Boca Raton and He Claimed He Could Not Sell "Very Few People Are Aware Hillsboro Canal, but It's Sev- Deerfield Beach
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BOX IbiS •ST AUGUSTINE FLA : RATON NEWS Vol. 13, No. 61 Sunday, April 21, 1968 24 Pages !G<t Residents to zone Boca Harbour residents for view," he said, the water tower and it would be the third time in six months Mrs. Robert Rogers also told landscaped. came to city hall to protest a planning and zoning board mem- When asked by board mem- rezoning petition. bers, "we bought across the bers what's wrong with duplex- This time the petition, by Sam street assured that only single es, the residents said there Acquilano, was for rezoning of family homes would be built in would be more traffic in their a block along Northeast Seventh our area. We have fought twice area and the duplex renters Avenue between Appleby and to keep apartments out. There would "not take as much pride 70th streets from R-l-C single is no difference between du- in their home's as the home family to R-2 two family for plexes and apartments, We don't owners do," erection of duplexes. want them," She also mentioned John Stanfel, president of the This time Planning.and Zon- that there have been promises ing Board member Robert Rog- that a wall would be built around (Continued on Page 2A) ers asked to be excused from Salt water barrier in the Hillsboro Canal. Al- is being lost seaward as a result of leaks. Bar- the board, "because my house 3 rier is equipped with locks which are not used. is right across the street from though gates are closed, quite a bit of fresh water the land in question and I'm ^Americans don 1 know afraid I could not be Impar- tial." The petition was made by Steve Bodzo, owner of the land leadership'\- Barry - and a resident of the Boca Har- bour area. Bodzo said the sell- means for us," he said. "If we needed ing of the land to Acquilano By SANDY WESLEY do not maintain our military was under the condition that leadership we will lose our the land be rezoned. Many Americans are not aware of what world leadership economic power, By JOHN OPEL barrier was erected in the ficials from Boca Raton and He claimed he could not sell "Very few people are aware Hillsboro Canal, but it's sev- Deerfield Beach. So far, no cost the land for single family homes is and what it means," accord- of the treaties made between estimates have been prepared, ing to former presidential can- We've got hot and cold run« eral miles "upstream" from because of the water tower didate Barry Goldwater. Vietnam and the United States," ning salt water at the front door the mouth of the canal. At least but it will be expensive. And which is west of Federal high- he added. He said that there are and clear, cool fresh water at the structure that was built the expense will be compounded way, but which can be seen by Goldwater told members of 44 in all. He said that both Ken- by the necessity — whether Boca Harbour residents. the Fibre Box Association nedy and Johnson reiterated the the back. Abundant water re- there has functioned as a salt meeting in the Boca Raton Ho- sources are among the things barrier. real or imagined ~ of making He also told board members treaty promises kept by Eisen- good on real estate developers tel and Club Thursday, that it hower when he sent advisors and jthat have made Boca Raton the Ultimately, we'll have to he had been promised that the was Harry Truman who formu- highly-desirable place that it is. share the cost of another salt promises of "access to the duplexes would be expensive equipment to Vietnam, but that ocean" when they sold those lated our foreign policy based on the war has been basically a Unlike other places in Flor- water barrier on the Hillsboro, and of high quality. our military power, but the late ida, we've never had to pick up probably near the point that the lots at premium prices to boat- He cited the fact the area shooting war, which is not John F. Kennedy, to some ex- enough. the tab for damage caused by Florida East Coast Railroad ing enthusiasts. The average south of Boca Harbour on North- tent, and now President Lyndon salt water into our well fields tracks cross. Unless it's equip- "dry lot" taxpayer will pay his east Seventh already was zoned Johnson have not heeded the "Our major reasons for win- or the build-up of salts in the ped with an expensive set of share, too. for duplexes. policy. ning the war and getting total soil. Canals, salt water intrusion, John C. Tubbs, president of peace in Vietnam is for our own and unrestricted dredging along "After World War II, we Paradoxically, we pay a pre- Boca Harbour Civic Associa- emerged as an economic and economic well being," he said, mium for the privilege of en=» with sewage pollution, insecti- tion, presented a petition to the "The question the Soviet Un- cides and chemical runoff pose military leader," he said. It joying salt water intrusion, board signed by 198 persons in was at this time, according to ion is waiting to answer is Sound strange? Not if you've a very real threat to the future the area which he said has 205 Goldwater, that the United whether or not the U.S. has the priced a so-called "waterfront of Boca Raton's fresh water homes. The petition; stated that States formed a military foreign moral courage to carry out its lot" lately. Developers have.. supplies,, Preventive and cor- the duplexes , would be incon- policy -based on the. premise • obligations to its treaties." been ever anxious to rush in rective measures willbe expen- sistent with the other homes in 'we have the power, we can use " Goldwater said he hopes that and dredge out new finger canals sive enough, but it's peanuts the area and a detriment to the it; don't step on us or our allies if the talks are unsuccessful in real estate subdivisions. In compared to what it would cost entire subdivision. He ques- or we will use it." between Johnson and Hanoi, turn, they've been able to reap to replace the entire municipal tioned the validity of the state- Johnson will go back to full a nice profit on these waterfront well field. .if thera were an ment that the land was unsale- Goldwater claimed that scale war in Vietnam. ' 'We will lots, usually adding to the price uncontaminated pla^l left in able because of the water tower everytime the United States has be relegated to a second rate tag a premium measured in the which to establish a new field. view. used this foreign policy the U.S. power if he doesn't," he added. thousands of dollars,, has avoided war, the few times At present, the city's main "There are single family we've not used it we've ended In a press conference and Ultimately, we may all have well field parallels the El Rio homes on the other side of 70th during a question and answer canal, running northward from up in war." to pay the premium. street and across the street, "Americans must be made period after his speech, Gold- Unrestricted dredging of sea- locks or a lift arrangement, about 20th street. The area gen- which also have the water tower (Continued on Page 2A) level canals probably is the we'll probably find some owners erally has been sparsely settled to realize what isolationism greatest single cause of salt of "waterfront" lots in Boca and Boca Raton enjoys a reputa- water intrusion which has Islands, Camino Gardens, Royal tion for offering some of the threatened, . aand in some cases Oak Hills and a few other places finest and best-tasting water actually ruined, . omunicipal will be hopping mad. available anywhere in South well fields. Only in the past couple of Florida. However, the El Rio To protect our city's well weeks, officials of Palm Beach drains a rather large watershed, field, Boca Raton taxpayers re- and Broward counties have re- although it hasn't often been cently forked out some $9,000 vived the salt barrier issue called upon to provide much for construction of a salt water and arrangements are being drainage. Generally, the canal barrier in the El Rio canal. made for a combined meeting of carries little water north of 20th Many years ago, a salt water county representatives with of- street. In the future, however, we can anticipate a change in the pic- ture. New housing developments already are starting to come out of the ground and there is a considerable area of indus» trially zoned acreage within the El Rio watershed. , .and outside the city limits. State and fed- eral regulations may help pre- vent the possibility of pollution, but are virtually powerless to prevent the slow and silent en- corachment of sea salts and ag- ricultural chemicals, . .the same stuff we spread willy nilly on our lawns with only moderate degrees of horticultural suc- cess. To keep a continuing check on the situation, Boca Raton participates in the ground water survey of the U.S. Geological Survey. Through this series of studies, the Survey hopes to firemen fought blazes this week at the west end warn us if our water supply The community is being plagued with brush becomes endangered.