahjirajapuram, 370 under' the Bijapur Sultan, Shahu Maharaj, 253, 260 36-38; joins the Ml,lghals, Shaik Hasan, 266 39-40; 'as a freelance cap- Shamji &ao Pinde, 194 tain. 42; crowns the Nizam Shankar MaThar Nargundkar, Shah at Pemgiri,43; besieg-- 194 • ' ed at Mahanli and surren- Sher Khan Lodi, 138, 139, der4 45; again 'under Bija.- 147, 158. 159, 161 pur service, 45-98; cam- . paign against Virabhadra of Shi,va Bharat. 9, 28, 35, 50, Ikkeri, '47; appointed 65, 105 . Governor of the conqll1'red Shivti D.igvijaya, 65, JiO Bijapur territory, 51; part Shivaji Maharaj, 2 .. 3, 6, 9. in the battle against Sri- \ 14, 30, 48tt, 64, 660, 69 et ranga. m, 61-62; arrested seq, 93, 97 ... 101, 111, 137- before Gingee, 62'-67; relea- 167, 174-1,76, 178,183, sed and sent to Carnatio, Shivaji;:'Raja of Tanjore, 30. 70-71; subdues the Kanak - ,;330; 338 et seq. giri polegar, 81 ; his letter to Shi'Vaji Pant, 16~ - the Adil Shah, 81-82; con- Shivappa. Naya1£. 52 et seq. 58. quest of- Tanjore, 83-87; 59, 95, 96 capture of Tegnapatam Shin Raa, 320

,and Porto Novo, ,88-89; Sholapur~ 36 I quarrels with Lingam,a Shrikal'acharya Ka.lka.vka.r. Nayak, 89-91; his proposed 194- 52 -410-

Siddhanta Siddhanjana, .372" Srirang& I, 22 381 Srir~ga., II, 2~ Simaji Nayak, 161 Sriranga., III 7, 26 et 8eq, 51. Sikander, 138 52 et Beq, 59-61, 76-79, 101. Sira, 2, 66, III 108-110, .1300, 150, 151 , 235, 237, 295, 300 178 Sivata~va Ratnakara, 58 , Srirangam, 162. 268 Smith, C&ptam Richard, 294, Srisailam, 83, 155, 175 299 I Sttbhadrapari,iaya, 3H Social life, 3H5-392 Subramanyan, K. R.., 4, 1760, Somesvaradeva" 34J 247, 2030, 327,. 380 .Somayagi, 59 Sugar.]oaf.. Rock. battle of, Sridharma" 373 . 274 Sri Ramathandrodaya Kavya, Sujana Bai,-243. 247 372 I Sukhaaandesa, ·312 Srinivasachari, C. S., 13(\., 'Sundar Balaji, -198 14(\., 55(1., 83(1., .142(1.~ 2100., Surat, 18, 185 218(1.. 2420, 254Q, 255(\., Swaminatha Desikar, 378 26611,2830 Syama'Sastri,3H2 Sringrlramanjari S'Aahaji!Jam~ 3i2 I .' T Tamil Learning, 378,379 Thayumanavar.318 Tandai Tevar; 232-234' Thevenot,58 Tanjore, loyalty.t9 the Vijaya.. Thiagaraja.,382 nagar Empire, 23-24; 52; "Tindivananl, 208 .captured by .ShahjI, 87, Tinnevelly,288' war with· Madura, 88, 92, Tippu Sulta.n, 311, 316 124-;127; Maratha conquest Tirukattupa.lli, 224, 278, 302 ~ a~d qccupation, 133 et aeq, Tirukkadaiyur. 231 . annexed by-the English. Tirukkoilur,214 , referred to 2,4, 5, 6.l0, 11, Tirumala Nayak, 27, 28, 46! 15, 17,23. 24, '27, ... 8~ 79, 51,52; 55,62,73, )09,178 165,167,170-172,221 t.t 8eq • . Tirumalavasal.136 Tanjore District Manual. 4, Tirumalawadi.159 244,246,247 " TiI;umayya.m, %33. 240, 289 Tanjore District Gazetteer, 4, Tirupatil 155, 165l). 247 . Tirupatora. 160,302 TanjQre Maratni l1l.8oription., Tirupura.fJijaya Chaml!'l', 373 . 17; 133(1., 171, 236tt, 243, 248 Tiruva.di, 158, 159 \' Tanjawr.i Andhra Rajulu Oha- Tiruvannamahi, 62, 191, 201 "tram 128'0, 129g.,! 134: TiruvisanaUur, 370 Taylor, 13,140, 168l)., 2329 Tll'Uvenka.du, .231 Telugu learning, 376, 377, .. ,' , Tiryamba.karaya Makhi, 228 t . . 373 . - 411--

Topur, battle Of,24 nad, 304; treaty with the Ton~aimlUl, 233, 239, 240, English, 305-306 j second 2S6-292, 311,312 invasion of Ha.ida.r .Ali, Travancure AfChaelogical 307-309; relations with the Series, 17 Tondaiman, :n 1; Death. Trichinopoly, 5, 82, 84,87,91 312; Rev. Schwartz ap­ 133.169, et seq. 179, 201. pointed guardian to Sara­ 226, 243, 252 ~t 8eq, 256. bhop, 313; character, 314: ; 267, 270 et seq, 275. :::82, referred .to, 16, 30, 3i5, 38! 287, ~OO, 2~9, 304 Tuk.ka.bai, 98 'Trivalore. 28~ , , Raja. ofTanjore, 236; Tuljaji. Raja. of Tanjore, 293; literary activities, 236 ; rela­ negotiation 'with Haida.r Ali. tions with Ramnad, 231; 29:1-295; rela.tions with with the Tondaiman, 239; Ramnad, 29;),-:,200; treaty referred to, 16,30, 369 with tl::e Nawab of the Car­ Tupakki Krishnappa. 78, 79. natic, 297-303 ; deposed. TUzuk-i- Walajahi, 12, 252tt. 802; restored to the mus- 280tt. 281 Q, 2829 \ u UdayagUci,55,58,62 Ushapari1¥lYu/T1J., 128l} 'Gdayarpalaya.m, 236 , Uttaracoompu, 372 Umadat-Ul·Umara, 299 UttaTa-Rama Oharit.a. 236 Uraiyur, 225 - v Vaidyanatha. Desikar. 378 Venkatakrisbna. Dikshita., 372 Valdur. 159 - . Venkatakrishnappa. 125, 127, Va.lentia.. Lord, 15, 334-336 Venkafa Nayak, 28 170 Vallam, 83, 85,' 86, 92, 135, Yenkatapati I, 23, 24: . 299 'Venkateswara. Sastriar, 372 Valliparinaya, 37:1 . Vieyra, 237 . Vana.mian, 91, 179 Vijayanagar. 1. 2, 7, 21 et seq, Vaniambadi, 162 . 4:6, 51 et seq, 61, 71, 79. 108 Vedakavi, 372, 374: et seq, 117,1:18, 150, 178, 34-! Vellal',159 VidyapariMya, 37~ V elli~ Servaikaran, 285 Vijay~~ghava Nayak, 28,.. 52, VaUore, 23, 26, 27, 57, 59, 60. 83 61 ~q. 91, 92~ 124 It Req 61, 74:, 148,158, 213 Vijaya Raghunatha Setupati, Venkanna, 127-133 232,285 . Venk~a.mi &0. 4:, 236, 255: Vingurla,162 299. 301U. 302tt,. 304tt, Vila' Ba.l.lala, 343 307tt. 310n, 325U. 321tt Virabhadra Nayali. 25, 28, 4:7, Venkata., 25 49, 6()t 53. -412-

Viranam, l48 Ha.numanthe, 139; Shivaj'. Vithoji,36 invasion, 141 tt Beq; gives ·Viraraghava, 373 battle to SDtntaji, 165; en­ Vriddhachalam, 162 ters into a. treaty with V~ank!Cji, ,succeeds, to Sha.hji Ragunath, 160; advisf'd by .. Bhonsle's jagirs, 123; sent Shivaji, 167; relations with by Bijapur to help Ven­ Madura 168; with tile Setu­ kanna, 129; marches on pati, 170';' death. 171 j ~ta.njore, ,130 t ~eturns to administration, 172-175 ; KUlllbakQnalll, 131; cpn· character, 175-177; refer­ quest of Tanjore and aCCes­ red to, 4,6,30,98,347,351, sion to the throne. 133-136. 3'(6 quarrels with Ra.gbunath W· Wt'.ndiwash, 190.204-207.212 Wilks, 29, 490', 111,171, 177Q, "Walikandapuram, 158 226 We11esley, Lord,.. 330 Wilde brock, 386 .y

Yachama Na~a.k, 24 Yada;"as,348 Yachama. ~ayaf. of Satgarh, Yale, Thomas, 198 208,210 - Yesu Bai, 191 ~achappa. Nayak, 190 Yusuf Khan, 281 Z

Zahur,12 203 ; retrea~ to Wandiws,sh. Ziegenbalg,383 204 ; takes action against tZubairi, Mirza Ibrahim, 11 . Kam ~ak.hsh, 207 ; marches Zlllfikar Khan. sent by Aurang- against Tanjore, 209: takes zib against Gingee. 199 ; his Gingee, 214; referred to, inactivity. 216; diffio~ltie8t 215-219; 221,223 ERRATA

l'AGli1 Lmlt FOR RlUD 4 .80 6Vldencts eVidence 6 3 Tanlore RaJa Tanlore RaJ 12 15 Twak-i Wala;alu Tuzuk-i- JVcUa;ahi '- 17 5 Eph.v;rap}uca Ep'l9ral'hw Oarnat,ea Oarnat.ca .]9 20 elMS-57) (1535-57) 23 27 Epkl{/f'apkJCa E)Jtgrapkw OarnatWli Oamatica 37 8 BIJ8.pur BIJapur. 47 22 Shahl's Shahll'S 48 2 B1Japur IS B1lapur18 49 31 ShlM}' N ~bandhavah Sh1Va}, NihandkaMb 85 I) dlshonourable hie dIshonourabJe bfe' 86 13, thell' greed thell' greed.' 94 4 lost" lost" " 154: 18 campa.Ign campa-lgn 108 16 Tlruvatl TIrUva.dl. 176 15 Dot." I not "1 181 1 vowed "vowed 187 21 Keshav Keshava.nd 193 2 Dha.na.ll Jadav. Dhanall Jadav. 193 18 ha.ll-breath lumbreadth 205 28 Pondlcherry PondlCherry. 205 29 'warde' .. 'Words' " 211 4: • Memotre, MemOtrB

233 11 Tan)orea1 Tanjore." I 235 25 Bava SahIb Baba Salub 236 6 17.28-1746 1728-1736 300 23 .cl Dorado el Dorado - 414-

ERRATA- UST-(ContinutJ).

'Pag~ Line For. Read. , I ·!.81 4 Second Eldest ·161 2&3 Narayan Hanumante Raghuna.th . HanutUJ.nte 187 21 & 22 Kesbav Kesbs.ya.nd 205 5 Azad Asad . 207 5, Asam Azam 218 25 Ferfshta Scott 192 2 Bavdekhar -Bavdekar